48 KB

  1. <?php
  2. /*
  3. for more information: see languages.txt in the lang folder.
  4. */
  5. $langHGlossary = "Glossary help";
  6. $langGlossaryContent = "This tool allows you to create glossary terms for this course, which can then be used from the documents tool";
  7. $langForumContent = "<p> The forum is an discussion tool for asynchronous written work. In contrast to email, a forum is for public, or semi-public, group discussion. </p>To use the Chamilo forum, members can simply use their browser - they do not require separate client software. </p>To organize forums, clickon the Forums tool. Discussions are organized hierarchically according to the following structure: </ p><b> Category> Forum> Topic> Post</ b> </ p> To ensure members can participate in the forum tidily and effectively, it is essential in th first instance to create categories and forums; it's then up to the participants to create topics and posts. By default, the forum contains a single (public) category, an example topic and an example post. You can add forums to the category, change its title or create other categories within which you could then create new forums. (Don't confuse categories and forums, and remember that a category that contains no forum is useless and is not displayed.)</p>\n<p>The forum description might include a list of its members, a definition of its purpose, a target a task, a theme etc.</p><p>Group forums should not be created via the Forum tool but instead via the Groups tool, where you can determinewhether your group forums should be private or public, at the same time providing a location for sharing groups of documents.</p><b> Teaching Tips</ b></ p> A learning forum is not quite the same as the forums you are used to seeing on the internet. For one thing, it is not possible for learners to alter their posts once they have been published as the course is logically archived to allow tracking of what has been said in the past. Furthermore, Chamilo forums allow for specific uses relevant to teaching. For example, some teachers/trainers publish corrections directly within forums in the following way: <li> A learner is asked to post a report directly into the forum, </ li> The teacher corrects it by clicking Edit (yellow pencil) and marking it using the graphics editor (color, underlining, etc.) </ li> Finally, other learners benefit from viewing the corrections was made on the production of one of of them, </ li> Note that the same principle can be applied between learners, but will require his copying/pasting the message of his fellow student because students / trainees can not edit one another's posts. <. li> </ ul>";
  8. $langHForum = "Forum help";
  9. $langHFor = "Forums Help";
  10. $langForContent = "<p> The forum is an discussion tool for asynchronous written work. In contrast to email, a forum is for public, or semi-public, group discussion. </p>To use the Chamilo forum, members can simply use their browser - they do not require separate client software. </p>To organize forums, clickon the Forums tool. Discussions are organized hierarchically according to the following structure: </ p><b> Category> Forum> Topic> Post</ b> </ p> To ensure members can participate in the forum tidily and effectively, it is essential in th first instance to create categories and forums; it's then up to the participants to create topics and posts. By default, the forum contains a single (public) category, an example topic and an example post. You can add forums to the category, change its title or create other categories within which you could then create new forums. (Don't confuse categories and forums, and remember that a category that contains no forum is useless and is not displayed.)</p>\n<p>The forum description might include a list of its members, a definition of its purpose, a target a task, a theme etc.</p><p>Group forums should not be created via the Forum tool but instead via the Groups tool, where you can determinewhether your group forums should be private or public, at the same time providing a location for sharing groups of documents.</p><b> Teaching Tips</ b></ p> A learning forum is not quite the same as the forums you are used to seeing on the internet. For one thing, it is not possible for learners to alter their posts once they have been published as the course is logically archived to allow tracking of what has been said in the past. Furthermore, Chamilo forums allow for specific uses relevant to teaching. For example, some teachers/trainers publish corrections directly within forums in the following way: <li> A learner is asked to post a report directly into the forum, </ li> The teacher corrects it by clicking Edit (yellow pencil) and marking it using the graphics editor (color, underlining, etc.) </ li> Finally, other learners benefit from viewing the corrections was made on the production of one of of them, </ li> Note that the same principle can be applied between learners, but will require his copying/pasting the message of his fellow student because students / trainees can not edit one another's posts. <. li> </ ul>";
  11. $langHDropbox = "Dropbox Help";
  12. $langDropboxContent = "<p>The dropbox tool is a Content Management Tool facilitating peer-to-peer data exchange. It accepts any filetype (Word, Excel, PDF etc.) It will overwrite existing files with the same name only if directed to do so.<br /> <br /> Learners can can only send a file to their teacher, unless the system administrator has enabled sharing between users. A course manager, however, can opt to to send a file to all course users. <br /> <br />The system administrator can configure the dropbox so that a user can receive but not send files.<br /> <br /> If the file list gets too long, some or all files can be deleted from the list, although the file itself remaims available to other users until all users have deleted it.<br /> </p><p>In the received folder, the dropbox tool displays files that have been sent to you and in the sent folder it shows files sent to other course members.</p><p>To send a document to more than one person, you need to hold CTRLand check the multiple select box(i.e.the field showing the list of members).</p>";
