2.6 KB

  1. <?php
  2. /*
  3. for more information: see languages.txt in the lang folder.
  4. */
  5. $langMdCallingTool = "Documents";
  6. $langMdTitle = "Learning Object Title";
  7. $langMdDescription = "To store this information, press Store";
  8. $langMdCoverage = "e.g. Bachelor of ...";
  9. $langMdCopyright = "e.g. provided the source is acknowledged";
  10. $nameTools = "obsolete language variable";
  11. $langTool = "Document Metadata";
  12. $langNoScript = "Script is not enabled in your browser, please ignore the screen part below this text, it won't work...";
  13. $langLanguageTip = "the language in which this learning object was made";
  14. $langIdentifier = "Identifier";
  15. $langIdentifierTip = "unique identification for this learning object, composed of letters, digits, _-.()'!*";
  16. $langTitleTip = "title or name, and language of that title or name";
  17. $langDescriptionTip = "description or comment, and language used for describing this learning object";
  18. $langKeyword = "Keyword";
  19. $langKeywordTip = "separate by commas (letters, digits, -.)";
  20. $langCoverage = "Coverage";
  21. $langCoverageTip = "for example bachelor of xxx: yyy";
  22. $langKwNote = "If you change the description language, do not add keywords at the same time.";
  23. $langClickKw = "Click a keyword in the tree to select or deselect it.";
  24. $langKwHelp = "<br/>Click '+' button to open, '-' button to close, '++' button to open all, '--' button to close all.<br/><br/>Clear all selected keywords by closing the tree and opening it again with the '+' button.<br/>Alt-click '+' searches the original keywords in the tree.<br/><br/>Alt-click keyword selects a keyword without broader terms ordeselects a keyword with broader terms.<br/><br/>If you change the description language, do not add keywords at the same time.<br/><br/>";
  25. $langLocation = "URL/URI";
  26. $langLocationTip = "click to open object";
  27. $langStore = "Store";
  28. $langDeleteAll = "Delete all metadata";
  29. $langConfirmDelete = "Do you *really* want to delete all metadata?";
  30. $langWorkOn = "on";
  31. $langNotInDB = "no such Links category";
  32. $langManifestSyntax = "(syntax error in manifest file...)";
  33. $langEmptyManifest = "(empty manifest file...)";
  34. $langNoManifest = "(no manifest file...)";
  35. $langNotFolder = "are not possible, it is not a folder...";
  36. $langContinue = "Continue with";
  37. $langCreate = "Create";
  38. $langRemove = "Remove MDEs";
  39. $langAllRemovedFor = "All entries removed for category";
  40. $langRemainingFor = "obsolete entries removed for category";
  41. $langIndex = "Index Words";
  42. $langTotalMDEs = "Total number of Links MD entries:";
  43. $langMainMD = "Open Main MDE";
  44. $langOrElse = "Select a Links category";
  45. $langWarningDups = " - duplicate categorynames were removed from the list!";
  46. $langSLC = "Work with Links category named";
  47. ?>