girl.qsrc 8.7 KB

  1. # girl
  2. !!'<<$girldesc>> <<$girlbody>> <<$girlbod>> <<$girlface>>. <<$girldesc>> <<$girlClo>>'
  3. if $ARGS[0] = '':
  4. !randomly age
  5. girlage = rand(18,35)
  6. !! {The NPC generator is now the primary system of creating new characters.}
  7. if girlage <= 25:
  8. gs 'npcgeneratec', 1, 'A Girl', girlage
  9. else
  10. gs 'npcgeneratec', 1, 'A Woman', girlage
  11. end
  12. gs 'boyStat', $npclastgenerated
  13. gs 'girl', 'details'
  14. end
  15. if $ARGS[0] = 'details':
  16. !Select Photos
  17. :girldetailsloop
  18. !! boys 1-30, girlfriends 31-60
  19. lover_picrand = RAND(31,60)
  20. if lover_picrand = lover_picture[0] or lover_picrand = lover_picture[1] or lover_picrand = lover_picture[2]: jump 'girldetailsloop'
  21. loverGenderTmp = 1
  22. silaVag = npc_sexskill[$npclastgenerated]
  23. $npc_usedname[$npclastgenerated] = $npc_firstname[$npclastgenerated]
  24. $boydesc = $npc_usedname[$npclastgenerated]
  25. !!appearance
  26. boybodyrand = rand(1, 3)
  27. if boybodyrand = 1: $boybody = 'short'
  28. if boybodyrand = 2: $boybody = 'average'
  29. if boybodyrand = 3: $boybody = 'tall'
  30. boybodrand = rand(1, 4)
  31. if boybodrand = 1 and boybodyrand = 1: $boybod = 'petite'
  32. if boybodrand = 1 and boybodyrand > 1: $boybod = 'slender'
  33. if boybodrand = 2: $boybod = 'toned'
  34. if boybodrand = 3: $boybod = 'average'
  35. if boybodrand = 4: $boybod = 'chubby'
  36. boyfacerand = rand(1, 3)
  37. if boyfacerand = 1: $boyface = 'black'
  38. if boyfacerand = 2: $boyface = 'brunette'
  39. if boyfacerand = 3: $boyface = 'blond'
  40. !!Variables responsible for any features like
  41. !!security, is responsible for the money and requirements
  42. harakboy = rand(0, 2)
  43. finance = rand(0, 2)
  44. if finance = 0:
  45. !!Gopnik beggar or a hard worker
  46. !!check in appearance Primary
  47. if harakboy = 0: npc_apprnc[$npclastgenerated] = rand(0, 8)
  48. if harakboy = 1: npc_apprnc[$npclastgenerated] = rand(0, 16)
  49. if harakboy = 2: npc_apprnc[$npclastgenerated] = rand(0, 32)
  50. $boyClo = 'wearing a tracksuit.'
  51. elseif finance = 1:
  52. !!middle_peasant
  53. !!check in appearance
  54. if harakboy = 0: npc_apprnc[$npclastgenerated] = rand(0, 16)
  55. if harakboy = 1: npc_apprnc[$npclastgenerated] = rand(0, 24)
  56. if harakboy = 2: npc_apprnc[$npclastgenerated] = rand(0, 32)
  57. $boyClo = 'wearing jeans and a blouse.'
  58. elseif finance = 2:
  59. !!middle_peasant
  60. !!check in appearance
  61. if harakboy = 0: npc_apprnc[$npclastgenerated] = rand(16, 32)
  62. if harakboy = 1: npc_apprnc[$npclastgenerated] = rand(24, 32)
  63. if harakboy = 2: npc_apprnc[$npclastgenerated] = rand(32, 40)
  64. $boyClo = 'wearing an expensive dress.'
  65. end
  66. !!requirements of the figure, chest size, hair color.
  67. !!0 - ass less 80, 1 back from 80 prior_to 100, 2 ass over 100
  68. figurboy = rand(0, 2)
  69. !!0 - chest less 3, 1 breast 3-4, 2 breasts bigger 4
  70. npc_bust[$npclastgenerated] = rand(0, 2)
  71. !!0 - black, 1 - brown, 2 - Redhead, 3 - blonde
  72. npc_haircol[$npclastgenerated] = rand(0, 3)
  73. !!character 0 - soft, 1 -norm 2 - aggressor
  74. randizvrat = rand(0, 100)
  75. if randizvrat < 90:izvrat = 0
  76. if randizvrat >= 90:izvrat = 1
  77. hairboy = npc_haircol[$npclastgenerated]
  78. titboy = npc_bust[$npclastgenerated]
  79. vneshboy = npc_apprnc[$npclastgenerated]
  80. !! trying to make the preference section
  81. !! Variables here are clotTypePrefTmp, clotQualPrefTmp, clotTopPrefTmp, bottShorPrefTmp, clotThinPrefTmp, bimbPrefTmp, pierPrefTmp, tattPrefTmp, lipsPrefTmp, bodyPrefTmp, makePrefTmp, IQPrefTmp.