  13. $langHHome = "Homepage Help";
  14. $langHomeContent = "<p>The Course Homepage displays a range of tools (introductory text, description, documents manager etc.) This page is modular in the sense that you can hide or show any of the tools in learner view with a single click on the 'eye' icon (hidden tools can be reactivated any time. </p><b>Navigation</b><p>In order to browse the course, you can simply click on the icons; a 'breadcrumb' navigation tool at the top of the page allows you to retrace your steps back to the course homepage.</p><b>Best practice</b><p>To help motivate learners, it is helpful to make you course appear 'alive' by suggesting that there is always someone present 'behind the screen'. An effective way to make this impression is to update the introductory text (just click on the yellow pencil) at least once a week with the latest news, deadlines etc.</p><p>When you construct your course, try the following steps:<ol><li>In the Course Settings, make course acccess private and subscription available only to trainers. That way, nobody can enter your course area during construction,</li><li>Use whatever tools you need to 'fill' your area with content, activities, guidelines, tests etc.,</li><li>Now hide all tools so your home page is empty in learner view by clicking on the eyes to make the icons grey. </li><li>Use the Learning Path tool to create a learning path to structure the way learners will follow it and learn within it. That way, although you will be using the other tools, you don't initially need to show them on the homepage. </li><li>Click on the eye icon beside the path you created to show it on your home page.</li><li>your course is ready to view. Its homepage will display an introductory text followed by a single link to lead learners into and through the course. Click on the Learner View button (top right) to see the course from the learner's point of view.<I></I></li></ol>";
  15. $langHOnline = "Chamilo LIVE Help";
  16. $langOnlineContent = "<br><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Introduction </span><br> <br> <div style=\"margin-left: 40px;\">The Chamilo online conferencing system allows you to teach, inform or gather together up to five hundred people quickly and simply.<br> </div> <ul> <ul> <li><b>live audio :</b> the trainer's voice is broadcast live to participants,<br> </li> <li><b>slides :</b> the participants follow the Power Point or PDF presentation,<br> </li> <li><b>interaction :</b> the participants ask questions through chat.</li> </ul> </ul> <span style=\"font-weight: bold;\"></span><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\"><br>Learner / participant</span><br> <br> <div style=\"margin-left: 40px;\">To attend a conference you need:<br> </div> <br> <div style=\"margin-left: 40px;\">1. Loudspeakers (or a headset)connected to your PC<br> <br> <a href=\"\"><img style=\"border: 0px solid ; width: 87px; height: 58px;\" alt=\"speakers\" src=\"../img/speaker.gif\"></a><br> <br>2. Winamp Media player<br> <br> <a href=\"\"><img style=\"border: 0px solid ; width: 87px; height: 27px;\" alt=\"Winamp\" src=\"../img/winamp.gif\"></a><br> <br>Mac : use <a href=\"\">Quicktime</a><br>Linux : use <a href=\"\">XMMS</a> <br> <br>  3. Acrobat PDF reader or Word or PowerPoint, depending on the format of the teacher's slides<br> <br> <a href=\"\"><img style=\"border: 0px solid ; width: 87px; height: 31px;\" alt=\"acrobat reader\" src=\"../img/acroread.gif\"></a><br> </div> <br> <span style=\"font-weight: bold;\"><br>Trainer / lecturer</span><br> <br> <div style=\"margin-left: 40px;\">To give a lecture, you need :<br> </div> <br> <div style=\"margin-left: 40px;\">1. A microphone headset<br> <br> <a href=\"\"><img style=\"border: 0px solid ; width: 87px; height: 87px;\" alt=\"Headset\" src=\"../img/headset.gif\"></a><br>We advise you to use a <a href=\"\">Logitech</a>USB one for a better audio broadcasting quality.<br> <br>2. Winamp<br> <br> <a href=\"\"><img style=\"border: 0px solid ; width: 87px; height: 27px;\" alt=\"Winamp\" src=\"../img/winamp.gif\"></a><br> <br>3. SHOUTcast DSP Plug-In for Winamp 2.x <br> <br> <a href=\"\"><img style=\"border: 0px solid ; width: 87px; height: 24px;\" alt=\"Shoutcast\" src=\"../img/shoutcast.gif\"></a><br> <br>Follow instructions on <a href=\"\"></a>on how to install andconfigure Shoutcast Winamp DSP Plug-In. <br> </div> <br> <span style=\"font-weight: bold;\"><br>How to give a conference?<br> <br> </span> <div style=\"margin-left: 40px;\">Create a Chamilo course > Enterit > Show then enter Conference tool > Edit (pencil icon on top left) the settings > upload your slides (PDF, PowerPoint or whatever) > type an introduction text> type the URL of your live streaming according to the information you got from your technical admin.<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\"></span><br> <span style=\"font-weight: bold;\"></span></div> <div style=\"margin-left: 40px;\"><img style=\"width: 256px; height: 182px;\" alt=\"conference config\" src=\"../img/conf_screen_conf.gif\"><br>Don't forget to give a clear meeting date, time and other guidelines to your participants beforehand. <br> <br> <span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Tip</span> : 10 minutes before conference time, type a short message in the chat to inform participants that you are here and to help people who might have audio problems. <br> </div> <br> <br> <span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Streaming Server</span><br> <br> <div style=\"margin-left: 40px;\">To give an online live streaming conference, you need a streaming server and probably a technical administrator to help you use it. This guy will give you the URL you need to type in the live streaming form field once you edit your conferencesettings.<br> <br> <small><a href=\"\"><img style=\"border: 0px solid ; width: 258px; height: 103px;\" alt=\"Chamilo streaming\" src=\"../img/streaming.jpg\"><br>Chamilo streaming</a></small><br> <br>Do it yourself : install, configure and admin <a href=\"\">Shoutcast</a> or <a href=\"\">AppleDarwin</a>. <br> <br>Or contact Chamilo. We can help you organise your conference, asssist your lecturer and rent you a low cost streaming slot on our servers : <a href=\"\"></a><br> <br> <br>";
