msgid "" msgstr "" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8 \n" msgid "langHFor" msgstr "Forums Help" msgid "langForContent" msgstr "

The forum is an discussion tool for asynchronous written work. In contrast to email, a forum is for public, or semi-public, group discussion.

To use the Chamilo forum, members can simply use their browser - they do not require separate client software.

To organize forums, clickon the Forums tool. Discussions are organized hierarchically according to the following structure: Category> Forum> Topic> Post To ensure members can participate in the forum tidily and effectively, it is essential in th first instance to create categories and forums; it's then up to the participants to create topics and posts. By default, the forum contains a single (public) category, an example topic and an example post. You can add forums to the category, change its title or create other categories within which you could then create new forums. (Don't confuse categories and forums, and remember that a category that contains no forum is useless and is not displayed.)

The forum description might include a list of its members, a definition of its purpose, a target a task, a theme etc.

Group forums should not be created via the Forum tool but instead via the Groups tool, where you can determinewhether your group forums should be private or public, at the same time providing a location for sharing groups of documents.

Teaching Tips A learning forum is not quite the same as the forums you are used to seeing on the internet. For one thing, it is not possible for learners to alter their posts once they have been published as the course is logically archived to allow tracking of what has been said in the past. Furthermore, Chamilo forums allow for specific uses relevant to teaching. For example, some teachers/trainers publish corrections directly within forums in the following way:
  • A learner is asked to post a report directly into the forum, The teacher corrects it by clicking Edit (yellow pencil) and marking it using the graphics editor (color, underlining, etc.) Finally, other learners benefit from viewing the corrections was made on the production of one of of them, Note that the same principle can be applied between learners, but will require his copying/pasting the message of his fellow student because students / trainees can not edit one another's posts. <. li> " msgid "langHDropbox" msgstr "Dropbox Help" msgid "langDropboxContent" msgstr "

    The dropbox tool is a Content Management Tool facilitating peer-to-peer data exchange. It accepts any filetype (Word, Excel, PDF etc.) It will overwrite existing files with the same name only if directed to do so.

    Learners can can only send a file to their teacher, unless the system administrator has enabled sharing between users. A course manager, however, can opt to to send a file to all course users.

    The system administrator can configure the dropbox so that a user can receive but not send files.

    If the file list gets too long, some or all files can be deleted from the list, although the file itself remaims available to other users until all users have deleted it.

    In the received folder, the dropbox tool displays files that have been sent to you and in the sent folder it shows files sent to other course members.

    To send a document to more than one person, you need to hold CTRLand check the multiple select box(i.e.the field showing the list of members).

    " msgid "langHHome" msgstr "Homepage Help" msgid "langHomeContent" msgstr "

    The Course Homepage displays a range of tools (introductory text, description, documents manager etc.) This page is modular in the sense that you can hide or show any of the tools in learner view with a single click on the 'eye' icon (hidden tools can be reactivated any time.


    In order to browse the course, you can simply click on the icons; a 'breadcrumb' navigation tool at the top of the page allows you to retrace your steps back to the course homepage.

    Best practice

    To help motivate learners, it is helpful to make you course appear 'alive' by suggesting that there is always someone present 'behind the screen'. An effective way to make this impression is to update the introductory text (just click on the yellow pencil) at least once a week with the latest news, deadlines etc.

    When you construct your course, try the following steps:

    1. In the Course Settings, make course acccess private and subscription available only to trainers. That way, nobody can enter your course area during construction,
    2. Use whatever tools you need to 'fill' your area with content, activities, guidelines, tests etc.,
    3. Now hide all tools so your home page is empty in learner view by clicking on the eyes to make the icons grey.
    4. Use the Learning Path tool to create a learning path to structure the way learners will follow it and learn within it. That way, although you will be using the other tools, you don't initially need to show them on the homepage.
    5. Click on the eye icon beside the path you created to show it on your home page.
    6. your course is ready to view. Its homepage will display an introductory text followed by a single link to lead learners into and through the course. Click on the Learner View button (top right) to see the course from the learner's point of view.
    " msgid "langHOnline" msgstr "Chamilo LIVE Help" msgid "langOnlineContent" msgstr "

    The Chamilo online conferencing system allows you to teach, inform or gather together up to five hundred people quickly and simply.
      • live audio : the trainer's voice is broadcast live to participants,
      • slides : the participants follow the Power Point or PDF presentation,
      • interaction : the participants ask questions through chat.

    Learner / participant

    To attend a conference you need:

    1. Loudspeakers (or a headset)connected to your PC


    2. Winamp Media player


    Mac : use Quicktime
    Linux : use XMMS

      3. Acrobat PDF reader or Word or PowerPoint, depending on the format of the teacher's slides


    Trainer / lecturer

    To give a lecture, you need :

    1. A microphone headset

    We advise you to use a LogitechUSB one for a better audio broadcasting quality.

    2. Winamp


    3. SHOUTcast DSP Plug-In for Winamp 2.x


    Follow instructions on www.shoutcast.comon how to install andconfigure Shoutcast Winamp DSP Plug-In.

    How to give a conference?

    Create a Chamilo course > Enterit > Show then enter Conference tool > Edit (pencil icon on top left) the settings > upload your slides (PDF, PowerPoint or whatever) > type an introduction text> type the URL of your live streaming according to the information you got from your technical admin.
    Don't forget to give a clear meeting date, time and other guidelines to your participants beforehand.

    Tip : 10 minutes before conference time, type a short message in the chat to inform participants that you are here and to help people who might have audio problems.

    Streaming Server

    To give an online live streaming conference, you need a streaming server and probably a technical administrator to help you use it. This guy will give you the URL you need to type in the live streaming form field once you edit your conferencesettings.

    Chamilo streaming

    Do it yourself : install, configure and admin Shoutcast or AppleDarwin.

    Or contact Chamilo. We can help you organise your conference, asssist your lecturer and rent you a low cost streaming slot on our servers :

    " msgid "langHClar" msgstr "Chamilo Help" msgid "langHDoc" msgstr "Documents Help" msgid "langDocContent" msgstr "

    The Documents tool allows you to organise files just like you do on your pc/laptop.

    You can create simple web pages ('Create a document') or upload files of any type (HTML, Word, Powerpoint, Excel, Acrobat, Flash, Quicktime, etc.). Remember, of course, that your learners will need to have the appropriate software to open and run these files. Some file types can contain viruses; be careful not to upload virus-contaminated files, unless your portal admin has installed server side anti=virus software. It is, in any case, a worthwhile precaution to check documents with antivirus software before uploading them.

    Documents are presented in alphabetical order.

    Tip : If you want to present them in a different order, number them (e.g. 01, 02, 03...) Or use the Learning Path to present a sophisticated Table of Contents. Note that once your documents are uploaded, you may decide to hide the documents area and show only one link on the Homepage (using the links tool) or a Learning Path containing some documents from your Documents area.

    Create a document

    Select Create a document > Give it a title (no spaces, no accents) > type your text > Use the buttons in the wysiwyg (What You See Is What You Get) editor to input information, tables, styles etc. To create effective web pages, you need to become familiar with three key functions: Links, Images and Tables. Be aware that web pages offer less layout options than e.g. Ms-Word pages. Note also that as well as creating a document from scratch in the editor, you can also cut and paste existing content from a web page or a Word document. This is an easy and quick way to import content into your Chamilo course.

    • To add a link, you need to copy the URL of the target page. We suggest you open two browser windows/tabs simultaneously, one with your Chamilo course and the other to browse the web. Once you find the page you are looking for (note that this page can be inside your Chamilo course), copy its URL (CTRL+C or APPLE+C), go back to the page editor, select the word to be the link, click on the small chain icon, paste the URL of your target in the popup window and submit. Once your page is saved, test the link to check it opens the target. You can decide in the Link popup menu whether the link will create a new page/tab or replace your Chamilo page in the same window.
    • To add an image, the process is the same as for the link feature : browse the web in a second window, find the image (if the image is inside your course's documents area, copy its URL (CTRL+C or APPLE+C in the URL bar after selecting the whole URL) then go back to your web page editor, position your mouse where you want your image to appear, then click on the small tree icon and copy the URL of the target image into the URL field, preview and submit. Note that in web pages, you cannot redimension your images as in a PowerPoint presentation, neither can you re-locate the image anywhere in the page.
    • To add a table, position your mouse in the field where you want the table to appear, then select the table icon in the Wysiwyg editor menu, decide on the number of columns and lines you need and submit. To get nice tables, we suggest that you choose the following values : border=1, cellspacing=0, cellpadding=4. Note that you will not be allowed to redimension your table or add lines or columns to it after its creation (sorry about this, it is just an online editor, not a word processor yet!).

    Upload a document

    • Select the file on your computer using the Browse button on the right of your screen.
    • Launch the upload with the Upload Button .
    • Check the checkbox under the Upload button if your document is zip file or a so-called SCORM package. SCORM packages are special files designed according to an international norm : SCORM. This is a special format for learning content which allows for the free exchange of these materials between different Learning Management Systems. SCORM materials are platform independent and their import and export are simple.

    Rename a document (a directory)

    • click on the button in the Rename column
    • Type the new name in the field (top left)
    • Validate by clicking .

    Delete a document (or a directory)

    • Click on in column 'Delete'.

    Make a document (or directory) invisible to users

    • Click on in column 'Visible/invisible'.
    • The document (or directory) still exists but it is not visible by users anymore.
    • To make it invisible back again, click on in column 'Visible/invisible'

    Add or modify a comment to a document (or a directory)

    • Click on in column 'Comment'
    • Type new comment in the corresponding field (top right).
    • Validate by clicking .

    To delete a comment, click on , delete the old comment in the field and click .

    You can organise your content through filing. For this:

    Create a directory

    • Click on 'Create a directory' (top left)
    • Type the name of your new directory in the corresponding field (top left)
    • Validate by clicking .

    Move a document (or directory)

    • Click on button in column 'Move'
    • Choose the directory into which you want to move the document (or directory) in the corresponding scrolling menu (top left) (note: the word 'root' means you cannot go higher than that level in the document tree of the server).
    • Validate by clicking on .

    Create a Learning Path

    This learning path will look like a Table of Contents and can be used as a Table of Contents, but can offer you much more in terms of functionality. (See Learning Path Help)." msgid "langHUser" msgstr "Users Help" msgid "langHExercise" msgstr "Tests Help" msgid "langHPath" msgstr "Learning Path Help" msgid "langHDescription" msgstr "Description Help" msgid "langHLinks" msgstr "Links Help" msgid "langHMycourses" msgstr "My Courses Help" msgid "langHAgenda" msgstr "Agenda Help" msgid "langHAnnouncements" msgstr "Announcements Help" msgid "langHChat" msgstr "Chat Help" msgid "langHWork" msgstr "Assignments Help" msgid "langHTracking" msgstr "Reporting Help" msgid "langUserContent" msgstr "

    Adding users

    You can subscribe existing learners one by one to your course, by clicking on the link 'Subscribe users to this course'. Usually however it's better to open your course to self-registration and let learners register themselves.


    The description has no computer related function and does not indicate any particular rights or privileges within the system. It simply indicates who is who, in human terms. You can therefore modify this by clicking on the pencil, then typing whatever you want: professor, assistant, student, visitor, expert etc.

    Admin rights

    Admin rights, on the other hand, provide technical authorization to modify the content and organization of this training area. You can choose between allowing full admin rights or none.

    To allow an assistant, for instance, to co-admin the area, you need to be sure he/she is already registered, then click on the pencil, then check 'Teacher', then 'Ok'.


    To mention the name of a co-teacher in the heading (co-chairman, etc.), use the 'Course settings' tool. This modification does not automatically register your co-Trainer as a course member. The 'Teachers' field is completely independent of the 'Users' list.

    Tracking and Personal Home Pages

    In addition to showing the users list and modifying their rights, the Users tool also shows individual tracking and allows the teacher to define headings for personal home pages to be completed by users.

    " msgid "langGroupContent" msgstr "


    This tool allows you to create and manage workgroups. On first creation (Create groups), groups are 'empty'. There are many ways to fill them:

    • automatically ('Fill groups (random)'),
    • manually ('Edit'),
    • self-registration by users (Groups settings: 'Self registration allowed...').
    These three ways can be combined. You can, for instance, first ask users to self-register.Then if you find some of them didn't register, decide to fill groups automatically (random) in order to complete them. You can also edit each group to determine membership, user by user, after or before self-registration and/or automatically on registration.

    Filling groups, whether automatically or manually, is possible only for users registered on the course. The users list is visible in Users tool.

    Create groups

    To create new groups, click on 'Create new group(s)' and decide the number of groups to create.

    Group settings

    You can determine Group settings globally (for all groups).Users may self-register in groups:

    You create empty groups, users self-register.If you have defined a maximum number, full groups do not accept new members.This method is handy for trainers unfamiliar with the users list when creating groups.


    Every group is assigned either a forum (private or public) or a Documents area(a shared file manager) or (in most cases) both.

    Manual editing

    Once groups have been created (Create groups), you will see, at the bottom of the page, a list of groups along with with several options:

    • EditManually modify group name, description, tutor, members list.
    • Delete Delete a group.

    " msgid "langExerciseContent" msgstr "

    The tests tool allows you to create tests containing as many questions as you like.

    You can choose from a range of question formats clearly displayed at the top of the page when you create a test including (for example):

    • Multiple choice (single or multiple answers)
    • Matching
    • Fill in the blanks etc.
    A test can include any number and combination of questions and question formats.

    Test creation

    To create a test, click on the \"New test\" link.

    Type a name for the test, as well as an optional description.

    You can add various elements to this, including audio or video files, e.g. for listening comprehension, but take care to make such files as small as possible to optimise download time (e.g. use mp3 rather than wav files - they're far smaller but perfectly good quality).

    You can also choose between two modes of presentation:

    • Questions on an single page
    • One question per page (sequentially)
    and opt for questions to be randomly organised when the test is run.

    Finally, save your test. You will be taken to the question administration.

    Adding a question

    You can now add a question to the newly created test. You can if you wish include a description and/or an image. To create the test types mentioned above, follow the following steps:

    Multiple choice

    In order to create a MAQ / MCQ :

    • Define the answers for your question. You can add or delete an answer by clicking on the right-hand button
    • Check the left box for the correct answer(s)
    • Add an optional comment. This comment won't be seen by the user until he/she has answered the question
    • Give a weighting to each answer. The weighting can be any positive or negative integer (or zero)
    • Save your answers

    Fill in the blanks

    This allows you to create a cloze passage. The purpose is to prompt the user to find words that you have removed from the text.

    To remove a word from the text, and thus create a blank, put brackets [like this] around it.

    Once the text has been typed and blanks defined, you can add a comment that will be seen by the learner depending on the reply to the question.

    Save your text, and you will be taken to the next step allowing you to assign a weighting to each blank. For example, if the question is worth 10 points and you have 5 blanks, you can give a weighting of 2 points to each blank.


    This answer type can be chosen so as to create a question where the user will have to connect elements from list A with elements from list B.

    It can also be used to ask the user to arrange elements in a given order.

    First, define the options from which the user will be able to choose the best answer. Then, define the questions which will have to be linked to one of the options previously defined. Finally, connect elements from the first list with those of the second list via the drop-down menu.

    Note: Several elements from the first unit might point to the same element in the second unit.

    Assign a weighting to each correct match, and save your answer.

    Modifying a test

    In order to modify a test, the principle is the same as for creating a test. Just click on the picture beside the test to modify, and follow the instructions above.

    Deleting a test

    In order to delete a test, click on the picture beside the test to delete it.

    Enabling a test

    For a test can be used, you have to enable it by clicking on the picture beside the test name.

    Running the test

    You can try out your test by clicking on its name in the tests list.

    Random questions

    Whenever you create/modify a test, you can decide if you want questions to be drawn in a random order from amongst all test questions.

    By enabling this option, questions will be drawn in a different order every time a user runs the test.

    If you have got a large number of questions, you can opt to randomly draw only x-number of questions from the questions available.

    Questions pool

    When you delete a test, its questions are not removed from the database, so they can be recycled back into another test via the questions pool.

    The questions pool also allows you to re-use the same question in several tests.

    By default, all the questions pertaining to your course are hidden. You can display the questions related to a test, by chosing 'filter' in the drop-down menu.

    Orphan questions are questions that don not belong to any test.

    HotPotatoes Tests

    You can import HotPotatoes tests into a Chamilo portal, to use in the Tests tool. The results of these tests are stored the same way as the results of Chamilo tests and as such can be readily monitored using the Reporting tool. In the case of simple tests, we recommend you use html or htm format; if your test contains pictures, a zip file upload is the most convenient way.

    Note: You can also include HotPotatoes Tests as a step in the Learning Path.

    Method of import
    • Select the file on your computer using the Browse button on the right of your screen.
    • Launch the upload with the Upload Button .
    • You can open the test by clicking onto its name.

    Useful link
    • Hot Potatoes home page :
    " msgid "langPathContent" msgstr "The Course tool supports two approaches :
    • Create a new course (allowing you to author your own content)
    • Import SCORM course

    What is a Learning path?

    A Learning path allows for the presentation of a sequence of learning experiences or activities arranged in distinct sections. (In this sense, the Learning path is what distinguishes a 'course' from a mere repository of random documents.) It can be content-based (serving as a table of contents) or activities-based, serving as an agenda or programme of action necessary to understand and apply a particular area of knowledge or skill.

    In addition to being structured, a learning path can also be sequential, meaning that the completion of certain steps constitute pre-requisites for accessing others (i.e. 'you cannot go to learning object 2 before learning object 1'). Your sequence can be suggestive (simply displaying steps one after the other) or prescriptive (involving pre-requisites so that learners are required to follow steps in a particular order ).

    How do I create my own Learning Path (Course)?

    Proceed to the 'Learning Path' section. There you can create as many courses/paths as you wish by clicking the Create a new course tool. You will need to choose a name for the course/path (e.g. Unit 1 if you plan to create several units within the overall course). To begin with, the course is empty, waiting for you to add sections and learning objects to it.
    If you set a course to Visible, it will appear as a new tool on the course homepage. This makes it easier and clearer for students to access.

    What learning objects can I add?

    All Chamilo tools, activities and content that you consider useful and relevant to yourcourse can be added :

    • Separate documents (texts, pictures, Office docs, ...)
    • Forums as a whole
    • Topics
    • Links
    • Chamilo Tests
    • HotPotatoes Tests
      (note :tests made invisible on the homepage, but included in a path, become visible for learners onl as they work throught the course.)
    • Assignments
    • External links

    Other features

    Learners can be asked to follow your course in a given order, as you can set prerequisites. This means for example thatlearners cannot go to e.g. Quiz 2 until they have read e.g. Document 1. All learning objects have a status:completed or incomplete, so the progress of learners is clearly reported.

    If you alter the original title of a learning object, the new name will appear inthe course, but the original title will not be deleted. So if you want test8.doc to appear as 'Final Exam' in the path, you do not have to rename the file, you can use the new title in the path. It is also useful to give new titles to links which are too long.

    When you're finished, don't forget to check Display mode, (showing, as in learner view, the table of contents on the left and the learning objects on the right,one at a time.)

    What is a SCORM course and how do I import one?

    The learning path tool allows you to upload SCORM compliant courses.

    SCORM (Sharable Content Object Reference Model) is a public standard followed by major e-Learning companies like NETg, Macromedia, Microsoft, Skillsoft, etc. They act at three levels:

    • Economy : SCORM renders whole courses or small content units reusable on different Learning Management Systems (LMS) through the separation of content and context,
    • Pedagogy : SCORM integrates the notion ofpre-requisite or sequencing (e.g. \"Youcannot go to chapter 2 before passing Quiz 1\"),
    • Technology : SCORM generates a table of contents as an abstraction layer situated outside content and outside the LMS. It helps content and the LMS to communicate with each other. Mainly communicated are bookmarks(\"Where is John in thecourse?\"), scoring (\"How did John pass the test?\") and time (\"How muchtime did John spent in chapter 1?\").
    How can I create a SCORM compliant learning path?

    The obvious way is to use the Chamilo Authoring tool. However, you may prefer to create complete SCORM compliant websites locally on your own computer before uploading it onto your Chamilo platform. In this case, we recommend the use of a sophisticated tool like Lectora®, eXe Learning® or Reload®

    " msgid "langDescriptionContent" msgstr "

    The Course Description tool prompts you to comprhensively describe your course in a systematic way. This description can be used to provide learners with an overview of what awaits them, and can be helpful when you review and evaluate your course.

    The items merely offer suggestions. If you want to write a your own independent course description simply create your own headings and decriptions by selecting the 'Other' tool.

    Otherwise, to complete a description of the course, click on each image, fill it with your text/content and submit.

    " msgid "langLinksContent" msgstr "

    The Links tool allows you to create a library of resources for your students, particularly of resources that you have not created yourself.

    As the list grows, it might prove useful to organise it into categories to help your students find the right information at the right place. You can edit every link to re-assign it to a new category (you will need to create this category first).

    The Description field can be used to provide advance-information on the target web pages but also to describe what you expect the student to do with the link. If, for instance, you point to a website on Aristotle, the description field may ask the student to study the difference between synthesis and analysis." msgid "langMycoursesContent" msgstr "

    As soon as you log in to the system, you will be taken to your own main page. Here you will see the following:

  • My Courses in the centre of the page, lists the courses in which you are enrolled, with an option for you to create new courses (using the button in the right menu)
  • In the header section, My Profile allows you to change your password, upload your photo to the system or change your username, My Calendar : contains the events within the courses for which you are registered, in the right menu: Edit my list of courses allows you to enroll in courses as learner, (provided the trainer/teacher has authorized entry. here you can also unsubscribe from a course, Links Support Forum and Documentation refer you to the main Chamilo site, where you can ask questions or find up to date information about Chamilo. To enter a course (left side of the screen), click on its title. Your profile may vary from course to course. It could be that you are a teacher in one course and a learner in another. In courses for which you are responsible, you have access to the editing tools designed for authoring and managing students, while in courses where you learn, you access a more limited range of tools appropriate for undertaking the course.

    The form your own main page takes can vary from one platform to another depending on the options enabled by the system administrator. Thus, for example, there may be some cases where you do not have access to course creation even as a teacher, because this particular function is managed by others within your institution.

    " msgid "langAgendaContent" msgstr "

    The Agenda tool appears both as a calendar within each course and as a personal diary tool for each student providing an overview of events in the courses in which they are enrolled. (Groups can also have their own Agenda.) Users can use the Agenda, which displays course content and activites, as a reference tool to organise their day to day or week to week learning.

    In addition to being visible in the agenda, new events are indicated to the learner whenever he/she logs in. The system sees what has been added since his/her last visit and icons appear on the portal home page beside the courses indicating new events and announcements.

    If you want to organize students' work in a time-related way, it is best to use the Learning Paths tool as a way of charting a logical progression through various activites and content through the presentation of a formal table of contents.

    " msgid "langAnnouncementsContent" msgstr "

    The Announcements tool allows you to send an email to some or all of your students, or to specific groups. to might want to alert them to the addition of a new document, to remind them of a deadline for submission of an assignment or to highlight and share a particularly good piece of work. Sending such email announcements can also serve as a useful prompt to re-engage students who have not visited the site for some time (as long as it's not overdone!).

    Contacting specific users

    In addition to sending a general email to all members of the course, you can send an email to one or more individuals/groups groups.When you create a new announcement. Just click Visible to and select users from the left hand lists and and add them as recipients using the arrows.

    " msgid "langChatContent" msgstr "

    The Chat tool allows you to chat 'live' with your students in real time.

    In contrast to most commercial chat tools, the chat in Chamilo is web based and does not require any additional install (e.g. MSN® Yahoo Messenger®. Skype® etc.) A key advantage of this solution is therefore it's immediate availablilty for students, allowing chat to be easily integrated into the course. Moreover, the Chamilo chat tool will automatically archive discussions and save them for ready access later via the Documents tool. (Be warned that the message may take from 1 to 5 seconds to refresh with each exchange - this doesn't mean anything is wrong!!).

    If learners have uploaded a profile picture it will appear (reduced in size) in the left column - otherwise, it will show a default image.

    It is the responsibility of the teacher to delete threads whenever he/she deems relevant.

    Educational Use

    Adding Chat to your course is not always a good idea. To make best use of this tool, you need to ensure discussions remains focussed on course content. You might, for example, decide to keep the chat facility hidden until it is time for a 'formal' scheduled session. That way,while the freedom of discussions may admittedly be curbed, you are able to better guarantee thatsuch live meetings will be beneficial .

    " msgid "langWorkContent" msgstr "

    The assignments tool is a very simple tool that allows your students to upload documents to the course.It can be used to accept responses to open questions from individuals or groups, or for uploading any other form of document

    You can make files visible to all students by default, or only visible to yourself according to the requirements of your course. Making all files visible is useful when, for instance, you want to ask students to share opinions on each others papers, or when you want to give them experience in publishing texts globally. Keep files invisible if, for example, you want ask everybody the same question but to avoid 'cheating'. Making the documents invisible will also allow you to have some form of control over when a document is available to all the other students.

    If you want students to hand in a document for grading you're best, from within the tool, to assign submissions to a folder.

    You can use the the tool to set deadlines and instructions for delivery, as well as a maximum grade/score.

    " msgid "langTrackingContent" msgstr "

    The Reporting tool helps you track your students' attendance and progress: Did they connect to the system, When? How many times? How much do they score in tests? Have they already uploaded their assignment paper? When? If you use SCORM courses, you can even track how much time a student spent on a particular module or chapter. Reporting provides two levels of information:

    " msgid "langHSettings" msgstr "Course settings Help" msgid "langSettingsContent" msgstr "

    The Course Settings allows you to manage the global parameters of your course: Title, code, language, name of trainer etc.

    The options situated in the centre of the page deal with confidentiality settings : is the course public or private? Can users register to it? You can use these settings dynamically e.g. allow self-registration for one week > ask your students to register > close access to self-registration > remove possible intruders through the Users list. This way you keep control of who is registered while avoiding the administrative hassle of registering them yourself.

    (Note - some organizations prefer not to use this method and opt to centralise registration. In this case, participants cannot enrol in your course at all, even if you, as a trainer / teacher, wish to give them access. To check this, look at the home page of your campus (as opposed to your course homepage) to see if the 'Register' link is present.)

    At the bottom of the page, you can back up the course and delete it. Backup will create a file on the server and allow you to copy it on your own Hard Disk locally so that there will be two backups each in different places. If you back up a course and then delete it you will not be be able to restore it yourself, but the system administrator can do this for you if you give him/her the code of your training. Backing up a training is also a good way to get all your documents transferred to your own computer. You will need a tool, like Winzip® to UNZIP the archive. Note that backing up a training does not automatically remove it.

    " msgid "langHExternal" msgstr "Add a Link help" msgid "langExternalContent" msgstr "

    Chamilo is a modular tool. You can hide and show tools whenever you want, according to the requirements of your project or to a particular chronological part of it. But you can also add tools or pages to your home page that you have created yourself or that come from outwith your Chamilo portal. That way, you can customise your course home page to make it your own.

    In so doing, you will doubtless want to add your own links to the page. Links can be of two types:

    Once created, links cannot be edited. To modify them, the only solution is to deactivate and delete them, then start over.

    " msgid "langClarContent3" msgstr "Clear content" msgid "langClarContent4" msgstr "Clear content" msgid "langClarContent1" msgstr "Clear content" msgid "langClarContent2" msgstr "Clear content" msgid "langHGroups" msgstr "Groups Help" msgid "langGroupsContent" msgstr "Content of the groups" msgid "langGuide" msgstr "Manual" msgid "HSurvey" msgstr "Survey Help" msgid "SurveyContent" msgstr "

    Getting proper feedback on your courses is extremely important. You will find the dedicated Survey tool invaluable for getting effective feedback from users.

    Creating a new survey

    Click on the link 'Create a new survey' and fill in the fields 'Survey code' and 'Survey title'. With the help of the calendar, you can control the duration of your survey. There's no need to keep it open for a whole year; allow access for a few days at the end of the training program. Filling in the text fields 'Survey introduction' and 'Survey thanks' is also good practice; this will add clarity and a certain friendliness to your survey.

    Adding questions to the survey

    Once the survey outline is created, it is up to you to create the questions. The 'Survey' tool has many question types: open/closed questions, percentage, QCM, multiple responses... You should certainly find everything you need for your (ever increasing) feedback requirements.

    Previewing the survey

    Once you have created questions, you may want to check what the survey will look like to learners. Click on the 'Preview' icon and the preview screen will show you exactly this.

    Publishing the survey

    Happy with the preview? Any modifications to be made? No? Then click on the icon 'Publish survey' to send the survey to the selected list of recipients. As with creating groups, use the list 'Users of this course' on the left and the one for 'receivers' on its right to arrrange this. Next, fill in the email subject 'Title of the email' and the content, 'Text of the email'. Potential surveyees will be alerted by email of the availability of a survey. Think carefully about the wording of the email because it will play a big part in motivating users to take the survey.

    Survey reports

    Analyzing surveys is a tedious task. The survey Reporting tool will help with analysis as it sorts reports according to question, user, comparisons etc...

    Managing surveys

    When managing surveys you will see some new icons, apart from the usual 'Edit' and 'Delete' options.You can preview, publish and keep track of your surveys and responses using these.

    " msgid "HBlogs" msgstr "Project help" msgid "BlogsContent" msgstr "

    The Project tool facilitates collaborative project work.

    One way to use the tool is to use it to assign authors charged with keeping written reports on activities throughout the day/week.

    Coupled with this is a task management tool through which you can assign a relevant task to any of the designated authors (eg to report on the evolution of safety standards in the business).

    An item representing new content is called an article . To create a new article, just follow the link in the menu prompting you to do. To edit (if you are the author of the article) or add a comment to an article, just click on the title of this article.

    " msgid "ResourceAdded" msgstr "Resource added" msgid "LearningPath" msgstr "Learning paths" msgid "LevelUp" msgstr "level up" msgid "AddIt" msgstr "Add it" msgid "MainCategory" msgstr "main category" msgid "lang_delete_added_resources" msgstr "Delete added resources" msgid "AddToLinks" msgstr "Add to the training links" msgid "DontAdd" msgstr "do not add" msgid "lang_show_all_added_resources" msgstr "Show all added resources" msgid "ResourcesAdded" msgstr "Resources added" msgid "BackTo" msgstr "Back to" msgid "ExternalResources" msgstr "External resources" msgid "CourseResources" msgstr "Course resources" msgid "ExternalLink" msgstr "External link" msgid "DropboxAdd" msgstr "Add the dropbox to this section." msgid "AddAssignmentPage" msgstr "Add the Assignments tool to the course" msgid "Exercise" msgstr "Tests" msgid "Link" msgstr "Links" msgid "AdValvas" msgstr "Announcements" msgid "Document" msgstr "Document" msgid "ShowDelete" msgstr "Show / Delete" msgid "IntroductionText" msgstr "Introduction text" msgid "CourseDescription" msgstr "Course Description" msgid "Groups" msgstr "Groups" msgid "Users" msgstr "Users" msgid "IntroductionTextAdd" msgstr "Add a page containing the introduction text to this section." msgid "CourseDescriptionAdd" msgstr "Add a page containing the course description to this section." msgid "GroupsAdd" msgstr "Add the Groups tool to this section." msgid "UsersAdd" msgstr "Add the Users tool to this section." msgid "ExportableCourseResources" msgstr "Exportable course resources" msgid "DokeosRelatedCourseMaterial" msgstr "Chamilo related course resources" msgid "LinkTarget" msgstr "Link's target" msgid "SameWindow" msgstr "In the same window" msgid "NewWindow" msgstr "In a new window" msgid "StepDeleted1" msgstr "This" msgid "StepDeleted2" msgstr "item was deleted in that tool." msgid "Modify" msgstr "Edit" msgid "Chapter" msgstr "Section" msgid "NoAgendaItems" msgstr "There are no events" msgid "AgendaAdd" msgstr "Add event" msgid "UserGroupFilter" msgstr "Filter on groups/users" msgid "AgendaSortChronologicallyUp" msgstr "Ascending" msgid "ShowCurrent" msgstr "Current month" msgid "ModifyCalendarItem" msgstr "Edit event" msgid "ItemTitle" msgstr "Event name" msgid "Detail" msgstr "Detail" msgid "EditSuccess" msgstr "Event edited" msgid "AddCalendarItem" msgstr "Add event to agenda" msgid "AddAnn" msgstr "Add announcement" msgid "ForumAddNewTopic" msgstr "Forum: add new topic" msgid "ForumEditTopic" msgstr "Forum: edit topic" msgid "ExerciseAnswers" msgstr "Test : Answers" msgid "ForumReply" msgstr "Forum: reply" msgid "AgendaSortChronologicallyDown" msgstr "Descending" msgid "MyTasks" msgstr "My tasks" msgid "FavoriteBlogs" msgstr "My projects" msgid "Navigation" msgstr "Navigation" msgid "TopTen" msgstr "Top ten" msgid "Subtitle" msgstr "Project description" msgid "ThisBlog" msgstr "This project" msgid "NewPost" msgstr "New task" msgid "TaskManager" msgstr "Roles management" msgid "MemberManager" msgstr "Users management" msgid "PostFullText" msgstr "Task" msgid "ReadPost" msgstr "Read this post" msgid "Home" msgstr "Project home" msgid "FirstPostText" msgstr "This is the first task in the project. Everybody subscribed to this project is able to participate" msgid "AddNewComment" msgstr "Add a new comment" msgid "ReplyToThisComment" msgstr "Reply to this comment" msgid "ManageTasks" msgstr "Manage roles" msgid "ManageMembers" msgstr "Subscribe / Unsubscribe users in this project" msgid "Register" msgstr "Register" msgid "UnRegister" msgstr "Unregister" msgid "SubscribeMembers" msgstr "Subscribe users" msgid "UnsubscribeMembers" msgstr "Unsubscribe users" msgid "RightsManager" msgstr "Users rights management" msgid "ManageRights" msgstr "Manage roles and rights of user in this project" msgid "Task" msgstr "Task" msgid "Tasks" msgstr "Tasks" msgid "Member" msgstr "Member" msgid "Members" msgstr "Members" msgid "Role" msgstr "Role" msgid "Rate" msgstr "Rate" msgid "Roles" msgstr "Roles" msgid "AddTask" msgstr "Add a new role" msgid "AddTasks" msgstr "Add a new role" msgid "AssignTask" msgstr "Assign a role" msgid "AssignTasks" msgstr "Assign roles" msgid "EditTask" msgstr "Edit this task" msgid "DeleteTask" msgstr "Delete this task" msgid "DeleteSystemTask" msgstr "This is a preset task. You can't delete a preset task." msgid "SelectUser" msgstr "User" msgid "SelectTask" msgstr "Task" msgid "SelectTargetDate" msgstr "Date" msgid "TargetDate" msgstr "Date" msgid "Color" msgstr "Colour" msgid "TaskList" msgstr "Roles in this project" msgid "AssignedTasks" msgstr "Assigned tasks" msgid "ArticleManager" msgstr "Tasks manager" msgid "CommentManager" msgstr "Comment manager" msgid "BlogManager" msgstr "Project manager" msgid "ReadMore" msgstr "Read more..." msgid "DeleteThisArticle" msgstr "Delete this task" msgid "EditThisPost" msgstr "Edit this task" msgid "DeleteThisComment" msgstr "Delete this comment" msgid "NoArticles" msgstr "There are no tasks in this project. If you are the manager of this project, click on link 'New task' to write an task." msgid "NoTasks" msgstr "No tasks" msgid "Rating" msgstr "Rating" msgid "RateThis" msgstr "Rate this task" msgid "SelectTaskArticle" msgstr "Select a task for this role" msgid "ExecuteThisTask" msgstr "A task for me" msgid "WrittenBy" msgstr "Written by" msgid "InBlog" msgstr "in the project" msgid "ViewPostsOfThisDay" msgstr "View tasks for today" msgid "PostsOf" msgstr "Tasks by" msgid "NoArticleMatches" msgstr "No tasks have been found. Check the word spelling or try another search." msgid "SaveProject" msgstr "Save blog" msgid "langTask1" msgstr "Task 1" msgid "langTask2" msgstr "Task 2" msgid "langTask3" msgstr "Task 3" msgid "langTask1Desc" msgstr "Task 1 description" msgid "langTask2Desc" msgstr "Task 2 description" msgid "langTask3Desc" msgstr "Task 3 description" msgid "blog_management" msgstr "Project management" msgid "langWelcome" msgstr "Welcome !" msgid "langModule" msgstr "Module" msgid "langUserHasPermissionNot" msgstr "The user hasn't rights" msgid "langUserHasPermission" msgstr "The user has rights" msgid "langLegend" msgstr "Legend" msgid "langUserHasPermissionByRoleGroup" msgstr "The user has rights of its group" msgid "AddBlog" msgstr "Create a new project" msgid "EditBlog" msgstr "Edit a project" msgid "DeleteBlog" msgstr "Delete this project" msgid "Shared" msgstr "Shared" msgid "PermissionGrantedByGroupOrRole" msgstr "Permission granted by group or role" msgid "Reader" msgstr "Reader" msgid "SeeBlog" msgstr "See blog" msgid "BlogDeleted" msgstr "The project has been deleted." msgid "BlogEdited" msgstr "The project has been edited." msgid "BlogStored" msgstr "The project has been added." msgid "CommentCreated" msgstr "The comment has been saved." msgid "BlogAdded" msgstr "The article has been added." msgid "TaskCreated" msgstr "The task has been created" msgid "TaskEdited" msgstr "The task has been edited." msgid "TaskAssigned" msgstr "The task has been assigned." msgid "AssignedTaskEdited" msgstr "The assigned task has been edited" msgid "UserRegistered" msgstr "The user has been registered" msgid "TaskDeleted" msgstr "The task has been deleted." msgid "TaskAssignmentDeleted" msgstr "The task assignment has been deleted." msgid "CommentDeleted" msgstr "The comment has been deleted." msgid "RatingAdded" msgstr "A rating has been added." msgid "BlogPosts" msgstr "Blog Posts" msgid "BlogComments" msgstr "Blog comments" msgid "langProfessors" msgstr "Trainers" msgid "langExplanation" msgstr "Once you click on \"Create a course\", a course is created with a section for Tests, Project based learning, Assessments, Courses, Dropbox, Agenda and much more. Logging in as teacher provides you with editing privileges for this course." msgid "langEmpty" msgstr "You left some fields empty.
    Use the Back button on your browser and try again.
    If you ignore your training code, see the Training Program" msgid "langCodeTaken" msgstr "This training code is already in use.
    Use the Back button on your browser and try again" msgid "langFormula" msgstr "Yours sincerely" msgid "langMessage" msgstr "When you remove the test forum, it will remove all messages in that forum too." msgid "langExerciceEx" msgstr "Sample test" msgid "langAntique" msgstr "Irony" msgid "langSocraticIrony" msgstr "Socratic irony is..." msgid "langManyAnswers" msgstr "(more than one answer can be true)" msgid "langRidiculise" msgstr "Ridiculise one's interlocutor in order to have him concede he is wrong." msgid "langNoPsychology" msgstr "No. Socratic irony is not a matter of psychology, it concerns argumentation." msgid "langAdmitError" msgstr "Admit one's own errors to invite one's interlocutor to do the same." msgid "langNoSeduction" msgstr "No. Socratic irony is not a seduction strategy or a method based on the example." msgid "langForce" msgstr "Compell one's interlocutor, by a series of questions and sub-questions, to admit he doesn't know what he claims to know." msgid "langIndeed" msgstr "Indeed. Socratic irony is an interrogative method. The Greek \"eirotao\" means \"ask questions\"" msgid "langContradiction" msgstr "Use the Principle of Non Contradiction to force one's interlocutor into a dead end." msgid "langNotFalse" msgstr "This answer is not false. It is true that the revelation of the interlocutor's ignorance means showing the contradictory conclusions where lead his premisses." msgid "langAgenda" msgstr "Agenda" msgid "langVideo" msgstr "Video" msgid "langCourseProgram" msgstr "Description" msgid "langAnnouncements" msgstr "Announcements" msgid "langAddPageHome" msgstr "Upload page and link to Homepage" msgid "langLinkSite" msgstr "Add link to page on Home Page" msgid "langModifyInfo" msgstr "Settings" msgid "langCourseDesc" msgstr "Description" msgid "langAgendaTitle" msgstr "Tuesday the 11th of December - First meeting. Room: LIN 18" msgid "langAgendaText" msgstr "General introduction to project management" msgid "langMicro" msgstr "Street interviews" msgid "langGoogle" msgstr "Quick and powerful search engine" msgid "langIntroductionText" msgstr "Welcome to this training!" msgid "langIntroductionTwo" msgstr "This page allows users and groups to publish documents." msgid "langCourseDescription" msgstr "Course description" msgid "langProfessor" msgstr "Trainer" msgid "langAnnouncementEx" msgstr "This is an announcement example. Only trainers are allowed to publish announcements." msgid "langJustCreated" msgstr "You just created the training area" msgid "langEnter" msgstr "Back to training list" msgid "langGroups" msgstr "Groups" msgid "langCreateCourseGroups" msgstr "Groups" msgid "langCatagoryMain" msgstr "Main" msgid "langCatagoryGroup" msgstr "Groups forums" msgid "langLn" msgstr "Language" msgid "langCreateSite" msgstr "Create a training" msgid "langFieldsRequ" msgstr "All fields required" msgid "langEx" msgstr "e.g. Innovation management" msgid "langFac" msgstr "Category" msgid "langTargetFac" msgstr "This is the department or any other category where the training is delivered" msgid "langMax" msgstr "max. 20 characters, e.g. INNOV21" msgid "langDoubt" msgstr "If you are unsure of your training code, consult the training details." msgid "langProgram" msgstr "Training Program. If your training has no code, whatever the reason, invent one. For instance INNOVATION if the training is about Innovation Management" msgid "langScormtool" msgstr "Courses" msgid "langScormbuildertool" msgstr "Scorm Path builder" msgid "langPathbuildertool" msgstr "Authoring tool" msgid "langOnlineConference" msgstr "Conference" msgid "langAgendaCreationTitle" msgstr "Training creation" msgid "langAgendaCreationContenu" msgstr "This training has been created on this moment." msgid "langOnlineDescription" msgstr "Conference description" msgid "langDropbox" msgstr "Doc share" msgid "langOnly" msgstr "Only" msgid "langRandomLanguage" msgstr "Shuffle selection in aivailable languages" msgid "langImages" msgstr "Images" msgid "langAudio" msgstr "Audio" msgid "langFlash" msgstr "Flash" msgid "langForumLanguage" msgstr "english" msgid "langNewCourse" msgstr "New course" msgid "langAddNewCourse" msgstr "Add a new course" msgid "langRestoreCourse" msgstr "Restore a training" msgid "langOtherProperties" msgstr "Other properties found in the archive" msgid "langSysId" msgstr "System ID" msgid "langDepartment" msgstr "Department" msgid "langDepartmentUrl" msgstr "Department URL" msgid "langScoreShow" msgstr "Show score" msgid "langVisibility" msgstr "Visibility" msgid "langVersionDb" msgstr "Database version used at archive time" msgid "langLastVisit" msgstr "Latest visit" msgid "langLastEdit" msgstr "Latest edit" msgid "langExpire" msgstr "Expiration" msgid "langChoseFile" msgstr "Select file" msgid "langFtpFileTips" msgstr "File on a FTP server" msgid "langHttpFileTips" msgstr "File on a Web (HTTP) server" msgid "langLocalFileTips" msgstr "File on the platform server" msgid "langPostFileTips" msgstr "File on your local computer" msgid "langOtherCategory" msgstr "Other category" msgid "langMinimum" msgstr "minimum" msgid "langMaximum" msgstr "maximum" msgid "langRestoreACourse" msgstr "Restore a course" msgid "langBackup" msgstr "Backup" msgid "langCopy" msgstr "Copy training content" msgid "langRecycle" msgstr "Recycle training" msgid "AnnouncementExampleTitle" msgstr "This is an announcement example" msgid "Wikipedia" msgstr "Free online encyclopedia" msgid "DefaultGroupCategory" msgstr "Default groups" msgid "DefaultCourseImages" msgstr "Gallery" msgid "ExampleForumCategory" msgstr "Example Forum Category" msgid "ExampleForum" msgstr "Example Forum" msgid "ExampleThread" msgstr "Example Thread" msgid "ExampleThreadContent" msgstr "Example content" msgid "IntroductionWiki" msgstr "The word Wiki is short for WikiWikiWeb. Wikiwiki is a Hawaiian word, meaning \"fast\" or \"speed\". In a wiki, people write pages together. If one person writes something wrong, the next person can correct it. The next person can also add something new to the page. Because of this, the pages improve continuously." msgid "CreateCourseArea" msgstr "Create this course" msgid "CreateCourse" msgstr "Create a course" msgid "Create" msgstr "Create" msgid "MessageOfNewCourseToAdmin" msgstr "This message is to inform you that has created a new course on platform" msgid "NewCourseCreatedIn" msgstr "New course created in" msgid "ExplicationTrainers" msgstr "The teacher is set as you for now. You can change this setting later in the course configuration settings" msgid "Objectives" msgstr "Objectives" msgid "TargetAudience" msgstr "Target audience" msgid "YouHaveToAcceptTermsAndConditions" msgstr "You have to accept our Terms and Conditions in order to request a new training." msgid "CourseRequestCreated" msgstr "Your request for a new course has been sent successfully. You may receive a reply soon, within one or two days." msgid "CreateThisCourseRequest" msgstr "Create this course request" msgid "CourseRequestDate" msgstr "Request date" msgid "AcceptThisCourseRequest" msgstr "Accept this course" msgid "ANewCourseWillBeCreated" msgstr "A new course %s is going to be created. Is it OK to proceed?" msgid "AdditionalInfoWillBeAsked" msgstr "Additional information about %s training request is going to be asked through an e-mail message. Is it OK to proceed?" msgid "AskAdditionalInfo" msgstr "Ask for additional information" msgid "DeleteThisCourseRequest" msgstr "Delete this course request" msgid "ACourseRequestWillBeDeleted" msgstr "The course request %s is going to be deleted. Is it OK to proceed?" msgid "RejectThisCourseRequest" msgstr "Reject this course request" msgid "ACourseRequestWillBeRejected" msgstr "The course request %s is going to be rejected. Is it OK to proceed?" msgid "CourseRequestAccepted" msgstr "The course request %s has been accepted. A new course %s has been created." msgid "CourseRequestAcceptanceFailed" msgstr "The course request %s has not been accepted due to internal error." msgid "CourseRequestRejected" msgstr "The course request %s has been rejected." msgid "CourseRequestRejectionFailed" msgstr "The course request %s has not been rejected due to internal error." msgid "CourseRequestInfoAsked" msgstr "Additional information about the course request %s has been asked." msgid "CourseRequestInfoFailed" msgstr "Additional information about the course request %s has not been asked due to internal error." msgid "CourseRequestDeleted" msgstr "The course request %s has been deleted." msgid "CourseRequestDeletionFailed" msgstr "The course request %s has not been deleted due to internal error." msgid "DeleteCourseRequests" msgstr "Delete selected course request(s)" msgid "SelectedCourseRequestsDeleted" msgstr "The selected course requests have been deleted." msgid "SomeCourseRequestsNotDeleted" msgstr "Some of the selected course requests have not been deleted due to internal error." msgid "CourseRequestEmailSubject" msgstr "%s A request for a new course %s" msgid "CourseRequestMailOpening" msgstr "We registered the following request for a new course:" msgid "CourseRequestPageForApproval" msgstr "This course request can be approved on the following page:" msgid "PleaseActivateCourseValidationFeature" msgstr "The \"Course validation\" feature is not enabled at the moment. In order to use this feature, please, enable it by using the %s setting." msgid "CourseRequestLegalNote" msgstr "The information about this course request is considered protected; it can be used only to open a new course within our e-learning portal; it should not be revealed to third parties." msgid "CourseRequestAskInfoEmailSubject" msgstr "%s A request for additional information about the course request %s" msgid "CourseRequestAskInfoEmailText" msgstr "We have received your request for a new course with code %s. Before we consider it for approval, we need some additional information. Please, provide brief information about the course content (description), the objectives, the learners or the users that are to be involved in the proposed course. If it is applicable, mention the name of the institution or the unit on which behalf you made the course request." msgid "CourseRequestAcceptedEmailSubject" msgstr "%s The course request %s has been approved" msgid "CourseRequestAcceptedEmailText" msgstr "Your course request %s has been approved. A new course %s has been created and you are registered in it as a teacher. You can access your newly created course from: %s" msgid "CourseRequestRejectedEmailSubject" msgstr "%s The course request %s has been rejected" msgid "CourseRequestRejectedEmailText" msgstr "To our regret we have to inform you that your course request %s has been rejected due to not fulfilling the requirements of our Terms and Conditions." msgid "CourseCreationFailed" msgstr "The course has not been created due to an internal error." msgid "CourseRequestCreationFailed" msgstr "The course request has not been created due to an internal error." msgid "CourseRequestEdit" msgstr "Edit a course request" msgid "CourseRequestHasNotBeenFound" msgstr "The course request you wanted to access has not been found or it does not exist." msgid "Accept" msgstr "Accept" msgid "Reject" msgstr "Reject" msgid "CourseRequestUpdateFailed" msgstr "The course request %s has not been updated due to internal error." msgid "CourseRequestUpdated" msgstr "The course request %s has been updated." msgid "ForumDeleted" msgstr "Forum deleted" msgid "ForumCategoryDeleted" msgstr "Forum category deleted" msgid "ForumLocked" msgstr "Forum blocked" msgid "Forum" msgstr "Forum" msgid "AddForumCategory" msgstr "Add forum category" msgid "AddForum" msgstr "Add a forum" msgid "Topics" msgstr "Topics" msgid "Posts" msgstr "Posts" msgid "LastPosts" msgstr "Latest Post" msgid "Message" msgstr "message" msgid "NoForumInThisCategory" msgstr "There are no forums in this category" msgid "InForumCategory" msgstr "Create in category" msgid "AllowAnonymousPosts" msgstr "Allow anonymous posts?" msgid "StudentsCanEdit" msgstr "Can learners edit their own posts?" msgid "ApprovalDirect" msgstr "Approval / Direct Post" msgid "AllowNewThreads" msgstr "Allow users to start new threads" msgid "DefaultViewType" msgstr "Default view type" msgid "GroupSettings" msgstr "Group Settings" msgid "NotAGroupForum" msgstr "Not a group forum" msgid "PublicPrivateGroupForum" msgstr "Public or private group forum?" msgid "Public" msgstr "For all learners" msgid "Private" msgstr "For group members only" msgid "NewPostStored" msgstr "Your message has been saved" msgid "ReturnTo" msgstr "You can now return to the" msgid "Or" msgstr "or" msgid "ReplyToThread" msgstr "Reply to this thread" msgid "ReplyToMessage" msgstr "Reply to this message" msgid "QuoteMessage" msgstr "Quote this message" msgid "NewTopic" msgstr "Create thread" msgid "Replies" msgstr "Replies" msgid "Views" msgstr "Views" msgid "LastPost" msgstr "Latest post" msgid "Quoting" msgstr "Quoting" msgid "NotifyByEmail" msgstr "Notify me by e-mail when somebody replies" msgid "StickyPost" msgstr "This is a sticky message (appears always on top and has a special sticky icon)" msgid "ReplyShort" msgstr "Re:" msgid "DeletePost" msgstr "Are you sure you want to delete this post? Deleting this post will also delete the replies on this post. Please check the threaded view to see which posts will also be deleted" msgid "Locked" msgstr "Locked: students can no longer post new messages in this forum category, forum or thread but they can still read the messages that were already posted" msgid "Unlocked" msgstr "Unlocked: learners can post new messages in this forum category, forum or thread" msgid "Flat" msgstr "Flat" msgid "Threaded" msgstr "Threaded" msgid "Nested" msgstr "Nested" msgid "FlatView" msgstr "List View" msgid "ThreadedView" msgstr "Threaded View" msgid "NestedView" msgstr "Nested View" msgid "Structure" msgstr "Structure" msgid "ForumCategoryAdded" msgstr "The forum category has been added" msgid "ForumCategoryEdited" msgstr "The forum category has been modified" msgid "ForumAdded" msgstr "The forum has been added" msgid "ForumEdited" msgstr "The forum has been modified" msgid "NewThreadStored" msgstr "The new thread has been added" msgid "Approval" msgstr "Approval" msgid "Direct" msgstr "Direct" msgid "ForGroup" msgstr "For Group" msgid "ThreadLocked" msgstr "Thread is locked." msgid "NotAllowedHere" msgstr "You are not allowed here." msgid "ReplyAdded" msgstr "The reply has been added" msgid "EditPost" msgstr "Edit a post" msgid "EditPostStored" msgstr "The post has been modified" msgid "NewForumPost" msgstr "New Post in the forum" msgid "YouWantedToStayInformed" msgstr "You stated that you wanted to be informed by e-mail whenever somebody replies on the thread" msgid "MessageHasToBeApproved" msgstr "Your message has to be approved before people can view it." msgid "AllowAttachments" msgstr "Allow attachments" msgid "EditForumCategory" msgstr "Edit forum category" msgid "MovePost" msgstr "Move post" msgid "MoveToThread" msgstr "Move to a thread" msgid "ANewThread" msgstr "A new thread" msgid "Reply" msgstr "Reply" msgid "DeleteForum" msgstr "Delete forum ?" msgid "DeleteForumCategory" msgstr "Delete forum category ?" msgid "Lock" msgstr "Lock" msgid "Unlock" msgstr "Unlock" msgid "MoveThread" msgstr "Move Thread" msgid "PostVisibilityChanged" msgstr "Post visibility changed" msgid "PostDeleted" msgstr "Post has been deleted" msgid "MakeInvisible" msgstr "Make invisible" msgid "ThreadCanBeFoundHere" msgstr "The thread can be found here" msgid "MakeVisible" msgstr "Make Visible" msgid "DeleteCompleteThread" msgstr "Delete complete thread?" msgid "PostDeletedSpecial" msgstr "Special Post Deleted" msgid "ThreadDeleted" msgstr "Thread deleted" msgid "NextMessage" msgstr "Next message" msgid "PrevMessage" msgstr "Previous message" msgid "FirstMessage" msgstr "First message" msgid "LastMessage" msgstr "Last message" msgid "ForumSearch" msgstr "Search in the Forum" msgid "SearchTerm" msgstr "Search term" msgid "ForumSearchResults" msgstr "Forum search results" msgid "ForumSearchInformation" msgstr "You search on multiple words by using the + sign" msgid "YouWillBeNotifiedOfNewPosts" msgstr "You will be notified of new posts by e-mail." msgid "YouWillNoLongerBeNotifiedOfNewPosts" msgstr "You will no longer be notified of new posts by email" msgid "AddImage" msgstr "Add image" msgid "QualifyThread" msgstr "Grade thread" msgid "ThreadUsersList" msgstr "Users list of the thread" msgid "StudentList" msgstr "Learners list" msgid "QualifyThisThread" msgstr "Grade this thread" msgid "CourseUsers" msgstr "Users in course" msgid "PostsNumber" msgstr "Number of posts" msgid "NumberOfPostsForThisUser" msgstr "Number of posts for this user" msgid "AveragePostPerUser" msgstr "Posts by user" msgid "QualificationChangesHistory" msgstr "Assessment changes history" msgid "MoreRecent" msgstr "more recent" msgid "Older" msgstr "older" msgid "OrderBy" msgstr "Order by" msgid "WhoChanged" msgstr "Who changed" msgid "NoteChanged" msgstr "Note changed" msgid "DateChanged" msgstr "Date changed" msgid "ViewComentPost" msgstr "View comments on the messages" msgid "AllStudents" msgstr "All learners" msgid "StudentsQualified" msgstr "Qualified learners" msgid "StudentsNotQualified" msgstr "Unqualified learners" msgid "NamesAndLastNames" msgstr "Names and last names" msgid "MaxScore" msgstr "Score" msgid "QualificationCanNotBeGreaterThanMaxScore" msgstr "Grade cannot exceed max score" msgid "ThreadStatistics" msgstr "Thread statistics" msgid "Thread" msgstr "Thread" msgid "NotifyMe" msgstr "Notify me" msgid "ConfirmUserQualification" msgstr "Confirm mark" msgid "NotChanged" msgstr "Unchanged" msgid "TitleColumnGradebook" msgstr "Column header in Competences Report" msgid "QualifyThreadGradebook" msgstr "Grade this thread" msgid "QualifyWeight" msgstr "Weight in Report" msgid "QualifyNumeric" msgstr "Score" msgid "AlterQualifyThread" msgstr "Edit thread score" msgid "ForumMoved" msgstr "The forum has moved" msgid "YouMustAssignWeightOfQualification" msgstr "You must assign a score to this activity" msgid "DeleteAttachmentFile" msgstr "Delete attachment file" msgid "EditAnAttachment" msgstr "Edit an attachment" msgid "SeeForum" msgstr "See forum" msgid "CreateForum" msgstr "Create forum" msgid "ModifyForum" msgstr "Edit forum" msgid "CreateThread" msgstr "Create thread" msgid "ModifyThread" msgstr "Edit thread" msgid "EditForum" msgstr "Edit forum" msgid "BackToForum" msgstr "Back to forum" msgid "BackToForumOverview" msgstr "Back to forum overview" msgid "BackToThread" msgstr "Back to thread" msgid "ForumcategoryLocked" msgstr "Forum category Locked" msgid "PreviewImage" msgstr "Preview image" msgid "UpdateImage" msgstr "Update Image" msgid "EnableTimeLimits" msgstr "Enable time limits" msgid "RemoveSearchResults" msgstr "Clean search results" msgid "InsertQualificationCorrespondingToMaxScore" msgstr "Insert qualification corresponding to max score" msgid "ThreadMoved" msgstr "Thread moved" msgid "MigrateForum" msgstr "Migrate forum" msgid "YouWillBeNotified" msgstr "You will be notified" msgid "ForumCategories" msgstr "Forum Categories" msgid "WikiSearchResults" msgstr "Wiki Search Results" msgid "Wiki" msgstr "Group wiki" msgid "StartPage" msgstr "Main page" msgid "EditThisPage" msgstr "Edit this page" msgid "ShowPageHistory" msgstr "History" msgid "RecentChanges" msgstr "Latest changes" msgid "AllPages" msgstr "All pages" msgid "AddNew" msgstr "Add new page" msgid "ChangesStored" msgstr "Audio added" msgid "NewWikiSaved" msgstr "The wiki page has been saved." msgid "DefaultContent" msgstr "


