11 KB

  1. <?php
  2. /*
  3. for more information: see languages.txt in the lang folder.
  4. */
  5. $ReservationPeriodToSmall = "Η περίοδος Κράτησης είναι πολύ μικρή.";
  6. $BookingSystem = "Σύστημα Κρατήσεων";
  7. $BookingPeriodList = "Booking period list";
  8. $BookingListView = "Λίστα Κρατήσεων";
  9. $BookingCalendarView = "Εμφάνιση Ημερολογίου Κρατήσεων";
  10. $BookingPeriods = "Προγραμματισμός";
  11. $ResourceList = "Λίστα πόρων";
  12. $GoToCalendarView = "Εμφάνιση Ημερολογίου";
  13. $GoToListView = "Εμφάνιση Λίστας";
  14. $ManageResources = "Διαχείριση Πόρων";
  15. $EditResource = "Επεξεργασία Πόρου";
  16. $BookIt = "Κράτηση Πόρου";
  17. $GoTo = "Μετάβαση σε";
  18. $NoTimePicker = "No time picker";
  19. $TimePicker = "Time picker";
  20. $ManageBookingPeriods = "Διαχείριση Περιόδων Κρατήσεων";
  21. $BookingPeriodToSmall = "Η περίοδος Κράτησης είναι πολύ μικρή";
  22. $BookingPeriodToBig = "Η περίοδος Κράτησης είναι πολύ μεγάλη.";
  23. $BookingPeriodTimePickerError1 = "A booking period without a timepicker can not be made if the minimum and maximum time of a chunck differs from zero.";
  24. $BookingPeriodTimePickerError2 = "A booking period with a timepicker can not be made if the maximum time is smaller than the minimum time of a chunck.";
  25. $BookingPeriodTimePickerError3 = "A booking period with a timepicker can not be made if the maximum time of a chunck doesn't fit between the start and end date.";
  26. $BookingPeriodHasSubscriptions = "The booking period has #NUM# active bookings, editing the booking period is not possible";
  27. $TimePickerMaxUsers = "* When the timepicker is being used, the maximum number of subscriptions is being ignored.";
  28. $TimePickerMinMaxNull = "* If the minimum and maximum value of the timepicker is zero, the time can be chosen variably.";
  29. $DeleteSelectedBookingPeriod = "Delete selected booking periods";
  30. $EditNewBookingPeriod = "Edit a booking period";
  31. $BookingPeriodAdded = "The booking period has been added";
  32. $BookingPeriodDeleted = "The booking period has been deleted";
  33. $ConfirmDeleteBookingPeriod = "Are you sure that you want to permantly delete this booking period?";
  34. $DeleteBookingPeriod = "Remove this booking period";
  35. $BookingPeriodEdited = "The booking period has been edited";
  36. $BookingPeriodDateOverlap = "A part of the booking period is already in use in the period from #START# until #END#";
  37. $BookingPeriodSubscribeUntilAfterStart = "The subscribe until date is greater then the startdate";
  38. $RepeatFor = "Repeat every";
  39. $RepeatUntil = "Repeat until";
  40. $BookingPeriodPast = "Its not possible to make reservations before the current time";
  41. $ReservationMaxUsersOverrun = "The are already more people subscribed then the Max Users you selected";
  42. $AddNewBookingPeriod = "Add a new booking period";
  43. $BookingPeriodTimePickerLimitation = "Limitation on booking period timepicker";
  44. $ResourceTypeName = "Resource type";
  45. $AddNewResourceType = "Add new resource type";
  46. $ResourceTypeAdded = "The resource type has been added";
  47. $ResourceTypeEdited = "The resource type has been edited";
  48. $ResourceTypeDeleted = "The resource type has been deleted";
  49. $ConfirmDeleteResourceType = "Are you sure that you want to permantly delete this resource type?";
  50. $EditResourceType = "Edit resource type";
  51. $DeleteResourceType = "Delete resource type";
  52. $DeleteSelectedCategories = "Delete selected resources";
  53. $NoResourcesType = "No resource type yet";
  54. $ResourceType = "Category";
  55. $ResourceTypeExist = "This resource type already exists";
  56. $ResourceTypeHasItems = "The resource type has #NUM# items ! Delete has been aborted";
  57. $ResourceTypeNotDeleted = "Some categories could not be removed because they contain resources";
  58. $DeleteSelectedSubscriptions = "Delete selected reservation";
