ender.qsrc 30 KB

  1. # ender
  2. !!------------------------------------lose-------------------------------------------
  3. if $ARGS[0] = 'loss':
  4. cla
  5. gs'nill'
  6. if test = 1:
  7. test = 0
  8. act 'Further':gt'test'
  9. exit
  10. end
  11. if fightEnding = 1:
  12. if autocombat_surrender = 0 or pcs_health < 100: pcs_health = 100
  13. killvar 'autocombat_surrender'
  14. fightEnding = 0
  15. 'You fall down on the floor and feel your consciousness slipping away.'
  16. act 'Further': gt 'preTG', 'tatianaPRE'
  17. exit
  18. elseif fightEnding = 2:
  19. if autocombat_surrender = 0 or pcs_health < 100: pcs_health = 100
  20. killvar 'autocombat_surrender'
  21. fightEnding = 0
  22. 'You fall down on the floor as you''re not longer able to fight Juugo.'
  23. act 'Further':gt'lab','start'
  24. exit
  25. elseif fightEnding = 3:
  26. if autocombat_surrender = 0 or pcs_health < 100: pcs_health = 100
  27. killvar 'autocombat_surrender'
  28. fightEnding = 0
  29. 'You fall down on the floor as you''re not longer able to fight Tatiana.'
  30. act 'Further':gt'lab','start'
  31. exit
  32. elseif fightEnding = 4:
  33. if autocombat_surrender = 0 or pcs_health < 100: pcs_health = 100
  34. killvar 'autocombat_surrender'
  35. fightEnding = 0
  36. money = 0
  37. Loss += 1
  38. if rikudo > 10:rikudo = rikudo - 10
  39. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/shared/sex/dom/spit.jpg"></center>'
  40. 'You fall to the ground. The prostitute kicks you around a couple of times. She grabs hold of your purse and takes all your money. As she''s done she leans over you and spits in your face.'
  41. act 'Further':gt'park','start'
  42. exit
  43. elseif fightEnding = 5:
  44. if autocombat_surrender = 0 or pcs_health < 100: pcs_health = 100
  45. killvar 'autocombat_surrender'
  46. fightEnding = 0
  47. money = 0
  48. Loss += 1
  49. bandfight = bandfight - 1
  50. if rikudo > 10:rikudo = rikudo - 10
  51. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/centralpark/sex/event/band.jpg"></center>'
  52. 'You fall to the ground. As you''re laying down the pimp lites a cigarette while rummaging through your stuff. He finally finds what he''s been looking for, all of your money, then orders, "Open your mouth slut".'
  53. 'You obey and open your mouth. He sighs as taps ash into your mouth, "I hope you''ve learned a valuable lesson slut, next time I won''t be this kind to you."'
  54. act 'Further':gt'park','start'
  55. exit
  56. elseif fightEnding = 6:
  57. if autocombat_surrender = 0 or pcs_health < 100: pcs_health = 100
  58. killvar 'autocombat_surrender'
  59. fightEnding = 0
  60. money = 0
  61. Loss += 1
  62. stellfight = stellfight - 1
  63. if rikudo > 10:rikudo = rikudo - 10
  64. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/city/ira/sex/irinaqw7.jpg"></center>'
  65. 'You fall to the ground. The prostitute kicks you around a couple of times. She grabs hold of your purse and takes all your money.'
  66. '"This won''t do." she says as you''re ordered to kneel. She pulls her panties to the side as she sits on your face, forcing you to lick her semen filled pussy.'
  67. 'Afraid of getting beaten again, you carefully lick her crotch clean. After a few minutes she''s satisfied and leaves.'
  68. gs 'arousal', 'cuni_give', 10, 'sub', 'prostitution'
  69. gs 'arousal', 'end'
  70. gs 'stat'
  71. act 'Further':gt'park','start'
  72. exit
  73. elseif fightEnding = 7:
  74. if autocombat_surrender = 0 or pcs_health < 100: pcs_health = 100
  75. killvar 'autocombat_surrender'
  76. fightEnding = 0
  77. Loss += 1
  78. if rikudo > 10:rikudo = rikudo - 10
  79. if KisameSex = 0:KisameSex = 1 & guy = guy + 1
  80. pcs_vag = pcs_vag + 1
  81. rape = rape + 1
  82. pcs_horny = 0
  83. gs 'boyStat', 'A40'
  84. cumprecheck = 1
  85. gs 'cum_manage'
  86. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/city/kisame/sex/kisamesex.jpg"></center>'
  87. 'Kisame swims around you and laughs, "I''m having a great time baby." as he grabs and drags your feet to the bottom of the pool, where he thrusts his cock in your pussy.'
