registration.feature 828 B

  1. Feature: User registration
  2. In order to enter the system
  3. I need to be able to create my account
  4. Scenario: Enter the registration form
  5. Given I am on the homepage
  6. Then I should see "Sign up"
  7. Then I follow "Sign up!"
  8. Then I should see "Registration"
  9. And I fill in the following:
  10. | firstname | user registration first name |
  11. | lastname | user registration last name |
  12. | email | |
  13. | official_code | user registration |
  14. | username | user_registration |
  15. | pass1 | user-registration |
  16. | pass2 | user-registration |
  17. And I press "Register"
  18. And wait for the page to be loaded
  19. Then I should see "Your personal settings have been registered"