rinwork.qsrc 23 KB

  1. # rinwork
  2. $location_type = 'event_outdoors'
  3. ! Variables used
  4. ! rinvesh = sold Items of clothing
  5. ! rinmon = Total cash taken
  6. ! arturplan = Amount Arthur expects min
  7. ! arturnoo, arturyes = Times failed, reached sales
  8. ! workrin working in the market
  9. ! repa ???????????
  10. ! pokupatel = customer interested
  11. ! prodpayum = average price
  12. ! pokpay = amount customer is willing to pay
  13. ! pcs_apprnc = Attractiveness
  14. ! rinslut Arthur only keeps quiet if you do what he says
  15. ! palevorin = 0:Never had Sex w Arthur
  16. ! 1:Had Sex w Arthur
  17. ! 2:Declined GB
  18. ! 3:Declined GB talked Arthur
  19. ! 4:Agreed GB
  20. ! 5:Agreed GB talked Arthur
  21. !tetaKataQW ?
  22. !annaQW ?
  23. !NadiaQW ?
  24. !
  25. if $ARGS[0] = 'start':
  26. $metka = 'start'
  27. $loc = 'rinwork'
  28. cla & *clr
  29. $menu_loc = 'rinwork'
  30. $menu_arg = 'start'
  31. menu_off = 0
  32. gs 'stat'
  33. '<center><b><font color="maroon">Marketplace</font></b></center>'
  34. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/residential/market/rinok.jpg"></center>'
  35. 'You stand at your clothes stall waiting for buyers.'
  36. 'Cash taken <<rinmon>> <b>₽</b>, You have sold <<rinvesh>> items.'
  37. 'The average price on the market <<prodpayum>>'
  38. if hour = 14:
  39. 'Arthur comes to you and you start to calculate how much you should give him.'
  40. act 'Give money to Arthur':
  41. cla
  42. *clr
  43. rinart = rinvesh * 1000
  44. rinmon -= rinart
  45. money += rinmon
  46. gs 'stat'
  47. 'You gave Arthur <<rinart>> per sold <<rinvesh>> things.'
  48. 'Today you have earned <<rinmon>> <b>₽</b>'
  49. rinmon = 0
  50. rinvesh = 0
  51. if rinart < arturplan:
  52. arturnoo += 1
  53. 'Uh, <<$pcs_nickname>>, this is bad, you haven''t made enough money. You will completely ruin me.'
  54. else
  55. arturyes += 1
  56. 'Well done <<$pcs_nickname>>, good job.'
  57. end
  58. if arturnoo > arturyes:arturnoo = arturnoo - arturyes & arturyes = 0
  59. if arturyes > arturnoo:arturyes = arturyes - arturnoo & arturnoo = 0
  60. if arturnoo = arturyes:arturnoo = 0 & arturyes = 0
  61. if arturnoo > 10:
  62. arturnoo = 0
  63. work = 0
  64. workrin = 0
  65. 'Uh, you''re fucking useless. Here''s your papers. Hit the road, I do not want to see you ever again!'
  66. act 'Leave':gt 'street'
  67. exit
  68. end
  69. rinrand = rand(1, 400)
  70. if rinrand < pcs_apprnc:
  71. if palevorin <= 1 or palevorin = 3:
  72. if palevorin = 0:
  73. '"Hey <<$pcs_nickname>>, you and I have not even met properly. Come into the warehouse, eat barbecue, drink and get acquainted.'
  74. elseif palevorin = 1:
  75. '"Hey <<$pcs_nickname>>, want to Come to the warehouse again, eat barbecue, drink and have some fun.'
  76. else
  77. '"Hey <<$pcs_nickname>>. Come into the warehouse, eat barbecue, drink, rest." He walks right up to you and slaps you on the ass.'
  78. end
  79. act 'Refuse':
  80. cla
  81. 'You start making excuses. Arthur says to you, "Hey, don''t insult me, your stall is dirty, it has dust and dirt all over it. I should fine you, but if you''re nice I will let you off.'
