english.php 20 KB

  1. <?php
  2. //Needed in order to show the plugin title
  3. $strings['plugin_title'] = "SEPE manager";
  4. $strings['sepe_enable'] = "SEPE enable";
  5. $strings['plugin_comment'] = "Configuration of the formative actions of SEPE.";
  6. $strings['Options'] = "Options";
  7. $strings['Setting'] = "Setting";
  8. $strings['sepe_url'] = "URL SEPE";
  9. $strings['DataCenter'] = "Identification data of the center";
  10. $strings['DataCenterEdit'] = "Formulario datos identificativos del centro";
  11. $strings['FormativeActionsForm'] = "Form identifying data of the center";
  12. $strings['ActionsList'] = "Actions list";
  13. $strings['DeleteAction'] = "Delete actions";
  14. $strings['FormativesActionsList'] = "Formative actions list";
  15. $strings['FormativeActionData'] = "Formative action data";
  16. $strings['FormativeAction'] = "Formative action";
  17. $strings['FormativeActionParticipant'] = "Participant of the formative action";
  18. $strings['NewParticipantAction'] = "New participant form";
  19. $strings['EditParticipantAction'] = "Participant Action form";
  20. $strings['SpecialtyFormativeParcipant'] = "Participant specialty";
  21. $strings['NewSpecialtyParticipant'] = "New participant specialty form";
  22. $strings['EditSpecialtyParticipant'] = "Participant specialty form";
  23. $strings['ActionId'] = "Action Id";
  24. $strings['Delete'] = "Delete";
  25. $strings['Edit'] = "Edit";
  26. $strings['Unlink'] = "Unlink";
  27. $strings['SeeOrEdit'] = "View or edit";
  28. $strings['NoFormativeActionToCourse'] = "No action formative relation a course.";
  29. $strings['CourseFreeOfFormativeAction'] = "Course free of actions formative";
  30. $strings['SelectAction'] = "Select action";
  31. $strings['AssignAction'] = "Assign action";
  32. $strings['CreateAction'] = "Create action";
  33. $strings['ActionIdentifier'] = "Action identifier";
  34. $strings['ActionOrigin'] = "Action origin";
  35. $strings['ActionCode'] = "Action code";
  36. $strings['Situation'] = "Situation";
  37. $strings['MainSpecialtyIdentifier'] = "Main specialty identifier";
  38. $strings['SpecialtyOrigin'] = "Specialty origin";
  39. $strings['ProfessionalArea'] = "Professional area";
  40. $strings['SpecialtyCode'] = "Specialty code";
  41. $strings['Duration'] = "Duration";
  42. $strings['Unspecified'] = "";
  43. $strings['StartDate'] = "Start date";
  44. $strings['EndDate'] = "End date";
  45. $strings['FullItineraryIndicator'] = "Full itinerary indicator";
  46. $strings['FinancingType'] = "Financing type";
  47. $strings['AttendeesCount'] = "Attendees Count";
  48. $strings['DescriptionAction'] = "Action formative description";
  49. $strings['NameAction'] = "Action formative name";
  50. $strings['GlobalInfo'] = "General information";
  51. $strings['Schedule'] = "Schedule";
  52. $strings['Requirements'] = "Requirements";
  53. $strings['ContactAction'] = "Action contact";
  54. $strings['NoFormativeAction'] = "No info of action formative";
  55. $strings['Specialtys'] = "specialtys";
  56. $strings['CreateSpecialty'] = "Create specialty";
  57. $strings['Specialty'] = "Specialty";
  58. $strings['Participants'] = "Participants";
  59. $strings['CreateParticipant'] = "Create participant";
  60. $strings['Participant'] = "Participant";
  61. $strings['NumHoursFormativeAction'] = "Number hours formative action.";
  62. $strings['StartDateMessage'] = "Formative action start date.";
  63. $strings['EndDateMessage'] = "Formative action end date";
  64. $strings['FullItineraryIndicatorMessage'] = "Indicates if the training action is imparted in full.";
  65. $strings['FinancingTypeMessage'] = "Origin of the economic endowment.";
  66. $strings['AttendeesCountMessage'] = "Number of places offered.";
  67. $strings['NameActionMessage'] = "Name or brief description of the formative action.";
  68. $strings['GlobalInfoMessage'] = "Brief descriptive text of the objectives, contents and structure of the training action.";
  69. $strings['ScheduleMessage'] = "Brief text that indicates the time period during which the training action takes place.";
  70. $strings['RequirementsMessage'] = "Short text that specifies the requirements of access to training.";
  71. $strings['ContactActionMessage'] = "Telephone, website or email address through which to obtain specific and detailed information about the training action.";