    To begin editing this page and remove this text

    " msgid "CourseWikiPages" msgstr "Wiki pages" msgid "GroupWikiPages" msgstr "Group wiki pages" msgid "NoWikiPageTitle" msgstr "Your changes have been saved. You still have to give a name to the page" msgid "WikiPageTitleExist" msgstr "This page name already exists. To edit the page content, click here:" msgid "WikiDiffAddedLine" msgstr "A line has been added" msgid "WikiDiffDeletedLine" msgstr "A line has been deleted" msgid "WikiDiffMovedLine" msgstr "A line has been moved" msgid "WikiDiffUnchangedLine" msgstr "Line without changes" msgid "DifferencesNew" msgstr "Changes in version" msgid "DifferencesOld" msgstr "old version of" msgid "Differences" msgstr "Differences" msgid "MostRecentVersion" msgstr "View of the latest selected version" msgid "Legend" msgstr "Legend" msgid "ShowDifferences" msgstr "Compare selected versions" msgid "SearchPages" msgstr "Search" msgid "Discuss" msgstr "Discuss" msgid "History" msgstr "History" msgid "ShowThisPage" msgstr "View this page" msgid "DeleteThisPage" msgstr "Delete this page" msgid "DiscussThisPage" msgstr "Discuss this page" msgid "HomeWiki" msgstr "Wiki home" msgid "DeleteWiki" msgstr "Delete all" msgid "WikiDeleted" msgstr "Your Wiki has been deleted" msgid "WikiPageDeleted" msgstr "The page and its history have been deleted." msgid "NumLine" msgstr "Num line" msgid "DeletePageHistory" msgstr "Delete this page and all its versions" msgid "OnlyAdminDeleteWiki" msgstr "Trainers only can delete the Wiki" msgid "OnlyAdminDeletePageWiki" msgstr "Trainers only can delete a page" msgid "OnlyAddPagesGroupMembers" msgstr "Trainers and members of this group only can add pages to the group Wiki" msgid "OnlyEditPagesGroupMembers" msgstr "Trainers and group members only can edit pages of the group Wiki" msgid "ConfirmDeleteWiki" msgstr "Are you sure you want to delete this Wiki?" msgid "ConfirmDeletePage" msgstr "Are you sure you want to delete this page and its history?" msgid "AlsoSearchContent" msgstr "Search also in content" msgid "PageLocked" msgstr "Page protected" msgid "PageUnlocked" msgstr "Page unprotected" msgid "PageLockedExtra" msgstr "This page is protected. Trainers only can change it" msgid "PageUnlockedExtra" msgstr "This page is unprotected. All course users or group members can edit this page" msgid "ShowAddOption" msgstr "Show add option" msgid "HideAddOption" msgstr "Hide add option" msgid "AddOptionProtected" msgstr "The Add option has been protected. Trainers only can add pages to this Wiki. But learners and group members can still edit them" msgid "AddOptionUnprotected" msgstr "The add option has been enabled for all course users and group members" msgid "NotifyChanges" msgstr "Notify me of changes" msgid "NotNotifyChanges" msgstr "Do not notify me of changes" msgid "NotifyByEmail" msgstr "Notify me by e-mail when somebody makes a change to this page" msgid "CancelNotifyByEmail" msgstr "Do not notify me by email when this page is edited" msgid "MostRecentVersionBy" msgstr "The latest version was edited by" msgid "Rating" msgstr "Rating" msgid "RatingMedia" msgstr "The average rating for the page is" msgid "NumComments" msgstr "Comments on this page" msgid "NumCommentsScore" msgstr "Number of comments scored:" msgid "AddPagesLocked" msgstr "The add option has been temporarily disabled by the trainer" msgid "LinksPages" msgstr "What links here" msgid "ShowLinksPages" msgstr "Show the pages that have links to this page" msgid "MoreWikiOptions" msgstr "More Wiki options" msgid "DefaultTitle" msgstr "Home" msgid "DiscussNotAvailable" msgstr "Discuss not available" msgid "Print" msgstr "Print" msgid "Version" msgstr "Version" msgid "EditPage" msgstr "Edit" msgid "AddedBy" msgstr "added by" msgid "EditedBy" msgstr "edited by" msgid "DeletedBy" msgstr "deleted by" msgid "WikiStandardMode" msgstr "Wiki mode" msgid "GroupTutorAndMember" msgstr "Coach and group member" msgid "GroupTutor" msgstr "Tutor of the group" msgid "GroupStandardMember" msgstr "Group member" msgid "AssignmentMode" msgstr "Individual assignment mode" msgid "ConfigDefault" msgstr "Default config" msgid "UnlockPage" msgstr "Unprotect" msgid "LockPage" msgstr "Protect" msgid "NotifyDiscussChanges" msgstr "Notify comment" msgid "NotNotifyDiscussChanges" msgstr "Don't notify comments" msgid "AssignmentWork" msgstr "Learner paper" msgid "AssignmentDesc" msgstr "Assignment proposed by the trainer" msgid "WikiDiffAddedTex" msgstr "Text added" msgid "WikiDiffDeletedTex" msgstr "Text deleted" msgid "WordsDiff" msgstr "word by word" msgid "LinesDiff" msgstr "line by line" msgid "MustSelectPage" msgstr "You must select a page first" msgid "Export2ZIP" msgstr "Export to ZIP" msgid "HidePage" msgstr "Hide Page" msgid "ShowPage" msgstr "Show Page" msgid "GoAndEditMainPage" msgstr "To start Wiki go and edit Main page" msgid "UnlockDiscuss" msgstr "Unlock discuss" msgid "LockDiscuss" msgstr "Lock discuss" msgid "HideDiscuss" msgstr "Hide discuss" msgid "ShowDiscuss" msgstr "Show discuss" msgid "UnlockRatingDiscuss" msgstr "Activate rate" msgid "LockRatingDiscuss" msgstr "Deactivate rating" msgid "EditAssignmentWarning" msgstr "You can edit this page, but the pages of learners will not be modified" msgid "ExportToDocArea" msgstr "Export latest version of this page to Documents" msgid "LockByTeacher" msgstr "Disabled by trainer" msgid "LinksPagesFrom" msgstr "Pages that link to this page" msgid "DefineAssignmentPage" msgstr "Define this page as an individual assignment" msgid "AssignmentDescription" msgstr "Assignment description" msgid "UnlockRatingDiscussExtra" msgstr "Now all members can rate this page" msgid "LockRatingDiscussExtra" msgstr "Now only trainers can rate this page" msgid "HidePageExtra" msgstr "Now the page only is visible by trainer" msgid "ShowPageExtra" msgstr "Now the page is visible by all users" msgid "OnlyEditPagesCourseManager" msgstr "The Main Page can be edited by a teacher only" msgid "AssignmentLinktoTeacherPage" msgstr "Acces to trainer page" msgid "HideDiscussExtra" msgstr "Now discussion is visible by trainers only" msgid "ShowDiscussExtra" msgstr "Now discussion is visible by all users" msgid "LockDiscussExtra" msgstr "Now only trainers can add comments to this discussion" msgid "UnlockDiscussExtra" msgstr "Now all members can add comments to this discussion" msgid "AssignmentDescExtra" msgstr "This page is an assignment proposed by a trainer" msgid "AssignmentWorkExtra" msgstr "This page is a learner work" msgid "NoAreSeeingTheLastVersion" msgstr "Warning you are not seeing the latest version of the page" msgid "AssignmentFirstComToStudent" msgstr "Change this page to make your work about the assignment proposed" msgid "AssignmentLinkstoStudentsPage" msgstr "Access to the papers written by learners" msgid "AllowLaterSends" msgstr "Allow delayed sending" msgid "WikiStandBy" msgstr "This Wiki is frozen so far. A trainer must start it." msgid "NotifyDiscussByEmail" msgstr "Notify by email of new comments about this page is allowed" msgid "CancelNotifyDiscussByEmail" msgstr "The email notification of new comments on this page is disabled" msgid "EmailWikiChanges" msgstr "Notify Wiki changes" msgid "EmailWikipageModified" msgstr "It has modified the page" msgid "EmailWikiPageAdded" msgstr "Page was added" msgid "EmailWikipageDedeleted" msgstr "One page has been deleted in the Wiki" msgid "EmailWikiPageDiscAdded" msgstr "New comment in the discussion of the page" msgid "FullNotifyByEmail" msgstr "Receive an e-mail notification every time there is a change in the Wiki" msgid "FullCancelNotifyByEmail" msgstr "Stop receiving notifications by e-mail every time there is a change in the Wiki" msgid "EmailWikiChangesExt_1" msgstr "This notification has been made in accordance with their desire to monitor changes in the Wiki. This option means you have activated the button" msgid "EmailWikiChangesExt_2" msgstr "If you want to stop being notified of changes in the Wiki, select the tabs Recent Changes, Current page, Talk as appropriate and then push the button" msgid "Visits" msgstr "visits" msgid "OrphanedPages" msgstr "Orphaned pages" msgid "WantedPages" msgstr "Wanted pages" msgid "MostVisitedPages" msgstr "Most visited pages" msgid "MostChangedPages" msgstr "Most changed pages" msgid "Changes" msgstr "Changes" msgid "MostActiveUsers" msgstr "Most active users" msgid "Contributions" msgstr "contributions" msgid "UserContributions" msgstr "User contributions" msgid "WarningDeleteMainPage" msgstr "Deleting the homepage of the Wiki is not recommended because it is the main access to the wiki.
    If, however, you need to do so, do not forget to re-create this Homepage. Until then, other users will not be able to add new pages." msgid "ConvertToLastVersion" msgstr "To set this version as the last one, click on" msgid "Restore" msgstr "Restore" msgid "CurrentVersion" msgstr "Current version" msgid "LastVersion" msgstr "Latest version" msgid "PageRestored" msgstr "The page has been restored. You can view it by clicking" msgid "RestoredFromVersion" msgstr "Restored from version" msgid "HWiki" msgstr "Help: wiki" msgid "FirstSelectOnepage" msgstr "Please select a page first" msgid "DefineTask" msgstr "If you enter a description, this page will be considered a special page that allows you to create a task" msgid "ThisPageisBeginEditedBy" msgstr "At this time, this page is being edited by" msgid "ThisPageisBeginEditedTryLater" msgstr "Please try again later. If the user who is currently editing the page does not save it, this page will be available to you around" msgid "EditedByAnotherUser" msgstr "Your changes will not be saved because another user has modified and saved the page while you were editing it yourself" msgid "WarningMaxEditingTime" msgstr "You have 20 minutes to edit this page. After this time, if you have not saved the page, another user will be able to edit it, and you might lose your changes" msgid "TheTaskDoesNotBeginUntil" msgstr "Still is not the start date" msgid "TheDeadlineHasBeenCompleted" msgstr "You have exceeded the deadline" msgid "HasReachedMaxNumWords" msgstr "You have exceeded the number of words allowed" msgid "HasReachedMaxiNumVersions" msgstr "You have exceeded the number of versions allowed" msgid "DescriptionOfTheTask" msgstr "Description of the assignment" msgid "OtherSettings" msgstr "Other requirements" msgid "NMaxWords" msgstr "Maximum number of words" msgid "NMaxVersion" msgstr "Maximum number of versions" msgid "Feedback" msgstr "Feedback" msgid "AddFeedback" msgstr "Add guidance messages associated with the progress on the page" msgid "Feedback1" msgstr "First message" msgid "Feedback2" msgstr "Second message" msgid "Feedback3" msgstr "Third message" msgid "FProgress" msgstr "Progress" msgid "PutATimeLimit" msgstr "Set a time limit" msgid "StandardTask" msgstr "Standard Task" msgid "ThePageHasBeenExportedToDocArea" msgstr "The page has been exported to the document tool" msgid "CreateAssignmentPage" msgstr "This will create a special wiki page in which the teacher can describe the task and which will be automatically linked to the wiki pages where learners perform the task. Both the teacher's and the learners' pages are created automatically. In these tasks, learners can only edit and view theirs pages, but this can be changed easily if you need to." msgid "MostLinkedPages" msgstr "Pages most linked" msgid "DeadEndPages" msgstr "Dead end pages" msgid "MostNewPages" msgstr "Newest pages" msgid "MostLongPages" msgstr "Longest pages" msgid "NotAddedToCourse" msgstr "Not added to course" msgid "UsersNotRegistered" msgstr "Users not registered" msgid "ClearFilterResults" msgstr "Clear filter results" msgid "SelectFilter" msgstr "Select filter" msgid "HiddenPages" msgstr "Hidden pages" msgid "MostDiscussPages" msgstr "Most discussed pages" msgid "BestScoredPages" msgstr "Best scores pages" msgid "MProgressPages" msgstr "Highest progress pages" msgid "MostDiscussUsers" msgstr "Most discussed users" msgid "RandomPage" msgstr "Random page" msgid "ProtectedPages" msgstr "Protected pages" msgid "IncludeAllVersions" msgstr "Also search in older versions of each page" msgid "TotalHiddenPages" msgstr "Total hidden pages" msgid "TotalPagesEditedAtThisTime" msgstr "Total pages edited at this time" msgid "TotalWikiUsers" msgstr "Total users that have participated in this Wiki" msgid "StudentAddNewPages" msgstr "Learners can add new pages to the Wiki" msgid "DateCreateOldestWikiPage" msgstr "Creation date of the oldest Wiki page" msgid "DateEditLatestWikiVersion" msgstr "Date of most recent edition of Wiki" msgid "AverageScoreAllPages" msgstr "Average rating of all pages" msgid "AverageMediaUserProgress" msgstr "Mean estimated progress by users on their pages" msgid "TotalIpAdress" msgstr "Total different IP addresses that have contributed to Wiki" msgid "Pages" msgstr "Pages" msgid "Versions" msgstr "Versions" msgid "EmptyPages" msgstr "Total of empty pages" msgid "LockedDiscussPages" msgstr "Number of discussion pages blocked" msgid "HiddenDiscussPages" msgstr "Number of discussion pages hidden" msgid "TotalComments" msgstr "Total comments on various versions of the pages" msgid "TotalOnlyRatingByTeacher" msgstr "Total pages can only be scored by a teacher" msgid "TotalRatingPeers" msgstr "Total pages that can be scored by other learners" msgid "TotalTeacherAssignments" msgstr "Number of assignments pages proposed by a teacher" msgid "TotalStudentAssignments" msgstr "Number of individual assignments learner pages" msgid "TotalTask" msgstr "Number of tasks" msgid "PortfolioMode" msgstr "Portfolio mode" msgid "StandardMode" msgstr "Standard Task mode" msgid "ContentPagesInfo" msgstr "Information about the content of the pages" msgid "InTheLastVersion" msgstr "In the last version" msgid "InAllVersions" msgstr "In all versions" msgid "NumContributions" msgstr "Number of contributions" msgid "NumAccess" msgstr "Number of visits" msgid "NumWords" msgstr "Number of words" msgid "NumlinksHtmlImagMedia" msgstr "Number of external html links inserted (text, images, ...)." msgid "NumWikilinks" msgstr "Number of wiki links" msgid "NumImages" msgstr "Number of inserted images" msgid "NumFlash" msgstr "Number of inserted flash files" msgid "NumMp3" msgstr "Number of mp3 audio files inserted" msgid "NumFlvVideo" msgstr "Number of FLV video files inserted" msgid "NumYoutubeVideo" msgstr "Number of Youtube video embedded" msgid "NumOtherAudioVideo" msgstr "Number of audio and video files inserted (except mp3 and flv)" msgid "NumTables" msgstr "Number of tables inserted" msgid "Anchors" msgstr "Anchors" msgid "NumProtectedPages" msgstr "Number of protected pages" msgid "WhoAndWhere" msgstr "Who and where" msgid "NewNote" msgstr "New note" msgid "Note" msgstr "Note" msgid "NoteDeleted" msgstr "Note deleted" msgid "NoteUpdated" msgstr "Note updated" msgid "NoteCreated" msgstr "Note created" msgid "YouMustWriteANote" msgstr "Please write a note" msgid "SaveNote" msgstr "Save note" msgid "WriteYourNoteHere" msgstr "Click here to write a new note" msgid "SearchByTitle" msgstr "Search by title" msgid "WriteTheTitleHere" msgstr "Write the title here" msgid "UpdateDate" msgstr "Updated" msgid "NoteAddNew" msgstr "Add new note in my personal notebook" msgid "OrderByCreationDate" msgstr "Sort by date created" msgid "OrderByModificationDate" msgstr "Sort by date last modified" msgid "OrderByTitle" msgstr "Sort by title" msgid "NoteTitle" msgstr "Note title" msgid "NoteComment" msgstr "Note details" msgid "NoteAdded" msgstr "Note added" msgid "NoteConfirmDelete" msgstr "Are you sure you want to delete this note" msgid "AddNote" msgstr "Create note" msgid "ModifyNote" msgstr "Edit my personal note" msgid "BackToNoteList" msgstr "Back to note list" msgid "NotebookManagement" msgstr "Notebook management" msgid "BackToNotesList" msgstr "Back to the notes list" msgid "NotesSortedByTitleAsc" msgstr "Notes sorted by title ascendant" msgid "NotesSortedByTitleDESC" msgstr "Notes sorted by title downward" msgid "NotesSortedByUpdateDateAsc" msgstr "Notes sorted by update date ascendant" msgid "NotesSortedByUpdateDateDESC" msgstr "Notes sorted by update date downward" msgid "NotesSortedByCreationDateAsc" msgstr "Notes sorted by creation date ascendant" msgid "NotesSortedByCreationDateDESC" msgstr "Notes sorted by creation date downward" msgid "langExplanation" msgstr "Once you click on \"Create a course\", a course is created with a section for Tests, Project based learning, Assessments, Courses, Dropbox, Agenda and much more. Logging in as teacher provides you with editing privileges for this course." msgid "langTooBig" msgstr "You didn't choose any file to send, or it is too big" msgid "langCouldNot" msgstr "File could not be uploaded" msgid "langAddPageToSite" msgstr "Add a page to the area" msgid "langCouldNotSendPage" msgstr "This file is not in HTML format and could not be uploaded. If you want to send non HTML documents (PDF, Word, Power Point, Video, etc.) use the Documents tool" msgid "langSendPage" msgstr "Page to upload" msgid "langPageTitleModified" msgstr "The title of the page has been modified" msgid "langPageAdded" msgstr "Page added" msgid "Choose" msgstr "Choose" msgid "langTool" msgstr "Document Metadata" msgid "langClickKw" msgstr "Click a keyword in the tree to select or deselect it." msgid "langKwHelp" msgstr "
    Click '+' button to open, '-' button to close, '++' button to open all, '--' button to close all.

    Clear all selected keywords by closing the tree and opening it again with the '+' button.
    Alt-click '+' searches the original keywords in the tree.

    Alt-click keyword selects a keyword without broader terms ordeselects a keyword with broader terms.

    If you change the description language, do not add keywords at the same time.

    " msgid "langAdvanced" msgstr "Authoring" msgid "langSearch" msgstr "Search" msgid "langSearchCrit" msgstr "One word per line!" msgid "langNoKeywords" msgstr "This course has no keywords" msgid "langKwCacheProblem" msgstr "The keyword cache cannot be opened" msgid "langCourseKwds" msgstr "This document contains the course keywords" msgid "langKwdsInMD" msgstr "keywords used in MD" msgid "langKwdRefs" msgstr "keyword references" msgid "langNonCourseKwds" msgstr "Non-course keywords" msgid "langKwdsUse" msgstr "Course keywords (bold = not used)" msgid "langTotalMDEs" msgstr "Total number of Links MD entries:" msgid "MoveTo" msgstr "Move to" msgid "langDownloadFile" msgstr "Upload file" msgid "langNameDir" msgstr "Name of the new folder" msgid "langSize" msgstr "Size" msgid "langRename" msgstr "Rename" msgid "langCopy" msgstr "Copy training content" msgid "langTo" msgstr "to" msgid "langNoSpace" msgstr "The upload has failed. Either you have exceeded your maximum quota, or there is not enough disk space." msgid "langDownloadEnd" msgstr "The upload is finished" msgid "langFileExists" msgstr "The operation is impossible, a file with this name already exists." msgid "langImpossible" msgstr "Operation impossible" msgid "langAddComment" msgstr "Add/Edit a comment to" msgid "langDocCopied" msgstr "Document copied" msgid "langDocDeleted" msgstr "Document deleted" msgid "langElRen" msgstr "Element renamed" msgid "langDirMv" msgstr "Element moved" msgid "langComMod" msgstr "Comment modified" msgid "langViMod" msgstr "Visibility modified" msgid "langGroupSpace" msgstr "Group area" msgid "langGroupSpaceLink" msgstr "Group area" msgid "langGroupForumLink" msgstr "Group forum" msgid "langZipNoPhp" msgstr "The zip file can not contain .PHP files" msgid "langUncompress" msgstr "Uncompress zip" msgid "langDownloadAndZipEnd" msgstr " Zip file uploaded and uncompressed" msgid "langRoot" msgstr "root" msgid "CreateDoc" msgstr "Create a rich media page / activity" msgid "langDown" msgstr "down" msgid "langFileError" msgstr "The file to upload is not valid." msgid "langMaxFileSize" msgstr "Max file size is" msgid "langFileName" msgstr "Page / activity name" msgid "langNoFileName" msgstr "Please enter the file name" msgid "langNoText" msgstr "Please type your text / HTML content" msgid "langAreYouSureToDelete" msgstr "Are you sure you want to delete" msgid "langScormcontent" msgstr "This is a Scorm content
    " msgid "langScormcontentstudent" msgstr "This is a Scorm format course. To play it, click here : " msgid "langPublish" msgstr "Publish" msgid "langMissingImagesDetected" msgstr "Missing images detected" msgid "langCreateDocument" msgstr "Create a rich media page / activity" msgid "langEditDocument" msgstr "Edit" msgid "langDocuments" msgstr "Documents" msgid "langOrganiseDocuments" msgstr "Create table of contents" msgid "langEditTOC" msgstr "Edit table of contents" msgid "langChapter" msgstr "Section" msgid "langDocumentList" msgstr "List of all documents" msgid "langOrganisationList" msgstr "Table of contents" msgid "langCreationSucces" msgstr "Table of contents successfully created." msgid "langCanViewOrganisation" msgstr "You can view your organisation" msgid "langHere" msgstr "here." msgid "langViewDocument" msgstr "View" msgid "langHtmlTitle" msgstr "Table of contents" msgid "langAddToTOC" msgstr "Add to contents" msgid "langAddChapter" msgstr "Add section" msgid "langReady" msgstr "Generate table of contents" msgid "langStoreDocuments" msgstr "Store documents" msgid "langTocDown" msgstr "Down" msgid "langTocUp" msgstr "Up" msgid "CutPasteLink" msgstr "No frames" msgid "langCreatePath" msgstr "Create a course (authoring tool)" msgid "SendDocument" msgstr "Upload file" msgid "ThisFolderCannotBeDeleted" msgstr "This folder cannot be deleted" msgid "ChangeVisibility" msgstr "Change visibility" msgid "VisibilityCannotBeChanged" msgstr "The visibility cannot be changed" msgid "DocumentCannotBeMoved" msgstr "The document cannot be moved" msgid "langOogieConversionPowerPoint" msgstr "Chamilo RAPID : PowerPoint conversion" msgid "langWelcomeOogieSubtitle" msgstr "A PowerPoint to SCORM Courses converter" msgid "langAddMetadata" msgstr "View/Edit Metadata" msgid "langGoMetadata" msgstr "Go" msgid "langQuotaForThisCourseIs" msgstr "The quota for this course is" msgid "langDel" msgstr "delete" msgid "langUp" msgstr "Up" msgid "langDate" msgstr "Date" msgid "ShowCourseQuotaUse" msgstr "Space Available" msgid "CourseCurrentlyUses" msgstr "This course currently uses" msgid "MaximumAllowedQuota" msgstr "Your storage limit is" msgid "PercentageQuotaInUse" msgstr "Percentage of your quota that is in use" msgid "PercentageQuotaFree" msgstr "Percentage of your quota that is still free" msgid "CurrentDirectory" msgstr "Current folder" msgid "UplUploadDocument" msgstr "Upload documents" msgid "UplPartialUpload" msgstr "The uploaded file was only partially uploaded." msgid "UplExceedMaxPostSize" msgstr "The file size exceeds the maximum allowed setting:" msgid "UplExceedMaxServerUpload" msgstr "The uploaded file exceeds the maximum filesize allowed by the server:" msgid "UplFileTooBig" msgstr "The file is too big to upload." msgid "UplUploadFailed" msgstr "The file upload has failed." msgid "UplUnableToSaveFile" msgstr "The uploaded file could not be saved (perhaps a permission problem?)" msgid "UplNotEnoughSpace" msgstr "There is not enough space to upload this file." msgid "UplNoSCORMContent" msgstr "No SCORM content was found." msgid "UplZipExtractSuccess" msgstr "The zipfile was successfully extracted." msgid "UplZipCorrupt" msgstr "Unable to extract zip file (corrupt file?)." msgid "UplAlreadyExists" msgstr " already exists." msgid "UplFileSavedAs" msgstr "File saved as" msgid "UplFileOverwritten" msgstr " was overwritten." msgid "CannotCreateDir" msgstr "Unable to create the folder." msgid "UplUpload" msgstr "Upload" msgid "UplWhatIfFileExists" msgstr "If file exists:" msgid "UplDoNothing" msgstr "Do nothing" msgid "UplDoNothingLong" msgstr "Don't upload if file exists" msgid "UplOverwrite" msgstr "Overwrite" msgid "UplOverwriteLong" msgstr "Overwrite the existing file" msgid "UplRename" msgstr "Rename" msgid "UplRenameLong" msgstr "Rename the uploaded file if it exists" msgid "Metadata" msgstr "Metadata" msgid "DocumentQuota" msgstr "Space Available" msgid "NoDocsInFolder" msgstr "There are no documents to be displayed." msgid "UploadTo" msgstr "Upload to" msgid "fileModified" msgstr "The file is modified" msgid "DocumentsOverview" msgstr "Documents overview" msgid "ViewSlideshow" msgstr "Images gallery" msgid "Options" msgstr "Options" msgid "WelcomeOogieConverter" msgstr "Welcome to Chamilo RAPID
    • Browse your hard disk to find any .ppt or .odp file
    • Upload it to Oogie. It will tranform it into a Scorm course.
    • You will then be allowed to add audio comments on each slide and insert test and activities between the slides." msgid "ConvertToLP" msgstr "Convert to course" msgid "AdvancedSettings" msgstr "Advanced settings" msgid "File" msgstr "File" msgid "DocDeleteError" msgstr "Error during the delete of document" msgid "ViModProb" msgstr "A problem occured while updating visibility" msgid "DirDeleted" msgstr "Folder deleted" msgid "TemplateName" msgstr "Template name" msgid "TemplateDescription" msgstr "Template description" msgid "DocumentSetAsTemplate" msgstr "Document set as a new template" msgid "DocumentUnsetAsTemplate" msgstr "Document unset as template" msgid "AddAsTemplate" msgstr "Add as a template" msgid "RemoveAsTemplate" msgstr "Remove template" msgid "ReadOnly" msgstr "Read only" msgid "ReadOnlyFile" msgstr "The file is read only" msgid "FileNotFound" msgstr "The file was not found" msgid "TemplateTitleFirstPage" msgstr "First page" msgid "TemplateTitleFirstPageDescription" msgstr "It's the cover page of your course" msgid "TemplateTitleDedicatory" msgstr "Dedication" msgid "TemplateTitleDedicatoryDescription" msgstr "Make your own dedication" msgid "TemplateTitlePreface" msgstr "Course preface" msgid "TemplateTitlePrefaceDescription" msgstr "Preface" msgid "TemplateTitleIntroduction" msgstr "Introduction" msgid "TemplateTitleIntroductionDescription" msgstr "Insert the introduction text" msgid "TemplateTitlePlan" msgstr "Plan" msgid "TemplateTitlePlanDescription" msgstr "It's the table of content" msgid "TemplateTitleMrDokeos" msgstr "Mr Chamilo little explaining" msgid "TemplateTitleMrDokeosDescription" msgstr "Dialog on the bottom with Mr Chamilo" msgid "TemplateTitleTeacher" msgstr "Your instructor" msgid "TemplateTitleTeacherDescription" msgstr "Dialog on the bottom with a trainer" msgid "TemplateTitleProduction" msgstr "Production" msgid "TemplateTitleProductionDescription" msgstr "Attended production description" msgid "TemplateTitleAnalyze" msgstr "Analyze" msgid "TemplateTitleAnalyzeDescription" msgstr "Analyze description" msgid "TemplateTitleSynthetize" msgstr "Synthetize" msgid "TemplateTitleSynthetizeDescription" msgstr "Synthetize description" msgid "TemplateTitleText" msgstr "Text page" msgid "TemplateTitleTextDescription" msgstr "Plain text page" msgid "TemplateTitleLeftImage" msgstr "Left image" msgid "TemplateTitleLeftImageDescription" msgstr "Left image" msgid "TemplateTitleTextCentered" msgstr "Text and image centered" msgid "TemplateTitleTextCenteredDescription" msgstr "It's a text with an image centered and legend" msgid "TemplateTitleComparison" msgstr "Compare" msgid "TemplateTitleComparisonDescription" msgstr "2 columns text page" msgid "TemplateTitleDiagram" msgstr "Diagram explained" msgid "TemplateTitleDiagramDescription" msgstr "Image on the left, comment on the right" msgid "TemplateTitleImage" msgstr "Image alone" msgid "TemplateTitleImageDescription" msgstr "Image alone" msgid "TemplateTitleFlash" msgstr "Flash animation" msgid "TemplateTitleFlashDescription" msgstr "Animation + introduction text" msgid "TemplateTitleAudio" msgstr "Audio comment" msgid "TemplateTitleAudioDescription" msgstr "Audio + image + text : listening comprehension" msgid "TemplateTitleSchema" msgstr "Schema with audio explain" msgid "TemplateTitleSchemaDescription" msgstr "A schema explain by a trainer" msgid "TemplateTitleVideo" msgstr "Video page" msgid "TemplateTitleVideoDescription" msgstr "On demand video + text" msgid "TemplateTitleVideoFullscreen" msgstr "Video page fullscreen" msgid "TemplateTitleVideoFullscreenDescription" msgstr "On demand video in fullscreen" msgid "TemplateTitleTable" msgstr "Table page" msgid "TemplateTitleTableDescription" msgstr "Spreadsheet-like page" msgid "TemplateTitleAssigment" msgstr "Assignment description" msgid "TemplateTitleAssigmentDescription" msgstr "Explain goals, roles, agenda" msgid "TemplateTitleResources" msgstr "Resources" msgid "TemplateTitleResourcesDescription" msgstr "Books, links, tools" msgid "TemplateTitleBibliography" msgstr "Bibliography" msgid "TemplateTitleBibliographyDescription" msgstr "Books, links, tools" msgid "TemplateTitleFAQ" msgstr "Frequently asked questions" msgid "TemplateTitleFAQDescription" msgstr "List of questions and answers" msgid "TemplateTitleGlossary" msgstr "Glossary" msgid "TemplateTitleGlossaryDescription" msgstr "List of term of the section" msgid "TemplateTitleEvaluation" msgstr "Evaluation" msgid "TemplateTitleEvaluationDescription" msgstr "Evaluation" msgid "TemplateTitleCertificate" msgstr "Certificate of completion" msgid "TemplateTitleCertificateDescription" msgstr "To appear at the end of a course" msgid "TemplateTitleCheckList" msgstr "Checklist" msgid "TemplateTitleCourseTitle" msgstr "Course title" msgid "TemplateTitleLeftList" msgstr "Left list" msgid "TemplateTitleLeftListDescription" msgstr "Left list with an instructor" msgid "TemplateTitleCheckListDescription" msgstr "List of resources" msgid "TemplateTitleCourseTitleDescription" msgstr "Course title with a logo" msgid "TemplateTitleRightList" msgstr "Right list" msgid "TemplateTitleRightListDescription" msgstr "Right list with an instructor" msgid "TemplateTitleLeftRightList" msgstr "Left & right list" msgid "TemplateTitleLeftRightListDescription" msgstr "Left & right list with an instructor" msgid "TemplateTitleDesc" msgstr "Description" msgid "TemplateTitleDescDescription" msgstr "Describe a resource" msgid "TemplateTitleObjectives" msgstr "Course objectives" msgid "TemplateTitleObjectivesDescription" msgstr "Describe the objectives of the training" msgid "TemplateTitleCycle" msgstr "Cycle chart" msgid "TemplateTitleCycleDescription" msgstr "2 list with cycle arrows" msgid "TemplateTitleLearnerWonder" msgstr "Learner wonder" msgid "TemplateTitleLearnerWonderDescription" msgstr "Learner wonder description" msgid "TemplateTitleTimeline" msgstr "Phase timeline" msgid "TemplateTitleTimelineDescription" msgstr "3 lists with an relational arrow" msgid "TemplateTitleStopAndThink" msgstr "Stop and think" msgid "TemplateTitleListLeftListDescription" msgstr "Left list with an instructor" msgid "TemplateTitleStopAndThinkDescription" msgstr "Layout encouraging to stop and think" msgid "CreateTheDocument" msgstr "Validate" msgid "CreateTemplate" msgstr "Create template" msgid "SharedFolder" msgstr "Shared folder" msgid "CreateFolder" msgstr "Create the folder" msgid "HelpDefaultDirDocuments" msgstr "INFORMATION VISIBLE TO THE TEACHER ONLY: This folder contains the default archives. You can clear files or add new ones, but if a file is hidden when it is inserted in a web document, the students will not be able to see it in this document. When inserting a file in a web document, first make sure it is visible. The folders can remain hidden." msgid "HelpSharedFolder" msgstr "This folder contains the files that other learners (or yourself) sent into a course through the editor (if they didn't do it from the groups tool). By default, they will be visible by any trainer, but will be hidden from other learners (unless they access the files directly). If you make one user folder visible, other users will see all its content." msgid "TemplateImage" msgstr "Template's icon" msgid "ToPlayTheMediaYouWillNeedToUpdateYourBrowserToARecentVersionYouCanAlsoDownloadTheFile" msgstr "To play the media you will need to either update your browser to a recent version or update your Flash plugin. Check if the file has a correct extension." msgid "UpdateRequire" msgstr "Update require" msgid "MoveElement" msgstr "Move element" msgid "CertificateName" msgstr "Name" msgid "HelpFolderLearningPaths" msgstr "INFORMATION VISIBLE TO THE TEACHER ONLY: This folder contains documents which are created by the Learning Path tool. Inside this folder you can edit the HTML file which are generated by importing content from the Learning Path, as the ones imported by Chamilo Rapid, for example. We recommend hiding this folder to your students." msgid "CopyToMyFiles" msgstr "Copy to my private file area" msgid "Export2PDF" msgstr "Export to PDF format" msgid "ResourceShared" msgstr "Resource shared" msgid "CopyAlreadyDone" msgstr "There are a file with the same name in your private user file area. Do you want replace it?" msgid "CopyFailed" msgstr "Copy failed" msgid "CopyMade" msgstr "The copy has been made" msgid "OverwritenFile" msgstr "File replaced" msgid "Draw" msgstr "Draw" msgid "FileExistsChangeToSave" msgstr "This file name already exists, choose another to save your image." msgid "FileSavedAs" msgstr "File saved as" msgid "FileExportAs" msgstr "File export as" msgid "UserFolder" msgstr "User folder" msgid "HelpUsersFolder" msgstr "INFORMATION VISIBLE TO THE TEACHER ONLY: The users folder contains a folder for each user who has accessed it through the documents tool, or when any file has been sent in the course through the online editor. If neither circumstances has occurred, then no user folder will have been created. In the case of groups, files that are sent through the editor will be added in the folder of each group, which is only accessible by students from this group.

      The users folder and each of the included folders will be hidden by default in for all students, but each student can see the contents of his/her directory through the online editor. However, if a student knows the address of a file or folder of another student, he may be able to access it.

      If the folder of a student is visible, other students can see what it contains. In this case, the student that owns the folder can also (from the documents tool and only in his/her folder): create and edit web documents, convert a document into a template for personal use, create and edit drawings in SVG and PNG formats, record audio files in WAV format, make audio files in MP3 from a text, make snapshops from a webcam, send documents, create folders, move folders and files, delete folders and files, and download backup of his/her folder.

      Moreover, the documents tool is synchronized with the file manager of the online editor, so changes in the documents triggered in any one of these will affect both.

      As such, the user folder is not only a place to deposit files, it becomes a complete manager of the documents students use during the course. Also, remember that any user can copy a file that is visible from any folder in the documents tool (whether or not he is the owner) to his/her portfolios or personal documents area of social network, which will be available to him/her for use in other courses." msgid "HelpFolderChat" msgstr "INFORMATION VISIBLE TO THE TEACHER ONLY: This folder contains all sessions that have been opened in the chat. Although the chat sessions can often be trivial, others can be really interesting and worthy of being incorporated as an additional work document. To do this without changing the visibility of this folder, make the file visible and link it from where you deem appropriate. It is not recommended to make this folder visible to all." msgid "HelpFolderCertificates" msgstr "INFORMATION VISIBLE TO THE TEACHER ONLY: This folder contains the various certificates templates that have been created for the rating tool. It is not recommended to make this folder visible to all." msgid "DestinationDirectory" msgstr "Destination folder" msgid "CreateAudio" msgstr "Create audio" msgid "InsertText2Audio" msgstr "Enter the text you want to convert to an audio file" msgid "HelpText2Audio" msgstr "Convert your text to speech" msgid "BuildMP3" msgstr "Build mp3" msgid "Voice" msgstr "Voice" msgid "Female" msgstr "Female" msgid "Male" msgstr "Male" msgid "GoogleAudio" msgstr "Use Google audio services" msgid "vozMe" msgstr "Use vozMe audio services" msgid "HelpGoogleAudio" msgstr "Supports up to 100 characters in a wide variety of languages. The files are generated and automatically saved into the Chamilo directory where you currently are." msgid "HelpvozMe" msgstr "Supports text of several thousands characters, you can also select the type of voice, male or female. It works with fewer languages, however, and the audio quality is lower. Finally, you'll have to download the files manually from a new window." msgid "SaveMP3" msgstr "Save mp3" msgid "Speed" msgstr "Speed" msgid "GoFaster" msgstr "Faster" msgid "Fast" msgstr "Fast" msgid "Normal" msgstr "Normal" msgid "Slow" msgstr "Slow" msgid "SlowDown" msgstr "Slower" msgid "Pediaphon" msgstr "Use Pediaphon audio services" msgid "HelpPediaphon" msgstr "Supports text with several thousands characters, in various types of male and female voices (depending on the language). Audio files will be generated and automatically saved to the Chamilo directory in which you are." msgid "FirstSelectALanguage" msgstr "Please select a language" msgid "RenameAndComment" msgstr "Rename and comment" msgid "YouAreCurrentlyUsingXOfYourX" msgstr "You are currently using %s MB (%s) of your %s MB." msgid "UplUploadFailedSizeIsZero" msgstr "There was a problem uploading your document: the received file had a 0 bytes size on the server. Please, review your local file for any corruption or damage, then try again." msgid "NewImage" msgstr "New image" msgid "DirExists" msgstr "The operation is impossible, a directory with this name already exists." msgid "DocMv" msgstr "Document moved" msgid "NoSVGImagesInImagesGalleryPath" msgstr "There are no SVG images in your images gallery directory" msgid "NoSVGImages" msgstr "No SVG image" msgid "WamiNeedFilename" msgstr "Before you activate recording it is necessary a file name." msgid "SelectAnAudioFileFromDocuments" msgstr "Select an audio file from documents" msgid "ToReviewXYZ" msgstr "%s to review (%s)" msgid "UnansweredXYZ" msgstr "%s unanswered (%s)" msgid "AnsweredXYZ" msgstr "%s answered (%s)+(%s)" msgid "UnansweredZ" msgstr "(%s) Unanswered" msgid "AnsweredZ" msgstr "(%s) Answered" msgid "CurrentQuestionZ" msgstr "(%s) Current question" msgid "ToReviewZ" msgstr "(%s) To review" msgid "ReturnToExerciseList" msgstr "Return to exercises list" msgid "ExerciseAutoLaunch" msgstr "Auto-launch for exercises" msgid "AllowFastExerciseEdition" msgstr "Enable exercise fast edition mode" msgid "Username" msgstr "Username" msgid "SignIn" msgstr "Sign in" msgid "YouAreReg" msgstr "Your are registered to" msgid "ManageQuestionCategories" msgstr "Manage global questions categories" msgid "ManageCourseFields" msgstr "Manage extra fields for courses" msgid "ManageQuestionFields" msgstr "Manage extra fields for questions" msgid "QuestionFields" msgstr "Questions fields" msgid "FieldLoggeable" msgstr "Field changes should be logged" msgid "EditExtraFieldWorkFlow" msgstr "Edit this field's workflow" msgid "SelectRole" msgstr "Select role" msgid "SelectAnOption" msgstr "Please select an option" msgid "CurrentStatus" msgstr "Current status" msgid "MyCourseCategories" msgstr "My courses categories" msgid "SessionsCategories" msgstr "Sessions categories" msgid "CourseSessionBlock" msgstr "Courses and sessions" msgid "Committee" msgstr "Committee" msgid "ModelType" msgstr "Exercise model type" msgid "YourPasswordCannotBeTheSameAsYourUsername" msgstr "Your password cannot be the same as your username" msgid "CheckEasyPasswords" msgstr "Check passwords too easy to guess" msgid "PasswordVeryStrong" msgstr "Very strong" msgid "PasswordStrong" msgstr "Strong" msgid "PasswordMedium" msgstr "Medium" msgid "PasswordNormal" msgstr "Normal" msgid "PasswordWeak" msgstr "Weak" msgid "PasswordIsTooShort" msgstr "The password is too short" msgid "BadCredentials" msgstr "Bad credentials" msgid "BreadcrumbNavigationDisplayComment" msgstr "Show or hide the breadcrumb navigation, the one appearing just below the main navigation tabs. It is highly recommended to have this navigation shown to users, as this allows them to locate their current position and navigate to previous pages easily. Sometimes, however, it might be necessary to hide it (for example in the case of exam platforms) to avoid users navigating to pages they should not see." msgid "BreadcrumbNavigationDisplayTitle" msgstr "Breadcrumb navigation" msgid "AllowurlfopenIsSetToOff" msgstr "The PHP setting \"allow_url_fopen\" is set to off. This prevents the registration mechanism to work properly. This setting can be changed in you PHP configuration file (php.ini) or in the Apache Virtual Host configuration, using the php_admin_value directive" msgid "ImpossibleToContactVersionServerPleaseTryAgain" msgstr "Impossible to contact the version server right now. Please try again later." msgid "VersionUpToDate" msgstr "Your version is up-to-date" msgid "LatestVersionIs" msgstr "The latest version is" msgid "YourVersionNotUpToDate" msgstr "Your version is not up-to-date" msgid "Hotpotatoes" msgstr "Hotpotatoes" msgid "CourseCategoriesAreGlobal" msgstr "Course categories are global over multiple portals configurations. Changes are only allowed in the main administrative portal." msgid "UserIsNotATeacher" msgstr "User is not a teacher" msgid "ThisItemIsInvisibleForStudentsButYouHaveAccessAsTeacher" msgstr "This item is invisible for learner but you have access as teacher." msgid "DeleteAllAttendances" msgstr "Delete all created attendances" msgid "Unsubscribe" msgstr "Unsubscribe" msgid "SelectACategory" msgstr "Select a category" msgid "AdvancedEdit" msgstr "Advanced edit" msgid "SearchXapianModuleNotInstalled" msgstr "The Xapian search module is not installed" msgid "Title" msgstr "Title" msgid "By" msgstr "By" msgid "UsersOnline" msgstr "Users online" msgid "Remove" msgstr "Remove" msgid "langEnter" msgstr "Back to training list" msgid "Description" msgstr "Description" msgid "Links" msgstr "Links" msgid "langWorks" msgstr "Assignments" msgid "Forums" msgstr "Forums" msgid "langExercices" msgstr "Tests" msgid "langCreateDir" msgstr "Create folder" msgid "Name" msgstr "Name" msgid "langComment" msgstr "Comment" msgid "langVisible" msgstr "Visible" msgid "langNewDir" msgstr "Name of the new folder" msgid "langDirCr" msgstr "Folder created" msgid "Download" msgstr "Download" msgid "langGroup" msgstr "Groups" msgid "langEdit" msgstr "Edit" msgid "langGroupForum" msgstr "Group Forum" msgid "Language" msgstr "Language" msgid "LoginName" msgstr "Login" msgid "AutostartMp3" msgstr "Do you want audio file to START automatically?" msgid "Assignments" msgstr "Assignments" msgid "Forum" msgstr "Forum" msgid "langDelImage" msgstr "Remove picture" msgid "langCode" msgstr "Training code" msgid "langUp" msgstr "Up" msgid "Down" msgstr "down" msgid "Up" msgstr "Up" msgid "Theme" msgstr "Graphical theme" msgid "TheListIsEmpty" msgstr "Empty" msgid "langUniqueSelect" msgstr "Multiple choice" msgid "CreateCategory" msgstr "Create category" msgid "SendFile" msgstr "Upload document" msgid "SaveChanges" msgstr "Save changes" msgid "SearchTerm" msgstr "Search term" msgid "TooShort" msgstr "Too short" msgid "langCourseCreate" msgstr "Create a course" msgid "langTodo" msgstr "To do" msgid "UserName" msgstr "Username" msgid "lang_show_hide" msgstr "Show / hide" msgid "langCategoryMod" msgstr "Edit Category" msgid "Hide" msgstr "Hide" msgid "langDear" msgstr "Dear" msgid "langArchive" msgstr "archive" msgid "langCourseCode" msgstr "Code" msgid "langNoDescription" msgstr "No description" msgid "langOfficialCode" msgstr "Code" msgid "FirstName" msgstr "First name" msgid "LastName" msgstr "Last name" msgid "Status" msgstr "Status" msgid "langEmail" msgstr "E-mail" msgid "SlideshowConversion" msgstr "Slideshow conversion" msgid "UploadFile" msgstr "File upload" msgid "AvailableFrom" msgstr "Available from" msgid "AvailableTill" msgstr "Until" msgid "Preview" msgstr "Preview" msgid "Type" msgstr "Type" msgid "EmailAddress" msgstr "Email address" msgid "Organisation" msgstr "Company" msgid "Reporting" msgstr "Reporting" msgid "Code" msgstr "Code" msgid "Update" msgstr "Update" msgid "SelectQuestionType" msgstr "Select question type" msgid "CurrentCourse" msgstr "Current course" msgid "Back" msgstr "Back" msgid "Info" msgstr "Information" msgid "Search" msgstr "Search" msgid "AdvancedSearch" msgstr "Advanced search" msgid "Open" msgstr "Open" msgid "Import" msgstr "Import" msgid "AddAnother" msgstr "Add another" msgid "Author" msgstr "Author" msgid "TrueFalse" msgstr "True / False" msgid "QuestionType" msgstr "Question type" msgid "NoSearchResults" msgstr "No search results" msgid "SelectQuestion" msgstr "Select question" msgid "AddNewQuestionType" msgstr "Add new question type" msgid "Numbered" msgstr "Numbered" msgid "iso639_2_code" msgstr "en" msgid "iso639_1_code" msgstr "eng" msgid "charset" msgstr "iso-8859-1" msgid "text_dir" msgstr "ltr" msgid "left_font_family" msgstr "verdana, helvetica, arial, geneva, sans-serif" msgid "right_font_family" msgstr "helvetica, arial, geneva, sans-serif" msgid "number_thousands_separator" msgstr "," msgid "number_decimal_separator" msgstr "." msgid "dateFormatShort" msgstr "%b %d, %Y" msgid "dateFormatLong" msgstr "%A %B %d, %Y" msgid "dateTimeFormatLong" msgstr "%B %d, %Y at %I:%M %p" msgid "timeNoSecFormat" msgstr "%I:%M %p" msgid "langYes" msgstr "Yes" msgid "langNo" msgstr "No" msgid "Next" msgstr "Next" msgid "langAllowed" msgstr "Allowed" msgid "langBackHome" msgstr "Back to Home Page of" msgid "langPropositions" msgstr "Proposals for an improvement of" msgid "langMaj" msgstr "Update" msgid "langModify" msgstr "Edit" msgid "langDelete" msgstr "delete" msgid "langInvisible" msgstr "invisible" msgid "langSave" msgstr "Send message" msgid "langMove" msgstr "Move" msgid "Help" msgstr "Help" msgid "langOk" msgstr "Validate" msgid "langAdd" msgstr "Add" msgid "langAddIntro" msgstr "Add an introduction text" msgid "langBackList" msgstr "Return to the list" msgid "langText" msgstr "Text" msgid "langEmpty" msgstr "You left some fields empty.
      Use the Back button on your browser and try again.
      If you ignore your training code, see the Training Program" msgid "langConfirmYourChoice" msgstr "Please confirm your choice" msgid "langAnd" msgstr "and" msgid "langChoice" msgstr "Your choice" msgid "langFinish" msgstr "Quit test" msgid "langCancel" msgstr "Cancel" msgid "langNotAllowed" msgstr "You are not allowed to see this page. Either your connection has expired or you are trying to access a page for which you do not have the sufficient privileges." msgid "langNotLogged" msgstr "You are not logged in" msgid "langManager" msgstr "Administrator" msgid "langOptional" msgstr "Optional" msgid "NextPage" msgstr "Next page" msgid "PreviousPage" msgstr "Previous page" msgid "langUse" msgstr "Use" msgid "langTotal" msgstr "Total" msgid "langTake" msgstr "take" msgid "langOne" msgstr "One" msgid "langSeveral" msgstr "Several" msgid "langNotice" msgstr "Notice" msgid "langDate" msgstr "Date" msgid "langAmong" msgstr "among" msgid "langShow" msgstr "Show" msgid "langMyCourses" msgstr "My courses" msgid "langModifyProfile" msgstr "Profile" msgid "langMyStats" msgstr "View my progress" msgid "langLogout" msgstr "Logout" msgid "langMyAgenda" msgstr "Personal agenda" msgid "langCourseHomepage" msgstr "Course home" msgid "langCourseManagerview" msgstr "Teacher View" msgid "langStudentView" msgstr "Learner View" msgid "AddResource" msgstr "Add it" msgid "AddedResources" msgstr "Attachments" msgid "lang_modify_resource" msgstr "Edit / Add resources" msgid "lang_resource" msgstr "Resource" msgid "lang_resources" msgstr "Resources" msgid "Close" msgstr "close" msgid "langPlatform" msgstr "Portal" msgid "localLangName" msgstr "language" msgid "email" msgstr "e-mail" msgid "langCourseCodeAlreadyExists" msgstr "Sorry, but that training code already exists. Please choose another one." msgid "Statistics" msgstr "Statistics" msgid "langGrouplist" msgstr "Groups list" msgid "langPrevious" msgstr "Previous" msgid "DestDirectoryDoesntExist" msgstr "The target folder does not exist" msgid "Courses" msgstr "Courses" msgid "In" msgstr "in" msgid "langShowAll" msgstr "Show all" msgid "langPage" msgstr "Page" msgid "englishLangName" msgstr "English" msgid "Home" msgstr "Home" msgid "langAreYouSureToDelete" msgstr "Are you sure you want to delete" msgid "SelectAll" msgstr "Select all" msgid "UnSelectAll" msgstr "Unselect all" msgid "WithSelected" msgstr "With selected" msgid "langOnLine" msgstr "Online" msgid "langUsers" msgstr "Users" msgid "langPlatformAdmin" msgstr "Administration" msgid "UserInfo" msgstr "user information" msgid "langModifyQuestion" msgstr "Save the question" msgid "Example" msgstr "Example" msgid "langCheckAll" msgstr "Check all" msgid "langNbAnnoucement" msgstr "Announcement" msgid "lang_no_access_here" msgstr "No access here" msgid "langOtherCourses" msgstr "other courses" msgid "Doc" msgstr "Training" msgid "PlataformAdmin" msgstr "Portal Admin" msgid "Groups" msgstr "Groups" msgid "GroupManagement" msgstr "Groups management" msgid "All" msgstr "All" msgid "None" msgstr "none" msgid "langSorry" msgstr "Select a training first" msgid "langDenied" msgstr "This function is only available to trainers" msgid "Today" msgstr "Today" msgid "langCourseHomepageLink" msgstr "Course home" msgid "Attachment" msgstr "attachment" msgid "User" msgstr "User" msgid "MondayInit" msgstr "M" msgid "TuesdayInit" msgstr "T" msgid "WednesdayInit" msgstr "W" msgid "ThursdayInit" msgstr "T" msgid "FridayInit" msgstr "F" msgid "SaturdayInit" msgstr "S" msgid "SundayInit" msgstr "S" msgid "MondayShort" msgstr "Mon" msgid "TuesdayShort" msgstr "Tue" msgid "WednesdayShort" msgstr "Wed" msgid "ThursdayShort" msgstr "Thu" msgid "FridayShort" msgstr "Fri" msgid "SaturdayShort" msgstr "Sat" msgid "SundayShort" msgstr "Sun" msgid "MondayLong" msgstr "Monday" msgid "TuesdayLong" msgstr "Tuesday" msgid "WednesdayLong" msgstr "Wednesday" msgid "ThursdayLong" msgstr "Thursday" msgid "FridayLong" msgstr "Friday" msgid "SaturdayLong" msgstr "Saturday" msgid "SundayLong" msgstr "Sunday" msgid "JanuaryInit" msgstr "J" msgid "FebruaryInit" msgstr "F" msgid "MarchInit" msgstr "M" msgid "AprilInit" msgstr "A" msgid "MayInit" msgstr "M" msgid "JuneInit" msgstr "J" msgid "JulyInit" msgstr "J" msgid "AugustInit" msgstr "A" msgid "SeptemberInit" msgstr "S" msgid "OctoberInit" msgstr "O" msgid "NovemberInit" msgstr "N" msgid "DecemberInit" msgstr "D" msgid "JanuaryShort" msgstr "Jan" msgid "FebruaryShort" msgstr "Feb" msgid "MarchShort" msgstr "Mar" msgid "AprilShort" msgstr "Apr" msgid "MayShort" msgstr "May" msgid "JuneShort" msgstr "Jun" msgid "JulyShort" msgstr "Jul" msgid "AugustShort" msgstr "Aug" msgid "SeptemberShort" msgstr "Sep" msgid "OctoberShort" msgstr "Oct" msgid "NovemberShort" msgstr "Nov" msgid "DecemberShort" msgstr "Dec" msgid "JanuaryLong" msgstr "January" msgid "FebruaryLong" msgstr "February" msgid "MarchLong" msgstr "March" msgid "AprilLong" msgstr "April" msgid "MayLong" msgstr "May" msgid "JuneLong" msgstr "June" msgid "JulyLong" msgstr "July" msgid "AugustLong" msgstr "August" msgid "SeptemberLong" msgstr "September" msgid "OctoberLong" msgstr "October" msgid "NovemberLong" msgstr "November" msgid "DecemberLong" msgstr "December" msgid "langMyCompetences" msgstr "My competences" msgid "langMyDiplomas" msgstr "My diplomas" msgid "langMyPersonalOpenArea" msgstr "My personal open area" msgid "langMyTeach" msgstr "What I am able to teach" msgid "Agenda" msgstr "Agenda" msgid "HourShort" msgstr "h" msgid "PleaseTryAgain" msgstr "Please Try Again!" msgid "UplNoFileUploaded" msgstr "No file was uploaded." msgid "UplSelectFileFirst" msgstr "Please select a file before pressing the upload button." msgid "UplNotAZip" msgstr "The file you selected was not a zip file." msgid "UplUploadSucceeded" msgstr "File upload succeeded!" msgid "ExportAsCSV" msgstr "CSV export" msgid "ExportAsXLS" msgstr "Excel export" msgid "langOpenarea" msgstr "Personal area" msgid "Done" msgstr "Done" msgid "Documents" msgstr "Documents" msgid "DocumentAdded" msgstr "Document added" msgid "DocumentUpdated" msgstr "Document updated" msgid "DocumentInFolderUpdated" msgstr "Document updated in folder" msgid "Course_description" msgstr "Description" msgid "Average" msgstr "Average" msgid "Document" msgstr "Document" msgid "Learnpath" msgstr "Courses" msgid "Link" msgstr "Links" msgid "Announcement" msgstr "Announcements" msgid "Dropbox" msgstr "Dropbox" msgid "Quiz" msgstr "Tests" msgid "langChat" msgstr "Chat" msgid "Conference" msgstr "Conference" msgid "Student_publication" msgstr "Assignments" msgid "Tracking" msgstr "Reporting" msgid "langhomepage_link" msgstr "Add link to this page" msgid "Course_setting" msgstr "Settings" msgid "langbackup" msgstr "Backup and import" msgid "langcopy_course_content" msgstr "Copy this course's content" msgid "langrecycle_course" msgstr "Empty this course" msgid "StartDate" msgstr "Start Date" msgid "EndDate" msgstr "End Date" msgid "StartTime" msgstr "Start Time" msgid "EndTime" msgstr "End Time" msgid "langYouWereCalled" msgstr "You were invited to chat with" msgid "langDoYouAccept" msgstr "Do you accept it ?" msgid "Everybody" msgstr "All" msgid "SentTo" msgstr "Visible to" msgid "Export" msgstr "Export" msgid "Tools" msgstr "Modules" msgid "Everyone" msgstr "Everyone" msgid "SelectGroupsUsers" msgstr "Select groups/users" msgid "Student" msgstr "Learner" msgid "Teacher" msgstr "Trainer" msgid "Send2All" msgstr "You did not select a user / group. The announcement is visible for every learner" msgid "Wiki" msgstr "Group wiki" msgid "Complete" msgstr "Complete" msgid "Incomplete" msgstr "Incomplete" msgid "reservation" msgstr "Book resource" msgid "StartTimeWindow" msgstr "Start" msgid "EndTimeWindow" msgstr "End" msgid "AccessNotAllowed" msgstr "The access to this page is not allowed" msgid "InThisCourse" msgstr "in this course" msgid "ThisFieldIsRequired" msgstr "required field" msgid "AllowedHTMLTags" msgstr "Allowed HTML tags" msgid "FormHasErrorsPleaseComplete" msgstr "The form contains incorrect or incomplete data. Please check your input." msgid "StartDateShouldBeBeforeEndDate" msgstr "The first date should be before the end date" msgid "InvalidDate" msgstr "Invalid date" msgid "OnlyLettersAndNumbersAllowed" msgstr "Only letters and numbers allowed" msgid "langBasicOverview" msgstr "Organize" msgid "CourseAdminRole" msgstr "Course admin" msgid "UserRole" msgstr "Role" msgid "OnlyImagesAllowed" msgstr "Only PNG, JPG or GIF images allowed" msgid "ViewRight" msgstr "View" msgid "EditRight" msgstr "Edit" msgid "DeleteRight" msgstr "Delete" msgid "OverviewCourseRights" msgstr "Roles & rights overview" msgid "SeeAllRightsAllLocationsForSpecificRole" msgstr "Focus on role" msgid "SeeAllRolesAllLocationsForSpecificRight" msgstr "Focus on right" msgid "langAdvanced" msgstr "Authoring" msgid "RightValueModified" msgstr "The value has been modified." msgid "course_rights" msgstr "Roles & rights overview" msgid "Visio_conference" msgstr "Virtual meeting" msgid "CourseAdminRoleDescription" msgstr "Teacher" msgid "Move" msgstr "Move" msgid "MoveTo" msgstr "Move to" msgid "Delete" msgstr "Delete" msgid "MoveFileTo" msgstr "Move file to" msgid "Save" msgstr "Save" msgid "Error" msgstr "Error" msgid "Anonymous" msgstr "Anonymous" msgid "h" msgstr "h" msgid "CreateNewGlobalRole" msgstr "Create new global role" msgid "CreateNewLocalRole" msgstr "Create new local role" msgid "Actions" msgstr "Detail" msgid "Inbox" msgstr "Inbox" msgid "ComposeMessage" msgstr "Compose message" msgid "Other" msgstr "Other" msgid "AddRight" msgstr "Add" msgid "CampusHomepage" msgstr "Homepage" msgid "YouHaveNewMessage" msgstr "You have a new message!" msgid "myActiveSessions" msgstr "My active sessions" msgid "myInactiveSessions" msgstr "My inactive sessions" msgid "FileUpload" msgstr "File upload" msgid "langMyActiveSessions" msgstr "My active Sessions" msgid "langMyInActiveSessions" msgstr "My inactive sessions" msgid "langMySpace" msgstr "Reporting" msgid "ExtensionActivedButNotYetOperational" msgstr "This extension has been actived but can't be operational for the moment." msgid "MyStudents" msgstr "My learners" msgid "Progress" msgstr "Progress" msgid "Or" msgstr "or" msgid "Uploading" msgstr "Uploading..." msgid "AccountExpired" msgstr "Account expired" msgid "AccountInactive" msgstr "Account inactive" msgid "ActionNotAllowed" msgstr "Action not allowed" msgid "SubTitle" msgstr "Sub-title" msgid "NoResourcesToRecycle" msgstr "No resource to recycle" msgid "noOpen" msgstr "Could not open" msgid "TempsFrequentation" msgstr "Frequentation time" msgid "Progression" msgstr "Progress" msgid "NoCourse" msgstr "This course could not be found" msgid "Teachers" msgstr "Trainers" msgid "Session" msgstr "Session" msgid "Sessions" msgstr "Course sessions" msgid "NoSession" msgstr "The session could not be found" msgid "NoStudent" msgstr "The learner could not be found" msgid "Students" msgstr "Learners" msgid "NoResults" msgstr "No results found" msgid "Tutors" msgstr "Coaches" msgid "Tel" msgstr "Tel" msgid "NoTel" msgstr "No tel" msgid "SendMail" msgstr "Send mail" msgid "RdvAgenda" msgstr "Agenda appointment" msgid "VideoConf" msgstr "Chamilo LIVE" msgid "MyProgress" msgstr "Progress" msgid "NoOnlineStudents" msgstr "Nobody online" msgid "InCourse" msgstr "In course" msgid "UserOnlineListSession" msgstr "Users online - In my training sessions" msgid "From" msgstr "From" msgid "To" msgstr "To" msgid "Content" msgstr "Content" msgid "year" msgstr "year" msgid "Years" msgstr "years" msgid "Day" msgstr "Day" msgid "Days" msgstr "days" msgid "PleaseStandBy" msgstr "Please stand by..." msgid "AvailableUntil" msgstr "Until" msgid "HourMinuteDivider" msgstr "h" msgid "Visio_classroom" msgstr "Virtual classroom" msgid "Survey" msgstr "Survey" msgid "More" msgstr "More" msgid "ClickHere" msgstr "Click here" msgid "Here" msgstr "here" msgid "SaveQuestion" msgstr "Save question" msgid "ReturnTo" msgstr "You can now return to the" msgid "Horizontal" msgstr "Horizontal" msgid "Vertical" msgstr "Vertical" msgid "DisplaySearchResults" msgstr "Display search results" msgid "DisplayAll" msgstr "Display all" msgid "File_upload" msgstr "File upload" msgid "NoUsersInCourse" msgstr "No users in course" msgid "Percentage" msgstr "Percentage" msgid "Information" msgstr "Information" msgid "EmailDestination" msgstr "Receiver" msgid "SendEmail" msgstr "Send email" msgid "EmailTitle" msgstr "Subject" msgid "EmailText" msgstr "Email content" msgid "Send" msgstr "Send" msgid "Comments" msgstr "Comments" msgid "ModifyRecipientList" msgstr "Edit recipient list" msgid "Line" msgstr "Line" msgid "NoLinkVisited" msgstr "No link visited" msgid "NoDocumentDownloaded" msgstr "No document downloaded" msgid "Clicks" msgstr "clicks" msgid "SearchResults" msgstr "Search results" msgid "SessionPast" msgstr "Past" msgid "SessionActive" msgstr "Active" msgid "SessionFuture" msgstr "Not yet begun" msgid "DateFormatLongWithoutDay" msgstr "%B %d, %Y" msgid "InvalidDirectoryPleaseCreateAnImagesFolder" msgstr "Invalid folder: Please create a folder with the name images in your documents tool so that the images can be uploaded in this folder" msgid "UsersConnectedToMySessions" msgstr "Online in my sessions" msgid "Category" msgstr "Category" msgid "DearUser" msgstr "Dear user" msgid "YourRegistrationData" msgstr "Your registration data" msgid "ResetLink" msgstr "Click here to recover your password" msgid "VisibilityChanged" msgstr "The visibility has been changed." msgid "MainNavigation" msgstr "Main navigation" msgid "SeeDetail" msgstr "See detail" msgid "GroupSingle" msgstr "Group" msgid "PleaseLoginAgainFromHomepage" msgstr "Please try to login again from the homepage" msgid "PleaseLoginAgainFromFormBelow" msgstr "Please try to login again using the form below" msgid "AccessToFaq" msgstr "Access to the Frequently Asked Questions" msgid "Faq" msgstr "Frequently Asked Question" msgid "RemindInactivesLearnersSince" msgstr "Remind learners inactive since" msgid "RemindInactiveLearnersMailSubject" msgstr "Inactivity on %s" msgid "RemindInactiveLearnersMailContent" msgstr "Dear user,

