errors_stack[] = 'All origin database params must be given. Received ' . print_r(func_get_args(), 1);
//return false;
//$this->odbtype = $dbtype;
$this->odbhost = $dbhost;
$this->odbport = $dbport;
$this->odbuser = $dbuser;
$this->odbpass = $dbpass;
$this->odbname = $dbname;
// Set the boost level if set in config.php
if (!empty($boost) && is_array($boost)) {
global $data_list;
foreach ($boost as $item => $val) {
if ($val == true) {
$data_list[$item] = true;
* The connect method should be extended by the child class
public function connect() {
//extend in child class
public function set_web_service_connection_info($matches) {
$this->web_service_connection_info = $matches['web_service_calls'];
* The migrate method launches the migration process based on an array of
* tables and fields matches defined in the given array.
* @param array Structured array of matches (see migrate.php)
public function migrate($matches) {
error_log("\n" . '------------ ['.date('H:i:s').'] Migration->migrate function called ------------' . "\n");
$extra_fields = array();
global $data_list, $utc_datetime;
// Browsing through 1st-level arrays in db_matches.php
foreach ($matches as $idx => $table) {
if ($idx === 'web_service_calls') { continue;}
echo "Starting table ".$table['orig_table']." at ".date('h:i:s')."\n";
error_log('['.date('H:i:s').'] Found table ' . $table['orig_table'] . ' in db_matches');
$build_only = false;
if (empty($table['dest_table'])) {
//If there is no destination for this table, report
error_log(' ... which is just for data collection');
$build_only = true;
// Creating extra fields if necessary inside Chamilo (to store
// original fields)
if (isset($table['extra_fields']) && in_array($table['dest_table'], array('course', 'user', 'session'))) {
$extra_fields = self::_create_extra_fields($table);
// Process the migration of fields from the given table
$sql_select_fields = self::prepare_field_match($table);
$this->select_all($table['orig_table'], $sql_select_fields, $table);
if (count($table['fields_match']) == 0) {
error_log('No fields found');
$num_rows = $this->num_rows();
$data_list['create_attendance'] = array();
$data_list['create_eval_results'] = array();
$data_list['create_eval_results_limit'] = 200;
if ($num_rows) {
error_log('Records found: ' . $num_rows);
$item = 1;
$lastpct = 0;
$save_row = array();
while ($row = $this->fetch_array()) {
$utc_datetime = api_get_utc_datetime();
self::execute_field_match($table, $row, $extra_fields);
$percentage = ($item / $num_rows) * 100;
$newpct = intval($percentage);
if ($newpct>$lastpct && floor($percentage) % 10 == 0) {
$percentage = round($percentage, 3);
$lastpct = $newpct;
error_log("Processing item {$table['orig_table']} #$item $percentage% (to put into ".$table['dest_table'].")");
$save_row = $row;
if (count($data_list['create_attendance']) > 0) {
$limit = 100;
$fill = $limit - count($data_list['create_attendance']);
for ($ijk = 0; $ijk<$fill; $ijk++) {
$data_list['create_attendance'][] = array();
self::execute_field_match($table, $save_row, $extra_fields);
error_log('Executing '.($limit-$fill).'remains of create_attendance list');
$data_list['create_attendance'] = array();
if (count($data_list['create_eval_results']) > 0) {
$limit = $data_list['create_eval_results_limit'];
$fill = $limit - count($data_list['create_eval_results']);
for ($ijk = 0; $ijk<$fill; $ijk++) {
$data_list['create_eval_results'][] = array();
self::execute_field_match($table, $save_row, $extra_fields);
error_log('Executing '.($limit-$fill).'remains of create_eval_results list');
$data_list['create_eval_results'] = array();
error_log('Finished processing table ' . $table['orig_table'] . " \n\n");
} else {
error_log('No records found');
//Stop here (only for tests)
//if ($table['orig_table'] == 'gradebook_evaluation_type') {
* Call the SOAP web service as detailed in the parameters
* @param array Settings for the WS call
* @param string Name of the function to call
* @param array Variables to be passed as params to the function
* @return array Results as returned by the SOAP call
static function soap_call($web_service_params, $function_name, $params = array()) {
// Create the client instance
$url = $web_service_params['url'];
try {
$client = new SoapClient($url, array('cache_wsdl' => WSDL_CACHE_NONE));
} catch (SoapFault $fault) {
$error = 1;
return false;
//die('Error connecting');
$client->debug_flag = true;
try {