  88. 'You try not to drown in the water while you are fucked by Kisame, You feel him pounding your insides with his member like a hammer. You can no longer hold your breath as you begin to drown.'
  89. 'Kisame smiles and leans over you, "Kiss me." You stick your lips to his mouth, as his breath fill your lungs with air before keeping on pounding your pussy. Finally he finishes, pouring his shark seed into the surrounding water.'
  90. gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 20, 'rough', 'sub'
  91. gs 'arousal', 'end'
  92. gs 'stat'
  93. act 'Crawl out of the pool':gt'street'
  94. exit
  95. elseif fightEnding = 8:
  96. if autocombat_surrender = 0 or pcs_health < 100: pcs_health = 100
  97. killvar 'autocombat_surrender'
  98. if succubusQW >= 4: gt 'succubus', 'RapistFight'
  99. fightEnding = 0
  100. Loss += 1
  101. if rikudo > 10:rikudo -= 10
  102. pcs_vag += 1
  103. guy += 1
  104. gs 'npcgeneratec', 0, 'rapist', rand(19,45)
  105. gs 'boyStat', $npclastgenerated
  106. cumprecheck = 1
  107. gs 'cum_manage'
  108. spafinloc = 1
  109. sexvolume = 30
  110. gs 'cum_manage'
  111. spafinloc = 14
  112. sexvolume = 10
  113. gs 'cum_manage'
  114. if pcs_mood > 20: pcs_mood -= 20
  115. rape += 1
  116. picrand = rand(1, 6)
  117. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/residential/street/sex/gopslut<<picrand>>.jpg"></center>'
  118. horand = RAND(1,100)
  119. '"Please, you don''t have to do this." you try to reason with him, "I''m begging you."'
  120. 'But your words are in vain, you put up a pathetic attempt to fend him off, but you lost, and now all you can do is stare at the stars while your body is used for someone''s filthiest fantasies.'
  121. 'Your clothes are ripped off as you shout in helpless frustration as his cold hands touch you in your most intimate places. You close your eyes, not willing to look at your torturer, nor his hard cock hanging above you.'
  122. 'A second later you feel your attackers noxious breath on your face, his stench is almost worse than what he''s doing between your legs.'
  123. 'You open your eyes, swollen from crying, to look at your rapist''s face, but you can''t see it. You only see an animal, or worse, a great darkness.'
  124. 'The silence of the night is only broken by the slapping flesh and his curses, until you begin to falsely moan in excitement, trying to make your rapist to finish quicker and end the torment.'
  125. 'Even though the pain is intense, your trick works, and before you know it the attacker cums, shooting his seed all over your pussy and belly. He quickly wipes his dick on you, puts it away, and leaves.'
  126. 'As you lie there broken and humiliated, you see a single shooting star burning a fiery trail through the night sky, and wordlessly make a wish.'
  127. gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 20, 'rough', 'sub'
  128. gs 'arousal', 'end'
  129. gs 'stat'
  130. act 'Cry': gt $loc, $metka
  131. elseif fightEnding = 9:
  132. if autocombat_surrender = 0 or pcs_health < 100: pcs_health = 100
  133. killvar 'autocombat_surrender'
  134. fightEnding = 0
  135. Loss += 1
  136. money = 0
  137. 'He knocks you down with one final hit. The moment he puts you out of commission he grabs the money and runs away.'
  138. act 'Get back on your feet': gt $loc, $metka
  139. exit
  140. elseif fightEnding = 10:
  141. if autocombat_surrender = 0 or pcs_health < 100: pcs_health = 100
  142. killvar 'autocombat_surrender'
  143. fightEnding = 0
  144. grupvalue[4] -= 2
  145. if Loss < 0: Loss = 0
  146. '<center><img src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/dimka/revenge/girlbeatsguy2.jpg"></center>'
  147. '"Where the hell did you learn how to fight, <<$pcs_nickname>>," Lera asks in an annoyed tone before sweeping Dimka''s legs out from under him. Lena and Lera proceed to kick and stomp Dimka until he starts begging them to stop.'
  148. 'After a few more hits, they get bored and check his pockets for cash. "10.000 rubles! Sweet!" They split the money among themselves leaving none for you.'