      you are not active on %s since more than %s days." msgid "OpenIdAuthentication" msgstr "OpenID authentication" msgid "UploadMaxSize" msgstr "Upload max size" msgid "Unknown" msgstr "Unknown" msgid "MoveUp" msgstr "Move up" msgid "MoveDown" msgstr "Move down" msgid "UplUnableToSaveFileFilteredExtension" msgstr "File upload failed: this file extension or file type is prohibited" msgid "OpenIDURL" msgstr "OpenID URL" msgid "UplFileTooBig" msgstr "The file is too big to upload." msgid "UplGenericError" msgstr "The file you uploaded was not received succesfully. Please try again later or contact the administrator of this portal." msgid "MyGradebook" msgstr "Assessments" msgid "Gradebook" msgstr "Assessments" msgid "OpenIDWhatIs" msgstr "What is OpenID?" msgid "OpenIDDescription" msgstr "OpenID eliminates the need for multiple logins across different websites, simplifying your online experience. You get to choose the OpenID Provider that best meets your needs and most importantly that you trust. At the same time, your OpenID can stay with you, no matter which Provider you move to. And best of all, the OpenID technology is not proprietary and is completely free.For businesses, this means a lower cost of password and account management, while drawing new web traffic. OpenID lowers user frustration by letting users have control of their login.

      Read on..." msgid "NoManager" msgstr "No administrator" msgid "ExportiCal" msgstr "iCal export" msgid "ExportiCalPublic" msgstr "Export in iCal format as public event" msgid "ExportiCalPrivate" msgstr "Export in iCal format as private event" msgid "ExportiCalConfidential" msgstr "Export in iCal format as confidential event" msgid "MoreStats" msgstr "More stats" msgid "Drh" msgstr "Human Resources Manager" msgid "MinDecade" msgstr "decade" msgid "MinYear" msgstr "year" msgid "MinMonth" msgstr "month" msgid "MinWeek" msgstr "week" msgid "MinDay" msgstr "day" msgid "MinHour" msgstr "hour" msgid "MinMinute" msgstr "minute" msgid "MinDecades" msgstr "decades" msgid "MinYears" msgstr "years" msgid "MinMonths" msgstr "months" msgid "MinWeeks" msgstr "weeks" msgid "MinDays" msgstr "days" msgid "MinHours" msgstr "hours" msgid "MinMinutes" msgstr "minutes" msgid "HomeDirectory" msgstr "Home" msgid "DocumentCreated" msgstr "Documented created" msgid "ForumAdded" msgstr "The forum has been added" msgid "ForumThreadAdded" msgstr "Forum thread added" msgid "ForumAttachmentAdded" msgstr "Forum attachment added" msgid "directory" msgstr "directory" msgid "Directories" msgstr "directories" msgid "UserAge" msgstr "Age" msgid "UserBirthday" msgstr "Birthday" msgid "Course" msgstr "Course" msgid "FilesUpload" msgstr "documents" msgid "ExerciseFinished" msgstr "Test Finished" msgid "UserSex" msgstr "Sex" msgid "UserNativeLanguage" msgstr "Native language" msgid "UserResidenceCountry" msgstr "Country of residence" msgid "AddAnAttachment" msgstr "Add attachment" msgid "FileComment" msgstr "File comment" msgid "FileName" msgstr "File name" msgid "SessionsAdmin" msgstr "Sessions administrator" msgid "MakeChangeable" msgstr "Make changeable" msgid "MakeUnchangeable" msgstr "Make unchangeable" msgid "UserFields" msgstr "Profile attributes" msgid "FieldShown" msgstr "The field is now visible for the user." msgid "CannotShowField" msgstr "Cannot make the field visible." msgid "FieldHidden" msgstr "The field is now invisible for the user." msgid "CannotHideField" msgstr "Cannot make the field invisible" msgid "FieldMadeChangeable" msgstr "The field is now changeable by the user: the user can now fill or edit the field" msgid "CannotMakeFieldChangeable" msgstr "The field can not be made changeable." msgid "FieldMadeUnchangeable" msgstr "The field is now made unchangeable: the user cannot fill or edit the field." msgid "CannotMakeFieldUnchangeable" msgstr "The field cannot be made unchangeable" msgid "Folder" msgstr "Folder" msgid "CloseOtherSession" msgstr "The chat is not available because another training has been opened in another page. To avoid this, please make sure you remain inside the same training for the duration of your chat session. To join the chat session again, please re-launch the chat from the training homepage." msgid "FileUploadSucces" msgstr "The file has successfully been uploaded." msgid "Yesterday" msgstr "Yesterday" msgid "Submit" msgstr "Submit" msgid "Department" msgstr "Department" msgid "BackToNewSearch" msgstr "Back to start new search" msgid "Step" msgstr "Step" msgid "SomethingFemininAddedSuccessfully" msgstr "added successfully" msgid "SomethingMasculinAddedSuccessfully" msgstr "added successfully" msgid "DeleteError" msgstr "Delete error" msgid "StepsList" msgstr "Steps list" msgid "AddStep" msgstr "Add step" msgid "StepCode" msgstr "Step code" msgid "Label" msgstr "Label" msgid "UnableToConnectTo" msgstr "Unable to connect to" msgid "NoUser" msgstr "No user" msgid "SearchResultsFor" msgstr "Search results for:" msgid "SelectFile" msgstr "Select a file" msgid "WarningFaqFileNonWriteable" msgstr "Warning - The FAQ file, located in the /home/ directory of your portal, is not writable. Your text will not be saved until the file permissions are changed." msgid "AddCategory" msgstr "Add category" msgid "NoExercises" msgstr "No tests" msgid "NotAllowedClickBack" msgstr "Sorry, you are not allowed to access this page, or maybe your connection has expired. Please click your browser's \"Back\" button or follow the link below to return to the previous page." msgid "Exercise" msgstr "Tests" msgid "Result" msgstr "Result" msgid "AttemptingToLoginAs" msgstr "Attempting to login as %s %s (id %s)" msgid "LoginSuccessfulGoToX" msgstr "Login successful. Go to %s" msgid "FckMp3Autostart" msgstr "Start audio automatically" msgid "Learner" msgstr "Learner" msgid "IntroductionTextUpdated" msgstr "Intro was updated" msgid "Align" msgstr "Align" msgid "Width" msgstr "Width" msgid "VSpace" msgstr "V Space" msgid "HSpace" msgstr "H Space" msgid "Border" msgstr "Border" msgid "Alt" msgstr "Alt" msgid "Height" msgstr "Height" msgid "ImageManager" msgstr "Image manager" msgid "ImageFile" msgstr "Image File" msgid "ConstrainProportions" msgstr "Constrain proportions" msgid "InsertImage" msgstr "Insert image" msgid "AccountActive" msgstr "Account active" msgid "GroupSpace" msgstr "Group area" msgid "GroupWiki" msgstr "Wiki" msgid "ExportToPDF" msgstr "Export to PDF" msgid "CommentAdded" msgstr "You comment has been added" msgid "BackToPreviousPage" msgstr "Back to previous page" msgid "ListView" msgstr "List view" msgid "NoOfficialCode" msgstr "No code" msgid "Owner" msgstr "Owner" msgid "DisplayOrder" msgstr "Display order" msgid "SearchFeatureDoIndexDocument" msgstr "Index document text?" msgid "SearchFeatureDocumentLanguage" msgstr "Document language for indexation" msgid "With" msgstr "with" msgid "GeneralCoach" msgstr "General coach" msgid "SaveDocument" msgstr "Save document" msgid "CategoryDeleted" msgstr "The category has been deleted." msgid "CategoryAdded" msgstr "Category added" msgid "IP" msgstr "IP" msgid "Qualify" msgstr "Grade activity" msgid "Words" msgstr "Words" msgid "GoBack" msgstr "Go back" msgid "Details" msgstr "Details" msgid "EditLink" msgstr "Edit link" msgid "LinkEdited" msgstr "Assessment edited" msgid "ForumThreads" msgstr "Forum threads" msgid "GradebookVisible" msgstr "Visible" msgid "GradebookInvisible" msgstr "Invisible" msgid "Phone" msgstr "Phone" msgid "InfoMessage" msgstr "Information message" msgid "ConfirmationMessage" msgstr "Confirmation message" msgid "WarningMessage" msgstr "Warning message" msgid "ErrorMessage" msgstr "Error message" msgid "Glossary" msgstr "Glossary" msgid "Coach" msgstr "Coach" msgid "Condition" msgstr "Condition" msgid "CourseSettings" msgstr "Course settings" msgid "EmailNotifications" msgstr "Email notifications" msgid "UserRights" msgstr "User rights" msgid "Theming" msgstr "Graphical theme" msgid "Qualification" msgstr "Score" msgid "OnlyNumbers" msgstr "Only numbers" msgid "ReorderOptions" msgstr "Reorder options" msgid "EditUserFields" msgstr "Edit user fields" msgid "OptionText" msgstr "Text" msgid "FieldTypeDoubleSelect" msgstr "Double select" msgid "FieldTypeDivider" msgstr "Visual divider" msgid "ScormUnknownPackageFormat" msgstr "Unknown package format" msgid "ResourceDeleted" msgstr "The resource has been deleted" msgid "AdvancedParameters" msgstr "Advanced settings" msgid "GoTo" msgstr "Go to" msgid "SessionNameAndCourseTitle" msgstr "Session and course name" msgid "CreationDate" msgstr "Creation date" msgid "LastUpdateDate" msgstr "Latest update" msgid "ViewHistoryChange" msgstr "View changes history" msgid "SearchGoToLearningPath" msgstr "Go to course" msgid "SearchLectureLibrary" msgstr "Lectures library" msgid "SearchImagePreview" msgstr "Preview image" msgid "SearchAdvancedOptions" msgstr "Advanced search options" msgid "SearchResetKeywords" msgstr "Reset keywords" msgid "SearchKeywords" msgstr "Keywords" msgid "IntroductionTextDeleted" msgstr "Intro was deleted" msgid "SearchKeywordsHelpTitle" msgstr "Keywords search help" msgid "SearchKeywordsHelpComment" msgstr "Select keywords in one or more fields and click the search button.

      To select more than one keyword in a field, use Ctrl+click." msgid "Validate" msgstr "Validate" msgid "SearchCombineSearchWith" msgstr "Combine keywords with" msgid "SearchFeatureNotEnabledComment" msgstr "The full-text search feature is not enabled in Chamilo. Please contact the Chamilo administrator." msgid "Top" msgstr "Top" msgid "YourTextHere" msgstr "Your text here" msgid "OrderBy" msgstr "Order by" msgid "Notebook" msgstr "Notebook" msgid "FieldRequired" msgstr "Mandatory field" msgid "BookingSystem" msgstr "Booking system" msgid "Any" msgstr "Any" msgid "SpecificSearchFields" msgstr "Specific search fields" msgid "SpecificSearchFieldsIntro" msgstr "Here you can define the fields you want to use for indexing content. When you are indexing one element you should add one or many terms on each field separated by comas." msgid "AddSpecificSearchField" msgstr "Add a specific search field" msgid "SaveSettings" msgstr "Save settings" msgid "NoParticipation" msgstr "There are no participants" msgid "Subscribers" msgstr "Subscribers" msgid "Accept" msgstr "Accept" msgid "Reserved" msgstr "Reserved" msgid "SharedDocumentsDirectory" msgstr "Shared documents folder" msgid "Gallery" msgstr "Gallery" msgid "Audio" msgstr "Audio" msgid "GoToQuestion" msgstr "Go to question" msgid "Level" msgstr "Level" msgid "Duration" msgstr "Duration" msgid "SearchPrefilterPrefix" msgstr "Specific Field for prefilter" msgid "SearchPrefilterPrefixComment" msgstr "This option let you choose the Specific field to use on prefilter search type." msgid "MaxTimeAllowed" msgstr "Max. time (minutes)" msgid "Class" msgstr "Class" msgid "Select" msgstr "Select" msgid "Booking" msgstr "Booking" msgid "ManageReservations" msgstr "Booking" msgid "DestinationUsers" msgstr "Destination users" msgid "AttachmentFileDeleteSuccess" msgstr "The attached file has been deleted" msgid "AccountURLInactive" msgstr "Account inactive for this URL" msgid "MaxFileSize" msgstr "Maximum file size" msgid "SendFileError" msgstr "An error has been detected while receiving your file. Please check your file is not corrupted and try again." msgid "Expired" msgstr "Expired" msgid "InvitationHasBeenSent" msgstr "The invitation has been sent" msgid "InvitationHasBeenNotSent" msgstr "The invitation hasn't been sent" msgid "Outbox" msgstr "Outbox" msgid "Overview" msgstr "Overview" msgid "ApiKeys" msgstr "API keys" msgid "GenerateApiKey" msgstr "Generate API key" msgid "MyApiKey" msgstr "My API key" msgid "DateSend" msgstr "Date sent" msgid "Deny" msgstr "Deny" msgid "ThereIsNotQualifiedLearners" msgstr "There are no qualified learners" msgid "ThereIsNotUnqualifiedLearners" msgstr "There are no unqualified learners" msgid "SocialNetwork" msgstr "Social network" msgid "BackToOutbox" msgstr "Back to outbox" msgid "Invitation" msgstr "Invitation" msgid "SeeMoreOptions" msgstr "See more options" msgid "TemplatePreview" msgstr "Template preview" msgid "NoTemplatePreview" msgstr "Preview not available" msgid "ModifyCategory" msgstr "Edit category" msgid "Photo" msgstr "Photo" msgid "MoveFile" msgstr "Move the file" msgid "Filter" msgstr "Filter" msgid "Subject" msgstr "Subject" msgid "Message" msgstr "Message" msgid "MoreInformation" msgstr "More information" msgid "MakeInvisible" msgstr "Make invisible" msgid "MakeVisible" msgstr "Make Visible" msgid "Image" msgstr "Image" msgid "SaveIntroText" msgstr "Save intro text" msgid "CourseName" msgstr "Course name" msgid "SendAMessage" msgstr "Send a message" msgid "Menu" msgstr "Menu" msgid "BackToUserList" msgstr "Back to user list" msgid "GraphicNotAvailable" msgstr "Graphic not available" msgid "BackTo" msgstr "Back to" msgid "HistoryTrainingSessions" msgstr "Courses sessions history" msgid "ConversionFailled" msgstr "Conversion failled" msgid "AlreadyExists" msgstr "Already exists" msgid "TheNewWordHasBeenAdded" msgstr "The new word has been added" msgid "CommentErrorExportDocument" msgstr "Some of the documents are too complex to be treated automatically by the document converter" msgid "DataType" msgstr "Data type" msgid "Value" msgstr "Value" msgid "System" msgstr "System" msgid "ImportantActivities" msgstr "Important activities" msgid "SearchActivities" msgstr "Search for specific activities" msgid "Parent" msgstr "Parent" msgid "SurveyAdded" msgstr "Survey added" msgid "WikiAdded" msgstr "Wiki added" msgid "ReadOnly" msgstr "Read only" msgid "Unacceptable" msgstr "Unacceptable" msgid "DisplayTrainingList" msgstr "Display courses list" msgid "HistoryTrainingSession" msgstr "Courses history" msgid "Until" msgstr "Until" msgid "FirstPage" msgstr "First page" msgid "LastPage" msgstr "Last page" msgid "Coachs" msgstr "Coachs" msgid "DragAndDropAnElementHere" msgstr "Drag and drop an element here" msgid "ThereAreNoRegisteredDatetimeYet" msgstr "There is no date/time registered yet" msgid "CalendarList" msgstr "Calendar list of attendances" msgid "AttendanceCalendarDescription" msgstr "The attendance calendar allows you to register attendance lists (one per real session the students need to attend). Add new attendance lists here." msgid "CleanCalendar" msgstr "Clean the calendar of all lists" msgid "AddDateAndTime" msgstr "Add a date and time" msgid "AttendanceSheet" msgstr "Attendance sheet" msgid "GoToAttendanceCalendar" msgstr "Go to the attendance calendar" msgid "AttendanceCalendar" msgstr "Attendance calendar" msgid "QualifyAttendanceGradebook" msgstr "Grade the attendance list in the assessment tool" msgid "CreateANewAttendance" msgstr "Create a new attendance list" msgid "Attendance" msgstr "Attendance" msgid "GeneralDescription" msgstr "Description" msgid "GeneralDescriptionQuestions" msgstr "What is the goal of the training? Are there prerequisites? How is this training connected to other training?" msgid "GeneralDescriptionInformation" msgstr "Describe the training (number of hours, sser number, location) and trainer (name, office, Tel., e-mail, office hours . . . .)." msgid "Objectives" msgstr "Objectives" msgid "ObjectivesInformation" msgstr "What are the objectives of the training (competences, skills, outcomes)?" msgid "ObjectivesQuestions" msgstr "What should the end results be when the learner has completed the training? What are the activities performed during the training?" msgid "Topics" msgstr "Topics" msgid "TopicsInformation" msgstr "List of topics included in the training. Importance of each topic. Level of difficulty. Structure and inter-dependence of the different parts." msgid "TopicsQuestions" msgstr "How does the training progress? Where should the learner pay special care? Are there identifiable problems in understanding different areas? How much time should one dedicate to the different areas of the training?" msgid "Methodology" msgstr "Methodology" msgid "MethodologyQuestions" msgstr "What methods and activities help achieve the objectives of the training? What would the schedule be?" msgid "MethodologyInformation" msgstr "Presentation of the activities (conference, papers, group research, labs...)." msgid "CourseMaterial" msgstr "Course material" msgid "CourseMaterialQuestions" msgstr "Is there a course book, a collection of papers, a bibliography, a list of links on the internet?" msgid "CourseMaterialInformation" msgstr "Short description of the course materials." msgid "HumanAndTechnicalResources" msgstr "Resources" msgid "HumanAndTechnicalResourcesQuestions" msgstr "Consider the trainers, coaches, a technical helpdesk, training managers, and/or materials available." msgid "HumanAndTechnicalResourcesInformation" msgstr "Identify and describe the different contact persons and technical devices available." msgid "Assessment" msgstr "Assessment" msgid "AssessmentQuestions" msgstr "How will learners be assessed? Are there strategies to develop in order to master the topic?" msgid "AssessmentInformation" msgstr "Criteria for skills acquisition." msgid "ChamiloInstallation" msgstr "Chamilo installation" msgid "New" msgstr "New" msgid "YouMustToInstallTheExtensionLDAP" msgstr "You must install the extension LDAP" msgid "AddAdditionalProfileField" msgstr "Add user profile field" msgid "InvitationDenied" msgstr "Invitation denied" msgid "UserAdded" msgstr "The user is added" msgid "UpdatedIn" msgstr "Updated on" msgid "Metadata" msgstr "Metadata" msgid "langAddMetadata" msgstr "View/Edit Metadata" msgid "SendMessage" msgstr "Send message" msgid "SeeForum" msgstr "See forum" msgid "SeeMore" msgstr "See more" msgid "NoDataAvailable" msgstr "No data available" msgid "Created" msgstr "Created" msgid "LastUpdate" msgstr "Last update" msgid "UserNonRegisteredAtTheCourse" msgstr "User not registered in course" msgid "EditMyProfile" msgstr "Edit my profile" msgid "Announcements" msgstr "Announcements" msgid "Password" msgstr "Password" msgid "DescriptionGroup" msgstr "Groupe description" msgid "Installation" msgstr "Installation" msgid "ReadTheInstallationGuide" msgstr "Read the installation guide" msgid "SeeBlog" msgstr "See blog" msgid "Blog" msgstr "Blog" msgid "BlogPosts" msgstr "Blog Posts" msgid "BlogComments" msgstr "Blog comments" msgid "ThereAreNotExtrafieldsAvailable" msgstr "There are not extra fields available" msgid "StartToType" msgstr "Start to type, then click on this bar to validate tag" msgid "InstallChamilo" msgstr "Install chamilo" msgid "ChamiloURL" msgstr "Chamilo URL" msgid "TitleColumnGradebook" msgstr "Column header in Competences Report" msgid "QualifyWeight" msgstr "Weight in Report" msgid "ThematicAdvance" msgstr "Thematic advance" msgid "EditProfile" msgstr "Edit profile" msgid "TabsDashboard" msgstr "Dashboard" msgid "Dashboard" msgstr "Dashboard" msgid "DashboardPlugins" msgstr "Dashboard plugins" msgid "SelectBlockForDisplayingInsideBlocksDashboardView" msgstr "Select blocks to display in the dashboard blocks view" msgid "ColumnPosition" msgstr "Position (column)" msgid "EnableDashboardBlock" msgstr "Enable dashboard block" msgid "ThereAreNoEnabledDashboardPlugins" msgstr "There is no enabled dashboard plugin" msgid "Enabled" msgstr "Enabled" msgid "ThematicAdvanceQuestions" msgstr "What is the current progress you have reached with your learners inside your course? How much do you think is remaining in comparison to the complete program?" msgid "ThematicAdvanceHistory" msgstr "Advance history" msgid "Homepage" msgstr "Homepage" msgid "Attendances" msgstr "Attendances" msgid "CountDoneAttendance" msgstr "# attended" msgid "AssignUsers" msgstr "Assign users" msgid "AssignCourses" msgstr "Assign courses" msgid "AssignSessions" msgstr "Assign sessions" msgid "Timezone" msgstr "Timezone" msgid "EmptyHeaderLine" msgstr "There are empty lines in the header of selected file" msgid "FilterByUser" msgstr "Filter by user" msgid "FilterByGroup" msgstr "Filter by group" msgid "FilterAll" msgstr "Filter: Everyone" msgid "PaginationXofY" msgstr "%s of %s" msgid "YouHaveToAddXAsAFriendFirst" msgstr "You have to add %s as a friend first" msgid "Company" msgstr "Company" msgid "GradebookExcellent" msgstr "Excellent" msgid "GradebookOutstanding" msgstr "Outstanding" msgid "GradebookGood" msgstr "Good" msgid "GradebookFair" msgstr "Fair" msgid "GradebookPoor" msgstr "Poor" msgid "GradebookFailed" msgstr "Failed" msgid "UploadedDate" msgstr "Date of upload" msgid "Filename" msgstr "Filename" msgid "Recover" msgstr "Recover" msgid "Recovered" msgstr "Recovered" msgid "RecoverDropboxFiles" msgstr "Recover dropbox files" msgid "ForumCategory" msgstr "Forum category" msgid "YouCanAccessTheExercise" msgstr "Go to the test" msgid "YouHaveBeenRegisteredToCourseX" msgstr "You have been registered to course %s" msgid "DashboardPluginsHaveBeenUpdatedSucesslly" msgstr "Dashboard plugins have been updated sucessfully" msgid "LoginEnter" msgstr "Login" msgid "AttendanceSheetDescription" msgstr "The attendance sheets allow you to specify a list of dates in which you will report attendance to your courses" msgid "ThereAreNoRegisteredLearnersInsidetheCourse" msgstr "There are no registered learners inside the course" msgid "GoToAttendanceCalendarList" msgstr "Go to the calendar list of attendance dates" msgid "ToolCourseDescription" msgstr "Course description" msgid "ToolDocument" msgstr "Documents" msgid "ToolLearnpath" msgstr "Learning path" msgid "ToolLink" msgstr "Links" msgid "ToolQuiz" msgstr "Tests" msgid "ToolAnnouncement" msgstr "Announcements" msgid "ToolGradebook" msgstr "Assessments" msgid "ToolGlossary" msgstr "Glossary" msgid "ToolAttendance" msgstr "Attendances" msgid "ToolCalendarEvent" msgstr "Agenda" msgid "ToolForum" msgstr "Forums" msgid "ToolDropbox" msgstr "Dropbox" msgid "ToolUser" msgstr "Users" msgid "ToolGroup" msgstr "Groups" msgid "ToolChat" msgstr "Chat" msgid "ToolStudentPublication" msgstr "Assignments" msgid "ToolSurvey" msgstr "Surveys" msgid "ToolWiki" msgstr "Wiki" msgid "ToolNotebook" msgstr "Notebook" msgid "ToolBlogManagement" msgstr "Projects" msgid "ToolTracking" msgstr "Reporting" msgid "ToolCourseSetting" msgstr "Settings" msgid "ToolCourseMaintenance" msgstr "Backup" msgid "AreYouSureToDeleteAllDates" msgstr "Are you sure you want to delete all dates?" msgid "AddADateTime" msgstr "Add a date time" msgid "ThematicControl" msgstr "Thematic control" msgid "ThematicDetails" msgstr "Thematic view with details" msgid "ThematicList" msgstr "Thematic view as list" msgid "Thematic" msgstr "Thematic" msgid "ThematicPlan" msgstr "Thematic plan" msgid "EditThematicPlan" msgstr "Edit tematic advance" msgid "EditThematicAdvance" msgstr "Edit thematic advance" msgid "ThereIsNoStillAthematicSection" msgstr "There is not still a thematic section" msgid "NewThematicSection" msgstr "New thematic section" msgid "DeleteAllThematics" msgstr "Delete all thematics" msgid "ThematicDetailsDescription" msgstr "Details of topics and their respective plan and progress. To indicate a topic as completed, select its date following the chronological order and the system will display all previous dates as completed." msgid "SkillToAcquireQuestions" msgstr "What skills are to be acquired bu the end of this thematic section?" msgid "SkillToAcquire" msgstr "Skills to acquire" msgid "InfrastructureQuestions" msgstr "What infrastructure is necessary to achieve the goals of this topic normally?" msgid "Infrastructure" msgstr "Infrastructure" msgid "AditionalNotesQuestions" msgstr "Which other elements are necessary?" msgid "DurationInHours" msgstr "Duration in hours" msgid "ThereAreNoAttendancesInsideCourse" msgstr "There is no attendance sheet in this course" msgid "YouMustSelectAtleastAStartDate" msgstr "You must select a start date" msgid "EditTematicAdvance" msgstr "Edit tematic advance" msgid "AditionalNotes" msgstr "Additional notes" msgid "StartDateFromAnAttendance" msgstr "Start date taken from an attendance date" msgid "StartDateCustom" msgstr "Custom start date" msgid "StartDateOptions" msgstr "Start date options" msgid "ThematicAdvanceConfiguration" msgstr "Thematic advance configuration" msgid "InfoAboutAdvanceInsideHomeCourse" msgstr "Information on thematic advance on course homepage" msgid "DisplayAboutLastDoneAdvance" msgstr "Display information about the last completed topic" msgid "DisplayAboutNextAdvanceNotDone" msgstr "Display information about the next uncompleted topic" msgid "InfoAboutLastDoneAdvance" msgstr "Information about the last completed topic" msgid "InfoAboutNextAdvanceNotDone" msgstr "Information about the next uncompleted topic" msgid "ThereIsNoAThematicSection" msgstr "There is no thematic section" msgid "ThereIsNoAThematicAdvance" msgstr "There is no thematic advance" msgid "StillDoNotHaveAThematicPlan" msgstr "There is no thematic plan for now" msgid "NewThematicAdvance" msgstr "New thematic advance" msgid "DurationInHoursMustBeNumeric" msgstr "Duration must be numeric" msgid "CreateAThematicSection" msgstr "Create a thematic section" msgid "EditThematicSection" msgstr "Edit thematic section" msgid "ToolCourseProgress" msgstr "Course progress" msgid "SelectAnAttendance" msgstr "Select an attendance" msgid "ResultsHiddenByExerciseSetting" msgstr "Results hidden by the exercise setting" msgid "NotAttended" msgstr "Not attended" msgid "Attended" msgstr "Attended" msgid "IPAddress" msgstr "IP address" msgid "CourseAdvance" msgstr "Course progress" msgid "CertificateGenerated" msgstr "Generated certificate" msgid "ThematicSectionHasBeenCreatedSuccessfull" msgstr "Thematic section has been created success full" msgid "NowYouShouldAddThematicPlanXAndThematicAdvanceX" msgstr "Now you should add thematic plan %s and thematic advance %s" msgid "QualificationNumeric" msgstr "Maximum score" msgid "Literal0" msgstr "zero" msgid "Literal1" msgstr "one" msgid "Literal2" msgstr "two" msgid "Literal3" msgstr "three" msgid "Literal4" msgstr "four" msgid "Literal5" msgstr "five" msgid "Literal6" msgstr "six" msgid "Literal7" msgstr "seven" msgid "Literal8" msgstr "eight" msgid "Literal9" msgstr "nine" msgid "Literal10" msgstr "ten" msgid "Literal11" msgstr "eleven" msgid "Literal12" msgstr "twelve" msgid "Literal13" msgstr "thirteen" msgid "Literal14" msgstr "fourteen" msgid "Literal15" msgstr "fifteen" msgid "Literal16" msgstr "sixteen" msgid "Literal17" msgstr "seventeen" msgid "Literal18" msgstr "eighteen" msgid "Literal19" msgstr "nineteen" msgid "Literal20" msgstr "twenty" msgid "DateTime" msgstr "Date & time" msgid "Item" msgstr "Item" msgid "Never" msgstr "Never" msgid "CopyLabelSuffix" msgstr "Copy" msgid "SkillsRanking" msgstr "Skills ranking" msgid "ImportSkillsListCSV" msgstr "Import skills from a CSV file" msgid "SkillsImport" msgstr "Skills import" msgid "SkillsWheel" msgstr "Skills wheel" msgid "SkillsYouAcquired" msgstr "Skills you acquired" msgid "SkillsSearchedFor" msgstr "Skills searched for" msgid "SkillsYouCanLearn" msgstr "Skills you can learn" msgid "Legend" msgstr "Legend" msgid "ClickToZoom" msgstr "Click to zoom" msgid "SkillXWithCourseX" msgstr "%s with %s" msgid "ToGetToLearnXYouWillNeedToTakeOneOfTheFollowingCourses" msgstr "To get to learn %s you will need to take one of the following courses:" msgid "YourSkillRankingX" msgstr "Your skill ranking: %s" msgid "ManageSkills" msgstr "Manage skills" msgid "Categories" msgstr "Categories" msgid "StartDateMustBeBeforeTheEndDate" msgstr "Start date must be before the end date" msgid "SkillRoot" msgstr "Root" msgid "SkillInfo" msgstr "Skill info" msgid "GetNewSkills" msgstr "Get new skills" msgid "ViewSkillsWheel" msgstr "View skills wheel" msgid "MissingOneStepToMatch" msgstr "Missing one step to match" msgid "CompleteMatch" msgstr "Complete match" msgid "MissingXStepsToMatch" msgstr "Missing %s steps" msgid "Rank" msgstr "Rank" msgid "CurrentlyLearning" msgstr "Currently learning" msgid "SkillsAcquired" msgstr "Skills acquired" msgid "AddSkillToProfileSearch" msgstr "Add skill to profile search" msgid "ShortCode" msgstr "Short code" msgid "CreateChildSkill" msgstr "Create child skill" msgid "SearchProfileMatches" msgstr "Search profile matches" msgid "IsThisWhatYouWereLookingFor" msgstr "Is this what you were looking for?" msgid "WhatSkillsAreYouLookingFor" msgstr "What skills are you looking for?" msgid "ProfileSearch" msgstr "Profile search" msgid "here" msgstr "here" msgid "ImportUsers" msgstr "Import users" msgid "YouWillBeRedirectedInXSeconds" msgstr "Just a moment, please. You will be redirected in %s seconds..." msgid "NumberOfCoursesPublic" msgstr "Number of public courses" msgid "NumberOfCoursesOpen" msgstr "Number of open courses" msgid "NumberOfCoursesPrivate" msgstr "Number of private courses" msgid "NumberOfCoursesClosed" msgstr "Number of closed courses" msgid "NumberOfCoursesTotal" msgstr "Total number of courses" msgid "NumberOfUsersActive" msgstr "Number of active users" msgid "Approved" msgstr "Approved" msgid "EditSettings" msgstr "Edit settings" msgid "ThisValueCantBeChanged" msgstr "This value can't be changed." msgid "TotalAvailableUsers" msgstr "Total available users" msgid "LowerCaseUser" msgstr "user" msgid "dateFormatLongNoDay" msgstr "%d %B %Y" msgid "dateFormatOnlyDayName" msgstr "%A" msgid "ReturnToCourseList" msgstr "Return to the course list" msgid "dateFormatShortNumberNoYear" msgstr "%d/%m" msgid "CourseTutor" msgstr "Course tutor" msgid "StudentInSessionCourse" msgstr "Student in session course" msgid "StudentInCourse" msgstr "Student in course" msgid "SessionGeneralCoach" msgstr "Session general coach" msgid "SessionCourseCoach" msgstr "Session course coach" msgid "Admin" msgstr "Admin" msgid "UserNotAttendedSymbol" msgstr "NP" msgid "UserAttendedSymbol" msgstr "P" msgid "Order" msgstr "Order" msgid "GlobalPlatformInformation" msgstr "Global platform information" msgid "ReportABug" msgstr "Report a bug" msgid "Letters" msgstr "Letters" msgid "MaximumOfParticipants" msgstr "Maximum number of members" msgid "ContactInformation" msgstr "Contact information" msgid "PersonName" msgstr "Your name" msgid "CompanyName" msgstr "Your company's name" msgid "PersonRole" msgstr "Your job's description" msgid "HaveYouThePowerToTakeFinancialDecisions" msgstr "Do you have the power to take financial decisions on behalf of your company?" msgid "CompanyCountry" msgstr "Your company's home country" msgid "CompanyCity" msgstr "Company city" msgid "WhichLanguageWouldYouLikeToUseWhenContactingYou" msgstr "Preferred contact language" msgid "SendInformation" msgstr "Send information" msgid "YouMustAcceptLicence" msgstr "You must accept the licence" msgid "SelectOne" msgstr "Select one" msgid "ContactInformationHasBeenSent" msgstr "Contact information has been sent" msgid "UserInactivedSinceX" msgstr "User inactive since %s" msgid "ContactInformationDescription" msgstr "Dear user,

      You are about to start using one of the best open-source e-learning platform on the market. Like many other open-source project, this project is backed up by a large community of students, teachers, developers and content creators who would like to promote the project better.

      By knowing a little bit more about you, one of our most important users, who will manage this e-learning system, we will be able to let people know that our software is used and let you know when we organize events that might be relevant to you.

      By filling this form, you accept that the Chamilo association or its members might send you information by e-mail about important events or updates in the Chamilo software or community. This will help the community grow as an organized entity where information flow, with a permanent respect of your time and your privacy.

      Please note that you are not required to fill this form. If you want to remain anonymous, we will loose the opportunity to offer you all the privileges of being a registered portal administrator, but we will respect your decision. Simply leave this form empty and click \"Next\".