$data = $client->$function_name($params);
} catch (SoapFault $fault) {
$error = 2;
//die("Problem querying service - $function_name");
return array(
'error' => true,
'message' => "Problem querying service - $function_name in URL $url with params: ".print_r($params, 1),
'status_id' => 0
if (!empty($data)) {
error_log("Calling MigrationCustom::$function_name $url with params: ".print_r($params,1));
return MigrationCustom::$function_name($data, $params);
} else {
return array(
'error' => true,
'message' => "No data found when calling $function_name in URL $url with params: ".print_r($params, 1),
'status_id' => 0
function clean_all_transactions() {
$table = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_BRANCH_TRANSACTION);
$sql = "TRUNCATE $table";
* Test a series of hand-crafted transactions
* @param array of parameters that would usually get passed to the web service
* @param bool Whether to truncate the transaction table before the test or not
* @return void
function insert_test_transactions($truncate = false) {
//Just for tests
//Cleaning transaction table
if ($truncate) {
$transaction_hardcoded = array(
//'action' => 'usuario_agregar',
'action' => 1,
'transaction_id' => 1000,
'item_id' => 'D236776B-D7A5-47FF-8328-55EBE9A59015',
'orig_id' => null,
'branch_id' => 1,
'dest_id' => null,
'status_id' => 0
//'action' => 'usuario_editar',
'transaction_id' => 1001,
'action' => 3,
'item_id' => 'D236776B-D7A5-47FF-8328-55EBE9A59015',
'orig_id' => '0',
'branch_id' => 1,
'dest_id' => null,
'status_id' => 0
'transaction_id' => 1002,
//'action' => 'usuario_eliminar',
'action' => 2,
'item_id' => 'D236776B-D7A5-47FF-8328-55EBE9A59015',
'orig_id' => '0',
'branch_id' => 1,
'dest_id' => null,
'status_id' => 0
'transaction_id' => 1003,
//'action' => 'usuario_matricula',
'action' => 4,
'item_id' => '95EDA88F-D729-450F-95FF-4A3989244F53', //usuario - Abel
'orig_id' => null, //session orig
'dest_id' => 'C3671999-095E-4018-9826-678BAFF595DF', //session dest
'branch_id' => 1,
'status_id' => 0
'transaction_id' => 1004,
//'action' => 'curso_agregar',
'action' => 5,
'item_id' => 'E2334974-9D55-4BB4-8B57-FCEFBE2510DC',
'orig_id' => null,
'dest_id' => null,
'branch_id' => 1,
'status_id' => 0
'transaction_id' => 1005,
//'action' => 'curso_eliminar',
'action' => 6,
'item_id' => 'E2334974-9D55-4BB4-8B57-FCEFBE2510DC',
'orig_id' => null,
'dest_id' => null,
'branch_id' => 1,
'status_id' => 0
'transaction_id' => 1006,
//'action' => 'curso_editar',
'action' => 7,
'item_id' => '31B4BD38-5D90-4275-88AF-F01F0274800A', // ONE (SATURDAYS)
'orig_id' => '0',
'branch_id' => 1,
'dest_id' => null,
'status_id' => 0
//'action' => 'curso_matricula',
'item_id' => 'E2334974-9D55-4BB4-8B57-FCEFBE2510DC', //course
'orig_id' => null,
'dest_id' => 'C3671999-095E-4018-9826-678BAFF595DF', //session
'branch_id' => 1,
'status_id' => 0
//'action' => 'pa_agregar',
'transaction_id' => 1007,
'action' => 8,
'item_id' => 'C3671999-095E-4018-9826-678BAFF595DF',
'orig_id' => null,
'dest_id' => null,
'branch_id' => 1,
'status_id' => 0
//'action' => 'pa_editar',
'transaction_id' => 1008,
'action' => 10,
'item_id' => 'C3671999-095E-4018-9826-678BAFF595DF',
'orig_id' => '0',
'dest_id' => null,
'branch_id' => 1,
'status_id' => 0
//'action' => 'pa_eliminar',
'transaction_id' => 1009,
'action' => 9,
'item_id' => 'C3671999-095E-4018-9826-678BAFF595DF', //id to delete
'orig_id' => null,
'branch_id' => 1,
'dest_id' => null,
'status_id' => 0
// seems not to be used
//'action' => 'pa_cambiar_aula',
'action' => 11,
'item_id' => 'C3671999-095E-4018-9826-678BAFF595DF',
'orig_id' => '0',
'dest_id' => '',
'branch_id' => 1,
'status_id' => 0
'transaction_id' => 1010,
//'action' => 'pa_cambiar_horario',
'action' => 12,
'item_id' => 'B94FEBA2-7EAD-4E14-B3DA-1D02397D1FA1', //session id - 200910 (A02M) Advanced Oral Communication Skills 2 08:45 10:15 701 00003
'orig_id' => '63D661DB-0A2F-47FC-94C0-5AA46BE7DA66', // (01) 07:00 09:00
'branch_id' => 1,
'dest_id' => 'B4FE6E83-F33F-417B-8B3F-C24CB94264EA', //(02) 09:00 11:00
'status_id' => 0
//'action' => 'pa_cambiar_sede',
'action' => 'x',
'item_id' => 'C3671999-095E-4018-9826-678BAFF595DF',//session id
'orig_id' => '0',
'dest_id' => null,
'branch_id' => 1,
'status_id' => 0
'action' => 'cambiar_pa_fase',
'item_id' => 'C3671999-095E-4018-9826-678BAFF595DF',//session id
'orig_id' => '0',
'dest_id' => null,
'branch_id' => 1,
'status_id' => 0
'action' => 'cambiar_pa_intensidad',
