moved @api-tags from Validator to ValidatorInterface
moved @api-tags from ConstraintViolation to the new ConstraintViolationInterface
moved @api-tags from ConstraintViolationList to the new ConstraintViolationListInterface
moved @api-tags from ExecutionContext to the new ExecutionContextInterface
[BC BREAK] ConstraintValidatorInterface::initialize is now type hinted against ExecutionContextInterface instead of ExecutionContext
[BC BREAK] changed the visibility of the properties in Validator from protected to private
deprecated ClassMetadataFactoryInterface in favor of the new MetadataFactoryInterface
deprecated ClassMetadataFactory::getClassMetadata in favor of getMetadataFor
created MetadataInterface, PropertyMetadataInterface, ClassBasedInterface and PropertyMetadataContainerInterface
deprecated GraphWalker in favor of the new ValidationVisitorInterface
deprecated ExecutionContext::addViolationAtPath
deprecated ExecutionContext::addViolationAtSubPath in favor of ExecutionContextInterface::addViolationAt
deprecated ExecutionContext::getCurrentClass in favor of ExecutionContextInterface::getClassName
deprecated ExecutionContext::getCurrentProperty in favor of ExecutionContextInterface::getPropertyName
deprecated ExecutionContext::getCurrentValue in favor of ExecutionContextInterface::getValue
deprecated ExecutionContext::getGraphWalker in favor of ExecutionContextInterface::validate and ExecutionContextInterface::validateValue
improved ValidatorInterface::validateValue to accept arrays of constraints
changed ValidatorInterface::getMetadataFactory to return a MetadataFactoryInterface instead of a ClassMetadataFactoryInterface
removed ClassMetadataFactoryInterface type hint from ValidatorBuilderInterface::setMetadataFactory.
As of Symfony 2.3, this method will be typed against MetadataFactoryInterface instead.
[BC BREAK] the switches traverse and deep in the Valid constraint and in GraphWalker::walkReference
are ignored for arrays now. Arrays are always traversed recursively.
added dependency to Translation component
violation messages are now translated with a TranslatorInterface implementation
[BC BREAK] inserted argument $message in the constructor of ConstraintViolation
[BC BREAK] inserted arguments $translator and $translationDomain in the constructor of ExecutionContext
[BC BREAK] inserted arguments $translator and $translationDomain in the constructor of GraphWalker
[BC BREAK] inserted arguments $translator and $translationDomain in the constructor of ValidationVisitor
[BC BREAK] inserted arguments $translator and $translationDomain in the constructor of Validator
[BC BREAK] added setTranslator() and setTranslationDomain() to ValidatorBuilderInterface
improved the Validator to support pluralized messages by default
[BC BREAK] changed the source of all pluralized messages in the translation files to the pluralized version
added ExceptionInterface, BadMethodCallException and InvalidArgumentException
added support for ctype_* assertions in TypeValidator
improved the ImageValidator with min width, max width, min height, and max height constraints
added support for MIME with wildcard in FileValidator
changed Collection validator to add "missing" and "extra" errors to
individual fields
changed default value for extraFieldsMessage and missingFieldsMessage
in Collection constraint
made ExecutionContext immutable
deprecated Constraint methods setMessage, getMessageTemplate and
added support for dynamic group sequences with the GroupSequenceProvider pattern
[BC BREAK] ConstraintValidatorInterface method isValid has been renamed to
validate, its return value was dropped. ConstraintValidator still contains
isValid for BC
[BC BREAK] collections in fields annotated with Valid are not traversed
recursively anymore by default. Valid contains a new property deep
which enables the BC behavior.
added Count constraint
added Length constraint
added Range constraint
deprecated the Min and Max constraints
deprecated the MinLength and MaxLength constraints
added Validation and ValidatorBuilderInterface
deprecated ValidatorContext, ValidatorContextInterface and ValidatorFactory