      " msgid "CompanyActivity" msgstr "Your company's activity" msgid "DateUnLock" msgstr "Unlock date" msgid "DateLock" msgstr "Lock date" msgid "GoToStudentDetails" msgstr "Go to learner details" msgid "RepeatDate" msgstr "Repeat date" msgid "ToAttend" msgstr "To attend" msgid "HaveFun" msgstr "Have fun," msgid "ClearSearchResults" msgstr "Clear search results" msgid "TestServerMode" msgstr "Test server mode" msgid "PageExecutionTimeWas" msgstr "Page execution time was" msgid "MemoryUsage" msgstr "Memory usage" msgid "MemoryUsagePeak" msgstr "Memory usage peak" msgid "Seconds" msgstr "seconds" msgid "QualifyInGradebook" msgstr "Grade in the assessment tool" msgid "SessionSpecificResource" msgstr "Session-specific resource" msgid "EditionNotAvailableFromSession" msgstr "Edition not available from the session, please edit from the basic course." msgid "HandingOverOfTaskX" msgstr "Handing over of task %s" msgid "ProtectedDocument" msgstr "Protected Document" msgid "ConnectionsLastMonth" msgstr "Connections last month" msgid "TotalStudents" msgstr "Total learners" msgid "FilteringWithScoreX" msgstr "Filtering with score %s" msgid "ExamTaken" msgstr "Taken" msgid "ExamNotTaken" msgstr "Not taken" msgid "ExamPassX" msgstr "Pass minimun %s" msgid "ExamFail" msgstr "Fail" msgid "ExamTracking" msgstr "Exam tracking" msgid "NoAttempt" msgstr "No attempts" msgid "PassExam" msgstr "Pass" msgid "CreateCourseRequest" msgstr "Create a course request" msgid "TermsAndConditions" msgstr "Terms and Conditions" msgid "ReadTermsAndConditions" msgstr "Read the Terms and Conditions" msgid "IAcceptTermsAndConditions" msgstr "I have read and I accept the Terms and Conditions" msgid "YouHaveToAcceptTermsAndConditions" msgstr "You have to accept our Terms and Conditions to proceed." msgid "BrowserDontSupportsSVG" msgstr "Your browser does not support SVG files. To use the drawing tool you must have an advanced browser like: Firefox or Chrome" msgid "FillWithExemplaryContent" msgstr "Fill with demo content" msgid "ToolVideoconference" msgstr "Videoconference" msgid "SelectSVGEditImage" msgstr "Select a picture" msgid "OnlyAccessFromYourGroup" msgstr "Only accessible from your group" msgid "UserFolders" msgstr "Folders of users" msgid "CertificatesFiles" msgstr "Certificates" msgid "ChatFiles" msgstr "Chat conversations history" msgid "Flash" msgstr "Flash" msgid "Video" msgstr "Video" msgid "Images" msgstr "Images" msgid "OpenInANewWindow" msgstr "Open in a new window" msgid "ExamNotAvailableAtThisTime" msgstr "Exam not available at this time" msgid "LoginOrEmailAddress" msgstr "Username or e-mail address" msgid "Activate" msgstr "Activate" msgid "Deactivate" msgstr "Deactivate" msgid "Profile" msgstr "Profile" msgid "CreatedAt" msgstr "Created at" msgid "UpdatedAt" msgstr "Updated at" msgid "CreatedOn" msgstr "Created on" msgid "UpdatedOn" msgstr "Updated on" msgid "Paint" msgstr "Paint" msgid "MyResults" msgstr "My results" msgid "LearningPaths" msgstr "Learning paths" msgid "AllLearningPaths" msgstr "All learning paths" msgid "ByCourse" msgstr "By course" msgid "MyQCM" msgstr "My MCQ" msgid "AddACourse" msgstr "Add a course" msgid "PerWeek" msgstr "Per week" msgid "PhotoRetouching" msgstr "Photo retouching" msgid "SeeAll" msgstr "See all" msgid "SeeOnlyArchived" msgstr "See only archived" msgid "SeeOnlyUnarchived" msgstr "See only unarchived" msgid "LatestAttempt" msgstr "Latest attempt" msgid "ContactInformationHasNotBeenSent" msgstr "Your contact information could not be sent. This is probably due to a temporary network problem. Please try again in a few seconds. If the problem remains, ignore this registration process and simply click the button to go to the next step." msgid "FileDeleted" msgstr "File deleted" msgid "MyClasses" msgstr "My classes" msgid "PublicationDate" msgstr "Publication date" msgid "CorrectAndRate" msgstr "Correct and rate" msgid "ItemAdded" msgstr "Item added" msgid "ItemDeleted" msgstr "Item deleted" msgid "ItemUpdated" msgstr "Item updated" msgid "ItemCopied" msgstr "Item copied" msgid "MyStatistics" msgstr "My statistics" msgid "FromDateXToDateY" msgstr "From %s to %s" msgid "CourseThematicAdvance" msgstr "Course progress" msgid "Clean" msgstr "Clean" msgid "MailNotifyInvitation" msgstr "Notify by mail on new invitation received" msgid "MailNotifyMessage" msgstr "Notify by mail on new personal message received" msgid "MailNotifyGroupMessage" msgstr "Notify by mail on new message received in group" msgid "ClickToSelectOrDragAndDropMultipleFilesOnTheUploadField" msgstr "Click on the box below to select files from your computer (you can use CTRL + clic to select various files at a time), or drag and drop some files from your desktop directly over the box below. The system will handle the rest!" msgid "Simple" msgstr "Simple" msgid "Multiple" msgstr "Multiple" msgid "UploadFiles" msgstr "Clic or drag and drop files here to upload them" msgid "SupportedFormatsForIndex" msgstr "Supported formats for index" msgid "Installed" msgstr "Installed" msgid "NotInstalled" msgstr "Not installed" msgid "Settings" msgstr "Settings" msgid "OnlyLettersAndNumbers" msgstr "Only letters (a-z) and numbers (0-9)" msgid "CheckFilePermissions" msgstr "Check file permissions" msgid "AddedToALP" msgstr "Added to a LP" msgid "NotAvailable" msgstr "Not available" msgid "NanogongNoApplet" msgstr "Can't find the applet Nanogong" msgid "NanogongRecordBeforeSave" msgstr "Before try to send the file you should make the recording" msgid "NanogongGiveTitle" msgstr "You did not give a name to file" msgid "NanogongFailledToSubmit" msgstr "Failed to submit the voice recording" msgid "NanogongSubmitted" msgstr "Voice recording has been submitted" msgid "RecordMyVoice" msgstr "Record my voice" msgid "PressRecordButton" msgstr "To start recording press the red button" msgid "VoiceRecord" msgstr "Voice record" msgid "BrowserNotSupportNanogongSend" msgstr "Your browser does not send your recording to the platform, although you can save on your computer disk and send it later. To have all the features, we recommend using advanced browsers such as Firefox or Chrome." msgid "FileExistRename" msgstr "Already exist a file with the same name. Please, rename the file." msgid "GradebookAndAttendances" msgstr "Assessments and attendances" msgid "SelectADateRange" msgstr "Select a date range" msgid "AllDone" msgstr "All done" msgid "AllNotDone" msgstr "All not done" msgid "GroupUpdated" msgstr "Class updated." msgid "AuthSourceNotAvailable" msgstr "Authentication source unavailable." msgid "Responsable" msgstr "Responsible" msgid "TheAttendanceSheetIsLocked" msgstr "The attendance sheet is locked." msgid "Presence" msgstr "Assistance" msgid "ACourseCategoryWithThisNameAlreadyExists" msgstr "A course category with the same name already exists." msgid "OpenIDRedirect" msgstr "OpenID redirect" msgid "Blogs" msgstr "Blogs" msgid "Others" msgstr "Others" msgid "BackToCourseDesriptionList" msgstr "Back to the course description" msgid "Postpone" msgstr "Postpone" msgid "NotHavePermission" msgstr "The user doesn't have permissions to do the requested operation." msgid "CourseCodeAlreadyExistExplained" msgstr "When a course code is duplicated, the database system detects a course code that already exists and prevents the creation of a duplicate. Please ensure no course code is duplicated." msgid "CantDeleteReadonlyFiles" msgstr "Cannot delete files that are configured in read-only mode." msgid "Uploaded" msgstr "Uploaded." msgid "Saved" msgstr "Saved." msgid "Reset" msgstr "Reset" msgid "EmailSentFromDokeos" msgstr "E-mail sent from the platform" msgid "InfoAboutLastDoneAdvanceAndNextAdvanceNotDone" msgstr "Information about the last finished step and the next unfinished one." msgid "LatexCode" msgstr "LaTeX code" msgid "LatexFormula" msgstr "LaTeX formula" msgid "AreYouSureToLockTheAttendance" msgstr "Are you sure you want to lock the attendance?" msgid "UnlockMessageInformation" msgstr "The attendance is not locked, which means your teacher is still able to modify it." msgid "LockAttendance" msgstr "Lock attendance" msgid "AreYouSureToUnlockTheAttendance" msgstr "Are you sure you want to unlock the attendance?" msgid "UnlockAttendance" msgstr "Unlock attendance" msgid "LockedAttendance" msgstr "Locked attendance" msgid "DecreaseFontSize" msgstr "Decrease the font size" msgid "ResetFontSize" msgstr "Reset the font size" msgid "IncreaseFontSize" msgstr "Increase the font size" msgid "LoggedInAsX" msgstr "Logged in as %s" msgid "AttachmentUpload" msgstr "attachment upload" msgid "CourseAutoRegister" msgstr "Auto-registration course" msgid "ThematicAdvanceInformation" msgstr "The thematic advance tool allows you to organize your training through time." msgid "RequestURIInfo" msgstr "The URL requested to get to this page, without the domain definition." msgid "DiskFreeSpace" msgstr "Free space on disk" msgid "ProtectFolder" msgstr "Protected folder" msgid "SomeHTMLNotAllowed" msgstr "Some HTML attributed are not allowed." msgid "MyOtherGroups" msgstr "My other classes" msgid "XLSFileNotValid" msgstr "The provided XLS file is not valid." msgid "YouAreRegisterToSessionX" msgstr "You are registered to session: %s." msgid "NextBis" msgstr "Next" msgid "Prev" msgstr "Prev" msgid "Configuration" msgstr "Configuration" msgid "ToGroup" msgstr "To social group" msgid "XWroteY" msgstr "%s wrote:
      %s" msgid "BackToGroup" msgstr "Back to the group" msgid "GoAttendance" msgstr "Go to attendances" msgid "GoAssessments" msgstr "Go assessments" msgid "UserRoles" msgstr "User roles" msgid "GroupRoles" msgstr "Group roles" msgid "StorePermissions" msgstr "Store permissions" msgid "PendingInvitation" msgstr "Pending invitation" msgid "MaximunFileSizeXMB" msgstr "Maximum file size: %sMB." msgid "MessageHasBeenSent" msgstr "Your message has been sent." msgid "Tags" msgstr "Tags" msgid "ClassesUnSubscribed" msgstr "Classes unsubscribed." msgid "NotAddedToCourse" msgstr "Not added to course" msgid "UsersNotRegistered" msgstr "Users who did not register." msgid "ClearFilterResults" msgstr "Clear filter results" msgid "SelectFilter" msgstr "Select filter" msgid "ThereIsNoClassScheduledTodayTryPickingAnotherDay" msgstr "There is no class scheduled today, try picking another day or add your attendance entry yourself using the action icons." msgid "AddToCalendar" msgstr "Add to calendar" msgid "RandomPick" msgstr "Random pick" msgid "YouHaveANewInvitationFromX" msgstr "You have a new invitation from %s" msgid "YouHaveANewMessageFromGroupX" msgstr "You have a new message from group %s" msgid "YouHaveANewMessageFromX" msgstr "You have a new message from %s" msgid "SeeMessage" msgstr "See message" msgid "SeeInvitation" msgstr "See invitation" msgid "YouHaveReceivedThisNotificationBecauseYouAreSubscribedOrInvolvedInItToChangeYourNotificationPreferencesPleaseClickHereX" msgstr "You have received this notification because you are subscribed or involved in it to change your notification preferences please click here: %s" msgid "Replies" msgstr "Replies" msgid "Reply" msgstr "Reply" msgid "Broken" msgstr "Broken" msgid "CheckURL" msgstr "Check link" msgid "NoItem" msgstr "No item yet" msgid "LoadExtraData" msgstr "Load extra user fields data (have to be marked as 'Filter' to appear)." msgid "CourseAssistant" msgstr "Assistant" msgid "SupportedScormContentMakers" msgstr "Scorm Authoring tools supported" msgid "Copy" msgstr "Copy" msgid "EnableStartTime" msgstr "Enable start time" msgid "EnableEndTime" msgstr "Enable end time" msgid "Wrong" msgstr "Wrong" msgid "Certification" msgstr "Certification" msgid "CertificateOnlineLink" msgstr "Online link to certificate" msgid "NewExercises" msgstr "New exercises" msgid "MyAverage" msgstr "My average" msgid "AllAttempts" msgstr "All attempts" msgid "NoCookies" msgstr "You do not have cookies support enabled in your browser. Chamilo relies on the feature called \"cookies\" to store your connection details. This means you will not be able to login if cookies are not enabled. Please change your browser configuration (generally in the Edit -> Preferences menu) and reload this page." msgid "NoJavascript" msgstr "Your do not have JavaScript support enabled in your browser. Chamilo relies heavily on JavaScript to provide you with a more dynamic interface. It is likely that most feature will work, but you might not benefit from the latest improvements in usability. We recommend you change your browser configuration (generally under the Edit -> Preferences menu) and reload this page." msgid "NoFlash" msgstr "You do not seems to have Flash support enabled in your browser. Chamilo only relies on Flash for a few features and will not lock you out in any way if you don't have it, but if you want to benefit from the complete set of tools from Chamilo, we recommend you install the Flash Plugin and restart your browser." msgid "Attempt" msgstr "Attempt" msgid "SaveForNow" msgstr "Save and continue later" msgid "NoQuicktime" msgstr "Your browser does not have the QuickTime plugin installed. You can still use the platform, but to run a larger number of media file types, we suggest you might want to install it." msgid "NoJavaSun" msgstr "Your browser doesn't seem to have the Sun Java plugin installed. You can still use the platform, but you will lose a few of its capabilities." msgid "NoJava" msgstr "Your browser does not support Java" msgid "JavaSun24" msgstr "Your browser has a Java version not supported by this tool. To use it you have to install a Java Sun version higher than 24" msgid "NoMessageAnywere" msgstr "If you do not want to see this message again during this session, click here" msgid "Attempts" msgstr "Attempts" msgid "SeeResults" msgstr "See results" msgid "Loading" msgstr "Loading" msgid "AreYouSureToRestore" msgstr "Are you sure you want to restore this element?" msgid "ThisIsAutomaticEmailNoReply" msgstr "This is an automatic email message. Please do not reply to it." msgid "PersonalCalendar" msgstr "Personal Calendar" msgid "SkillsTree" msgstr "Skills Tree" msgid "Skills" msgstr "Skills" msgid "SkillsProfile" msgstr "Skills Profile" msgid "WithCertificate" msgstr "With Certificate" msgid "AdminCalendar" msgstr "Admin Calendar" msgid "CourseCalendar" msgstr "Course Calendar" msgid "Reports" msgstr "Reports" msgid "dateFormatShortNumber" msgstr "%m/%d/%Y" msgid "dateTimeFormatLong24H" msgstr "%B %d, %Y at %H:%M" msgid "GradingModelTitle" msgstr "Grading model" msgid "Discussions" msgstr "Discussions" msgid "GradeModel" msgstr "Grading model" msgid "ViewSkillsTree" msgstr "View skills tree" msgid "MySkills" msgstr "My skills" msgid "SeeFile" msgstr "See file" msgid "UserList" msgstr "User list" msgid "SearchUsers" msgstr "Search users" msgid "Administration" msgstr "Administration" msgid "SkillsAndGradebooks" msgstr "Skills and assessments" msgid "AddSkill" msgstr "Add skill" msgid "AcceptLegal" msgstr "Accept legal agreement" msgid "CourseLegalAgreement" msgstr "Legal agreement for this course" msgid "SkillDoesNotExist" msgstr "There is no such skill" msgid "SkillRootName" msgstr "Absolute skill" msgid "Option" msgstr "Option" msgid "Updates" msgstr "Updates" msgid "Teaching" msgstr "Teaching" msgid "CoursesReporting" msgstr "Courses reporting" msgid "AdminReports" msgstr "Admin reports" msgid "ExamsReporting" msgstr "Exams reports" msgid "MyReporting" msgstr "My reporting" msgid "SearchSkills" msgstr "Search skills" msgid "SaveThisSearch" msgstr "Save this search" msgid "SkillProfiles" msgstr "Stored skills profiles" msgid "Matches" msgstr "Matches" msgid "WelcomeUserXToTheSiteX" msgstr "%s, welcome to %s" msgid "CheckUsersWithId" msgstr "Use user's IDs from the file to subscribe them" msgid "MB" msgstr "MB" msgid "SessionList" msgstr "Session list" msgid "StudentList" msgstr "Learners list" msgid "GroupReply" msgstr "Reply" msgid "GroupReplies" msgstr "Replies" msgid "SkillNotFound" msgstr "Skill not found" msgid "IHaveThisSkill" msgstr "I have this skill" msgid "Me" msgstr "Me" msgid "Vote" msgstr "Vote" msgid "Votes" msgstr "Votes" msgid "XStarsOutOf5" msgstr "%s stars out of 5" msgid "Visit" msgstr "Visit" msgid "Visits" msgstr "Visits" msgid "YourVote" msgstr "Your vote" msgid "HottestCourses" msgstr "Most popular courses" msgid "SentAtX" msgstr "Sent at: %s" msgid "dateTimeFormatShort" msgstr "%b %d, %Y at %I:%M %p" msgid "dateTimeFormatShortTimeFirst" msgstr "%I:%M %p, %b %d %Y" msgid "LoginToVote" msgstr "Login to vote" msgid "DoNotShow" msgstr "Do not show" msgid "ShowToAdminsOnly" msgstr "Show to admins only" msgid "ShowToAdminsAndTeachers" msgstr "Show to admins and teachers" msgid "ShowToAllUsers" msgstr "Show to all users" msgid "SelectAnAction" msgstr "Select an action" msgid "LoginX" msgstr "Login: %s" msgid "ChatConnected" msgstr "Chat (Connected)" msgid "ChatDisconnected" msgstr "Chat (Disconnected)" msgid "ThingsToDo" msgstr "Things to do next" msgid "WamiFlashDialog" msgstr "It will display a dialog box which asks for your permission to access the microphone, answer yes and close the dialog box (if you do not want to appear again, before closing check remember)" msgid "WamiStartRecorder" msgstr "Start recording by pressing the microphone and stop it by pressing again. Each time you do this will generate a file." msgid "InputNameHere" msgstr "Enter name here" msgid "Reload" msgstr "Reload" msgid "TimeSpentLastXDays" msgstr "Time spent the last %s days" msgid "TimeSpentBetweenXAndY" msgstr "Time spent between %s and %s" msgid "GoToCourse" msgstr "Go to the course" msgid "SubTotal" msgstr "Subtotal" msgid "Configure" msgstr "Configure" msgid "Regions" msgstr "Regions" msgid "CourseList" msgstr "Course list" msgid "NumberAbbreviation" msgstr "N°" msgid "FirstnameAndLastname" msgstr "First Name and Last Name" msgid "LastnameAndFirstname" msgstr "Last Name and First Name" msgid "Plugins" msgstr "Plugins" msgid "Detailed" msgstr "Detailed" msgid "ResourceLockedByGradebook" msgstr "This option is not available because this activity is contained by an assessment, which is currently locked. To unlock the assessment, ask your platform administrator." msgid "ConfirmToLockElement" msgstr "Are you sure you want to lock this item? After locking this item you can't edit the user results. To unlock it, you need to contact the platform administrator." msgid "ConfirmToUnLockElement" msgstr "Are you sure you want to unlock this element?" msgid "Default" msgstr "Default" msgid "ReturnToCourseHomepage" msgstr "Return to Course Homepage" msgid "WebCamClip" msgstr "Webcam Clip" msgid "Snapshot" msgstr "Snapshot" msgid "TakeYourPhotos" msgstr "Take your photos" msgid "LocalInputImage" msgstr "Local input image" msgid "ClipSent" msgstr "Clip sent" msgid "Auto" msgstr "Auto" msgid "Stop" msgstr "Stop" msgid "YouHaveSomeUnsavedChanges" msgstr "You have some unsaved changes. Do you want to abandon them ?" msgid "ActivateEvent" msgstr "Activate event" msgid "AvailableEventKeys" msgstr "Available event keys. Use them between (( ))." msgid "Events" msgstr "Events" msgid "EventTypeName" msgstr "Event type name" msgid "ExportToPDFOnlyHTMLAndImages" msgstr "Export to PDF web pages and images" msgid "CourseCatalog" msgstr "Course catalog" msgid "Go" msgstr "Go" msgid "ImportThematic" msgstr "Import course progress" msgid "ExportThematic" msgstr "Export course progress" msgid "DeleteAllThematic" msgstr "Delete all course progress" msgid "ThisPlatformWasUnableToSendTheEmailPleaseContactXForMoreInformation" msgstr "This platform was unable to send the email. Please contact %s for more information." msgid "FirstLoginChangePassword" msgstr "This is your first login. Please update your password to something you will remember." msgid "NeedContactAdmin" msgstr "Click here to contact the administrator" msgid "MarkAll" msgstr "Select all" msgid "UnmarkAll" msgstr "Unselect all" msgid "NotAuthorized" msgstr "Not authorized" msgid "UnknownAction" msgstr "Unknown action" msgid "First" msgstr "First" msgid "Last" msgstr "Last" msgid "YouAreNotAuthorized" msgstr "You are not authorized to do this" msgid "NoImplementation" msgstr "No implementation available yet for this action" msgid "ReplaceExistingEntries" msgstr "Replace existing entries" msgid "AddItems" msgstr "Add items" msgid "NotFound" msgstr "Not found" msgid "SentSuccessfully" msgstr "Successfully sent" msgid "SentFailed" msgstr "Sending failed" msgid "PortalSessionsLimitReached" msgstr "The number of sessions limit for this portal has been reached" msgid "ANewSessionWasCreated" msgstr "A new session has been created" msgid "Online" msgstr "Online" msgid "Offline" msgstr "Offline" msgid "TimelineItemText" msgstr "Text" msgid "TimelineItemMedia" msgstr "Media" msgid "TimelineItemMediaCaption" msgstr "Caption" msgid "TimelineItemMediaCredit" msgstr "Credits" msgid "TimelineItemTitleSlide" msgstr "Slider title" msgid "SSOError" msgstr "Single Sign On error" msgid "Sent" msgstr "Sent" msgid "TimelineItem" msgstr "Item" msgid "Listing" msgstr "Listing" msgid "CourseRssTitle" msgstr "Course RSS" msgid "CourseRssDescription" msgstr "RSS feed for all course notifications" msgid "AllowPublicCertificates" msgstr "Learner certificates are public" msgid "PortalHomepageEdited" msgstr "Portal homepage updated" msgid "UserRegistrationTitle" msgstr "User registration" msgid "UserRegistrationComment" msgstr "Actions to be fired when a user registers to the platform" msgid "Disabled" msgstr "Disabled" msgid "Required" msgstr "Required" msgid "CategorySaved" msgstr "Category saved" msgid "CategoryRemoved" msgstr "Category removed" msgid "BrowserDoesNotSupportNanogongPlayer" msgstr "Your browser doesn't support the Nanogong player" msgid "ImportCSV" msgstr "Import CSV" msgid "DataTableLengthMenu" msgstr "Table length" msgid "DataTableZeroRecords" msgstr "No record found" msgid "MalformedUrl" msgstr "Badly formed URL" msgid "DataTableInfo" msgstr "Info" msgid "DataTableInfoEmpty" msgstr "Empty" msgid "DataTableInfoFiltered" msgstr "Filtered" msgid "DataTableSearch" msgstr "Search" msgid "HideColumn" msgstr "Hide column" msgid "DisplayColumn" msgstr "Show column" msgid "LegalAgreementAccepted" msgstr "Legal agreement accepted" msgid "lang_new_item" msgstr "new item added" msgid "TitleNotification" msgstr "Since your latest visit" msgid "lang_update_agenda" msgstr "event updated" msgid "lang_new_agenda" msgstr "event added" msgid "lang_update_announcements" msgstr "existing announcement updated" msgid "lang_new_announcements" msgstr "new announcement added" msgid "lang_new_document" msgstr "new document(s) added" msgid "lang_new_exercise" msgstr "new test enabled" msgid "lang_update_link" msgstr "existing link information updated" msgid "lang_new_link" msgstr "new link added" msgid "lang_new_forum_topic" msgstr "new topic added" msgid "lang_new_groupforum_topic" msgstr "new topic added to group forum" msgid "lang_new_dropbox_file" msgstr "new file received" msgid "lang_update_dropbox_file" msgstr "a file in your dropbox was updated" msgid "ForumCategoryAdded" msgstr "The forum category has been added" msgid "LearnpathAdded" msgstr "Course added" msgid "GlossaryAdded" msgstr "Added new term in the Glossary" msgid "QuizQuestionAdded" msgstr "Added new question in the quiz" msgid "QuizQuestionUpdated" msgstr "Updated new question in the Quiz" msgid "QuizQuestionDeleted" msgstr "Deleted new question in the Quiz" msgid "QuizUpdated" msgstr "Quiz updated" msgid "QuizAdded" msgstr "Quiz added" msgid "QuizDeleted" msgstr "Quiz deleted" msgid "DocumentInvisible" msgstr "Document invisible" msgid "DocumentVisible" msgstr "Document visible" msgid "CourseDescriptionAdded" msgstr "Course Description added" msgid "WikiAdded" msgstr "Wiki added" msgid "SurveyAdded" msgstr "Survey added" msgid "NotebookAdded" msgstr "Note added" msgid "NotebookUpdated" msgstr "Note updated" msgid "NotebookDeleted" msgstr "Note deleted" msgid "LearnpathUpdated" msgstr "Learning path updated" msgid "HandedOutDate" msgstr "Time of reception" msgid "HandedOut" msgstr "Handed out" msgid "HandOutDateLimit" msgstr "Deadline" msgid "Tools" msgstr "Tools" msgid "SendWork" msgstr "Upload paper" msgid "langTooBig" msgstr "You didn't choose any file to send, or it is too big" msgid "langListDeleted" msgstr "List has been deleted" msgid "langDocModif" msgstr "paper title modified" msgid "langDocAdd" msgstr "The file has been added to the list of publications." msgid "langDocDel" msgstr "File deleted" msgid "langTitleWork" msgstr "Paper title" msgid "langAuthors" msgstr "Authors" msgid "langDelList" msgstr "Delete list" msgid "langWorkDelete" msgstr "Delete" msgid "langWorkModify" msgstr "Edit" msgid "langWorkConfirmDelete" msgstr "Do you really want to delete this file" msgid "langAllFiles" msgstr "Actions on all files" msgid "DefaultUpload" msgstr "Default setting for the visibility of newly posted files" msgid "NewVisible" msgstr "New documents are visible for all users" msgid "NewUnvisible" msgstr "New documents are only visible for the teacher(s)" msgid "lang_doc_unvisible" msgstr "Your file is only visible to the teacher(s) and will therefore not be visible to you." msgid "langDelLk" msgstr "Do you really want to delete this link?" msgid "langMustBeRegisteredUser" msgstr "Only registered users of this training can publish documents." msgid "langListDel" msgstr "Delete list" msgid "langNameDir" msgstr "Name of the new folder" msgid "langFileExists" msgstr "The operation is impossible, a file with this name already exists." msgid "CreateDirectory" msgstr "Validate" msgid "langCurrentDir" msgstr "current folder" msgid "UploadADocument" msgstr "Submit paper" msgid "EditToolOptions" msgstr "Assignments settings" msgid "DocumentDeleted" msgstr "Document deleted" msgid "SendMailBody" msgstr "A user posted a document in the Assignments tool" msgid "DirDelete" msgstr "Delete directory" msgid "ValidateChanges" msgstr "Validate changes" msgid "FolderUpdated" msgstr "Folder updated" msgid "EndsAt" msgstr "Ends at (completely closed)" msgid "QualificationOfAssignment" msgstr "Assignment scoring" msgid "MakeQualifiable" msgstr "Add to gradebook" msgid "QualificationNumberOver" msgstr "Score" msgid "WeightInTheGradebook" msgstr "Weight inside assessment" msgid "DatesAvailables" msgstr "Date limits" msgid "ExpiresAt" msgstr "Expires at" msgid "AddToCalendar" msgstr "Add assignment handling (or creation) date to calendar" msgid "DirectoryCreated" msgstr "Directory created" msgid "Assignment" msgstr "Assignments" msgid "AdvancedParameters" msgstr "Advanced settings" msgid "ExpiryDateToSendWorkIs" msgstr "Deadline for assignments" msgid "EnableExpiryDate" msgstr "Enable handing over deadline (visible to learners)" msgid "EnableEndDate" msgstr "Enable final acceptance date (invisible to learners)" msgid "IsNotPosibleSaveTheDocument" msgstr "Impossible to save the document" msgid "EndDateCannotBeBeforeTheExpireDate" msgstr "End date cannot be before the expiry date" msgid "SelectAFilter" msgstr "Select a filter" msgid "FilterByNotExpired" msgstr "Filter by not expired" msgid "FilterAssignments" msgstr "Filter assignments" msgid "WeightNecessary" msgstr "Minimum score expected" msgid "QualificationOver" msgstr "Score" msgid "ExpiryDateAlreadyPassed" msgstr "Expiry date already passed" msgid "EndDateAlreadyPassed" msgstr "End date already passed" msgid "MoveXTo" msgstr "Move %s to" msgid "QualificationMustNotBeMoreThanQualificationOver" msgstr "The mark cannot exceed maximum score" msgid "ModifyDirectory" msgstr "Validate" msgid "DeleteAllFiles" msgstr "Delete all papers" msgid "BackToWorksList" msgstr "Back to Assignments list" msgid "EditMedia" msgstr "Edit and mark paper" msgid "AllFilesInvisible" msgstr "All papers are now invisible" msgid "FileInvisible" msgstr "The file is now invisible" msgid "AllFilesVisible" msgstr "All papers are now visible" msgid "FileVisible" msgstr "The file is now visible" msgid "ButtonCreateAssignment" msgstr "Create assignment" msgid "AssignmentName" msgstr "Assignment name" msgid "CreateAssignment" msgstr "Create assignment" msgid "FolderEdited" msgstr "Folder edited" msgid "UpdateWork" msgstr "Update this task" msgid "MakeAllPapersInvisible" msgstr "Make all papers invisible" msgid "MakeAllPapersVisible" msgstr "Make all papers visible" msgid "TheDocumentHasBeenDeleted" msgstr "The document has been deleted." msgid "YouAreNotAllowedToDeleteThisDocument" msgstr "You are not allowed to delete this document" msgid "StudentAllowedToDeleteOwnPublication" msgstr "Allow learners to delete their own publications" msgid "ConfirmYourChoiceDeleteAllfiles" msgstr "Please confirm your choice. This will delete all files without possibility of recovery" msgid "WorkName" msgstr "Assignment name" msgid "ReminderToSubmitPendingTask" msgstr "Please remember you still have to send an assignment" msgid "MessageConfirmSendingOfTask" msgstr "This is a message confirming the good reception of the task" msgid "DataSent" msgstr "Data sent" msgid "DownloadLink" msgstr "Download link" msgid "ViewUsersWithTask" msgstr "Assignments received" msgid "ReminderMessage" msgstr "Send a reminder" msgid "DateSent" msgstr "Date sent" msgid "ViewUsersWithoutTask" msgstr "View missing assignments" msgid "HomeworkCreated" msgstr "An assignment was created" msgid "HomeworkHasBeenCreatedForTheCourse" msgstr "An assignment was created for the course" msgid "PleaseCheckHomeworkPage" msgstr "Please check the assignments page." msgid "IncludedInEvaluation" msgstr "Included in the evaluation" msgid "DateExpiredNotBeLessDeadLine" msgstr "The expiration date cannot be smaller than the deadline." msgid "NotRevised" msgstr "Not reviewed" msgid "MaxWeightNeedToBeProvided" msgstr "Max weight need to be provided" msgid "ContainsAfile" msgstr "Contains a file" msgid "AllowTextAssignments" msgstr "Allow assignments handing through online editor" msgid "YouAlreadySentAPaperYouCantUpload" msgstr "You already sent an assignment, you can't upload a new one" msgid "CantUploadDeleteYourPaperFirst" msgstr "You cannot upload this assignment. Please delete the previous one first." msgid "langSelectOptionForBackup" msgstr "Please select a backup-option" msgid "langLetMeSelectItems" msgstr "Let me select learning objects" msgid "langCreateFullBackup" msgstr "Create a complete backup of this training" msgid "langCreateBackup" msgstr "Create a backup" msgid "langBackupCreated" msgstr "The backup has been created. The download of this file will start in a few moments. If your download does not start, click the following link" msgid "langSelectBackupFile" msgstr "Select a backup file" msgid "langImportBackup" msgstr "Import backup" msgid "langImportFullBackup" msgstr "Import full backup" msgid "langImportFinished" msgstr "Import finished" msgid "langEvents" msgstr "Events" msgid "langAnnouncements" msgstr "Announcements" msgid "langDocuments" msgstr "Documents" msgid "langTests" msgstr "Tests" msgid "langLearnpaths" msgstr "Courses" msgid "langCopyCourse" msgstr "Copy course" msgid "langSelectItemsToCopy" msgstr "Select learning objects to copy" msgid "langCopyFinished" msgstr "Copying is finished" msgid "langFullRecycle" msgstr "Delete everything" msgid "langRecycleCourse" msgstr "Empty this course" msgid "langRecycleFinished" msgstr "Recycle is finished" msgid "langRecycleWarning" msgstr "Warning: using this tool, you will delete learning objects in your training. There is no UNDO possible. We advise you to create a backup before." msgid "langSameFilename" msgstr "What should be done with imported files with the same file name as existing files?" msgid "langSameFilenameSkip" msgstr "Skip same file name" msgid "langSameFilenameRename" msgstr "Rename file (eg file.pdf becomes file_1.pdf)" msgid "langSameFilenameOverwrite" msgstr "Overwrite file" msgid "langSelectDestinationCourse" msgstr "Select target course" msgid "langFullCopy" msgstr "Full copy" msgid "langCourseDescription" msgstr "Course description" msgid "langNoResourcesToBackup" msgstr "There are no resources to backup" msgid "langNoResourcesInBackupFile" msgstr "There are no resources in backup file" msgid "langSelectResources" msgstr "Select resources" msgid "langNoResourcesToRecycles" msgstr "There are no resources to recycle" msgid "langIncludeQuestionPool" msgstr "Include questions pool" msgid "langLocalFile" msgstr "local file" msgid "langServerFile" msgstr "server file" msgid "langNoBackupsAvailable" msgstr "No backup is available" msgid "langNoDestinationCoursesAvailable" msgstr "No destination course available" msgid "langBackup" msgstr "Backup" msgid "langImportBackupInfo" msgstr "Import a backup. You will be able to upload a backup file from you local drive or you can use a backup file available on the server." msgid "langCreateBackupInfo" msgstr "Create a backup. You can select the learning objects to integrate in the backup file." msgid "ToolIntro" msgstr "Tool introduction" msgid "UploadError" msgstr "Upload failed, please check maximum file size limits and folder rights." msgid "DocumentsWillBeAddedToo" msgstr "Documents will be added too" msgid "ToExportLearnpathWithQuizYouHaveToSelectQuiz" msgstr "If you want to export a course containing a test, you have to make sure the corresponding tests are included in the export, so you have to select them in the list of tests." msgid "ArchivesDirectoryNotWriteableContactAdmin" msgstr "The archives directory, used by this tool, is not writeable. Please contact your platform administrator." msgid "DestinationCourse" msgstr "Target course" msgid "IfYourLPsHaveAudioFilesIncludedYouShouldSelectThemFromTheDocuments" msgstr "If your Learning paths have audio files included, you should select them from the documents" msgid "DontForgetToSelectTheMediaFilesIfYourResourceNeedIt" msgstr "Don't forget to select the media files if your resource need it" msgid "langStatDB" msgstr "Tracking DB." msgid "langEnableTracking" msgstr "Enable Tracking" msgid "langInstituteShortName" msgstr "Your company short name" msgid "langWarningResponsible" msgstr "Use this script only after backup. The Chamilo team is not responsible for lost or corrupted data." msgid "langAllowSelfRegProf" msgstr "Allow self-registration as a trainer" msgid "langEG" msgstr "ex." msgid "langDBHost" msgstr "Database Host" msgid "langDBLogin" msgstr "Database Login" msgid "langDBPassword" msgstr "Database Password" msgid "langMainDB" msgstr "Main Chamilo database (DB)" msgid "langAllFieldsRequired" msgstr "all fields required" msgid "langPrintVers" msgstr "Printable version" msgid "langLocalPath" msgstr "Corresponding local path" msgid "langAdminEmail" msgstr "Administrator email" msgid "langAdminName" msgstr "Administrator Name" msgid "langAdminSurname" msgstr "Surname of the Administrator" msgid "langAdminLogin" msgstr "Administrator login" msgid "langAdminPass" msgstr "Administrator password (you may want to change this)" msgid "langEducationManager" msgstr "Project manager" msgid "langCampusName" msgstr "Your portal name" msgid "langDBSettingIntro" msgstr "The install script will create the Chamilo main database(s). Please note that Chamilo will need to create several databases. If you are allowed to use only one database by your Hosting Service, Chamilo will not work, unless you chose the option \"One database\"." msgid "langStep1" msgstr "Step 1" msgid "langStep2" msgstr "Step 2" msgid "langStep3" msgstr "Step 3" msgid "langStep4" msgstr "Step 4" msgid "langStep5" msgstr "Step 5" msgid "langStep6" msgstr "Step 6" msgid "langCfgSetting" msgstr "Config settings" msgid "langDBSetting" msgstr "MySQL database settings" msgid "langMainLang" msgstr "Main language" msgid "langLicence" msgstr "Licence" msgid "langLastCheck" msgstr "Last check before install" msgid "langRequirements" msgstr "Requirements" msgid "langDbPrefixForm" msgstr "MySQL database prefix" msgid "langDbPrefixCom" msgstr "Leave empty if not requested" msgid "langEncryptUserPass" msgstr "Encrypt user passwords in database" msgid "langSingleDb" msgstr "Use one or several DB for Chamilo" msgid "langAllowSelfReg" msgstr "Allow self-registration" msgid "langRecommended" msgstr "(recommended)" msgid "langScormDB" msgstr "Scorm DB" msgid "langAdminLastName" msgstr "Administrator last name" msgid "langAdminPhone" msgstr "Administrator telephone" msgid "OK" msgstr "Validate" msgid "langAdminFirstName" msgstr "Administrator first name" msgid "langInstituteURL" msgstr "URL of this company" msgid "langDokeosURL" msgstr "URL of Chamilo" msgid "langUserDB" msgstr "User DB" msgid "PleaseWait" msgstr "Continue" msgid "PleaseCheckTheseValues" msgstr "Please check these values" msgid "PleasGoBackToStep1" msgstr "Please go back to step 1" msgid "langInstallationLanguage" msgstr "Installation Language" msgid "ReadThoroughly" msgstr "Please read the following requirements thoroughly." msgid "DokeosNeedFollowingOnServer" msgstr "For Chamilo to work, you need the following on your server" msgid "WarningExistingDokeosInstallationDetected" msgstr "Warning!
      The installer has detected an existing Chamilo platform on your system." msgid "NewInstallation" msgstr "New installation" msgid "CheckDatabaseConnection" msgstr "Check database connection" msgid "PrintOverview" msgstr "Show Overview" msgid "Installing" msgstr "Install" msgid "of" msgstr "of" msgid "Step" msgstr "Step" msgid "MoreDetails" msgstr "For more details" msgid "ServerRequirements" msgstr "Server requirements" msgid "ServerRequirementsInfo" msgstr "Your server must provide the following libraries to enable all features of Chamilo. The missing libraries shown in orange letters are optional, but some features of Chamilo might be disabled if they are not installed. You can still install those libraries later on to enable the missing features." msgid "PHPVersion" msgstr "PHP version" msgid "support" msgstr "support" msgid "PHPVersionOK" msgstr "Your PHP version matches the minimum requirement:" msgid "RecommendedSettings" msgstr "Recommended settings" msgid "RecommendedSettingsInfo" msgstr "Recommended settings for your server configuration. These settings are set in the php.ini configuration file on your server." msgid "Setting" msgstr "Setting" msgid "Actual" msgstr "Currently" msgid "DirectoryAndFilePermissions" msgstr "Directory and files permissions" msgid "DirectoryAndFilePermissionsInfo" msgstr "Some directories and the files they include must be writable by the web server in order for Chamilo to run (user uploaded files, homepage html files, ...). This might imply a manual change on your server (outside of this interface)." msgid "NotWritable" msgstr "Not writable" msgid "Writable" msgstr "Writable" msgid "ExtensionLDAPNotAvailable" msgstr "LDAP Extension not available" msgid "ExtensionGDNotAvailable" msgstr "GD Extension not available" msgid "DokeosLicenseInfo" msgstr "Chamilo is free software distributed under the GNU General Public licence (GPL)." msgid "IAccept" msgstr "I Accept" msgid "ConfigSettingsInfo" msgstr "The following values will be written into your configuration file" msgid "DokeosInstallation" msgstr "Chamilo Installation" msgid "InstallDokeos" msgstr "Install Chamilo" msgid "GoToYourNewlyCreatedPortal" msgstr "Go to your newly created portal." msgid "FirstUseTip" msgstr "When you enter your portal for the first time, the best way to understand it is to create a course with the 'Create course' link in the menu and play around a little." msgid "Version_" msgstr "Version" msgid "UpdateFromDokeosVersion" msgstr "Update from Chamilo" msgid "WelcomToTheDokeosInstaller" msgstr "Welcome to the Chamilo Installer" msgid "PleaseSelectInstallationProcessLanguage" msgstr "Please select the language you'd like to use when installing" msgid "ReadTheInstallGuide" msgstr "read the installation guide" msgid "HereAreTheValuesYouEntered" msgstr "Here are the values you entered" msgid "PrintThisPageToRememberPassAndOthers" msgstr "Print this page to remember your password and other settings" msgid "TheInstallScriptWillEraseAllTables" msgstr "The install script will erase all tables of the selected databases. We heavily recommend you do a full backup of them before confirming this last install step." msgid "Warning" msgstr "Warning" msgid "ReadWarningBelow" msgstr "read warning below" msgid "SecurityAdvice" msgstr "Security advice" msgid "YouHaveMoreThanXCourses" msgstr "You have more than %d courses on your Chamilo platform ! Only %d courses have been updated. To update the other courses, %sclick here %s" msgid "ToProtectYourSiteMakeXAndYReadOnly" msgstr "To protect your site, make %s and %s (but not their directories) read-only (CHMOD 444)." msgid "Error" msgstr "Error" msgid "Back" msgstr "Back" msgid "HasNotBeenFound" msgstr "has not been found" msgid "PleaseGoBackToStep1" msgstr "Please go back to Step 1" msgid "HasNotBeenFoundInThatDir" msgstr "has not been found in that directory" msgid "OldVersionRootPath" msgstr "Old version's root path" msgid "NoWritePermissionPleaseReadInstallGuide" msgstr "Some files or folders don't have writing permission. To be able to install Chamilo you should first change their permissions (using CHMOD). Please read the %s installation guide %s" msgid "DBServerDoesntWorkOrLoginPassIsWrong" msgstr "The database server doesn't work or login / pass is bad" msgid "PleaseGoBackToStep" msgstr "Please go back to Step" msgid "DBSettingUpgradeIntro" msgstr "The upgrade script will recover and update the Chamilo database(s). In order to do this, this script will use the databases and settings defined below. Because our software runs on a wide range of systems and because all of them might not have been tested, we strongly recommend you do a full backup of your databases before you proceed with the upgrade!" msgid "ExtensionMBStringNotAvailable" msgstr "MBString extension not available" msgid "ExtensionMySQLNotAvailable" msgstr "MySQL extension not available" msgid "DokeosArtLicense" msgstr "The images and media galleries of Chamilo use images from Nuvola, Crystal Clear and Tango icon galleries. Other images and media like diagrams and Flash animations are borrowed from Wikimedia and Ali Pakdel's and Denis Hoa's courses with their agreement and released under BY-SA Creative Commons license. You may find the license details at the CC website, where a link to the full text of the license is provided at the bottom of the page." msgid "OptionalParameters" msgstr "Optional parameters" msgid "FailedConectionDatabase" msgstr "The database connection has failed. This is generally due to the wrong user, the wrong password or the wrong database prefix being set above. Please review these settings and try again." msgid "EncryptMethodUserPass" msgstr "Encryption method" msgid "UpgradeFromDokeos16x" msgstr "Upgrade from Chamilo 1.6.x" msgid "UpgradeFromDokeos18x" msgstr "Upgrade from Chamilo 1.8.x" msgid "Step7" msgstr "Step 7" msgid "SuggestionOnlyToEnableCSSUploadFeature" msgstr "Suggestion only if you want to enable the CSS upload feature" msgid "SuggestionOnlyToEnableSubLanguageFeature" msgstr "Suggestion only if you want to enable the sub-language feature" msgid "ToProtectYourSiteMakeXReadOnlyAndDeleteY" msgstr "To protect your site, make the whole %s directory read-only (chmod 0555 on Linux) and delete the %s directory." msgid "IfYouPlanToUpgradeFromOlderVersionYouMightWantToHaveAlookAtTheChangelog" msgstr "If you plan to upgrade from an older version of Chamilo, you might want to have a look at the changelog to know what's new and what has been changed" msgid "WelcomeToTheDokeosInstaller" msgstr "Welcome to the Chamilo installer" msgid "PHPVersionError" msgstr "Your PHP version does not match the requirements for this software. Please check you have the latest version, then try again." msgid "ExtensionSessionsNotAvailable" msgstr "Sessions extension not available" msgid "ExtensionZlibNotAvailable" msgstr "Zlib extension not available" msgid "ExtensionPCRENotAvailable" msgstr "PCRE extension not available" msgid "DatabaseXWillBeCreated" msgstr "Database %s will be created" msgid "ADatabaseWithTheSameNameAlreadyExists" msgstr "A database with the same name already exists." msgid "UserXCantHaveAccessInTheDatabaseX" msgstr "User %s doesn't have access in the database %s" msgid "DatabaseXCantBeCreatedUserXDoestHaveEnoughPermissions" msgstr "Database %s can't be created, user %s doesn't have enough permissions" msgid "CourseTestWasCreated" msgstr "A test course has been created successfully" msgid "InstallExecution" msgstr "Installation process execution" msgid "UpdateExecution" msgstr "Update process execution" msgid "PleaseWaitThisCouldTakeAWhile" msgstr "Please wait. This could take a while..." msgid "langMyAgenda" msgstr "Personal agenda" msgid "langToday" msgstr "Today" msgid "langInvalidId" msgstr "Login failed - incorrect login or password." msgid "langWelcome" msgstr "Welcome !" msgid "langPass" msgstr "Pass" msgid "langEnter" msgstr "Back to training list" msgid "langReg" msgstr "Register" msgid "langMenu" msgstr "Menu" msgid "langAdvises" msgstr "Advises" msgid "langCourseDoesntExist" msgstr "Warning : This course does not exist" msgid "langGetCourseFromOldPortal" msgstr "click here to get this course from your old portal" msgid "langOtherCourses" msgstr "other courses" msgid "langSupportForum" msgstr "Support forum" msgid "langCategories" msgstr "categories" msgid "langBackToHomePage" msgstr "Categories Overview" msgid "lang_No_course_publicly_available" msgstr "No course publicly available." msgid "langLostPassword" msgstr "I lost my password" msgid "lang_edit_my_course_list" msgstr "Edit courses list" msgid "langAgenda" msgstr "Agenda" msgid "langValvas" msgstr "Latest announcements" msgid "langUp" msgstr "Up" msgid "langCatList" msgstr "Categories" msgid "langCourseList" msgstr "Courses list" msgid "langHelptwo" msgstr "Help" msgid "langRegAll" msgstr "register" msgid "EussMenu" msgstr "menu" msgid "Opinio" msgstr "Opinion" msgid "Intranet" msgstr "Intranet" msgid "Englin" msgstr "English" msgid "langInvalidForSelfRegistration" msgstr "Login failed - if you are not registered, you can do so using the registration form" msgid "langSubCat" msgstr "sub-categories" msgid "langMenuGeneral" msgstr "Help" msgid "langMenuUser" msgstr "My account" msgid "langMenuAdmin" msgstr "Portal Admin" msgid "langUsersOnLineList" msgstr "Online users list" msgid "langTotalOnLine" msgstr "Total online" msgid "langRefresh" msgstr "Refresh" msgid "langMe" msgstr "me" msgid "langSystemAnnouncements" msgstr "Portal news" msgid "langHelpMaj" msgstr "Help" msgid "langNotRegistered" msgstr "Not Registered" msgid "langAdmin" msgstr "Portal admin" msgid "Login" msgstr "Login" msgid "langRegisterForCourse" msgstr "Register for course" msgid "langUnregisterForCourse" msgstr "Unregister from course" msgid "langCombinedCourse" msgstr "Combined course" msgid "Platform" msgstr "Portal" msgid "Refresh" msgstr "Refresh" msgid "TotalOnLine" msgstr "total users online" msgid "langCourseClosed" msgstr "(the course is currently closed)" msgid "ViewOpenCourses" msgstr "View open courses" msgid "langCompetences" msgstr "Competences" msgid "langDiplomas" msgstr "Diplomas" msgid "langTeach" msgstr "What s/he can teach" msgid "langProductions" msgstr "Productions" msgid "langSendChatRequest" msgstr "Send a chat proposal to this person" msgid "langRequestDenied" msgstr "The invitation has been rejected." msgid "UsageDatacreated" msgstr "Usage data created" msgid "SessionView" msgstr "Display training ordered by training sessions" msgid "CourseView" msgstr "Display the full list of the courses" msgid "DropboxFileAdded" msgstr "Dropbox file added" msgid "NewMessageInForum" msgstr "New message posted in the forum" msgid "FolderCreated" msgstr "New folder created" msgid "LinkAdded" msgstr "Assessment added" msgid "AnnouncementAdded" msgstr "Announcement has been added" msgid "AgendaAdded" msgstr "Event added" msgid "LoginEnter" msgstr "Login" msgid "Messages" msgstr "Messages" msgid "Inbox" msgstr "Inbox" msgid "Comppose" msgstr "Comppose" msgid "PendingInvitations" msgstr "Pending invitations" msgid "YouDoNotHaveAnySessionInItsHistory" msgstr "You have no session in your sessions history" msgid "PortalHomepageDefaultIntroduction" msgstr "

      Congratulations! You have successfully installed your e-learning portal!

      You can now complete the installation by following three easy steps:

      1. Configure you portal by going to the administration section, and select the Portal -> Configuration settings entry.
      2. Add some life to your portal by creating users and/or training. You can do that by inviting new people to create their accounts or creating them yourself through the administration's Users and Training sections.
      3. Edit this page through the Edit portal homepage entry in the administration section.

      You can always find more information about this software on our website:

      Have fun, and don't hesitate to join the community and give us feedback through our forum.

      " msgid "Username" msgstr "User name" msgid "GoAheadAndBrowseOurCourseCatalogXOnceRegisteredYouWillSeeTheCourseHereX" msgstr "

      Go ahead and browse our course catalog %s to register to any course you like. Once registered, you will see the course appear right %s, instead of this message.

      " msgid "HelloXAsYouCanSeeYourCourseListIsEmpty" msgstr "

      Hello %s and welcome,

      As you can see, your courses list is still empty. That's because you are not registered to any course yet!

      " msgid "PleaseAllowUsALittleTimeToSubscribeYouToOneOfOurCourses" msgstr "Please allow us a little time to subscribe you to one of our courses. If you think we forgot you, contact the portal administrators. You can usually find their contact details in the footer of this page." msgid "Profile" msgstr "Profile" msgid "langTooBig" msgstr "You didn't choose any file to send, or it is too big" msgid "langLinkTarget" msgstr "Link's target" msgid "langSameWindow" msgstr "In the same window" msgid "langNewWindow" msgstr "In a new window" msgid "langAdded" msgstr "Added" msgid "langAddLink" msgstr "Add a link" msgid "langEditLink" msgstr "Edit link" msgid "langMdCallingTool" msgstr "Documents" msgid "langMdTitle" msgstr "Learning Object Title" msgid "langMdDescription" msgstr "To store this information, press Store" msgid "langMdCoverage" msgstr "e.g. Bachelor of ..." msgid "langMdCopyright" msgstr "e.g. provided the source is acknowledged" msgid "langTool" msgstr "Document Metadata" msgid "langNoScript" msgstr "Script is not enabled in your browser, please ignore the screen part below this text, it won't work..." msgid "langPressAgain" msgstr "Press 'Store' again..." msgid "langLanguageTip" msgstr "the language in which this learning object was made" msgid "langIdentifier" msgstr "Identifier" msgid "langIdentifierTip" msgstr "unique identification for this learning object, composed of letters, digits, _-.()'!*" msgid "langTitleTip" msgstr "title or name, and language of that title or name" msgid "langDescriptionTip" msgstr "description or comment, and language used for describing this learning object" msgid "langKeyword" msgstr "Keyword" msgid "langKeywordTip" msgstr "separate by commas (letters, digits, -.)" msgid "langCoverage" msgstr "Coverage" msgid "langCoverageTip" msgstr "for example bachelor of xxx: yyy" msgid "langKwNote" msgstr "If you change the description language, do not add keywords at the same time." msgid "langClickKw" msgstr "Click a keyword in the tree to select or deselect it." msgid "langKwHelp" msgstr "
      Click '+' button to open, '-' button to close, '++' button to open all, '--' button to close all.

      Clear all selected keywords by closing the tree and opening it again with the '+' button.
      Alt-click '+' searches the original keywords in the tree.

      Alt-click keyword selects a keyword without broader terms ordeselects a keyword with broader terms.

      If you change the description language, do not add keywords at the same time.