  17. $langHClar = "Chamilo Help";
  18. $langHDoc = "Documents Help";
  19. $langDocContent = "<p>The Documents tool allows you to organise files just like you do on your pc/laptop. </p><p>You can create simple web pages ('Create a document') or upload files of any type (HTML, Word, Powerpoint, Excel, Acrobat, Flash, Quicktime, etc.). Remember, of course, that your learners will need to have the appropriate software to open and run these files. Some file types can contain viruses; be careful not to upload virus-contaminated files, unless your portal admin has installed server side anti=virus software. It is, in any case, a worthwhile precaution to check documents with antivirus software before uploading them.</p><p>Documents are presented in alphabetical order.<br><br><b>Tip : </b>If you want to present them in a different order, number them (e.g. 01, 02, 03...) Or use the Learning Path to present a sophisticated Table of Contents. Note that once your documents are uploaded, you may decide to hide the documents area and show only one link on the Homepage (using the links tool) or a Learning Path containing some documents from your Documents area.</p><p><H4>Create a document</H4><p>Select Create a document > Give it a title (no spaces, no accents) > type your text > Use the buttons in the wysiwyg (What You See Is What You Get) editor to input information, tables, styles etc. To create effective web pages, you need to become familiar with three key functions: Links, Images and Tables. Be aware that web pages offer less layout options than e.g. Ms-Word pages. Note also that as well as creating a document from scratch in the editor, you can also cut and paste existing content from a web page or a Word document. This is an easy and quick way to import content into your Chamilo course.</p><ul><li><b>To add a link</b>, you need to copy the URL of the target page. We suggest you open two browser windows/tabs simultaneously, one with your Chamilo course and the other to browse the web. Once you find the page you are looking for (note that this page can be inside your Chamilo course), copy its URL (CTRL+C or APPLE+C), go back to the page editor, select the word to be the link, click on the small chain icon, paste the URL of your target in the popup window and submit. Once your page is saved, test the link to check it opens the target. You can decide in the Link popup menu whether the link will create a new page/tab or replace your Chamilo page in the same window.</li><li><b>To add an image</b>, the process is the same as for the link feature : browse the web in a second window, find the image (if the image is inside your course's documents area, copy its URL (CTRL+C or APPLE+C in the URL bar after selecting the whole URL) then go back to your web page editor, position your mouse where you want your image to appear, then click on the small tree icon and copy the URL of the target image into the URL field, preview and submit. Note that in web pages, you cannot redimension your images as in a PowerPoint presentation, neither can you re-locate the image anywhere in the page.</li><li><b>To add a table</b>, position your mouse in the field where you want the table to appear, then select the table icon in the Wysiwyg editor menu, decide on the number of columns and lines you need and submit. To get nice tables, we suggest that you choose the following values : border=1, cellspacing=0, cellpadding=4. Note that you will not be allowed to redimension your table or add lines or columns to it after its creation (sorry about this, it is just an online editor, not a word processor yet!).</li></ul><h4>Upload a document</h4><ul> <li>Select the file on your computer using the Browse button <input type=submit value=Browse name=submit2>\ton the right of your screen.</li>\t\t<li>\t\t\tLaunch the upload with the Upload Button <input type=submit value=Upload name=submit2>.\t\t</li>\t\t<li>\t\t\tCheck the checkbox under the Upload button if your document is zip file or a so-called <b>SCORM package</b>. SCORM packages are special files designed according to an international norm : <b>SCORM</b>. This is a special format for learning content which allows for the free exchange of these materials between different Learning Management Systems. <b>SCORM</b> materials are platform independent and their import and export are simple.\t\t</li>\t</ul>\t<h4>\t\tRename a document (a directory)\t</h4>\t<ul>\t\t<li>\t\t\tclick on the <img src=../img/renommer.gif width=20 height=20 align=baseline>\t\t\tbutton in the Rename column\t\t</li>\t\t<li>\t\t\tType the new name in the field (top left)\t\t</li>\t\t<li>\t\t\tValidate by clicking <input type=submit value=Ok name=submit24>.\t\t</li>\t</ul>\t\t<h4>\t\t\tDelete a document (or a directory)\t\t</h4>\t\t<ul>\t\t\t<li>\t\t\t\tClick on <img src=../img/delete.gif width=20 height=20>\t\t\t\tin column 'Delete'.\t\t\t</li>\t\t</ul>\t\t<h4>\t\t\tMake a document (or directory) invisible to users\t\t</h4>\t\t<ul>\t\t\t<li>\t\t\t\tClick on <img src=../img/visible.gif width=20 height=20>\t\t\t\tin column 'Visible/invisible'.\t\t\t</li>\t\t\t<li>\t\t\t\tThe document (or directory) still exists but it is not visible by users anymore.\t\t\t</li>\t\t\t<li>\t\t\t\tTo make it invisible back again, click on\t\t\t\t<img src=../document/../img/invisible.gif width=24 height=20>\t\t\t\tin column 'Visible/invisible'\t\t\t</li>\t\t</ul>\t\t<h4>\t\t\tAdd or modify a comment to a document (or a directory)\t\t</h4>\t\t<ul>\t\t\t<li>\t\t\t\tClick on <img src=../document/../img/comment.gif width=20 height=20> in column 'Comment'\t\t\t</li>\t\t\t<li>\t\t\t\tType new comment in the corresponding field (top right).