  82. act 'Go to warehouse':gt 'RynokHoz', 'the_beginning'
  83. act 'No':
  84. cla
  85. arturplan += 1000
  86. if money >= 1000:
  87. money -= 1000
  88. '"Hey, your stall is dirty, you owe a thousand <b>₽</b>, in fine." Arthur takes the money.'
  89. else
  90. 'Go with him, before it gets worse'
  91. end
  92. act 'Leave':gt 'street'
  93. end
  94. end
  95. act 'Go with him':gt 'RynokHoz', 'the_beginning'
  96. elseif palevorin = 2:
  97. 'Artur goes behind you into the stall carrying some stuff, then he comes up behind you are working and gives your ass a slap and squeeze. "I am glad you turned Abdul and Hasan down. I like having you all to myself."'
  98. 'You turn your head to look at him and smile. "I like that too, but maybe from now on you can lock the door first?"'
  99. 'He laughs and nods. "Of course of course, anything for you my sweet. If you wish the door to be locked from now on the door will be locked from now on. Speaking of which, come let us go try locking the door to make sure it works and have lunch."'
  100. act 'Go with Artur':palevorin = 3 & gt 'RynokHoz', 'the_beginning'
  101. elseif palevorin = 4:
  102. 'Artur goes behind you into the stall carrying some stuff. He comes up behind you are working and gives your ass a slap and squeeze, with one hand while the other one snakes around and roughly grabs your tit, as he whispers in your ear. "So you like cock, I didn''t think you were a little slut but that''s ok, I like dirty sluts."'
  103. 'He cuts you off before you can make any protest about being slut. "No it is good, I can use this. Now come let us go to the warehouse so I can fuck you."'
  104. act 'Go with him ':palevorin = 5 & gt 'RynokHoz', 'sex'
  105. gs 'willpower', 'sex', 'resist', 'hard'
  106. if will_cost <= pcs_willpwr:
  107. act 'Refuse (<<will_cost>> Willpower)':
  108. cla
  109. gs 'willpower', 'pay', 'resist'
  110. gs 'stat'
  111. 'You shake your head and pull out of his grasp. "I am not a slut Artur and I am not going with you."'
  112. 'You see the anger flare up in his eyes. "So you think you are to good for me whore? I gave you a job, I treated you nice and then you fuck those two and now I am not good enough?" He shakes his head. "No get your ass in the warehouse now or you are fired and I will tell Abdul and Hasan they are free to tell everyone about how you greedily took their cocks like the little slut you are."'
  113. 'You are a bit shocked at this level of anger and the ultimatum. You are unsure what to do, go with him, keep your job, and your rep. Or refuse and find a new job and hope no one believes them.'
  114. act 'Go to warehouse':palevorin = 5 & gt 'RynokHoz', 'sex'
  115. gs 'willpower', 'sex', 'resist', 'hard'
  116. if will_cost <= pcs_willpwr:
  117. act 'Get fired (<<will_cost>> Willpower)':
  118. cla
  119. gs 'pain', 5, 'cheeks', 'slap'
  120. gs 'willpower', 'pay', 'resist'
  121. gs 'stat'
  122. 'You shake your head no. "No I won''t go with you."'
  123. 'Before you notice him raising his hand, you feel the burning on your cheek as he slaps you. "Then get out of her whore, your fired and I don''t want to see you back here!" He says very loudly as he pushes you out from behind his stall, loud enough that many people are looking your direction now at what is going on.'
  124. 'With shame and a burning cheek you walk away.'
  125. if rinslut = 0:rinslut = 1
  126. act 'Leave':gt 'street'
  127. end
  128. else
  129. act 'Get fired (<font color="red"><<will_cost>> Willpower</font>)': '<br><font color="red">You don''t have enough willpower to use this action.</font>'
  130. end
  131. end
  132. else
  133. act 'Refuse (<font color="red"><<will_cost>> Willpower</font>)': '<br><font color="red">You don''t have enough willpower to use this action.</font>'
  134. end
  135. elseif palevorin = 5:
  136. sexgrouprand = rand(0,1)
  137. if sexgrouprand = 1:
  138. 'Artur walks up and slaps your ass hard and grabs you roughly by one arm. "Hey bitch, how would you like to make some extra money? My friends need company."'
