4.1 KB

  1. <?php
  2. /*
  3. for more information: see languages.txt in the lang folder.
  4. */
  5. $Camera = "Κάμερα";
  6. $Microphone = "Μικρόφωνο";
  7. $Name = "Όνομα";
  8. $DeleteStream = "Διαγραφή ροής (stream)";
  9. $Progress = "Πρόοδος";
  10. $Play = "Αναπαραγωγή";
  11. $Stop = "Διακοπή";
  12. $Record = "Εγγραφή";
  13. $NoFileAvailable = "Δεν υπάρχει διαθέσιμο αρχείο";
  14. $RecordingOnlyForTeachers = "Εγγραφή μόνο για τους Εκπαιδευτικούς";
  15. $UsersNow = "Χρήστες αυτή τη στιγμή";
  16. $StartConference = "Έναρξη τηλεδιάσκεψης";
  17. $MyName = "Το όνομά μου";
  18. $OrganisationSVideoconference = "Chamilo LIVE Τηλεδιάσκεψη";
  19. $ImportPresentation = "Εισαγωγή παρουσίασης";
  20. $RefreshList = "Ανανέωση λίστας";
  21. $GoToTop = "Μετάβαση στην κορυφή";
  22. $NewPoll = "New poll";
  23. $CreateNewPoll = "Create a new poll for this room";
  24. $Question = "Question";
  25. $PollType = "Polltype:";
  26. $Create = "Create";
  27. $InfoConnectedUsersGetNotifiedOfThisPoll = "Info: Every connected User in this room will get a notification of this new Poll.";
  28. $YesNo = "Yes / No";
  29. $Numeric1To10 = "Numeric 1-10";
  30. $Poll = "Poll";
  31. $YouHaveToBecomeModeratorOfThisRoomToStartPolls = "You have to become Moderator of this Room to make polls.";
  32. $YourVoteHasBeenSent = "Your vote has been sent";
  33. $YouAlreadyVotedForThisPoll = "You've already voted for this poll";
  34. $VoteButton = "Vote!";
  35. $YourAnswer = "Your answer";
  36. $Yes = "Yes";
  37. $No = "Δεν υπάρχει διαθέσιμο αρχείο";
  38. $WantsToKnow = "wants to know:";
  39. $PollResults = "Poll results";
  40. $Votes = "Votes:";
  41. $Result = "Result";
  42. $ThereIsNoPoll = "There is no Poll.";
  43. $MeetingMode = "Meeting (max 4 seats)";
  44. $ConferenceMaxSeats = "Conference (max 50 seats)";
  45. $Mode = "Mode";
  46. $RemainingSeats = "Remaining seats";
  47. $AlreadyIn = "Already in";
  48. $CheckIn = "Check in";
  49. $TheModeratorHasLeft = "The Moderator of this Conference has left the room.";
  50. $SystemMessage = "System message";
  51. $ChooseDevices = "Choose devices";
  52. $ChooseCam = "Choose Cam:";
  53. $ChooseMic = "Choose Mic:";
  54. $OK = "Validate";
  55. $YouHaveToReconnectSoThatTheChangesTakeEffect = "You have to reconnect so that the changes take effect.";
  56. $ChangeSettings = "Change settings";
  57. $Course = "Course";
  58. $CourseLanguage = "Language:";
  59. $ConfirmClearWhiteboard = "Confirm Clear Whiteboard";
  60. $ShouldWitheboardBeClearedBeforeNewImage = "Should the whiteboard be cleared before I add a new Image?";
  61. $DontAskMeAgain = "Don't ask me again";
  62. $EditSettings = "Edit Settings";
  63. $ShowConfirmationBeforeClearingWhiteboard = "Ask confirmation before clearing whiteboard";
  64. $UserInfo = "user information";
  65. $ClearDrawArea = "Clear Draw Area";
  66. $Undo = "Undo";
  67. $Redo = "Redo";
  68. $SelectAnObject = "Select an Object";
  69. $Text = "Text";
  70. $Paint = "Paint";
  71. $DrawLine = "Draw line";
  72. $DrawUnderline = "Draw underline";
  73. $Rectangle = "Rectangle";
  74. $Elipse = "Ellipse";
  75. $Arrow = "Arrow";
  76. $DeleteChosenItem = "Delete selected resource";
  77. $ApplyForModeration = "Apply for moderation";
  78. $Apply = "Apply";
  79. $BecomeModerator = "Become moderator";
  80. $Close = "close";
  81. $Italic = "Italic";
  82. $Bold = "Bold";
  83. $Waiting = "Waiting";
  84. $AUserWantsToApplyForModeration = "A User wants to apply for moderation:";
  85. $Accept = "Accept";
  86. $Reject = "Reject";
  87. $SendingRequestToFollowingUsers = "Sending request to the following users";
  88. $Accepted = "Accepted";
  89. $Rejected = "Rejected";
  90. $ChangeModerator = "Change Moderator";
  91. $YouAreNotModeratingThisCourse = "You are not moderator.";
  92. $Moderator = "Moderator";
  93. $ThisRoomIsFullPleaseTryAgain = "This Room is full. Sorry please try again later.";
  94. $Loading = "Loading";
  95. $PleaseWaitWhileLoadingImage = "Please wait while loading image";
  96. $SynchronisingConferenceMembers = "Synchronizing conference members";
  97. $Trainer = "Teacher";
  98. $Learner = "Learner";
  99. $Chat = "Chat";
  100. $Slides = "Slides";
  101. $WaitingForParticipants = "Waiting for participants";
  102. $Send = "Αποστολή";
  103. $Browse = "Browse";
  104. $Cancel = "Cancel";
  105. $ChooseFile = "Choose a file to import";
  106. $ConvertingDocument = "Converting document";
  107. $Disconnected = "Disconnected";
  108. $FineStroke = "Thin";
  109. $MediumStroke = "Medium";
  110. $ThickStroke = "Thick";
  111. ?>