'item_id' => 'C3671999-095E-4018-9826-678BAFF595DF',
'orig_id' => '0',
'branch_id' => 1,
'dest_id' => null,
'status_id' => 0
//'action' => 'horario_agregar',
'transaction_id' => 1010,
'action' => 13,
'item_id' => 'E395895A-B480-456F-87F2-36B3A1EBB81C', // horario
'orig_id' => '0',
'branch_id' => 1,
'dest_id' => null,
'status_id' => 0
'transaction_id' => 1011,
//'action' => 'horario_editar',
'action' => 15,
'item_id' => 'E395895A-B480-456F-87F2-36B3A1EBB81C',
'orig_id' => '0',
'dest_id' => null,
'branch_id' => 1,
'status_id' => 0
//'action' => 'horario_eliminar',
'action' => 14,
'transaction_id' => 1012,
'item_id' => 'E395895A-B480-456F-87F2-36B3A1EBB81C',
'orig_id' => '0',
'dest_id' => null,
'branch_id' => 1,
'status_id' => 0
//'action' => 'aula_agregar',
'action' => 16,
'item_id' => '1',
'orig_id' => '0',
'branch_id' => 1,
'dest_id' => null,
'status_id' => 0
//'action' => 'aula_eliminar',
'action' => 17,
'item_id' => '1',
'orig_id' => '0',
'branch_id' => 1,
'dest_id' => null,
'status_id' => 0
//'action' => 'aula_editar',
'action' => 18,
'item_id' => '1',
'orig_id' => '0',
'branch_id' => 1,
'dest_id' => null,
'status_id' => 0
//'action' => 'sede_agregar',
'action' => 19,
'transaction_id' => 1013,
'item_id' => '7379A7D3-6DC5-42CA-9ED4-97367519F1D9',
'orig_id' => '0',
'branch_id' => 1,
'dest_id' => null,
'status_id' => 0
//'action' => 'sede_editar',
'action' => 21,
'transaction_id' => 1014,
'item_id' => '7379A7D3-6DC5-42CA-9ED4-97367519F1D9',
'orig_id' => '0',
'branch_id' => 1,
'dest_id' => null,
'status_id' => 0
//'action' => 'sede_eliminar',
'action' => 20,
'transaction_id' => 1015,
'item_id' => '7379A7D3-6DC5-42CA-9ED4-97367519F1D9',
'orig_id' => '0',
'branch_id' => 1,
'dest_id' => null,
'status_id' => 0
//'action' => 'frecuencia_agregar',
'action' => 22,
'transaction_id' => 1016,
'item_id' => '0091CD3B-F042-11D7-B338-0050DAB14015',
'orig_id' => '0',
'branch_id' => 1,
'dest_id' => null,
'status_id' => 0
//'action' => 'frecuencia_editar',
'transaction_id' => 1017,
'action' => 24,
'item_id' => '0091CD3B-F042-11D7-B338-0050DAB14015',
'orig_id' => '0',
'branch_id' => 1,
'dest_id' => null,
'status_id' => 0
//'action' => 'frecuencia_eliminar',
'transaction_id' => 1018,
'action' => 23,
'item_id' => '0091CD3B-F042-11D7-B338-0050DAB14015',
'orig_id' => '0',
'branch_id' => 1,
'dest_id' => null,
'status_id' => 0
//'action' => 'intensidad_agregar',
'transaction_id' => 1019,
'action' => 25,
'item_id' => '0091CD3C-F042-11D7-B338-0050DAB14015',
'orig_id' => '0',
'branch_id' => 1,
'dest_id' => null,
'status_id' => 0
//'action' => 'intensidad_editar',
'transaction_id' => 1020,
'action' => 27,
'item_id' => '0091CD3C-F042-11D7-B338-0050DAB14015',
'orig_id' => '0',
'branch_id' => 1,
'dest_id' => null,
'status_id' => 0
//'action' => 'intensidad_eliminar',
'transaction_id' => 1021,
'action' => 26,
'item_id' => '0091CD3C-F042-11D7-B338-0050DAB14015',
'orig_id' => '0',
'branch_id' => 1,
'dest_id' => null,
'status_id' => 0
'transaction_id' => 1031,
'action' => 31,
'item_id' => '2C901CB8-E0A2-412E-A754-3B18AE7F3C02',
'orig_id' => 'A33ADE80-F62B-4760-8C16-000B81E1C6AB', ///session_id
'branch_id' => 1,
'dest_id' => null,
'status_id' => 0
'transaction_id' => 1032,
'action' => 32,
'item_id' => '2C901CB8-E0A2-412E-A754-3B18AE7F3C02',
'orig_id' => 'A33ADE80-F62B-4760-8C16-000B81E1C6AB',
'branch_id' => 1,
'dest_id' => null,
'status_id' => 0
'transaction_id' => 1033,
'action' => 33,
'item_id' => '2C901CB8-E0A2-412E-A754-3B18AE7F3C02',
'orig_id' => 'A33ADE80-F62B-4760-8C16-000B81E1C6AB',
'branch_id' => 1,
'dest_id' => null,
'status_id' => 0
'transaction_id' => 1034,
'action' => 34,
'item_id' => '2C901CB8-E0A2-412E-A754-3B18AE7F3C02',
'orig_id' => 'A33ADE80-F62B-4760-8C16-000B81E1C6AB',
'branch_id' => 1,
'dest_id' => null,
'status_id' => 0
'transaction_id' => 1035,
'action' => 35,
'item_id' => '2C901CB8-E0A2-412E-A754-3B18AE7F3C02',
'orig_id' => 'A33ADE80-F62B-4760-8C16-000B81E1C6AB',
'branch_id' => 1,
'dest_id' => null,
'status_id' => 0
'transaction_id' => 1036,
'action' => 36,
'item_id' => '2C901CB8-E0A2-412E-A754-3B18AE7F3C02',
'orig_id' => 'A33ADE80-F62B-4760-8C16-000B81E1C6AB',
'branch_id' => 1,
'dest_id' => null,
'status_id' => 0
foreach ($transaction_hardcoded as $transaction) {
$transaction['branch_id'] = 2;
/*if ($transaction['action'] < 31) {
* Adds a given transaction to the transactions table in Chamilo
* @param array The transaction details (array('id' => ..., 'action' => '...', ...))
