'../admin/index.php', 'name' => get_lang('PlatformAdmin')]; $interbreadcrumb[] = ['url' => '../session/session_list.php', 'name' => get_lang('SessionList')]; $interbreadcrumb[] = [ 'url' => '../session/resume_session.php?id_session='.api_get_session_id(), 'name' => get_lang('SessionOverview'), ]; } $view = isset($_REQUEST['view']) ? $_REQUEST['view'] : ''; $nameTools = get_lang('Tracking'); // Display the header. Display::display_header($nameTools, 'Tracking'); // getting all the students of the course if (empty($session_id)) { // Registered students in a course outside session. $a_students = CourseManager:: get_student_list_from_course_code( api_get_course_id(), false, 0, null, null, true, api_get_group_id() ); } else { // Registered students in session. $a_students = CourseManager:: get_student_list_from_course_code( api_get_course_id(), true, api_get_session_id() ); } $nbStudents = count($a_students); $student_ids = array_keys($a_students); $studentCount = count($student_ids); /* MAIN CODE */ echo '
'; echo TrackingCourseLog::actionsLeft('courses', api_get_session_id()); echo ''; echo ''. Display::return_icon('printer.png', get_lang('Print'), '', ICON_SIZE_MEDIUM).''; echo ' '.Display::return_icon('export_csv.png', get_lang('ExportAsCSV'), '', ICON_SIZE_MEDIUM).''; echo ''; echo '
'; $course_code = api_get_course_id(); $course_id = api_get_course_int_id(); if ($lpReporting) { $list = new LearnpathList(null, $course_code, $session_id); $flat_list = $list->get_flat_list(); if (count($flat_list) > 0) { // learning path tracking echo '
'; echo Display::page_subheader( Display::return_icon( 'scorms.gif', get_lang('AverageProgressInLearnpath') ).' '.get_lang('AverageProgressInLearnpath') ); echo ''; if ($export_csv) { $temp = [get_lang('AverageProgressInLearnpath', ''), '']; $csv_content[] = ['', '']; $csv_content[] = $temp; } foreach ($flat_list as $lp_id => $lp) { $lp_avg_progress = 0; foreach ($a_students as $student_id => $student) { // get the progress in learning pathes $lp_avg_progress += Tracking::get_avg_student_progress( $student_id, $course_code, [$lp_id], $session_id ); } $lp_avg_progress = null; if ($studentCount > 0) { $lp_avg_progress = $lp_avg_progress / $studentCount; } // Separated presentation logic. if (is_null($lp_avg_progress)) { $lp_avg_progress = '0%'; } else { $lp_avg_progress = round($lp_avg_progress, 1).'%'; } echo ''; if ($export_csv) { $temp = [$lp['lp_name'], $lp_avg_progress]; $csv_content[] = $temp; } } echo '
'; } else { if ($export_csv) { $temp = [get_lang('NoLearningPath', ''), '']; $csv_content[] = $temp; } } } if ($exerciseReporting) { // Exercises tracking. echo '
'; echo Display::page_subheader( Display::return_icon( 'quiz.png', get_lang('AverageResultsToTheExercices') ).' '.get_lang('AverageResultsToTheExercices') ); echo ''; $course_id = api_get_course_int_id(); $sql = "SELECT id, title FROM $TABLEQUIZ WHERE c_id = $course_id AND active <> -1 AND session_id = $session_id"; $rs = Database::query($sql); if ($export_csv) { $temp = [get_lang('AverageProgressInLearnpath'), '']; $csv_content[] = ['', '']; $csv_content[] = $temp; } $course_path_params = '&cidReq='.$course_code.'&id_session='.$session_id; if (Database::num_rows($rs) > 0) { while ($quiz = Database::fetch_array($rs)) { $quiz_avg_score = 0; if ($studentCount > 0) { foreach ($student_ids as $student_id) { $avg_student_score = Tracking::get_avg_student_exercise_score( $student_id, $course_code, $quiz['id'], $session_id ); $quiz_avg_score += $avg_student_score; } } $studentCount = ($studentCount == 0 || is_null($studentCount) || $studentCount == '') ? 1 : $studentCount; $quiz_avg_score = round(($quiz_avg_score / $studentCount), 2).'%'; $url = api_get_path(WEB_CODE_PATH).'exercise/overview.php?exerciseId='.$quiz['id'].$course_path_params; echo ''; if ($export_csv) { $temp = [$quiz['title'], $quiz_avg_score]; $csv_content[] = $temp; } } } else { echo ''; if ($export_csv) { $temp = [get_lang('NoExercises', ''), '']; $csv_content[] = $temp; } } echo '
'; echo Display::url( $quiz['title'], $url ); echo ''.$quiz_avg_score.'
