123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102 |
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- *
- * MathJax/localization/sco/TeX.js
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2009-2015 The MathJax Consortium
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- *
- */
- MathJax.Localization.addTranslation("sco","TeX",{
- version: "2.5.0",
- isLoaded: true,
- strings: {
- ExtraOpenMissingClose: "Eixtra apen brace or missin claise bracket",
- ExtraCloseMissingOpen: "Eixtra claise brace or missin apen bracket",
- MissingLeftExtraRight: "Missin \\left or eixtra \\right",
- MissingScript: "Missin superscreept or subscreept argument",
- ExtraLeftMissingRight: "Eixtra \\left or missin \\right",
- Misplaced: "Misplaced %1",
- MissingOpenForSub: "Missin apen bracket fer subscreept",
- MissingOpenForSup: "Missin apen bracket fer superscreept",
- AmbiguousUseOf: "Ambeeguous uise o %1",
- EnvBadEnd: "\\begin{%1} ended wi \\end{%2}",
- EnvMissingEnd: "Missin \\end{%1}",
- MissingBoxFor: "Missin kist fer %1",
- MissingCloseBrace: "Missin claise bracket",
- UndefinedControlSequence: "Ondefined control sequence %1",
- DoubleExponent: "Dooble exponent: uise brackets tae clarifie",
- DoubleSubscripts: "Dooble subscreepts: uise brackets tae clarifie",
- DoubleExponentPrime: "Prime causes dooble exponent: Uise brackets tae clarifie",
- CantUseHash1: "Ye canna uise 'macro parameter chairacter #' in maths mode",
- MisplacedMiddle: "%1 mau be wiin \\left n \\right",
- MisplacedLimits: "%1 is yinlie permited oan operaters",
- MisplacedMoveRoot: "%1 can yinlie appear wiin ae ruit",
- MultipleCommand: "Multiple %1",
- IntegerArg: "The aurgument til %1 mau be aen integer",
- NotMathMLToken: "%1 isna ae token element",
- InvalidMathMLAttr: "Onvalid MathML attreebute: %1",
- UnknownAttrForElement: "%1 isna ae recognized attribute fer %2",
- MaxMacroSub1: "MathJax mucklest macro substitution coont exceeded; is thaur ae recursive macro caw?",
- MaxMacroSub2: "MathJax mucklest substitution coont exceeded; is thaur ae recursive LaTeX environment?",
- MissingArgFor: "Missin aurgument fer %1",
- ExtraAlignTab: "Eixtra alignment tab in \\cases tex",
- BracketMustBeDimension: "Bracket aurgument til %1 maun be ae dimension",
- InvalidEnv: "Onvalid environment name '%1'",
- UnknownEnv: "Onkent environment '%1'",
- ExtraCloseLooking: "Eixtra claise bracket while luikin fer %1",
- MissingCloseBracket: "Coudna fynd claisin ']' fer aurgument til %1",
- MissingOrUnrecognizedDelim: "Missin or onrecognized delimiter fer %1",
- MissingDimOrUnits: "Missin dimension or its units fer %1",
- TokenNotFoundForCommand: "Coudna fynd %1 fer %2",
- MathNotTerminated: "Maths no terminated in tex kist",
- IllegalMacroParam: "Onlegal macro parameter reference",
- MaxBufferSize: "MathJax internal buffer size exceeded; is thaur ae recursive macro caw?",
- CommandNotAllowedInEnv: "%1 no permited in %2 environment",
- MultipleLabel: "Label '%1' multiplie defined",
- CommandAtTheBeginingOfLine: "%1 maun come at the beginnin o the line",
- IllegalAlign: "Onlegal alignment speceefied in %1",
- BadMathStyleFor: "Puir maths style fer %1",
- PositiveIntegerArg: "Argument til %1 maun be ae positeeve integer",
- ErroneousNestingEq: "Mistaken nestin o equation structures",
- MultlineRowsOneCol: "The lines wiin the %1 environment maun hae exactlie yin column",
- MultipleBBoxProperty: "%1 speceefied twice in %2",
- InvalidBBoxProperty: "'%1' disna luik like ae colour, ae paddin dimension, or ae style",
- ExtraEndMissingBegin: "Eixtra %1 or missin \\begingroup",
- GlobalNotFollowedBy: "%1 isna follaed bi \\let, \\def, or \\newcommand",
- UndefinedColorModel: "Colour model '%1' no defined",
- ModelArg1: "Colour values fer the %1 model need 3 nummers",
- InvalidDecimalNumber: "Onvalid decimal nummer",
- ModelArg2: "Colour values fer the %1 model maun be atween %2 n %3",
- InvalidNumber: "Onvalid nummer",
- NewextarrowArg1: "Foremait argument til %1 maun be ae control sequence name",
- NewextarrowArg2: "Seicont argument til %1 maun be twa integers separated bi ae comma",
- NewextarrowArg3: "Third argument til %1 maun be ae Unicode chairacter nummer",
- NoClosingChar: "Canna fynd claisin %1",
- IllegalControlSequenceName: "Onlegal control sequence name fer %1",
- IllegalParamNumber: "Onlegal nummer o parameters speceefied in %1",
- MissingCS: "%1 maun be follaeed bi ae control sequence",
- CantUseHash2: "Onlegal uiss o # in template fer %1",
- SequentialParam: "Parameters fer %1 maun be nummer't sequentiallie",
- MissingReplacementString: "Missin replacement string fer defineetion o %1",
- MismatchUseDef: "Uiss o %1 disna match its defineetion",
- RunawayArgument: "Rinawa argument fer %1?",
- NoClosingDelim: "Canna fynd claisin delimiter fer %1"
- }
- });
- MathJax.Ajax.loadComplete("[MathJax]/localization/sco/TeX.js");