123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313 |
- /* -*- Mode: Javascript; indent-tabs-mode:nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */
- /* vim: set ts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */
- /*************************************************************
- *
- * MathJax/extensions/FontWarnings.js
- *
- * Implements a font warning message window that appears when
- * the image fonts, no fonts, or web fonts are used, informing
- * the user where to download the fonts, or to update to a more
- * modern browser. The window will fade out automatically after
- * a time, and the user can dismiss it by a close box.
- *
- * To include font warning messages, add "FontWarnings.js" to the
- * extensions array in your MathJax configuration.
- *
- * You can customize the warning messages in a number of ways. Use the
- * FontWarnings section of the configuration to specify any of the items
- * shown in the CONFIG variable below. These include
- *
- * messageStyle the style to apply to the warning box that is
- * displayed when MathJax uses one of its fallback
- * methods.
- *
- * removeAfter the amount of time to show the warning message (in ms)
- * fadeoutTime how long the message should take to fade out
- * fadeoutSteps how many separate steps to use during the fade out
- * (set to 0 to use no fadeout and simply remove the window)
- *
- * Messages stores the descriptions of the messages to use for the
- * various warnings (webFonts, imageFonts, and noFonts).
- * These are arrays of strings to be inserted into the window,
- * or identifiers within brackets, which refer to the HTML
- * snippets in the HTML section described below. To disable a
- * specific message, set its value to null (see example below).
- *
- * HTML stores snippets of HTML descriptions for various
- * common parts of the error messages. These include
- * the closeBox, the message about web fonts being available
- * in modern browser, and messages about downloadable fonts.
- * The STIX and TeX font messages are used when only one
- * of these is in the availableFonts list. The data for these
- * are arrays of either strings to include or a description of
- * an HTML item enclosed in square brackets. That description
- * has (up to) three parts: the name of the tag to be included,
- * a list (enclosed in braces) of attributes and their values
- * to be set on the tag (optional), and an array of the contents
- * of the tag (optional). See the definitions below for examples.
- *
- * For example,
- *
- * MathJax.Hub.Config({
- * ...
- * extensions: ["FontWarnings.js"],
- * FontWarnings: {
- * removeAfter: 20*1000, // 20 seconds
- * messageStyle: {
- * border: "2px solid black",
- * padding: "2em"
- * },
- * Message: {
- * webFont: null // no webfont messages (only image and no fonts)
- * }
- * }
- * });
- *
- * would extend the time the message is displayed from 12 seconds to 20,
- * and changes the border to a solid black one, with 2em of padding
- * rather than the default of 1em.
- *
- * ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2010-2017 The MathJax Consortium
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
- (function (HUB,HTML) {
- var VERSION = "2.7.2";
- var STIXURL = "http://www.stixfonts.org/";
- var MATHJAXURL = "https://github.com/mathjax/MathJax/tree/master/fonts/HTML-CSS/TeX/otf";
- var CONFIG = HUB.CombineConfig("FontWarnings",{
- //
- // The CSS for the message window
- //
- messageStyle: {
- position:"fixed", bottom:"4em", left:"3em", width:"40em",
- border: "3px solid #880000", "background-color": "#E0E0E0", color: "black",
- padding: "1em", "font-size":"small", "white-space":"normal",
- "border-radius": ".75em", // Opera 10.5 and IE9
- "-webkit-border-radius": ".75em", // Safari and Chrome
- "-moz-border-radius": ".75em", // Firefox
- "-khtml-border-radius": ".75em", // Konqueror
- "box-shadow": "4px 4px 10px #AAAAAA", // Opera 10.5 and IE9
- "-webkit-box-shadow": "4px 4px 10px #AAAAAA", // Safari 3 and Chrome
- "-moz-box-shadow": "4px 4px 10px #AAAAAA", // Forefox 3.5
- "-khtml-box-shadow": "4px 4px 10px #AAAAAA", // Konqueror
- filter: "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.dropshadow(OffX=3, OffY=3, Color='gray', Positive='true')" // IE
- },
- //
- // The messages for the various situations
- //
- Message: {
- webFont: [
- ["closeBox"],
- ["webFont",
- "MathJax is using web-based fonts to display the mathematics "+
- "on this page. These take time to download, so the page would "+
- "render faster if you installed math fonts directly in your "+
- "system's font folder."],
- ["fonts"]
- ],
- imageFonts: [
- ["closeBox"],
- ["imageFonts",
- "MathJax is using its image fonts rather than local or web-based fonts. "+
- "This will render slower than usual, and the mathematics may not print "+
- "at the full resolution of your printer."],
- ["fonts"],
- ["webFonts"]
- ],
- noFonts: [
- ["closeBox"],
- ["noFonts",
- "MathJax is unable to locate a font to use to display "+
- "its mathematics, and image fonts are not available, so it "+
- "is falling back on generic unicode characters in hopes that "+
- "your browser will be able to display them. Some characters "+
- "may not show up properly, or possibly not at all."],
- ["fonts"],
- ["webFonts"]
- ]
- },
- //
- // HTML objects that can be referred to in the message definitions
- //
- HTML: {
- //
- // The definition of the close box
- //
- closeBox: [[
- "div",{
- style: {
- position:"absolute", overflow:"hidden", top:".1em", right:".1em",
- border: "1px outset", width:"1em", height:"1em",
- "text-align": "center", cursor: "pointer",
- "background-color": "#EEEEEE", color:"#606060",
- "border-radius": ".5em", // Opera 10.5
- "-webkit-border-radius": ".5em", // Safari and Chrome
- "-moz-border-radius": ".5em", // Firefox
- "-khtml-border-radius": ".5em" // Konqueror
- },
- onclick: function () {
- if (DATA.div && DATA.fade === 0)
- {if (DATA.timer) {clearTimeout(DATA.timer)}; DATA.div.style.display = "none"}
- }
- },
- [["span",{style:{position:"relative", bottom:".2em"}},["x"]]]
- ]],
- webFonts: [
- ["p"],
- ["webFonts",
- "Most modern browsers allow for fonts to be downloaded over the web. "+
- "Updating to a more recent version of your browser (or changing "+
- "browsers) could improve the quality of the mathematics on this page."
