2.3 KB

  1. <?php
  2. /*
  3. for more information: see languages.txt in the lang folder.
  4. */
  5. $langScormVersion = "versija";
  6. $langScormRestarted = "Visos pamokos nebaigtos.";
  7. $langScormNoNext = "Paskutinė pamoka.";
  8. $langScormNoPrev = "Pirma pamoka.";
  9. $langScormTime = "Laikas";
  10. $langScormNoOrder = "There is no given order, you can click onto any lesson.";
  11. $langScormScore = "Įvertinimas";
  12. $langScormLessonTitle = "Pamokos antraštė";
  13. $langScormStatus = "Būsena";
  14. $langScormToEnter = "Įeiti";
  15. $langScormFirstNeedTo = "Jums būtina pirmiau užbaigti";
  16. $langScormThisStatus = "This lesson is now";
  17. $langScormClose = "Pabaigti";
  18. $langScormRestart = "Iš naujo";
  19. $langScormCompstatus = "Įvykdyta";
  20. $langScormIncomplete = "Neįvykdyta";
  21. $langScormPassed = "Praeitas";
  22. $langScormFailed = "Failed";
  23. $langScormPrevious = "Ankstesnis";
  24. $langScormNext = "Kitas";
  25. $langScormTitle = "Chamilo Scorm player";
  26. $langScormMystatus = "Mano būsena";
  27. $langScormNoItems = "Čia nėra įrašų.";
  28. $langScormNoStatus = "No status for this content";
  29. $langScormLoggedout = "Atsijungta iš Scorm srities";
  30. $langScormCloseWindow = "Uždaryti langus";
  31. $ScormBrowsed = "Browsed";
  32. $langScormExitFullScreen = "Atgal į normalų vaizdą";
  33. $langScormFullScreen = "Vaizdas per visą ekraną";
  34. $langScormNotAttempted = "Not attempted";
  35. $langCharset = "Character set";
  36. $langLocal = "Vietinis";
  37. $langRemote = "Nutolęs";
  38. $langAutodetect = "Auto-detect";
  39. $langAccomplishedStepsTotal = "Total of accomplished steps";
  40. $langUnknown = "Nežinomas";
  41. $AreYouSureToDeleteSteps = "Ar tikrai norite ištrinti šiuos žingsnius?";
  42. $Origin = "Originalus";
  43. $Local = "Vietinis";
  44. $Remote = "Nutolęs";
  45. $FileToUpload = "Failas įkrovimui";
  46. $ContentMaker = "Content Maker";
  47. $ContentProximity = "Content Proximity";
  48. $UploadLocalFileFromGarbageDir = "Upload local file from main/garbage directory";
  49. $ThisItemIsNotExportable = "This item is not scorm compatible for the moment. That's why it is not exportable.";
  50. $MoveCurrentChapter = "Move the current chapter";
  51. $GenericScorm = "Generic Scorm";
  52. $UnknownPackageFormat = "The package format cannot be recognized. Please make sure it is well formed and doesn't contain errors. Problems may be due to proprietary ZIP format or transfer of long files. If unsure about the ZIP, please try to use minimal zipping features.";
  53. $Attempt = "Attempt";
  54. $MoveTheCurrentForum = "Move the current forum";
  55. ?>