* @return int The ID of the transaction row in Chamilo's table
static function add_transaction($params) {
//error_log('Requested add_transaction of : '.print_r($params,1));
$table = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_BRANCH_TRANSACTION);
if (isset($params['id'])) {
$params['time_update'] = $params['time_insert'] = api_get_utc_datetime();
$inserted_id = Database::insert($table, $params);
//if ($inserted_id) {
//error_log("Transaction added #$inserted_id");
return $inserted_id;
* Get all available branches (the migration system supports multiple origin databases, the branch identifies which database it comes from)
* @return array Branches IDs (int)
static function get_branches() {
$table = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_BRANCH_TRANSACTION);
$sql = "SELECT DISTINCT branch_id FROM $table ORDER BY branch_id";
$result = Database::query($sql);
if (Database::num_rows($result) > 0) {
return Database::store_result($result, 'ASSOC');
return array(
0 => array('branch_id' => 1),
1 => array('branch_id' => 2),
2 => array('branch_id' => 3),
3 => array('branch_id' => 4),
4 => array('branch_id' => 5),
* Gets transactions in a specific state (for example to get all non-processed transactions) from the Chamilo transactions table
* @param int State ID (0=unprocessed (default), 2=completed)
* @param int Branch ID
* @return array Associative array containing the details of the transactions requested
static function get_transactions($status_id = 0, $branch_id = 0) {
$table = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_BRANCH_TRANSACTION);
$branch_id = intval($branch_id);
$status_id = intval($status_id);
//$extra_conditions = " AND branch_id = $branch_id ";
// Temporary patch to avoid attendances and gradebook transactions
$extra_conditions = " AND branch_id = $branch_id";
$sql = "SELECT * FROM $table WHERE status_id = $status_id $extra_conditions ORDER BY id ";
$result = Database::query($sql);
return Database::store_result($result, 'ASSOC');
static function get_transaction_by_transaction_id($transaction_id, $branch_id) {
$table = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_BRANCH_TRANSACTION);
$transaction_id = intval($transaction_id);
$branch_id = intval($branch_id);
if (!empty($transaction_id) && !empty($branch_id)) {
$sql = "SELECT * FROM $table WHERE transaction_id = $transaction_id AND branch_id = $branch_id";
$result = Database::query($sql);
if (Database::num_rows($result)) {
return Database::fetch_array($result, 'ASSOC');
return false;
static function delete_transaction_by_transaction_id($transaction_id, $branch_id) {
$table = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_BRANCH_TRANSACTION);
$transaction_id = intval($transaction_id);
$branch_id = intval($branch_id);
if (!empty($transaction_id) && !empty($branch_id)) {
$sql = "DELETE FROM $table WHERE transaction_id = $transaction_id AND branch_id = $branch_id";
* Gets the latest completed transaction for a specific branch (allows the building of a request to the branch to get new transactions)
* @param int The ID of the branch
* @return int The ID of the latest transaction
static function get_latest_completed_transaction_by_branch($branch_id) {
$table = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_BRANCH_TRANSACTION);
$branch_id = intval($branch_id);
$sql = "SELECT id FROM $table WHERE status_id = 2 AND branch_id = $branch_id ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1";
$result = Database::query($sql);
if (Database::num_rows($result)) {
$row = Database::fetch_array($result);
return $row['id'];
return 0;
* Gets the latest locally-recorded transaction for a specific branch
* @param int The ID of the branch
* @return int The ID of the last transaction registered
static function get_latest_transaction_id_by_branch($branch_id) {
$table = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_BRANCH_TRANSACTION);
$branch_id = intval($branch_id);
$sql = "SELECT transaction_id FROM $table
WHERE branch_id = $branch_id
ORDER BY transaction_id DESC
$result = Database::query($sql);
if (Database::num_rows($result)) {
$row = Database::fetch_array($result);
return $row['transaction_id'];
return 376012;
* Gets a specific transaction using select parameters
* @param array Select parameters (associative array)
* @param string Type of result set expected
* @return array Results as requested
static function get_transaction_by_params($params, $type_result = 'all') {
$table = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_BRANCH_TRANSACTION);
return Database::select('*', $table, $params, $type_result);
* Updates a transaction using the given query parameters
* @param array Query parameters
* @return bool The result of the transaction row update
static function update_transaction($params) {
//return false;
$table = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_BRANCH_TRANSACTION);
if (empty($params['id'])) {
error_log('No transaction id provided during update_transaction');
return false;
$params['time_update'] = api_get_utc_datetime();
error_log("Transaction updated #{$params['id']} with status_id = {$params['status_id']}");
//Failed - do something else
if ($params['status_id'] == MigrationCustom::TRANSACTION_STATUS_FAILED) {
//event_system($event_type, $event_value_type, $event_value, $datetime = null, $user_id = null, $course_code = null) {
event_system('transaction_error', 'transaction_id', $params['id'], $params['time_update']);
return Database::update($table, $params, array('id = ?' => $params['id']));
* Search for new transactions through a web service call. Automatically insert them in the local transactions table.