      " msgid "langRights" msgstr "Usage Rights" msgid "langRightsTip" msgstr "describe in words" msgid "langVersion" msgstr "Version" msgid "langVersionTip" msgstr "number or description" msgid "langStatusTip" msgstr "select from list" msgid "langCreatedSize" msgstr "Created, size" msgid "langCreatedSizeTip" msgstr "YYYY-MM-DD when created, size in octets (bytes)" msgid "langAuthorTip" msgstr "in VCARD format" msgid "langFormat" msgstr "Format" msgid "langFormatTip" msgstr "select from list" msgid "langLocation" msgstr "URL/URI" msgid "langLocationTip" msgstr "click to open object" msgid "langStore" msgstr "Store" msgid "langDeleteAll" msgstr "Delete all metadata" msgid "langConfirmDelete" msgstr "Do you *really* want to delete all metadata?" msgid "langCourseKwds" msgstr "This document contains the course keywords" msgid "langSearch" msgstr "Search" msgid "langSearchCrit" msgstr "One word per line!" msgid "langStatuses" msgstr ":draft:draft,, final:final,, revised:revised,, unavailable:unavailable" msgid "langCosts" msgstr ":no:free, no cost,, yes:not free, cost" msgid "langCopyrights" msgstr ":yes:copyright,, no:no copyright" msgid "langFormats" msgstr ":text/plain;iso-8859-1:text/plain;iso-8859-1,, text/plain;utf-8:text/plain;utf-8,, text/html;iso-8859-1:text/html;iso-8859-1,, text/html;utf-8:text/html;utf-8,, inode/directory:Folder,, application/msword:MsWord,, application/octet-stream:Octet stream,, application/pdf:PDF,, application/postscript:PostScript,, application/rtf:RTF,, application/,, application/,, application/xml;iso-8859-1:XML;iso-8859-1,, application/xml;utf-8:XML;utf-8,, application/zip:ZIP" msgid "langLngResTypes" msgstr ":exercise:exercise,, simulation:simulation,, questionnaire:questionnaire,, diagram:diagram,, figure:figure,, graph:graf,, index:index,, slide:slide,, table:table,, narrative text:narrative text,, exam:exam,, experiment:experiment,, problem statement:problem statement,, self assessment:self assessment,, lecture:lecture" msgid "ModifyEvaluation" msgstr "Save assessment" msgid "CreateLink" msgstr "Add this learning activity to the assessment" msgid "AddResultNoStudents" msgstr "There are no learners to add results for" msgid "FlatView" msgstr "List View" msgid "ScoreEdit" msgstr "Skills ranking" msgid "ScoreColor" msgstr "Competence thresholds colouring" msgid "ScoringSystem" msgstr "Skills ranking" msgid "EnableScoreColor" msgstr "Enable Competence thresholds" msgid "Below" msgstr "Below" msgid "WillColorRed" msgstr "The mark will be coloured in red" msgid "EnableScoringSystem" msgstr "Enable skills ranking" msgid "IncludeUpperLimit" msgstr "Include upper limit (e.g. 0-20 includes 20)" msgid "ScoreInfo" msgstr "Score info" msgid "Between" msgstr "Between" msgid "CurrentCategory" msgstr "Current training" msgid "RootCat" msgstr "Main folder" msgid "NewCategory" msgstr "New category" msgid "NewEvaluation" msgstr "Add classroom activity" msgid "Weight" msgstr "Weight" msgid "PickACourse" msgstr "Pick a course" msgid "CategoryName" msgstr "Folder name" msgid "CourseIndependent" msgstr "Independent from course" msgid "CourseIndependentEvaluation" msgstr "Course independent evaluation" msgid "EvaluationName" msgstr "Assessment" msgid "Max" msgstr "Maximum" msgid "DateEval" msgstr "Evaluation date" msgid "AddUserToEval" msgstr "Add users to evaluation" msgid "NewSubCategory" msgstr "New sub-category" msgid "MakeLink" msgstr "Add online activity" msgid "DeleteSelected" msgstr "Delete selected" msgid "SetVisible" msgstr "Set visible" msgid "SetInvisible" msgstr "Set invisible" msgid "ChooseLink" msgstr "Choose type of activity to assess" msgid "DokeosExercises" msgstr "Tests" msgid "DokeosDropbox" msgstr "Dropbox" msgid "DokeosStudentPublications" msgstr "Assignments" msgid "DokeosLearningPaths" msgstr "Learning paths" msgid "ChooseExercise" msgstr "Choose test" msgid "AddResult" msgstr "Grade learners" msgid "BackToOverview" msgstr "Back to folder view" msgid "ExportPDF" msgstr "Export to PDF" msgid "Print" msgstr "Print" msgid "ChooseOrientation" msgstr "Choose orientation" msgid "Portrait" msgstr "Portrait" msgid "Landscape" msgstr "Landscape" msgid "FilterCategory" msgstr "Filter category" msgid "DeleteAll" msgstr "Delete assessment?" msgid "ScoringUpdated" msgstr "Skills ranking updated" msgid "CertificateWCertifiesStudentXFinishedCourseYWithGradeZ" msgstr "%s certifies that %s has successfully completed the course '%s' with a grade of '%s'" msgid "CertificateMinScore" msgstr "Minimum certification score" msgid "CategoryAdded" msgstr "Category added" msgid "InViMod" msgstr "Assessment made invisible" msgid "ViMod" msgstr "Assessment made visible" msgid "ViewResult" msgstr "Assessment details" msgid "NoUser" msgstr "No user" msgid "NoResultsInEvaluation" msgstr "No results in evaluation for now" msgid "AddStudent" msgstr "Add learners" msgid "ImportResult" msgstr "Import marks" msgid "Score" msgstr "Performance" msgid "ImportFileLocation" msgstr "Import marks in an assessment" msgid "Location" msgstr "Location" msgid "FileType" msgstr "File type" msgid "ExampleCSVFile" msgstr "Example CSV file" msgid "ExampleXMLFile" msgstr "Example XML file" msgid "OverwriteScores" msgstr "Overwrite scores" msgid "IgnoreErrors" msgstr "Ignore errors" msgid "ItemsVisible" msgstr "The resources became visible" msgid "ItemsInVisible" msgstr "The resources became invisible" msgid "NoItemsSelected" msgstr "No resource selected" msgid "DeletedCategories" msgstr "Deleted categories" msgid "DeletedEvaluations" msgstr "Deleted evaluations" msgid "DeletedLinks" msgstr "Deleted links" msgid "TotalItems" msgstr "Total resources" msgid "LinkAdded" msgstr "Assessment added" msgid "LinkDeleted" msgstr "Assessment deleted" msgid "EditEvaluation" msgstr "Edit evaluation" msgid "DeleteResult" msgstr "Delete marks" msgid "Display" msgstr "Ranking" msgid "Average" msgstr "Average" msgid "ViewStatistics" msgstr "Graphical view" msgid "ResultAdded" msgstr "Result added" msgid "EvaluationStatistics" msgstr "Evaluation statistics" msgid "ExportResult" msgstr "PDF Report" msgid "EditResult" msgstr "Grade learners" msgid "GradebookWelcomeMessage" msgstr "Welcome to the Assessments tool. This tool allows you to assess competences in your organization. Generate Competences Reports by merging the score of various learning activities including classroom and online activities. This will typically fit in a blended learning environment." msgid "CreateAllCat" msgstr "Create all the training categories" msgid "AddAllCat" msgstr "Added all categories" msgid "StatsStudent" msgstr "Statistics of" msgid "Results" msgstr "Results and feedback" msgid "Certificates" msgstr "Certificates" msgid "Certificate" msgstr "Certificate" msgid "ChooseUser" msgstr "Choose users for this evaluation" msgid "FirstLetter" msgstr "First letter of lastname" msgid "UserAdded" msgstr "The user is added" msgid "ResultEdited" msgstr "Result edited" msgid "ChooseFormat" msgstr "PDF report" msgid "OutputFileType" msgstr "Output file type" msgid "OverMax" msgstr "Value exceeds score." msgid "MoreInfo" msgstr "More info" msgid "ResultsPerUser" msgstr "Results per user" msgid "TotalUser" msgstr "Total for user" msgid "AverageTotal" msgstr "Average total" msgid "Evaluation" msgstr "Score" msgid "EvaluationAverage" msgstr "Assessment average" msgid "EditCategory" msgstr "Edit this category" msgid "EditAllWeights" msgstr "Weight in Report" msgid "GradebookQualificationTotal" msgstr "Total" msgid "GradebookEvaluationDeleted" msgstr "Assessment deleted" msgid "GradebookQualifyLog" msgstr "Assessment history" msgid "GradebookNameLog" msgstr "Assessment name" msgid "GradebookDescriptionLog" msgstr "Assessment description" msgid "GradebookVisibilityLog" msgstr "Assessment visibility" msgid "ResourceType" msgstr "Category" msgid "GradebookWhoChangedItLog" msgstr "Who changed it" msgid "EvaluationEdited" msgstr "The evaluation has been succesfully edited" msgid "CategoryEdited" msgstr "Category updated" msgid "OnlyNumbers" msgstr "Only numbers" msgid "IncorrectData" msgstr "Incorrect data" msgid "Resource" msgstr "Assessment" msgid "PleaseEnableScoringSystem" msgstr "Please enable Skills ranking" msgid "AllResultDeleted" msgstr "All results have been removed" msgid "ImportNoFile" msgstr "There is no file to import" msgid "ProblemUploadingFile" msgstr "There was a problem sending your file. Nothing has been received." msgid "AllResultsEdited" msgstr "All results have been edited" msgid "UserInfoDoesNotMatch" msgstr "The user info doesn't match." msgid "ScoreDoesNotMatch" msgstr "The score doesn't match" msgid "FileUploadComplete" msgstr "File upload successfull" msgid "NoResultsAvailable" msgstr "No results available" msgid "CannotChangeTheMaxNote" msgstr "Cannot change the score" msgid "GradebookWeightUpdated" msgstr "Weights updated successfully" msgid "ChooseItem" msgstr "Choose activity to assess" msgid "AverageResultsVsResource" msgstr "Average results vs resource" msgid "ToViewGraphScoreRuleMustBeEnabled" msgstr "To view graph score rule must be enabled" msgid "GradebookPreviousWeight" msgstr "Previous weight of resource" msgid "AddAssessment" msgstr "Add this classroom activity to the assessment" msgid "FolderView" msgstr "Assessment home" msgid "GradebookSkillsRanking" msgstr "Skills ranking" msgid "SaveScoringRules" msgstr "Save weights in report" msgid "AttachCertificate" msgstr "Attach certificate" msgid "GradebookSeeListOfStudentsCertificates" msgstr "See list of learner certificates" msgid "CreateCertificate" msgstr "Create certificate" msgid "UploadCertificate" msgstr "Upload certificate" msgid "CertificateName" msgstr "Certificate name" msgid "CertificateOverview" msgstr "Certificate overview" msgid "CreateCertificateWithTags" msgstr "Create certificate with this tags" msgid "ViewPresenceSheets" msgstr "View presence sheets" msgid "ViewEvaluations" msgstr "View evaluations" msgid "NewPresenceSheet" msgstr "New presence sheet" msgid "NewPresenceStep1" msgstr "New presence sheet: step 1/2 : fill in the details of the presence sheet" msgid "TitlePresenceSheet" msgstr "Title of the activity" msgid "Trainer" msgstr "Teacher" msgid "PresenceSheetCreatedBy" msgstr "Presence sheet created by" msgid "SavePresence" msgstr "Save presence sheet and continue to step 2" msgid "NewPresenceStep2" msgstr "New presence sheet: step 2/2 : check the trainees that are present" msgid "NoCertificateAvailable" msgstr "No certificate available" msgid "SaveCertificate" msgstr "Save certificate" msgid "CertificateNotRemoved" msgstr "Certificate can't be removed" msgid "CertificateRemoved" msgstr "Certificate removed" msgid "NoDefaultCertificate" msgstr "No default" msgid "DefaultCertificate" msgstr "Default certificate" msgid "PreviewCertificate" msgstr "Preview certificate" msgid "IsDefaultCertificate" msgstr "Certificate set to default" msgid "ImportPresences" msgstr "Import presences" msgid "AddPresences" msgstr "Add presences" msgid "DeletePresences" msgstr "Delete presences" msgid "GradebookListOfStudentsCertificates" msgstr "List of learner certificates" msgid "NewPresence" msgstr "New presence" msgid "EditPresence" msgstr "Edit presence" msgid "SavedEditPresence" msgstr "Saved edit presence" msgid "PresenceSheetFormatExplanation" msgstr "You should use the presence sheet that you can download above. This presence sheet contains a list of all the learners in this course. The first column of the XLS file is the official code of the learner, followed by the lastname and the firstname. You should only change the 4th column and note 0 = absent, 1 = present" msgid "ValidatePresenceSheet" msgstr "Validate presence sheet" msgid "BackTo" msgstr "Back to" msgid "PresenceSheet" msgstr "Presence sheet" msgid "PresenceSheets" msgstr "Presence sheets" msgid "Evaluations" msgstr "Evaluations" msgid "SaveEditPresence" msgstr "Save changes in presence sheet" msgid "Training" msgstr "Course" msgid "Present" msgstr "Present" msgid "Numero" msgstr "N" msgid "PresentAbsent" msgstr "0 = absent, 1 = present" msgid "ExampleXLSFile" msgstr "Example Excel (XLS) file" msgid "NoResultsInPresenceSheet" msgstr "No presence registered" msgid "EditPresences" msgstr "Modify presences" msgid "TotalWeightMustNotBeMoreThan" msgstr "Total weight must not be more than" msgid "ThereIsNotACertificateAvailableByDefault" msgstr "There is no certificate available by default" msgid "CertificateMinimunScoreIsRequiredAndMustNotBeMoreThan" msgstr "Certificate minimun score is required and must not be more than" msgid "LinkMod" msgstr "Save" msgid "EditLink" msgstr "Edit link" msgid "CategoryDeleted" msgstr "The category has been deleted." msgid "GenerateCertificates" msgstr "Generate certificates" msgid "ExportAllCertificatesToPDF" msgstr "Export all certificates to PDF" msgid "DeleteAllCertificates" msgstr "Delete all certificates" msgid "AreYouSureToLockedTheEvaluation" msgstr "Are you sure you want to lock the evaluation?" msgid "AreYouSureToUnLockedTheEvaluation" msgstr "Are you sure you want to unlock the evaluation?" msgid "EvaluationHasBeenUnLocked" msgstr "Evaluation has been unlocked" msgid "EvaluationHasBeenLocked" msgstr "Evaluation has been locked" msgid "Over100" msgstr "Over 100" msgid "UnderMin" msgstr "Under the minimum." msgid "MoveWarning" msgstr "Warning: moving gradebook elements can be dangerous for the data inside your gradebook." msgid "CategoryMoved" msgstr "The gradebook has been moved." msgid "EvaluationMoved" msgstr "The gradebook component has been moved." msgid "NoLinkItems" msgstr "There are not linked components." msgid "NoUniqueScoreRanges" msgstr "There is no unique score range possibility." msgid "DidNotTakeTheExamAcronym" msgstr "The user did not take the exam." msgid "DidNotTakeTheExam" msgstr "The user did not take the exam." msgid "DeleteUser" msgstr "Delete user" msgid "ResultDeleted" msgstr "Result deleted." msgid "ResultsDeleted" msgstr "Results deleted." msgid "OverWriteMax" msgstr "Overwrite the maximum." msgid "ImportOverWriteScore" msgstr "The import should overwrite the score." msgid "NoDecimals" msgstr "No decimals" msgid "NegativeValue" msgstr "Negative value" msgid "ToExportMustLockEvaluation" msgstr "To export, you must lock the evaluation." msgid "ShowLinks" msgstr "Show links" msgid "TotalForThisCategory" msgstr "Total for this category." msgid "OpenDocument" msgstr "Open document" msgid "LockEvaluation" msgstr "Lock evaluation" msgid "UnLockEvaluation" msgstr "Unlock evaluation." msgid "TheEvaluationIsLocked" msgstr "The evaluation is locked." msgid "BackToEvaluation" msgstr "Back to evaluation." msgid "TotalWeight" msgstr "Total weight" msgid "SumOfActivitiesWeightMustBeEqualToTotalWeight" msgstr "The sum of all activity weights must be equal to the total weight indicated in your assessment settings, otherwise the learners will not be able to reach the sufficient score to achieve their certification." msgid "TotalSumOfWeights" msgstr "The sum of all weights of activities inside this assessment has to be equivalent to this number." msgid "TotalWeightMustBeX" msgstr "The sum of all weights of activities must be %s" msgid "ExportAsDOC" msgstr "Export as .doc" msgid "SelectGradebook" msgstr "Select assessment" msgid "CheckYourGradingModelValues" msgstr "Please check your grading model values" msgid "SkillsAchievedWhenAchievingThisGradebook" msgstr "Skills obtained when achieving this assessment" msgid "AddGradebook" msgstr "Add assessment" msgid "SelectGradeModel" msgstr "Select a calification model" msgid "AllMustWeight100" msgstr "The sum of all values must be 100" msgid "Components" msgstr "Components" msgid "OnlyActiveWhenThereAreAnyComponents" msgstr "This option is enabled if you have any evaluations or categories" msgid "GradebookLockedAlert" msgstr "This assessment has been locked. You cannot unlock it. If you really need to unlock it, please contact the platform administrator, explaining the reason why you would need to do that (it might otherwise be considered as fraud attempt)." msgid "NoStudentCertificatesAvailableYet" msgstr "No learner certificate available yet. Please note that, to generate his certificate, a learner has to go to the assessments tool and click the certificate icon, which will only appear when he reached the course objectives." msgid "CertificateExistsButNotPublic" msgstr "The requested certificate exists on this portal, but it has not been made public. Please login to view it." msgid "ConfirmToUnlockElement" msgstr "Confirm to unlock element" msgid "ShowVirtualKeyboardTitle" msgstr "Virtual keyboard login" msgid "ShowVirtualKeyboardComment" msgstr "Add a virtual keyboard for the login form" msgid "DisableCopyPasteTitle" msgstr "Disable Copy-Paste" msgid "DisableCopyPasteComment" msgstr "Disable context menu and copy and paste action in all platform" msgid "Answered" msgstr "Answered" msgid "Unanswered" msgstr "Unanswered" msgid "ToReview" msgstr "To be reviewed" msgid "CurrentQuestion" msgstr "Current question" msgid "LogTransactions" msgstr "Log Transactions" msgid "LogTransactionsForExerciseAttempts" msgstr "Log Transactions for Exercise tool attempts." msgid "LogTransactionsForExerciseAttemptsText" msgstr "Log Exercise attempts." msgid "LogTransactionsForExerciseAttemptsComment" msgstr "When enabled, exercise attempts will be saved as transactions. " msgid "Reports" msgstr "Rapports" msgid "DownloadFile" msgstr "Télécharger le fichier." msgid "ErrorWhileBuildingReport" msgstr "Une erreur est survenue pendant la préparation de ce rapport." msgid "UnknownFormat" msgstr "Format inconnu." msgid "PleaseFillFormToBuildReport" msgstr "Veuillez remplir le formulaire suivant pour construire votre rapport :" msgid "PleaseChooseReportType" msgstr "Veuillez choisir le type de rapport :" msgid "ReportType" msgstr "Type de rapport" msgid "ReportFormat" msgstr "Format de rapport" msgid "ShowWizard" msgstr "Afficher l'assistant" msgid "ReportsRequiresNoSetting" msgstr "Ce type de rapport ne nécessite pas de configuration." msgid "Firstname" msgstr "Prénom" msgid "Lastname" msgstr "Nom" msgid "Published" msgstr "Publié" msgid "NotPublished" msgstr "Non publié" msgid "AutoEvaluation" msgstr "Auto-évaluation" msgid "TimeSpentByStudentsInCourses" msgstr "Temps passé par les apprenants dans chaque cours" msgid "TimeSpentByStudentsInCoursesGroupedByCode" msgstr "Temps passé par les apprenants dans chaque cours, groupés par code" msgid "TestResultsByStudentsGroupesByCode" msgstr "Résultats de tests pour chaque apprenant, groupés par code" msgid "TestResultsByStudents" msgstr "Résultats de tests pour chaque apprenant" msgid "HowToTreatAttempts" msgstr "Traitement des tentatives multiples" msgid "PickOnlyFirstOne" msgstr "Ne prendre la première" msgid "PickOnlyLastOne" msgstr "Ne prendre que la derni&eagrave;re" msgid "PickAverageValue" msgstr "Prendre la valeur moyenne" msgid "PickMinimumValue" msgstr "Prendre la valeur minimale" msgid "PickMaximumValue" msgstr "Prendre la valeur maximale" msgid "QuestionGroupQuizByCourses" msgstr "Voulez-vous grouper les tests par cours ?" msgid "DoNotGroup" msgstr "Ne pas grouper" msgid "GroupAndShowAverage" msgstr "Grouper et afficher la valeur moyenne" msgid "GroupAndShowMinimum" msgstr "Grouper et afficher la valeur minimale" msgid "GroupAndShowMaximum" msgstr "Grouper et afficher la valeur maximale" msgid "Back" msgstr "Retour" msgid "Next" msgstr "Suivant" msgid "ReportTypeLink" msgstr "Lien" msgid "MessageEmptyMessageOrSubject" msgstr "Please provide a subject or message" msgid "Inbox" msgstr "Inbox" msgid "Messages" msgstr "Messages" msgid "SendMessage" msgstr "Send message" msgid "NewMessage" msgstr "New message" msgid "ComposeMessage" msgstr "Compose message" msgid "DeleteSelectedMessages" msgstr "Delete selected messages" msgid "SelectAll" msgstr "Select all" msgid "DeselectAll" msgstr "Deselect all" msgid "ReplyToMessage" msgstr "Reply to this message" msgid "BackToInbox" msgstr "Back to inbox" msgid "MessageSentTo" msgstr "The message has been sent to" msgid "SendMessageTo" msgstr "Send to" msgid "Myself" msgstr "myself" msgid "From" msgstr "From" msgid "To" msgstr "To" msgid "Date" msgstr "Date" msgid "InvalidMessageId" msgstr "The id of the message to reply to is not valid." msgid "ErrorSendingMessage" msgstr "There was an error while trying to send the message." msgid "SureYouWantToDeleteSelectedMessages" msgstr "Are you sure you want to delete the selected messages?" msgid "SelectedMessagesDeleted" msgstr "The selected messages have been deleted" msgid "EnterTitle" msgstr "Please enter a title" msgid "TypeYourMessage" msgstr "Type your message here" msgid "MessageDeleted" msgstr "The message has been deleted" msgid "ConfirmDeleteMessage" msgstr "Are you sure you want to delete the selected message?" msgid "DeleteMessage" msgstr "Delete message" msgid "ReadMessage" msgstr "Read message" msgid "SendInviteMessage" msgstr "Send invitation message" msgid "SendMessageInvitation" msgstr "Are you sure that you wish to send these invitations ?" msgid "MessageTool" msgstr "Messages tool" msgid "WriteAMessage" msgstr "Write a message" msgid "AlreadyReadMessage" msgstr "Message already read" msgid "UnReadMessage" msgstr "Message without reading" msgid "MessageSent" msgstr "Message Sent" msgid "MailMarkSelectedAsUnread" msgstr "Mark as unread" msgid "MailMarkSelectedAsRead" msgstr "Mark as read" msgid "YouShouldWriteAMessage" msgstr "You should write a message" msgid "SelectedMessagesUnRead" msgstr "Selected messages have been marked as unread" msgid "SelectedMessagesRead" msgstr "Selected messages have been marked as read" msgid "CourseVisibilityHidden" msgstr "Hidden - Completely hidden to all users except the administrators" msgid "ApplyAllLanguages" msgstr "Apply this change to all available languages" msgid "CareerUpdated" msgstr "Career updated successfully" msgid "CasMainActivateComment" msgstr "Enabling CAS authentication will allow users to authenticate with their CAS credentials.
      Go to Plugin to add a configurable 'CAS Login' button for your Chamilo campus." msgid "UsersRegisteredInAnyGroup" msgstr "Users registered in any group" msgid "ShowHotCoursesComment" msgstr "The hot courses list will be added in the index page" msgid "ShowHotCoursesTitle" msgstr "Show hot courses" msgid "EnableIframeInclusionComment" msgstr "Allowing arbitrary iframes in the HTML Editor will enhance the edition capabilities of the users, but it can represent a security risk. Please make sure you can rely on your users (i.e. you know who they are) before enabling this feature." msgid "EnableIframeInclusionTitle" msgstr "Allow iframes in HTML Editor" msgid "MailTemplateRegistrationMessage" msgstr "Dear ((firstname)) ((lastname)), You are registered on ((sitename)) with the following settings: Username : ((username)) Pass : ((password)) The address of ((sitename)) is : ((url)) In case of trouble, contact us. Yours sincerely ((admin_name)) ((admin_surname))." msgid "MailTemplateRegistrationTitle" msgstr "New user on ((sitename))" msgid "AllowTeachersToCreateSessionsComment" msgstr "Teachers can create, edit and delete their own sessions." msgid "AllowTeachersToCreateSessionsTitle" msgstr "Allow teachers to create sessions" msgid "MailSubjectReplyShort" msgstr "RE:" msgid "AdminBy" msgstr "Administration by" msgid "AdministrationTools" msgstr "Administration" msgid "State" msgstr "Portal status" msgid "Statistiques" msgstr "Statistics" msgid "VisioHostLocal" msgstr "Videoconference host" msgid "VisioRTMPIsWeb" msgstr "Whether the videoconference protocol is web-based (false most of the time)" msgid "ShowBackLinkOnTopOfCourseTreeComment" msgstr "Show a link to go back in the courses hierarchy. A link is available at the bottom of the list anyway." msgid "langUsed" msgstr "used" msgid "langPresent" msgstr "Validate" msgid "langMissing" msgstr "missing" msgid "langExist" msgstr "existing" msgid "ShowBackLinkOnTopOfCourseTree" msgstr "Show back links from categories/courses" msgid "ShowNumberOfCourses" msgstr "Show courses number" msgid "DisplayTeacherInCourselistTitle" msgstr "Display teacher in course name" msgid "DisplayTeacherInCourselistComment" msgstr "Display teacher in courses list" msgid "DisplayCourseCodeInCourselistComment" msgstr "Display Course Code in courses list" msgid "DisplayCourseCodeInCourselistTitle" msgstr "Display Code in Course name" msgid "ThereAreNoVirtualCourses" msgstr "There are no Alias courses on the platform." msgid "ConfigureHomePage" msgstr "Edit portal homepage" msgid "CourseCreateActiveToolsTitle" msgstr "Modules active upon course creation" msgid "CourseCreateActiveToolsComment" msgstr "Which tools have to be enabled (visible) by default when a new course is created?" msgid "SearchUsers" msgstr "Search users" msgid "CreateUser" msgstr "Create user" msgid "ModifyInformation" msgstr "Edit information" msgid "ModifyUser" msgstr "Edit user" msgid "buttonEditUserField" msgstr "Edit user field" msgid "ModifyCoach" msgstr "Edit coach" msgid "ModifyThisSession" msgstr "Edit this session" msgid "ExportSession" msgstr "Export session(s)" msgid "ImportSession" msgstr "Import session(s)" msgid "langCourseBackup" msgstr "Backup this course" msgid "langCourseTitular" msgstr "Teacher" msgid "langCourseTitle" msgstr "Course" msgid "langCourseFaculty" msgstr "Category" msgid "langCourseDepartment" msgstr "Department" msgid "langCourseDepartmentURL" msgstr "Department URL" msgid "langCourseLanguage" msgstr "Language" msgid "langCourseAccess" msgstr "Course access" msgid "langCourseSubscription" msgstr "Course subscription" msgid "langPublicAccess" msgstr "Public access" msgid "langPrivateAccess" msgstr "Private access" msgid "langDBManagementOnlyForServerAdmin" msgstr "Database management is only available for the server administrator" msgid "langShowUsersOfCourse" msgstr "Show users subscribed to this course" msgid "langShowClassesOfCourse" msgstr "Show classes subscribed to this course" msgid "langShowGroupsOfCourse" msgstr "Show groups of this course" msgid "langPhone" msgstr "Phone" msgid "langPhoneNumber" msgstr "Phone number" msgid "langActions" msgstr "Coaching interaction" msgid "langAddToCourse" msgstr "Add to a course" msgid "langDeleteFromPlatform" msgstr "Remove from portal" msgid "langDeleteCourse" msgstr "Delete selected course(s)" msgid "langDeleteFromCourse" msgstr "Unsubscribe from course(s)" msgid "langDeleteSelectedClasses" msgstr "Delete selected classes" msgid "langDeleteSelectedGroups" msgstr "Delete selected groups" msgid "langAdministrator" msgstr "Administrator" msgid "langAddPicture" msgstr "Add a picture" msgid "langChangePicture" msgstr "Change picture" msgid "langDeletePicture" msgstr "Delete picture" msgid "langAddUsers" msgstr "Add a user" msgid "langAddGroups" msgstr "Add groups" msgid "langAddClasses" msgstr "Add classes" msgid "langExportUsers" msgstr "Export users list" msgid "langKeyword" msgstr "Keyword" msgid "langGroupName" msgstr "Group name" msgid "langGroupTutor" msgstr "Group tutor" msgid "langGroupDescription" msgstr "Group description" msgid "langNumberOfParticipants" msgstr "Number of members" msgid "langNumberOfUsers" msgstr "Number of users" msgid "langMaximum" msgstr "maximum" msgid "langMaximumOfParticipants" msgstr "Maximum number of members" msgid "langParticipants" msgstr "members" msgid "langFirstLetterClass" msgstr "First letter (class name)" msgid "langFirstLetterUser" msgstr "First letter (last name)" msgid "langFirstLetterCourse" msgstr "First letter (code)" msgid "langModifyUserInfo" msgstr "Edit user information" msgid "langModifyClassInfo" msgstr "Edit class information" msgid "langModifyGroupInfo" msgstr "Edit group information" msgid "langModifyCourseInfo" msgstr "Edit course information" msgid "langPleaseEnterClassName" msgstr "Please enter the class name !" msgid "langPleaseEnterLastName" msgstr "Please enter the user's last name !" msgid "langPleaseEnterFirstName" msgstr "Please enter the user's first name !" msgid "langPleaseEnterValidEmail" msgstr "Please enter a valid e-mail address !" msgid "langPleaseEnterValidLogin" msgstr "Please enter a valid login !" msgid "langPleaseEnterCourseCode" msgstr "Please enter the course code." msgid "langPleaseEnterTitularName" msgstr "Please enter the teacher's First and Last Name." msgid "langPleaseEnterCourseTitle" msgstr "Please enter the course title" msgid "langAcceptedPictureFormats" msgstr "Accepted formats are JPG, PNG and GIF !" msgid "langLoginAlreadyTaken" msgstr "This login is already taken !" msgid "langImportUserListXMLCSV" msgstr "Import users list" msgid "langExportUserListXMLCSV" msgstr "Export users list" msgid "langOnlyUsersFromCourse" msgstr "Only users from the course" msgid "langAddClassesToACourse" msgstr "Add classes to a course" msgid "langAddUsersToACourse" msgstr "Add users to course" msgid "langAddUsersToAClass" msgstr "Add users to a class" msgid "langAddUsersToAGroup" msgstr "Add users to a group" msgid "langAtLeastOneClassAndOneCourse" msgstr "You must select at least one class and one course" msgid "AtLeastOneUser" msgstr "You must select at least one user !" msgid "langAtLeastOneUserAndOneCourse" msgstr "You must select at least one user and one course" msgid "langClassList" msgstr "Class list" msgid "langUserList" msgstr "Users list" msgid "langCourseList" msgstr "Courses list" msgid "langAddToThatCourse" msgstr "Add to the course(s)" msgid "langAddToClass" msgstr "Add to the class" msgid "langRemoveFromClass" msgstr "Remove from the class" msgid "langAddToGroup" msgstr "Add to the group" msgid "langRemoveFromGroup" msgstr "Remove from the group" msgid "langUsersOutsideClass" msgstr "Users outside the class" msgid "langUsersInsideClass" msgstr "Users inside the class" msgid "langUsersOutsideGroup" msgstr "Users outside the group" msgid "langUsersInsideGroup" msgstr "Users inside the group" msgid "langImportFileLocation" msgstr "Location of the CSV / XML file" msgid "langFileType" msgstr "File type" msgid "langOutputFileType" msgstr "Output file type" msgid "langMustUseSeparator" msgstr "must use the ';' character as a separator" msgid "langCSVMustLookLike" msgstr "The CSV file must look like this" msgid "langXMLMustLookLike" msgstr "The XML file must look like this" msgid "langMandatoryFields" msgstr "Fields in bold are mandatory." msgid "langNotXML" msgstr "The specified file is not XML format !" msgid "langNotCSV" msgstr "The specified file is not CSV format !" msgid "langNoNeededData" msgstr "The specified file doesn't contain all needed data !" msgid "langMaxImportUsers" msgstr "You can't import more than 500 users at once !" msgid "langAdminDatabases" msgstr "Databases (phpMyAdmin)" msgid "langAdminUsers" msgstr "Users" msgid "langAdminClasses" msgstr "Classes of users" msgid "langAdminGroups" msgstr "Groups of users" msgid "langAdminCourses" msgstr "Courses" msgid "langAdminCategories" msgstr "Courses categories" msgid "langSubscribeUserGroupToCourse" msgstr "Subscribe a user / group to a course" msgid "AddACategory" msgstr "Add a category" msgid "langInto" msgstr "into" msgid "langNoCategories" msgstr "There are no categories here" msgid "langAllowCoursesInCategory" msgstr "Allow adding courses in this category?" msgid "langGoToForum" msgstr "Go to the forum" msgid "langCategoryCode" msgstr "Category code" msgid "langCategoryName" msgstr "Category name" msgid "langCategories" msgstr "categories" msgid "langEditNode" msgstr "Edit this category" msgid "langOpenNode" msgstr "Open this category" msgid "langDeleteNode" msgstr "Delete this category" msgid "langAddChildNode" msgstr "Add a sub-category" msgid "langViewChildren" msgstr "View children" msgid "langTreeRebuildedIn" msgstr "Tree rebuilded in" msgid "langTreeRecountedIn" msgstr "Tree recounted in" msgid "langRebuildTree" msgstr "Rebuild the tree" msgid "langRefreshNbChildren" msgstr "Refresh number of children" msgid "langShowTree" msgstr "Show tree" msgid "langBack" msgstr "Back to previous page" msgid "langLogDeleteCat" msgstr "Category deleted" msgid "langRecountChildren" msgstr "Recount children" msgid "langUpInSameLevel" msgstr "Up in same level" msgid "langSeconds" msgstr "seconds" msgid "langMailTo" msgstr "Mail to :" msgid "lang_no_access_here" msgstr "No access here" msgid "lang_php_info" msgstr "information about the system" msgid "langAddAdminInApache" msgstr "Add an administrator" msgid "langAddFaculties" msgstr "Add categories" msgid "langSearchACourse" msgstr "Search for a course" msgid "langSearchAUser" msgstr "Search for a user" msgid "langTechnicalTools" msgstr "Technical" msgid "langConfig" msgstr "System config" msgid "langLogIdentLogoutComplete" msgstr "Login list (extended)" msgid "langLimitUsersListDefaultMax" msgstr "Maximum users showing in scroll list" msgid "NoTimeLimits" msgstr "No time limits" msgid "GeneralCoach" msgstr "General coach" msgid "GeneralProperties" msgstr "General properties" msgid "CourseCoach" msgstr "Course coach" msgid "UsersNumber" msgstr "Users number" msgid "DokeosClassic" msgstr "Chamilo classic" msgid "PublicAdmin" msgstr "Public administration" msgid "PageAfterLoginTitle" msgstr "Page after login" msgid "PageAfterLoginComment" msgstr "The page which is seen by the user entering the platform" msgid "DokeosAdminWebLinks" msgstr "Chamilo Web" msgid "TabsMyProfile" msgstr "My Profile tab" msgid "GlobalRole" msgstr "Global Role" msgid "langNomOutilTodo" msgstr "Manage Todo list" msgid "langNomPageAdmin" msgstr "Administration" msgid "langSysInfo" msgstr "Info about the System" msgid "langDiffTranslation" msgstr "Compare translations" msgid "langStatOf" msgstr "Reporting for" msgid "langSpeeSubscribe" msgstr "Quick subscription as a training checker" msgid "langLogIdentLogout" msgstr "Login list" msgid "langServerStatus" msgstr "Status of MySQL server :" msgid "langDataBase" msgstr "Database" msgid "langRun" msgstr "works" msgid "langClient" msgstr "MySql Client" msgid "langServer" msgstr "MySql Server" msgid "langtitulary" msgstr "Owner" msgid "langUpgradeBase" msgstr "Upgrade database" msgid "langManage" msgstr "Manage Portal" msgid "langErrorsFound" msgstr "errors found" msgid "langMaintenance" msgstr "Backup" msgid "langUpgrade" msgstr "Upgrade Chamilo" msgid "langWebsite" msgstr "Chamilo website" msgid "langDocumentation" msgstr "Documentation" msgid "langContribute" msgstr "Contribute" msgid "langInfoServer" msgstr "Server Information" msgid "langOtherCategory" msgstr "Other category" msgid "langSendMailToUsers" msgstr "Send a mail to users" msgid "langExampleXMLFile" msgstr "Example of XML file" msgid "langExampleCSVFile" msgstr "Example of CSV file" msgid "langCourseSystemCode" msgstr "System code" msgid "langCourseVisualCode" msgstr "Visual code" msgid "langSystemCode" msgstr "System Code" msgid "langVisualCode" msgstr "visual code" msgid "langAddCourse" msgstr "Create a course" msgid "langAdminManageVirtualCourses" msgstr "Manage virtual courses" msgid "langAdminCreateVirtualCourse" msgstr "Create a virtual course" msgid "langAdminCreateVirtualCourseExplanation" msgstr "The virtual course will share storage space (directory and database) with an existing 'real' course." msgid "langRealCourseCode" msgstr "Real course code" msgid "langCourseCreationSucceeded" msgstr "The course was successfully created." msgid "langYourDokeosUses" msgstr "Your Chamilo installation uses presently" msgid "langOnTheHardDisk" msgstr "on the hard disk" msgid "langIsVirtualCourse" msgstr "Virtual course?" msgid "langSystemAnnouncements" msgstr "Portal news" msgid "langAddAnnouncement" msgstr "Add a news" msgid "langAnnouncementAdded" msgstr "Announcement has been added" msgid "langAnnouncementUpdated" msgstr "Announcement has been updated" msgid "langAnnouncementDeleted" msgstr "Announcement has been deleted" msgid "langContent" msgstr "Content" msgid "PermissionsForNewFiles" msgstr "Permissions for new files" msgid "PermissionsForNewFilesComment" msgstr "The ability to define the permissions settings to assign to every newly created file lets you improve security against attacks by hackers uploading dangerous content to your portal. The default setting (0550) should be enough to give your server a reasonable protection level. The given format uses the UNIX terminology of Owner-Group-Others with Read-Write-Execute permissions.If you use Oogie, take care that the user who launch OpenOffice can write files in the course folder." msgid "langStudent" msgstr "Learner" msgid "Guest" msgstr "Guest" msgid "langLoginAsThisUserColumnName" msgstr "Login as" msgid "langLoginAsThisUser" msgstr "Login" msgid "SelectPicture" msgstr "Select picture..." msgid "DontResetPassword" msgstr "Don't reset password" msgid "ParticipateInCommunityDevelopment" msgstr "Participate in development" msgid "langCourseAdmin" msgstr "Teacher" msgid "langOtherCourses" msgstr "other courses" msgid "PlatformLanguageTitle" msgstr "Portal Language" msgid "ServerStatusComment" msgstr "What sort of server is this? This enables or disables some specific options. On a development server there is a translation feature functional that inidcates untranslated strings" msgid "ServerStatusTitle" msgstr "Server Type" msgid "PlatformLanguages" msgstr "Chamilo Portal Languages" msgid "PlatformLanguagesExplanation" msgstr "This tool manages the language selection menu on the login page. As a platform administrator you can decide which languages should be available for your users." msgid "OriginalName" msgstr "Original name" msgid "EnglishName" msgstr "English name" msgid "DokeosFolder" msgstr "Chamilo folder" msgid "Properties" msgstr "Properties" msgid "PlatformConfigSettings" msgstr "Configuration settings" msgid "SettingsStored" msgstr "The settings have been stored" msgid "InstitutionTitle" msgstr "Organization name" msgid "InstitutionComment" msgstr "The name of the organization (appears in the header on the right)" msgid "InstitutionUrlTitle" msgstr "Organization URL (web address)" msgid "InstitutionUrlComment" msgstr "The URL of the institutions (the link that appears in the header on the right)" msgid "SiteNameTitle" msgstr "E-learning portal name" msgid "SiteNameComment" msgstr "The Name of your Chamilo Portal (appears in the header)" msgid "emailAdministratorTitle" msgstr "Portal Administrator: E-mail" msgid "emailAdministratorComment" msgstr "The e-mail address of the Platform Administrator (appears in the footer on the left)" msgid "administratorSurnameTitle" msgstr "Portal Administrator: Last Name" msgid "administratorSurnameComment" msgstr "The Family Name of the Platform Administrator (appears in the footer on the left)" msgid "administratorNameTitle" msgstr "Portal Administrator: First Name" msgid "administratorNameComment" msgstr "The First Name of the Platform Administrator (appears in the footer on the left)" msgid "ShowAdministratorDataTitle" msgstr "Platform Administrator Information in footer" msgid "ShowAdministratorDataComment" msgstr "Show the Information of the Platform Administrator in the footer?" msgid "HomepageViewTitle" msgstr "Training homepage design" msgid "HomepageViewComment" msgstr "How would you like the homepage of a training to look?" msgid "HomepageViewDefault" msgstr "Two column layout. Inactive tools are hidden" msgid "HomepageViewFixed" msgstr "Three column layout. Inactive tools are greyed out (Icons stay on their place)" msgid "Yes" msgstr "Yes" msgid "No" msgstr "No" msgid "ShowToolShortcutsTitle" msgstr "Tools shortcuts" msgid "ShowToolShortcutsComment" msgstr "Show the tool shortcuts in the banner?" msgid "ShowStudentViewTitle" msgstr "Learner View" msgid "ShowStudentViewComment" msgstr "Enable Learner View?
      This feature allows the teacher to see the learner view." msgid "AllowGroupCategories" msgstr "Group categories" msgid "AllowGroupCategoriesComment" msgstr "Allow teachers to create categories in the Groups tool?" msgid "PlatformLanguageComment" msgstr "You can determine the platform languages in a different part of the platform administration, namely: Chamilo Platform Languages" msgid "ProductionServer" msgstr "Production Server" msgid "TestServer" msgstr "Test Server" msgid "ShowOnlineTitle" msgstr "Who's Online" msgid "AsPlatformLanguage" msgstr "as platformlanguage" msgid "ShowOnlineComment" msgstr "Display the number of persons that are online?" msgid "AllowNameChangeTitle" msgstr "Allow Name Change in profile?" msgid "AllowNameChangeComment" msgstr "Is the user allowed to change his/her firste and last name?" msgid "DefaultDocumentQuotumTitle" msgstr "Default hard disk space" msgid "DefaultDocumentQuotumComment" msgstr "What is the available disk space for a course? You can override the quota for specific training through: platform administration > Training > modify" msgid "ProfileChangesTitle" msgstr "Profile" msgid "ProfileChangesComment" msgstr "Which parts of the profile can be changed?" msgid "RegistrationRequiredFormsTitle" msgstr "Registration: required fields" msgid "RegistrationRequiredFormsComment" msgstr "Which fields are required (besides name, first name, login and password)" msgid "DefaultGroupQuotumTitle" msgstr "Group disk space available" msgid "DefaultGroupQuotumComment" msgstr "What is the default hard disk spacde available for a groups documents tool?" msgid "AllowLostPasswordTitle" msgstr "Lost password" msgid "AllowLostPasswordComment" msgstr "Are users allowed to request their lost password?" msgid "AllowRegistrationTitle" msgstr "Registration" msgid "AllowRegistrationComment" msgstr "Is registration as a new user allowed? Can users create new accounts?" msgid "AllowRegistrationAsTeacherTitle" msgstr "Registration as teacher" msgid "AllowRegistrationAsTeacherComment" msgstr "Can one register as a teacher (with the ability to create courses)?" msgid "PlatformLanguage" msgstr "Portal Language" msgid "Tuning" msgstr "Tuning" msgid "SplitUsersUploadDirectory" msgstr "Split users' upload directory" msgid "SplitUsersUploadDirectoryComment" msgstr "On high-load portals, where a lot of users are registered and send their pictures, the upload directory (main/upload/users/) might contain too many files for the filesystem to handle (it has been reported with more than 36000 files on a Debian server). Changing this option will enable a one-level splitting of the directories in the upload directory. 9 directories will be used in the base directory and all subsequent users' directories will be stored into one of these 9 directories. The change of this option will not affect the directories structure on disk, but will affect the behaviour of the Chamilo code, so if you change this option, you have to create the new directories and move the existing directories by yourself on te server. Be aware that when creating and moving those directories, you will have to move the directories of users 1 to 9 into subdirectories of the same name. If you are not sure about this option, it is best not to activate it." msgid "CourseQuota" msgstr "Disk Space" msgid "EditNotice" msgstr "Edit notice" msgid "General" msgstr "general" msgid "LostPassword" msgstr "Lost password" msgid "Registration" msgstr "Registration" msgid "Password" msgstr "Password" msgid "InsertLink" msgstr "Add a page (CMS)" msgid "EditNews" msgstr "Edit News" msgid "EditCategories" msgstr "Edit training categories" msgid "EditHomePage" msgstr "Edit Homepage central area" msgid "AllowUserHeadingsComment" msgstr "Can a teacher define learner profile fields to retrieve additional information?" msgid "Platform" msgstr "Portal" msgid "Course" msgstr "Course" msgid "Languages" msgstr "Languages" msgid "Privacy" msgstr "Privacy" msgid "NoticeTitle" msgstr "Title of Notice" msgid "NoticeText" msgstr "Text of Notice" msgid "LinkName" msgstr "Text of Link" msgid "LinkURL" msgstr "URL of Link" msgid "OpenInNewWindow" msgstr "Open in new window" msgid "langLimitUsersListDefaultMaxComment" msgstr "In the screens allowing addition of users to training or classes, if the first non-filtered list contains more than this number of users, then default to the first letter (A)" msgid "Plugins" msgstr "Plugins" msgid "HideDLTTMarkupComment" msgstr "Hide the [= ... =] markup when a language variable is not translated" msgid "Info" msgstr "Information" msgid "UserAdded" msgstr "The user is added" msgid "NoSearchResults" msgstr "No search results" msgid "UserDeleted" msgstr "The user is deleted" msgid "NoClassesForThisCourse" msgstr "There are no classes subscribed to this course" msgid "CourseUsage" msgstr "Course usage" msgid "NoCoursesForThisUser" msgstr "This user isn't subscribed in a course" msgid "NoClassesForThisUser" msgstr "This user isn't subscribed in a class" msgid "NoCoursesForThisClass" msgstr "This class isn't subscribed in a course" msgid "langOpenToTheWorld" msgstr "Public - access allowed for the whole world" msgid "OpenToThePlatform" msgstr "Open - access allowed for users registered on the platform" msgid "langPrivate" msgstr " Private - access authorized to course members only" msgid "langCourseVisibilityClosed" msgstr "Completely closed: the course is only accessible to the teachers." msgid "langSubscription" msgstr "Subscription" msgid "langUnsubscription" msgstr "Unsubscribe" msgid "CourseAccessConfigTip" msgstr "By default your course is public, but you can define the level of access above." msgid "Tool" msgstr "tool" msgid "NumberOfItems" msgstr "number of items" msgid "DocumentsAndFolders" msgstr "Documents and folders" msgid "Learnpath" msgstr "Courses" msgid "Exercises" msgstr "Tests" msgid "AllowPersonalAgendaTitle" msgstr "Personal Agenda" msgid "AllowPersonalAgendaComment" msgstr "Can the learner add personal events to the Agenda?" msgid "CurrentValue" msgstr "current value" msgid "CourseDescription" msgstr "Course Description" msgid "OnlineConference" msgstr "Online Conference" msgid "Chat" msgstr "Chat" msgid "Quiz" msgstr "Tests" msgid "Announcements" msgstr "Announcements" msgid "Links" msgstr "Links" msgid "LearningPath" msgstr "Learnpath" msgid "Documents" msgstr "Documents" msgid "UserPicture" msgstr "Picture" msgid "officialcode" msgstr "Code" msgid "Login" msgstr "Login" msgid "UserPassword" msgstr "Password" msgid "SubscriptionAllowed" msgstr "Registr. allowed" msgid "UnsubscriptionAllowed" msgstr "Unreg. allowed" msgid "AllowedToUnsubscribe" msgstr "Allowed" msgid "NotAllowedToUnsubscribe" msgstr "Denied" msgid "AddDummyContentToCourse" msgstr "Add some dummy (example) content to this course" msgid "DummyCourseCreator" msgstr "Create dummy course content" msgid "DummyCourseDescription" msgstr "This will add some dummy (example) content to this course. This is only meant for testing purposes." msgid "AvailablePlugins" msgstr "These are the plugins that have been found on your system. You can download additional plugins on" msgid "CreateVirtualCourse" msgstr "Create a virtual course" msgid "DisplayListVirtualCourses" msgstr "Display list of virtual courses" msgid "LinkedToRealCourseCode" msgstr "Linked to real course code" msgid "AttemptedCreationVirtualCourse" msgstr "Attempted creation of virtual course..." msgid "WantedCourseCode" msgstr "Wanted course code" msgid "ResetPassword" msgstr "Reset password" msgid "CheckToSendNewPassword" msgstr "Check to send new password" msgid "AutoGeneratePassword" msgstr "Automatically generate a new password" msgid "UseDocumentTitleTitle" msgstr "Use a title for the document name" msgid "UseDocumentTitleComment" msgstr "This will allow the use of a title for document names instead of document_name.ext" msgid "StudentPublications" msgstr "Assignments" msgid "PermanentlyRemoveFilesTitle" msgstr "Deleted files cannot be restored" msgid "PermanentlyRemoveFilesComment" msgstr "Deleting a file in the documents tool permanently deletes it. The file cannot be restored" msgid "ClassName" msgstr "Class name" msgid "DropboxMaxFilesizeTitle" msgstr "Dropbox: Maximum file size of a document" msgid "DropboxMaxFilesizeComment" msgstr "How big (in MB) can a dropbox document be?" msgid "DropboxAllowOverwriteTitle" msgstr "Dropbox: Can documents be overwritten" msgid "DropboxAllowOverwriteComment" msgstr "Can the original document be overwritten when a user or trainer uploads a document with the name of a document that already exist? If you answer yes then you loose the versioning mechanism." msgid "DropboxAllowJustUploadTitle" msgstr "Dropbox: Upload to own dropbox space?" msgid "DropboxAllowJustUploadComment" msgstr "Allow trainers and users to upload documents to their dropbox without sending the documents to themselves" msgid "DropboxAllowStudentToStudentTitle" msgstr "Dropbox: Learner <-> Learner" msgid "DropboxAllowStudentToStudentComment" msgstr "Allow users to send documents to other users (peer 2 peer). Users might use this for less relevant documents also (mp3, tests solutions, ...). If you disable this then the users can send documents to the trainer only." msgid "DropboxAllowMailingTitle" msgstr "Dropbox: Allow mailing" msgid "DropboxAllowMailingComment" msgstr "With the mailing functionality you can send each learner a personal document" msgid "PermissionsForNewDirs" msgstr "Permissions for new directories" msgid "PermissionsForNewDirsComment" msgstr "The ability to define the permissions settings to assign to every newly created directory lets you improve security against attacks by hackers uploading dangerous content to your portal. The default setting (0770) should be enough to give your server a reasonable protection level. The given format uses the UNIX terminology of Owner-Group-Others with Read-Write-Execute permissions." msgid "UserListHasBeenExported" msgstr "The users list has been exported." msgid "ClickHereToDownloadTheFile" msgstr "Download the file" msgid "administratorTelephoneTitle" msgstr "Portal Administrator: Telephone" msgid "administratorTelephoneComment" msgstr "The telephone number of the platform administrator" msgid "SendMailToNewUser" msgstr "Send mail to new user" msgid "ExtendedProfileTitle" msgstr "Extended profile" msgid "ExtendedProfileComment" msgstr "If this setting is set to 'True', a user can fill in following (optional) fields: 'My competences', 'My diplomas', 'What I am able to teach' and 'My personal open area'" msgid "Classes" msgstr "Classes" msgid "UserUnsubscribed" msgstr "User is now unsubscribed" msgid "CannotUnsubscribeUserFromCourse" msgstr "User can not be unsubscribed because he is one of the teachers." msgid "InvalidStartDate" msgstr "Invalid start date was given." msgid "InvalidEndDate" msgstr "Invalid end date was given." msgid "DateFormatLabel" msgstr "(d/m/y h:m)" msgid "HomePageFilesNotWritable" msgstr "Homepage-files are not writable!" msgid "PleaseEnterNoticeText" msgstr "Please give a notice text" msgid "PleaseEnterNoticeTitle" msgstr "Please give a notice title" msgid "PleaseEnterLinkName" msgstr "Plese give a link name" msgid "InsertThisLink" msgstr "Insert this link" msgid "FirstPlace" msgstr "First place" msgid "After" msgstr "after" msgid "DropboxAllowGroupTitle" msgstr "Dropbox: allow group" msgid "DropboxAllowGroupComment" msgstr "Users can send files to groups" msgid "ClassDeleted" msgstr "The class is deleted" msgid "ClassesDeleted" msgstr "The classes are deleted" msgid "NoUsersInClass" msgstr "No users in this class" msgid "UsersAreSubscibedToCourse" msgstr "The selected users are subscribed to the selected course" msgid "InvalidTitle" msgstr "Please enter a title" msgid "CatCodeAlreadyUsed" msgstr "This category is already used" msgid "PleaseEnterCategoryInfo" msgstr "Please enter a code and a name for the category" msgid "DokeosHomepage" msgstr "Chamilo website" msgid "DokeosForum" msgstr "Community forum" msgid "RegisterYourPortal" msgstr "Register your portal" msgid "DokeosExtensions" msgstr "Community extensions" msgid "ShowNavigationMenuTitle" msgstr "Display training navigation menu" msgid "ShowNavigationMenuComment" msgstr "Display a navigation menu that quickens access to the tools" msgid "LoginAs" msgstr "Login as" msgid "ImportClassListCSV" msgstr "Import class list via CSV" msgid "ShowOnlineWorld" msgstr "Display number of users online on the login page (visible for the world)" msgid "ShowOnlineUsers" msgstr "Display number of users online all pages (visible for the persons who are logged in)" msgid "ShowOnlineCourse" msgstr "Display number of users online in this course" msgid "ShowIconsInNavigationsMenuTitle" msgstr "Show icons in navigation menu?" msgid "SeeAllRolesAllLocationsForSpecificRight" msgstr "Focus on right" msgid "SeeAllRightsAllRolesForSpecificLocation" msgstr "Focus on location" msgid "ClassesUnsubscribed" msgstr "The selected classes were unsubscribed from the selected training" msgid "ClassesSubscribed" msgstr "The selected classes were subscribed to the selected training" msgid "RoleId" msgstr "Role ID" msgid "RoleName" msgstr "Role name" msgid "RoleType" msgstr "Type" msgid "RightValueModified" msgstr "The value has been modified." msgid "MakeAvailable" msgstr "Make available" msgid "MakeUnavailable" msgstr "Make unavailable" msgid "Stylesheets" msgstr "Style sheets" msgid "DefaultDokeosStyle" msgstr "Default Chamilo style" msgid "ShowIconsInNavigationsMenuComment" msgstr "Should the navigation menu show the different tool icons?" msgid "Plugin" msgstr "Plugin" msgid "MainMenu" msgstr "Main menu" msgid "MainMenuLogged" msgstr "Main menu after login" msgid "Banner" msgstr "Banner" msgid "ImageResizeTitle" msgstr "Resize uploaded user images" msgid "ImageResizeComment" msgstr "User images can be resized on upload if PHP is compiled with the GD library. If GD is unavailable, this setting will be silently ignored." msgid "MaxImageWidthTitle" msgstr "Maximum user image width" msgid "MaxImageWidthComment" msgstr "Maximum width in pixels of a user image. This setting only applies if user images are set to be resized on upload." msgid "MaxImageHeightTitle" msgstr "Maximum user image height" msgid "MaxImageHeightComment" msgstr "Maximum height in pixels of a user image. This setting only applies if user images are set to be resized on upload." msgid "YourVersionNotUpToDate" msgstr "Your version is not up-to-date" msgid "YourVersionIs" msgstr "Your version is" msgid "PleaseVisitDokeos" msgstr "Please visit the Chamilo website" msgid "VersionUpToDate" msgstr "Your version is up-to-date" msgid "ConnectSocketError" msgstr "Socket Connection Error" msgid "SocketFunctionsDisabled" msgstr "Socket connections are disabled" msgid "ShowEmailAddresses" msgstr "Show email addresses" msgid "ShowEmailAddressesComment" msgstr "Show email addresses to users" msgid "LatestVersionIs" msgstr "The latest version is" msgid "langConfigureExtensions" msgstr "Chamilo PRO" msgid "langActiveExtensions" msgstr "Activate this service" msgid "langVisioconf" msgstr "Chamilo LIVE" msgid "langVisioconfDescription" msgstr "Chamilo LIVE is a videoconferencing tool that offers: Slides sharing, whiteboard to draw and write on top of slides, audio/video duplex and chat. It requires Flash® player 9+ and offers 2 modes : one to many and many to many." msgid "langPpt2lp" msgstr "Chamilo RAPID" msgid "langPpt2lpDescription" msgstr "Chamilo RAPID is a Rapid Learning tool available in Chamilo Pro and Chamilo Medical. It allows you to convert Powerpoint presentations and their Openoffice equivalents to SCORM-compliant e-courses. After the conversion, you end up in the Courses authoring tool and are able to add audio comments on slides and pages, tests and activities between the slides or pages and interaction activities like forum discussions or assigment upload. Every step becomes an independent and removable learning object. And the whole course generates accurate SCORM reporting for further coaching." msgid "langBandWidthStatistics" msgstr "Bandwidth statistics" msgid "langBandWidthStatisticsDescription" msgstr "MRTG allow you to consult advanced statistics about the state of the server on the last 24 hours." msgid "ServerStatistics" msgstr "Server statistics" msgid "langServerStatisticsDescription" msgstr "AWStats allows you to consult the statistics of your platform : visitors, page views, referers..." msgid "SearchEngine" msgstr "Chamilo LIBRARY" msgid "langSearchEngineDescription" msgstr "Chamilo LIBRARY is a Search Engine offering multi-criteria indexing and research. It is part of the Chamilo Medical features." msgid "langListSession" msgstr "Training sessions list" msgid "AddSession" msgstr "Add a training session" msgid "langImportSessionListXMLCSV" msgstr "Import sessions list" msgid "ExportSessionListXMLCSV" msgstr "Export sessions list" msgid "SessionName" msgstr "Session name" msgid "langNbCourses" msgstr "Courses" msgid "DateStart" msgstr "Start date" msgid "DateEnd" msgstr "End date" msgid "CoachName" msgstr "Coach name" msgid "SessionList" msgstr "Training sessions list" msgid "SessionNameIsRequired" msgstr "A name is required for the session" msgid "NextStep" msgstr "Next step" msgid "keyword" msgstr "Keyword" msgid "Confirm" msgstr "Confirm" msgid "UnsubscribeUsersFromCourse" msgstr "Unsubscribe users from course" msgid "MissingClassName" msgstr "Missing class name" msgid "ClassNameExists" msgstr "Class name exists" msgid "ImportCSVFileLocation" msgstr "CSV file import location" msgid "ClassesCreated" msgstr "Classes created" msgid "ErrorsWhenImportingFile" msgstr "Errors when importing file" msgid "ServiceActivated" msgstr "Service activated" msgid "ActivateExtension" msgstr "Activate service" msgid "InvalidExtension" msgstr "Invalid extension" msgid "VersionCheckExplanation" msgstr "In order to enable the automatic version checking you have to register your portal on The information obtained by clicking this button is only for internal use and only aggregated data will be publicly available (total number of portals, total number of chamilo course, total number of chamilo users, ...) (see When registering you will also appear on the worldwide list ( If you do not want to appear in this list you have to check the checkbox below. The registration is as easy as it can be: you only have to click this button:
      " msgid "AfterApproval" msgstr "After approval" msgid "StudentViewEnabledTitle" msgstr "Enable learner view" msgid "StudentViewEnabledComment" msgstr "Enable the learner view, which allows a trainer or admin to see a training as a learner would see it" msgid "TimeLimitWhosonlineTitle" msgstr "Time limit on Who Is Online" msgid "TimeLimitWhosonlineComment" msgstr "This time limit defines for how many minutes after his last action a user will be considered *online*" msgid "ExampleMaterialCourseCreationTitle" msgstr "Example material on course creation" msgid "ExampleMaterialCourseCreationComment" msgstr "Create example material automatically when creating a new course" msgid "AccountValidDurationTitle" msgstr "Account validity" msgid "AccountValidDurationComment" msgstr "A user account is valid for this number of days after creation" msgid "UseSessionModeTitle" msgstr "Use training sessions" msgid "UseSessionModeComment" msgstr "Training sessions give a different way of dealing with training, where training have an author, a coach and learners. Each coach gives a training for a set period of time, called a *training session*, to a set of learners who do not mix with other learner groups attached to another training session." msgid "HomepageViewActivity" msgstr "Activity view (default)" msgid "HomepageView2column" msgstr "Two columns view" msgid "HomepageView3column" msgstr "Three columns view" msgid "AllowUserHeadings" msgstr "Allow users profiling inside training" msgid "IconsOnly" msgstr "Icons only" msgid "TextOnly" msgstr "Text only" msgid "IconsText" msgstr "Icons and text" msgid "EnableToolIntroductionTitle" msgstr "Enable tool introduction" msgid "EnableToolIntroductionComment" msgstr "Enable introductions on each tool's homepage" msgid "BreadCrumbsCourseHomepageTitle" msgstr "Course homepage breadcrumb" msgid "BreadCrumbsCourseHomepageComment" msgstr "The breadcrumb is the horizontal links navigation system usually in the top left of your page. This option selects what you want to appear in the breadcrumb on courses' homepages" msgid "Comment" msgstr "Comment" msgid "Version" msgstr "Version" msgid "LoginPageMainArea" msgstr "Login page main area" msgid "LoginPageMenu" msgstr "Login page menu" msgid "CampusHomepageMainArea" msgstr "Portal homepage main area" msgid "CampusHomepageMenu" msgstr "Portal homepage menu" msgid "MyCoursesMainArea" msgstr "Courses main area" msgid "MyCoursesMenu" msgstr "Courses menu" msgid "Header" msgstr "Header" msgid "Footer" msgstr "Footer" msgid "PublicPagesComplyToWAITitle" msgstr "Public pages compliance to WAI" msgid "PublicPagesComplyToWAIComment" msgstr "WAI (Web Accessibility Initiative) is an initiative to make the web more accessible. By selecting this option, the public pages of Chamilo will become more accessible. This also means that some content on the portal's public pages might appear differently." msgid "VersionCheck" msgstr "Version check" msgid "Active" msgstr "Active" msgid "Inactive" msgstr "Inactive" msgid "SessionOverview" msgstr "Session overview" msgid "SubscribeUserIfNotAllreadySubscribed" msgstr "Add user in the training only if not yet in" msgid "UnsubscribeUserIfSubscriptionIsNotInFile" msgstr "Remove user from training if his name is not in the list" msgid "DeleteSelectedSessions" msgstr "Delete selected sessions" msgid "CourseListInSession" msgstr "Courses in this session" msgid "UnsubscribeCoursesFromSession" msgstr "Unsubscribe selected courses from this session" msgid "NbUsers" msgstr "Users" msgid "SubscribeUsersToSession" msgstr "Subscribe users to this session" msgid "UserListInPlatform" msgstr "Portal users list" msgid "UserListInSession" msgstr "List of users registered in this session" msgid "CourseListInPlatform" msgstr "Courses list" msgid "Host" msgstr "Host" msgid "UserOnHost" msgstr "Login" msgid "FtpPassword" msgstr "FTP password" msgid "PathToLzx" msgstr "Path to LZX files" msgid "WCAGContent" msgstr "Text" msgid "SubscribeCoursesToSession" msgstr "Add courses to this session" msgid "DateStartSession" msgstr "Start date" msgid "DateEndSession" msgstr "End date" msgid "EditSession" msgstr "Edit this session" msgid "VideoConferenceUrl" msgstr "Path to live conferencing" msgid "VideoClassroomUrl" msgstr "Path to classroom live conferencing" msgid "ReconfigureExtension" msgstr "Reconfigure extension" msgid "ServiceReconfigured" msgstr "Service reconfigured" msgid "ChooseNewsLanguage" msgstr "Choose news language" msgid "Ajax_course_tracking_refresh" msgstr "Total time spent in a course" msgid "Ajax_course_tracking_refresh_comment" msgstr "This option is used to calculate in real time the time that a user spend in a course. The value in the field is the refresh interval in seconds. To disable this option, let the default value 0 in the field." msgid "EditLink" msgstr "Edit link" msgid "FinishSessionCreation" msgstr "Finish session creation" msgid "VisioRTMPPort" msgstr "Videoconference RTMTP protocol port" msgid "SessionNameAlreadyExists" msgstr "Session name already exists" msgid "NoClassesHaveBeenCreated" msgstr "No classes have been created" msgid "ThisFieldShouldBeNumeric" msgstr "This field should be numeric" msgid "UserLocked" msgstr "User locked" msgid "UserUnlocked" msgstr "User unlocked" msgid "CannotDeleteUser" msgstr "You cannot delete this user" msgid "SelectedUsersDeleted" msgstr "Selected users deleted" msgid "SomeUsersNotDeleted" msgstr "Some users has not been deleted" msgid "ExternalAuthentication" msgstr "External authentification" msgid "RegistrationDate" msgstr "Registration date" msgid "UserUpdated" msgstr "User updated" msgid "HomePageFilesNotReadable" msgstr "Homepage files are not readable" msgid "Choose" msgstr "Choose" msgid "ModifySessionCourse" msgstr "Edit session course" msgid "CourseSessionList" msgstr "Courses in this session" msgid "SelectACoach" msgstr "Select a coach" msgid "UserNameUsedTwice" msgstr "Login is used twice" msgid "UserNameNotAvailable" msgstr "This login is not available" msgid "UserNameTooLong" msgstr "This login is too long" msgid "WrongStatus" msgstr "This status doesn't exist" msgid "ClassNameNotAvailable" msgstr "This classname is not available" msgid "FileImported" msgstr "File imported" msgid "WhichSessionToExport" msgstr "Choose the session to export" msgid "AllSessions" msgstr "All the sessions" msgid "CodeDoesNotExists" msgstr "This code does not exist" msgid "UnknownUser" msgstr "Unknown user" msgid "UnknownStatus" msgstr "Unknown status" msgid "SessionDeleted" msgstr "The session has been deleted" msgid "CourseDoesNotExist" msgstr "This course doesn't exist" msgid "UserDoesNotExist" msgstr "This user doesn't exist" msgid "ButProblemsOccured" msgstr "but problems occured" msgid "UsernameTooLongWasCut" msgstr "This login was cut" msgid "NoInputFile" msgstr "No file was sent" msgid "StudentStatusWasGivenTo" msgstr "Learner status has been given to" msgid "WrongDate" msgstr "Wrong date format (yyyy-mm-dd)" msgid "ThisIsAutomaticEmailNoReply" msgstr "This is an automatic email message. Please do not reply to it." msgid "YouWillSoonReceiveMailFromCoach" msgstr "You will soon receive an email from your coach." msgid "SlideSize" msgstr "Size of the slides" msgid "EphorusPlagiarismPrevention" msgstr "Ephorus plagiarism prevention" msgid "CourseTeachers" msgstr "Teachers" msgid "UnknownTeacher" msgstr "Unknown trainer" msgid "HideDLTTMarkup" msgstr "Hide DLTT Markup" msgid "ListOfCoursesOfSession" msgstr "List of courses of the session" msgid "UnsubscribeSelectedUsersFromSession" msgstr "Unsubscribe selected users from session" msgid "ShowDifferentCourseLanguageComment" msgstr "Show the language each course is in, next to the course title, on the homepage courses list" msgid "ShowEmptyCourseCategoriesComment" msgstr "Show the categories of courses on the homepage, even if they're empty" msgid "ShowEmptyCourseCategories" msgstr "Show empty courses categories" msgid "XMLNotValid" msgstr "XML document is not valid" msgid "ForTheSession" msgstr "for the session" msgid "AllowEmailEditorTitle" msgstr "Online e-mail editor enabled" msgid "AllowEmailEditorComment" msgstr "If this option is activated, clicking on an e-mail address will open an online mail editor." msgid "AddCSVHeader" msgstr "Add the CSV header line?" msgid "YesAddCSVHeader" msgstr "Yes, add the CSV header
      This line defines the fields and is necessary when you want to import the file in a different Chamilo portal" msgid "ListOfUsersSubscribedToCourse" msgstr "List of users subscribed to course" msgid "NumberOfCourses" msgstr "Courses" msgid "ShowDifferentCourseLanguage" msgstr "Show course languages" msgid "VisioRTMPTunnelPort" msgstr "Videoconference RTMTP protocol tunnel port" msgid "name" msgstr "Name" msgid "Security" msgstr "Security" msgid "UploadExtensionsListType" msgstr "Type of filtering on document uploads" msgid "UploadExtensionsListTypeComment" msgstr "Whether you want to use the blacklist or whitelist filtering. See blacklist or whitelist description below for more details." msgid "Blacklist" msgstr "Blacklist" msgid "Whitelist" msgstr "Whitelist" msgid "UploadExtensionsBlacklist" msgstr "Blacklist - setting" msgid "UploadExtensionsWhitelist" msgstr "Whitelist - setting" msgid "UploadExtensionsBlacklistComment" msgstr "The blacklist is used to filter the files extensions by removing (or renaming) any file which extension figures in the blacklist below. The extensions should figure without the leading dot (.) and separated by semi-column (;) like the following: exe;com;bat;scr;php. Files without extension are accepted. Letter casing (uppercase/lowercase) doesn't matter." msgid "UploadExtensionsWhitelistComment" msgstr "The whitelist is used to filter the files extensions by removing (or renaming) any file which extension does *NOT* figure in the whitelist below. It is generally considered as a safer but more restrictive approach to filtering. The extensions should figure without the leading dot (.) and separated by semi-column (;) like the following: htm;html;txt;doc;xls;ppt;jpg;jpeg;gif;sxw . Files without extension are accepted. Letter casing (uppercase/lowercase) doesn't matter." msgid "UploadExtensionsSkip" msgstr "Filtering behaviour (skip/rename)" msgid "UploadExtensionsSkipComment" msgstr "If you choose to skip, the files filtered through the blacklist or whitelist will not be uploaded to the system. If you choose to rename them, their extension will be replaced by the one defined in the extension replacement setting. Beware that renaming doesn't really protect you, and may cause name collision if several files of the same name but different extensions exist." msgid "UploadExtensionsReplaceBy" msgstr "Replacement extension" msgid "UploadExtensionsReplaceByComment" msgstr "Enter the extension that you want to use to replace the dangerous extensions detected by the filter. Only needed if you have selected a filter by replacement." msgid "Remove" msgstr "Remove" msgid "Rename" msgstr "Rename" msgid "ShowNumberOfCoursesComment" msgstr "Show the number of courses in each category in the courses categories on the homepage" msgid "EphorusDescription" msgstr "Start using the Ephorus anti plagiarism service in Chamilo.
      With Ephorus, you will prevent internet plagiarism without any additional effort.
      You can use our unique open standard webservice to build your own integration or you can use one of our Chamilo-integration modules." msgid "EphorusLeadersInAntiPlagiarism" msgstr "Leaders in 
      anti plagiarism
      " msgid "EphorusClickHereForInformationsAndPrices" msgstr "Click here for more information and prices " msgid "NameOfTheSession" msgstr "Session name" msgid "NoSessionsForThisUser" msgstr "This user isn't subscribed in a session" msgid "DisplayCategoriesOnHomepageTitle" msgstr "Display categories on home page" msgid "DisplayCategoriesOnHomepageComment" msgstr "This option will display or hide training categories on the portal home page" msgid "ShowTabsTitle" msgstr "Tabs in the header" msgid "ShowTabsComment" msgstr "Check the tabs you want to see appear in the header. The unchecked tabs will appear on the right hand menu on the portal homepage and my training page if these need to appear" msgid "DefaultForumViewTitle" msgstr "Default forum view" msgid "DefaultForumViewComment" msgstr "What should be the default option when creating a new forum. Any trainer can however choose a different view for every individual forum" msgid "TabsMyCourses" msgstr "Courses tab" msgid "TabsCampusHomepage" msgstr "Portal homepage tab" msgid "TabsReporting" msgstr "Reporting tab" msgid "TabsPlatformAdministration" msgstr "Platform Administration tab" msgid "NoCoursesForThisSession" msgstr "No course for this session" msgid "NoUsersForThisSession" msgstr "No Users for this session" msgid "LastNameMandatory" msgstr "The last name cannot be empty" msgid "FirstNameMandatory" msgstr "The first name cannot be empty" msgid "EmailMandatory" msgstr "The email cannot be empty" msgid "TabsMyAgenda" msgstr "Agenda tab" msgid "NoticeWillBeNotDisplayed" msgstr "The notice will be not displayed on the homepage" msgid "LetThoseFieldsEmptyToHideTheNotice" msgstr "Let those fields empty to hide the notice" msgid "Ppt2lpVoiceRecordingNeedsRed5" msgstr "The voice recording feature in the course editor relies on a Red5 streaming server. This server's parameters can be configured in the videoconference section on the current page." msgid "PlatformCharsetTitle" msgstr "Character set" msgid "PlatformCharsetComment" msgstr "The character set is what pilots the way specific languages can be displayed in Chamilo. If you use Russian or Japanese characters, for example, you might want to change this. For all english, latin and west-european characters, the default UTF-8 should be alright." msgid "ExtendedProfileRegistrationTitle" msgstr "Extended profile fields in registration" msgid "ExtendedProfileRegistrationComment" msgstr "Which of the following fields of the extended profile have to be available in the user registration process? This requires that the extended profile is activated (see above)." msgid "ExtendedProfileRegistrationRequiredTitle" msgstr "Required extended profile fields in registration" msgid "ExtendedProfileRegistrationRequiredComment" msgstr "Which of the following fields of the extende profile are required in the user registration process? This requires that the extended profile is activated and that the field is also available in the registration form (see above)." msgid "NoReplyEmailAddress" msgstr "No-reply e-mail address" msgid "NoReplyEmailAddressComment" msgstr "This is the e-mail address to be used when an e-mail has to be sent specifically requesting that no answer be sent in return. Generally, this e-mail address should be configured on your server to drop/ignore any incoming e-mail." msgid "SurveyEmailSenderNoReply" msgstr "Survey e-mail sender (no-reply)" msgid "SurveyEmailSenderNoReplyComment" msgstr "Should the survey invitations use the coach email address or the no-reply address defined in the main configuration section?" msgid "CourseCoachEmailSender" msgstr "Coach email address" msgid "NoReplyEmailSender" msgstr "No-reply e-mail address" msgid "Flat" msgstr "Flat" msgid "Threaded" msgstr "Threaded" msgid "Nested" msgstr "Nested" msgid "OpenIdAuthenticationComment" msgstr "Enable the OpenID URL-based authentication (displays an additional login form on the homepage)" msgid "VersionCheckEnabled" msgstr "Version check enabled" msgid "InstallDirAccessibleSecurityThreat" msgstr "The main/install directory of your Chamilo system is still accessible to web users. This might represent a security threat for your installation. We recommend that you remove this directory or that you change its permissions so web users cannot use the scripts it contains." msgid "GradebookActivation" msgstr "Assessments tool activation" msgid "GradebookActivationComment" msgstr "The Assessments tool allows you to assess competences in your organization by merging classroom and online activities evaluations into Performance reports. Do you want to activate it?" msgid "UserTheme" msgstr "Theme (stylesheet)" msgid "UserThemeSelection" msgstr "User theme selection" msgid "UserThemeSelectionComment" msgstr "Allow users to select their own visual theme in their profile. This will change the look of Chamilo for them, but will leave the default style of the portal intact. If a specific course or session has a specific theme assigned, it will have priority over user-defined themes." msgid "AllowurlfopenIsSetToOff" msgstr "The PHP setting \"allow_url_fopen\" is set to off. This prevents the registration mechanism to work properly. This setting can be changed in you PHP configuration file (php.ini) or in the Apache Virtual Host configuration, using the php_admin_value directive" msgid "VisioHost" msgstr "Videoconference streaming server hostname or IP address" msgid "VisioPort" msgstr "Videoconference streaming server port" msgid "VisioPassword" msgstr "Videoconference streaming server password" msgid "Port" msgstr "Port" msgid "EphorusClickHereForADemoAccount" msgstr "Click here for a demo account" msgid "ManageUserFields" msgstr "Profiling" msgid "UserFields" msgstr "Profile attributes" msgid "AddUserField" msgstr "Add profile field" msgid "FieldLabel" msgstr "Field label" msgid "FieldType" msgstr "Field type" msgid "FieldTitle" msgstr "Field title" msgid "FieldDefaultValue" msgstr "Default value" msgid "FieldOrder" msgstr "Order" msgid "FieldVisibility" msgstr "Visible?" msgid "FieldChangeability" msgstr "Can change" msgid "FieldTypeText" msgstr "Text" msgid "FieldTypeTextarea" msgstr "Text area" msgid "FieldTypeRadio" msgstr "Radio buttons" msgid "FieldTypeSelect" msgstr "Select drop-down" msgid "FieldTypeSelectMultiple" msgstr "Multiple selection drop-down" msgid "FieldAdded" msgstr "Field succesfully added" msgid "GradebookScoreDisplayColoring" msgstr "Grades thresholds colouring" msgid "GradebookScoreDisplayColoringComment" msgstr "Tick the box to enable marks thresholds" msgid "TabsGradebookEnableColoring" msgstr "Enable marks thresholds" msgid "GradebookScoreDisplayCustom" msgstr "Competence levels labelling" msgid "GradebookScoreDisplayCustomComment" msgstr "Tick the box to enable Competence levels labelling" msgid "TabsGradebookEnableCustom" msgstr "Enable Competence level labelling" msgid "GradebookScoreDisplayColorSplit" msgstr "Threshold" msgid "GradebookScoreDisplayColorSplitComment" msgstr "The threshold (in %) under which scores will be colored red" msgid "GradebookScoreDisplayUpperLimit" msgstr "Display score upper limit" msgid "GradebookScoreDisplayUpperLimitComment" msgstr "Tick the box to show the score's upper limit" msgid "TabsGradebookEnableUpperLimit" msgstr "Enable score's upper limit display" msgid "AddUserFields" msgstr "Add profile field" msgid "FieldPossibleValues" msgstr "Possible values" msgid "FieldPossibleValuesComment" msgstr "Only given for repetitive fields, split by semi-column (;)" msgid "FieldTypeDate" msgstr "Date" msgid "FieldTypeDatetime" msgstr "Date and time" msgid "UserFieldsAddHelp" msgstr "Adding a user field is very easy:
      - pick a one-word, lowercase identifier,
      - select a type,
      - pick a text that should appear to the user (if you use an existing translated name like BirthDate or UserSex, it will automatically get translated to any language),
      - if you picked a multiple type (radio, select, multiple select), provide the possible choices (again, it can make use of the language variables defined in Chamilo), split by semi-column characters,
      - for text types, you can choose a default value.