\t\t\t</li>\t\t\t<li>\t\t\t\tValidate by clicking <input type=submit value=OK name=submit2>\t\t\t.</li>\t\t</ul>\t\t<p>\t\tTo delete a comment, click on <img src=../document/../img/comment.gif width=20 height=20>,\t\tdelete the old comment in the field and click\t\t<input type=submit value=OK name=submit22>.\t\t<hr>\t\t<p>\t\t\tYou can organise your content through filing. For this:\t\t</p>\t\t<h4>\t\t\t<b>\t\t\t\tCreate a directory\t\t\t</b>\t\t</h4>\t\t<ul>\t\t\t<li>\t\t\t\tClick on\t\t\t\t<img src=../document/../img/dossier.gif width=20 height=20>\t\t\t\t'Create a directory' (top left)\t\t\t</li>\t\t\t<li>\t\t\t\tType the name of your new directory in the corresponding field (top left)\t\t\t</li>\t\t\t<li>\t\t\t\tValidate by clicking <input type=submit value=OK name=submit23>.\t\t\t</li>\t\t</ul>\t\t<h4>\t\t\tMove a document (or directory)\t\t</h4>\t\t<ul>\t\t\t<li>\t\t\t\tClick on button <img src=../document/../img/deplacer.gif width=34 height=16>\t\t\t\tin column 'Move'\t\t\t</li>\t\t\t<li>\t\t\t\tChoose the directory into which you want to move the document (or directory) in the corresponding scrolling menu (top left) (note: the word 'root' means you cannot go higher than that level in the document tree of the server).\t\t\t</li>\t\t\t<li>\t\t\t\tValidate by clicking on <input type=submit value=OK name=submit232>.\t\t\t</li>\t\t</ul><h4>\t\t\t<b>\t\t\t\tCreate a Learning Path\t\t\t</b>\t\t</h4>This learning path will look like a Table of Contents and can be used as a Table of Contents, but can offer you much more in terms of functionality. (See Learning Path Help).";
  20. $langHUser = "Users Help";
  21. $langHExercise = "Tests Help";
  22. $langHPath = "Learning Path Help";
  23. $langHDescription = "Description Help";
  24. $langHLinks = "Links Help";
  25. $langHMycourses = "My Courses Help";
  26. $langHAgenda = "Agenda Help";
  27. $langHAnnouncements = "Announcements Help";
  28. $langHChat = "Chat Help";
  29. $langHWork = "Assignments Help";
  30. $langHTracking = "Reporting Help";
  31. $langUserContent = "<p><b>Adding users</b></p> <p>You can subscribe existing learners one by one to your course, by clicking on the link 'Subscribe users to this course'. Usually however it's better to open your course to self-registration and let learners register themselves. </p> <p><b>Description</b></p> <p>The description has no computer related function and does not indicate any particular rights or privileges within the system. It simply indicates who is who, in human terms. You can therefore modify this by clicking on the pencil, then typing whatever you want: professor, assistant, student, visitor, expert etc.</p><p><b>Admin rights</b></p><p>Admin rights, on the other hand, provide technical authorization to modify the content and organization of this training area. You can choose between allowing full admin rights or none.</p><p>To allow an assistant, for instance, to co-admin the area, you need to be sure he/she is already registered, then click on the pencil, then check 'Teacher', then 'Ok'.</p><p><b>Co-Trainers</b></p><p>To mention the name of a co-teacher in the heading (co-chairman, etc.), use the 'Course settings' tool. This modification does not automatically register your co-Trainer as a course member. The 'Teachers' field is completely independent of the 'Users' list.</p> <p><b>Tracking and Personal Home Pages</b></p> <p>In addition to showing the users list and modifying their rights, the Users tool also shows individual tracking and allows the teacher to define headings for personal home pages to be completed by users.</p>";
  32. $langGroupContent = "<p><b>Introduction</b></p><p>This tool allows you to create and manage workgroups. On first creation (Create groups), groups are 'empty'. There are many ways to fill them:<ul><li>automatically ('Fill groups (random)'),</li><li>manually ('Edit'),</li><li>self-registration by users (Groups settings: 'Self registration allowed...').</li></ul>These three ways can be combined. You can, for instance, first ask users to self-register.Then if you find some of them didn't register, decide to fill groups automatically (random) in order to complete them. You can also edit each group to determine membership, user by user, after or before self-registration and/or automatically on registration.</p><p>Filling groups, whether automatically or manually, is possible only for users registered on the course. The users list is visible in <b>Users</b> tool. </p><hr noshade size=1><p><b>Create groups</b></p><p>To create new groups, click on 'Create new group(s)' and decide the number of groups to create.</p><hr noshade size=1><p><b>Group settings</b></p><p>You can determine Group settings globally (for all groups).<b>Users may self-register in groups</b>:<p>You create empty groups, users self-register.If you have defined a maximum number, full groups do not accept new members.This method is handy for trainers unfamiliar with the users list when creating groups.</p><b>Tools</b>:</p><p>Every group is assigned either a forum (private or public) or a Documents area(a shared file manager) or (in most cases) both.</p><hr noshade size=1><p><b>Manual editing</b></p><p>Once groups have been created (Create groups), you will see, at the bottom of the page, a list of groups along with with several options:<ul><li><b>Edit</b>Manually modify group name, description, tutor, members list.</li><li><b>Delete</b> Delete a group.</li></ul><hr noshade size=1>";