* @param array The web service parameters
* @param int the branch id optional
* @param int An optional transaction ID to start from. Branch id must be selected if you use this option.
* If none provided, fetches the latest transaction available and add + 1
* @return The operation results
function get_transactions_from_webservice($params = array()) {
error_log("get_transactions_from_webservice() function called");
$branch_id = isset($params['branch_id']) ? $params['branch_id'] : null;
$transaction_id = isset($params['transaction_id']) ? $params['transaction_id'] : null;
$number_of_transactions = isset($params['number_of_transactions']) ? $params['number_of_transactions'] : 2;
$transactions_found = 0;
//Testing transactions
$web_service_params = $this->web_service_connection_info;
$result = self::soap_call($web_service_params,'usuarioDetalles', array('uididpersona' => 'D236776B-D7A5-47FF-8328-55EBE9A59015'));
$result = self::soap_call($web_service_params,'programaDetalles', array('uididprograma' => 'C3671999-095E-4018-9826-678BAFF595DF'));
$result = self::soap_call($web_service_params,'cursoDetalles', array('uididcurso' => 'E2334974-9D55-4BB4-8B57-FCEFBE2510DC'));
$result = self::soap_call($web_service_params,'faseDetalles', array('uididfase' => 'EBF63F1C-FBD7-46A5-B039-80B5AF064929'));
$result = self::soap_call($web_service_params,'frecuenciaDetalles', array('uididfrecuencia' => '0091CD3B-F042-11D7-B338-0050DAB14015'));
$result = self::soap_call($web_service_params,'intensidadDetalles', array('uididintensidad' => '0091CD3C-F042-11D7-B338-0050DAB14015'));
$result = self::soap_call($web_service_params,'mesesDetalles', array('uididfase' => 'EBF63F1C-FBD7-46A5-B039-80B5AF064929'));
$result = self::soap_call($web_service_params,'sedeDetalles', array('uididsede' => '7379A7D3-6DC5-42CA-9ED4-97367519F1D9'));
$result = self::soap_call($web_service_params,'horarioDetalles', array('uididhorario' => 'E395895A-B480-456F-87F2-36B3A1EBB81C'));
$result = self::soap_call($web_service_params,'transacciones', array('ultimo' => 354911, 'cantidad' => 2));
$result = self::soap_call($web_service_params, 'notaDetalles', array('uididpersona' => 'FC30EE0F-5C6F-4934-884B-BE7B68F96164', 'uididprograma' => 'bc0bdf04-cc08-4817-97c7-72840ca1171c', 'intIdSede' => 3));
if (empty($branch_id)) {
$branches = self::get_branches();
} else {
$branches = array('branch_id' => $branch_id);
error_log(count($branches)." branche(s) found");
if (!empty($branches)) {
foreach ($branches as $branch) {
if (!empty($branch_id) && !empty($transaction_id)) {
$last_transaction_id = $transaction_id;
} else {
$last_transaction_id = self::get_latest_transaction_id_by_branch($branch['branch_id']);
//Calling a process to save transactions
$params = array(
'ultimo' => $last_transaction_id,
'cantidad' => isset($number_of_transactions) && !empty($number_of_transactions) ? $number_of_transactions : 2,
'intIdSede' => $branch['branch_id'],
error_log("Branch #".$branch['branch_id']." - treating $number_of_transactions transaction(s) starting with transaction #$last_transaction_id");
$transactions_found += MigrationCustom::process_transactions($params, $web_service_params);
return $transactions_found;
* Loads a specific set of transactions from the transactions table and executes them
* @param array Transactions filter
* @param int Optional limit of transactions to execute
* @return void
function execute_transactions($params = array()) {
error_log("load_transactions() function called \n");
$branch_id = isset($params['branch_id']) ? $params['branch_id'] : null;
//$transaction_id = isset($params['transaction_id']) ? $params['transaction_id'] : null;
//$number_of_transactions = isset($params['number_of_transactions']) ? $params['number_of_transactions'] : 2;
$transactions_count = 0;
//Getting transactions of the migration_transaction table
if (empty($branch_id)) {
$branches = self::get_branches();
} else {
$branches = array('branch_id' => $branch_id);
if (!empty($branches)) {
error_log(count($branches)." branch(es) found \n");
foreach ($branches as $branch_info) {
//Get uncompleted transactions
$transactions = array();
$transactions = self::get_transactions(0, $branch_info['branch_id']);
//Getting latest executed transaction
$options = array('where' => array('branch_id = ? and status_id <> ?' => array($branch_info['branch_id'], 0)), 'order' => 'id desc', 'limit' => '1');
$transaction_info = self::get_transaction_by_params($options, 'first');
$latest_id_attempt = 1;
if ($transaction_info) {
$latest_id = $transaction_info['id'];
$latest_id_attempt = $latest_id + 1;
$count = count($transactions);
$transactions_count += $count;
$item = 1;//counter
if (!empty($transactions)) {
error_log("Branch #".$branch_info['branch_id']." called, $count transaction(s) found starting with transaction #$latest_id_attempt \n");
//Looping transactions
if (!empty($transactions)) {
foreach ($transactions as $transaction) {
//Calculating percentage
$percentage = $item / $count * 100;
if (round($percentage) % 10 == 0) {
$percentage = round($percentage, 3);
error_log("Processing transaction #{$transaction['id']} $percentage%");