  72. $strings['NoSaveChange'] = "No save change";
  73. $strings['SaveChange'] = "Success save change";
  74. $strings['NoExistsCourse'] = "[formative-action-edit.php] - The course to which the training action is associated does not exist";
  75. $strings['NoSaveSeleccion'] = "[formative-action-edit.php] - Failed to save selection";
  76. $strings['Actions'] = "Action";
  77. $strings['SaveChanges'] = "Save changes";
  78. $strings['Reset'] = "Reset";
  79. $strings['formativeActionNew'] = "Form create formative action";
  80. $strings['formativeActionEdit'] = "Form formative action";
  81. $strings['NewSpecialtyAccion'] = "Form create specialty formative action";
  82. $strings['EditSpecialtyAccion'] = "Form edit specialty formative action";
  83. $strings['SpecialtyFormativeAction'] = "Specialty formative action";
  84. $strings['SpecialtyIdentifier'] = "Specialty identifier";
  85. $strings['DeliveryCenter'] = "Delivery Center";
  86. $strings['CenterOrigin'] = "Center origin";
  87. $strings['CenterCode'] = "Center code";
  88. $strings['SpecialtyStartDateMessage'] = "Start date formative specialty.";
  89. $strings['SpecialtyEndDateMessage'] = "End date formative specialty.";
  90. $strings['ModalityImpartition'] = "Modality impartition";
  91. $strings['ModalityImpartitionMessage'] = "Mode of delivery of the training specialty of the action.";
  92. $strings['DurationData'] = "Duration data";
  93. $strings['ClassroomHours'] = "Classroom Hours";
  94. $strings['ClassroomHoursMessage'] = "Number of hours taken in person.";
  95. $strings['DistanceHours'] = "Teletraining hours";
  96. $strings['DistanceHoursMessage'] = "Number of hours realized through teletraining.";
  97. $strings['ClassroomSessionCenter'] = "Classroom session center";
  98. $strings['ClassroomSessionCenterMessage'] = "You must save your changes before you create a classroom center";
  99. $strings['CreateClassroomCenter'] = "Create classroom center";
  100. $strings['ClassroomCenter'] = "Classroom center";
  101. $strings['TrainingTutors'] = "Training tutors";
  102. $strings['TrainingTutorsMessage'] = "You must save your changes before you create a new training tutor.";
  103. $strings['CreateTrainingTutor'] = "Create training tutor";
  104. $strings['TrainingTutor'] = "Training tutor";
  105. $strings['ContentUse'] = "Content use";
  106. $strings['MorningSchedule'] = "Morning schedule";
  107. $strings['MorningScheduleMessage'] = "The time period between 7:00 and 15:00 hours will be considered.";
  108. $strings['ParticipantsNumber'] = "Participant number";
  109. $strings['AccessNumber'] = "Access number";
  110. $strings['TotalDuration'] = "Total duration";
  111. $strings['AfternoonSchedule'] = "Afternoon schedule";
  112. $strings['AfternoonScheduleMessage'] = "The time period between 15:00 and 23:00 hours will be considered.";
  113. $strings['NightSchedule'] = "Night schedule";
  114. $strings['NightScheduleMessage'] = "The time period between 23:00 and 7:00 hours will be considered.";
  115. $strings['MonitoringAndEvaluation'] = "Monitoring and evaluation";
  116. $strings['LearningActivityCount'] = "Learning activity number";
  117. $strings['AttemptCount'] = "Attempt count";
  118. $strings['EvaluationActivityCount'] = "Evaluation activity number";
  119. $strings['UseExistingCenter'] = "Use existing center";
  120. $strings['Center'] = "Center";
  121. $strings['CreateNewCenter'] = "Create a new center";
  122. $strings['UseExisting'] = "Use existing";
  123. $strings['CenterList'] = "Centers list";
  124. $strings['NewSpecialtyClassroom'] = "Form create classroom";
  125. $strings['EditSpecialtyClassroom'] = "Form edit classroom";
  126. $strings['NewSpecialtyTutor'] = "Form create a new tutor";
  127. $strings['EditSpecialtyTutor'] = "Form tutor";
  128. $strings['UseExistingTutor'] = "Use tutor existing";
  129. $strings['CreateNewTutor'] = "Create new tutor";
  130. $strings['TutorsList'] = "Tutors list";
  131. $strings['Tutor'] = "Tutor";
  132. $strings['TutorTrainer'] = "Tutor - Trainer";
  133. $strings['TutorIdentifier'] = "Tutor identifier";
  134. $strings['DocumentType'] = "Document type";
  135. $strings['DocumentNumber'] = "Document number";
  136. $strings['DocumentLetter'] = "Document letter";
  137. $strings['DocumentFormatMessage'] = "The field \"document number\" have a length of 10 alphanumeric characters.