  82. !!This is for clothing type preference
  83. !! If you notice how rare it is to get a preference that is intentional
  84. !!0 - none, 1 - cheap, 2 - average, 3 - formal, 4 - fetish.
  85. clotTypePrefTmp = 0
  86. if rand(0, 4) = 4:
  87. if finance = 0:
  88. clotTypePrefTmp = rand(1,2)
  89. if rand(0, 1) = 1 and izvrat = 1:clotTypePrefTmp = 4
  90. elseif finance = 1:
  91. clotTypePrefTmp = rand(1,3)
  92. if rand(0, 2) = 2 and izvrat = 1:clotTypePrefTmp = 4
  93. elseif finance = 2:
  94. clotTypePrefTmp = rand(2,3)
  95. if rand(0, 1) = 1 and izvrat = 1:clotTypePrefTmp = 4
  96. end
  97. end
  98. !!This is for the quality of clothing
  99. !! 0 - no preference, 1 - 1 to 4 units cheap to average (Locked if formal chosen), 2 - 5 to 7 units expensive to ballroom quality (Locked if fetish is chosen)
  100. clotQualPrefTmp = 0
  101. if rand(0, 5) = 5:
  102. if finance = 0:
  103. clotQualPrefTmp = 1
  104. elseif finance = 1:
  105. clotQualPrefTmp = rand(1, 2)
  106. randchan = rand(0, 1)
  107. if randchan = 0 and clotTypePrefTmp ! 3:
  108. clotQualPrefTmp = 1
  109. elseif randchan = 1 and clotTypePrefTmp ! 1:
  110. clotQualPrefTmp = 2
  111. end
  112. elseif finance = 2:
  113. randchan = rand(0, 2)
  114. if randchan = 2 and clotTypePrefTmp ! 1:
  115. clotQualPrefTmp = 2
  116. end
  117. end
  118. end
  119. !!This is for the clothing top cut for the clothing
  120. !!Need to add modifiers based on breast size, where larger breasts end up forcing the player to show more cleavage than those with smaller breasts.
  121. !! 0 - no preference, 1 - 1 to 2 or neckline to moderate, 2 - 3 to 4 or heavy to severe, 3 - 5 to 7 or buldging to outpouring
  122. !! The breast size must be adjusted either when the action is being calculeted or we can base it on their ideal breast size :titboy + 0/3 depending on the players breast size
  123. !!0 - no preference, 1 - 1 neckline , 2 - 2 or moderate, 3 - 3 to 4 or heavy to severe
  124. !! It doesn''t matter if your poor or rich, everyone loves tits.
  125. slutConstant = 0
  126. if rand(0, 2) = 2 and izvrat = 1:slutConstant = 1
  127. clotTopPrefTmp = 0
  128. if rand(0, 2) = 2:
  129. randchan = rand(0, 5)
  130. if randchan < 3 and clotTypePrefTmp ! 4:
  131. clotTopPrefTmp = 1 + slutConstant
  132. elseif randchan < 5 and clotTypePrefTmp ! 4:
  133. clotTopPrefTmp = 2 + slutConstant
  134. elseif randchan = 5 and clotTypePrefTmp ! 3:
  135. clotTopPrefTmp = 3
  136. end
  137. if clotTopPrefTmp ! 0 and titboy = 2:
  138. if clotPref ! 3:
  139. clotTopPrefTmp += 1
  140. end
  141. end
  142. end
  143. !! This is for pants and skirt shortness and will be grouped together as such.
  144. !! 0 - no preference, 1 - 1 to 2 units or ankle to calf length, 2 - 3 to 4 units or knee to miniskirt, 3 - 5 units to 6 or slut to hoe.