error_log("Progressing towards last transaction: #$latest_id_attempt ...");
//Checking "huecos"
//Waiting transaction is fine continue:
if ($transaction['id'] == $latest_id_attempt) {
} else {
error_log("Transaction #$latest_id_attempt is missing in branch #{$branch_info['branch_id']} \n");
$result = $this->execute_transaction($transaction);
} else {
error_log("Branch #".$branch_info['branch_id']." - No transactions to load");
} else {
error_log('No branches found');
$actions = array(); //load actions from Mysql
foreach ($actions as $action_data) {
if (in_array($action_data['action'], $transactions)) {
$function_to_call = $transactions[$action_data['action']];
return $transactions_count;
function execute_transaction($transaction_info) {
//Loading function. The action is now numeric, so we call a transaction_1() function, for example
$validate = MigrationCustom::validate_transaction($transaction_info);
if (isset($validate['error']) && $validate['error']) {
if ($transaction_info['failed_attempts'] >= 3) {
self::update_transaction(array('id' => $transaction_info['id'] , 'failed_attempts' => $transaction_info['failed_attempts']+1, 'status_id' => 5));
} else {
self::update_transaction(array('id' => $transaction_info['id'] , 'failed_attempts' => $transaction_info['failed_attempts']+1));
return $validate;
error_log("Executing transaction ".$transaction_info['id']);
$function_to_call = "transaction_" . $transaction_info['action'];
if (method_exists('MigrationCustom', $function_to_call)) {
error_log("Calling function MigrationCustom::$function_to_call()");
$result = MigrationCustom::$function_to_call($transaction_info, $this->web_service_connection_info);
$result['message'] = "Function response: ".$result['message'];
//error_log('Reponse: '.$result['message']);
if (!empty($transaction_info['id'])) {
if (isset($result['error']) && $result['error'] == true) {
if ($transaction_info['failed_attempts'] >= 3) {
// if this failed several times, mark as abandonned (change status to 5)
self::update_transaction(array('id' => $transaction_info['id'] , 'status_id' => 5, 'failed_attempts' => $transaction_info['failed_attempts']));
} else {
// if this failed but not too many times yet, just increment failed_attempts
self::update_transaction(array('id' => $transaction_info['id'] , 'status_id' => $result['status_id'], 'failed_attempts' => $transaction_info['failed_attempts'] + 1));
} else {
// did not fail. Update status (to 2, most likely)
self::update_transaction(array('id' => $transaction_info['id'] , 'status_id' => $result['status_id']));
} else {
error_log("Can't update transaction, id was not provided");
return $result;
} else {
// method does not exist
$error_message = "Function $function_to_call does not exists";
if (!empty($transaction_info['id'])) {
self::update_transaction(array('id' => $transaction_info['id'] , 'status_id' => MigrationCustom::TRANSACTION_STATUS_FAILED));
return array('message' => $error_message);
* @param int Transaction id of the third party
function load_transaction_by_third_party_id($transaction_external_id, $branch_id, $forced = false) {
//Asking for 2 transactions by getting 1
$params = array(
'ultimo' => $transaction_external_id,
'cantidad' => 1,
'intIdSede' => $branch_id
$result = self::soap_call($this->web_service_connection_info, 'transacciones', $params);
//Hacking webservice default result
if ($result && isset($result[0])) {
//Getting 1 transaction
$result = $result[0];
if ($result['idt'] == $transaction_external_id) {
$message = Display::return_message('Transaction id found in third party', 'info');
//Adding third party transaction to Chamilo
$transaction_result = MigrationCustom::process_transaction($result, null, $forced);
$transaction_chamilo_info = array();
if ($transaction_result['error'] == false) {
$chamilo_transaction_id = $transaction_result['id'];
$message .= Display::return_message($transaction_result['message'], 'info');
$transaction_chamilo_info = self::get_transaction_by_params(array('Where' => array('id = ?' => $chamilo_transaction_id), 'first'));
if (isset($transaction_chamilo_info) && isset($transaction_chamilo_info[$chamilo_transaction_id])) {
$transaction_chamilo_info = $transaction_chamilo_info[$chamilo_transaction_id];
} else {
$transaction_chamilo_info = null;
} else {
$message .= Display::return_message("Transaction NOT added to Chamilo. {$transaction_result['message']}", 'warning');
if (!empty($transaction_chamilo_info)) {
$transaction_result = $this->execute_transaction($transaction_chamilo_info);
if ($transaction_result) {
$message .= Display::page_subheader("Transaction result:");
$message .= nl2br($transaction_result['message']);
$message .= "
if (isset($transaction_result['entity']) && !empty($transaction_result['entity'])) {
$message .= Display::page_subheader2("Entity {$transaction_result['entity']} before:");
$message .= "
".print_r($transaction_result['before'], 1).""; $message .= "
".print_r($transaction_result['after'], 1).""; $message .= "
".print_r($transaction_chamilo_info, true)."". Display::page_subheader3("Webservice transaction reponse:")."