  139. act 'Go with him':gt 'RynokHoz', 'group'
  140. else
  141. 'Artur walks up and slaps your ass hard and grabs you roughly by one arm. "Bitch get your fucking ass in the warehouse."'
  142. act 'Go with him':gt 'RynokHoz', 'sex'
  143. end
  144. gs 'willpower', 'sex', 'resist', 'hard'
  145. if will_cost <= pcs_willpwr:
  146. act 'Refuse (<<will_cost>> Willpower)':
  147. cla
  148. gs 'willpower', 'pay', 'resist'
  149. gs 'stat'
  150. 'You start making excuses. Arthur says to you, "Hey, don''t insult me you fucking slut, I was there. I know what a whore you are. Now get your fucking ass in the warehouse or the whole town will know what a whore you are."'
  151. if sexgrouprand = 1:
  152. act 'Go to warehouse':gt 'RynokHoz', 'group'
  153. else
  154. act 'Go to warehouse':gt 'RynokHoz', 'sex'
  155. end
  156. gs 'willpower', 'sex', 'resist', 'hard'
  157. if will_cost <= pcs_willpwr:
  158. act 'No (<<will_cost>> Willpower)':
  159. cla
  160. arturnoo = 0
  161. work = 0
  162. workrin = 0
  163. gs 'willpower', 'pay', 'resist'
  164. gs 'stat'
  165. if rinslut = 0:rinslut = 1
  166. if repa < 6:repa = 6
  167. 'Then fuck you, you little fucking whore, your fired and by tomorrow the whole town will know what a whore you are."'
  168. act 'Leave':gt 'street'
  169. end
  170. else
  171. act 'No (<font color="red"><<will_cost>> Willpower</font>)': '<br><font color="red">You don''t have enough willpower to use this action.</font>'
  172. end
  173. end
  174. else
  175. act 'Refuse (<font color="red"><<will_cost>> Willpower</font>)': '<br><font color="red">You don''t have enough willpower to use this action.</font>'
  176. end
  177. else
  178. act 'Leave work':gt 'street'
  179. end
  180. else
  181. act 'Leave work':gt 'street'
  182. end
  183. end
  184. exit
  185. elseif hour < 14:
  186. act 'Laze around (0:15)':
  187. minut += 15
  188. gt 'rinwork', 'start'
  189. end
  190. if money >= 200:
  191. act 'Buy a snack (200 <b>₽</b>) (0:15)':
  192. tetaKataQW += 1
  193. money -= 200
  194. gs 'kit_din'
  195. gs 'food', 'snack'
  196. end
  197. end
  198. rintakrand = rand(0, 5)
  199. talkrand = rand(0, 2)
  200. if hour = 9:
  201. if rintakrand = 0:
  202. $rintak = ' Hassan unloads clothes in front of saleswoman Nadias stall.'
  203. act 'See Hassan and Nadia':
  204. cla
  205. minut += 15
  206. if talkrand = 0:'Hassan utters to Nadia. "Today you will sell more, and to the rich ladies, I need the money."'
  207. if talkrand = 1:'Hassan opens trunks and puts clothes on the counter.'
  208. if talkrand >= 2:'Hassan drags trunks to his stall.'
  209. act 'Further':gt 'rinwork', 'start'
  210. end
  211. elseif rintakrand = 1:
  212. $rintak = 'On the next stall Abdul is talking loudly and giving clothes to saleswoman Anna.'
  213. act 'Look at Abdul and Anna':
  214. cla
  215. minut += 15
  216. if talkrand = 0:'Abdul swears. "We''re fucked, you can not sell anything!" Anna retorts, "You give me this rotten shit to sell, take it nobody wants it."'
  217. if talkrand = 1:'Abdul slaps Annas ass, she pretends that nothing happened.'
  218. if talkrand >= 2:'Abdul drags trunks to his stall.'
  219. act 'Further':gt 'rinwork', 'start'
  220. end
  221. elseif rintakrand = 2:
  222. $rintak = 'Abdul and Hassan stand beside your stall and saying something guttural.'
  223. act 'View the Armenians':
  224. cla
  225. minut += 15
  226. if talkrand = 0:'Abdul and Hassan continue to talk about something, you do not know the language, and can not understand what they are saying.'