  59. $DeleteSubscription = "Delete reservation";
  60. $SubscriptionDeleted = "Your reservation has been deleted";
  61. $ConfirmDeleteSubscription = "Are you sure that you want to delete this reservations?";
  62. $SubscribeInformation = "Please confirm if you want to make a reservation from #start# until #end# for #name#";
  63. $SubscribeTimePickerInformation = "Please select for #name# a period #from_till between: #start_end";
  64. $ReservationAdded = "Reservation added";
  65. $ReservationTresspassing = "This reservation is already full, you are not allowed on this page";
  66. $ReservationOutOfDate = "The date you have choosen is already in use and/or is not the reservation period from #START# until #END#";
  67. $ReservationAlready = "You already booked this resource";
  68. $ReservationMadeTitle = "Your booking of #ITEM# was successfull";
  69. $ReservationMadeMessage = "Dear Sir/Madam,\n\nYour booking for #ITEM# from #START# until #END# is successfull.";
  70. $ReservationDeleteTitle = "A booking period of #NAME# has been deleted";
  71. $ReservationDeleteMessage = "Dear Sir/Madam,\nThe reservation period of #NAME# from #START# until #END# has been removed.";
  72. $OutPeriod = "Out period";
  73. $ReservationFromUntilError = "The booking period from #START# until #END# hasn't been made because a part of the booking period is already taken.\n";
  74. $Recurrence = "Recurrence";
  75. $NoRecurrence = "No recurrence";
  76. $UntilRecurrence = "Use recurrence";
  77. $TimePickerLimitation = "* When the timepicker is being used, the start and enddate must be the same.";
  78. $OverviewSubscriptions = "Overview subscriptions";
  79. $OverviewReservedPeriods = "Overview subscribed periods";
  80. $SubscribedStartDate = "Subscribed from end date";
  81. $SubscribedEndDate = "Subscribed till end date";
  82. $SubscribedPerson = "Subscribed person";
  83. $BookingView = "Booking view";
  84. $SubscribeUntil = "Subscribe until";
  85. $SubscribeFrom = "Subscribe from";
  86. $Notes = "Notes";
  87. $SubscriptionPeriod = "Subscription Period";
  88. $NoPeriod = "No subscription period";
  89. $FixedPeriod = "Fixed subscription period";
  90. $ResourceFilter = "Resource filter";
  91. $NoReservation = "No booking period yet";
  92. $MaxUsers = "Maximum subscriptions";
  93. $AutoAccept = "Accept users automatically";
  94. $ResourceName = "Resource";
  95. $ResourceAdded = "Resource added";
  96. $ResourceEdited = "Resource edited";
  97. $ResourceDeleted = "The resource has been deleted";
  98. $AddNewResource = "Add new resource";
  99. $ConfirmDeleteResource = "Are you sure that you want to permantly delete this resource?";
  100. $ResourceInactivated = "The resource has been disabled";
  101. $ResourceActivated = "The resource has been enabled";
  102. $Resource = "Assessment";
  103. $OpenBooking = "Open booking";
  104. $DeleteResource = "Delete resource";
  105. $DeleteSelectedResources = "Delete selected resources";
  106. $ResourceExist = "The resource already exists";
  107. $AcceptUsers = "Accepting users";
  108. $UnacceptedUsers = "Unaccepting users";
  109. $DeleteSubscriptions = "Deleting subscriptions";
  110. $NoItems = "No resources yet";
  111. $ItemNotDeleted = "Some resources are not removed because there are pending bookings";
  112. $ItemHasReservations = "The resource still has #NUM# active booking(s)";
  113. $NoItemsReservation = "There are no resources available for you in here";
  114. $ReservationAccepted = "Your booking of #ITEM# is accepted";
  115. $ReservationDenied = "Your booking for #ITEM# was refused";
  116. $ReservationForItemAccepted = "Dear Sir/Madam,\n\nYour reservation for #ITEM# from #BEGIN till #END has been accepted.";
  117. $ReservationForItemDenied = "Dear Sir/Madam,\n\nYour booking for #ITEM# from #BEGIN till #END has been rejected.";
  118. $ReservationCancelled = "Reservation cancelled, #NAME# is temporary unavailable";
  119. $ReservationActive = "Reservation is active again, #NAME# is available again";