  33. $langExerciseContent = "<p>The tests tool allows you to create tests containing as many questions as you like.<br><br> You can choose from a range of question formats clearly displayed at the top of the page when you create a test including (for example):<br><br><ul> <li>Multiple choice (single or multiple answers)</li> <li>Matching</li> <li>Fill in the blanks etc.</li></ul>A test can include any number and combination of questions and question formats.</p><hr><b>Test creation</b><p>To create a test, click on the \"New test\" link.<br><br>Type a name for the test, as well as an optional description.<br><br>You can add various elements to this, including audio or video files, e.g. for listening comprehension, but take care to make such files as small as possible to optimise download time (e.g. use mp3 rather than wav files - they're far smaller but perfectly good quality). <br><br>You can also choose between two modes of presentation:<br><br><ul> <li>Questions on an single page</li> <li>One question per page (sequentially)</li></ul>and opt for questions to be randomly organised when the test is run.<br><br>Finally, save your test. You will be taken to the question administration.</p><hr><b>Adding a question</b><p>You can now add a question to the newly created test. You can if you wish include a description and/or an image. To create the test types mentioned above, follow the following steps: </p><hr><b>Multiple choice</b><p>In order to create a MAQ / MCQ :<br><br><ul> <li>Define the answers for your question. You can add or delete an answer by clicking on the right-hand button</li> <li>Check the left box for the correct answer(s)</li> <li>Add an optional comment. This comment won't be seen by the user until he/she has answered the question</li> <li>Give a weighting to each answer. The weighting can be any positive or negative integer (or zero)</li> <li>Save your answers</li></ul></p><hr><b>Fill in the blanks</b><p>This allows you to create a cloze passage. The purpose is to prompt the user to find words that you have removed from the text.<br><br>To remove a word from the text, and thus create a blank, put brackets [like this] around it.<br><br>Once the text has been typed and blanks defined, you can add a comment that will be seen by the learner depending on the reply to the question.<br><br>Save your text, and you will be taken to the next step allowing you to assign a weighting to each blank. For example, if the question is worth 10 points and you have 5 blanks, you can give a weighting of 2 points to each blank.</p><hr><b>Matching</b><p>This answer type can be chosen so as to create a question where the user will have to connect elements from list A with elements from list B.<br><br>It can also be used to ask the user to arrange elements in a given order.<br><br>First, define the options from which the user will be able to choose the best answer. Then, define the questions which will have to be linked to one of the options previously defined. Finally, connect elements from the first list with those of the second list via the drop-down menu.<br><br>Note: Several elements from the first unit might point to the same element in the second unit.<br><br>Assign a weighting to each correct match, and save your answer.</p><hr><b>Modifying a test</b><p>In order to modify a test, the principle is the same as for creating a test. Just click on the picture <img src=\"../img/edit.gif\" border=\"0\" align=\"absmiddle\"> beside the test to modify, and follow the instructions above.</p><hr><b>Deleting a test</b><p>In order to delete a test, click on the picture <img src=\"../img/delete.gif\" border=\"0\" align=\"absmiddle\"> beside the test to delete it.</p><hr><b>Enabling a test</b><p>For a test can be used, you have to enable it by clicking on the picture <img src=\"../img/invisible.gif\" border=\"0\" align=\"absmiddle\"> beside the test name.</p><hr><b>Running the test</b><p>You can try out your test by clicking on its name in the tests list.</p><hr><b>Random questions</b><p>Whenever you create/modify a test, you can decide if you want questions to be drawn in a random order from amongst all test questions.<br><br>By enabling this option, questions will be drawn in a different order every time a user runs the test.<br><br>If you have got a large number of questions, you can opt to randomly draw only x-number of questions from the questions available.</p><hr><b>Questions pool</b><p>When you delete a test, its questions are not removed from the database, so they can be recycled back into another test via the questions pool.<br><br>The questions pool also allows you to re-use the same question in several tests.<br><br>By default, all the questions pertaining to your course are hidden. You can display the questions related to a test, by chosing 'filter' in the drop-down menu.<br><br>Orphan questions are questions that don not belong to any test.</p><hr><b>HotPotatoes Tests</b><p>You can import HotPotatoes tests into a Chamilo portal, to use in the Tests tool. The results of these tests are stored the same way as the results of Chamilo tests and as such can be readily monitored using the Reporting tool. In the case of simple tests, we recommend you use html or htm format; if your test contains pictures, a zip file upload is the most convenient way.</p><p>Note: You can also include HotPotatoes Tests as a step in the Learning Path.</p><b>Method of import</b><ul> <li>Select the file on your computer using the Browse button <input type=submit value=Browse name=submit2>\ton the right of your screen.</li>\t\t<li>\t\t\tLaunch the upload with the Upload Button <input type=submit value=Upload name=submit2>.\t\t</li>\t\t<li>\t\t\tYou can open the test by clicking onto its name.\t\t</li>\t</ul>\t<br><b>Useful link</b><br><ul><li>Hot Potatoes home page : <ahref=\"\"></a></li></li></ul>";