  227. if talkrand = 1:'Abdul and Hassan ignore you and discuss what sounds like clothes prices.'
  228. if talkrand >= 2:'Abdul looks at you and says to Hassan, "Look at that a girl, she looks like a good fuck, yeah."'
  229. act 'Further':gt 'rinwork', 'start'
  230. end
  231. elseif rintakrand = 3:
  232. $rintak = 'Anna hangs clothes on her stall shouting at Nadia.'
  233. act 'Chat with girls':
  234. cla
  235. annaQW += 1
  236. NadiaQW += 1
  237. minut += 15
  238. if talkrand = 0:
  239. 'Anna tells you that her skirt needed altering, there is a great Jewish tailor, his shop is nearby.'
  240. else
  241. 'Nadia tells her how some pervert molested her on the subway rubbing his dick on her ass.'
  242. end
  243. act 'Further':gt 'rinwork', 'start'
  244. end
  245. elseif rintakrand = 4:
  246. $rintak = 'Arthur is talking about something with Abdullah.'
  247. act 'View the Armenians':
  248. cla
  249. minut += 15
  250. if talkrand = 0:'Abdul and Hassan continue to talk about something, you do not know the language, and can not understand what they are saying.'
  251. if talkrand = 1:'Abdul and Arthur ignore you and discuss what sounds like clothes prices.'
  252. if talkrand >= 2:'Abdul looks at you and says to Arthur, "Nice girl you got there, you fucking her?."'
  253. act 'Further':gt 'rinwork', 'start'
  254. end
  255. elseif rintakrand >= 5:
  256. $rintak = 'Arthur, Abdul Hassan are talking loudly, about something in foreign language.'
  257. act 'View the Armenians':
  258. cla
  259. minut += 15
  260. if talkrand = 0:'Abdul and Hassan continue to talk about something, you do not know the language, and can not understand what they are saying.'
  261. if talkrand = 1:'Armenians ignore you and discuss what sounds like clothes prices.'
  262. if talkrand >= 2:'Abdul looks at you and says to the other Armenians, "Pretty little girl, can i have her?"'
  263. act 'Further':gt 'rinwork', 'start'
  264. end
  265. end
  266. '<<$rintak>>'
  267. elseif hour = 10:
  268. if rintakrand = 0:
  269. $rintak = 'Hassan sits on a chair dejectedly chewing food and talking with his mouth full to his saleswoman Nadia.'
  270. act 'Watch Hasan':
  271. cla
  272. minut += 15
  273. 'Hassan says to Nadia "Nadia, why you refuse? Come here, have some wine."'
  274. act 'Further':gt 'rinwork', 'start'
  275. end
  276. elseif rintakrand = 1:
  277. $rintak = 'At the stall in front of you sits Nadia doing crossword puzzles.'
  278. act 'Chat with Nadia':
  279. cla
  280. NadiaQW += 1
  281. minut += 15
  282. 'Nadia leaves the crossword and willingly gossips with you.'
  283. act 'Further':gt 'rinwork', 'start'
  284. end
  285. elseif rintakrand = 2:
  286. $rintak = 'Nadias stall in front of you has many buyers and she fusses before them laying out goods.'
  287. act 'Chat with Nadia':
  288. cla
  289. NadiaQW -= 1
  290. minut += 15
  291. 'Nadia is not happy, "Shoo, no distractions, I have buyers."'
  292. act 'Further':gt 'rinwork', 'start'
  293. end
  294. elseif rintakrand = 3:
  295. $rintak = 'At the next stall Anna is drinking coffee.'
  296. act 'Chat with Anna':
  297. cla
  298. annaQW += 1
  299. minut += 15
  300. 'Anna is happy to chat with you about any old nonsense.'
  301. act 'Further':gt 'rinwork', 'start'
  302. end
  303. elseif rintakrand = 4:
  304. $rintak = 'At the next stall Anna tries to interest buyers in her goods.'
  305. act 'Chat with Anna':
  306. cla
  307. annaQW -= 1
  308. minut += 15
  309. 'Anya is not happy, "Shoo, no distractions, I have buyers."'