  149. 'Lena turns to you and says tauntingly, "You either need to learn how to fight or get used to serving us, little bunny." Before you can say anything, the bell rings for class.'
  150. act 'Continue': gt 'gschool_lessons', 'short_break'
  151. elseif fightEnding = 11:
  152. if autocombat_surrender = 0 or pcs_health < 100: pcs_health = 100
  153. killvar 'autocombat_surrender'
  154. fightEnding = 0
  155. Loss += 1
  156. if rikudo > 10:rikudo = rikudo - 10
  157. 'In their drunken state they throw you on the spit-covered porch and began tearing your clothes as you no longer have the strength to resist.'
  158. act 'Cry':gt'sexm','gangbang'
  159. elseif fightEnding = 12:
  160. if autocombat_surrender = 0 or pcs_health < 100: pcs_health = 100
  161. killvar 'autocombat_surrender'
  162. fightEnding = 0
  163. zverRageQW = 10
  164. Loss += 1
  165. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/shared/sex/dom/spit.jpg"></center>'
  166. 'Christina Zverev beat you and you fell to the ground crying in front of the whole school. She hissed angrily to you "Now I''ll make your life hell, slut!" She bent down to your face and said, "Open your mouth bitch and stick your tongue out."'
  167. 'You comply and open your mouth with your tongue out. Without any hesitation Christina spits in your mouth and yells, "Swallow bitch!" The whole school see you swallow her spit.'
  168. 'Christina then again spits on you this time on your face. While making fun of you, Christina kicks you a few times more in the ribs before turning around and walking away.'
  169. act 'Leave':gs 'gschool_grounds', 'main'
  170. elseif fightEnding = 13:
  171. if autocombat_surrender = 0 or pcs_health < 100: pcs_health = 100
  172. killvar 'autocombat_surrender'
  173. fightEnding = 0
  174. Loss += 1
  175. 'You breath deeply, totally exhausted as the naked man advances upon you. You no longer have the strength to fight him off.'
  176. act 'Lose':gt 'stallion', 'rape'
  177. elseif fightEnding = 14:
  178. if autocombat_surrender = 0 or pcs_health < 100: pcs_health = 100
  179. killvar 'autocombat_surrender'
  180. fightEnding = 0
  181. Loss += 1
  182. gs 'pain', 5, 'tummy', 'kick'
  183. gs 'pain', 5, 'cheeks', 'hit'
  184. gs 'pain', 5, 'thighs', 'kick'
  185. gs 'pain', 5, 'hair', 'stretch'
  186. dynamic '<<$clothingworntype>>H[<<clothingwornnumber>>] = 0'
  187. '<<$streetev_title>>'
  188. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/shared/street/lostfight.jpg"></center>'
  189. 'You do your best, but there are just too many of them. Eventually they get you down on the ground and beat you, ripping out handfuls of your hair, ripping you clothes.'
  190. 'After what feels like a long time, they finally stop hitting you. "That''s what you get, you stupid bitch." Then the girl spits on you, soon the rest of the gang follow suit and spit on you as well. Finally they get bored of tormenting you further and leave laughing about how they beat the ugly girls ass.'
  191. *nl
  192. 'With tears rolling down your face you slowly get up and do your best to pull your clothes into place to cover up. They are just ruined, you gingerly walk away.'
  193. act 'Leave':streetrand=-1 & gt $loc
  194. end
  195. end
  196. !!------------------------------------Win-------------------------------------------
  197. if $ARGS[0] = 'win':
  198. cla
  199. gs'nill'
  200. if test = 1:
  201. test = 0
  202. act 'Further':gt'test'
  203. exit
  204. end
  205. if fightEnding = 2:
  206. pcs_health = pcs_vital*10
  207. rikudo = rikudo + 10
  208. fightEnding = 0
  209. if winJugo = 0:winJugo = 1
  210. 'Juugo fell to the floor and can no longer keep on fighting.'
  211. act 'Further':gt'lab','start'
  212. exit
  213. elseif fightEnding = 3:
  214. pcs_health = pcs_vital*10
  215. fightEnding = 0
  216. rikudo = rikudo + 10
  217. if wintatiana = 0:wintatiana = 1
  218. 'Tatiana fell to the floor and can no longer keep on fighting.'