      Once you're done, add the field and choose whether you want to make it visible and modifiable. Making it modifiable but not visible is useless." msgid "AllowCourseThemeTitle" msgstr "Allow course themes" msgid "AllowCourseThemeComment" msgstr "Allows course graphical themes and makes it possible to change the style sheet used by a course to any of the possible style sheets available to Chamilo. When a user enters the course, the style sheet of the course will have priority over the user's own style sheet and the platform's default style sheet." msgid "DisplayMiniMonthCalendarTitle" msgstr "Display the small month calendar in the agenda tool" msgid "DisplayMiniMonthCalendarComment" msgstr "This setting enables or disables the small month calendar that appears in the left column of the agenda tool" msgid "DisplayUpcomingEventsTitle" msgstr "Display the upcoming events in the agenda tool" msgid "DisplayUpcomingEventsComment" msgstr "This setting enables or disables the upcoming events that appears in the left column of the agenda tool of the course" msgid "NumberOfUpcomingEventsTitle" msgstr "Number of upcoming events that have to be displayed." msgid "NumberOfUpcomingEventsComment" msgstr "The number of upcoming events that have to be displayed in the agenda. This requires that the upcoming event functionlity is activated (see setting above)." msgid "ShowClosedCoursesTitle" msgstr "Display closed courses on login page and portal start page?" msgid "ShowClosedCoursesComment" msgstr "Display closed courses on the login page and courses start page? On the portal start page an icon will appear next to the courses to quickly subscribe to each courses. This will only appear on the portal's start page when the user is logged in and when the user is not subscribed to the portal yet." msgid "LDAPConnectionError" msgstr "LDAP Connection Error" msgid "LDAP" msgstr "LDAP" msgid "AgendaAdd" msgstr "Add event" msgid "ShowAllEvents" msgstr "All events" msgid "ShowCurrent" msgstr "Current month" msgid "AddCalendarItem" msgstr "Add event to agenda" msgid "Day" msgstr "Day" msgid "Month" msgstr "Month" msgid "Year" msgstr "Annual View" msgid "Hour" msgstr "Hour" msgid "Minutes" msgstr "Minutes" msgid "Detail" msgstr "Detail" msgid "EditSuccess" msgstr "Event edited" msgid "AddSuccess" msgstr "Event added" msgid "AgendaDeleteSuccess" msgstr "Event deleted" msgid "NoAgendaItems" msgstr "There are no events" msgid "lang_september" msgstr "September" msgid "langClassName" msgstr "Class name" msgid "lang_agenda" msgstr "Agenda" msgid "ModifyCalendarItem" msgstr "Edit event" msgid "ItemTitle" msgstr "Event name" msgid "langDay" msgstr "day" msgid "month_default" msgstr "default month" msgid "langYear" msgstr "Year" msgid "year_default" msgstr "default year" msgid "langHour" msgstr "Hour" msgid "hour_default" msgstr "default hour" msgid "langMinute" msgstr "minute" msgid "langLasting" msgstr "lasting" msgid "langOldToNew" msgstr "old to new" msgid "langNewToOld" msgstr "new to old" msgid "langNow" msgstr "now" msgid "langAddEvent" msgstr "Save the event" msgid "langDetail" msgstr "detail" msgid "MonthView" msgstr "Month view" msgid "WeekView" msgstr "Weekly" msgid "DayView" msgstr "Daily" msgid "AddPersonalItem" msgstr "Add event to the agenda" msgid "Week" msgstr "Week" msgid "Date" msgstr "Date" msgid "Time" msgstr "Time" msgid "AddPersonalCalendarItem" msgstr "Add event to the agenda" msgid "ModifyPersonalCalendarItem" msgstr "Edit personal event" msgid "PeronalAgendaItemAdded" msgstr "Event added" msgid "PeronalAgendaItemEdited" msgstr "Event saved" msgid "PeronalAgendaItemDeleted" msgstr "The event was deleted" msgid "ViewPersonalItem" msgstr "View perso events only" msgid "UserGroupFilter" msgstr "Filter on groups/users" msgid "ShowAll" msgstr "Show All" msgid "Print" msgstr "Print" msgid "MyTextHere" msgstr "my text here" msgid "CopiedAsAnnouncement" msgstr "Copied as announcement" msgid "NewAnnouncement" msgstr "New announcement" msgid "AddAnnouncement" msgstr "Add as an announcement" msgid "UpcomingEvent" msgstr "Upcoming events" msgid "RepeatedEvent" msgstr "Repeated event" msgid "RepeatType" msgstr "Repeat type" msgid "RepeatDaily" msgstr "Daily" msgid "RepeatWeekly" msgstr "Weekly" msgid "RepeatMonthlyByDate" msgstr "Monthly, by date" msgid "RepeatMonthlyByDay" msgstr "Monthly, by day" msgid "RepeatMonthlyByDayR" msgstr "Monthly, by day, restricted" msgid "RepeatYearly" msgstr "Yearly" msgid "RepeatEnd" msgstr "Repeat end date" msgid "RepeatedEventViewOriginalEvent" msgstr "View original event" msgid "ICalFileImport" msgstr "Outlook import" msgid "AllUsersOfThePlatform" msgstr "All system users" msgid "GlobalEvent" msgstr "Platform event" msgid "ModifyEvent" msgstr "Edit event" msgid "EndDateCannotBeBeforeTheStartDate" msgstr "The end date cannot be before the start date" msgid "AgendaSortChronologicallyUp" msgstr "Ascending" msgid "AgendaSortChronologicallyDown" msgstr "Descending" msgid "ItemForUserSelection" msgstr "Users selection list" msgid "IsNotiCalFormatFile" msgstr "This file is not in iCal format" msgid "RepeatEvent" msgstr "Repeat event" msgid "AllDay" msgstr "All day" msgid "SessionCalendar" msgstr "Session calendar" msgid "RepeatDate" msgstr "Repeat date" msgid "EndDateMustBeMoreThanStartDate" msgstr "End date must be more than the start date" msgid "SelectACourse" msgstr "Select a course" msgid "PleaseSelectACourseOrASessionInTheLeftColumn" msgstr "Please select a course or a session in the sidebar." msgid "DisableEndDate" msgstr "Disable end date" msgid "AllEvents" msgstr "All events" msgid "langChapter" msgstr "Section" msgid "langDocumentList" msgstr "List of all documents" msgid "langOrganisationList" msgstr "Table of contents" msgid "langEditTOC" msgstr "Edit table of contents" msgid "langEditDocument" msgstr "Edit" msgid "langCreateDocument" msgstr "Create a rich media page / activity" msgid "langMissingImagesDetected" msgstr "Missing images detected" msgid "langPublish" msgstr "Publish" msgid "langScormcontentstudent" msgstr "This is a Scorm format course. To play it, click here : " msgid "langScormcontent" msgstr "This is a Scorm content
      " msgid "langDownloadAndZipEnd" msgstr " Zip file uploaded and uncompressed" msgid "langZipNoPhp" msgstr "The zip file can not contain .PHP files" msgid "langGroupForumLink" msgstr "Group forum" msgid "langGroupSpace" msgstr "Group area" msgid "langNotScormContent" msgstr "This is not a scorm ZIP file !" msgid "langNoText" msgstr "Please type your text / HTML content" msgid "langNoFileName" msgstr "Please enter the file name" msgid "langMaxFileSize" msgstr "Max file size is" msgid "langFileName" msgstr "Page / activity name" msgid "langFileError" msgstr "The file to upload is not valid." msgid "langDown" msgstr "down" msgid "langViMod" msgstr "Visibility modified" msgid "langAddComment" msgstr "Add/Edit a comment to" msgid "langImpossible" msgstr "Operation impossible" msgid "langNewDir" msgstr "Name of the new folder" msgid "langTo" msgstr "to" msgid "langNoSpace" msgstr "The upload has failed. Either you have exceeded your maximum quota, or there is not enough disk space." msgid "langDownloadEnd" msgstr "The upload is finished" msgid "langFileExists" msgstr "The operation is impossible, a file with this name already exists." msgid "langDocCopied" msgstr "Document copied" msgid "langDocDeleted" msgstr "Document deleted" msgid "langElRen" msgstr "Element renamed" msgid "langDirMv" msgstr "Element moved" msgid "langComMod" msgstr "Comment modified" msgid "langRename" msgstr "Rename" msgid "langCopy" msgstr "Copy training content" msgid "langNameDir" msgstr "Name of the new folder" msgid "langDownloadFile" msgstr "Upload file" msgid "langRoot" msgstr "root" msgid "langBuilder" msgstr "Create a course (authoring tool)" msgid "langScormBuilder" msgstr "Create a course (authoring tool)" msgid "langCreateDoc" msgstr "Create a rich media page / activity" msgid "langOrganiseDocuments" msgstr "Create table of contents" msgid "langUncompress" msgstr "Uncompress zip" msgid "ExportShort" msgstr "Export as SCORM" msgid "PublishSurvey" msgstr "Publish survey" msgid "CompareQuestions" msgstr "Compare questions" msgid "InformationUpdated" msgstr "Information updated" msgid "SurveyTitle" msgstr "Survey title" msgid "SurveyIntroduction" msgstr "Survey introduction" msgid "CreateNewSurvey" msgstr "Create survey" msgid "Survey" msgstr "Survey" msgid "SurveyTemplate" msgstr "Survey template" msgid "PleaseEnterSurveyTitle" msgstr "Please enter survey title" msgid "PleaseEnterValidDate" msgstr "Please Enter Valid Date" msgid "NotPublished" msgstr "Not published" msgid "AdvancedReportDetails" msgstr "Advanced report allows to choose the user and the questions to see more precis informations" msgid "AdvancedReport" msgstr "Advanced report" msgid "CompleteReportDetails" msgstr "Complete report allows to see all the results given by the people questioned, and export it in csv (for Excel)" msgid "CompleteReport" msgstr "Complete report" msgid "OnlyThoseAddresses" msgstr "Send the survey to these addresses only" msgid "BackToQuestions" msgstr "Back to the questions" msgid "SelectWhichLanguage" msgstr "Select in which language should be created the survey" msgid "CreateInAnotherLanguage" msgstr "Create this survey in another language" msgid "ExportInExcel" msgstr "Export in Excel format" msgid "ComparativeResults" msgstr "Comparative results" msgid "SelectDataYouWantToCompare" msgstr "Select the data you want to compare" msgid "OrCopyPasteUrl" msgstr "Or copy paste the link into the url bar of your browser :" msgid "ClickHereToOpenSurvey" msgstr "Click here to take the survey" msgid "SurveyNotShared" msgstr "No Surveys have been shared yet" msgid "ViewSurvey" msgstr "View survey" msgid "SelectDisplayType" msgstr "Select Display Type :" msgid "Thanks" msgstr "Feedback message" msgid "SurveyReporting" msgstr "Survey reporting" msgid "NoSurveyAvailable" msgstr "No survey available" msgid "YourSurveyHasBeenPublished" msgstr "has been published" msgid "CreateFromExistingSurvey" msgstr "Create from existing survey" msgid "Publish" msgstr "Publish survey" msgid "SearchASurvey" msgstr "Search a survey" msgid "CourseName" msgstr "Course name" msgid "SurveysOfAllCourses" msgstr "Survey(s) of all courses" msgid "PleaseSelectAChoice" msgstr "Please make a choice" msgid "ThereAreNoQuestionsInTheDatabase" msgstr "There are no questions in the database" msgid "UpdateQuestionType" msgstr "Update Question Type :" msgid "AddAnotherQuestion" msgstr "Add new question" msgid "IsShareSurvey" msgstr "Share survey with others" msgid "Proceed" msgstr "Proceed" msgid "PleaseFillNumber" msgstr "Please fill numeric values for points." msgid "PleaseFillAllPoints" msgstr "Please fill points from 1-5" msgid "PleasFillAllAnswer" msgstr "Please fill all the answer fields." msgid "PleaseSelectFourTrue" msgstr "Please select at least Four true answers." msgid "PleaseSelectFourDefault" msgstr "Please Select at least Four Default Answers." msgid "PleaseFillDefaultText" msgstr "Please fill default text" msgid "ModifySurveyInformation" msgstr "Edit survey information" msgid "ViewQuestions" msgstr "View questions" msgid "CreateSurvey" msgstr "Create survey" msgid "FinishSurvey" msgstr "Finish survey" msgid "QuestionsAdded" msgstr "Questions are added" msgid "DeleteSurvey" msgstr "Delete survey" msgid "SurveyCode" msgstr "Code" msgid "SurveyList" msgstr "Survey list" msgid "SurveyAttached" msgstr "Survey attached" msgid "QuestionByType" msgstr "Question by type" msgid "SelectQuestionByType" msgstr "Select question by type" msgid "PleaseEnterAQuestion" msgstr "Please enter a question" msgid "NoOfQuestions" msgstr "Number of question" msgid "Question" msgstr "Question" msgid "ThisCodeAlradyExists" msgstr "This code already exist" msgid "SaveAndExit" msgstr "Save and exit" msgid "ViewAnswers" msgstr "View answers" msgid "CreateExistingSurvey" msgstr "Create from an existing survey" msgid "SurveyName" msgstr "Survey name" msgid "SurveySubTitle" msgstr "Survey subtitle" msgid "ShareSurvey" msgstr "Share survey" msgid "SurveyThanks" msgstr "Final thanks" msgid "EditSurvey" msgstr "Edit survey" msgid "OrReturnToSurveyOverview" msgstr "Or return to survey overview" msgid "SurveyParametersMissingUseCopyPaste" msgstr "There is a parameter missing in the link. Please use copy and past" msgid "WrongInvitationCode" msgstr "Wrong invitation code" msgid "SurveyFinished" msgstr "You have finished this survey." msgid "SurveyPreview" msgstr "Survey preview" msgid "InvallidSurvey" msgstr "Invalid survey" msgid "AddQuestion" msgstr "Add a question" msgid "EditQuestion" msgstr "Edit question" msgid "TypeDoesNotExist" msgstr "This type does not exist" msgid "SurveyCreatedSuccesfully" msgstr "The survey has been created succesfully" msgid "YouCanNowAddQuestionToYourSurvey" msgstr "You can now add questions to your survey" msgid "SurveyUpdatedSuccesfully" msgstr "The survey has been updated succesfully" msgid "QuestionAdded" msgstr "The question has been added." msgid "QuestionUpdated" msgstr "The question has been updated." msgid "RemoveAnswer" msgstr "Remove option" msgid "AddAnswer" msgstr "Add option" msgid "DisplayAnswersHorVert" msgstr "Display" msgid "AnswerOptions" msgstr "Answer options" msgid "YesNo" msgstr "Yes / No" msgid "MultipleResponse" msgstr "Multiple answers" msgid "Open" msgstr "Open" msgid "Dropdown" msgstr "Dropdown" msgid "Pagebreak" msgstr "Page end (separate questions)" msgid "QuestionNumber" msgstr "N°" msgid "NumberOfOptions" msgstr "Options" msgid "SurveyInvitations" msgstr "Survey invitations" msgid "InvitationCode" msgstr "Invitation code" msgid "InvitationDate" msgstr "Invitation date" msgid "Answered" msgstr "Answered" msgid "AdditonalUsersComment" msgstr "You can invite additional users to fill the survey. To do so you can type their email adresses here separated by , or ;" msgid "MailTitle" msgstr "Mail subject" msgid "InvitationsSend" msgstr "invitations sent." msgid "SurveyDeleted" msgstr "The survey has been deleted." msgid "NoSurveysSelected" msgstr "No surveys have been selected." msgid "NumberOfQuestions" msgstr "Questions" msgid "Invited" msgstr "Invited" msgid "SubmitQuestionFilter" msgstr "Filter" msgid "ResetQuestionFilter" msgstr "Reset filter" msgid "ExportCurrentReport" msgstr "Export current report" msgid "OnlyQuestionsWithPredefinedAnswers" msgstr "Only questions with predefined answers can be used" msgid "SelectXAxis" msgstr "Select the question on the X axis" msgid "SelectYAxis" msgstr "Select the question on the Y axis" msgid "ComparativeReport" msgstr "Comparative report" msgid "AllQuestionsOnOnePage" msgstr "This screen displays an exact copy of the form as it was filled by the user" msgid "SelectUser" msgstr "User" msgid "SelectUserWhoFilledSurvey" msgstr "Select user who filled the survey" msgid "userreport" msgstr "User report" msgid "VisualRepresentation" msgstr "Graphic" msgid "AbsoluteTotal" msgstr "Absolute total" msgid "NextQuestion" msgstr "Next question" msgid "PreviousQuestion" msgstr "Previous question" msgid "PeopleWhoAnswered" msgstr "People who have chosen this answer" msgid "CourseUsers" msgstr "Users in course" msgid "SurveyPublication" msgstr "Publication of the survey" msgid "AdditonalUsers" msgstr "Additional users" msgid "MailText" msgstr "Email message" msgid "UseLinkSyntax" msgstr "The selected users will receive an email with the text above and a unique link that they have to click to fill the survey. If you want to put the link somewhere in your text you have to put the following text wherever you want in your text: **link** (star star link star star). This will then automatically be replaced by the unique link. If you do not add **link** to your text then the email link will be added to the end of the mail" msgid "DetailedReportByUser" msgstr "Detailed report by user" msgid "DetailedReportByQuestion" msgstr "Detailed report by question" msgid "ComparativeReportDetail" msgstr "In this report you can compare two questions." msgid "CompleteReportDetail" msgstr "In this report you get an overview of all the answers of all users on all questions. You also have the option to see only a selection of questions. You can export the results in CSV format and use this for processing in a statistical application" msgid "DetailedReportByUserDetail" msgstr "In this report you can see all the answers a specific user has given." msgid "DetailedReportByQuestionDetail" msgstr "In this report you see the results question by question. Basic statistical analysis and graphics are provided" msgid "ReminderResendToAllUsers" msgstr "Remind all users of the survey. If you do not check this checkbox only the newly added users will receive an email." msgid "Multiplechoice" msgstr "Multiple choice" msgid "Score" msgstr "Performance" msgid "Shared" msgstr "Shared" msgid "Invite" msgstr "Invite" msgid "MaximumScore" msgstr "Score" msgid "ViewInvited" msgstr "View invited" msgid "ViewAnswered" msgstr "View people who answered" msgid "ViewUnanswered" msgstr "View people who didn't answer" msgid "DeleteSurveyQuestion" msgstr "Are you sure you want to delete the question?" msgid "YouAlreadyFilledThisSurvey" msgstr "You already filled this survey" msgid "ClickHereToAnswerTheSurvey" msgstr "Click here to answer the survey" msgid "OrCopyPasteTheFollowingUrl" msgstr "or copy paste the following url :" msgid "UnknowUser" msgstr "Unknow user" msgid "MoveDown" msgstr "Move down" msgid "MoveUp" msgstr "Move up" msgid "HaveAnswered" msgstr "have answered" msgid "WereInvited" msgstr "were invited" msgid "PagebreakNotFirst" msgstr "The page break cannot be the first" msgid "PagebreakNotLast" msgstr "The page break cannot be the last one" msgid "SurveyNotAvailableAnymore" msgstr "Sorry, this survey is not available anymore. Thank you for trying." msgid "DuplicateSurvey" msgstr "Duplicate survey" msgid "EmptySurvey" msgstr "Empty survey" msgid "SurveyEmptied" msgstr "Answers to survey successfully deleted" msgid "SurveyNotAvailableYet" msgstr "This survey is not yet available. Please try again later. Thank you." msgid "PeopleAnswered" msgstr "people answered" msgid "AnonymousSurveyCannotKnowWhoAnswered" msgstr "This survey is anonymous. You can't see who answered." msgid "IllegalSurveyId" msgstr "Unknown survey id" msgid "SurveyQuestionMoved" msgstr "The question has been moved" msgid "IdenticalSurveycodeWarning" msgstr "This survey code already exists. That probably means the survey exists in other languages. Invited people will choose between different languages." msgid "ThisSurveyCodeSoonExistsInThisLanguage" msgstr "This survey code soon exists in this language" msgid "SurveyUserAnswersHaveBeenRemovedSuccessfully" msgstr "The user's answers to the survey have been succesfully removed." msgid "DeleteSurveyByUser" msgstr "Delete this user's answers" msgid "SelectType" msgstr "Select type" msgid "Conditional" msgstr "Conditional" msgid "ParentSurvey" msgstr "Parent Survey" msgid "OneQuestionPerPage" msgstr "One question per page" msgid "ActivateShuffle" msgstr "Enable shuffle mode" msgid "ShowFormProfile" msgstr "Show profile form" msgid "PersonalityQuestion" msgstr "Edit question" msgid "YouNeedToCreateGroups" msgstr "You need to create groups" msgid "ManageGroups" msgstr "Manage groups" msgid "Create" msgstr "Create" msgid "GroupCreatedSuccessfully" msgstr "Group created successfully" msgid "GroupNeedName" msgstr "Group need name" msgid "Personality" msgstr "Personalize" msgid "Condition" msgstr "Condition" msgid "Primary" msgstr "Primary" msgid "Secondary" msgstr "Secondary" msgid "CourseSettings" msgstr "Course settings" msgid "PleaseChooseACondition" msgstr "Please choose a condition" msgid "ChooseDifferentCategories" msgstr "Choose different categories" msgid "Version" msgstr "Version" msgid "Normal" msgstr "Normal" msgid "NoLogOfDuration" msgstr "No log of duration" msgid "AutoInviteLink" msgstr "Users who are not invited can use this link to take the survey:" msgid "CompleteTheSurveysQuestions" msgstr "Complete the survey's questions" msgid "SurveysDeleted" msgstr "Surveys deleted" msgid "RemindUnanswered" msgstr "Remind only users who didn't answer" msgid "ModifySurvey" msgstr "Edit survey" msgid "CreateQuestionSurvey" msgstr "Create question" msgid "ModifyQuestionSurvey" msgstr "Edit question" msgid "BackToSurvey" msgstr "Back to survey" msgid "UpdateInformation" msgstr "Update information" msgid "PleaseFillSurvey" msgstr "Please fill survey" msgid "ReportingOverview" msgstr "Reporting overview" msgid "ThereAreNotQuestionsForthisSurvey" msgstr "There are not questions for this survey" msgid "GenerateSurveyAccessLinkExplanation" msgstr "By copying the link below and pasting it in an e-mail or on a website, you will allow any anonymous person to enter and answer this survey. You can test this feature by clicking the link above and answering the survey. This is particularly useful if you want to allow anyone on a forum to answer you survey and you don't know their e-mail addresses." msgid "GenerateSurveyAccessLink" msgstr "Generate survey access link" msgid "Multipleresponse" msgstr "Multiple answer" msgid "ErrorSurveyTypeUnknown" msgstr "Survey type unknown" msgid "SurveyUndetermined" msgstr "Survey undefined" msgid "QuestionComment" msgstr "Question comment" msgid "UnknowQuestion" msgstr "Unknown question" msgid "Lastname" msgstr "Lastname" msgid "Firstname" msgstr "Firstname" msgid "DeleteSurveyGroup" msgstr "Delete a survey group" msgid "ErrorOccurred" msgstr "An error occurred." msgid "AlreadyRegisteredToCourse" msgstr "Already registered in course" msgid "lang_already_enrolled" msgstr "already enrolled" msgid "lang_my_personnal_course_list" msgstr "My courses list" msgid "lang_course_enrollment" msgstr "Course user" msgid "lang_course_not_available" msgstr "This course is not available or doesn't exist." msgid "lang_enroll" msgstr "Enroll" msgid "lang_enroll_to_a_new_course" msgstr "Enroll to a new course" msgid "lang_my_present_course_list" msgstr "My courses" msgid "lang_no_course_to_enroll_in_this_category" msgstr "No course available for enrollment in this category." msgid "lang_or_search_from_the_course_code" msgstr "Or search by course code" msgid "lang_search" msgstr "Search" msgid "lang_select_course_among_categories" msgstr "Select course among categories" msgid "lang_select_course_in" msgstr "Select course in" msgid "lang_select_course_in_search_results" msgstr "Select course from search results" msgid "Unsubscribe" msgstr "Unsubscribe" msgid "lang_back_to_my_home_page" msgstr "Back to my home page" msgid "lang_back_to_my_personnal_course_list" msgstr "Back to my courses list" msgid "langTitular" msgstr "Leader" msgid "langBackToListOfThisUser" msgstr "Back to training list" msgid "langAdministrationTools" msgstr "Administration Tools" msgid "lang_back_to_parent_category" msgstr "Back to parent category" msgid "lang_back_to_course_selection" msgstr "Back to course selection" msgid "lang_up" msgstr "Back to parent category" msgid "langCatList" msgstr "Categories" msgid "langCourseList" msgstr "Courses list" msgid "Subscribe" msgstr "Subscribe" msgid "AlreadySubscribed" msgstr "Already subscribed" msgid "CodeMandatory" msgstr "Code mandatory" msgid "CourseCategoryMandatory" msgstr "Course category mandatory" msgid "TeacherMandatory" msgstr "Teacher mandatory" msgid "CourseCategoryStored" msgstr "Course category is created" msgid "langWithoutTimeLimits" msgstr "Without time limits" msgid "lang_back_to_main_category_list" msgstr "Back to the main category list" msgid "langAdded" msgstr "Added" msgid "langDeleted" msgstr "Deleted" msgid "langKeeped" msgstr "Kept" msgid "langHideAndSubscribeClosed" msgstr "Hidden / Closed" msgid "langHideAndSubscribeOpen" msgstr "Hidden / Open" msgid "langShowAndSubscribeOpen" msgstr "Visible / Open" msgid "langShowAndSubscribeClosed" msgstr "Visible / Closed" msgid "langAdminThisUser" msgstr "Back to user" msgid "langManage" msgstr "Manage Portal" msgid "langEnrollToCourseSuccessful" msgstr "You have been registered to the course" msgid "langSubCat" msgstr "sub-categories" msgid "langUnsubscribeNotAllowed" msgstr "Unsubscribing is not allowed for this training." msgid "langCourseAdminUnsubscribeNotAllowed" msgstr "You are a trainer in this course" msgid "CourseManagement" msgstr "Courses catalog" msgid "SortMyCourses" msgstr "Sort courses" msgid "SubscribeToCourse" msgstr "Subscribe to course" msgid "UnsubscribeFromCourse" msgstr "Unsubscribe from course" msgid "CreateCourseCategory" msgstr "Create a personal courses category" msgid "CourseCategoryAbout2bedeleted" msgstr "Are you sure you want to delete this courses category? Courses inside this category will be moved outside the categories" msgid "CourseCategories" msgstr "Courses categories" msgid "CoursesInCategory" msgstr "Courses in this category" msgid "SearchCourse" msgstr "Search courses" msgid "UpOneCategory" msgstr "One category up" msgid "SearchResultsFor" msgstr "Search results for:" msgid "ConfirmUnsubscribeFromCourse" msgstr "Are you sure you want to unsubscribe?" msgid "NoCourseCategory" msgstr "No courses category" msgid "EditCourseCategorySucces" msgstr "The course has been added to the category" msgid "SubscribingNotAllowed" msgstr "Subscribing not allowed" msgid "CourseSortingDone" msgstr "Courses sorted" msgid "ExistingCourseCategories" msgstr "Existing courses categories" msgid "YouAreNowUnsubscribed" msgstr "You are now unsubscribed from the training" msgid "ViewOpenCourses" msgstr "View public courses" msgid "ErrorContactPlatformAdmin" msgstr "There happened an unknown error. Please contact the platform administrator." msgid "CourseRegistrationCodeIncorrect" msgstr "The course code is incorrect" msgid "CourseRequiresPassword" msgstr "This course requires a password" msgid "SubmitRegistrationCode" msgstr "Submit registration code" msgid "CourseCategoryDeleted" msgstr "The category was deleted" msgid "CategorySortingDone" msgstr "Category sorting done" msgid "CourseCategoryEditStored" msgstr "Category updated" msgid "buttonCreateCourseCategory" msgstr "Save courses category" msgid "buttonSaveCategory" msgstr "Save the category" msgid "buttonChangeCategory" msgstr "Change category" msgid "SessionName" msgstr "Session name" msgid "SessionCategory" msgstr "Sessions categories" msgid "Expand" msgstr "Expand" msgid "Collapse" msgstr "Collapse" msgid "CourseDetails" msgstr "Course description" msgid "GroupPendingInvitations" msgstr "Group pending invitations" msgid "Compose" msgstr "Compose" msgid "EmptyHeaderLine" msgstr "There is an empty line in the header of selected file" msgid "EnrollToCourseXSuccessful" msgstr "You have been registered to course: %s" msgid "ThereAreNoCoursesInThisCategory" msgstr "No course at this category level" msgid "TermAddNew" msgstr "Add new glossary term" msgid "TermName" msgstr "Term" msgid "TermDefinition" msgstr "Term definition" msgid "TermDeleted" msgstr "Term removed" msgid "TermUpdated" msgstr "Term updated" msgid "TermConfirmDelete" msgstr "Do you really want to delete this term" msgid "TermAddButton" msgstr "Save term" msgid "TermUpdateButton" msgstr "Update term" msgid "TermEdit" msgstr "Edit term" msgid "TermDeleteAction" msgstr "Delete term" msgid "OrderBy" msgstr "Order by" msgid "CreationDate" msgstr "Creation date" msgid "UpdateDate" msgstr "Updated" msgid "PreSelectedOrder" msgstr "Pre-defined" msgid "TermAdded" msgstr "Term added" msgid "YouMustEnterATermName" msgstr "You must enter a term" msgid "YouMustEnterATermDefinition" msgstr "You must enter a term definition" msgid "TableView" msgstr "Table view" msgid "GlossaryTermAlreadyExistsYouShouldEditIt" msgstr "This glossary term already exists. Please change the term name." msgid "GlossaryManagement" msgstr "Glossary management" msgid "TermMoved" msgstr "The term has moved" msgid "ShowGlossaryInExtraToolsTitle" msgstr "Show the glossary terms in extra tools" msgid "ShowGlossaryInExtraToolsComment" msgstr "From here you can configure how to add the glossary terms in extra tools as learning path and exercice tool" msgid "ImportGlossary" msgstr "Import glossary" msgid "ReplaceGlossary" msgstr "Replace glossary" msgid "CannotDeleteGlossary" msgstr "Cannot delete glossary" msgid "TermsImported" msgstr "Terms imported" msgid "TermsNotImported" msgstr "Terms not imported" msgid "ExportGlossaryAsCSV" msgstr "Export glossary as a CSV file" msgid "List" msgstr "List" msgid "GlossaryTermUpdated" msgstr "Term updated" msgid "DeleteAllGlossaryTerms" msgstr "Delete all terms" msgid "ModifInfo" msgstr "Settings" msgid "langModifDone" msgstr "The information has been modified" msgid "langDelCourse" msgstr "Delete the course area" msgid "langProfessors" msgstr "Trainers" msgid "langFaculty" msgstr "Category" msgid "langConfidentiality" msgstr "Confidentiality" msgid "langPublic" msgstr "Public access without authentication (from portal homepage)" msgid "langUnsubscription" msgstr "Unsubscribe" msgid "langPrivOpen" msgstr "Private access, registration open" msgid "langPrivate" msgstr "Private - access authorized to course members only" msgid "langForbidden" msgstr "Not allowed" msgid "CourseAccessConfigTip" msgstr "By default, your course is public. But you can define the level of access above." msgid "langOpenToTheWorld" msgstr "Public - access allowed for the whole world" msgid "OpenToThePlatform" msgstr " Open - access allowed for users registered on the platform" msgid "langOpenToThePlatform" msgstr "Open - access allowed for users registered on the platform" msgid "langTipLang" msgstr "This language will be valid for every visitor of your training's website." msgid "langVid" msgstr "Chamilo LIVE" msgid "langWork" msgstr "Contributions" msgid "langProgramMenu" msgstr "Training program" msgid "langAnnouncement" msgstr "Announcements" msgid "langExercise" msgstr "Tests" msgid "langStats" msgstr "Statistics" msgid "langUplPage" msgstr "Upload page and link to Home Page" msgid "langLinkSite" msgstr "Add link to page on Home Page" msgid "langCourse" msgstr "The area" msgid "langHasDel" msgstr "has been deleted" msgid "langBackHome" msgstr "Back to Home Page of" msgid "langByDel" msgstr "Deleting this area will permanently delete all the content (documents, links...) it contains and unregister all its members (not remove them from other training).

      Do you really want to delete the training?" msgid "langY" msgstr "YES" msgid "langN" msgstr "NO" msgid "langDepartmentUrl" msgstr "Department URL" msgid "langDepartmentUrlName" msgstr "Department" msgid "langBackupCourse" msgstr "Archive this course area" msgid "langModifGroups" msgstr "Groups" msgid "langProfessor" msgstr "Trainer" msgid "langGroups" msgstr "Groups" msgid "langDescriptionCours" msgstr "Description" msgid "langArchiveCourse" msgstr "Course backup" msgid "langRestoreCourse" msgstr "Restore a course" msgid "langRestore" msgstr "Restore" msgid "langCreatedIn" msgstr "created in" msgid "langCreateMissingDirectories" msgstr "Creation of missing directories" msgid "langCopyDirectoryCourse" msgstr "Copy of course files" msgid "langDisk_free_space" msgstr "Free disk space" msgid "langBuildTheCompressedFile" msgstr "Creation of backup file" msgid "langFileCopied" msgstr "file copied" msgid "langArchiveLocation" msgstr "Archive location" msgid "langSizeOf" msgstr "Size of" msgid "langArchiveName" msgstr "Archive name" msgid "langBackupSuccesfull" msgstr "Backup successful" msgid "langBUCourseDataOfMainBase" msgstr "Backup of course data in main database for" msgid "langBUUsersInMainBase" msgstr "Backup of user data in main database for" msgid "langBUAnnounceInMainBase" msgstr "Backup of announcements data in main database for" msgid "langBackupOfDataBase" msgstr "Backup of database" msgid "langCreationDate" msgstr "Created" msgid "langExpirationDate" msgstr "Expiration date" msgid "langPostPone" msgstr "Post pone" msgid "langLastEdit" msgstr "Latest edit" msgid "langLastVisit" msgstr "Latest visit" msgid "langSubscription" msgstr "Subscription" msgid "langCourseAccess" msgstr "Course access" msgid "langConfirmBackup" msgstr "Do you really want to backup this training?" msgid "langCreateSite" msgstr "Create a training" msgid "langRestoreDescription" msgstr "The training is in an archive file which you can select below.

      Once you click on \"Restore\", the archive will be uncompressed and the training recreated." msgid "langRestoreNotice" msgstr "This script doesn't allow yet to automatically restore users, but data saved in \"users.csv\" are sufficient for the administrator to do it manually." msgid "langAvailableArchives" msgstr "Available archives list" msgid "langNoArchive" msgstr "No archive has been selected" msgid "langArchiveNotFound" msgstr "The archive has not been found" msgid "langArchiveUncompressed" msgstr "The archive has been uncompressed and installed." msgid "langCsvPutIntoDocTool" msgstr "The file \"users.csv\" has been put into Documents tool." msgid "langBackH" msgstr "back to homepage" msgid "langOtherCategory" msgstr "Other category" msgid "langAllowedToUnsubscribe" msgstr "Users are allowed to unsubscribe from this training" msgid "langNotAllowedToUnsubscribe" msgstr "Users are not allowed to unsubscribe from this training" msgid "langCourseVisibilityClosed" msgstr "Completely closed: the course is only accessible to the teachers." msgid "CourseVisibilityClosed" msgstr "Closed - the course is only accessible to the teachers" msgid "CourseVisibilityModified" msgstr "Modified (more detailed settings specified through roles-rights system)" msgid "WorkEmailAlert" msgstr "Alert by e-mail on work submission" msgid "WorkEmailAlertActivate" msgstr "Activate e-mail alert on new work submission" msgid "WorkEmailAlertDeactivate" msgstr "Disable e-mail alert on new work submission" msgid "DropboxEmailAlert" msgstr "Alert by e-mail on dropbox submission" msgid "DropboxEmailAlertActivate" msgstr "Activate e-mail alert on dropbox submission" msgid "DropboxEmailAlertDeactivate" msgstr "Disable e-mail alert on dropbox submission" msgid "AllowUserEditAgenda" msgstr "Allow learners to edit the agenda" msgid "AllowUserEditAgendaActivate" msgstr "Activate training agenda edition by users" msgid "AllowUserEditAgendaDeactivate" msgstr "Disable agenda editing by learners" msgid "AllowUserEditAnnouncement" msgstr "Allow learners to edit announcements" msgid "AllowUserEditAnnouncementActivate" msgstr "Enable edition by users" msgid "AllowUserEditAnnouncementDeactivate" msgstr "Disable edition by users" msgid "OrInTime" msgstr "Or in" msgid "CourseRegistrationPassword" msgstr "Course registration password" msgid "langDescriptionDeleteCourse" msgstr "Click on this link for a full removal of the course from the server.

      Be carefull, there's no way back!" msgid "langDescriptionCopyCourse" msgstr "Duplicate the course or some learning objects in another course. You need 2 courses to use this feature: an original course and a target course." msgid "DescriptionRecycleCourse" msgstr "This tool empties the course. It removes documents, forums, links. And allows you to select what parts you want to remove or decide to remove the whole." msgid "QuizEmailAlert" msgstr "E-mail alert on new test submitted" msgid "QuizEmailAlertActivate" msgstr "Activate e-mail sending when a user submits new test answers" msgid "QuizEmailAlertDeactivate" msgstr "Disable e-mail alert on new test answers submission" msgid "AllowUserImageForum" msgstr "User picture in forum" msgid "AllowUserImageForumActivate" msgstr "Display users pictures in the forum" msgid "AllowUserImageForumDeactivate" msgstr "Hide users pictures in the forum" msgid "AllowLearningPathTheme" msgstr "Allow training theme" msgid "AllowLearningPathThemeAllow" msgstr "Allowed" msgid "AllowLearningPathThemeDisallow" msgstr "Disallowed" msgid "ConfigChat" msgstr "Chat settings" msgid "AllowOpenchatWindow" msgstr "Open chat in a new Window" msgid "AllowOpenChatWindowActivate" msgstr "Activate open the chat in a new window" msgid "AllowOpenChatWindowDeactivate" msgstr "Deactivate open the chat in a new window" msgid "NewUserEmailAlert" msgstr "Notice by e-mail to trainer of auto subscription of a new user" msgid "NewUserEmailAlertEnable" msgstr "Enable the notice by e-mail to trainer of auto subscription of a new user" msgid "NewUserEmailAlertToTeacharAndTutor" msgstr "Enable the notice by e-mail to trainer and tutors of auto subscription of a new user" msgid "NewUserEmailAlertDisable" msgstr "Disable the email alert for the suscription of new user in the training" msgid "AllowUserViewUserList" msgstr "Allow user view user list" msgid "AllowUserViewUserListActivate" msgstr "Enable user list" msgid "AllowUserViewUserListDeactivate" msgstr "Disable user list" msgid "DoNotDisplayAnyAdvance" msgstr "Do not display progress" msgid "RedirectToTheExerciseList" msgstr "Redirect to the exercises list" msgid "RedirectToExercise" msgstr "Redirect to the selected exercise" msgid "ConfigExercise" msgstr "Configure exercises tool" msgid "CourseSettingsRegisterDirectLink" msgstr "If your course is public or open, you can use the direct link below to send an invitation to new users, so after registration, they will be sent directly to the course. Also, you can add the e=1 parameter to the URL, replacing \"1\" by an exercise ID to send them directly to a specific exam. The exercise ID can be discovered in the URL when clicking on an exercise to open it.
      %s" msgid "DirectLink" msgstr "Direct link" msgid "NewHomeworkEmailAlert" msgstr "Email users on assignment creation" msgid "NewHomeworkEmailAlertEnable" msgstr "Enable email users on assignment submission" msgid "NewHomeworkEmailAlertDisable" msgstr "Disable email users on assignment submission" msgid "DisplayAboutNextAdvanceNotDoneAndLastDoneAdvance" msgstr "Display the last executed step and the next unfinished step" msgid "AddPicture" msgstr "Add a picture" msgid "LPAutoLaunch" msgstr "Enable learning path auto-launch" msgid "ConfigLearnpath" msgstr "Learning path settings" msgid "PDFWaterMarkHeader" msgstr "Watermark header in PDF exports" msgid "RedirectToALearningPath" msgstr "Redirect to a selected learning path" msgid "RedirectToTheLearningPathList" msgstr "Redirect to the learning paths list" msgid "ActivateLegal" msgstr "Enable legal terms" msgid "ShowALegalNoticeWhenEnteringTheCourse" msgstr "Show a legal notice when entering the course" msgid "CourseLegalAgreement" msgstr "Legal agreement for this course" msgid "AcceptLegal" msgstr "Accept legal terms" msgid "EmailNotificationTemplateDescription" msgstr "You can customize the email sent to users when they finished the exercise. You can use tags like these: 1. {{ student.username }} 2. {{ student.firstname }} 3. {{ student.lastname }} 4. {{ student.official_code }} 5. {{ exercise.title }} 6. {{ exercise.start_time }} 7. {{ exercise.end_time }} 8. {{ course.title }} 9. {{ course.code }}" msgid "EmailNotificationTemplate" msgstr "Email notification template" msgid "ExerciseEndButtonDisconnect" msgstr "Logout" msgid "ExerciseEndButtonExerciseHome" msgstr "Exercise list." msgid "ExerciseEndButtonCourseHome" msgstr "Course home" msgid "ExerciseEndButton" msgstr "Exercise end button" msgid "HideQuestionTitle" msgstr "Hide question title" msgid "QuestionSelection" msgstr "Question selection type" msgid "OrderedCategoriesByParentWithQuestionsRandom" msgstr "Ordered categories by parent with random questions" msgid "OrderedCategoriesByParentWithQuestionsOrdered" msgstr "Ordered categories by parent with questions ordered" msgid "RandomCategoriesWithRandomQuestionsNoQuestionGrouped" msgstr "Random categories with random questions (questions not grouped)" msgid "RandomCategoriesWithQuestionsOrderedNoQuestionGrouped" msgstr "Random categories with questions ordered (questions not grouped)" msgid "RandomCategoriesWithRandomQuestions" msgstr "Random categories with random questions" msgid "OrderedCategoriesAlphabeticallyWithRandomQuestions" msgstr "Ordered categories alphabetically with random questions" msgid "RandomCategoriesWithQuestionsOrdered" msgstr "Random categories with questions ordered" msgid "OrderedCategoriesAlphabeticallyWithQuestionsOrdered" msgstr "Ordered categories alphabetically with questions ordered" msgid "UsingCategories" msgstr "Using categories" msgid "OrderedByUser" msgstr "Ordered by user" msgid "ToReview" msgstr "To be reviewed" msgid "Unanswered" msgstr "Unanswered" msgid "Answered" msgstr "Answered" msgid "CurrentQuestion" msgstr "Current question" msgid "MediaQuestions" msgstr "Shareable enunciates" msgid "AddedToLPCannotBeAccessed" msgstr "This exercise has been included in a learning path, so it cannot be accessed by students directly from here. If you want to put the same exercise available through the exercises tool, please make a copy of the current exercise using the copy icon." msgid "langExercice" msgstr "Test" msgid "langActivate" msgstr "Show" msgid "langDeactivate" msgstr "Hide" msgid "langNoEx" msgstr "There is no test for the moment" msgid "langNewEx" msgstr "Create a new test" msgid "langQuestion" msgstr "Question" msgid "langQuestions" msgstr "Questions" msgid "langAnswers" msgstr "Answers" msgid "langTrue" msgstr "True" msgid "langAnswer" msgstr "Answer" msgid "langResult" msgstr "Result" msgid "langNoResult" msgstr "There is no result yet" msgid "langYourResults" msgstr "Your results" msgid "langStudentResults" msgstr "Score" msgid "langExerciseType" msgstr "Sequential" msgid "langExerciseName" msgstr "Test name" msgid "langExerciseDescription" msgstr "Give a context to the test" msgid "langSimpleExercise" msgstr "All questions on one page" msgid "langSequentialExercise" msgstr "One question by page" msgid "langRandomQuestions" msgstr "Random questions" msgid "langGiveExerciseName" msgstr "Please give the test name" msgid "langSound" msgstr "Audio or video file" msgid "langDeleteSound" msgstr "Delete the audio or video file" msgid "langNoAnswer" msgstr "There is no answer for the moment" msgid "langGoBackToQuestionPool" msgstr "Go back to the question pool" msgid "langGoBackToQuestionList" msgstr "Go back to the questions list" msgid "langQuestionAnswers" msgstr "Answers to the question" msgid "langUsedInSeveralExercises" msgstr "Warning ! This question and its answers are used in several tests. Would you like to Edit them" msgid "langModifyInAllExercises" msgstr "in all tests" msgid "langModifyInThisExercise" msgstr "only in the current test" msgid "langAnswerType" msgstr "Answer type" msgid "langMultipleSelect" msgstr "Multiple answers" msgid "langFillBlanks" msgstr "Fill blanks or form" msgid "langMatching" msgstr "Matching" msgid "langAddPicture" msgstr "Add a picture" msgid "langReplacePicture" msgstr "Replace the picture" msgid "langDeletePicture" msgstr "Delete picture" msgid "langQuestionDescription" msgstr "Enrich question" msgid "langGiveQuestion" msgstr "Please type the question" msgid "langWeightingForEachBlank" msgstr "Please enter a score for each blank" msgid "langUseTagForBlank" msgstr "use square brackets [...] to define one or more blanks" msgid "langQuestionWeighting" msgstr "Score" msgid "langMoreAnswers" msgstr "+answ" msgid "langLessAnswers" msgstr "-answ" msgid "langMoreElements" msgstr "+elem" msgid "langLessElements" msgstr "-elem" msgid "langTypeTextBelow" msgstr "Please type your text below" msgid "langDefaultTextInBlanks" msgstr "