  310. act 'Further':gt 'rinwork', 'start'
  311. end
  312. elseif rintakrand >= 5:
  313. $rintak = 'Anna is gossiping with Aunt Katya.'
  314. act 'Chat with Anna and Aunt Katya':
  315. cla
  316. annaQW += 1
  317. tetaKataQW += 1
  318. minut += 15
  319. 'Aunt Katya is talking about her pies and Anya complains that it because of her bloody pies that her ass is twice as big as it was.'
  320. act 'Further':gt 'rinwork', 'start'
  321. end
  322. end
  323. '<<$rintak>>'
  324. elseif hour = 11:
  325. if rintakrand = 0:
  326. $rintak = 'Nadia is approached by three Armenians, Aslan, Camille and Mukhtar and they begin to molest her, she swears at them and tries to dodge.'
  327. act 'Look at Nadia and Armenians.':
  328. cla
  329. minut += 15
  330. 'The Armenians seem to be trying to persuade Nadia to have sex with them.'
  331. act 'Further':gt 'rinwork', 'start'
  332. end
  333. elseif rintakrand = 1:
  334. $rintak = 'At the stall in front of you sits Nadia eating cake.'
  335. act 'Chat with Nadia':
  336. cla
  337. NadiaQW += 1
  338. minut += 15
  339. 'Nadia finishes the cake and mumbles about the usual nonsense with you.'
  340. if clener = 0:
  341. clener = 1
  342. 'Nadia tells you about an office building not too far away that is looking for a cleaner.'
  343. end
  344. act 'Further':gt 'rinwork', 'start'
  345. end
  346. elseif rintakrand = 2:
  347. $rintak = 'Nadias stall in front of you has many buyers and she fusses before laying out goods.'
  348. act 'Chat with Nadia':
  349. cla
  350. NadiaQW -= 1
  351. minut += 15
  352. 'Nadia is not happy, "Shoo, no distractions, I have buyers."'
  353. act 'Further':gt 'rinwork', 'start'
  354. end
  355. elseif rintakrand = 3:
  356. $rintak = 'At the next stall Anna is reading a newspaper.'
  357. act 'Chat with Anna':
  358. cla
  359. annaQW += 1
  360. minut += 15
  361. 'Anna is happy to chat with you about any old nonsense.'
  362. act 'Further':gt 'rinwork', 'start'
  363. end
  364. elseif rintakrand = 4:
  365. $rintak = 'At the next stall Anna tries to interest buyers in her goods.'
  366. act 'Chat with Anna':
  367. cla
  368. annaQW -= 1
  369. minut += 15
  370. 'Anya is not happy, "Shoo, no distractions, I have buyers."'
  371. act 'Further':gt 'rinwork', 'start'
  372. end
  373. elseif rintakrand >= 5:
  374. $rintak = 'Nadia is approached by three Armenians, Aslan, Camille and Mukhtar and they begin to molest her, she swears at them and tries to dodge.'
  375. act 'Look at Nadia and Armenians.':
  376. cla
  377. minut += 15
  378. 'The Armenians seem to be trying to persuade Nadia to have sex with them.'
  379. act 'Further':gt 'rinwork', 'start'
  380. end
  381. end
  382. '<<$rintak>>'
  383. elseif hour = 12:
  384. if rintakrand = 0:
  385. $rintak = 'Hasan has bought chebureki and is eating it while sitting behind Nadia in the stall.'
  386. act 'Chat with Nadia':
  387. cla
  388. NadiaQW -= 1
  389. minut += 15
  390. 'Nadia shies away from talking in front of Hassan.'
  391. act 'Further':gt 'rinwork', 'start'
  392. end
  393. elseif rintakrand = 1:
  394. $rintak = 'Nadia is surrounded by customers.'
  395. act 'Chat with Nadia':
  396. cla
  397. NadiaQW -= 1
  398. minut += 15
  399. 'Nadia is not happy, "Shoo, no distractions, I have buyers."'
  400. act 'Further':gt 'rinwork', 'start'
  401. end
  402. elseif rintakrand = 2:
  403. $rintak = 'Nadia talks with Anna.'
