profile.feature 669 B

  1. Feature: Profile page
  2. A student should update his profile information.
  3. Background:
  4. Given I am a student
  5. Scenario: Update profile with first name Andrew then restore Andrea
  6. Given I am on "/main/auth/profile.php"
  7. When I fill in the following:
  8. | firstname | Andrew |
  9. And I press "Save settings"
  10. And wait for the page to be loaded
  11. Then I should see "Your new profile has been saved"
  12. And I should see "Andrew"
  13. Then I fill in the following:
  14. | firstname | Andrea |
  15. And I press "Save settings"
  16. Then I should see "Your new profile has been saved"
  17. Then I am on "/main/social/home.php"
  18. Then I should see "Andrea"