      Example fill the form activity : calculate the Body Mass Index

      Age [25] years old
      Sex [M] (M or F)
      Weight 95 Kg
      Height 1.81 m
      Body Mass Index [29] BMI =Weight/Size2 (Cf. Wikipedia article)
      " msgid "langDefaultMatchingOptA" msgstr "Note down the address" msgid "langDefaultMatchingOptB" msgstr "Contact the emergency services" msgid "langDefaultMakeCorrespond1" msgstr "First step" msgid "langDefaultMakeCorrespond2" msgstr "Second step" msgid "langDefineOptions" msgstr "Please define the options" msgid "langMakeCorrespond" msgstr "Match them" msgid "langFillLists" msgstr "Please fill the two lists below" msgid "langGiveText" msgstr "Please type the text" msgid "langDefineBlanks" msgstr "Please define at least one blank with square brackets [...]" msgid "langGiveAnswers" msgstr "Please type the question's answers" msgid "langChooseGoodAnswer" msgstr "Please check the correct answer" msgid "langChooseGoodAnswers" msgstr "Please check one or more correct answers" msgid "langQuestionList" msgstr "Question list of the test" msgid "langMoveUp" msgstr "Move up" msgid "langMoveDown" msgstr "Move down" msgid "langGetExistingQuestion" msgstr "Recycle existing questions" msgid "langFinishTest" msgstr "Correct test" msgid "langQuestionPool" msgstr "Recycle existing questions" msgid "langOrphanQuestions" msgstr "Orphan questions" msgid "langNoQuestion" msgstr "Questions list (there is no question so far)." msgid "langAllExercises" msgstr "All tests" msgid "langFilter" msgstr "Filter" msgid "langGoBackToEx" msgstr "Go back to the test" msgid "langReuse" msgstr "Re-use in current test" msgid "langExerciseManagement" msgstr "Tests management" msgid "langQuestionManagement" msgstr "Question / Answer management" msgid "langQuestionNotFound" msgstr "Question not found" msgid "langExerciseNotFound" msgstr "Test not found or not visible" msgid "langAlreadyAnswered" msgstr "You already answered the question" msgid "langElementList" msgstr "Elements list" msgid "langScore" msgstr "Score" msgid "langCorrespondsTo" msgstr "Corresponds to" msgid "langExpectedChoice" msgstr "Expected choice" msgid "langYourTotalScore" msgstr "Score for the test" msgid "ReachedMaxAttemptsAdmin" msgstr "You have reached the maximum number of attempts for this test. Being a trainer, you can go on practicing but your Results will not be reported." msgid "langExerciseAdded" msgstr "Exercise added" msgid "Build" msgstr "Build" msgid "langEvalSet" msgstr "Assesment settings" msgid "langActive" msgstr "active" msgid "langInactive" msgstr "inactive" msgid "langQuestCreate" msgstr "Create questions" msgid "langExRecord" msgstr "your test has been saved" msgid "langBackModif" msgstr "back to the edit page of questions" msgid "langDoEx" msgstr "make test" msgid "langDefScor" msgstr "Describe assessment settings" msgid "langCreateModif" msgstr "Create/Edit questions" msgid "langSub" msgstr "subtitle" msgid "langMyAnswer" msgstr "My answer" msgid "langMorA" msgstr "+ answer" msgid "langLesA" msgstr "- answer" msgid "langRecEx" msgstr "Save test" msgid "langRecQu" msgstr "Add question to test" msgid "langRecAns" msgstr "Save Answers" msgid "langIntroduction" msgstr "Introduction" msgid "langTitleAssistant" msgstr "Assistant for the creation of tests" msgid "langQuesList" msgstr "questionlist" msgid "langSaveEx" msgstr "save tests" msgid "langFinish" msgstr "Quit test" msgid "langCancel" msgstr "Cancel" msgid "langQImage" msgstr "Question with an image" msgid "langAddQ" msgstr "Add a question" msgid "langDoAnEx" msgstr "Do an test" msgid "langGenerator" msgstr "Test list" msgid "langChoice" msgstr "Your choice" msgid "langCorrect" msgstr "Correct" msgid "langPossAnsw" msgstr "Number of good answers for one question" msgid "langStudAnsw" msgstr "number of errors by the learner" msgid "langDetermine" msgstr "Determine" msgid "langNonNumber" msgstr "a non numeric value" msgid "langReplaced" msgstr "Replaced" msgid "langSuperior" msgstr "a value larger than 20" msgid "langRep20" msgstr "Replace 20" msgid "langDefault" msgstr "Default Values *" msgid "langDefComment" msgstr "previous values will be replaced by clicking the \"default values\" button" msgid "langScoreGet" msgstr "black numbers = score" msgid "langShowScor" msgstr "Show score to learner:" msgid "langStep1" msgstr "Step 1" msgid "langStep2" msgstr "Step 2" msgid "langTake" msgstr "take" msgid "langAmong" msgstr "among" msgid "langImportHotPotatoesQuiz" msgstr "Import Hotpotatoes" msgid "langHotPotatoesTests" msgstr "Import Hotpotatoes tests" msgid "langDownloadFile" msgstr "Upload file" msgid "langDownloadImg" msgstr "Upload Image file to the server" msgid "langDownloadEnd" msgstr "The upload is finished" msgid "langNoSpace" msgstr "The upload has failed. Either you have exceeded your maximum quota, or there is not enough disk space." msgid "langZipNoPhp" msgstr "The zip file can not contain .PHP files" msgid "langNoImg" msgstr "Test whithout Images" msgid "langImgNote_st" msgstr "
      You still have to upload" msgid "langImgNote_en" msgstr " image(s) :" msgid "langDocDeleted" msgstr "Document deleted" msgid "langViMod" msgstr "Visibility modified" msgid "langNameNotEqual" msgstr "is not the valid file !" msgid "langIndice" msgstr "Index" msgid "langIndices" msgstr "Indexes" msgid "langDateExo" msgstr "Date" msgid "langShowQuestion" msgstr "Show Question" msgid "langUnknownExercise" msgstr "Unknown Test" msgid "langReuseQuestion" msgstr "Reuse the question" msgid "langCreateExercise" msgstr "Create test" msgid "langCreateQuestion" msgstr "Create a question" msgid "langCreateAnswers" msgstr "Create answers" msgid "langModifyExercise" msgstr "Edit test name and settings" msgid "langModifyAnswers" msgstr "Edit answers" msgid "langForExercise" msgstr "for the test" msgid "langUseExistantQuestion" msgstr "Use an existing question" msgid "FreeAnswer" msgstr "Open question" msgid "notCorrectedYet" msgstr "This answer has not yet been corrected. Meanwhile, your score for this question is set to 0, affecting the total score." msgid "adminHP" msgstr "Hot Potatoes Admin" msgid "NewQu" msgstr "New question" msgid "NoImage" msgstr "Please select an image" msgid "langAnswerHotspot" msgstr "Description and scoring are required for each hotspot - feedback is optional" msgid "langMinHotspot" msgstr "You have to create one (1) hotspot at least." msgid "langMaxHotspot" msgstr "The maximum hotspots you can create is twelve (12)." msgid "langHotspotError" msgstr "Please supply a description and weighing for each hotspot." msgid "langMoreHotspots" msgstr "Add hotspot" msgid "langLessHotspots" msgstr "Remove hotspot" msgid "langHotspotZones" msgstr "Image zones" msgid "langNextQuestion" msgstr "Next question" msgid "langCorrectAnswer" msgstr "Correct answer" msgid "langHotspotHit" msgstr "Your answer was" msgid "langOnlyJPG" msgstr "For hotspots you can only use JPG (or JPEG) images" msgid "langFinishThisTest" msgstr "Show correct answers to each question and the score for the test" msgid "langAllQuestions" msgstr "All questions" msgid "langModifyTitleDescription" msgstr "Edit title and description" msgid "langModifyHotspots" msgstr "Edit answers/hotspots" msgid "langHotspotNotDrawn" msgstr "You haven't drawn all your hotspots yet" msgid "langHotspotWeightingError" msgstr "You must give a positive score for each hotspots" msgid "langHotspotValidateError1" msgstr "You should answer completely to the question (" msgid "langHotspotValidateError2" msgstr " click(s) required on the image) before seeing the results" msgid "langHotspotRequired" msgstr "Description and scoring are required for each hotspot. Feedback is optional." msgid "langHotspotChoose" msgstr "To create a hotspot: select a shape next to the colour, and draw the hotspot. To move a hotspot, select the colour, click another spot in the image, and draw the hotspot. To add a hotspot: click the Add hotspot button. To close a polygon shape: right click and select Close polygon." msgid "Fault" msgstr "Incorrect" msgid "HotSpot" msgstr "Image zones" msgid "ClickNumber" msgstr "Click number" msgid "HotspotGiveAnswers" msgstr "Please give an answer" msgid "Addlimits" msgstr "Add limits" msgid "AreYouSure" msgstr "Are you sure" msgid "StudentScore" msgstr "Learner score" msgid "backtoTesthome" msgstr "Back to test home" msgid "Feedback" msgstr "Feedback" msgid "MarkIsUpdated" msgstr "The grade has been updated" msgid "MarkInserted" msgstr "Grade inserted" msgid "PleaseGiveAMark" msgstr "Please give a grade" msgid "EditCommentsAndMarks" msgstr "Edit individual feedback and grade the open question" msgid "AddComments" msgstr "Add individual feedback" msgid "Number" msgstr "N°" msgid "Weighting" msgstr "Score" msgid "ChooseQuestionType" msgstr "To create a new question, choose the type above" msgid "MatchesTo" msgstr "Matches To" msgid "CorrectTest" msgstr "Correct test" msgid "ViewTest" msgstr "View" msgid "State" msgstr "Status" msgid "NotAttempted" msgstr "Not attempted" msgid "AddElem" msgstr "Add element" msgid "DelElem" msgstr "Remove element" msgid "PlusAnswer" msgstr "Add answer option" msgid "LessAnswer" msgstr "Remove answer option" msgid "YourScore" msgstr "Your score" msgid "Attempted" msgstr "Attempted" msgid "AssignMarks" msgstr "Assign a grade" msgid "Results" msgstr "Results and feedback" msgid "ExerciseStored" msgstr "Proceed by clicking on a question type, then enter the appropriate information." msgid "ChooseAtLeastOneCheckbox" msgstr "Choose at least one good answer" msgid "ExerciseEdited" msgstr "Test name and settings have been saved." msgid "ExerciseDeleted" msgstr "The test has been deleted" msgid "ClickToCommentAndGiveFeedback" msgstr "Click the following link to check the answer and give feedback" msgid "OpenQuestionsAttempted" msgstr "A learner has answered an open question" msgid "AttemptDetails" msgstr "Attempt details" msgid "TestAttempted" msgstr "Test attempted" msgid "StudentName" msgstr "Learner name" msgid "StudentEmail" msgstr "Learner email" msgid "OpenQuestionsAttemptedAre" msgstr "Open question attempted is" msgid "CourseName" msgstr "Course name" msgid "UploadJpgPicture" msgstr "Upload image (jpg, png or gif) to apply hotspots." msgid "HotspotDescription" msgstr "Now click on : (...)" msgid "ExamSheetVCC" msgstr "Examsheet viewed/corrected/commented by the trainer" msgid "AttemptVCC" msgstr "Your following attempt has been viewed/commented/corrected by the trainer" msgid "ClickLinkToViewComment" msgstr "Click the link below to access your account and view your commented Examsheet." msgid "Regards" msgstr "Regards" msgid "AttemptVCCLong" msgstr "You attempt for the test %s has been viewed/commented/corrected by the trainer. Click the link below to access your account and view your Examsheet." msgid "DearStudentEmailIntroduction" msgstr "Dear learner," msgid "ExerciseFinished" msgstr "Test Finished" msgid "ResultsEnabled" msgstr "Results enabled for learners" msgid "ResultsDisabled" msgstr "Results disabled for learners" msgid "ExportWithUserFields" msgstr "Include profiling" msgid "ExportWithoutUserFields" msgstr "Exclude profiling" msgid "DisableResults" msgstr "Do not show results" msgid "EnableResults" msgstr "Show results to learners" msgid "ValidateAnswer" msgstr "Validate answers" msgid "FillInBlankSwitchable" msgstr "Allow answers order switches" msgid "ReachedMaxAttempts" msgstr "You cannot take test %s because you have already reached the maximum of %s attempts." msgid "AdvancedParameters" msgstr "Advanced settings" msgid "RandomQuestionsToDisplay" msgstr "Number of random questions to display" msgid "RandomQuestionsHelp" msgstr "To randomize all questions choose 10. To disable randomization, choose \"Do not randomize\"." msgid "ExerciseAttempts" msgstr "Max number of attempts" msgid "DoNotRandomize" msgstr "Do not randomize" msgid "Infinite" msgstr "Infinite" msgid "BackToExercisesList" msgstr "Back to Tests tool" msgid "ViewScoreChangeHistory" msgstr "View score change history" msgid "NoStartDate" msgstr "No start date" msgid "NoLogOfDuration" msgstr "No log of duration" msgid "EnableTimeLimits" msgstr "Impose calendar limit" msgid "ExeStartTime" msgstr "Start date" msgid "ExeEndTime" msgstr "End date" msgid "Value" msgstr "Value" msgid "DeleteAttempt" msgstr "Delete attempt?" msgid "WithoutComment" msgstr "Without comment" msgid "QuantityQuestions" msgstr "Questions" msgid "FilterExercices" msgstr "Filter tests" msgid "FilterByNotRevised" msgstr "Only unqualified" msgid "FilterByRevised" msgstr "Only qualified" msgid "Duration" msgstr "Duration" msgid "ReachedTimeLimit" msgstr "Time limit reached" msgid "TryAgain" msgstr "Try again" msgid "SeeTheory" msgstr "Theory link" msgid "EndActivity" msgstr "End of activity" msgid "NoFeedback" msgstr "Exam (no feedback)" msgid "DirectFeedback" msgstr "Self-evaluation (immediate feedback)" msgid "FeedbackType" msgstr "Feedback" msgid "Scenario" msgstr "Scenario" msgid "VisitUrl" msgstr "Visit this link" msgid "ExitTest" msgstr "Exit test" msgid "DurationFormat" msgstr "%1 seconds" msgid "Difficulty" msgstr "Difficulty" msgid "NewScore" msgstr "New score" msgid "NewComment" msgstr "New comment" msgid "ExerciseNoStartedYet" msgstr "The test did not start yet" msgid "ExerciseNoStartedAdmin" msgstr "The trainer did not allow the test to start yet" msgid "SelectTargetLP" msgstr "Select target training" msgid "SelectTargetQuestion" msgstr "Select target question" msgid "DirectFeedbackCantModifyTypeQuestion" msgstr "The test type cannot be modified since it was set to self evaluation. Self evaluation gives you the possibility to give direct feedback to the user, but this is not compatible with all question types and, so this type quiz cannot be changed afterward." msgid "CantShowResults" msgstr "Not available" msgid "CantViewResults" msgstr "Can't view results" msgid "ShowCorrectedOnly" msgstr "With individual feedback" msgid "ShowUnCorrectedOnly" msgstr "Uncorrected results" msgid "HideResultsToStudents" msgstr "Hide results" msgid "ShowResultsToStudents" msgstr "Show score to learner" msgid "ProcedToQuestions" msgstr "Proceed to questions" msgid "AddQuestionToExercise" msgstr "Add this question to the test" msgid "PresentationQuestions" msgstr "Display" msgid "UniqueAnswer" msgstr "Multiple choice" msgid "MultipleAnswer" msgstr "Multiple answer" msgid "ReachedOneAttempt" msgstr "You can not take this test because you have already reached one attempt" msgid "QuestionsPerPage" msgstr "Questions per page" msgid "QuestionsPerPageOne" msgstr "One" msgid "QuestionsPerPageAll" msgstr "All" msgid "EditIndividualComment" msgstr "Edit individual feedback" msgid "ThankYouForPassingTheTest" msgstr "Thank you for passing the test" msgid "ExerciseAtTheEndOfTheTest" msgstr "At end of test" msgid "EnrichQuestion" msgstr "Enrich question" msgid "langDefaultUniqueQuestion" msgstr "Select the good reasoning" msgid "langDefaultUniqueAnswer1" msgstr "A then B then C" msgid "langDefaultUniqueComment1" msgstr "Milk is the basis of many dairy products such as butter, cheese, yogurt, among other" msgid "langDefaultUniqueAnswer2" msgstr "A then C then B" msgid "langDefaultUniqueComment2" msgstr "Oats are one of the most comprehensive grain. By their energy and nutritional qualities has been the basis of feeding people" msgid "langDefaultMultipleQuestion" msgstr "The marasmus is a consequence of" msgid "langDefaultMultipleAnswer1" msgstr "Lack of Calcium" msgid "langDefaultMultipleComment1" msgstr "The calcium acts as a ..." msgid "langDefaultMultipleAnswer2" msgstr "Lack of Vitamin A" msgid "langDefaultMultipleComment2" msgstr "The Vitamin A is responsible for..." msgid "langDefaultFillBlankQuestion" msgstr "Calculate the Body Mass Index" msgid "langDefaultMathingQuestion" msgstr "Order the operations" msgid "langDefaultOpenQuestion" msgstr "List what you consider the 10 top qualities of a good project manager?" msgid "langMoreHotspotsImage" msgstr "Add/edit hotspots on the image" msgid "ReachedTimeLimitAdmin" msgstr "Reached time limit admin" msgid "LastScoreTest" msgstr "Last score of a exercise" msgid "BackToResultList" msgstr "Back to result list" msgid "EditingScoreCauseProblemsToExercisesInLP" msgstr "If you edit a question score, please remember that this Exercise was added in a Course" msgid "SelectExercice" msgstr "Select exercise" msgid "YouHaveToSelectATest" msgstr "You have to select a test" msgid "HotspotDelineation" msgstr "Hotspot delineation" msgid "CreateQuestions" msgstr "Create questions" msgid "MoreOAR" msgstr "More areas at risk" msgid "LessOAR" msgstr "Less areas at risk" msgid "LearnerIsInformed" msgstr "This message, as well as the results table, will appear to the learner if he fails this step" msgid "MinOverlap" msgstr "Minimum overlap" msgid "MaxExcess" msgstr "Maximum excess" msgid "MaxMissing" msgstr "Maximum missing" msgid "IfNoError" msgstr "If no error" msgid "LearnerHasNoMistake" msgstr "The learner made no mistake" msgid "YourAnswer" msgstr "Your answer" msgid "YourDelineation" msgstr "Your delineation :" msgid "ResultIs" msgstr "Your result is :" msgid "Overlap" msgstr "Overlapping area" msgid "Missing" msgstr "Missing area" msgid "Excess" msgstr "Excessive area" msgid "Min" msgstr "Minimum" msgid "Max" msgstr "Maximum" msgid "Requirements" msgstr "Requirements" msgid "OARHit" msgstr "One (or more) area at risk has been hit" msgid "TooManyIterationsPleaseTryUsingMoreStraightforwardPolygons" msgstr "Too many iterations while calculating your answer. Please try drawing your delineation in a more straightforward manner" msgid "Thresholds" msgstr "Thresholds" msgid "Delineation" msgstr "Delineation" msgid "QuestionTypeDoesNotBelongToFeedbackTypeInExercise" msgstr "Question type does not belong to feedback type in exercise" msgid "XResultsCleaned" msgstr "%d results cleaned" msgid "AreYouSureToDeleteResults" msgstr "Are you sure to delete results" msgid "ExerciseCopied" msgstr "Exercise copied" msgid "AreYouSureToCopy" msgstr "Are you sure to copy" msgid "EditingExerciseCauseProblemsInLP" msgstr "Editing exercise cause problems in Learning Path" msgid "ExerciseWithFeedbackWithoutCorrectionComment" msgstr "Note: This test has been setup to hide the expected answers." msgid "SessionIsReadOnly" msgstr "The session is read only" msgid "EnableTimerControl" msgstr "Enable time control" msgid "ExerciseTotalDurationInMinutes" msgstr "Total duration in minutes of the test" msgid "ToContinueUseMenu" msgstr "To continue this course, please use the side-menu." msgid "RandomAnswers" msgstr "Shuffle answers" msgid "NotMarkActivity" msgstr "This activity cannot be graded" msgid "YouHaveToCreateAtLeastOneAnswer" msgstr "You have to create at least one answer" msgid "ExerciseAttempted" msgstr "A learner attempted an exercise" msgid "MultipleSelectCombination" msgstr "Exact Selection" msgid "MultipleAnswerCombination" msgstr "Exact answers combination" msgid "ExerciceExpiredTimeMessage" msgstr "The exercise time limit has expired" msgid "AllQuestionsMustHaveACategory" msgstr "All questions must have a category to use the random-by-category mode." msgid "NoMedia" msgstr "Not linked to media" msgid "AttachToMedia" msgstr "Attach to media" msgid "ExamModeWithFinalScoreShowOnlyFinalScoreWithCategoriesIfAvailable" msgstr "Show only final score, with categories if available" msgid "Media" msgstr "Media" msgid "ForceEditingExerciseInLPWarning" msgstr "You are authorized to edit this exercise, although already used in the learning path. If you edit it, try to avoid changing the score and focus on editing content, not values nor categorization, to avoid affecting the results of previous users having taken this test." msgid "CopyExercise" msgstr "Copy this exercise as a new one" msgid "CleanStudentResults" msgstr "Clear all learners results for this exercise" msgid "ImportQtiQuiz" msgstr "Import exercises Qti2" msgid "ReUseACopyInCurrentTest" msgstr "Re-use a copy inside the current test" msgid "Copy" msgstr "Copy" msgid "QuestionGlobalCategory" msgstr "Global category" msgid "CheckThatYouHaveEnoughQuestionsInYourCategories" msgstr "Make sure you have enough questions in your categories." msgid "ScoreAverageFromAllAttempts" msgstr "Score average from all attempts" msgid "DefaultContent" msgstr "Generate default content" msgid "OralQuestionsAttemptedAreX" msgstr "The attempted oral questions are %s" msgid "OralQuestionsAttempted" msgstr "A learner has attempted one or more oral question" msgid "RelativeScore" msgstr "Relative score" msgid "AbsoluteScore" msgstr "Absolute score" msgid "EditQuestions" msgstr "Edit questions" msgid "ExerciseDescriptionLabel" msgstr "Description" msgid "ExerciseEditionNotAvailableInSession" msgstr "You can't edit this course exercise from inside a session" msgid "UniqueAnswerNoOption" msgstr "Unique answer with unknown" msgid "MultipleAnswerTrueFalse" msgstr "Multiple answer true/false/don't know" msgid "MultipleAnswerCombinationTrueFalse" msgstr "Combination true/false/don't-know" msgid "DontKnow" msgstr "Don't know" msgid "False" msgstr "False" msgid "DoubtScore" msgstr "Don't know" msgid "HotSpotDelineation" msgstr "Hotspot delineation" msgid "PropagateNegativeResults" msgstr "Propagate negative results between questions" msgid "InsertALinkToThisQuestionInTheExercise" msgstr "Use this question in the test as a link (not a copy)" msgid "OnlyShowScore" msgstr "Practice mode: Show score only, by category if at least one is used" msgid "ImportExcelQuiz" msgstr "Import quiz from Excel" msgid "DownloadExcelTemplate" msgstr "Download the Excel Template" msgid "ExerciseWillBeActivatedFromXToY" msgstr "Exercise will be activated from %s to %s" msgid "EnableStartTime" msgstr "Enable start time" msgid "EnableEndTime" msgstr "Enable end time" msgid "ExerciseAvailableFromX" msgstr "Exercise available from %s" msgid "ExerciseAvailableUntilX" msgstr "Exercise available until %s" msgid "TestLimitsAdded" msgstr "Tests limits added" msgid "AddLimits" msgstr "Add limits" msgid "Unlimited" msgstr "Unlimited" msgid "LimitedTime" msgstr "Limited time" msgid "LimitedAttempts" msgstr "Limited attempts" msgid "Times" msgstr "Times" msgid "Random" msgstr "Random" msgid "ExerciseTimerControlMinutes" msgstr "Enable exercise timer controller." msgid "Numeric" msgstr "Numerical" msgid "Acceptable" msgstr "Acceptable" msgid "Hotspot" msgstr "Hotspot" msgid "ChangeTheVisibilityOfTheCurrentImage" msgstr "Change the visibility of the current image" msgid "Steps" msgstr "Steps" msgid "OriginalValue" msgstr "Original value" msgid "ChooseAnAnswer" msgstr "Choose an answer" msgid "ImportExercise" msgstr "Import exercise" msgid "MultipleChoiceMultipleAnswers" msgstr "Multiple choice, multiple answers" msgid "MultipleChoiceUniqueAnswer" msgstr "Multiple choice, unique answer" msgid "HotPotatoesFiles" msgstr "HotPotatoes files" msgid "HotPotatoes" msgstr "HotPotatoes" msgid "OAR" msgstr "Area to avoid" msgid "TotalScoreTooBig" msgstr "Total score is too big" msgid "InvalidQuestionType" msgstr "Invalid question type" msgid "ShowScoreAndRightAnswer" msgstr "Auto-evaluation mode: show score and expected answers" msgid "DoNotShowScoreNorRightAnswer" msgstr "Exam mode: Do not show score nor answers" msgid "LoadUsersExtraData" msgstr "Load users' extra data" msgid "StartTest" msgstr "Start test" msgid "SaveForNow" msgstr "Save and continue" msgid "QuestionsToReview" msgstr "Questions to be reviewed" msgid "QuestionWithNoAnswer" msgstr "Questions without answer" msgid "ValidateAnswers" msgstr "Validate answers" msgid "ReviewQuestions" msgstr "Review selected questions" msgid "YouTriedToResolveThisExerciseEarlier" msgstr "You have tried to resolve this exercise earlier" msgid "ThereAreNoQuestionsForThisExercise" msgstr "There are no questions for this exercise" msgid "ContinueTest" msgstr "Proceed with the test" msgid "XQuestionsWithTotalScoreY" msgstr "%d questions, for a total score (all questions) of %s." msgid "QuestionLowerCase" msgstr "question" msgid "QuestionsLowerCase" msgstr "questions" msgid "Category" msgstr "Category" msgid "BackToTestList" msgstr "Back to test list" msgid "CategoryDescription" msgstr "Category description" msgid "BackToCategoryList" msgstr "Back to category list" msgid "AddCategoryNameAlreadyExists" msgstr "This category name already exists. Please use another name." msgid "CannotDeleteCategory" msgstr "Can't delete category" msgid "CannotDeleteCategoryError" msgstr "Error: could not delete category" msgid "CannotEditCategory" msgstr "Could not edit category" msgid "ModifyCategory" msgstr "Modify category" msgid "ModifyCategoryError" msgstr "Could not update category" msgid "AllCategories" msgstr "All categories" msgid "AllGroups" msgstr "All groups" msgid "FilterByGroup" msgstr "Filter by group" msgid "CreateQuestionOutsideExercice" msgstr "Create question outside exercise" msgid "ChoiceQuestionType" msgstr "Choose question type" msgid "YesWithCategoriesSorted" msgstr "Yes, with categories ordered" msgid "YesWithCategoriesShuffled" msgstr "Yes, with categories shuffled" msgid "ManageAllQuestions" msgstr "Manage all questions" msgid "MustBeInATest" msgstr "Must be in a test" msgid "PleaseSelectSomeRandomQuestion" msgstr "Please select some random question" msgid "RemoveFromTest" msgstr "Remove from test" msgid "AddQuestionToTest" msgstr "Add question to test" msgid "QuestionByCategory" msgstr "Question by category" msgid "QuestionUpperCaseFirstLetter" msgstr "Question" msgid "QuestionCategory" msgstr "Questions category" msgid "AddACategory" msgstr "Add category" msgid "CategoryName" msgstr "Category name" msgid "AddTestCategory" msgstr "Add test category" msgid "AddCategoryDone" msgstr "Category added" msgid "NbCategory" msgstr "Nb categories" msgid "DeleteCategoryAreYouSure" msgstr "Are you sure you want to delete this category?" msgid "DeleteCategoryDone" msgstr "Category deleted" msgid "EditCategory" msgstr "Edit category" msgid "MofidfyCategoryDone" msgstr "Category updated" msgid "NoCategory" msgstr "No category" msgid "NotInAGroup" msgstr "Not in a group" msgid "DoFilter" msgstr "Filter" msgid "ByCategory" msgstr "By category" msgid "ResultsNotRevised" msgstr "Results not reviewed" msgid "ResultNotRevised" msgstr "Result not reviewed" msgid "NumberOfStudentsWhoTryTheExercise" msgstr "Number of learners who attempted the exercise" msgid "LowestScore" msgstr "Lowest score" msgid "HighestScore" msgstr "Highest score" msgid "MaximumScore" msgstr "Maximum score" msgid "NotRevised" msgstr "Not reviewed" msgid "PreviousQuestion" msgstr "Previous question" msgid "Options" msgstr "Options" msgid "RandomQuestionByCategory" msgstr "Random questions by category" msgid "QuestionDisplayCategoryName" msgstr "Display questions category" msgid "ReviewAnswers" msgstr "Review my answers" msgid "TextWhenFinished" msgstr "Text appearing at the end of the test" msgid "Validated" msgstr "Validated" msgid "NotValidated" msgstr "Not validated" msgid "Revised" msgstr "Revised" msgid "SelectAQuestionToReview" msgstr "Select a question to revise" msgid "ReviewQuestionLater" msgstr "Revise question later" msgid "NumberStudentWhoSelectedIt" msgstr "Number of learners who selected it" msgid "QuestionsAlreadyAnswered" msgstr "Questions already answered" msgid "StudentsWhoAreTakingTheExerciseRightNow" msgstr "Learners who're taking the exercise right now" msgid "ReportByQuestion" msgstr "Report by question" msgid "LiveResults" msgstr "Live results" msgid "RecordAnswer" msgstr "Record answer" msgid "UseTheMessageBelowToAddSomeComments" msgstr "Use the message below to add a comment" msgid "SendRecord" msgstr "Send record" msgid "DownloadLatestRecord" msgstr "Download record" msgid "OralExpression" msgstr "Oral expression" msgid "CongratulationsYouPassedTheTest" msgstr "Congratulations you passed the test!" msgid "YouDidNotReachTheMinimumScore" msgstr "You didn't reach the minimum score" msgid "EndTest" msgstr "End test" msgid "PassPercentage" msgstr "Pass percentage" msgid "NoCategorySelected" msgstr "No category selected" msgid "ExerciseAverage" msgstr "Exercise average" msgid "NoNegativeScore" msgstr "No negative score" msgid "GlobalMultipleAnswer" msgstr "Global multiple answer" msgid "AllQuestionsShort" msgstr "All" msgid "ProblemsRecordingUploadYourOwnAudioFile" msgstr "Problem recording? Upload your own audio file." msgid "AudioFile" msgstr "Audio file" msgid "ViewModeImpress" msgstr "Current view mode: Impress" msgid "NewForumCreated" msgstr "A new forum has now been created" msgid "NewThreadCreated" msgstr "A new forum thread has now been created" msgid "AddHotpotatoes" msgstr "Add hotpotatoes" msgid "HideAttemptView" msgstr "Hide attempt view" msgid "ExtendAttemptView" msgstr "Extend attempt view" msgid "LearnPathAddedTitle" msgstr "Welcome to the Chamilo course authoring tool !" msgid "BuildComment" msgstr "Add learning objects and activities to your course" msgid "BasicOverviewComment" msgstr "Add audio comments and order learning objects in the table of contents" msgid "DisplayComment" msgstr "Watch the course from learner's viewpoint" msgid "NewChapterComment" msgstr "Chapter 1, Chapter 2 or Week 1, Week 2..." msgid "NewStepComment" msgstr "Add tests, activities and multimedia content" msgid "lang_learning_path" msgstr "Courses" msgid "lang_learning_path_builder" msgstr "Authoring tool" msgid "lang_description" msgstr "Course settings" msgid "LearnpathTitle" msgstr "Title" msgid "LearnpathPrerequisites" msgstr "Prerequisites" msgid "LearnpathMoveUp" msgstr "Up" msgid "LearnpathMoveDown" msgstr "Down" msgid "langThisItem" msgstr "this learning object" msgid "LearnpathTitleAndDesc" msgstr "Name & description" msgid "LearnpathChangeOrder" msgstr "Change order" msgid "LearnpathAddPrereqi" msgstr "Add prerequisities" msgid "LearnpathAddTitleAndDesc" msgstr "Edit name & desc." msgid "lang_delete" msgstr "Delete" msgid "lang_add_chapter" msgstr "Add section" msgid "langLearnpathMystatus" msgstr "My progress in this course" msgid "langLearnpathCompstatus" msgstr "completed" msgid "langLearnpathIncomplete" msgstr "incomplete" msgid "langLearnpathPassed" msgstr "passed" msgid "langLearnpathFailed" msgstr "failed" msgid "langLearnpathPrevious" msgstr "Previous learning object" msgid "langLearnpathNext" msgstr "Next learning object" msgid "langLearnpathRestart" msgstr "Restart" msgid "langLearnpathThisStatus" msgstr "This learning object is now" msgid "langLearnpathToEnter" msgstr "To enter" msgid "langLearnpathFirstNeedTo" msgstr "you need first accomplish" msgid "langLearnpathLessonTitle" msgstr "Section name" msgid "langLearnpathStatus" msgstr "Status" msgid "langLearnpathScore" msgstr "Score" msgid "langLearnpathTime" msgstr "Time" msgid "langLearnpathVersion" msgstr "version" msgid "langLearnpathRestarted" msgstr "No learning object is completed." msgid "langLearnpathNoNext" msgstr "This is the last learning object." msgid "langLearnpathNoPrev" msgstr "This is the first learning object." msgid "LearnpathAddLearnpath" msgstr "Create new learning path" msgid "lang_learnpath_added" msgstr "The course was created. Add sections and learning objects to build the course." msgid "LearnpathEditLearnpath" msgstr "Edit learnpath" msgid "LearnpathDeleteLearnpath" msgstr "Delete course" msgid "lang_learnpath_edited" msgstr "Course has been edited" msgid "lang_learnpath_deleted" msgstr "Course has been deleted" msgid "LearnpathDoNotPublish" msgstr "do not publish" msgid "LearnpathPublish" msgstr "Publish on training homepage" msgid "LearnpathNotPublished" msgstr "not published" msgid "LearnpathPublished" msgstr "published" msgid "lang_add_learnpath_module" msgstr "Add a section" msgid "lang_add_learnpath_chapter_to_path" msgstr "Add a section to this course" msgid "lang_learnpath_module_added" msgstr "The section was successfully created. Add learning object by clicking on the corresponding icon." msgid "LearnpathEditModule" msgstr "Edit section description/name" msgid "LearnpathDeleteModule" msgstr "Delete section" msgid "lang_learnpath_module_edited" msgstr "The course section was edited" msgid "lang_learnpath_module_deleted" msgstr "The course section and the learning objects it contains have been deleted" msgid "LearnpathNoChapters" msgstr "No sectionss added yet." msgid "LearnpathAddItem" msgstr "Add learning objects to this section" msgid "LearnpathItemDeleted" msgstr "The learning object has been deleted" msgid "lang_assign_learnpath_items_to" msgstr "Assign these learning objects to a section:" msgid "lang_edit_learnpath_item" msgstr "Edit learning object name and description" msgid "lang_add_prereq" msgstr "Add/edit prerequisites to this learning object" msgid "lang_delete_learnpath_item" msgstr "Delete learning object" msgid "LearnpathItemEdited" msgstr "The learning object has been edited" msgid "lang_prereq_deleted_error" msgstr "Deleted !" msgid "lang_none" msgstr "NONE" msgid "lang_forum_opened" msgstr "The selected forum has been opened in a new window." msgid "lang_link_opened" msgstr "The selected link has been opened in a new window." msgid "lang_short_help" msgstr "To see course from learner viewpoint, select Display" msgid "LearnpathPrereqNotCompleted" msgstr "This learning object cannot display because the course prerequisites are not completed. This happens when a course imposes that you follow it step by step or get a minimum score in tests before you reach the next steps." msgid "lang_author" msgstr "Author" msgid "lang_date" msgstr "Date" msgid "langBasicOverview" msgstr "Organize" msgid "langAdvanced" msgstr "Authoring" msgid "langDisplay" msgstr "Display" msgid "langNewChapter" msgstr "Add section" msgid "langNewStep" msgstr "Add learning object or activity" msgid "langEditPrerequisites" msgstr "Edit the prerequisites of the current LO" msgid "langTitleManipulateChapter" msgstr "Edit section" msgid "langTitleManipulateModule" msgstr "Edit section" msgid "langTitleManipulateDocument" msgstr "Edit document" msgid "langTitleManipulateLink" msgstr "Edit link" msgid "langTitleManipulateQuiz" msgstr "Edit test structure" msgid "langTitleManipulateStudentPublication" msgstr "Edit assignment" msgid "langEnterDataNewChapter" msgstr "Adding a section to the course" msgid "langEnterDataNewModule" msgstr "Enter information for section" msgid "langCreateNewStep" msgstr "Create new rich media page" msgid "langNewDocument" msgstr "Rich media page / activity" msgid "langUseAnExistingResource" msgstr "Or use an existing resource :" msgid "langParent" msgstr "Section" msgid "langPosition" msgstr "In table of contents" msgid "langNewChapterCreated" msgstr "A new section has now been created. You may continue by adding a section or step." msgid "langNewLinksCreated" msgstr "The new link has been created" msgid "langNewStudentPublicationCreated" msgstr "The new assignment has been created" msgid "langNewModuleCreated" msgstr "The new section has been created. You can now add a section or a learning object to it." msgid "langNewExerciseCreated" msgstr "The test has been added to the course" msgid "langItemRemoved" msgstr "The learning object has been removed" msgid "langConverting" msgstr "Converting..." msgid "langPpt2lpError" msgstr "Error during the conversion of PowerPoint. Please check if there are special characters in the name of your PowerPoint." msgid "langBuild" msgstr "Build" msgid "langViewModeEmbedded" msgstr "Current view mode: embedded" msgid "langViewModeFullScreen" msgstr "Current view mode: fullscreen" msgid "langShowDebug" msgstr "Show debug" msgid "langHideDebug" msgstr "Hide debug" msgid "langCantEditDocument" msgstr "This document is not editable" msgid "langAfter" msgstr "After" msgid "LearnpathPrerequisitesLimit" msgstr "Prerequisities (limit)" msgid "lang_loading" msgstr "Loading page, please wait ..." msgid "lang_empty" msgstr "This course includes no learning object." msgid "langHotPotatoesFinished" msgstr "This HotPotatoes test has been closed." msgid "langCompletionLimit" msgstr "Completion limit (minimum points)" msgid "langPrereqToEnter" msgstr "To enter" msgid "langPrereqFirstNeedTo" msgstr " you need first accomplish" msgid "langPrereqModuleMinimum1" msgstr "At least 1 step is missing from" msgid "langPrereqModuleMinimum2" msgstr " which is set as prerequisities." msgid "langPrereqTestLimit1" msgstr " you must reach minimum" msgid "langPrereqTestLimit2" msgstr " points in" msgid "langPrereqTestLimitNow" msgstr "Now you have :" msgid "langLearnpathExitFullScreen" msgstr "back to normal screen" msgid "langLearnpathFullScreen" msgstr "full screen" msgid "langItemMissing1" msgstr "There was a" msgid "langItemMissing2" msgstr "page (step) here in the original Chamilo Learning Path." msgid "langDone" msgstr "Done" msgid "langNoItemSelected" msgstr "Select a learning object in the table of contents" msgid "langNewDocumentCreated" msgstr "The rich media page/activity has been added to the course" msgid "langEditCurrentChapter" msgstr "Edit the current section" msgid "langditCurrentModule" msgstr "Edit the current section" msgid "langCreateTheDocument" msgstr "Adding a rich media page/activity to the course" msgid "langMoveTheCurrentDocument" msgstr "Move the current document" msgid "langEditTheCurrentDocument" msgstr "Edit the current document" msgid "langWarning" msgstr "Warning !" msgid "langWarningEditingDocument" msgstr "When you edit an existing document in Courses, the new version of the document will not overwrite the old version but will be saved as a new document. If you want to edit a document definitively, you can do that with the document tool." msgid "langDirectory" msgstr "Folder" msgid "langCreateTheExercise" msgstr "Adding a test to the course" msgid "langMoveTheCurrentExercise" msgstr "Move the current test" msgid "langEditCurrentExecice" msgstr "Edit the current test" msgid "langUploadScorm" msgstr "Import SCORM course" msgid "langPowerPointConvert" msgstr "Chamilo RAPID" msgid "langLPCreatedToContinue" msgstr "To continue add a section or a learning object or activity to your course." msgid "langLPCreatedAddChapterStep" msgstr "

      \"practicerAnim.gif\"Welcome to the Chamilo course authoring tool !

      • Build : Add learning objects and activities to your course
      • Organize : Add audio comments and order learning objects in the table of contents
      • Display : Watch the course from learner's viewpoint
      • Add section : Chapter 1, Chapter 2 or Week 1, Week 2...
      • Add learning object or activity : activities, tests, videos, multimedia pages
      " msgid "langPrerequisitesAdded" msgstr "Prerequisites to the current learning object have been added." msgid "langAddEditPrerequisites" msgstr "Add/edit prerequisites" msgid "langMinimum" msgstr "minimum" msgid "langMaximum" msgstr "maximum" msgid "langNoDocuments" msgstr "No documents" msgid "langNoExercisesAvailable" msgstr "No tests available" msgid "langNoLinksAvailable" msgstr "No links available" msgid "langNoItemsInLp" msgstr "There are no learning objects in the course. Click on \"Build\" to enter authoring mode." msgid "FirstPosition" msgstr "First position" msgid "NewQuiz" msgstr "New test" msgid "CreateTheForum" msgstr "Adding a forum to the course" msgid "AddLpIntro" msgstr "Welcome to the Chamilo Course authoring tool.
      Create your courses step-by-step. The table of contents will appear to the left." msgid "AddLpToStart" msgstr "To start, give a title to your course" msgid "CreateTheLink" msgstr "Adding a link to the course" msgid "MoveCurrentLink" msgstr "Move the current link" msgid "EditCurrentLink" msgstr "Edit the current link" msgid "Url" msgstr "Url" msgid "MoveCurrentStudentPublication" msgstr "Move the current assignment" msgid "EditCurrentStudentPublication" msgstr "Edit the current assignment" msgid "AllowMultipleAttempts" msgstr "Allow multiple attempts" msgid "PreventMultipleAttempts" msgstr "Prevent multiple attempts" msgid "MakeScormRecordingExtra" msgstr "Make SCORM recordings extra" msgid "MakeScormRecordingNormal" msgstr "Make SCORM recordings normal" msgid "DocumentHasBeenDeleted" msgstr "The document cannot be displayed because it has been deleted" msgid "EditCurrentForum" msgstr "Edit the current forum" msgid "NoPrerequisites" msgstr "No prerequisites" msgid "NewExercise" msgstr "New test" msgid "CreateANewLink" msgstr "Create a new link" msgid "CreateANewForum" msgstr "Create a new forum" msgid "LinkAdd" msgstr "Add link" msgid "WoogieConversionPowerPoint" msgstr "Woogie : Word conversion" msgid "WelcomeWoogieSubtitle" msgstr "MS Word to course converter" msgid "WelcomeWoogieConverter" msgstr "Welcome to Woogie Rapid Learning
      • Choose a file .doc, .sxw, .odt
      • Upload it to Woogie. It will be convert to a SCORM course
      • You will then be able to add audio comments on each page and insert quizzes and other activities between pages
      " msgid "WoogieError" msgstr "Error during the conversion of the word document. Please check if there are special characters in the name of your document.." msgid "WordConvert" msgstr "MS Word conversion" msgid "Order" msgstr "Order" msgid "InteractionID" msgstr "Interaction ID" msgid "TimeFinished" msgstr "Time (finished at...)" msgid "CorrectAnswers" msgstr "Correct answers" msgid "StudentResponse" msgstr "Learner answers" msgid "LatencyTimeSpent" msgstr "Time spent" msgid "Result" msgstr "Result" msgid "SplitStepsPerPage" msgstr "A page, a learning object" msgid "SplitStepsPerChapter" msgstr "A section, a learning object" msgid "TakeSlideName" msgstr "Use the slides names as course learning object names" msgid "CannotConnectToOpenOffice" msgstr "The connection to the document converter failed. Please contact your platform administrator to fix the problem." msgid "OogieConversionFailed" msgstr "The conversion failed.
      Some documents are too complex to be threated automatically by the document converter.
      We try to improve it." msgid "OogieUnknownError" msgstr "The conversion failed for an unknown reason.
      Please contact your administrator to get more information." msgid "OogieBadExtension" msgstr "Please upload presentations only. Filename should end with .ppt or .odp" msgid "WoogieBadExtension" msgstr "Please upload text documents only. Filename should end with .doc, .docx or .odt" msgid "ShowAudioRecorder" msgstr "Show audio recorder" msgid "SearchFeatureNotEnabledComment" msgstr "The full-text search feature is not enabled in Chamilo. Please contact the Chamilo administrator." msgid "SearchFeatureSearchExplanation" msgstr "To search the course database, please use the following syntax:
         term tag:tag_name -exclude +include \"exact phrase\"
      For example:
         car tag:truck -ferrari +ford \"high consumption\".
      This will show all the results for the word 'car' tagged as 'truck', not including the word 'ferrari' but including the word 'ford' and the exact phrase 'high consumption'." msgid "ViewLearningPath" msgstr "View course" msgid "SearchFeatureDocumentTagsIfIndexing" msgstr "Tags to add to the document, if indexing" msgid "ReturnToLearningPaths" msgstr "Back to learning paths" msgid "UploadMp3audio" msgstr "Upload Mp3 audio" msgid "UpdateAllAudioFragments" msgstr "Add audio" msgid "LeaveEmptyToKeepCurrentFile" msgstr "Leave import form empty to keep current audio file" msgid "RemoveAudio" msgstr "Remove audio" msgid "SaveAudio" msgstr "Validate" msgid "ChangesStored" msgstr "Audio added" msgid "ViewScoreChangeHistory" msgstr "View score change history" msgid "ImageWillResizeMsg" msgstr "Trainer picture will resize if needed" msgid "ImagePreview" msgstr "Image preview" msgid "UplAlreadyExists" msgstr " already exists." msgid "UplUnableToSaveFile" msgstr "The uploaded file could not be saved (perhaps a permission problem?)" msgid "UnknownPackageFormat" msgstr "The format of this package could not be recognized. Please check this is a valid package." msgid "MoveDocument" msgstr "Move document" msgid "EditLPSettings" msgstr "Edit course settings" msgid "SaveLPSettings" msgstr "Save course settings" msgid "ShowAllAttempts" msgstr "Show all attempts" msgid "HideAllAttempts" msgstr "Hide all attempts" msgid "ShowAllAttemptsByExercise" msgstr "Show all attempts by test" msgid "ShowAttempt" msgstr "Show attempt" msgid "ShowAndQualifyAttempt" msgstr "Show and grade attempt" msgid "langAddEdit" msgstr "Add / Edit" msgid "ModifyPrerequisites" msgstr "Save prerequisites settings" msgid "CreateLearningPath" msgstr "Continue" msgid "AddExercise" msgstr "Add test to course" msgid "AddForum" msgstr "Add a forum" msgid "LPCreateDocument" msgstr "Add this document to the course" msgid "ObjectiveID" msgstr "Objective ID" msgid "ObjectiveStatus" msgstr "Objective status" msgid "ObjectiveRawScore" msgstr "Objective raw score" msgid "ObjectiveMaxScore" msgstr "Objective max score" msgid "ObjectiveMinScore" msgstr "Objective min score" msgid "LPName" msgstr "Course name" msgid "AuthoringOptions" msgstr "Authoring options" msgid "CourseSettings" msgstr "Course settings" msgid "SaveSection" msgstr "Save section" msgid "AddLinkToCourse" msgstr "Add link to course" msgid "AddAssignmentToCourse" msgstr "Add assignment to course" msgid "AddForumToCourse" msgstr "Add forum to course" msgid "SaveAudioAndOrganization" msgstr "Save audio and organization" msgid "UploadOnlyMp3Files" msgstr "Please upload mp3 files only" msgid "ModifyHotPotatoes" msgstr "Modify hotpotatoes" msgid "SaveHotpotatoes" msgstr "Save hotpotatoes" msgid "ReturnToLPList" msgstr "Return to list" msgid "LpPrerequisiteDescription" msgstr "Selecting another learning path as a prerequisite will hide the current prerequisite until the one in prerequisite is fully completed (100%)" msgid "PrerequisitesOptions" msgstr "Prerequisites options" msgid "ClearAllPrerequisites" msgstr "Clear all prerequisites" msgid "SetPrerequisiteForEachItem" msgstr "Set previous step as prerequisite for each step" msgid "ClickOnTheLearnerViewToSeeYourLearningPath" msgstr "Click on the [Learner view] button to see your learning path" msgid "ExerciseCantBeEditedAfterAddingToTheLP" msgstr "Exercise can't be edited after being added to the Learning Path" msgid "EnableTimeLimits" msgstr "Enable availability limits" msgid "PublicationDate" msgstr "Publication date" msgid "UseMaxScore100" msgstr "Use default maximum score of 100" msgid "EnableLPAutoLaunch" msgstr "Enable learning path auto-launch" msgid "DisableLPAutoLaunch" msgstr "Disable learning path auto-launch" msgid "ViewModeEmbedFrame" msgstr "Current view mode: external embed. Use only for embedding in external sites." msgid "LPNotVisibleToStudent" msgstr "Learners cannot see this learning path" msgid "EditCurrentModule" msgstr "Edit current module" msgid "SearchFeatureTerms" msgstr "Terms for the search feature" msgid "PrerequisiteDeletedError" msgstr "Error: the element defined as prerequisite has been deleted." msgid "langActivate" msgstr "Show" msgid "langDeactivate" msgstr "Hide" msgid "langInLnk" msgstr "Hidden tools and links" msgid "langDelLk" msgstr "Do you really want to delete this link?" msgid "langCourseCreate" msgstr "Create a course" msgid "langNameOfTheLink" msgstr "Name of the link" msgid "lang_main_categories_list" msgstr "Main category list" msgid "langCourseAdminOnly" msgstr "Teachers only" msgid "PlatformAdminOnly" msgstr "Portal Administrators only" msgid "langCombinedCourse" msgstr "Combined course" msgid "ToolIsNowVisible" msgstr "The tool is now visible." msgid "ToolIsNowHidden" msgstr "The tool is now invisible." msgid "EditLink" msgstr "Edit link" msgid "Blog_management" msgstr "Projects" msgid "Forum" msgstr "Forums" msgid "Course_maintenance" msgstr "Backup" msgid "TOOL_SURVEY" msgstr "Surveys" msgid "GreyIcons" msgstr "Toolbox" msgid "Interaction" msgstr "Interaction" msgid "Authoring" msgstr "Authoring" msgid "Administration" msgstr "Administration" msgid "IntroductionTextUpdated" msgstr "Intro was updated" msgid "IntroductionTextDeleted" msgstr "Intro was deleted" msgid "SessionIdentifier" msgstr "Identifier of session" msgid "SessionName" msgstr "Session name" msgid "SessionCategory" msgstr "Sessions categories" msgid "SessionData" msgstr "Session's data" msgid "TheExerciseAutoLaunchSettingIsONStudentsWillBeRedirectToAnSpecificExercise" msgstr "The exercises auto-launch feature configuration is enabled. Learners will be automatically redirected to the selected exercise." msgid "TheLPAutoLaunchSettingIsONStudentsWillBeRedirectToAnSpecificLP" msgstr "The learning path auto-launch setting is ON. When learners enter this course, they will be automatically redirected to the learning path marked as auto-launch." msgid "ToolSearch" msgstr "Search" msgid "Upload" msgstr "Upload" msgid "BackList" msgstr "Return to dropbox" msgid "ShowFeedback" msgstr "Show Feedback" msgid "GiveFeedback" msgstr "Give / Edit Feedback" msgid "JustUploadInSelect" msgstr "---Just upload---" msgid "MailingNothingFor" msgstr "Nothing for" msgid "MailingFileNotRegistered" msgstr "(not registered for this training)" msgid "MailingFileSentTo" msgstr "sent to" msgid "MailingFileIsFor" msgstr "is for" msgid "MailingFileRecipDup" msgstr "multiple users have" msgid "MailingFileRecipNotFound" msgstr "no such learner with" msgid "MailingFileNoRecip" msgstr "name does not contain any recipient-id" msgid "MailingFileNoPostfix" msgstr "name does not end with" msgid "MailingFileNoPrefix" msgstr "name does not start with" msgid "MailingFileFunny" msgstr "no name, or extension not 1-4 letters or digits" msgid "MailingZipDups" msgstr "Mailing zipfile must not contain duplicate files - it will not be sent" msgid "MailingZipPhp" msgstr "Mailing zipfile must not contain php files - it will not be sent" msgid "MailingZipEmptyOrCorrupt" msgstr "Mailing zipfile is empty or not a valid zipfile" msgid "MailingWrongZipfile" msgstr "Mailing must be zipfile with STUDENTID or LOGINNAME" msgid "MailingConfirmSend" msgstr "Send content files to individuals?" msgid "MailingSend" msgstr "Validate" msgid "MailingNotYetSent" msgstr "Mailing content files have not yet been sent out..." msgid "MailingInSelect" msgstr "---Mailing---" msgid "MailingAsUsername" msgstr "Mailing" msgid "FileDeleted" msgstr "The selected file has been removed from your dropbox." msgid "DocAdd" msgstr "Document has been added successfully" msgid "Sender" msgstr "sender" msgid "Author" msgstr "author" msgid "FileSize" msgstr "filesize" msgid "Title" msgstr "title" msgid "OverwriteFile" msgstr "Overwrite previous versions of same document?" msgid "Ok" msgstr "Validate" msgid "Unknown" msgstr "unknown" msgid "SentOn" msgstr "on" msgid "SentTo" msgstr "Sent to" msgid "ConfirmDelete" msgstr "This will remove the entry from your list only" msgid "SendTo" msgstr "Send to" msgid "Description" msgstr "Remarks" msgid "UploadFile" msgstr "Upload document" msgid "ErrorCreatingDir" msgstr "Can't create the directory. Please contact your system administrator." msgid "UploadError" msgstr "Upload failed, please check maximum file size limits and folder rights." msgid "TooBig" msgstr "You didn't choose a file or the file is too big." msgid "NoFileSpecified" msgstr "You didn't specify a file to upload." msgid "NoUserSelected" msgstr "Please select a user to send the file to." msgid "BadFormData" msgstr "Submit failed: bad form data. Please contact your system administrator." msgid "GeneralError" msgstr "An error has occured. Please contact your system administrator." msgid "Dropbox" msgstr "Dropbox" msgid "Help" msgstr "Help" msgid "ReceivedFiles" msgstr "Received Files" msgid "SentFiles" msgstr "Sent Files" msgid "ReceivedTitle" msgstr "Title" msgid "SentTitle" msgstr "Sent Files" msgid "Authors" msgstr "Authors" msgid "Size" msgstr "Size" msgid "LastResent" msgstr "Latest sent on" msgid "kB" msgstr "kB" msgid "Root" msgstr "Root" msgid "UploadNewFile" msgstr "Share a new file" msgid "AreYouSureToDelete" msgstr "Are you sure you want to delete" msgid "Feedback" msgstr "Feedback" msgid "CloseFeedback" msgstr "Close feedback" msgid "AddNewFeedback" msgstr "Add feedback" msgid "DropboxFeedbackStored" msgstr "The feedback message has been stored" msgid "AllUsersHaveDeletedTheFileAndWillNotSeeFeedback" msgstr "All users have deleted the file so nobody will see the feedback you are adding." msgid "FeedbackError" msgstr "Feedback error" msgid "PleaseTypeText" msgstr "Please type some text." msgid "YouAreNotAllowedToDownloadThisFile" msgstr "You are not allowed to download this file." msgid "CheckAtLeastOneFile" msgstr "Check at least one file." msgid "ReceivedFileDeleted" msgstr "The received file has been deleted." msgid "SentFileDeleted" msgstr "The sent file has been deleted." msgid "FilesMoved" msgstr "The selected files have been moved." msgid "ReceivedFileMoved" msgstr "The received file has been moved." msgid "SentFileMoved" msgstr "The sent file has been moved" msgid "NotMovedError" msgstr "The file(s) can not be moved." msgid "AddNewCategory" msgstr "Add a new folder" msgid "EditCategory" msgstr "Edit this category" msgid "CategoryName" msgstr "Folder name" msgid "ErrorPleaseGiveCategoryName" msgstr "Please give a category name" msgid "CategoryAlreadyExistsEditIt" msgstr "This category already exists, please use a different name" msgid "CurrentlySeeing" msgstr "You are in folder" msgid "CategoryStored" msgstr "The folder has been created" msgid "CategoryModified" msgstr "The category has been modified." msgid "CategoryDeleted" msgstr "The category has been deleted." msgid "AuthorFieldCannotBeEmpty" msgstr "The author field cannot be empty" msgid "YouMustSelectAtLeastOneDestinee" msgstr "You must select at least one destinee" msgid "DropboxFileTooBig" msgstr "This file's volume is too big." msgid "TheFileIsNotUploaded" msgstr "The file is not uploaded." msgid "FileUploadSucces" msgstr "The file has successfully been uploaded." msgid "MailingNonMailingError" msgstr "Mailing cannot be overwritten by non-mailing and vice-versa" msgid "MailingSelectNoOther" msgstr "Mailing cannot be combined with other recipients" msgid "MailingJustUploadSelectNoOther" msgstr "Just Upload cannot be combined with other recipients" msgid "NewDropboxFileUploaded" msgstr "A new file has been sent in the dropbox" msgid "NewDropboxFileUploadedContent" msgstr "A new file has been sent to the Dropbox" msgid "langAddEdit" msgstr "Add / Edit" msgid "ErrorNoFilesInFolder" msgstr "This folder is empty" msgid "AddComment" msgstr "Save feedback" msgid "SentCatgoryDeleted" msgstr "The folder has been deleted" msgid "ReceivedCatgoryDeleted" msgstr "The folder has been deleted" msgid "InvalideUserDetected" msgstr "Invalid user detected." msgid "InvalideGroupDetected" msgstr "Invalid group detected." msgid "OverviewOfFilesInThisZip" msgstr "Overview of diles in this Zip" msgid "Height" msgstr "Height" msgid "ResizingComment" msgstr "Resize the image to the following dimensions (in pixels)" msgid "Width" msgstr "Width" msgid "Resizing" msgstr "RESIZE" msgid "NoResizingComment" msgstr "Show all images in their original size. No resizing is done. Scrollbars will automatically appear if the image is larger than your monitor size." msgid "ShowThumbnails" msgstr "Show Thumbnails" msgid "SetSlideshowOptions" msgstr "Gallery settings" msgid "SlideshowOptions" msgstr "Slideshow Options" msgid "NoResizing" msgstr "NO RESIZING" msgid "ExitSlideshow" msgstr "Exit Slideshow" msgid "SlideShow" msgstr "Slideshow" msgid "PreviousSlide" msgstr "Previous Slide" msgid "NextSlide" msgstr "Next image" msgid "ViewSlideshow" msgstr "View Slideshow" msgid "FirstSlide" msgstr "First slide" msgid "LastSlide" msgstr "Last slide" msgid "ResizingAuto" msgstr "AUTO RESIZE (default)" msgid "ResizingAutoComment" msgstr "This slideshow will resize automatically to your screen size. This is the default option." msgid "nameTools" msgstr "obsolete language variable" msgid "langMdCallingTool" msgstr "Documents" msgid "langTool" msgstr "Document Metadata" msgid "langNotInDB" msgstr "no such Links category" msgid "langManifestSyntax" msgstr "(syntax error in manifest file...)" msgid "langEmptyManifest" msgstr "(empty manifest file...)" msgid "langNoManifest" msgstr "(no manifest file...)" msgid "langNotFolder" msgstr "are not possible, it is not a folder..." msgid "langUploadHtt" msgstr "Upload HTT file" msgid "langHttFileNotFound" msgstr "New HTT file could not be opened (e.g. empty, too big)" msgid "langHttOk" msgstr "New HTT file has been uploaded" msgid "langHttNotOk" msgstr "HTT file upload has failed" msgid "langRemoveHtt" msgstr "Remove HTT file" msgid "langHttRmvOk" msgstr "HTT file has been removed" msgid "langHttRmvNotOk" msgstr "HTT file remove has failed" msgid "langImport" msgstr "Import" msgid "langRemove" msgstr "Remove MDEs" msgid "langAllRemovedFor" msgstr "All entries removed for category" msgid "langIndex" msgstr "Index Words" msgid "langTotalMDEs" msgstr "Total number of Links MD entries:" msgid "langMainMD" msgstr "Open Main MDE" msgid "langLines" msgstr "lines" msgid "langPlay" msgstr "Play index.php" msgid "langNonePossible" msgstr "No MD operations are possible" msgid "langOrElse" msgstr "Select a Links category" msgid "langWorkWith" msgstr "Work with Scorm Directory" msgid "langSDI" msgstr "... Scorm Directory with SD-id (and split manifest - or leave empty)" msgid "langRoot" msgstr "root" msgid "langSplitData" msgstr "Split manifests, and #MDe, if any:" msgid "langMffNotOk" msgstr "Manifest file replace has failed" msgid "langMffOk" msgstr "Manifest file has been replaced" msgid "langMffFileNotFound" msgstr "New manifest file could not be opened (e.g. empty, too big)" msgid "langUploadMff" msgstr "Replace manifest file" msgid "Announcement" msgstr "Announcements" msgid "langAnnEmpty" msgstr "Announcements list has been cleared up" msgid "AnnouncementModified" msgstr "Announcement has been modified" msgid "AnnouncementAdded" msgstr "Announcement has been added" msgid "AnnouncementDeleted" msgstr "Announcement has been deleted" msgid "AnnouncementPublishedOn" msgstr "Published on" msgid "AddAnnouncement" msgstr "Add an announcement" msgid "langContent" msgstr "Content" msgid "AnnouncementDeleteAll" msgstr "Clear list of announcements" msgid "professorMessage" msgstr "Message from the trainer" msgid "langEmailSent" msgstr " and emailed to registered learners" msgid "EmailOption" msgstr "Send this announcement by email to selected groups/users" msgid "langOn" msgstr "On" msgid "langRegUser" msgstr "registered users of the site" msgid "langUnvalid" msgstr "have unvalid or no email address" msgid "langModifAnn" msgstr "Modifies this announcement" msgid "langModify" msgstr "Edit" msgid "langDelete" msgstr "delete" msgid "langTitle" msgstr "Subject" msgid "langHelp" msgstr "help" msgid "langOk" msgstr "Validate" msgid "langAddIntro" msgstr "Add an introduction text" msgid "langBackList" msgstr "Return to the list" msgid "langSelMess" msgstr "Warnings to some users" msgid "EmailTitle" msgstr "Subject" msgid "langUserlist" msgstr "List of groups and users" msgid "langSelectedUsers" msgstr "Selected Users" msgid "langSubmit" msgstr "Submit" msgid "langPleaseEnterMessage" msgstr "You must introduce the message text." msgid "langPleaseSelectUsers" msgstr "You must select some users." msgid "Teachersubject" msgstr "Message sent to users" msgid "langMessages" msgstr "Messages" msgid "langMessageToSelectedUsers" msgstr "Messages to selected users" msgid "langIntroText" msgstr "To send a message, select groups of users (see G) or single users from the list on the left." msgid "langDown" msgstr "down" msgid "langMsgSent" msgstr "The message has been sent to the selected learners" msgid "langSelUser" msgstr "selected users of the site" msgid "langMessageToSelectedGroups" msgstr "Message to selected groups" msgid "langSelectedGroups" msgstr "selected groups" msgid "langMsg" msgstr "Messages" msgid "langYes" msgstr "yes" msgid "MsgText" msgstr "Message" msgid "AnnouncementDeletedAll" msgstr "All announcements have been deleted" msgid "AnnouncementMoved" msgstr "The announcement has been moved" msgid "NoAnnouncements" msgstr "There are no announcements." msgid "SelectEverybody" msgstr "Select Everybody" msgid "SelectedUsersGroups" msgstr "selected user groups" msgid "LearnerMessage" msgstr "Message from a learner" msgid "TitleIsRequired" msgstr "Title is required" msgid "AnnounceSentByEmail" msgstr "Announcement sent by email" msgid "AnnounceSentToUserSelection" msgstr "Announcement sent to the selected users" msgid "SendAnnouncement" msgstr "Send announcement" msgid "ModifyAnnouncement" msgstr "Edit announcement" msgid "ButtonPublishAnnouncement" msgstr "Send announcement" msgid "YourAccountIsActiveYouCanLoginAndCheckYourCourses" msgstr "Dear user, Your account has now been activated on the platform. Please login and enjoy your courses." msgid "AddAsAnnouncement" msgstr "Add as an announcement" msgid "AnnouncementForGroup" msgstr "Announcement for a group" msgid "langScormBuilder" msgstr "Create a course (authoring tool)" msgid "langNewGroupCreate" msgstr "Create new group(s)" msgid "langGroupCreation" msgstr "New groups creation" msgid "langCreate" msgstr "Create" msgid "langNewGroups" msgstr "new group(s)" msgid "langMax" msgstr "max. 20 characters, e.g. INNOV21" msgid "langGroupPlacesThis" msgstr "seats (optional)" msgid "langGroupsAdded" msgstr "group(s) has (have) been added" msgid "langGroupDel" msgstr "Group deleted" msgid "langDocuments" msgstr "Documents" msgid "langExistingGroups" msgstr "Groups" msgid "langRegistered" msgstr "Registered" msgid "langGroupAllowStudentRegistration" msgstr "Learners are allowed to self-register in groups" msgid "langGroupTools" msgstr "Tools" msgid "langGroupDocument" msgstr "Documents" msgid "langGroupPropertiesModified" msgstr "Group settings have been modified" msgid "langGroupSpace" msgstr "Group area" msgid "langGroupName" msgstr "Group name" msgid "langGroupDescription" msgstr "Group description" msgid "langGroupMembers" msgstr "Group members" msgid "langEditGroup" msgstr "Edit this group" msgid "Optional" msgstr "(optional)" msgid "langGroupSettingsModified" msgstr "Group settings modified" msgid "langGroupTooMuchMembers" msgstr "Number proposed exceeds max. that you allowed (you can modify it below). Group composition has not been modified" msgid "langGroupTutor" msgstr "Group tutor" msgid "langGroupNoTutor" msgstr "(none)" msgid "langGroupNone" msgstr "(none)" msgid "langGroupNoneMasc" msgstr "(none)" msgid "langAddTutors" msgstr "Admin users list" msgid "langMyGroup" msgstr "my group" msgid "langOneMyGroups" msgstr "my supervision" msgid "langGroupSelfRegistration" msgstr "Registration" msgid "langGroupSelfRegInf" msgstr "register" msgid "langRegIntoGroup" msgstr "Add me to this group" msgid "langGroupNowMember" msgstr "You are now a member of this group." msgid "langPrivate" msgstr "Private access (access authorized to group members only)" msgid "langPublic" msgstr "Public access (access authorized to any member of the course)" msgid "langPropModify" msgstr "Edit settings" msgid "langState" msgstr "State" msgid "langGroupFilledGroups" msgstr "Groups have been filled (or completed) by users present in the 'Users' list." msgid "langSubscribed" msgstr "users registered in this training" msgid "langStudentsNotInThisGroups" msgstr "Learners not in this group" msgid "langQtyOfUserCanSubscribe_PartBeforeNumber" msgstr "A user can be member of maximum" msgid "langQtyOfUserCanSubscribe_PartAfterNumber" msgstr " groups" msgid "langGroupLimit" msgstr "Limit" msgid "CreateGroup" msgstr "Create group(s)" msgid "ProceedToCreateGroup" msgstr "Proceed to create group(s)" msgid "langStudentRegAllowed" msgstr "Learners are allowed to self-register to groups" msgid "langGroupAllowStudentUnregistration" msgstr "Learners are allowed to unregister themselves from groups" msgid "langAllGroups" msgstr "All groups" msgid "langStudentUnsubscribe" msgstr "Unsubscribe me from this group." msgid "langStudentDeletesHimself" msgstr "You're now unsubscribed." msgid "langDefaultSettingsForNewGroups" msgstr "Default settings for new groups" msgid "langSelectedGroupsDeleted" msgstr "All selected groups have been deleted" msgid "langSelectedGroupsEmptied" msgstr "All selected groups are now empty" msgid "langGroupEmptied" msgstr "The group is now empty" msgid "langSelectedGroupsFilled" msgstr "All selected groups have been filled" msgid "langGroupSelfUnRegInf" msgstr "unregister" msgid "langSameForAll" msgstr "same for all" msgid "langNoLimit" msgstr "No limitation" msgid "langPleaseEnterValidNumber" msgstr "Please enter the desired number of groups" msgid "langCreateGroupsFromVirtualCourses" msgstr "Create groups from all users in the virtual courses" msgid "langCreateGroupsFromVirtualCoursesInfo" msgstr "This course is a combination of a real course and one or more virtual courses. If you press following button, new groups will be created according to these (virtual) courses. All learners will be subscribed to the groups." msgid "langNoGroupsAvailable" msgstr "No groups available" msgid "langGroupsFromVirtualCourses" msgstr "Virtual courses" msgid "NotAvailable" msgstr "Not available" msgid "CreateSubgroups" msgstr "Create subgroups" msgid "CreateSubgroupsInfo" msgstr "This option allows you to create new groups based on an existing group. Provide the desired number of groups and choose an existing group. The given number of groups will be created and all members of the existing group will be subscribed in those new groups. The existing group remains unchanged." msgid "CreateNumberOfGroups" msgstr "Create number of groups" msgid "WithUsersFrom" msgstr "groups with members from" msgid "CategoryDeleted" msgstr "The category has been deleted." msgid "Empty" msgstr "Empty" msgid "FillGroup" msgstr "Fill the group randomly with course students" msgid "EmptyGroup" msgstr "unsubscribe all users" msgid "MaxGroupsPerUserInvalid" msgstr "The maximum number of groups per user you submitted is invalid. There are now users who are subscribed in more groups than the number you propose." msgid "GroupOverview" msgstr "Groups overview" msgid "GroupCategory" msgstr "Group category" msgid "NoTitleGiven" msgstr "Please give a title" msgid "InvalidMaxNumberOfMembers" msgstr "Please enter a valid number for the maximum number of members." msgid "CategoryOrderChanged" msgstr "The category order was changed" msgid "Wiki" msgstr "Group wiki" msgid "CategoryCreated" msgstr "Category created" msgid "GroupTutors" msgstr "Coaches" msgid "GroupWork" msgstr "Assignments" msgid "GroupCalendar" msgstr "Agenda" msgid "GroupAnnouncements" msgstr "Announcements" msgid "NoCategoriesDefined" msgstr "No categories defined" msgid "GroupsFromClasses" msgstr "Groups from classes" msgid "GroupsFromClassesInfo" msgstr "Using this option, you can create groups based on the classes subscribed to your course." msgid "Group" msgstr "Group" msgid "ForumOfGroup" msgstr "Forum of group:" msgid "BackToGroupList" msgstr "Back to Groups list" msgid "EditGroupCategory" msgstr "Edit group category" msgid "NoStudents" msgstr "No learner" msgid "NoData" msgstr "No data available" msgid "AllGroups" msgstr "All groups" msgid "langScormVersion" msgstr "version" msgid "langScormRestarted" msgstr "All the learning objects are now incomplete." msgid "langScormNoNext" msgstr "This is the latest learning object." msgid "langScormNoPrev" msgstr "This is the first learning object." msgid "langScormTime" msgstr "Time" msgid "langScormNoOrder" msgstr "There is no given order, you can click on any learning object." msgid "langScormScore" msgstr "Score" msgid "langScormLessonTitle" msgstr "Learning object name" msgid "langScormStatus" msgstr "Status" msgid "langScormToEnter" msgstr "To enter" msgid "langScormFirstNeedTo" msgstr "you need first to accomplish" msgid "langScormThisStatus" msgstr "This learning object is now" msgid "langScormClose" msgstr "Terminate" msgid "langScormRestart" msgstr "Restart" msgid "langScormCompstatus" msgstr "Completed" msgid "langScormIncomplete" msgstr "Incomplete" msgid "langScormPassed" msgstr "Passed" msgid "langScormFailed" msgstr "Failed" msgid "langScormPrevious" msgstr "Previous" msgid "langScormNext" msgstr "Next" msgid "langScormTitle" msgstr "Chamilo Scorm player" msgid "langScormMystatus" msgstr "My progress" msgid "langScormNoItems" msgstr "This course is empty." msgid "langScormNoStatus" msgstr "No status for this content" msgid "langScormLoggedout" msgstr "logged out from Scorm area" msgid "langScormCloseWindow" msgstr "Close windows" msgid "ScormBrowsed" msgstr "Browsed" msgid "langScormExitFullScreen" msgstr "Back to normal screen" msgid "langScormFullScreen" msgstr "Full screen" msgid "langScormNotAttempted" msgstr "Not attempted" msgid "langCharset" msgstr "Character set" msgid "langLocal" msgstr "Local" msgid "langRemote" msgstr "Remote" msgid "langAutodetect" msgstr "Auto-detect" msgid "langAccomplishedStepsTotal" msgstr "Total of completed learning objects" msgid "langUnknown" msgstr "Unknown" msgid "AreYouSureToDeleteSteps" msgstr "Are you sure you want to delete these steps?" msgid "Origin" msgstr "Authoring tool" msgid "Local" msgstr "Local" msgid "Remote" msgstr "Remote" msgid "FileToUpload" msgstr "SCORM or AICC file to upload" msgid "ContentMaker" msgstr "Authoring tool" msgid "ContentProximity" msgstr "Course location" msgid "UploadLocalFileFromGarbageDir" msgstr "Upload local file from main/archive directory" msgid "ThisItemIsNotExportable" msgstr "This learning object or activity is not SCORM compliant. That's why it is not exportable." msgid "MoveCurrentChapter" msgstr "Move the current section" msgid "GenericScorm" msgstr "Generic Scorm" msgid "UnknownPackageFormat" msgstr "The format of this package could not be recognized. Please check this is a valid package." msgid "Attempt" msgstr "Attempt" msgid "MoveTheCurrentForum" msgstr "Move the current forum" msgid "WarningWhenEditingScorm" msgstr "Warning ! When you edit the content of a learning object, you may alter the reporting of the course or damage the learning object." msgid "AdditionalProfileField" msgstr "Add user profile field" msgid "ScormUnknownPackageFormat" msgstr "The package you are trying to upload has an unknown format. Please check it uses one of the supported formats." msgid "ScormNotEnoughSpaceInCourseToInstallPackage" msgstr "There is not enough space left in this course to uncompress the current package." msgid "ScormPackageFormatNotScorm" msgstr "The package you are uploading doesn't seem to be in SCORM format. Please check that the imsmanifest.xml is inside the ZIP file you are trying to upload." msgid "HideTocFrame" msgstr "Hide table of contents frame" msgid "langLineNumber" msgstr "Line Number" msgid "langLine" msgstr "line" msgid "langLines" msgstr "lines" msgid "langLineOrLines" msgstr "line(s)" msgid "langMoveUp" msgstr "Move up" msgid "langMoveDown" msgstr "Move down" msgid "langAddNewHeading" msgstr "Add new heading" msgid "langCourseAdministratorOnly" msgstr "Teachers only" msgid "langDefineHeadings" msgstr "Define Headings" msgid "langBackToUsersList" msgstr "Back to users list" msgid "langTracking" msgstr "Reporting" msgid "langCourseManager" msgstr "Teacher" msgid "langModRight" msgstr "change rights of" msgid "langNoAdmin" msgstr "has from now on no rights on this page" msgid "langAllAdmin" msgstr "has from now on all rights on this page" msgid "langModRole" msgstr "Change role of" msgid "langRole" msgstr "Description" msgid "langIsNow" msgstr "is from now on" msgid "langInC" msgstr "in this training" msgid "langFilled" msgstr "You have left some fields empty." msgid "langUserNo" msgstr "The login you chose" msgid "langTaken" msgstr "is already in use. Choose another one." msgid "langTutor" msgstr "Coach" msgid "langUnreg" msgstr "Unsubscribe" msgid "langGroupUserManagement" msgstr "Groups management" msgid "langUnregister" msgstr "Unregister" msgid "langAddAUser" msgstr "Add a user" msgid "UsersUnsubscribed" msgstr "The selected users have been unsubscribed from the training" msgid "ThisStudentIsSubscribeThroughASession" msgstr "This learner is subscribed in this training through a training session. You cannot edit his information" msgid "NoDataAvailable" msgstr "No data available" msgid "AddToFriends" msgstr "Are you sure you want to add this contact to your friends ?" msgid "AddPersonalMessage" msgstr "Add a personal message" msgid "Friends" msgstr "Friends" msgid "PersonalData" msgstr "Profile" msgid "Contacts" msgstr "Contacts" msgid "SocialInformationComment" msgstr "This screen allows you to organise your contacts" msgid "AttachContactsToGroup" msgstr "Attach contacts to group" msgid "ContactsList" msgstr "Contacts list" msgid "AttachToGroup" msgstr "Add to a group" msgid "SelectOneContact" msgstr "Select one contact" msgid "SelectOneGroup" msgstr "Select one group" msgid "AttachContactsPersonal" msgstr "Add personal contacts" msgid "AttachContactsToGroupSuccesfuly" msgstr "Successfully added contacts to group" msgid "InvitationDenied" msgstr "Invitation denied" msgid "AddedContactToList" msgstr "Added contact to list" msgid "ContactsGroupsComment" msgstr "This screen is a list of contacts sorted by groups" msgid "YouDontHaveContactsInThisGroup" msgstr "No contacts found" msgid "SelectTheCheckbox" msgstr "Select the check box" msgid "YouDontHaveInvites" msgstr "Empty" msgid "SocialInvitesComment" msgstr "Pending invitations." msgid "InvitationSentBy" msgstr "Invitation sent by" msgid "RequestContact" msgstr "Request contact" msgid "SocialUnknow" msgstr "Unknown" msgid "SocialParent" msgstr "My parents" msgid "SocialFriend" msgstr "My friends" msgid "SocialGoodFriend" msgstr "My real friends" msgid "SocialEnemy" msgstr "My enemies" msgid "SocialDeleted" msgstr "Contact deleted" msgid "MessageOutboxComment" msgstr "Messages sent." msgid "MyPersonalData" msgstr "My personal data" msgid "AlterPersonalData" msgstr "Alter personal data" msgid "Invites" msgstr "Invitations" msgid "ContactsGroups" msgstr "Group contacts" msgid "ErrorSendingMessage" msgstr "There was an error while trying to send the message." msgid "PendingInvitations" msgstr "Pending invitations" msgid "MyInbox" msgstr "My inbox" msgid "ViewSharedProfile" msgstr "View shared profile" msgid "SeeAll" msgstr "See all" msgid "ImagesUploaded" msgstr "Uploaded images" msgid "ExtraInformation" msgstr "Extra information" msgid "SearchContacts" msgstr "Search contacts" msgid "SocialSeeContacts" msgstr "See contacts" msgid "SocialUserInformationAttach" msgstr "Please write a message before sending the request" msgid "MessageInvitationNotSent" msgstr "your invitation message has not been sent" msgid "SocialAddToFriends" msgstr "Add to my contacts" msgid "UserNonRegisteredAtTheCourse" msgstr "User not registered in course" msgid "ChangeContactGroup" msgstr "Change contact group" msgid "Friend" msgstr "Friend" msgid "ViewMySharedProfile" msgstr "My shared profile" msgid "UserStatistics" msgstr "Reporting for this user" msgid "EditUser" msgstr "Edit this user" msgid "ViewUser" msgstr "View this user" msgid "RSSFeeds" msgstr "RSS feed" msgid "NoFriendsInYourContactList" msgstr "No friends in your contact list" msgid "TryAndFindSomeFriends" msgstr "Try and find some friends" msgid "ClearSearchResults" msgstr "Clear search results" msgid "SendInvitation" msgstr "Send invitation" msgid "SocialInvitationToFriends" msgstr "Invite to join my group of friends" msgid "MyCertificates" msgstr "My certificates" msgid "UnsubscribeFromPlatformSuccess" msgstr "Your account %s has been completely removed from this portal. Thank you for staying with us for a while. We hope to see you again later." msgid "ToChangeYourEmailMustTypeYourPassword" msgstr "In order to change your e-mail address, you are required to confirm your password" msgid "Invitations" msgstr "Invitations" msgid "MyGroups" msgstr "My groups" msgid "Social" msgstr "Social" msgid "Profile" msgstr "Profile" msgid "MyFriends" msgstr "My friends" msgid "Messages" msgstr "Messages" msgid "CreateAgroup" msgstr "Create a group" msgid "UsersGroups" msgstr "Users, Groups" msgid "SorryNoResults" msgstr "Sorry no results" msgid "URL" msgstr "URL" msgid "AddPicture" msgstr "Add picture" msgid "GroupPermissions" msgstr "Group Permissions" msgid "Closed" msgstr "Closed" msgid "AddGroup" msgstr "Add group" msgid "Privacy" msgstr "Privacy" msgid "ThisIsAnOpenGroup" msgstr "This is an open group" msgid "YouShouldCreateATopic" msgstr "You should create a topic" msgid "IAmAnAdmin" msgstr "I am an admin" msgid "NewTopic" msgstr "Create thread" msgid "MessageList" msgstr "Messages list" msgid "EditGroup" msgstr "Edit group" msgid "MemberList" msgstr "Members list" msgid "WaitingList" msgstr "Waiting list" msgid "InviteFriends" msgstr "Invite friends" msgid "Members" msgstr "Members" msgid "Admin" msgstr "Administrator" msgid "AttachmentFiles" msgstr "Attachments" msgid "AddOneMoreFile" msgstr "Add one more file" msgid "MaximunFileSizeX" msgstr "Maximun file size: %s" msgid "ModifyInformation" msgstr "Edit information" msgid "GroupList" msgstr "Group List" msgid "GroupEdit" msgstr "Edit group" msgid "ThereAreNotUsersInTheWaitingList" msgstr "There are no users in the waiting list" msgid "SendInvitationTo" msgstr "Send invitation to" msgid "InviteUsersToGroup" msgstr "Invite users to group" msgid "PostIn" msgstr "It posted" msgid "Reply" msgstr "Reply" msgid "Newest" msgstr "Newest" msgid "Popular" msgstr "Popular" msgid "Moderator" msgstr "Moderator" msgid "DeleteModerator" msgstr "Remove moderator" msgid "UserChangeToModerator" msgstr "User updated to moderator" msgid "IAmAModerator" msgstr "I am a moderator" msgid "ThisIsACloseGroup" msgstr "This is a closed group" msgid "IAmAReader" msgstr "I am a reader" msgid "UserChangeToReader" msgstr "User updated to reader" msgid "AddModerator" msgstr "Add as moderator" msgid "UserDeleted" msgstr "The user is deleted" msgid "JoinGroup" msgstr "Join group" msgid "YouShouldJoinTheGroup" msgstr "You should join the group" msgid "WaitingForAdminResponse" msgstr "Waiting for admin response" msgid "Member" msgstr "Member" msgid "Re" msgstr "Re" msgid "FilesAttachment" msgstr "Files attachments" msgid "GroupWaitingList" msgstr "Group waiting list" msgid "Open" msgstr "Open" msgid "UsersAlreadyInvited" msgstr "Users already invited" msgid "SubscribeUsersToGroup" msgstr "Subscribe users to group" msgid "YouHaveBeenInvitedJoinNow" msgstr "You have been invited to join now" msgid "DenyInvitation" msgstr "Deny invitation" msgid "AcceptInvitation" msgstr "Accept invitation" msgid "GroupsWaitingApproval" msgstr "Groups waiting for approval" msgid "GroupInvitationWasDeny" msgstr "Group invitation was denied" msgid "UserIsSubscribedToThisGroup" msgstr "User is subscribed to this group" msgid "DeleteFromGroup" msgstr "Delete from group" msgid "GroupMembers" msgstr "Group members" msgid "Subscribe" msgstr "Subscribe" msgid "YouAreInvitedToGroupContent" msgstr "You are invited to access a group content" msgid "YouAreInvitedToGroup" msgstr "You are invited to group" msgid "ToSubscribeClickInTheLinkBelow" msgstr "To subscribe, click the link below" msgid "ReturnToInbox" msgstr "Return to inbox" msgid "View" msgstr "View" msgid "Me" msgstr "Me" msgid "ReturnToOutbox" msgstr "Return to outbox" msgid "EditNormalProfile" msgstr "Edit normal profile" msgid "GroupPendingInvitations" msgstr "Group pending invitations" msgid "LeaveGroup" msgstr "Leave group" msgid "UserIsNotSubscribedToThisGroup" msgstr "User is not subscribed to this group" msgid "InvitationReceived" msgstr "Invitation received" msgid "InvitationSent" msgstr "Invitation sent" msgid "YouAlreadySentAnInvitation" msgstr "You already sent an invitation" msgid "UserAdded" msgstr "The user is added" msgid "FilesSizeExceedsX" msgstr "Files size exceeds" msgid "YouShouldWriteASubject" msgstr "You should write a subject" msgid "Topics" msgstr "Topics" msgid "StatusInThisGroup" msgstr "Status in this group" msgid "FriendsOnline" msgstr "Friends online" msgid "GroupDescription" msgstr "Group description" msgid "MyProductions" msgstr "My productions" msgid "YouHaveReceivedANewMessageInTheGroupX" msgstr "You have received a new message in group %s" msgid "ClickHereToSeeMessageGroup" msgstr "Click here to see group message" msgid "OrCopyPasteTheFollowingUrl" msgstr "or copy paste the following url :" msgid "ThereIsANewMessageInTheGroupX" msgstr "There is a new message in group %s" msgid "UserIsAlreadySubscribedToThisGroup" msgstr "User is already subscribed to this group" msgid "AddNormalUser" msgstr "Add as simple user" msgid "DenyEntry" msgstr "Deny access" msgid "YouNeedToHaveFriendsInYourSocialNetwork" msgstr "You need to have friends in your social network" msgid "SeeAllMyGroups" msgstr "See all my groups" msgid "YouAlreadyInviteAllYourContacts" msgstr "You already invite all your contacts" msgid "YouShouldCreateAGroup" msgstr "You should create a group" msgid "MyFiles" msgstr "My files" msgid "MySocialGroups" msgstr "My social groups" msgid "SocialGroups" msgstr "Social groups" msgid "CreateASocialGroup" msgstr "Create a social group" msgid "EditMembersList" msgstr "Edit members list" msgid "IAmAHRM" msgstr "I am a human resources manager" msgid "UnsubscribeFromPlatform" msgstr "If you want to unsubscribe completely from this campus and have all your information removed from our database, please click the button below and confirm." msgid "UnsubscribeFromPlatformConfirm" msgstr "Yes, I want to remove this account completely. No data will remain on the server and I will be unable to login again, unless I create a completely new account." msgid "langMdCallingTool" msgstr "Documents" msgid "langMdTitle" msgstr "Learning Object Title" msgid "langMdDescription" msgstr "To store this information, press Store" msgid "langMdCoverage" msgstr "e.g. Bachelor of ..." msgid "langMdCopyright" msgstr "e.g. provided the source is acknowledged" msgid "nameTools" msgstr "obsolete language variable" msgid "langTool" msgstr "Document Metadata" msgid "langNoScript" msgstr "Script is not enabled in your browser, please ignore the screen part below this text, it won't work..." msgid "langLanguageTip" msgstr "the language in which this learning object was made" msgid "langIdentifier" msgstr "Identifier" msgid "langIdentifierTip" msgstr "unique identification for this learning object, composed of letters, digits, _-.()'!*" msgid "langTitleTip" msgstr "title or name, and language of that title or name" msgid "langDescriptionTip" msgstr "description or comment, and language used for describing this learning object" msgid "langKeyword" msgstr "Keyword" msgid "langKeywordTip" msgstr "separate by commas (letters, digits, -.)" msgid "langCoverage" msgstr "Coverage" msgid "langCoverageTip" msgstr "for example bachelor of xxx: yyy" msgid "langKwNote" msgstr "If you change the description language, do not add keywords at the same time." msgid "langClickKw" msgstr "Click a keyword in the tree to select or deselect it." msgid "langKwHelp" msgstr "
      Click '+' button to open, '-' button to close, '++' button to open all, '--' button to close all.