  404. act 'Chat with girls':
  405. cla
  406. annaQW += 1
  407. NadiaQW += 1
  408. minut += 15
  409. if talkrand = 0:
  410. 'Anna tells you that her friend used to clean an office building not far from here, they are looking for a new cleaner if you need to make some extra cash.'
  411. if clener = 0:clener = 1
  412. elseif talkrand = 1:
  413. 'Nadia tells her how some pervert molested her on the subway rubbing his dick on her ass.'
  414. end
  415. act 'Further':gt 'rinwork', 'start'
  416. end
  417. elseif rintakrand = 3:
  418. $rintak = 'Anna is selling clothing to customers.'
  419. act 'Chat with Anna':
  420. cla
  421. annaQW -= 1
  422. minut += 15
  423. 'Anna is not happy, "Shoo, no distractions, I have buyers."'
  424. act 'Further':gt 'rinwork', 'start'
  425. end
  426. elseif rintakrand = 4:
  427. $rintak = 'Anna is drinking coffee sitting at her stall.'
  428. act 'Chat with Anna':
  429. cla
  430. annaQW += 1
  431. minut += 15
  432. 'Anna happily chats with you about nonsense.'
  433. act 'Further':gt 'rinwork', 'start'
  434. end
  435. elseif rintakrand >= 5:
  436. $rintak = 'Nadia is idly trying to catch flies.'
  437. act 'Chat with Nadia':
  438. cla
  439. NadiaQW += 2
  440. minut += 15
  441. 'Nadia glad for the distraction and has fun chatting with you.'
  442. act 'Further':gt 'rinwork', 'start'
  443. end
  444. end
  445. '<<$rintak>>'
  446. elseif hour = 13:
  447. if rintakrand = 0:
  448. $rintak = 'Hassan begins to slowly collect goods from Nadia.'
  449. elseif rintakrand = 1:
  450. $rintak = 'Anya sits and calculates her profit for the day.'
  451. elseif rintakrand = 2:
  452. $rintak = 'Nadia calculates her days profit.'
  453. elseif rintakrand = 3:
  454. $rintak = 'Abdul begins collecting goods from Anna.'
  455. elseif rintakrand = 4:
  456. $rintak = 'Arthur walks past your stall.'
  457. else
  458. $rintak = 'Aunt Katya stops trading pies and leaves.'
  459. end
  460. '<<$rintak>>'
  461. end
  462. pokrand = rand(0, 1)
  463. if pokrand = 0:
  464. $pokup = 'You have no customers.'
  465. pokupatel = 0
  466. ''
  467. 'Aunt Katya pushes her trolley through the market carrying cakes and coffee.'
  468. else
  469. pokupatel = 1
  470. poktiprand = rand(0, 7)
  471. if poktiprand = 0:$pokup = 'A middle-aged man approaches your stall.' & $poktip = 'Man' & pokti = 1
  472. if poktiprand = 1:$pokup = 'A young man approaches your stall.' & $poktip = 'Guy' & pokti = 2
  473. if poktiprand = 2:$pokup = 'A teenage boy approaches your stall.' & $poktip = 'Boy' & pokti = 3
  474. if poktiprand = 3:$pokup = 'A woman approaches your stall.' & $poktip = 'Woman' & pokti = 1
  475. if poktiprand = 4:$pokup = 'A girl approaches your stall.' & $poktip = 'Girl' & pokti = 2
  476. if poktiprand = 5:$pokup = 'A teen girl approaches your stall.' & $poktip = 'Teen girl' & pokti = 3
  477. if poktiprand = 6:$pokup = 'An old man approaches your stall.' & $poktip = 'Old man' & pokti = 0
  478. if poktiprand = 7:$pokup = 'A Grandma approaches your stall.' & $poktip = 'Old woman' & pokti = 0
  479. end
  480. '<b><<$pokup>></b>'
  481. if pokupatel = 1:
  482. act 'How can I help you?':
  483. cla
  484. minut += 15
  485. pokvnirand = rand(0, 2)
  486. if pokvnirand = 0:
  487. '<<$poktip>> with little interest examines your wares.'
  488. elseif pokvnirand = 1:
  489. '<<$poktip>> with interest looks through the clothes for sale.'
  490. elseif pokvnirand = 2:
  491. '<<$poktip>> picks up the item.'
