french.php 4.7 KB

  1. <?php
  2. /* For licensing terms, see /license.txt */
  3. /**
  4. * Strings to english L10n
  5. * @author Angel Fernando Quiroz Campos <>
  6. * @package chamilo.plugin.tour
  7. */
  8. $strings['plugin_title'] = 'Tour guidé';
  9. $strings['plugin_comment'] = 'Ce plugin montre aux utilisateurs comment utiliser votre portail Chamilo. Vous devez activer une région (p.ex. "header-right") afin d\'afficher le bouton qui permet de démarrer le processus.';
  10. /* Strings for settings */
  11. $strings['show_tour'] = 'Activer le tour guidé';
  12. $showTourHelpLine01 = 'La configuration nécessaire à l\'affichage du bloc d\'aide, au format JSON, se situe dans le fichier %splugin/tour/config/tour.json%s.';
  13. $showTourHelpLine02 = 'Voir fichier README pour plus d\'info.';
  14. $strings['show_tour_help'] = sprintf("$showTourHelpLine01 %s $showTourHelpLine02", "<strong>", "</strong>", "<br>");
  15. $strings['theme'] = 'Thème';
  16. $strings['theme_help'] = 'Choisissez entre <i>nassim</i>, <i>nazanin</i> et <i>royal</i>. Vide pour utiliser le thème par défaut.';
  17. /* Strings for plugin UI */
  18. $strings['Skip'] = 'Passer';
  19. $strings['Next'] = 'Suivant';
  20. $strings['Prev'] = 'Précédent';
  21. $strings['Done'] = 'Terminé';
  22. $strings['StartButtonText'] = 'Démarrer le tour guidé';
  23. /* String for the steps */
  24. // if body class = section-mycampus
  25. $strings['TheLogoStep'] = 'Bienvenu(e) dans <b>Chamilo LMS</b>';
  26. $strings['TheNavbarStep'] = 'Barre de menu, reprenant les sections principales.';
  27. $strings['TheRightPanelStep'] = 'Panneau latéral de menus';
  28. $strings['TheUserImageBlock'] = 'Votre photo de profil utilisateur';
  29. $strings['TheProfileBlock'] = 'Vos outils perso: <i>Boîte de messages</i>, <i>Composer des messages</i>, <i>Invitations en attente</i>, <i>Édition du profil</i>.';
  30. $strings['TheHomePageStep'] = 'Ceci est la page d\'accueil du portail. On y retrouve les annonces du portail, une section d\'introduction, des liens, etc, selon ce que l\'équipe d\'administration a préparé';
  31. // if body class = section-mycourses
  32. $strings['YourCoursesList'] = 'Cette zone affiche les différents cours (ou sessions) auxquels vous avez accès. Si aucun cours ne s\'affiche, rendez-vous sur le catalogue de cours (voir menu) ou parlez-en à votre administrateur de portail';
  33. // if body class = section-myagenda
  34. $strings['AgendaAllowsYouToSeeWhatsHappening'] = 'The agenda tool allows you to see what events are scheduled for the upcoming days, weeks or months.';
  35. $strings['AgendaTheActionBar'] = 'You can decide to show the events as a list, rather than in a calendar view, using the action icons provided';
  36. $strings['AgendaTodayButton'] = 'Click the "today" button to see only today\'s schedule';
  37. $strings['AgendaTheMonthIsAlwaysInEvidence'] = 'The current month is always shown in evidence in the calendar view';
  38. $strings['AgendaButtonsAllowYouToChangePeriod'] = 'You can switch the view to daily, weekly or monthly by clicking one of these buttons';
  39. // if body class = section-session_my_space
  40. $strings['MySpaceAllowsYouToKeepTrackOfProgress'] = 'This area allows you to check your progress if you\'re a student, or the progress of your students if you are a teacher';
  41. $strings['MySpaceSectionsGiveYouImportantInsight'] = 'The reports provided on this screen are extensible and can provide you very valuable insight on your learning or teaching';
  42. // if body class = section-social
  43. $strings['SocialAllowsYouToGetInTouchWithOtherUsersOfThePlatform'] = 'The social area allows you to get in touch with other users on the platform';
  44. $strings['SocialMenuGivesAccessToDifferentToolsToGetInTouchOrPublishStuff'] = 'The menu gives you access to a series of screens allowing you to participate in private messaging, chat, interest groups, etc';
  45. // if body class = section-dashboard
  46. $strings['DashboardAllowsYouToGetVerySpecificInformationInAnIllustratedCondensedFormat'] = 'The dashboard allows you to get very specific information in an illustrated and condensed format. Only administrators have access to this feature at this time';
  47. $strings['DashboardMustBeConfiguredFirstFromTheAdminSectionPluginsThenHereToEnableDesiredBlocks'] = 'To enable dashboard panels, you must first activate the possible panels in the admin section for plugins, then come back here and choose which panels *you* want to see on your dashboard';
  48. // if body class = section-platform_admin
  49. $strings['AdministrationAllowsYouToManageYourPortal'] = 'The administration panel allows you to manage all resources in your Chamilo portal';
  50. $strings['AdminUsersBlockAllowsYouToManageUsers'] = 'The users block allows you to manage all things related to users.';
  51. $strings['AdminCoursesBlockAllowsYouToManageCourses'] = 'The courses block gives you access to course creation, edition, etc. Other blocks are dedicated to specific uses as well.';