  138. <table id=\"sepe-tbl-info-fiscal-number\">
  139. <tr><th>Tipo</th><th>Número</th><th>Fiscal letter</th></tr>
  140. <tr><td>D</td><td>bbN8</td><td>L</td></tr>
  141. <tr><td>E</td><td>bbXN7<br />bbYN7<br />bbZN7</td><td>L<br />L<br />L</td></tr>
  142. <tr><td>U</td><td>bbN8</td><td>L</td></tr>
  143. <tr><td>W</td><td>bbN8</td><td>L</td></tr>
  144. <tr><td>G</td><td>N10</td><td>L</td></tr>
  145. <tr><td>H</td><td>bbN8</td><td>L</td></tr>
  146. </table>";
  147. $strings['TutorAccreditation'] = "Tutor accreditation";
  148. $strings['TutorAccreditationMessage'] = "Qualification or certification of the academic or professional formation that possesses.";
  149. $strings['ProfessionalExperience'] = "Professional experience";
  150. $strings['ProfessionalExperienceMessage'] = "Duration (years) of professional experience in the field of competences related to the training module.";
  151. $strings['TeachingCompetence'] = "Teaching competence";
  152. $strings['ExperienceTeleforming'] = "Experience teleforming";
  153. $strings['ExperienceTeleformingMessage'] = "An integer equivalent to the duration (in hours) of teaching experience in the mode of teletraining.";
  154. $strings['TrainingTeleforming'] = "Training modality e-learning";
  155. $strings['PlatformTeacher'] = "Professor course on the platform";
  156. $strings['Teacher'] = "Teacher";
  157. $strings['Student'] = "Student";
  158. $strings['RequiredTutorField'] = "The tutor dentifier fields are mandatory";
  159. $strings['SelectUserExistsMessage'] = "Select a tutor from the list or select Create new tutor";
  160. $strings['DocumentTypeD'] = "D - National identity document (DNI)";
  161. $strings['DocumentTypeE'] = "E - Foreign Identity Number (NIE)";
  162. $strings['DocumentTypeU'] = "U - Conventional identification for citizens of the European Economic Area without NIE";
  163. $strings['DocumentTypeG'] = "G - People deprived of their liberty";
  164. $strings['DocumentTypeW'] = "W - Conventional identification for citizens who do not belong to the European Economic Area and without NIE";
  165. $strings['DocumentTypeH'] = "H - Conventional identification of Persons who have not been able to be adequate in the process of adequacy of data";
  166. $strings['TeachingCompetence01'] = "Certificate of professionalism in vocational training for employment";
  167. $strings['TeachingCompetence02'] = "Certificate of professionalism of occupational trainer";
  168. $strings['TeachingCompetence03'] = "Certificate of Pedagogical Aptitude or professional title of Didactic Specialization or Certificate of Pedagogical Qualification";
  169. $strings['TeachingCompetence04'] = "Master's degree";
  170. $strings['TeachingCompetence05'] = "Training course equivalent to pedagogical and didactic training";
  171. $strings['TeachingCompetence06'] = "Experienced teaching experience of at least 600 hours of training courses";
  172. $strings['TrainingTeleforming01'] = "Certificate of professionalism in vocational training for employment";
  173. $strings['TrainingTeleforming02'] = "Accreditation partial cumulative corresponding to the training module MF1444_3";
  174. $strings['TrainingTeleforming03'] = "Diploma issued by the competent labor administration certifying that the training has passed with a positive evaluation, lasting no less than 30 hours";
  175. $strings['TrainingTeleforming04'] = "Diploma certifying that training actions, of at least 30 hours duration";
  176. $strings['UserPlatformList'] = "List of course users on the platform";
  177. $strings['ParticipantIdentifier'] = "Participant ID";
  178. $strings['CompetenceKey'] = "Indicator of key competences";
  179. $strings['TrainingAgreement'] = "Training agreement";
  180. $strings['ContractId'] = "Contract ID";
  181. $strings['ContractIdMessage'] = "<em class='alert alert-info mensaje_info mtop5'>14-point alphanumeric data consisting of the concatenation of:<br />
  182. <ul>