  219. act 'Further':gt'lab','start'
  220. exit
  221. elseif fightEnding = 4:
  222. fightEnding = 0
  223. whoreQW = 1
  224. Win += 1
  225. rikudo = rikudo + 10
  226. '<center><img src="images/locations/city/shared/streetwalker/defeat.jpg"></center>'
  227. 'The prostitute falls to the ground and starts pleading with you not to beat her again.'
  228. act 'Further':gt'park','start'
  229. exit
  230. elseif fightEnding = 5:
  231. fightEnding = 0
  232. Win += 1
  233. bandfight = bandfight + 1
  234. rikudo = rikudo + 10
  235. if prostOnce = 0:prostOnce = 1 & money = money + RAND(500,5000)
  236. 'The pimp fell to the ground letting out a groan, You took his wallet and kicked him around before moving away.'
  237. act 'Further':gt'park','start'
  238. exit
  239. elseif fightEnding = 6:
  240. fightEnding = 0
  241. Win += 1
  242. stellfight = stellfight + 1
  243. rikudo = rikudo + 10
  244. money = money + RAND(300,500)
  245. 'Tattered prostitute fell to the ground, you crash it again in the ribs and it took all his money and gave it to you, Only you did not beat her anymore.'
  246. act 'Further':gt'park','start'
  247. exit
  248. elseif fightEnding = 7:
  249. KisameDead = 1
  250. fightEnding = 0
  251. Win += 1
  252. if rikudo > 10:rikudo = rikudo + 3000
  253. money = money + 5000
  254. 'You killed Kisame and while disposing his body you found 5000 rubles.'
  255. act 'Further':gt'street'
  256. exit
  257. elseif fightEnding = 8 or fightEnding = 9:
  258. if succubusQW >= 4 and scpopt < 2:
  259. $sclocrt = 'ender'
  260. $scargrt = 'win'
  261. scfwon = 1
  262. scpopt = 1
  263. gt 'succubus', 'RapistFight'
  264. end
  265. '<center><img src="images/locations/shared/street/rapist_defeat.jpg"></center>'
  266. 'You defeat the '+iif(fightEnding = 8, 'rapist', 'thief')+' and empty his wallet as he lies unconscious on the street.'
  267. fightEnding = 0
  268. scpopt = 0
  269. if rikudo > 10:rikudo += 100
  270. Win += 1
  271. money += rand(500,2000)
  272. act 'Leave': gt $loc, $metka
  273. exit
  274. elseif fightEnding = 10:
  275. money += 10000
  276. fightEnding = 0
  277. grupvalue[4] += 3
  278. Win += 1
  279. '<center><img src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/dimka/revenge/girlbeatsguy1.jpg"></center>'
  280. 'You kick Dimka a few more times as he lays on the ground. "It will be worse next time if you keep spreading shit about me."'
  281. '"I''ll stop talking, I swear," Dimka says between pained breaths.'
  282. '"You better." You turn to leave, but Lena stops you.'
  283. '"Check his pockets," she says, "I''ll keep watch."'
  284. 'You check his pockets and find 10000 rubles in his wallet. Fucking rich kid. This should teach him. "The teacher is coming," says Lera, "Let''s get out of here."'
  285. act 'Continue': gt 'gschool_lessons', 'short_break'
  286. elseif fightEnding = 11:
  287. fightEnding = 0
  288. if rikudo > 10:rikudo += 100
  289. Win += 1
  290. money += rand(500,2000)
  291. gs 'stat'
  292. 'You''ve managed to batter one of your attackers face while you broke the others nose. As he spits you can see that his spit is mixed with blood as he can barely hold his hand up to surrender. You quickly run over to them and empty the cash from their pockets and mock them that this should cover you expenses. The attacker quickly rise up and run away in fear.'
  293. act 'Go home':
  294. if curr_home = 1:
  295. gt 'pavResidential'
  296. elseif curr_home = 2:
  297. gt 'gadukino'
  298. elseif curr_home = 3:
  299. gt 'street'
  300. end
  301. end
  302. elseif fightEnding = 12:
  303. zverSlutQW = 1
  304. lariskaQwestStart = daystart + 7
  305. Win += 1
  306. fightEnding = 0
  307. $npc_notes['A13'] = 'Lariska, who is very dependent on other people''s opinions. After you managed to win the fight against Christina Lariska looks more cheerful. She''s a good volleyball player, and could go pro if she keeps it up even though she doesn''t believe it herself. But with the help of Mikhail Nikolayevich, the volleyball coach, she might make it.'