  492. end
  493. act 'Now this is very fashionable':
  494. cla
  495. tipred = 3
  496. gs 'rinwork', 'answerrin'
  497. end
  498. act 'This item is very high quality and reliable':
  499. cla
  500. tipred = 1
  501. gs 'rinwork', 'answerrin'
  502. end
  503. act 'You''ll find this very reasonable':
  504. cla
  505. tipred = 0
  506. gs 'rinwork', 'answerrin'
  507. end
  508. act 'That is so you':
  509. cla
  510. tipred = 2
  511. gs 'rinwork', 'answerrin'
  512. end
  513. end
  514. end
  515. end
  516. end
  517. if $ARGS[0] = 'answerrin':
  518. if tipred = pokti:
  519. ''
  520. if pokvnirand = 0:
  521. pokpay = rand(1000, 1200)
  522. elseif pokvnirand = 1:
  523. pokpay = rand(1100, 1300)
  524. elseif pokvnirand = 2:
  525. pokpay = rand(1300, 1500)
  526. end
  527. '<<$poktip>> asks you for a price'
  528. gs 'rinwork', 'tellprice'
  529. else
  530. '<<$poktip>> puts the item back and leaves.'
  531. act 'Further':gt 'rinwork', 'start'
  532. end
  533. end
  534. if $ARGS[0] = 'tellprice':
  535. act 'Name the price':
  536. cla
  537. prodpay = input ("Enter the selling price")
  538. if prodpay < 1000:prodpay = prodpayum
  539. poknorand = rand(1, 100 + pcs_apprnc/4)
  540. 'You tell them <<prodpay>> <b>₽</b>'
  541. if prodpay <= pokpay:
  542. if poknorand >= 10:
  543. rinmon += prodpay
  544. rinvesh += 1
  545. 'The buyer takes the item and pays <<prodpay>> <b>₽</b>.'
  546. act 'Sell it':gt 'rinwork', 'start'
  547. else
  548. 'The buyer twirls clothing in their hands <<prodpay>> <b>₽</b> is too expensive.'
  549. gs 'rinwork', 'haggling'
  550. end
  551. elseif prodpay > pokpay and prodpay <= pokpay + 100:
  552. if poknorand >= 10:
  553. 'The buyer twirls clothing in their hands <<prodpay>> <b>₽</b> is too expensive.'
  554. gs 'rinwork', 'haggling'
  555. else
  556. 'Buyer puts the item back and leaves'
  557. act 'Return':gt 'rinwork', 'start'
  558. end
  559. elseif prodpay > pokpay + 100:
  560. 'The buyer puts the item back and leaves.'
  561. act 'Return':gt 'rinwork', 'start'
  562. end
  563. end
  564. end
  565. if $ARGS[0] = 'haggling':
  566. if prodpay >= 1100:
  567. act 'Reduce the price by 100 <b>₽</b>':
  568. cla
  569. 'You have reduced the price by 100 <b>₽</b>.'
  570. poknorand = rand(1, 100 + pcs_apprnc/4)
  571. if poknorand >= 10:
  572. rinmon += prodpay - 100
  573. rinvesh += 1
  574. 'The buyer takes the item and pays <<prodpay - 100>> <b>₽</b>'
  575. else
  576. 'The buyer puts the item back and leaves.'
  577. end
  578. act 'Haggle':gt 'rinwork', 'start'
  579. end
  580. elseif prodpay >= 1050:
  581. act 'Reduce the price by 50 <b>₽</b>':
  582. cla
  583. 'You have reduced the price by 50 <b>₽</b>.'
  584. poknorand = rand(1, 100 + pcs_apprnc/4)
  585. if poknorand >= 30:
  586. rinmon += prodpay - 50
  587. rinvesh += 1
  588. 'The buyer takes the item and pays <<prodpay - 50>> <b>₽</b>'
  589. else
  590. 'The buyer puts the item back and leaves.'
  591. end
  592. act 'Haggle':gt 'rinwork', 'start'
  593. end
  594. end
  595. act 'You can not take less, take the item back':gt 'rinwork', 'start'
  596. end
  597. --- rinwork ---------------------------------