".print_r($result, true)."", ); } } return array( 'message' => Display::return_message("Transaction NOT found in third party", 'warning'), //'raw_reponse' => print_r($result, true) ); } /** * Prepares the relationship between two fields (one from the original database and on from the destination/local database) * @param array List of fields that must be matched ('fields_match' => array(0=>array('orig'=>'...','dest'=>'...',...))) * @return mixed Modified field */ function prepare_field_match($table) { $sql_select_fields = array(); if (!empty($table['fields_match'])) { foreach ($table['fields_match'] as $details) { if (empty($details['orig'])) { //Ignore if the field declared in $matches doesn't exist in // the original database continue; } $sql_select_fields[$details['orig']] = $details['orig']; // If there is something to alter in the SQL query, rewrite the entry if (!empty($details['sql_alter'])) { $func_alter = $details['sql_alter']; $sql_select_fields[$details['orig']] = MigrationCustom::$func_alter($details['orig']); } //error_log('Found field ' . $details['orig'] . ' to be selected as ' . $sql_select_fields[$details['orig']]); } } return $sql_select_fields; } /** * Executes a fields match * @param array List of fields that must be matched ('fields_match' => array(0=>array('orig'=>'...','dest'=>'...',...))) * @param array Row of data * @param array Extra fields table definition */ function execute_field_match($table, $row, $extra_fields = array()) { //error_log('execute_field_match'); $dest_row = array(); $first_field = ''; // If a dest table has been defined, fill $my_extra_fields with the // extra_fields defined for that table $my_extra_fields = isset($table['dest_table']) && isset($extra_fields[$table['dest_table']]) ? $extra_fields[$table['dest_table']] : null; $extra_field_obj = null; $extra_field_value_obj = null; if (!empty($table['dest_table'])) { $extra_field_obj = new ExtraField($table['dest_table']); $extra_field_value_obj = new ExtraFieldValue($table['dest_table']); } $extra_fields_to_insert = array(); global $data_list; // Fill the data list, if possible if (count($data_list['users'])<1) { MigrationCustom::fill_data_list($data_list); } foreach ($table['fields_match'] as $id_field => $details) { //if ($table['dest_table'] == 'session') {error_log('Processing field '.$details['orig']);} $params = array(); // Remove the table name prefix if any (in the orig field) if (isset($details['orig'])) { $field_exploded = explode('.', $details['orig']); if (isset($field_exploded[1])) { $details['orig'] = $field_exploded[1]; } } // process the fields one by one if ($details['func'] == 'none' || empty($details['func'])) { // if no function is defined to alter the field, take it as is $dest_data = $row[$details['orig']]; } else { // if an alteration function is defined, run it on the field //error_log(__FILE__.' '.__LINE__.' Preparing to treat field with '.$details['func']); $dest_data = MigrationCustom::$details['func']($row[$details['orig']], $data_list, $row); } if (isset($dest_row[$details['dest']])) { $dest_row[$details['dest']] .= ' ' . $dest_data; } else { $dest_row[$details['dest']] = $dest_data; } //Extra field values $extra_field = isset($my_extra_fields) && isset($my_extra_fields[$details['dest']]) ? $my_extra_fields[$details['dest']] : null; // Check the array is there //if($table['dest_table'] == 'session') error_log('Extra field: '.print_r($extra_field,1)); if (!empty($extra_field) && $extra_field_obj) { //if($table['dest_table'] == 'session') error_log('Extra_field no es vacío'); // Check the "options" array is defined for this field (checking is_array is crucial here, see BT#5215) if (is_array($extra_field['options']) && count($extra_field['options'])>0) { //if($table['dest_table'] == 'session') error_log('...y sus opciones son: '.print_r($extra_field['options'],1)); //if($details['orig']=='uidIdPrograma') { error_log('Eso era lo inicial, del cual se tomó '.$details['dest'].': '.print_r($my_extra_fields,1));} $options = $extra_field['options']; $field_type = $extra_field['field_type']; //if ($table['dest_table'] == 'session') {error_log('Field orig: '.$details['orig']);} if (!empty($options)) { //if ($table['dest_table'] == 'session') {error_log('Options not empty');} if (!is_array($options)) { $options = array($options); } foreach ($options as $option) { if (is_array($option)) { foreach ($option as $key => $value) { //error_log("$key $value --> {$dest_row[$details['dest']]} "); if ($key == 'option_value' && $value == $dest_row[$details['dest']]) { $value = $option['option_display_text']; if ($field_type == Extrafield::FIELD_TYPE_SELECT) { $value = $option['option_value']; } $params = array( 'field_id' => $option['field_id'], 'field_value' => $value, ); break(2); } } } } } } else { $params = array( 'field_id' => $extra_field, 'field_value' => $dest_row[$details['dest']], ); } if (!empty($params)) { $extra_fields_to_insert[] = $params; } unset($dest_row[$details['dest']]); } unset($extra_field); } //if ($table['dest_table']=='session') { error_log('Params: '.print_r($params,1)); } // If a dest_func entry has been defind, use this entry as the main // operation to execute when inserting the item if (!empty($table['dest_func'])) { //error_log('Calling '.