- ]
- ],
- fonts: [
- ["p"],
- ["fonts",
- "MathJax can use either the [STIX fonts](%1) or the [MathJax TeX fonts](%2). " +
- "Download and install one of those fonts to improve your MathJax experience.",
- ]
- ],
- STIXfonts: [
- ["p"],
- ["STIXPage",
- "This page is designed to use the [STIX fonts](%1). " +
- "Download and install those fonts to improve your MathJax experience.",
- ]
- ],
- TeXfonts: [
- ["p"],
- ["TeXPage",
- "This page is designed to use the [MathJax TeX fonts](%1). " +
- "Download and install those fonts to improve your MathJax experience.",
- ]
- ]
- },
- removeAfter: 12*1000, // time to show message (in ms)
- fadeoutSteps: 10, // fade-out steps
- fadeoutTime: 1.5*1000 // fadeout over this amount of time (in ms)
- });
- if (MathJax.Hub.Browser.isIE9 && document.documentMode >= 9)
- {delete CONFIG.messageStyle.filter}
- //
- // Data for the window
- //
- var DATA = {
- div: null, // the message window, when displayed
- fade: 0 // number of fade-out steps so far
- };
- //
- // Create the message window and start the fade-out timer
- //
- var CREATEMESSAGE = function (data) {
- if (DATA.div) return;
- var HTMLCSS = MathJax.OutputJax["HTML-CSS"], frame = document.body;
- if (HUB.Browser.isMSIE) {
- if (CONFIG.messageStyle.position === "fixed") {
- MathJax.Message.Init(); // make sure MathJax_MSIE_frame exists
- frame = document.getElementById("MathJax_MSIE_Frame") || frame;
- if (frame !== document.body) {CONFIG.messageStyle.position = "absolute"}
- }
- } else {delete CONFIG.messageStyle.filter}
- CONFIG.messageStyle.maxWidth = (document.body.clientWidth-75) + "px";
- var i = 0; while (i < data.length) {
- if (MathJax.Object.isArray(data[i])) {
- if (data[i].length === 1 && CONFIG.HTML[data[i][0]]) {
- data.splice.apply(data,[i,1].concat(CONFIG.HTML[data[i][0]]));
- } else if (typeof data[i][1] === "string") {
- var message = MathJax.Localization.lookupPhrase(["FontWarnings",data[i][0]],data[i][1]);
- message = MathJax.Localization.processMarkdown(message,data[i].slice(2),"FontWarnings");
- data.splice.apply(data,[i,1].concat(message));
- i += message.length;
- } else {i++}
- } else {i++}
- }
- DATA.div = HTMLCSS.addElement(frame,"div",
- {id:"MathJax_FontWarning",style:CONFIG.messageStyle},data);
- MathJax.Localization.setCSS(DATA.div);
- if (CONFIG.removeAfter) {
- HUB.Register.StartupHook("End",function ()
- {DATA.timer = setTimeout(FADEOUT,CONFIG.removeAfter)});
- }
- HTML.Cookie.Set("fontWarn",{warned:true});
- };
- //
- // Set the opacity based on the number of steps taken so far
- // and remove the window when it gets to 0
- //
- var FADEOUT = function () {
- DATA.fade++; if (DATA.timer) {delete DATA.timer}
- if (DATA.fade < CONFIG.fadeoutSteps) {
- var opacity = 1 - DATA.fade/CONFIG.fadeoutSteps;
- DATA.div.style.opacity = opacity;
- DATA.div.style.filter = "alpha(opacity="+Math.floor(100*opacity)+")";
- setTimeout(FADEOUT,CONFIG.fadeoutTime/CONFIG.fadeoutSteps);
- } else {
- DATA.div.style.display = "none";
- }
- };
- //
- // Check that we haven't already issued a warning
- //
- if (!HTML.Cookie.Get("fontWarn").warned) {
- //
- // Hook into the Startup signal and look for font warning messages.
- // When one comes, issue the correct message.
- //
- HUB.Startup.signal.Interest(function (message) {
- if (message.match(/HTML-CSS Jax - /) && !DATA.div) {
- var HTMLCSS = MathJax.OutputJax["HTML-CSS"], FONTS = HTMLCSS.config.availableFonts, MSG;
- var localFonts = (FONTS && FONTS.length);
- if (!localFonts) {CONFIG.HTML.fonts = [""]}
- else if (FONTS.length === 1) {CONFIG.HTML.fonts = CONFIG.HTML[FONTS[0]+"fonts"]}
- if (HTMLCSS.allowWebFonts) {CONFIG.HTML.webfonts = [""]}
- if (message.match(/- Web-Font/)) {if (localFonts) {MSG = "webFont"}}
- else if (message.match(/- using image fonts/)) {MSG = "imageFonts"}
- else if (message.match(/- no valid font/)) {MSG = "noFonts"}
- if (MSG && CONFIG.Message[MSG])
- {MathJax.Localization.loadDomain("FontWarnings",[CREATEMESSAGE,CONFIG.Message[MSG]])}
- }
- });
- }
- })(MathJax.Hub,MathJax.HTML);
- MathJax.Ajax.loadComplete("[MathJax]/extensions/FontWarnings.js");