'; echo '
'; } $filterByUsers = []; if (!empty($groupId)) { $filterByUsers = $student_ids; } $count_number_of_forums_by_course = Tracking:: count_number_of_forums_by_course( $course_code, $session_id, $groupId ); $count_number_of_threads_by_course = Tracking:: count_number_of_threads_by_course( $course_code, $session_id, $groupId ); $count_number_of_posts_by_course = Tracking:: count_number_of_posts_by_course( $course_code, $session_id, $groupId ); if ($export_csv) { $csv_content[] = [get_lang('Forum')]; $csv_content[] = [get_lang('ForumForumsNumber'), $count_number_of_forums_by_course]; $csv_content[] = [get_lang('ForumThreadsNumber'), $count_number_of_threads_by_course]; $csv_content[] = [get_lang('ForumPostsNumber'), $count_number_of_posts_by_course]; } // Forums tracking. echo '
'; echo Display::page_subheader( Display::return_icon('forum.gif', get_lang('Forum')).' '. get_lang('Forum').' - '. get_lang('SeeDetail').'' ); echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo '
'; echo '
'; // Chat tracking. if ($showChatReporting) { echo '
'; echo Display::page_subheader( Display::return_icon('chat.gif', get_lang('Chat')).' '.get_lang('Chat') ); echo ''; $chat_connections_during_last_x_days_by_course = Tracking::chat_connections_during_last_x_days_by_course( $course_code, 7, $session_id ); if ($export_csv) { $csv_content[] = [get_lang('Chat', ''), '']; $csv_content[] = [ sprintf( get_lang('ChatConnectionsDuringLastXDays', ''), '7' ), $chat_connections_during_last_x_days_by_course, ]; } echo ''; echo '
'; echo sprintf( get_lang('ChatConnectionsDuringLastXDays'), '7' ); echo ''.$chat_connections_during_last_x_days_by_course.'
'; echo '
'; } // Tools tracking. if ($showTrackingReporting) { echo '
'; echo Display::page_subheader( Display::return_icon( 'acces_tool.gif', get_lang('ToolsMostUsed') ).' '.get_lang('ToolsMostUsed') ); echo ''; $tools_most_used = Tracking::get_tools_most_used_by_course( $course_id, $session_id ); if ($export_csv) { $temp = [get_lang('ToolsMostUsed'), '']; $csv_content[] = $temp; } if (!empty($tools_most_used)) { foreach ($tools_most_used as $row) { echo ''; if ($export_csv) { $temp = [ get_lang(ucfirst($row['access_tool']), ''), $row['count_access_tool'].' '.get_lang('Clicks', ''), ]; $csv_content[] = $temp; } } } echo '
'.get_lang(ucfirst($row['access_tool'])).' '.$row['count_access_tool'].' '.get_lang('Clicks').'
'; echo '
'; } if ($documentReporting) { // Documents tracking. if (!isset($_GET['num']) || empty($_GET['num'])) { $num = 3; $link = ' - '.get_lang('SeeDetail').''; } else { $num = 1000; $link = ' - '.get_lang('ViewMinus').''; } echo '
'; echo Display::page_subheader( Display::return_icon( 'documents.gif', get_lang('DocumentsMostDownloaded') ).' '.get_lang('DocumentsMostDownloaded').$link ); echo ''; $documents_most_downloaded = Tracking::get_documents_most_downloaded_by_course( $course_code, $session_id, $num ); if ($export_csv) { $temp = [get_lang('DocumentsMostDownloaded', ''), '']; $csv_content[] = ['', '']; $csv_content[] = $temp; } if (!empty($documents_most_downloaded)) { foreach ($documents_most_downloaded as $row) { echo ''; if ($export_csv) { $temp = [ $row['down_doc_path'], $row['count_down'].' '.get_lang('Clicks', ''), ]; $csv_content[] = $temp; } } } else { echo ''; if ($export_csv) { $temp = [get_lang('NoDocumentDownloaded', ''), '']; $csv_content[] = $temp; } } echo '
'; echo Display::url( $row['down_doc_path'], api_get_path( WEB_CODE_PATH ).'document/show_content.php?file='.$row['down_doc_path'].$course_path_params ); echo ' '.$row['count_down'].' '.get_lang('Clicks').'
'; echo '
'; } if ($linkReporting) { // links tracking echo '
'; echo Display::page_subheader( Display::return_icon( 'link.gif', get_lang('LinksMostClicked') ).' '.get_lang('LinksMostClicked') ); echo ''; $links_most_visited = Tracking::get_links_most_visited_by_course( $course_code, $session_id ); if ($export_csv) { $temp = [get_lang('LinksMostClicked'), '']; $csv_content[] = ['', '']; $csv_content[] = $temp; } if (!empty($links_most_visited)) { foreach ($links_most_visited as $row) { echo ''; if ($export_csv) { $temp = [ $row['title'], $row['count_visits'].' '.get_lang('Clicks', ''), ]; $csv_content[] = $temp; } } } else { echo ''; if ($export_csv) { $temp = [get_lang('NoLinkVisited'), '']; $csv_content[] = $temp; } } echo '
'; echo Display::url( $row['title'].' ('.$row['url'].')', $row['url'] ); echo ''.$row['count_visits'].' '.get_lang('Clicks').'
'; echo '
'; } // send the csv file if asked if ($export_csv) { ob_end_clean(); Export:: arrayToCsv($csv_content, 'reporting_course_tools'); exit; } Display::display_footer();