config_fonts.php 3.3 KB

  1. <?php
  2. // List of ALL available fonts (incl. styles) in non-Unicode directory
  3. // Always put main font (without styles) before font+style; put preferred default first in order
  4. // Do NOT include Arial Helvetica Times Courier Symbol or ZapfDingbats
  5. $this->available_fonts = array(
  6. 'dejavusanscondensed','dejavusanscondensedB','dejavusanscondensedI','dejavusanscondensedBI',
  7. 'dejavuserifcondensed','dejavuserifcondensedB','dejavuserifcondensedI','dejavuserifcondensedBI',
  8. 'dejavusans','dejavusansB','dejavusansI','dejavusansBI',
  9. 'dejavuserif','dejavuserifB','dejavuserifI','dejavuserifBI',
  10. 'dejavusansmono','dejavusansmonoB','dejavusansmonoI','dejavusansmonoBI',
  11. 'freesans','freesansB','freesansI','freesansBI',
  12. 'freeserif','freeserifB','freeserifI','freeserifBI',
  13. 'freemono','freemonoB','freemonoI','freemonoBI',
  14. 'ocrb',
  15. /* Add any extra codepaged fonts here */
  16. );
  17. // List of ALL available fonts (incl. styles) in Unicode directory
  18. // Always put main font (without styles) before font+style; put preferred default first in order
  19. // Do NOT include Arial Helvetica Times Courier Symbol or ZapfDingbats
  20. $this->available_unifonts = array(
  21. 'dejavusanscondensed','dejavusanscondensedB','dejavusanscondensedI','dejavusanscondensedBI',
  22. 'dejavuserifcondensed','dejavuserifcondensedB','dejavuserifcondensedI','dejavuserifcondensedBI',
  23. 'dejavusans','dejavusansB','dejavusansI','dejavusansBI',
  24. 'dejavuserif','dejavuserifB','dejavuserifI','dejavuserifBI',
  25. 'dejavusansmono','dejavusansmonoB','dejavusansmonoI','dejavusansmonoBI',
  26. 'freesans','freesansB','freesansI','freesansBI',
  27. 'freeserif','freeserifB','freeserifI','freeserifBI',
  28. 'freemono','freemonoB','freemonoI','freemonoBI',
  29. 'garuda','garudaB','garudaI','garudaBI',
  30. 'norasi','norasiB','norasiI','norasiBI',
  31. 'ocrb',
  32. /* Indic scripts - Uncomment the lines below if you install the Indic font pack */
  33. /*
  34. 'ind_hi_1_001', 'ind_bn_1_001', 'ind_ml_1_001', 'ind_kn_1_001', 'ind_gu_1_001',
  35. 'ind_or_1_001', 'ind_ta_1_001', 'ind_te_1_001', 'ind_pa_1_001',
  36. */
  37. /* Arabic scripts - Uncomment the lines below if you install the Arabic/RTL font pack */
  38. /*
  39. 'ar_1_001', 'ar_1_002', 'ar_1_003', 'ar_1_004', 'ar_1_005', 'ar_1_006', 'ar_1_007',
  40. 'ar_2_001', 'ar_2_002', 'ar_2_003', 'ar_2_004',
  41. 'ar_k_001', 'ar_k_002', 'fa_1_001', 'fa_1_002',
  42. 'ur_1_001', 'sd_1_001', 'sd_1_002', 'ps_1_001',
  43. */
  44. /* CJK scripts - Uncomment the lines below if you install the CJK ont pack */
  45. /*
  46. 'zn_hannom_a', 'unbatang_0613',
  47. */
  48. );
  49. // List of all font families in directories (either)
  50. // + any others that may be read from a stylesheet - to determine 'type'
  51. // should include sans-serif, serif and monospace, arial, helvetica, times and courier
  52. // The order will determine preference when substituting fonts in certain circumstances
  53. $this->sans_fonts = array('dejavusanscondensed','dejavusans','freesans','franklin','tahoma','garuda','calibri','trebuchet',
  54. 'verdana','geneva','lucida','arial','helvetica','arialnarrow','arialblack','sans','sans-serif','cursive','fantasy',
  55. );
  56. $this->serif_fonts = array('dejavuserifcondensed','dejavuserif','freeserif','constantia','georgia','albertus','times',
  57. 'norasi','serif','charis','palatino',
  58. );
  59. $this->mono_fonts = array('dejavusansmono','freemono','courier', 'mono','monospace','ocrb','ocr-b','lucidaconsole');
  60. ?>