  308. $npc_notes['A18'] = 'After you beat Christina in front of the whole school started gossiping about how you managed to break her. Once known as the Christina the terrified she was a former shell of herself.'
  309. grupTipe[18] = 5
  310. 'Christina fell to the ground, and you grabbed her by the hair. "Well bitch, tell the whole school, have you ever sucked a cock or not?" Christine squealed as she admitted to the whole school that she loved sucking cock.'
  311. act 'Leave':gs 'gschool_grounds', 'main'
  312. elseif fightEnding = 13:
  313. fightEnding = 0
  314. Win += 1
  315. 'The naked man staggers back, all bloody. You''ve beaten him, and it is pretty clear he is finished. You look down and see something odd...'
  316. act 'What is that?':gt 'stallion', 'end'
  317. elseif fightEnding = 14:
  318. fightEnding = 0
  319. Win += 1
  320. '<<$streetev_title>>'
  321. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/shared/street/girlgang.jpg"></center>'
  322. 'Even though it was four against one, you beat their asses triumphantly. They got in some hits of their own, but in the end you are the only one standing while the four of them lay around your feet curled up, bloody and crying. You straighten your clothes the best you can and proudly continue on your way to the claps of several onlookers that watched the fight.'
  323. act 'Leave':streetrand=-1 & gt $loc
  324. end
  325. end
  326. !!------------------------------------surrender-------------------------------------------
  327. if $ARGS[0] = 'surrender':
  328. gs'nill'
  329. if test = 1:
  330. test = 0
  331. act 'Further':gt'test'
  332. exit
  333. end
  334. if fightEnding = 1:
  335. if pcs_health < 100: pcs_health = 100
  336. killvar 'autocombat_surrender'
  337. fightEnding = 0
  338. 'He ignores your pleas and hits you with a huge upper cut.'
  339. 'You fall down on the floor and feel your consciousness slipping away.'
  340. act 'Further': gt 'preTG', 'tatianaPRE'
  341. exit
  342. elseif fightEnding = 2:
  343. if pcs_health < 100: pcs_health = 100
  344. killvar 'autocombat_surrender'
  345. fightEnding = 0
  346. 'You raise your hands asking Gustav to stop, he complains that he hasn''t even warmed up yet but stops the fight.'
  347. act 'Further':gt'lab','start'
  348. exit
  349. elseif fightEnding = 3:
  350. if pcs_health < 100: pcs_health = 100
  351. killvar 'autocombat_surrender'
  352. fightEnding = 0
  353. 'You tell Tatiana you''ve had enough. She shakes her head and tells you you need to toughen up.'
  354. act 'Further':gt'lab','start'
  355. exit
  356. elseif fightEnding = 4:
  357. killvar 'autocombat_surrender'
  358. fightEnding = 0
  359. money = 0
  360. Loss += 1
  361. if rikudo > 10:rikudo = rikudo - 10
  362. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/shared/sex/dom/spit.jpg"></center>'
  363. if fightPStats['Health'] = pcs_health:
  364. 'Just the mere thought of a fight, your knees go weak and you feel yourself being out of breath. Before even the first punch is thrown you raise up your hands and squeak out in fear, "Don''t hurt me, I give up."'
  365. 'The prostitute grabs your bag and takes all your cash.'
  366. '"Now fuck off, bitch!"'
  367. elseif fightPStats['Health'] > pcs_health/2:
  368. 'You are already feeling the pain of the blows, you can''t take it anymore. You throw up your hands, "Please stop! I give up."'
  369. 'The prostitute grabs your bag and takes all your cash.'
  370. '"Now fuck off, bitch!"'
  371. else
  372. 'You thought this would be an easy win, but you were mistaken. Blow after blow rains down on you, you are so dazed you can barely see. You stumble and fall to the ground and decide to just stay there, "I give up, I can''t beat you."'
  373. 'The prostitute grabs your bag and takes all your cash.'
  374. '"Now fuck off, bitch!"'
  375. end
  376. if pcs_health < 100: pcs_health = 100
  377. act 'Further':gt'park','start'
  378. exit
  379. elseif fightEnding = 5:
  380. if pcs_health < 100: pcs_health = 100
  381. killvar 'autocombat_surrender'
  382. fightEnding = 0
  383. money = 0
  384. Loss += 1
  385. bandfight = bandfight - 1
  386. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/centralpark/sex/event/band.jpg"></center>'
  387. 'The pimp lites a cigarette while rummaging through your stuff. He finally finds what he''s been looking for, all of your money, then orders, "Open your mouth slut".'