  145. bottShorPrefTmp = 0
  146. if rand(0, 2) = 2:
  147. randchan = rand(0, 5)
  148. if randchan < 3 and clotTypePrefTmp ! 4:
  149. bottShorPrefTmp = 1
  150. elseif randchan < 5:
  151. bottShorPrefTmp = 2
  152. elseif randchan = 5:
  153. bottShorPrefTmp = 3
  154. end
  155. randchan = rand(0, 1)
  156. if slutConstant = 1 and randchan = 1 and clotTypePrefTmp = 4:
  157. bottShorPrefTmp = 3
  158. end
  159. end
  160. !! This is for clothes thinness.
  161. !! 0 - no preference, 1 - 0 to 2 (Conservative), 2 - 3 to 4 (Moderate), 3 - 4 to 6 (really thin)
  162. !! I see the moderate to really thin overlapping. Its intentional.
  163. clotThinPrefTmp = 0
  164. if rand(0, 2) = 2:
  165. randchan = rand(0, 5)
  166. if randchan < 3:
  167. clotThinPrefTmp = 1 + slutConstant
  168. elseif randchan < 5:
  169. clotThinPrefTmp = 2 + slutConstant
  170. elseif randchan = 5 and clotTypePrefTmp ! 3:
  171. clotThinPrefTmp = 3
  172. end
  173. end
  174. !!This is to find out if they want you to wear bimbo clothing
  175. !! 0 - no preference, 1 - Prefers bimbo clothing.
  176. bimbPrefTmp = 0
  177. if rand(0, 10) = 0 and clotTypePrefTmp ! 3:bimbPrefTmp = 1
  178. !!This is to find out if they want you to wear piercings.
  179. !! 0 - no preference, 1 - 0 to 2 piercings, 2 - 3 to 5 piercings, 3 - 6 or more piercings.
  180. pierPrefTmp = 0
  181. if rand(0, 3) = 3:
  182. randchan = rand(0, 2)
  183. if randchan = 0:
  184. pierPrefTmp = 1 + slutConstant
  185. elseif randchan = 1:
  186. pierPrefTmp = 2 + slutConstant
  187. elseif randchan = 2:
  188. pierPrefTmp = 3
  189. end
  190. end
  191. !!This is to find out if they want you to have tattoos.
  192. !! 0 - no preference, 1 - 0 to 2 tattoos, 2 - 3 to 5 tattoos, 3 - 6 or more tattoos.
  193. tattPrefTmp = 0
  194. if rand(0, 3) = 3:tattPrefTmp = rand(1, 3)
  195. !!This is to find out how big they want your lips.
  196. !! 0 - no preference, 1 - 2 to 3 units (average) , 2 - 4 units (THIC lips)
  197. lipsPrefTmp = 0
  198. if rand(0, 3) = 3:
  199. randchan = rand(0, 2)
  200. if randchan = 0:
  201. lipsPrefTmp = 1 + slutConstant
  202. elseif randchan = 2:
  203. lipsPrefTmp = 2
  204. end
  205. end
  206. !!This is to find out how big they want YOU.
  207. !! 0 - no preference, 1 - 1 to 3 units (Skinny) , 2 - 3 to 6 units (Average), 3 - 6 + units (THIC)
  208. !! Notice how this one overlaps. I believe that it should because changing ones weight is very hard.
  209. bodyPrefTmp = 0
  210. if rand(0, 3) = 3:bodyPrefTmp = rand(1, 3)
  211. !!This is to find out how much makeup they want you to wear.
  212. !! 0 - no preference, 1 - 1 (light makeup) , 2 - 2 (moderate makeup), 3 - 3(heavy makeup)
  213. !! Plan to make a way for you to set what you makeup you want to wear at your bedside and giving into their wishes would automatically change the automated setting.
  214. makePrefTmp = 0
  215. if rand(0, 1) = 1:
  216. randchan = rand(0, 5)
  217. if randchan < 3:
  218. makePrefTmp = 1 + slutConstant
  219. elseif randchan < 5:
  220. makePrefTmp = 2 + slutConstant
  221. elseif randchan = 5 and clotTypePrefTmp ! 3:
  222. makePrefTmp = 3
  223. end
  224. end
  225. !! This is to see if they like a ditz, average, or a smartypants
  226. !!0 - no preference, 1 - 1 to 30 intelligence, 2 - 30 to 85 intelligence, 3 - 85 + intelligence.
  227. IQPrefTmp = 0
  228. if rand(0, 4) = 4:IQPrefTmp = rand(1, 2) + rand(1, 2) + rand(0,1)
  229. end
  230. --- girl ---------------------------------