$table['dest_func'].' on data recovered: '.print_r($dest_row, 1)); $dest_row['return_item_if_already_exists'] = true; $item_result = false; // Using call_user_func_array() has a serious impact on performance switch($table['dest_func']) { case USER_FUNC_EXCEPTION_GRADEBOOK: MigrationCustom::add_gradebook_result_with_evaluation($dest_row); break; case USER_FUNC_EXCEPTION_ATTENDANCE: MigrationCustom::create_attendance($dest_row); break; default: $item_result = call_user_func_array($table['dest_func'], array($dest_row, $data_list)); } //After the function was executed fill the $data_list array switch ($table['dest_table']) { case 'course': //Saving courses in array if ($item_result) { //$data_list['courses'][$dest_row['uidIdCurso']] = $item_result; } else { error_log('Course Not FOUND'); error_log(print_r($item_result, 1)); return false; } $handler_id = $item_result['code']; break; case 'user': if (!empty($item_result)) { $handler_id = $item_result['user_id']; //error_log($dest_row['email'].' '.$dest_row['uidIdPersona']); if (isset($dest_row['uidIdAlumno'])) { //$data_list['users_alumno'][$dest_row['uidIdAlumno']]['extra'] = $item_result; } if (isset($dest_row['uidIdEmpleado'])) { //print_r($dest_row['uidIdEmpleado']);exit; //$data_list['users_empleado'][$dest_row['uidIdEmpleado']]['extra'] = $item_result; } } else { global $api_failureList; error_log('Empty user details'); error_log(print_r($api_failureList, 1)); } break; case 'session': //$data_list['sessions'][$dest_row['uidIdPrograma']] = $item_result; $handler_id = $item_result; //session_id break; } //Saving extra fields of the element //error_log('Checking extra fields for '.$extra_field_value_obj->handler_id.' '.$handler_id); if (!empty($extra_fields_to_insert)) { foreach ($extra_fields_to_insert as $params) { //error_log('Trying to save '.print_r($params,1)); $params[$extra_field_value_obj->handler_id] = $handler_id; $extra_field_value_obj->save($params); } } } else { // $this->errors_stack[] = "No destination data dest_func found. Abandoning data with first field $first_field = " . $dest_row[$first_field]; } unset($extra_fields_to_insert); //remove to free up memory return $dest_row; } /** * Helper function to create extra fields in the Chamilo database. If the * extra field aleady exists, then just return the ID of this field. If * options are provided ('options' sub-array), then options are inserted in * the corresponding x_field_options table. * @param Array An array containing an 'extra_fields' entry with details about the required extra fields * @return void */ private function _create_extra_fields(&$table) { $extra_fields = array(); error_log('Inserting (if not exist) extra fields for : ' . $table['dest_table'] . " \n"); foreach ($table['extra_fields'] as $extra_field) { //error_log('Preparing for insertion of extra field ' . $extra_field['field_display_text'] . "\n"); $options = isset($extra_field['options']) ? $extra_field['options'] : null; unset($extra_field['options']); $extra_field_obj = new ExtraField($table['dest_table']); $extra_field_id = $extra_field_obj->save($extra_field); $selected_fields = self::prepare_field_match($options); //Adding options. This is only processed if the corresponding // extra_field has an 'options' sub-aray defined if (!empty($options)) { $extra_field_option_obj = new ExtraFieldOption($table['dest_table']); // use the query defined in the 'query' item as returned in a select by prepare_field_match above $this->select_all($options['orig_table'], $selected_fields); $num_rows = $this->num_rows(); if ($num_rows) { $data_to_insert = array(); $data_to_insert['field_id'] = $extra_field_id; while ($row = $this->fetch_array()) { $data = self::execute_field_match($options, $row); $data_to_insert = array_merge($data_to_insert, $data); $extra_field_option_obj->save_one_item($data_to_insert, false, false); //error_log(print_r($extra_fields[$table['dest_table']]['extra_field_'.$extra_field['field_variable']], 1)); $extra_fields[$table['dest_table']]['extra_field_' . $extra_field['field_variable']]['options'][] = $data_to_insert; $extra_fields[$table['dest_table']]['extra_field_' . $extra_field['field_variable']]['field_type'] = $extra_field['field_type']; } //$extra_fields[$table['dest_table']]['extra_field_'.$extra_field['field_variable']]['selected_option'] = //error_log('$data: ' . print_r($data_to_insert, 1)); } } else { // if there are no pre-defined options, then just return the field_id for this variable $extra_fields[$table['dest_table']]['extra_field_' . $extra_field['field_variable']] = $extra_field_id; } } return $extra_fields; } }