  388. 'You obey and open your mouth. He sighs as taps ash into your mouth, "I hope you''ve learned a valuable lesson slut, next time I won''t be this kind to you."'
  389. act 'Further':gt'park','start'
  390. exit
  391. elseif fightEnding = 6:
  392. killvar 'autocombat_surrender'
  393. fightEnding = 0
  394. Loss += 1
  395. stellfight = stellfight - 1
  396. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/city/ira/sex/irinaqw7.jpg"></center>'
  397. if fightPStats['Health'] = pcs_health:
  398. 'Just as the fight is about to begin, you realize that you don''t want any part of it. Your opponent is nearing you which has you yelling, "We don''t need to fight. I''m giving up already!"'
  399. elseif fightPStats['Health'] > pcs_health/2:
  400. 'You thought you were going to win but now you know better, your opponent is just a better fighter than you, rather than take more of a beating before losing you decide discretion is the better part of valor, "You win, I can''t beat you."'
  401. else
  402. 'The pain from the blows are more than you can bear, you feel tears streaming down your face. You drop to your knees and cower before your opponent, "Please stop!" You beg them to stop but in their frezied state they just shove you, causing you to fall to the ground.'
  403. 'Awaiting your fate, you just lay prostrate before your opponent, showing you have no fighting spirit left, hoping they''ll stop hurting you.'
  404. end
  405. '"This won''t do." she says as you''re ordered to kneel. She pulls her panties to the side as she sits on your face, forcing you to lick her semen filled pussy.'
  406. 'Afraid of getting beaten again, you carefully lick her crotch clean. After a few minutes she''s satisfied and leaves.'
  407. if pcs_health < 100: pcs_health = 100
  408. gs 'arousal', 'cuni_give', 10, 'sub', 'prostitution'
  409. gs 'arousal', 'end'
  410. gs 'stat'
  411. act 'Further':gt'park','start'
  412. exit
  413. elseif fightEnding = 7:
  414. if pcs_health < 100: pcs_health = 100
  415. killvar 'autocombat_surrender'
  416. fightEnding = 0
  417. Loss += 1
  418. if rikudo > 10:rikudo = rikudo - 10
  419. if KisameSex = 0:KisameSex = 1 & guy = guy + 1
  420. pcs_vag = pcs_vag + 1
  421. rape = rape + 1
  422. pcs_horny = 0
  423. gs 'boyStat', 'A40'
  424. cumprecheck = 1
  425. gs 'cum_manage'
  426. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/city/kisame/sex/kisamesex.jpg"></center>'
  427. 'Kisame swims around you and laughs, "I''m having a great time baby." as he grabs and drags your feet to the bottom of the pool, where he thrusts his cock in your pussy.'
  428. 'You try not to drown in the water while you are fucked by Kisame, You feel him pounding your insides with his member like a hammer. You can no longer hold your breath as you begin to drown.'
  429. 'Kisame smiles and leans over you, "Kiss me." You stick your lips to his mouth, as his breath fill your lungs with air before keeping on pounding your pussy. Finally he finishes, pouring his shark seed into the surrounding water.'
  430. gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 20, 'rough', 'sub'
  431. gs 'arousal', 'end'
  432. gs 'stat'
  433. act 'Crawl out of the pool':gt'street'
  434. exit
  435. elseif fightEnding = 8:
  436. if pcs_health < 100: pcs_health = 100
  437. killvar 'autocombat_surrender'
  438. if succubusQW >= 4: gt 'succubus', 'RapistFight'
  439. fightEnding = 0
  440. Loss += 1
  441. if rikudo > 10:rikudo -= 10
  442. pcs_vag += 1
  443. guy += 1
  444. gs 'npcgeneratec', 0, 'rapist', rand(19,45)
  445. gs 'boyStat', $npclastgenerated
  446. cumprecheck = 1
  447. gs 'cum_manage'
  448. spafinloc = 1
  449. sexvolume = 30
  450. gs 'cum_manage'
  451. spafinloc = 14
  452. sexvolume = 10
  453. gs 'cum_manage'
  454. if pcs_mood > 20: pcs_mood -= 20
  455. rape += 1
  456. picrand = rand(1, 6)
  457. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/residential/street/sex/gopslut<<picrand>>.jpg"></center>'
  458. horand = RAND(1,100)
  459. '"Please, you don''t have to do this." you try to reason with him, "I''m begging you."'
