deprecated FormPerformanceTestCase and FormIntegrationTestCase in the Symfony\Component\Form\Tests namespace and moved them to the Symfony\Component\Form\Test namespace
deprecated TypeTestCase in the Symfony\Component\Form\Tests\Extension\Core\Type namespace and moved it to the Symfony\Component\Form\Test namespace
changed FormRenderer::humanize() to humanize also camel cased field name
added RequestHandlerInterface and FormInterface::handleRequest()
deprecated passing a Request instance to FormInterface::bind()
added options "method" and "action" to FormType
deprecated option "virtual" in favor "inherit_data"
deprecated VirtualFormAwareIterator in favor of InheritDataAwareIterator
[BC BREAK] removed the "array" type hint from DataMapperInterface
improved forms inheriting their parent data to actually return that data from getData(), getNormData() and getViewData()
added component-level exceptions for various SPL exceptions
changed all uses of the deprecated Exception class to use more specialized exceptions instead
removed NotInitializedException, NotValidException, TypeDefinitionException, TypeLoaderException, CreationException
deprecated events PRE_BIND, BIND and POST_BIND
[BC BREAK] renamed bind() and isBound() in FormInterface to submit() and isSubmitted()
added methods submit() and isSubmitted() to Form
deprecated bind() and isBound() in Form
deprecated AlreadyBoundException in favor of AlreadySubmittedException
added support for PATCH requests
[BC BREAK] added initialize() to FormInterface
[BC BREAK] added getAutoInitialize() to FormConfigInterface
[BC BREAK] added setAutoInitialize() to FormConfigBuilderInterface
[BC BREAK] initialization for Form instances added to a form tree must be manually disabled
PRE_SET_DATA is now guaranteed to be called after children were added by the form builder,
unless FormInterface::setData() is called manually
fixed CSRF error message to be translated
custom CSRF error messages can now be set through the "csrf_message" option
fixed: expanded single-choice fields now show a radio button for the empty value
TrimListener now removes unicode whitespaces
deprecated getParent(), setParent() and hasParent() in FormBuilderInterface
FormInterface::add() now accepts a FormInterface instance OR a field's name, type and options
removed special characters between the choice or text fields of DateType unless
the option "format" is set to a custom value
deprecated FormException and introduced ExceptionInterface instead
[BC BREAK] FormException is now an interface
protected FormBuilder methods from being called when it is turned into a FormConfigInterface with getFormConfig()
[BC BREAK] inserted argument $message in the constructor of FormError
the PropertyPath class and related classes were moved to a dedicated
PropertyAccess component. During the move, InvalidPropertyException was
renamed to NoSuchPropertyException. FormUtil was split: FormUtil::singularify()
can now be found in Symfony\Component\PropertyAccess\StringUtil. The methods
getValue() and setValue() from PropertyPath were extracted into a new class
added an optional PropertyAccessorInterface parameter to FormType,
ObjectChoiceList and PropertyPathMapper
[BC BREAK] PropertyPathMapper and FormType now have a constructor
[BC BREAK] setting the option "validation_groups" to false now disables validation
instead of assuming group "Default"
[BC BREAK] read_only field attribute now renders as readonly="readonly", use disabled instead
[BC BREAK] child forms now aren't validated anymore by default
made validation of form children configurable (new option: cascade_validation)
added support for validation groups as callbacks
made the translation catalogue configurable via the "translation_domain" option
added Form::getErrorsAsString() to help debugging forms
allowed setting different options for RepeatedType fields (like the label)
added support for empty form name at root level, this enables rendering forms
without form name prefix in field names
[BC BREAK] form and field names must start with a letter, digit or underscore
and only contain letters, digits, underscores, hyphens and colons
[BC BREAK] changed default name of the prototype in the "collection" type
from "$$name$$" to "_name_". No dollars are appended/prepended to custom
names anymore.
[BC BREAK] improved ChoiceListInterface
[BC BREAK] added SimpleChoiceList and LazyChoiceList as replacement of
added ChoiceList and ObjectChoiceList to use objects as choices
[BC BREAK] removed EntitiesToArrayTransformer and EntityToIdTransformer.
The former has been replaced by CollectionToArrayTransformer in combination
with EntityChoiceList, the latter is not required in the core anymore.
[BC BREAK] renamed
ArrayToBooleanChoicesTransformer to ChoicesToBooleanArrayTransformer
ScalarToBooleanChoicesTransformer to ChoiceToBooleanArrayTransformer
ArrayToChoicesTransformer to ChoicesToValuesTransformer
ScalarToChoiceTransformer to ChoiceToValueTransformer
to be consistent with the naming in ChoiceListInterface.
They were merged into ChoiceList and have no public equivalent anymore.
choice fields now throw a FormException if neither the "choices" nor the
"choice_list" option is set
the radio type is now a child of the checkbox type
the collection, choice (with multiple selection) and entity (with multiple
selection) types now make use of addXxx() and removeXxx() methods in your
model if you set "by_reference" to false. For a custom, non-recognized
singular form, set the "property_path" option like this: "plural|singular"
forms now don't create an empty object anymore if they are completely
empty and not required. The empty value for such forms is null.
added constant Guess::VERY_HIGH_CONFIDENCE
[BC BREAK] The methods add, remove, setParent, bind and setData
in class Form now throw an exception if the form is already bound
fields of constrained classes without a NotBlank or NotNull constraint are
set to not required now, as stated in the docs
fixed TimeType and DateTimeType to not display seconds when "widget" is
"single_text" unless "with_seconds" is set to true
checkboxes of in an expanded multiple-choice field don't include the choice
in their name anymore. Their names terminate with "[]" now.
