3.1 KB

  1. <?php
  2. /*
  3. for more information: see languages.txt in the lang folder.
  4. */
  5. $LinkMoved = "The link has been moved";
  6. $langLinkName = "Link name";
  7. $langLinkAdd = "Add a link";
  8. $langLinkAdded = "The link has been added.";
  9. $langLinkMod = "Edit link";
  10. $langLinkModded = "The link has been modified.";
  11. $langLinkDel = "Delete link";
  12. $langLinkDeleted = "The link has been deleted";
  13. $langLinkDelconfirm = "Do you want to delete this link?";
  14. $langAllLinksDel = "Delete all links in this category";
  15. $langCategoryName = "Category name";
  16. $langCategoryAdd = "Add a category";
  17. $langCategoryAdded = "The category has been added.";
  18. $langCategoryModded = "The category has been modified.";
  19. $langCategoryDel = "Delete category";
  20. $langCategoryDeleted = "The category and all its links have been deleted.";
  21. $langCategoryDelconfirm = "When deleting a category, all links of this category are also deleted.\nDo you really want to delete this category and its links ?";
  22. $langAllCategoryDel = "Delete all categories and all links";
  23. $langGiveURL = "Please give the link URL, it should be valid.";
  24. $langGiveCategoryName = "Please give the category name";
  25. $langNoCategory = "General";
  26. $showall = "Open all categories";
  27. $shownone = "Close all categories";
  28. $langListDeleted = "List has been deleted";
  29. $langAddLink = "Add a link";
  30. $langDelList = "Delete list";
  31. $langModifyLink = "Edit Link";
  32. $langCsvImport = "CSV import";
  33. $langCsvFileNotFound = "CSV import file could not be opened (e.g. empty, too big)";
  34. $langCsvFileNoSeps = "CSV import file must use , or ; as listseparator";
  35. $langCsvFileNoURL = "CSV import file must at least have columns URL and title";
  36. $langCsvFileLine1 = "... - line 1 =";
  37. $langCsvLinesFailed = "line(s) failed to import a link (no URL or no title).";
  38. $langCsvLinesOld = "existing link(s) updated (same URL and category).";
  39. $langCsvLinesNew = "new link(s) created.";
  40. $langCsvExplain = "The file should look like:<blockquote><pre><b>URL</b>;category;<b>title</b>;description;<b></b>;Important links;<b>Name 1</b>;Description 1;<b></b>;;<b>Name 2</b>;\"Description 2\";</pre></blockquote>If URL and category are equal to those of an existing link, its title and description are updated. In all other cases a new link is created.<br><br>Bold = mandatory. Fields can be in any order, names in upper- or lowercase. Additional fields are added to description. Separator: comma or semicolon. Values may be quoted, but not the field names. Some [b]HTML tags[/b] can be imported in the description field.";
  41. $langLinkUpdated = "Link has been updated";
  42. $langAll_Link_Deleted = "Link has been deleted";
  43. $langOnHomepage = "Show link on training homepage";
  44. $langShowLinkOnHomepage = "Show this link as an icon on training homepage";
  45. $General = "general";
  46. $SearchFeatureDoIndexLink = "Index link title and description?";
  47. $langSaveLink = "Save link";
  48. $langSaveCategory = "Save folder";
  49. $BackToLinksOverview = "Back to links overview";
  50. $AddTargetOfLinkOnHomepage = "Select the \"target\" which shows the link on the homepage of the course";
  51. $Url = "URL";
  52. $LinkOpenSelf = "Open self";
  53. $LinkOpenBlank = "Open blank";
  54. $LinkOpenParent = "Open parent";
  55. $LinkOpenTop = "Open top";
  56. $LinkTarget = "Link target";
  57. ?>