  34. $langPathContent = "The Course tool supports two approaches :<ul><li>Create a new course (allowing you to author your own content)</li><li>Import SCORM course</li></ul><img src=\"../img/path_help.gif\"><p><b>What is a Learning path?</b></p><p>A Learning path allows for the presentation of a sequence of learning experiences or activities arranged in distinct sections. (In this sense, the Learning path is what distinguishes a 'course' from a mere repository of random documents.) It can be content-based (serving as a table of contents) or activities-based, serving as an agenda or programme of action necessary to understand and apply a particular area of knowledge or skill.</p><p>In addition to being structured, a learning path can also be <i>sequential</i>, meaning that the completion of certain steps constitute pre-requisites for accessing others (i.e. 'you cannot go to learning object 2 before learning object 1'). Your sequence can be <i>suggestive</i> (simply displaying steps one after the other) or <i>prescriptive</i> (involving pre-requisites so that learners are required to follow steps in a particular order ).</p><p><b>How do I create my own Learning Path (Course)?</b></p><p>Proceed to the 'Learning Path' section. There you can create as many courses/paths as you wish by clicking the <i>Create a new course</i> tool. You will need to choose a name for the course/path (e.g. <i>Unit 1</i> if you plan to create several units within the overall course). To begin with, the course is empty, waiting for you to add sections and learning objects to it.<br>If you set a course to Visible, it will appear as a new tool on the course homepage. This makes it easier and clearer for students to access.</p><p><b>What learning objects can I add?</b></p><p>All Chamilo tools, activities and content that you consider useful and relevant to yourcourse can be added :<br><ul><li>Separate documents (texts, pictures, Office docs, ...)</li><li>Forums as a whole</li><li>Topics</li><li>Links</li><li>Chamilo Tests</li><li>HotPotatoes Tests<br />(note :tests made invisible on the homepage, but included in a path, become visible for learners onl as they work throught the course.)</li><li>Assignments</li><li>External links</li></ul></p><p><b>Other features</b></p><p>Learners can be asked to follow your course in a given order, as you can set <u>prerequisites</u>. This means for example thatlearners cannot go to e.g. Quiz 2 until they have read e.g. Document 1. All learning objects have a status:<i>completed</i> or <i>incomplete</i>, so the progress of learners is clearly reported.</p><p>If you alter the original title of a learning object, the new name will appear inthe course, but the original title will not be deleted. So if you want test8.doc to appear as 'Final Exam' in the path, you do not have to rename the file, you can use the new title in the path. It is also useful to give new titles to links which are too long.</p><p>When you're finished, don't forget to check Display mode, (showing, as in learner view, the table of contents on the left and the learning objects on the right,one at a time.)</p><br><p><b>What is a SCORM course and how do I import one?</b></p><p>The learning path tool allows you to upload SCORM compliant courses.</p><p>SCORM (<i>Sharable Content Object Reference Model</i>) is a public standard followed by major e-Learning companies like NETg, Macromedia, Microsoft, Skillsoft, etc. They act at three levels:</p><ul><li><b>Economy</b> : SCORM renders whole courses or small content units reusable on different Learning Management Systems (LMS) through the separation of content and context,</li><li><b>Pedagogy</b> : SCORM integrates the notion ofpre-requisite or <i>sequencing</i> (<i>e.g. </i>\"Youcannot go to chapter 2 before passing Quiz 1\"),</li><li><b>Technology</b> : SCORM generates a table of contents as an abstraction layer situated outside content and outside the LMS. It helps content and the LMS to communicate with each other. Mainly communicated are <i>bookmarks</i>(\"Where is John in thecourse?\"), <i>scoring</i> (\"How did John pass the test?\") and <i>time</i> (\"How muchtime did John spent in chapter 1?\").</li></ul><b>How can I create a SCORM compliant learning path?</b><br><br>The obvious way is to use the Chamilo Authoring tool. However, you may prefer to create complete SCORM compliant websites locally on your own computer before uploading it onto your Chamilo platform. In this case, we recommend the use of a sophisticated tool like Lectora®, eXe Learning® or Reload®<br></p><p>";
  35. $langDescriptionContent = "<p>The Course Description tool prompts you to comprhensively describe your course in a systematic way. This description can be used to provide learners with an overview of what awaits them, and can be helpful when you review and evaluate your course. </p> The items merely offer suggestions. If you want to write a your own independent course description simply create your own headings and decriptions by selecting the 'Other' tool. </p> Otherwise, to complete a description of the course, click on each image, fill it with your text/content and submit. </p>";
  36. $langLinksContent = "<p>The Links tool allows you to create a library of resources for your students, particularly of resources that you have not created yourself.</p><p>As the list grows, it might prove useful to organise it into categories to help your students find the right information at the right place. You can edit every link to re-assign it to a new category (you will need to create this category first).</p><p>The Description field can be used to provide advance-information on the target web pages but also to describe what you expect the student to do with the link. If, for instance, you point to a website on Aristotle, the description field may ask the student to study the difference between synthesis and analysis.";
