- {% include app.template_style ~ "/layout/main_header.tpl" %}
- {#
- show_header and show_footer templates are only called when using the Display::display_header and Display::display_footer
- for backward compatibility we suppose that the default layout is one column which means using a div with class span12
- #}
- {% if app.template.show_header == true %}
- {% if plugin_content_top is not null %}
- <div id="plugin_content_top" class="span12">
- {{ plugin_content_top }}
- </div>
- {% endif %}
- <div class="span12">
- {% include app.template_style ~ "/layout/page_body.tpl" %}
- {% block main_content_section_block %}<section id="main_content">{% endblock main_content_section_block %}
- {% endif %}