toolAgenda.feature 1.1 KB

  1. Feature: Agenda tool
  2. In order to use the Agenda tool
  3. The admin should be able to add an event
  4. Background:
  5. Given I am a platform administrator
  6. Scenario: Create a personal event
  7. Given I am on "/main/calendar/agenda.php?action=add&type=personal"
  8. When I fill in the following:
  9. | title | Event 1 |
  10. Then I fill in ckeditor field "content" with "Description event"
  11. Then wait for the page to be loaded
  12. And I focus "date_range"
  13. And I fill in "date_range" with "2017-03-07 12:15 / 2017-03-07 12:15"
  14. And I press "Add event"
  15. Then I should see "Event added"
  16. Scenario: Create an event inside course TEMP
  17. Given I am on "/main/calendar/agenda.php?action=add&type=course&cidReq=TEMP"
  18. When I fill in the following:
  19. | title | Event in course |
  20. Then I fill in ckeditor field "content" with "Description event"
  21. # And I fill in select bootstrap input "users_to_send[]" with "Everyone" and select "Everyone"
  22. Then wait for the page to be loaded
  23. And I focus "date_range"
  24. And I fill in "date_range" with "2017-03-07 12:15 / 2017-03-07 12:15"
  25. And I press "Add event"
  26. Then I should see "Event added"