shoe_attributes.qsrc 2.1 KB

  1. # shoe_attributes
  2. !! **Clothing Organization
  3. !! Shoe Categories: boutique, Cats, Dolls, fetish, G&M, Trainers
  4. !!
  5. !! ShoExhibit: 0-100 Exhibitionism value required to wear the outfit
  6. !!
  7. !! **Clothing Variables
  8. !!
  9. !! ShoStlye = 1-3 Different styles of footwear which might give bonuses to certain npcs or events (0 if it does not fit these styles)
  10. !! 1 Stripper - the kind of thing a stripper would wear, good for stripping and whoring
  11. !! 2 Bimbo - bonus to bimbo point gains
  12. !! 3 Alternative - For all good rebels might help your willpower
  13. !! ShoQuality = 1-7 scale, based on the general expensiveness of the clothing. Higher is more expensive.
  14. !! Notes: 7 is for shoes that might only be found on celebrities or millionaires at red carpet events.
  15. !! Ex: 6-5 are the higher and lower levels of the expensive category
  16. !! 4-3 are the same for average category
  17. !! 2-1 are the same for cheap category.
  18. !! ShoHeels = 1-6 scale, with higher values being taller heels.
  19. !! Ex: 6 Fetish heel over 15cm (6")
  20. !! 5 Ultra high heel around 15cm (6")
  21. !! 4 High heel around 10cm (4")
  22. !! 3 Mid heel around 7.6cm (3")
  23. !! 2 low heel around 5cm (2")
  24. !! 1 Flats less than 5cm (2")
  25. !! ShoCut = 1-6 scale from shoe to groin high boots
  26. !! Notes: Need to add modifiers based on breast size, where larger breasts end up forcing the player to show more cleavage than those with smaller breasts.
  27. !! Ex: 6 groin high
  28. !! 5 Thigh high
  29. !! 4 for approx. knee high
  30. !! 3 for calf high
  31. !! 2 for ankle high
  32. !! 1 for shoes
  33. ShoStyle = 0
  34. ShoQuality = 0
  35. ShoHeels = 0
  36. ShoCut = 0
  37. if $ARGS[0] = 'boutique':
  38. *P FUNC('$attrib_shoe_boutique', $ARGS[0], ARGS[1])
  39. elseif $ARGS[0] = 'pussy':
  40. *P FUNC('$attrib_shoe_pussy', $ARGS[0], ARGS[1])
  41. elseif $ARGS[0] = 'dolls':
  42. *P FUNC('$attrib_shoe_dolls', $ARGS[0], ARGS[1])
  43. elseif $ARGS[0] = 'fetish':
  44. *P FUNC('$attrib_shoe_fetish', $ARGS[0], ARGS[1])
  45. elseif $ARGS[0] = 'gandm':
  46. *P FUNC('$attrib_shoe_gandm', $ARGS[0], ARGS[1])
  47. elseif $ARGS[0] = 'trainers':
  48. *P FUNC('$attrib_shoe_trainers', $ARGS[0], ARGS[1])
  49. end
  50. --- shoe_attributes ---------------------------------