adminSettings.feature 1.2 KB

  1. Feature: Settings update
  2. In order to use Chamilo
  3. As an administrator
  4. I need to be able to update Chamilo settings
  5. Scenario: Update 'profile' setting
  6. Given I am a platform administrator
  7. And I am on "/public/admin/settings/search_settings?keyword=changeable_options"
  8. And I select "Name" from "form_changeable_options"
  9. And I additionally select "E-mail" from "form_changeable_options"
  10. And I additionally select "Official code" from "form_changeable_options"
  11. And I additionally select "Login" from "form_changeable_options"
  12. And I press "Save"
  13. Then I should see "Settings have been successfully updated"
  14. Scenario: Update 'allow_registration' setting
  15. Given I am a platform administrator
  16. And I am on "/public/admin/settings/search_settings?keyword=allow_registration"
  17. And I select "Yes" from "form_allow_registration"
  18. And I press "Save"
  19. Then I should see "Settings have been successfully updated"
  20. Scenario: Update 'allow_group_categories' setting
  21. Given I am a platform administrator
  22. And I am on "/public/admin/settings/search_settings?keyword=allow_group_categories"
  23. And I select "Yes" from "form_allow_group_categories"
  24. And I press "Save"
  25. Then I should see "Settings have been successfully updated"