  37. $langMycoursesContent = "<p> As soon as you log in to the system, you will be taken to your own main page. Here you will see the following: <li> <b> My Courses </b> in the centre of the page, lists the courses in which you are enrolled, with an option for you to create new courses (using the button in the right menu) </li> In the header section, <b> My Profile </b> allows you to change your password, upload your photo to the system or change your username, </li> <b> My Calendar </b>: contains the events within the courses for which you are registered, </li> in the right menu: <b> Edit my list of courses </b> allows you to enroll in courses as learner, (provided the trainer/teacher has authorized entry. here you can also unsubscribe from a course, </li> Links <b> Support Forum </b> and <b> Documentation </b> refer you to the main Chamilo site, where you can ask questions or find up to date information about Chamilo. </li> </ ul> To enter a course (left side of the screen), click on its title. Your profile may vary from course to course. It could be that you are a teacher in one course and a learner in another. In courses for which you are responsible, you have access to the editing tools designed for authoring and managing students, while in courses where you learn, you access a more limited range of tools appropriate for undertaking the course.</p> The form your own main page takes can vary from one platform to another depending on the options enabled by the system administrator. Thus, for example, there may be some cases where you do not have access to course creation even as a teacher, because this particular function is managed by others within your institution. </p>";
  38. $langAgendaContent = "<p> The Agenda tool appears both as a calendar within each course and as a personal diary tool for each student providing an overview of events in the courses in which they are enrolled. (Groups can also have their own Agenda.) </ p> Users can use the Agenda, which displays course content and activites, as a reference tool to organise their day to day or week to week learning.<p>In addition to being visible in the agenda, new events are indicated to the learner whenever he/she logs in. The system sees what has been added since his/her last visit and icons appear on the portal home page beside the courses indicating new events and announcements.</p> </p> If you want to organize students' work in a time-related way, it is best to use the Learning Paths tool as a way of charting a logical progression through various activites and content through the presentation of a formal table of contents.</p>";
  39. $langAnnouncementsContent = "<p> The Announcements tool allows you to send an email to some or all of your students, or to specific groups. to might want to alert them to the addition of a new document, to remind them of a deadline for submission of an assignment or to highlight and share a particularly good piece of work. Sending such email announcements can also serve as a useful prompt to re-engage students who have not visited the site for some time (as long as it's not overdone!). </p> <b> Contacting specific users </b> <p> In addition to sending a general email to all members of the course, you can send an email to one or more individuals/groups groups.When you create a new announcement. Just click <i>Visible to</i> and select users from the left hand lists and and add them as recipients using the arrows.</p>";
  40. $langChatContent = "<p>The Chat tool allows you to chat 'live' with your students in real time. </p> In contrast to most commercial chat tools, the chat in Chamilo is web based and does not require any additional install (e.g. MSN® Yahoo Messenger®. Skype® etc.) A key advantage of this solution is therefore it's immediate availablilty for students, allowing chat to be easily integrated into the course. Moreover, the Chamilo chat tool will automatically archive discussions and save them for ready access later via the Documents tool. (Be warned that the message may take from 1 to 5 seconds to refresh with each exchange - this doesn't mean anything is wrong!!). </p> If learners have uploaded a profile picture it will appear (reduced in size) in the left column - otherwise, it will show a default image. </p> It is the responsibility of the teacher to delete threads whenever he/she deems relevant. </p> <b>Educational Use</b> <p>Adding Chat to your course is not always a good idea. To make best use of this tool, you need to ensure discussions remains focussed on course content. You might, for example, decide to keep the chat facility hidden until it is time for a 'formal' scheduled session. That way,while the freedom of discussions may admittedly be curbed, you are able to better guarantee thatsuch live meetings will be beneficial .</p>";
  41. $langWorkContent = "<p>The assignments tool is a very simple tool that allows your students to upload documents to the course.It can be used to accept responses to open questions from individuals or groups, or for uploading any other form of document</p><p>You can make files visible to all students by default, or only visible to yourself according to the requirements of your course. Making all files visible is useful when, for instance, you want to ask students to share opinions on each others papers, or when you want to give them experience in publishing texts globally. Keep files invisible if, for example, you want ask everybody the same question but to avoid 'cheating'. Making the documents invisible will also allow you to have some form of control over when a document is available to all the other students. </p><p>If you want students to hand in a document for grading you're best, from within the tool, to assign submissions to a folder.</p> <p>You can use the the tool to set deadlines and instructions for delivery, as well as a maximum grade/score.</p>";
  42. $langTrackingContent = "<p>The Reporting tool helps you track your students' attendance and progress: Did they connect to the system, When? How many times? How much do they score in tests? Have they already uploaded their assignment paper? When? If you use SCORM courses, you can even track how much time a student spent on a particular module or chapter. Reporting provides two levels of information:<ul><li><b>Global</b>: How many students have accessed the course? What are the most frequently visited pages and links?</i><li><b>Specific</b>: What pages has John Doe visited? What score does he get in tests? When did he last connect to the platform?</li></ul>";
  43. $langHSettings = "Course settings Help";