deprecated FormValidatorInterface and substituted its implementations
by event subscribers
simplified CSRF protection and removed the csrf type
deprecated FieldType and merged it into FormType
added new option "compound" that lets you switch between field and form behavior
[BC BREAK] renamed theme blocks
"field*" to "form*"
"field_widget" to "form_widget_simple"
"widget_choice_options" to "choice_widget_options"
"generic_label" to "form_label"
added theme blocks "form_widget_compound", "choice_widget_expanded" and
"choice_widget_collapsed" to make theming more modular
ValidatorTypeGuesser now guesses "collection" for array type constraint
added method guessPattern to FormTypeGuesserInterface to guess which pattern to use in the HTML5 attribute "pattern"
deprecated method guessMinLength in favor of guessPattern
labels don't display field attributes anymore. Label attributes can be
passed in the "label_attr" option/variable
added option "mapped" which should be used instead of setting "property_path" to false
[BC BREAK] "data_class" now must be set if a form maps to an object and should be left empty otherwise
improved error mapping on forms
dot (".") rules are now allowed to map errors assigned to a form to
one of its children
errors are not mapped to unsynchronized forms anymore
[BC BREAK] changed Form constructor to accept a single FormConfigInterface object
[BC BREAK] changed argument order in the FormBuilder constructor
added Form method getViewData
deprecated Form methods
added FormBuilder methods
deprecated FormBuilder methods
deprecated the option "validation_constraint" in favor of the new
option "constraints"
removed superfluous methods from DataMapperInterface
added setDefaultOptions to FormTypeInterface and FormTypeExtensionInterface
which accepts an OptionsResolverInterface instance
deprecated the methods getDefaultOptions and getAllowedOptionValues
in FormTypeInterface and FormTypeExtensionInterface
options passed during construction can now be accessed from FormConfigInterface
added FormBuilderInterface and FormConfigEditorInterface
[BC BREAK] the method buildForm in FormTypeInterface and FormTypeExtensionInterface
now receives a FormBuilderInterface instead of a FormBuilder instance
[BC BREAK] the method buildViewBottomUp was renamed to finishView in
FormTypeInterface and FormTypeExtensionInterface
[BC BREAK] the options array is now passed as last argument of the
in FormTypeInterface and FormTypeExtensionInterface
[BC BREAK] no options are passed to getParent of FormTypeInterface anymore
deprecated DataEvent and FilterDataEvent in favor of the new FormEvent which is
now passed to all events thrown by the component
FormEvents::BIND now replaces FormEvents::BIND_NORM_DATA
FormEvents::PRE_SET_DATA now replaces FormEvents::SET_DATA
FormEvents::PRE_BIND now replaces FormEvents::BIND_CLIENT_DATA
deprecated FormEvents::SET_DATA, FormEvents::BIND_CLIENT_DATA and
[BC BREAK] reversed the order of the first two arguments to createNamed
and createNamedBuilder in FormFactoryInterface
deprecated getChildren in Form and FormBuilder in favor of all
deprecated hasChildren in Form and FormBuilder in favor of count
FormBuilder now implements \IteratorAggregate
[BC BREAK] compound forms now always need a data mapper
FormBuilder now maintains the order when explicitly adding form builders as children
ChoiceType now doesn't add the empty value anymore if the choices already contain an empty element
DateType, TimeType and DateTimeType now show empty values again if not required
[BC BREAK] fixed rendering of errors for DateType, BirthdayType and similar ones
[BC BREAK] fixed: form constraints are only validated if they belong to the validated group
deprecated bindRequest in Form and replaced it by a listener to FormEvents::PRE_BIND
fixed: the "data" option supersedes default values from the model
changed DateType to refer to the "format" option for calculating the year and day choices instead
of padding them automatically
[BC BREAK] DateType defaults to the format "yyyy-MM-dd" now if the widget is
"single_text", in order to support the HTML 5 date field out of the box
added the option "format" to DateTimeType
[BC BREAK] DateTimeType now outputs RFC 3339 dates by default, as generated and
consumed by HTML5 browsers, if the widget is "single_text"
deprecated the options "data_timezone" and "user_timezone" in DateType, DateTimeType and TimeType
and renamed them to "model_timezone" and "view_timezone"
fixed: TransformationFailedExceptions thrown in the model transformer are now caught by the form
added FormRegistryInterface, ResolvedFormTypeInterface and ResolvedFormTypeFactoryInterface
deprecated FormFactory methods
[BC BREAK] FormFactory now expects a FormRegistryInterface and a ResolvedFormTypeFactoryInterface as constructor argument
[BC BREAK] The method createBuilder in FormTypeInterface is not supported anymore for performance reasons
[BC BREAK] Removed setTypes from FormBuilder
deprecated AbstractType methods
ChoiceType now caches its created choice lists to improve performance
[BC BREAK] Rows of a collection field cannot be themed individually anymore. All rows in the collection
field now have the same block names, which contains "entry" where it previously contained the row index.
[BC BREAK] When registering a type through the DI extension, the tag alias has to match the actual type name.
added FormRendererInterface, FormRendererEngineInterface and implementations of these interfaces
[BC BREAK] removed the following methods from FormUtil:
[BC BREAK] renamed method renderBlock in FormHelper to block and changed its signature
made FormView properties public and deprecated their accessor methods
made the normalized data of a form accessible in the template through the variable ""
made the original data of a choice accessible in the template through the property ""
added convenience class Forms and FormFactoryBuilderInterface