  120. $ReservationUnavailable = "Dear Sir/Madam,\n\nResource #NAME# is temporarily unavailable so your booking from #BEGIN# till #END# has been cancelled.\nYou will get an email when it is available again.";
  121. $ReservationAvailable = "Dear Sir/Madam,\n\nWe wish to inform you that #NAME# is available again, so your reservation from #BEGIN# till #END# is active again.";
  122. $Resources = "Resources";
  123. $EditBookingPeriod = "Edit booking period";
  124. $CreateResourceType = "Create resource type";
  125. $ModifyResourceType = "Edit resource type";
  126. $ViewResourceTypes = "View the resource types";
  127. $ViewResources = "View the resources";
  128. $ViewBookingPeriods = "View the booking periods";
  129. $AlwaysAvailable = "Always available";
  130. $SelectResourceTypeAndResource = "Select the resource type";
  131. $Step1SelectResourceType = "Step 1: Select resource type";
  132. $Step2SelectResource = "Step 2: select the resource";
  133. $Step3SelectBookingPeriod = "Step 3: select the booking period";
  134. $NoReservations = "No reservations";
  135. $ItemRightDeleted = "Item permissions removed.";
  136. $MItemRights = "Item rights";
  137. $MReservationRight = "Booking permissions";
  138. $ItemRightEdited = "Item permissions updated.";
  139. $NoRights = "No rights";
  140. $MItemRights2 = "Item permissions";
  141. $MAddClassgroup = "Add class/group";
  142. $EditItemRight = "Edit item permissions";
  143. $DeleteItemRight = "Delete item permissions";
  144. $MBookingPeriodsRight = "Booking period permissions";
  145. $ViewItemRight = "View item permissions";
  146. $DeleteSelectedItemRights = "Delete selected item permissions";
  147. $SetEditRights = "Set edit permissions";
  148. $UnsetEditRights = "Remove edit permissions";
  149. $SetDeleteRights = "Assign delete permissions";
  150. $UnsetDeleteRights = "Remove delete permissions";
  151. $SetMresRights = "Set reservation permissions";
  152. $UnsetMresRights = "Remove reservation permissions";
  153. $SetViewRights = "Assign view permissions";
  154. $UnsetViewRights = "Remove viewing permissions";
  155. $SetAllRights = "Assign all permissions";
  156. $UnsetAllRights = "Remove all permissions";
  157. $ItemCourse = "Course item";
  158. $MItemRight = "Item permissions";
  159. $EditItem2 = "Edit item";
  160. $ItemManagerHeader = "Item manager";
  161. $LangClass = "Class";
  162. $MReservationPeriodsRight = "Reservation periods permissions";
  163. $AddNewItem = "Add a new item";
  164. $ItemName = "Item name";
  165. $ItemDescription = "Item description";
  166. $ItemExist = "The item exists";
  167. $EditItem = "Edit item";
  168. $ItemEdited = "Item updated.";
  169. $CategoryFilter = "Category filter";
  170. $ItemCreator = "Item creator";
  171. $DeleteSelectedItems = "Delete selected items";
  172. $BookingPeriodTimepickerLimitation = "Περιορισμός στην επιλογή περιόδου κρατήσεων";
  173. $Blackout = "Blackout";
  174. $EveryDay = "Every day";
  175. $EveryWeek = "Every week";
  176. $EveryMonth = "Every month";
  177. $ReservationForDenied = "Booking denied";
  178. $BookingPeriodTooSmall = "The booking period is too small.";
  179. $BookingPeriodTooBig = "Booking period too long.";
  180. $PermissionsStored = "Permissions stored";
  181. $PermissionGranted = "Permission granted";
  182. $PermissionRevoked = "Permission revoked";
  183. $RoleGranted = "Role granted";
  184. $RoleRevoked = "Role revoked";
  185. $ErrorPleaseGiveRoleName = "Please give this role a name";
  186. $RoleDeleted = "Role deleted";
  187. $AddRole = "Add role";
  188. $RoleComment = "The role is the item which will allow you to assign rights to a person or group of people.";
  189. $DefaultRole = "Default role";
  190. $PermissionsOfRole = "Permissions of role";
  191. $IsPlatformRoleNotEditable = "Is the platform role not editable?";
  192. $UserPermissions = "User's permissions";
  193. ?>