  44. $langSettingsContent = "<p>The Course Settings allows you to manage the global parameters of your course: Title, code, language, name of trainer etc.</p><p>The options situated in the centre of the page deal with confidentiality settings : is the course public or private? Can users register to it? You can use these settings dynamically e.g. allow self-registration for one week > ask your students to register > close access to self-registration > remove possible intruders through the Users list. This way you keep control of who is registered while avoiding the administrative hassle of registering them yourself.</p>(Note - some organizations prefer not to use this method and opt to centralise registration. In this case, participants cannot enrol in your course at all, even if you, as a trainer / teacher, wish to give them access. To check this, look at the home page of your campus (as opposed to your course homepage) to see if the 'Register' link is present.) </p> <p>At the bottom of the page, you can back up the course and delete it. Backup will create a file on the server and allow you to copy it on your own Hard Disk locally so that there will be two backups each in different places. If you back up a course and then delete it you will not be be able to restore it yourself, but the system administrator can do this for you if you give him/her the code of your training. Backing up a training is also a good way to get all your documents transferred to your own computer. You will need a tool, like Winzip® to UNZIP the archive. Note that backing up a training does not automatically remove it.</p>";
  45. $langHExternal = "Add a Link help";
  46. $langExternalContent = "<p>Chamilo is a modular tool. You can hide and show tools whenever you want, according to the requirements of your project or to a particular chronological part of it. But you can also add tools or pages to your home page that you have created yourself or that come from outwith your Chamilo portal. That way, you can customise your course home page to make it your own.</p><p>In so doing, you will doubtless want to add your own links to the page. Links can be of two types:<ul><li><b>External link</b>: you create a link on your home page to a website situated outside your course area. In this case, you will select 'Target= In a new window' because you don't want that website to replace your Chamilo environment.</li><li><b>Internal link</b>: you link to a page or a tool inside your Chamilo course. To do this, first go to the relevant page (or document, or tool), copy its URL from the address bar of your browser (CTRL+C), then you go to 'Add link' and paste this URL in the URL field, giving it whatever name you want. In this case, you will select 'Target=Same window' because you want to keep the Chamilo banner on top and the link page in the same environment.</li></ul>Once created, links cannot be edited. To modify them, the only solution is to deactivate and delete them, then start over.</p>";
  47. $langClarContent3 = "Clear content";
  48. $langClarContent4 = "Clear content";
  49. $langClarContent1 = "Clear content";
  50. $langClarContent2 = "Clear content";
  51. $langHGroups = "Groups Help";
  52. $langGroupsContent = "Content of the groups";
  53. $langGuide = "Manual";
  54. $HSurvey = "Survey Help";
  55. $SurveyContent = "<p>Getting proper feedback on your courses is extremely important. You will find the dedicated Survey tool invaluable for getting effective feedback from users. </p> <p><b>Creating a new survey</b></p> <p> Click on the link 'Create a new survey' and fill in the fields 'Survey code' and 'Survey title'. With the help of the calendar, you can control the duration of your survey. There's no need to keep it open for a whole year; allow access for a few days at the end of the training program. Filling in the text fields 'Survey introduction' and 'Survey thanks' is also good practice; this will add clarity and a certain friendliness to your survey.</p> <p><b>Adding questions to the survey</b></p> <p>Once the survey outline is created, it is up to you to create the questions. The 'Survey' tool has many question types: open/closed questions, percentage, QCM, multiple responses... You should certainly find everything you need for your (ever increasing) feedback requirements.</p> <p><b>Previewing the survey</b></p><p>Once you have created questions, you may want to check what the survey will look like to learners. Click on the 'Preview' icon and the preview screen will show you exactly this.</p> <p><b>Publishing the survey</b></p> <p>Happy with the preview? Any modifications to be made? No? Then click on the icon 'Publish survey' to send the survey to the selected list of recipients. As with creating groups, use the list 'Users of this course' on the left and the one for 'receivers' on its right to arrrange this. Next, fill in the email subject 'Title of the email' and the content, 'Text of the email'. Potential surveyees will be alerted by email of the availability of a survey. Think carefully about the wording of the email because it will play a big part in motivating users to take the survey.</p> <p><b>Survey reports</b></p> Analyzing surveys is a tedious task. The survey Reporting tool will help with analysis as it sorts reports according to question, user, comparisons etc... <p><b>Managing surveys</b></p> When managing surveys you will see some new icons, apart from the usual 'Edit' and 'Delete' options.You can preview, publish and keep track of your surveys and responses using these.</p>";
  56. $HBlogs = "Project help";
  57. $BlogsContent = "<p> The Project tool facilitates collaborative project work. </p> One way to use the tool is to use it to assign authors charged with keeping written reports on activities throughout the day/week. </p> Coupled with this is a task management tool through which you can assign a relevant task to any of the designated authors (eg to report on the evolution of safety standards in the business). </p> An item representing new content is called an <i> article </i>. To create a new article, just follow the link in the menu prompting you to do. To edit (if you are the author of the article) or add a comment to an article, just click on the title of this article. </p>";
  58. ?>