4.3 KB

  1. <?php
  2. /*
  3. for more information: see languages.txt in the lang folder.
  4. */
  5. $AlreadyRegisteredToCourse = "Already registered in course";
  6. $lang_already_enrolled = "already enrolled";
  7. $lang_my_personnal_course_list = "My courses list";
  8. $lang_course_enrollment = "Course user";
  9. $lang_course_not_available = "This course is not available or doesn't exist.";
  10. $lang_enroll = "Enroll";
  11. $lang_enroll_to_a_new_course = "Enroll to a new course";
  12. $lang_my_present_course_list = "My courses";
  13. $lang_no_course_to_enroll_in_this_category = "No course available for enrollment in this category.";
  14. $lang_or_search_from_the_course_code = "Or search by course code";
  15. $lang_search = "Search";
  16. $lang_select_course_among_categories = "Select course among categories";
  17. $lang_select_course_in = "Select course in";
  18. $lang_select_course_in_search_results = "Select course from search results";
  19. $Unsubscribe = "Unsubscribe";
  20. $lang_back_to_my_home_page = "Back to my home page";
  21. $lang_back_to_my_personnal_course_list = "Back to my courses list";
  22. $langTitular = "Leader";
  23. $langAdministrationTools = "Administration Tools";
  24. $lang_back_to_parent_category = "Back to parent category";
  25. $lang_back_to_course_selection = "Back to course selection";
  26. $lang_up = "Back to parent category";
  27. $langCatList = "Categories";
  28. $langCourseList = "Courses list";
  29. $Subscribe = "Subscribe";
  30. $AlreadySubscribed = "Already subscribed";
  31. $CodeMandatory = "Code mandatory";
  32. $CourseCategoryMandatory = "Course category mandatory";
  33. $TeacherMandatory = "Teacher mandatory";
  34. $CourseCategoryStored = "Course category is created";
  35. $langWithoutTimeLimits = "Without time limits";
  36. $lang_back_to_main_category_list = "Back to the main category list";
  37. $langAdded = "Added";
  38. $langDeleted = "Deleted";
  39. $langKeeped = "Kept";
  40. $langHideAndSubscribeClosed = "Hidden / Closed";
  41. $langHideAndSubscribeOpen = "Hidden / Open";
  42. $langShowAndSubscribeOpen = "Visible / Open";
  43. $langShowAndSubscribeClosed = "Visible / Closed";
  44. $langAdminThisUser = "Back to user";
  45. $langManage = "Manage Portal";
  46. $langEnrollToCourseSuccessful = "You have been registered to the course";
  47. $langSubCat = "sub-categories";
  48. $langUnsubscribeNotAllowed = "Unsubscribing from this course is not allowed.";
  49. $langCourseAdminUnsubscribeNotAllowed = "You are a trainer in this course";
  50. $CourseManagement = "Courses catalog";
  51. $SortMyCourses = "Sort courses";
  52. $SubscribeToCourse = "Subscribe to course";
  53. $UnsubscribeFromCourse = "Unsubscribe from course";
  54. $CreateCourseCategory = "Create a personal courses category";
  55. $CourseCategoryAbout2bedeleted = "Are you sure you want to delete this courses category? Courses inside this category will be moved outside the categories";
  56. $CourseCategories = "Courses categories";
  57. $CoursesInCategory = "Courses in this category";
  58. $SearchCourse = "Search courses";
  59. $UpOneCategory = "One category up";
  60. $SearchResultsFor = "Search results for:";
  61. $ConfirmUnsubscribeFromCourse = "Are you sure you want to unsubscribe?";
  62. $NoCourseCategory = "No courses category";
  63. $EditCourseCategorySucces = "The course has been added to the category";
  64. $SubscribingNotAllowed = "Subscribing not allowed";
  65. $CourseSortingDone = "Courses sorted";
  66. $ExistingCourseCategories = "Existing courses categories";
  67. $YouAreNowUnsubscribed = "You are now unsubscribed from the training";
  68. $ViewOpenCourses = "View public courses";
  69. $ErrorContactPlatformAdmin = "There happened an unknown error. Please contact the platform administrator.";
  70. $CourseRegistrationCodeIncorrect = "The course password is incorrect";
  71. $CourseRequiresPassword = "This course requires a password";
  72. $SubmitRegistrationCode = "Submit registration code";
  73. $CourseCategoryDeleted = "The category was deleted";
  74. $CategorySortingDone = "Category sorting done";
  75. $CourseCategoryEditStored = "Category updated";
  76. $buttonCreateCourseCategory = "Save courses category";
  77. $buttonSaveCategory = "Save the category";
  78. $buttonChangeCategory = "Change category";
  79. $SessionName = "Session name";
  80. $SessionCategory = "Sessions categories";
  81. $Expand = "Expand";
  82. $Collapse = "Collapse";
  83. $CourseDetails = "Course description";
  84. $GroupPendingInvitations = "Group pending invitations";
  85. $Compose = "Compose";
  86. $EmptyHeaderLine = "There is an empty line in the header of selected file";
  87. $EnrollToCourseXSuccessful = "You have been registered to course: %s";
  88. $ThereAreNoCoursesInThisCategory = "No course at this category level";
  89. ?>