  183. <li> 1 alphabetical position indicating the agency that assigned the contract identifier. Currently always state \"E\".</li>
  184. <li> 2 numeric positions with the province code.</li>
  185. <li> 4 numeric positions with the year of the contract.</li>
  186. <li> 7 numeric positions with the sequential number assigned to the contract in the province and year.</li>
  187. </ul>
  188. </em>";
  189. $strings['CompanyFiscalNumber'] = "Company fiscal number";
  190. $strings['TutorIdCompany'] = "Company tutor ID";
  191. $strings['CompanyTutorsList'] = "Company tutors list";
  192. $strings['CreateNewTutorCompany'] = "Create a new company tutor";
  193. $strings['Name'] = "Name";
  194. $strings['TutorIdTraining'] = "Training tutor ID";
  195. $strings['TrainingTutorsList'] = "Training tutors list";
  196. $strings['CreateNewTutorTraining'] = "Create a new training tutor";
  197. $strings['SpecialtiesParcipant'] = "Participant specialties";
  198. $strings['SpecialtiesParcipantMessage'] = "You must save the changes before creating a specialty to the participant.";
  199. $strings['RegistrationDate'] = "Registration date";
  200. $strings['RegistrationDateMessage'] = "Registration date to access the specialty of the training action.";
  201. $strings['LeavingDate'] = "Leaving date";
  202. $strings['LeavingDateMessage'] = "Leaving date to access the specialty of the training action.";
  203. $strings['ClassroomTutorials'] = "Classroom tutorials";
  204. $strings['ClassroomTutorialsMessage'] = "You must save your changes before you create a classroom tutoring center";
  205. $strings['CreateClassroomTutorial'] = "Create classroom tutorial";
  206. $strings['ClassroomTutorial'] = "Classroom tutorial";
  207. $strings['FinalEvaluation'] = "Final evaluation";
  208. $strings['FinalEvaluationClassroom'] = "Final evaluation Classroom";
  209. $strings['StartDateMessageEvaluation'] = "Start date final evaluation.";
  210. $strings['EndDateMessageEvaluation'] = "End date final evaluation.";
  211. $strings['Results'] = "Results";
  212. $strings['FinalResult'] = "Final results";
  213. $strings['Initiated'] = "0 - Started";
  214. $strings['LeavePlacement'] = "1 - Leave for placement";
  215. $strings['AbandonOtherReasons'] = "2 - Abandon for other reasons";
  216. $strings['EndsPositiveEvaluation'] = "3 - Ends with positive evaluation";
  217. $strings['EndsNegativeEvaluation'] = "4 - Ends with negative evaluation";
  218. $strings['EndsNoEvaluation'] = "5 - Finish without evaluating";
  219. $strings['FreeEvaluation'] = "6 - Free evaluation";
  220. $strings['Exempt'] = "7 - Exempt";
  221. $strings['FinalResultMessage'] = "Value that indicates the situation of the participant and the result achieved by the participant in the specialty of the training action.<br />
  222. You can take the values ​​of:<br />
  223. <ul>
  224. <li>0 – Started</li>
  225. <li>1 – Leave for placement</li>
  226. <li>2 – Abandon for other reasons</li>
  227. <li>3 – Ends with positive evaluation</li>
  228. <li>4 – Ends with negative evaluation</li>
  229. <li>5 – Finish without evaluating</li>
  230. <li>6 – Free evaluation.</li>
  231. <li>7 – Exempt.</li>
  232. </ul>";
  233. $strings['FinalQualification'] = "Final qualification";
  234. $strings['FinalQualificationMessage'] = "Score obtained in the final evaluation test of the module (regardless of the call in which it was obtained) reflecting, where appropriate, the scores corresponding to the formative units that compose it.
  235. It adopts a value between 5 and 10, registering with four digits to accommodate the decimal scores (for example, the rating 7.6 should register as 760).";
  236. $strings['FinalScore'] = "Final Score";
  237. $strings['FinalScoreMessage'] = "Sum of the average score obtained in the evaluation during the learning process, and the score obtained in the final evaluation test of the module, previously weighted with a weight of 30 percent and 70 percent, respectively.
