123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193 |
- # more information can be found here http://sonata-project.org/bundles/page
- cmf_routing:
- chain:
- routers_by_id:
- # enable the DynamicRouter with high priority to allow overwriting configured routes with content
- #symfony_cmf_routing_extra.dynamic_router: 200
- # enable the symfony default router with a lower priority
- router.default: 150 # First chamilo/symfony2 router
- sonata.page.router: 100 # then the page router
- sonata_page:
- class:
- page: Chamilo\PageBundle\Entity\Page
- site: Chamilo\PageBundle\Entity\Site
- block: Chamilo\PageBundle\Entity\Block
- snapshot: Chamilo\PageBundle\Entity\Snapshot
- multisite: host_with_path # host
- use_streamed_response: false # set the value to false in debug mode or if the reverse proxy does not handle streamed response
- ignore_uri_patterns:
- - ^/administration(.*) # sonata admin
- - ^/admin(.*) # chamilo admin
- - ^/main(.*)
- - /(.*)/(.*)administration(.*)/
- - ^/api/(.*)
- - ^install
- - ^/install/(.*)
- - ^/packages/(.*)
- - ^/package/(.*)
- - install.php
- - install.php/(.*)
- - install.php/packages/(.*)
- - install.php/package/(.*)
- - install.php/(.*)/(.*)
- - ^/bundles/(.*)
- - ^/_wdt/(.*)
- - ^/_profiler/(.*)
- - ^/userportal
- - ^/userportal/(.*)
- - ^/js/(.*)
- - ^/faq/(.*)
- - ^/faq
- - ^/courses/(.*)
- - ^/front/editor
- - ^/contact(.*) # sonata admin
- - ^/cms/page/latest
- - ^/cms/page/latest/(.*)
- - ^/cms/page/blocks
- - ^/cms/page/blocks/(.*)
- - ^/css/themes/(.*)/(.*)/(.*)
- - ^/assets/(.*)/(.*)/(.*)
- ignore_route_patterns:
- - (.*)administration(.*) # ignore admin route, ie route containing 'admin' # sonata admin
- - ^_(.*) # ignore symfony routes
- - fos_user(.*)
- - sylius_flow(.*)
- ignore_routes:
- - home
- - elfinder
- - login
- - logout
- - fos_js_routing_js
- - _settings
- - main
- - sonata_page_cache_esi
- - sonata_page_cache_ssi
- - sonata_page_js_sync_cache
- - sonata_page_js_async_cache
- - sonata_cache_esi
- - sonata_cache_ssi
- - sonata_cache_js_async
- - sonata_cache_js_sync
- - sonata_cache_apc
- - chamilo_installer_flow
- - sylius_flow_start
- - sylius_flow_display
- - sylius_flow_forward
- - chamilo_core_user_user_mycourses
- - chamilo_page_page_getlatestpages
- - chamilo_page_page_getlatestblocks
- cache_invalidation:
- service: sonata.page.cache.invalidation.simple
- recorder: sonata.page.cache.recorder
- classes:
- "Chamilo\PageBundle\Entity\Block": getId
- assets:
- stylesheets:
- - assetic/sonata_front_css.css
- javascripts:
- - assetic/sonata_front_js.js
- default_template: default
- templates:
- default:
- path: 'ChamiloPageBundle::demo_layout.html.twig'
- # path: '::layout.html.twig'
- name: 'default'
- containers:
- header:
- name: Header
- content_top:
- name: Top content
- content:
- name: Main content
- content_bottom:
- name: Bottom content
- footer:
- name: Footer
- image_preview:
- name: Image preview
- matrix:
- layout: |
- mapping:
- H: header
- T: content_top
- C: content
- B: content_bottom
- F: footer
- I: image_preview
- 2columns:
- path: 'ChamiloPageBundle::demo_2columns_layout.html.twig'
- # path: '::layout.html.twig'
- name: '2 columns layout'
- containers:
- header:
- name: Header
- content_top:
- name: Top content
- left_col:
- name: Left content
- rigth_col:
- name: Right content
- content_bottom:
- name: Bottom content
- footer:
- name: Footer
- matrix:
- layout: |
- mapping:
- H: header
- T: content_top
- L: left_col
- R: rigth_col
- B: content_bottom
- F: footer
- page_defaults:
- homepage: { decorate: false, enabled: true }
- home: { decorate: false, enabled: true }
- caches:
- esi:
- token: add an unique token here # default is a random value
- version: 3 # version 3 is the default on debian wheezy ...
- servers:
- - %sonata_page.varnish.command% # you need to adapt this line to work with your configuration
- ssi:
- token: add an unique token here # default is a random value
- catch_exceptions:
- not_found: [404] # render 404 page with "not_found" key (name generated: _page_internal_error_{key})
- fatal: [500] # so you can use the same page for different http errors or specify specific page for each error
- # Enable Doctrine to map the provided entities
- doctrine:
- orm:
- entity_managers:
- default:
- mappings:
- ChamiloPageBundle: ~
- SonataPageBundle: ~