  460. 'But your words are in vain, you put up a pathetic attempt to fend him off, but you lost, and now all you can do is stare at the stars while your body is used for someone''s filthiest fantasies.'
  461. 'Your clothes are ripped off as you shout in helpless frustration as his cold hands touch you in your most intimate places. You close your eyes, not willing to look at your torturer, nor his hard cock hanging above you.'
  462. 'A second later you feel your attackers noxious breath on your face, his stench is almost worse than what he''s doing between your legs.'
  463. 'You open your eyes, swollen from crying, to look at your rapist''s face, but you can''t see it. You only see an animal, or worse, a great darkness.'
  464. 'The silence of the night is only broken by the slapping flesh and his curses, until you begin to falsely moan in excitement, trying to make your rapist to finish quicker and end the torment.'
  465. 'Even though the pain is intense, your trick works, and before you know it the attacker cums, shooting his seed all over your pussy and belly. He quickly wipes his dick on you, puts it away, and leaves.'
  466. 'As you lie there broken and humiliated, you see a single shooting star burning a fiery trail through the night sky, and wordlessly make a wish.'
  467. gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 20, 'rough', 'sub'
  468. gs 'arousal', 'end'
  469. gs 'stat'
  470. act 'Cry': gt $loc, $metka
  471. elseif fightEnding = 9:
  472. if pcs_health < 100: pcs_health = 100
  473. killvar 'autocombat_surrender'
  474. fightEnding = 0
  475. Loss += 1
  476. money = money / 2
  477. if fightPStats['Health'] = pcs_health:
  478. 'Your opponents demeanour is making you worried, they seem to have the overhand and you start doubting in yourself. Your opponent starts running towards you but before they strike you start yelling, "I give up! I give up!"'
  479. elseif fightPStats['Health'] > pcs_health/2:
  480. 'You thought you were going to win but now you know better, your opponent is just a better fighter than you, rather than take more of a beating before losing you decide desecration is the better part of valor, "You win, I can''t beat you."'
  481. else
  482. 'Your opponent is landing hit after hit and is superior. You''re meekly standing there taking every punch thrown at you. Before you know it you''re laying on the floor not wanting to get up even though you hear your opponent yelling that they''re not done yet. You raise your arm and shake it, signaling that you''ve had enough and are giving up.'
  483. end
  484. 'He grabs about half the cash in your purse and runs away.'
  485. act 'Get back on your feet': gt $loc, $metka
  486. exit
  487. elseif fightEnding = 10:
  488. killvar 'autocombat_surrender'
  489. fightEnding = 0
  490. grupvalue[4] -= 2
  491. if Loss < 0: Loss = 0
  492. '<center><img src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/dimka/revenge/girlbeatsguy2.jpg"></center>'
  493. if fightPStats['Health'] = pcs_health:
  494. 'What the fuck, <<$pcs_nickname>>?" Lera asks in an annoyed tone before sweeping Dimka''s legs out from under him. Lena and Lera proceed to kick and stomp Dimka until he starts begging them to stop.'
  495. 'After a few more hits, they get bored and check his pockets for cash. "10.000 rubles! Sweet!" They split the money among themselves leaving none for you.'
  496. 'Lena turns to you and says tauntingly, "You either need to learn how to fight or get used to serving us, little bunny." Before you can say anything, the bell rings for class.'
  497. elseif fightPStats['Health'] > pcs_health/2:
  498. '"That was pathetic, <<$pcs_nickname>>," Lera states in shock before sweeping Dimka''s legs out from under him. Lena and Lera proceed to kick and stomp Dimka until he starts begging them to stop.'
  499. 'After a few more hits, they get bored and check his pockets for cash. "10.000 rubles! Sweet!" They split the money among themselves leaving none for you.'
  500. 'Lena turns to you and says tauntingly, "You either need to learn how to fight or get used to serving us, little bunny." Before you can say anything, the bell rings for class.'
  501. else
  502. '"Where the hell did you learn how to fight, <<$pcs_nickname>>?" Lera asks in an annoyed tone before sweeping Dimka''s legs out from under him. Lena and Lera proceed to kick and stomp Dimka until he starts begging them to stop.'
  503. 'After a few more hits, they get bored and check his pockets for cash. "10.000 rubles! Sweet!" They split the money among themselves leaving none for you.'