  238. It adopts a value between 5 and 10, which can not be less than 5, nor inferior to that obtained in the final evaluation test. <br />
  239. It is recorded with four digits to accommodate the decimal scores (for example, the score 8.3 should be recorded as 830).";
  240. $strings['StartDateMessageTutorial'] = "Starting date of classroom tutoring.";
  241. $strings['EndDateMessageTutorial'] = "Ending date of classroom tutoring.";
  242. $strings['NewCenter'] = "New center";
  243. $strings['EditCenter'] = "Edit center";
  244. $strings['DeleteCenter'] = "Delete center";
  245. $strings['NameCenter'] = "Center name";
  246. $strings['PlatformUrl'] = "URL platform";
  247. $strings['TrackingUrl'] = "URL tracking";
  248. $strings['Phone'] = "Phone";
  249. $strings['Mail'] = "Mail";
  250. $strings['SepeUser'] = "SEPE user";
  251. $strings['ApiKey'] = "API key";
  252. $strings['GenerateApiKey'] = "Generate api key";
  253. $strings['NoIdentificationData'] = "There is no identification data of the center";
  254. $strings['ActionEdit'] = "Edit action";
  255. $strings['ProblemToDeleteInfoCenter'] = 'Problem to eliminate the identification data of the center.';
  256. $strings['ProblemToDeleteInfoAction'] = 'Problem to eliminate the data of the formative action.';
  257. $strings['ProblemToDesvincularInfoAction'] = 'Problem to unlink the data of the training action.';
  258. $strings['ProblemToDeleteInfoSpecialty'] = 'Problem to eliminate the data of the specialty of the formative action.';
  259. $strings['ProblemToDeleteInfoParticipant'] = 'Problem to eliminate the data of the participant of the formative action.';
  260. $strings['ProblemToDeleteInfoSpecialtyClassroom'] = 'Problem to eliminate the data of the face-to-face of the specialty of the formative action.';
  261. $strings['ProblemToDeleteInfoSpecialtyTutor'] = 'Problem to eliminate the data of the tutor of the specialty of the formative action.';
  262. $strings['DeleteOk'] = 'Success delete';
  263. $strings['ProblemDataBase'] = 'Database problem';
  264. $strings['ModDataTeacher'] = 'Information: It will modify the identification data of the teacher of Chamilo';
  265. $strings['AdministratorSepe'] = 'SEPE administration';
  266. $strings['MenuSepeAdministrator'] = 'SEPE administration menu';
  267. $strings['MenuSepe'] = 'SEPE menu';
  268. $strings['Public'] = 'Public';
  269. $strings['Private'] = 'Private';
  270. $strings['confirmDeleteCenterData'] = 'Confirm if you want to delete all the data identifying the center and the training actions created';
  271. $strings['confirmDeleteAction'] = "Confirm if you want to delete the training action and all the stored data";
  272. $strings['confirmDeleteUnlinkAction'] = "Confirm if you want to delete the training action and unlink from the current course";
  273. $strings['confirmDeleteSpecialty'] = "Confirm if you want to delete the specialty of the training action";
  274. $strings['confirmDeleteParticipant'] = "Confirm if you want to delete the participant from the training action and all the stored data.";
  275. $strings['confirmDeleteClassroom'] = "Confirm if you want to erase the classroom presence of the specialty of the training action.";
  276. $strings['confirmDeleteTutor'] = "Confirm if you want to delete the data of the tutor of the specialty of the training action.";
  277. $strings['confirmDeleteParticipantSpecialty'] = "Confirm if you want to delete the participant's specialty.";
  278. $strings['alertAssignAction'] = "Select a formative action from the dropdown";
  279. $strings['alertSelectUser'] = "You must indicate a course user with the corresponding course";
  280. $strings['Situation10'] = "10-Requested Authorization";
  281. $strings['Situation20'] = "20-Scheduled / Authorized";
  282. $strings['Situation30'] = "30-Started";
  283. $strings['Situation40'] = "40-Finished";
  284. $strings['Situation50'] = "50-Canceled";
  285. $strings['ProblemGenerateApiKey'] = "Problem generating a new api key";
  286. $strings['ErrorDataIncorrect'] = "Failed to receive data";
  287. $strings['NoSaveData'] = "Unable to save selection";
  288. $strings['NoExistsCourse'] = "The course to which the training action is associated does not exist";
  289. $strings['FormativeActionInUse'] = "The chosen training action is being used for another course";
  290. $strings['ProblemToken'] = "Token not valid";
  291. $strings['NoTutor'] = "No tutor";