Julio Montoya 7464887946 Updating vendors 11 gadi atpakaļ
Bundle 3a484b8d25 Updating vendors 11 gadi atpakaļ
CacheClearer 32682a9ca8 Updating vendor 12 gadi atpakaļ
CacheWarmer 32682a9ca8 Updating vendor 12 gadi atpakaļ
Config 224a0e666e Updating vendors 11 gadi atpakaļ
Controller 224a0e666e Updating vendors 11 gadi atpakaļ
DataCollector 7464887946 Updating vendors 11 gadi atpakaļ
Debug 224a0e666e Updating vendors 11 gadi atpakaļ
DependencyInjection 7464887946 Updating vendors 11 gadi atpakaļ
Event 7464887946 Updating vendors 11 gadi atpakaļ
EventListener 7464887946 Updating vendors 11 gadi atpakaļ
Exception 224a0e666e Updating vendors 11 gadi atpakaļ
Fragment 7464887946 Updating vendors 11 gadi atpakaļ
HttpCache 224a0e666e Updating vendors 11 gadi atpakaļ
Log 8b76813307 Adding web profiler provider 12 gadi atpakaļ
Profiler 7464887946 Updating vendors 11 gadi atpakaļ
Tests 7464887946 Updating vendors 11 gadi atpakaļ
CHANGELOG.md 224a0e666e Updating vendors 11 gadi atpakaļ
Client.php 7464887946 Updating vendors 11 gadi atpakaļ
HttpKernel.php 321ce65f18 Updating vendors 11 gadi atpakaļ
HttpKernelInterface.php 32682a9ca8 Updating vendor 12 gadi atpakaļ
Kernel.php 7464887946 Updating vendors 11 gadi atpakaļ
KernelEvents.php 32682a9ca8 Updating vendor 12 gadi atpakaļ
KernelInterface.php 8b76813307 Adding web profiler provider 12 gadi atpakaļ
LICENSE 32682a9ca8 Updating vendor 12 gadi atpakaļ
README.md 7464887946 Updating vendors 11 gadi atpakaļ
TerminableInterface.php 32682a9ca8 Updating vendor 12 gadi atpakaļ
UriSigner.php 8b76813307 Adding web profiler provider 12 gadi atpakaļ
composer.json 321ce65f18 Updating vendors 11 gadi atpakaļ
phpunit.xml.dist 8b76813307 Adding web profiler provider 12 gadi atpakaļ


HttpKernel Component

HttpKernel provides the building blocks to create flexible and fast HTTP-based frameworks.

HttpKernelInterface is the core interface of the Symfony2 full-stack framework:

interface HttpKernelInterface
     * Handles a Request to convert it to a Response.
     * @param  Request $request A Request instance
     * @return Response A Response instance
    function handle(Request $request, $type = self::MASTER_REQUEST, $catch = true);

It takes a Request as an input and should return a Response as an output. Using this interface makes your code compatible with all frameworks using the Symfony2 components. And this will give you many cool features for free.

Creating a framework based on the Symfony2 components is really easy. Here is a very simple, but fully-featured framework based on the Symfony2 components:

$routes = new RouteCollection();
$routes->add('hello', new Route('/hello', array('_controller' =>
    function (Request $request) {
        return new Response(sprintf("Hello %s", $request->get('name')));

$request = Request::createFromGlobals();

$context = new RequestContext();

$matcher = new UrlMatcher($routes, $context);

$dispatcher = new EventDispatcher();
$dispatcher->addSubscriber(new RouterListener($matcher));

$resolver = new ControllerResolver();

$kernel = new HttpKernel($dispatcher, $resolver);


This is all you need to create a flexible framework with the Symfony2 components.

Want to add an HTTP reverse proxy and benefit from HTTP caching and Edge Side Includes?

$kernel = new HttpKernel($dispatcher, $resolver);

$kernel = new HttpCache($kernel, new Store(__DIR__.'/cache'));

Want to functional test this small framework?

$client = new Client($kernel);
$crawler = $client->request('GET', '/hello/Fabien');

$this->assertEquals('Fabien', $crawler->filter('p > span')->text());

Want nice error pages instead of ugly PHP exceptions?

$dispatcher->addSubscriber(new ExceptionListener(function (Request $request) {
    $msg = 'Something went wrong! ('.$request->get('exception')->getMessage().')';

    return new Response($msg, 500);

And that's why the simple looking HttpKernelInterface is so powerful. It gives you access to a lot of cool features, ready to be used out of the box, with no efforts.


You can run the unit tests with the following command:

$ cd path/to/Symfony/Component/HttpKernel/
$ composer.phar install
$ phpunit