  504. 'Lena turns to you and says tauntingly, "You either need to learn how to fight or get used to serving us, little bunny." Before you can say anything, the bell rings for class.'
  505. end
  506. if pcs_health < 100: pcs_health = 100
  507. act 'Continue': gt 'gschool_lessons', 'short_break'
  508. elseif fightEnding = 11:
  509. if autocombat_surrender = 0 or pcs_health < 100: pcs_health = 100
  510. killvar 'autocombat_surrender'
  511. fightEnding = 0
  512. Loss += 1
  513. 'They are very drunk and one of them shouts, "Loser has to fuck us all!".'
  514. 'Laughing at first but soon getting very serious they strip you naked and push you to the floor.'
  515. act 'Cry':gt'sexm','gangbang'
  516. elseif fightEnding = 12:
  517. killvar 'autocombat_surrender'
  518. fightEnding = 0
  519. zverRageQW = 10
  520. Loss += 1
  521. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/shared/sex/dom/spit.jpg"></center>'
  522. if fightPStats['Health'] = pcs_health:
  523. 'Just the mere thought of a fight, your knees go weak and you feel yourself being out of breath. Before even the first punch is thrown you raise up your hands and squeak out in fear, "Don''t hurt me, I give up."'
  524. elseif fightPStats['Health'] > pcs_health/2:
  525. 'A hard blow to your face stuns you a moment and you can feel blood running from you nose. Panic sets in as you fear getting your face messed up and you say, "You win, just stopping hitting me."'
  526. else
  527. 'You feel bruised and beaten by Christina. They are hitting you everywhere and you''re barely able to defend yourself. All of a sudden you lose your footing and land on your feet. Right there you decide that it''s not worth fighting on, "I give up..." you barely find the strength to whisper...'
  528. end
  529. 'Christina Zverev laughs a cruel laugh knowing she has won. She hisses angrily to you "Now I''ll make your life hell, slut!" She looks you in the eye and says, "Open your mouth bitch and stick your tongue out."'
  530. 'You comply and open your mouth with your tongue out. Without any hesitation Christina spits in your mouth and yells, "Swallow bitch!" The whole school see you swallow her spit.'
  531. 'Christina then again spits on you this time on your face. Christina seems satisfied as she turns around and walks away.'
  532. if pcs_health < 100: pcs_health = 100
  533. act 'Leave':gs 'gschool_grounds', 'main'
  534. elseif fightEnding = 13:
  535. if pcs_health < 100: pcs_health = 100
  536. killvar 'autocombat_surrender'
  537. fightEnding = 0
  538. Loss += 1
  539. 'The naked man laughs and advances toward you.'
  540. act 'Lose':gt 'stallion', 'rape'
  541. elseif fightEnding = 14:
  542. killvar 'autocombat_surrender'
  543. fightEnding = 0
  544. Loss += 1
  545. gs 'pain', 5, 'hair', 'stretch'
  546. '<<$streetev_title>>'
  547. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/shared/street/lostfight.jpg"></center>'
  548. if fightPStats['Health'] = pcs_health:
  549. 'Just the mere thought of a fight, your knees go weak and you feel yourself being out of breath. Before even the first punch is thrown you raise up your hands and squeak out in fear, "Don''t hurt me, I give up."'
  550. 'There is just too many of them. You yell, "We don''t need to fight. I''m giving up already!"'
  551. 'They circle around you pulling at your hair and calling you names before one of them spits in your face. After that they lose interest and wander off.'
  552. elseif fightPStats['Health'] > pcs_health/2:
  553. 'You are already feeling the pain of the blows, you can''t take it anymore. You throw up your hands, "Please stop! I give up."'
  554. 'They circle around you pulling at your hair and calling you names before one of them spits in your face. After that they lose interest and wander off.'
  555. else
  556. 'You thought this would be an easy win, but you were mistaken. Blow after blow rains down on you, you are so dazed you can barely see. You stumble and fall to the ground and decide to just stay there, "I give up, I can''t beat you."'
  557. 'They circle around you pulling at your hair and calling you names before one of them spits in your face. After that they lose interest and wander off.'
  558. end
  559. *nl
  560. 'With tears welling up you compose yourself as best as you can and gingerly walk away.'
  561. if pcs_health < 100: pcs_health = 100
  562. act 'Leave':streetrand=-1 & gt $loc
  563. end
  564. end
  565. --- ender ---------------------------------