      Clear all selected keywords by closing the tree and opening it again with the '+' button.
      Alt-click '+' searches the original keywords in the tree.

      Alt-click keyword selects a keyword without broader terms ordeselects a keyword with broader terms.

      If you change the description language, do not add keywords at the same time.

      " msgid "langLocation" msgstr "URL/URI" msgid "langLocationTip" msgstr "click to open object" msgid "langStore" msgstr "Store" msgid "langDeleteAll" msgstr "Delete all metadata" msgid "langConfirmDelete" msgstr "Do you *really* want to delete all metadata?" msgid "langWorkOn" msgstr "on" msgid "langNotInDB" msgstr "no such Links category" msgid "langManifestSyntax" msgstr "(syntax error in manifest file...)" msgid "langEmptyManifest" msgstr "(empty manifest file...)" msgid "langNoManifest" msgstr "(no manifest file...)" msgid "langNotFolder" msgstr "are not possible, it is not a folder..." msgid "langContinue" msgstr "Continue with" msgid "langCreate" msgstr "Create" msgid "langRemove" msgstr "Remove MDEs" msgid "langAllRemovedFor" msgstr "All entries removed for category" msgid "langRemainingFor" msgstr "obsolete entries removed for category" msgid "langIndex" msgstr "Index Words" msgid "langTotalMDEs" msgstr "Total number of Links MD entries:" msgid "langMainMD" msgstr "Open Main MDE" msgid "langOrElse" msgstr "Select a Links category" msgid "langWarningDups" msgstr " - duplicate categorynames were removed from the list!" msgid "langSLC" msgstr "Work with Links category named" msgid "langShouldBeCSVFormat" msgstr "File should be CSV format. Do not add spaces. Structure should be exactly :" msgid "langTracking" msgstr "Reporting" msgid "langEnter2passToChange" msgstr "To change your password, enter your current password in the field above and your new password in both fields below. To maintain the current password, leave the three fields empty." msgid "langAuthInfo" msgstr "Authentication" msgid "langUpdateImage" msgstr "Change picture" msgid "langImageWrong" msgstr "The file size should be smaller than" msgid "langAddImage" msgstr "Picture" msgid "langCourseManager" msgstr "Teacher" msgid "NewPass" msgstr "New password" msgid "CurrentPasswordEmptyOrIncorrect" msgstr "The current password is incorrect" msgid "password_request" msgstr "You have asked to reset your password. If you did not ask, then ignore this mail." msgid "YourPasswordHasBeenEmailed" msgstr "Your password has been emailed to you." msgid "lang_enter_email_and_well_send_you_password" msgstr "Enter the e-mail address that you used to register and we will send you your password back." msgid "langLogin" msgstr "Log In" msgid "langAction" msgstr "Action" msgid "langPreserved" msgstr "Preserved" msgid "langDeleted" msgstr "Deleted" msgid "langAdded" msgstr "Added" msgid "langConfirmUnsubscribe" msgstr "Confirm user unsubscription" msgid "langCourseName" msgstr "Course name" msgid "langSubscribe" msgstr "Subscribe" msgid "langSee" msgstr "Go to" msgid "langLastVisits" msgstr "My latest visits" msgid "langIfYouWantToAddManyUsers" msgstr "If you want to add a list of users in your training, please contact your web administrator." msgid "langPassTooEasy" msgstr "this password is too simple. Use a pass like this" msgid "langGroupUserManagement" msgstr "Groups management" msgid "langAddedToCourse" msgstr "has been registered to your course" msgid "langUserAlreadyRegistered" msgstr "A user with same name is already registered in this training." msgid "langBackUser" msgstr "Back to users list" msgid "langUserOneByOneExplanation" msgstr "He (she) will receive email confirmation with login and password" msgid "langGiveTutor" msgstr "Make coach" msgid "langRemoveRight" msgstr "Remove this right" msgid "langGiveAdmin" msgstr "Make admin" msgid "langUserNumber" msgstr "number" msgid "langDownloadUserList" msgstr "Upload the list" msgid "langSend" msgstr "Send request for a new password" msgid "langUserAddExplanation" msgstr "Every line of file to send will necessarily and only include 5 fields: First name   LastName   Login   Password   Email separated by tabs and in this order. Users will receive email confirmation with login/password." msgid "langUserMany" msgstr "Import a users list" msgid "langOneByOne" msgstr "Add user manually" msgid "langNow" msgstr "now" msgid "langTutor" msgstr "Coach" msgid "langTitular" msgstr "Leader" msgid "langAddHereSomeCourses" msgstr "Edit courses list

      Check the courses you want to follow.
      Uncheck the ones you don't want to follow anymore.
      Then click Ok at the bottom of the list" msgid "langStudent" msgstr "Learner" msgid "langImportUserList" msgstr "Import list of users" msgid "langAddAU" msgstr "Add a user" msgid "langAddedU" msgstr "has been added. An email has been sent to give him his login" msgid "langTheU" msgstr "The user" msgid "langRegYou" msgstr "has registered you to this training" msgid "langOneResp" msgstr "One of the trainingdministrators" msgid "langTaken" msgstr "is already in use. Choose another one." msgid "langUserNo" msgstr "The login you chose" msgid "langFilled" msgstr "You have left some fields empty." msgid "langInC" msgstr "in this training" msgid "langRole" msgstr "Description" msgid "UserPicture" msgstr "Picture" msgid "langProfileReg" msgstr "Your new profile has been saved" msgid "langEmailWrong" msgstr "The email address is not complete or contains some invalid characters" msgid "langUserTaken" msgstr "This login is already in use" msgid "langFields" msgstr "You left some fields empty" msgid "langAgain" msgstr "Try again!" msgid "langPassTwo" msgstr "You have typed two different passwords" msgid "langViewProfile" msgstr "View my e-portfolio" msgid "langModifProfile" msgstr "Edit Profile" msgid "langIsReg" msgstr "Your modifications have been registered" msgid "langNowGoCreateYourCourse" msgstr "You can now create your course" msgid "langNowGoChooseYourCourses" msgstr "You can now select, in the list, the course you want access to" msgid "langMailHasBeenSent" msgstr "An email has been sent to help you remember your login and password" msgid "langPersonalSettings" msgstr "Your personal settings have been registered" msgid "langManager" msgstr "Administrator" msgid "langFormula" msgstr "Yours sincerely" msgid "langProblem" msgstr "In case of trouble, contact us." msgid "langIs" msgstr "is" msgid "langAddress" msgstr "The address of" msgid "langSettings" msgstr "with the following settings : Login :" msgid "langYouAreReg" msgstr "You are registered on" msgid "langYourReg" msgstr "Your registration on" msgid "langUserFree" msgstr "This login is already taken. Use your browser's back button and choose another." msgid "langEmptyFields" msgstr "You left some fields empty. Use your browser's back button and try again." msgid "langPassTwice" msgstr "You typed two different passwords. Use your browser's back button and try again." msgid "langRegAdmin" msgstr "Create training" msgid "langRegStudent" msgstr "Follow training" msgid "langConfirmation" msgstr "Confirm password" msgid "langPass" msgstr "Pass" msgid "langSurname" msgstr "Last name" msgid "langRegistration" msgstr "Registration" msgid "langYourAccountParam" msgstr "This is your information to connect to" msgid "langLoginRequest" msgstr "Login request" msgid "langDefineHeadings" msgstr "Define Headings" msgid "langCourseAdministratorOnly" msgstr "Teachers only" msgid "langLostPassword" msgstr "I lost my password" msgid "langAdminOfCourse" msgstr "Admin" msgid "langSimpleUserOfCourse" msgstr "User of course" msgid "langIsTutor" msgstr "Coach" msgid "langParamInTheCourse" msgstr "Status in course" msgid "langMember" msgstr "member" msgid "langLock" msgstr "locked" msgid "langUnlock" msgstr "unlocked" msgid "langHaveNoCourse" msgstr "No course available" msgid "langManage" msgstr "Manage Portal" msgid "langAdministrationTools" msgstr "Administration Tools" msgid "langUserProfileReg" msgstr "User e-portfolio has been registered" msgid "lang_no_user_account_with_this_email_address" msgstr "There is no user account with this e-mail address" msgid "langCourses4User" msgstr "User's courses" msgid "langCoursesByUser" msgstr "Courses by user" msgid "langSubscribeUserToCourse" msgstr "Enroll users to course" msgid "langPreced100" msgstr "Previous 100" msgid "langAddmore" msgstr "Add registered users" msgid "langAddback" msgstr "Go to users list" msgid "langreg" msgstr "Register" msgid "langQuit" msgstr "Quit" msgid "YourPasswordHasBeenReset" msgstr "Your password has been reset" msgid "langSex" msgstr "Sex" msgid "langClass" msgstr "Class" msgid "langEdit" msgstr "Edit" msgid "required" msgstr "required" msgid "langOptionalTextFields" msgstr "Optional fields" msgid "langMyProductions" msgstr "My productions" msgid "langFileDeleted" msgstr "File has been deleted." msgid "FullUserName" msgstr "Full name" msgid "SearchForUser" msgstr "Search for user" msgid "SearchButton" msgstr "Search" msgid "SearchNoResultsFound" msgstr "No search results found" msgid "UsernameWrong" msgstr "Your login can only contain letters, numbers and _.-" msgid "PasswordRequestFrom" msgstr "This is a password request for the e-mail address" msgid "CorrespondsToAccount" msgstr "This e-mail address corresponds to the following user account." msgid "CorrespondsToAccounts" msgstr "This e-mail address corresponds to the following user accounts." msgid "AccountExternalAuthSource" msgstr "Chamilo can't handle the request automatically because the account has an external authentication source. Please take appropriate measures and notify the user." msgid "AccountsExternalAuthSource" msgstr "Chamilo can't handle the request automatically because at least one of the accounts has an external authentication source. Please take appropriate measures for all accounts (including those with platform authentication) and notify the user." msgid "RequestSentToPlatformAdmin" msgstr "Chamilo can't handle the request automatically for this type of account. Your request has been sent to the platform administrator, who will take appropriate measures and notify you of the result." msgid "langphone" msgstr "Phone" msgid "Unreg" msgstr "Unregister" msgid "MyProgress" msgstr "Progress" msgid "ProgressIntroduction" msgstr "Start with selecting a training session below.
      You can then see your progress for every training you are subscribed to." msgid "Select" msgstr "Select" msgid "NeverExpires" msgstr "Never expires" msgid "On" msgstr "On" msgid "ExpirationDate" msgstr "Expiration date" msgid "ActiveAccount" msgstr "Account" msgid "YourAccountHasToBeApproved" msgstr "Your account has to be approved" msgid "ApprovalForNewAccount" msgstr "Approval for new account" msgid "ManageUser" msgstr "Manage user" msgid "SubscribeUserToCourseAsTeacher" msgstr "Enroll teachers" msgid "SendMessage" msgstr "Send message" msgid "PasswordEncryptedForSecurity" msgstr "Your password is encrypted for security reasons. Thus, after pressing the link an e-mail will be sent to you again with your password." msgid "UsersUnsubscribed" msgstr "The selected users have been unsubscribed from the training" msgid "SystemUnableToSendEmailContact" msgstr "This platform was unable to send the email. Please contact" msgid "OpenIDCouldNotBeFoundPleaseRegister" msgstr "This OpenID could not be found in our database. Please register for a new account. If you have already an account with us, please edit your profile inside your account to add this OpenID" msgid "UsernameMaxXCharacters" msgstr "The login needs to be maximum %s characters long" msgid "PictureUploaded" msgstr "Your picture has been uploaded" msgid "ProductionUploaded" msgstr "Your production file has been uploaded" msgid "FolderUpdated" msgstr "Folder updated" msgid "UsersRegistered" msgstr "These users have been registered into the training" msgid "UserAlreadyRegisterByOtherCreator" msgstr "User already register by other coach." msgid "UserCreatedPlatform" msgstr "User created in portal" msgid "UserInSession" msgstr "User added into the session" msgid "UserNotAdded" msgstr "User not added." msgid "NoSessionId" msgstr "The session was not identified" msgid "NoUsersRead" msgstr "Please verify your XML/CVS file" msgid "UserImportFileMessage" msgstr "If in the XML/CVS file the logins are missing, the firstname and the lastname will merge to create a login, i.e Julio Montoya into jmontoya" msgid "UserAlreadyRegisteredByOtherCreator" msgstr "User already register by other coach." msgid "NewUserInTheCourse" msgstr "New user in the course" msgid "MessageNewUserInTheCourse" msgstr "There is a new user in the course" msgid "EditNormalProfile" msgstr "Edit normal profile" msgid "EditExtendProfile" msgstr "Edit extended profile" msgid "EditInformation" msgstr "Edit profile" msgid "RegisterUser" msgstr "Register" msgid "IHaveReadAndAgree" msgstr "I have read and agree to the" msgid "ByClickingRegisterYouAgreeTermsAndConditions" msgstr "By clicking on 'Register' below you are agreeing to the Terms and Conditions" msgid "User" msgstr "User" msgid "LostPass" msgstr "Forgot your password ?" msgid "EnterEmailUserAndWellSendYouPassword" msgstr "Enter the username or the email address with which you registered and we will send your password." msgid "NoUserAccountWithThisEmailAddress" msgstr "There is no account with this user and/or e-mail address" msgid "CouldNotResetPassword" msgstr "Could not reset password" msgid "WithTheFollowingSettings" msgstr "with the following settings:" msgid "UnsubscribeUsersAlreadyAddedInCourse" msgstr "Unsubscribe users already added" msgid "YourAccountOnXHasJustBeenApprovedByOneOfOurAdministrators" msgstr "Your account on %s has just been approved by one of our administrators." msgid "HaveFun" msgstr "Have fun," msgid "YouCanNowLoginAtXUsingTheLoginAndThePasswordYouHaveProvided" msgstr "You can now login at %s using the login and the password you have provided." msgid "AreYouSureToEditTheUserStatus" msgstr "Are you sure to edit the user status?" msgid "TheTutorOnlyCanKeepTrackOfStudentsRegisteredInTheCourse" msgstr "The assistant can only keep track of all progress of learners registered to the course." msgid "TheTeacherCanQualifyEvaluateAndKeepTrackOfAllStudentsEnrolledInTheCourse" msgstr "The teacher can grade, evaluate and keep track of all learners enrolled in the course." msgid "LoginOrEmailAddress" msgstr "User name or e-mail address" msgid "AtOnce" msgstr "Upon reception" msgid "Daily" msgstr "Once a day" msgid "no_login" msgstr "The system was unable to log you in. Please contact your administrator." msgid "page_title" msgstr "Shibboleth Login" msgid "email" msgstr "email" msgid "submit" msgstr "submit" msgid "status" msgstr "status" msgid "new_status" msgstr "New status" msgid "reason" msgstr "reason" msgid "request_status" msgstr "Request new status" msgid "status_request_message" msgstr "You have been logged-in with default rights. If you can request more rights by submitting the following request." msgid "reason_is_mandatory" msgstr "You reason field is mandatory. Please fill it in before submitting." msgid "request_submitted" msgstr "Your request has been submitted." msgid "request_failed" msgstr "We appologize but we are not ableto fulfill your request at this time. Please contact your administrator." msgid "internal_login" msgstr "Internal login" msgid "already_logged_in" msgstr "You are already logged in" msgid "Pass" msgstr "Password" msgid "select" msgstr "Select" msgid "square" msgstr "Square" msgid "circle" msgstr "Elipse" msgid "poly" msgstr "Polygon" msgid "status1" msgstr "Draw a hotspot." msgid "status2_poly" msgstr "Use right-click to close the polygon." msgid "status2_other" msgstr "Release the mousebutton to save the hotspot." msgid "status3" msgstr "Hotspot saved" msgid "exercise_status_1" msgstr "Answer by clicking in the image below" msgid "exercise_status_2" msgstr "Validate answers" msgid "exercise_status_3" msgstr "Status: Question terminated" msgid "showUserPoints" msgstr "Show/Hide userclicks" msgid "showHotspots" msgstr "Show / Hide hotspots" msgid "labelPolyMenu" msgstr "Close polygon" msgid "triesleft" msgstr "Attempts left" msgid "exeFinished" msgstr "Now click on the button below to validate your answers." msgid "nextAnswer" msgstr "Now click on: &done=done" msgid "delineation" msgstr "Delineation" msgid "labelDelineationMenu" msgstr "Close delineation" msgid "oar" msgstr "Area at risk" msgid "Camera" msgstr "Camera" msgid "Microphone" msgstr "Microphone" msgid "Name" msgstr "Name" msgid "DeleteStream" msgstr "Delete stream" msgid "Progress" msgstr "Progress" msgid "Play" msgstr "Play" msgid "Stop" msgstr "Stop" msgid "Record" msgstr "Record" msgid "NoFileAvailable" msgstr "No File availible" msgid "RecordingOnlyForTeachers" msgstr "Recording only for trainers" msgid "UsersNow" msgstr "Users at the moment:" msgid "StartConference" msgstr "Start conference" msgid "MyName" msgstr "My name" msgid "OrganisationSVideoconference" msgstr "Chamilo LIVE" msgid "ImportPresentation" msgstr "Import presentation" msgid "RefreshList" msgstr "Refresh list" msgid "GoToTop" msgstr "Go to Top" msgid "NewPoll" msgstr "New poll" msgid "CreateNewPoll" msgstr "Create a new poll for this room" msgid "Question" msgstr "Question" msgid "PollType" msgstr "Polltype:" msgid "Create" msgstr "Create" msgid "InfoConnectedUsersGetNotifiedOfThisPoll" msgstr "Info: Every connected User in this room will get a notification of this new Poll." msgid "YesNo" msgstr "Yes / No" msgid "Numeric1To10" msgstr "Numeric 1-10" msgid "Poll" msgstr "Poll" msgid "YouHaveToBecomeModeratorOfThisRoomToStartPolls" msgstr "You have to become Moderator of this Room to make polls." msgid "YourVoteHasBeenSent" msgstr "Your vote has been sent" msgid "YouAlreadyVotedForThisPoll" msgstr "You've already voted for this poll" msgid "VoteButton" msgstr "Vote!" msgid "YourAnswer" msgstr "Your answer" msgid "Yes" msgstr "Yes" msgid "No" msgstr "No" msgid "WantsToKnow" msgstr "wants to know:" msgid "PollResults" msgstr "Poll results" msgid "Votes" msgstr "Votes:" msgid "Result" msgstr "Result" msgid "ThereIsNoPoll" msgstr "There is no Poll." msgid "MeetingMode" msgstr "Meeting (max 4 seats)" msgid "ConferenceMaxSeats" msgstr "Conference (max 50 seats)" msgid "Mode" msgstr "Mode" msgid "RemainingSeats" msgstr "Remaining seats" msgid "AlreadyIn" msgstr "Already in" msgid "CheckIn" msgstr "Check in" msgid "TheModeratorHasLeft" msgstr "The Moderator of this Conference has left the room." msgid "SystemMessage" msgstr "System message" msgid "ChooseDevices" msgstr "Choose devices" msgid "ChooseCam" msgstr "Choose Cam:" msgid "ChooseMic" msgstr "Choose Mic:" msgid "OK" msgstr "Validate" msgid "YouHaveToReconnectSoThatTheChangesTakeEffect" msgstr "You have to reconnect so that the changes take effect." msgid "ChangeSettings" msgstr "Change settings" msgid "Course" msgstr "Course" msgid "CourseLanguage" msgstr "Language:" msgid "ConfirmClearWhiteboard" msgstr "Confirm Clear Whiteboard" msgid "ShouldWitheboardBeClearedBeforeNewImage" msgstr "Should the whiteboard be cleared before I add a new Image?" msgid "DontAskMeAgain" msgstr "Don't ask me again" msgid "EditSettings" msgstr "Edit Settings" msgid "ShowConfirmationBeforeClearingWhiteboard" msgstr "Ask confirmation before clearing whiteboard" msgid "UserInfo" msgstr "user information" msgid "ClearDrawArea" msgstr "Clear Draw Area" msgid "Undo" msgstr "Undo" msgid "Redo" msgstr "Redo" msgid "SelectAnObject" msgstr "Select an Object" msgid "Text" msgstr "Text" msgid "Paint" msgstr "Paint" msgid "DrawLine" msgstr "Draw line" msgid "DrawUnderline" msgstr "Draw underline" msgid "Rectangle" msgstr "Rectangle" msgid "Elipse" msgstr "Ellipse" msgid "Arrow" msgstr "Arrow" msgid "DeleteChosenItem" msgstr "Delete selected resource" msgid "ApplyForModeration" msgstr "Apply for moderation" msgid "Apply" msgstr "Apply" msgid "BecomeModerator" msgstr "Become moderator" msgid "Close" msgstr "close" msgid "Italic" msgstr "Italic" msgid "Bold" msgstr "Bold" msgid "Waiting" msgstr "Waiting" msgid "AUserWantsToApplyForModeration" msgstr "A User wants to apply for moderation:" msgid "Accept" msgstr "Accept" msgid "Reject" msgstr "Reject" msgid "SendingRequestToFollowingUsers" msgstr "Sending request to the following users" msgid "Accepted" msgstr "Accepted" msgid "Rejected" msgstr "Rejected" msgid "ChangeModerator" msgstr "Change Moderator" msgid "YouAreNotModeratingThisCourse" msgstr "You are not moderator." msgid "Moderator" msgstr "Moderator" msgid "ThisRoomIsFullPleaseTryAgain" msgstr "This Room is full. Sorry please try again later." msgid "Loading" msgstr "Loading" msgid "PleaseWaitWhileLoadingImage" msgstr "Please wait while loading image" msgid "SynchronisingConferenceMembers" msgstr "Synchronizing conference members" msgid "Trainer" msgstr "Teacher" msgid "Learner" msgstr "Learner" msgid "Chat" msgstr "Chat" msgid "Slides" msgstr "Slides" msgid "WaitingForParticipants" msgstr "Waiting for participants" msgid "Send" msgstr "Send message" msgid "Browse" msgstr "Browse" msgid "Cancel" msgstr "Cancel" msgid "ChooseFile" msgstr "Choose a file to import" msgid "ConvertingDocument" msgstr "Converting document" msgid "Disconnected" msgstr "Disconnected" msgid "FineStroke" msgstr "Thin" msgid "MediumStroke" msgstr "Medium" msgid "ThickStroke" msgstr "Thick" msgid "AssignSessionsTo" msgstr "Assign sessions to" msgid "langToolName" msgstr "Import Blackboard courses" msgid "TrackingDisabled" msgstr "Reporting has been disabled by system administrator." msgid "InactivesStudents" msgstr "Learners not connected for a week or more" msgid "AverageTimeSpentOnThePlatform" msgstr "Time spent on portal" msgid "AverageCoursePerStudent" msgstr "Courses by learner" msgid "AverageProgressInLearnpath" msgstr "Progress in courses" msgid "AverageResultsToTheExercices" msgstr "Tests score" msgid "SeeStudentList" msgstr "See the learners list" msgid "NbActiveSessions" msgstr "Active sessions" msgid "NbPastSessions" msgstr "Past sessions" msgid "NbFutureSessions" msgstr "Future sessions" msgid "NbStudentPerSession" msgstr "Number of learners by session" msgid "NbCoursesPerSession" msgstr "Number of courses per session" msgid "SeeSessionList" msgstr "See the sessions list" msgid "langShowNone" msgstr "Show none" msgid "langCourseStats" msgstr "Course Stats" msgid "langToolsAccess" msgstr "Tools access" msgid "langCourseAccess" msgstr "Course access" msgid "langLinksAccess" msgstr "Links" msgid "langDocumentsAccess" msgstr "Documents" msgid "langScormAccess" msgstr "Courses" msgid "langLinksDetails" msgstr "Links accessed" msgid "langWorksDetails" msgstr "assignments uploaded" msgid "langLoginsDetails" msgstr "Click on the month name for more details" msgid "langDocumentsDetails" msgstr "Documents downloaded" msgid "langExercicesDetails" msgstr "Tests score" msgid "langBackToList" msgstr "Back to users list" msgid "langDetails" msgstr "Details" msgid "langStatsOfCourse" msgstr "Course reporting data" msgid "langStatsOfUser" msgstr "Statistics of user" msgid "langStatsOfCampus" msgstr "Statistics of portal" msgid "langCountUsers" msgstr "Number of users" msgid "langCountToolAccess" msgstr "Number of connections to this training" msgid "langLoginsTitleMonthColumn" msgstr "Month" msgid "langLoginsTitleCountColumn" msgstr "Number of logins" msgid "langToolTitleToolnameColumn" msgstr "Name of the tool" msgid "langToolTitleUsersColumn" msgstr "Users Clicks" msgid "langToolTitleCountColumn" msgstr "Total Clicks" msgid "langLinksTitleLinkColumn" msgstr "Link" msgid "langLinksTitleUsersColumn" msgstr "Users Clicks" msgid "langLinksTitleCountColumn" msgstr "Total Clicks" msgid "langExercicesTitleExerciceColumn" msgstr "Test" msgid "langExercicesTitleScoreColumn" msgstr "Score" msgid "langDocumentsTitleDocumentColumn" msgstr "Document" msgid "langDocumentsTitleUsersColumn" msgstr "Users Downloads" msgid "langDocumentsTitleCountColumn" msgstr "Total Downloads" msgid "langScormContentColumn" msgstr "Title" msgid "langScormStudentColumn" msgstr "Learners" msgid "langScormTitleColumn" msgstr "Step" msgid "langScormStatusColumn" msgstr "Status" msgid "langScormScoreColumn" msgstr "Score" msgid "langScormTimeColumn" msgstr "Time" msgid "langScormNeverOpened" msgstr "The user never opened the course." msgid "langWorkTitle" msgstr "Title" msgid "langWorkAuthors" msgstr "Authors" msgid "langWorkDescription" msgstr "Description" msgid "informationsAbout" msgstr "Tracking of" msgid "langNoEmail" msgstr "No email address specified" msgid "langNoResult" msgstr "There is no result yet" msgid "langCourse" msgstr "The area" msgid "langHits" msgstr "Hits" msgid "langTotal" msgstr "Total" msgid "langHour" msgstr "Hour" msgid "langDay" msgstr "day" msgid "langLittleHour" msgstr "h." msgid "langLast31days" msgstr "In the last 31 days" msgid "langLast7days" msgstr "In the last 7 days" msgid "langThisday" msgstr "This day" msgid "langLogins" msgstr "Logins" msgid "langLoginsExplaination" msgstr "Here is the list of your latest logins with the tools you visited during these sessions." msgid "langExercicesResults" msgstr "Score for the tests done" msgid "langVisits" msgstr "visits" msgid "langAt" msgstr "at" msgid "langLoginTitleDateColumn" msgstr "Date" msgid "langLoginTitleCountColumn" msgstr "Visits" msgid "langLoginsAndAccessTools" msgstr "Logins and access to tools" msgid "langWorkUploads" msgstr "Contributions uploads" msgid "langErrorUserNotInGroup" msgstr "Invalid user : this user doesn't exist in your group" msgid "langListStudents" msgstr "List of learners in this group" msgid "langPeriodHour" msgstr "Hour" msgid "langPeriodDay" msgstr "Day" msgid "langPeriodWeek" msgstr "Week" msgid "langPeriodMonth" msgstr "Month" msgid "langPeriodYear" msgstr "Year" msgid "langNextDay" msgstr "Next Day" msgid "langPreviousDay" msgstr "Previous Day" msgid "langNextWeek" msgstr "Next Week" msgid "langPreviousWeek" msgstr "Previous Week" msgid "langNextMonth" msgstr "Next Month" msgid "langPreviousMonth" msgstr "Previous Month" msgid "langNextYear" msgstr "Next Year" msgid "langPreviousYear" msgstr "Previous Year" msgid "langViewToolList" msgstr "View List of All Tools" msgid "langToolList" msgstr "List of all tools" msgid "langFrom" msgstr "From" msgid "langTo" msgstr "to" msgid "langPeriodToDisplay" msgstr "Period" msgid "langDetailView" msgstr "View by" msgid "langBredCrumpGroups" msgstr "Groups" msgid "langBredCrumpGroupSpace" msgstr "Group Area" msgid "langBredCrumpUsers" msgstr "Users" msgid "langAdminToolName" msgstr "Admin Stats" msgid "langPlatformStats" msgstr "Portal Statistics" msgid "langStatsDatabase" msgstr "Stats Database" msgid "langPlatformAccess" msgstr "Access to portal" msgid "langPlatformCoursesAccess" msgstr "Access to courses" msgid "langPlatformToolAccess" msgstr "Tools access" msgid "langHardAndSoftUsed" msgstr "Countries Providers Browsers Os Referers" msgid "langStrangeCases" msgstr "Problematic cases" msgid "langStatsDatabaseLink" msgstr "Click Here" msgid "langCountCours" msgstr "Training" msgid "langCountCourseByFaculte" msgstr "Number of courses by category" msgid "langCountCourseByLanguage" msgstr "Number of courses by language" msgid "langCountCourseByVisibility" msgstr "Number of courses by visibility" msgid "langCountUsersByCourse" msgstr "Number of users by course" msgid "langCountUsersByFaculte" msgstr "Number of users by category" msgid "langCountUsersByStatus" msgstr "Number of users by status" msgid "langAccess" msgstr "Access" msgid "langCountries" msgstr "Countries" msgid "langProviders" msgstr "Providers" msgid "langOS" msgstr "OS" msgid "langBrowsers" msgstr "Browsers" msgid "langReferers" msgstr "Referers" msgid "langAccessExplain" msgstr "(When an user open the index of the portal)" msgid "langTotalPlatformAccess" msgstr "Total" msgid "langTotalPlatformLogin" msgstr "Total" msgid "langMultipleLogins" msgstr "Accounts with same Login" msgid "langMultipleUsernameAndPassword" msgstr "Accounts with same Login AND same Password" msgid "langMultipleEmails" msgstr "Accounts with same Email" msgid "langCourseWithoutProf" msgstr "Courses without teachers" msgid "langCourseWithoutAccess" msgstr "Unused courses" msgid "langLoginWithoutAccess" msgstr "Logins not used" msgid "langAllRight" msgstr "There is no strange case here" msgid "langDefcon" msgstr "Ooops, problematic cases detected !!" msgid "langNULLValue" msgstr "Empty (or NULL)" msgid "langTrafficDetails" msgstr "Traffic Details" msgid "langSeeIndividualTracking" msgstr "For individual tracking see Users tool." msgid "langPathNeverOpenedByAnybody" msgstr "This path was never opened by anybody." msgid "SynthesisView" msgstr "Synthesis view" msgid "Visited" msgstr "Visited" msgid "FirstAccess" msgstr "First access" msgid "LastAccess" msgstr "Latest access" msgid "langProbationers" msgstr "Learner" msgid "MoyenneTest" msgstr "Tests score" msgid "exportExcel" msgstr "Export in Excel format" msgid "MoyCourse" msgstr "Course average" msgid "MoyenneExamen" msgstr "Exam average" msgid "MoySession" msgstr "Session average" msgid "TakenSessions" msgstr "Taken sessions" msgid "FollowUp" msgstr "Follow-up" msgid "Trainers" msgstr "Teachers" msgid "Administrators" msgstr "Administrators" msgid "Tracks" msgstr "Tracks" msgid "Success" msgstr "Success" msgid "ExcelFormat" msgstr "Excel format" msgid "MyLearnpath" msgstr "My learnpath" msgid "Time" msgstr "Time" msgid "Score" msgstr "Performance" msgid "LastConnexion" msgstr "Latest login" msgid "ConnectionTime" msgstr "Connection time" msgid "ConnectionsToThisCourse" msgstr "Connections to this course" msgid "StudentTutors" msgstr "Learner's coaches" msgid "StudentSessions" msgstr "Learner's sessions" msgid "StudentCourses" msgstr "Learner's courses" msgid "NoLearnpath" msgstr "No learning path" msgid "Attempts" msgstr "Attempts" msgid "Correction" msgstr "Correction" msgid "NoExercise" msgstr "No tests" msgid "LimitDate" msgstr "Limit date" msgid "SentDate" msgstr "Sent date" msgid "Annotate" msgstr "Notify" msgid "DayOfDelay" msgstr "Day of delay" msgid "NoProduction" msgstr "No production" msgid "NoComment" msgstr "No comment" msgid "LatestLogin" msgstr "Latest" msgid "TimeSpentOnThePlatform" msgstr "Time spent in portal" msgid "Messages" msgstr "Messages" msgid "AveragePostsInForum" msgstr "Posts in forum" msgid "AverageAssignments" msgstr "Average assignments per learner" msgid "Print" msgstr "Print" msgid "StudentDetails" msgstr "Learner details" msgid "StudentDetailsInCourse" msgstr "Learner details in course" msgid "Learnpaths" msgstr "Learning paths" msgid "OtherTools" msgstr "OTI (Online Training Interaction) settings report" msgid "DetailsStudentInCourse" msgstr "Learner details in course" msgid "CourseTitle" msgstr "Course title" msgid "NbStudents" msgstr "Learners" msgid "TimeSpentInTheCourse" msgstr "Time spent in the course" msgid "AvgStudentsProgress" msgstr "Progress" msgid "AvgCourseScore" msgstr "Average score in learning paths" msgid "AvgMessages" msgstr "Messages per learner" msgid "AvgAssignments" msgstr "Assignments" msgid "ToolsMostUsed" msgstr "Tools most used" msgid "StudentsTracking" msgstr "Report on learners" msgid "CourseTracking" msgstr "Course report" msgid "LinksMostClicked" msgstr "Links most visited" msgid "DocumentsMostDownloaded" msgstr "Documents most downloaded" msgid "LearningPathDetails" msgstr "Learnpath details" msgid "NoConnexion" msgstr "No connection" msgid "TeacherInterface" msgstr "Trainer View" msgid "CoachInterface" msgstr "Coach interface" msgid "AdminInterface" msgstr "Admin view" msgid "NumberOfSessions" msgstr "Number of sessions" msgid "YourCourseList" msgstr "Your courses" msgid "YourStatistics" msgstr "Your statistics" msgid "CoachList" msgstr "Trainer list" msgid "CoachStudents" msgstr "Learners of trainer" msgid "NoLearningPath" msgstr "No learning path available" msgid "SessionCourses" msgstr "Courses sessions" msgid "NoUsersInCourseTracking" msgstr "Tracking for the learners registered to this course" msgid "AvgTimeSpentInTheCourse" msgstr "Time" msgid "RemindInactiveUser" msgstr "Remind inactive user" msgid "FirstLogin" msgstr "First connection" msgid "AccessDetails" msgstr "Access details" msgid "DateAndTimeOfAccess" msgstr "Date and time of access" msgid "Duration" msgstr "Duration" msgid "WrongDatasForTimeSpentOnThePlatform" msgstr "The datas about this user were registered when the calculation of time spent on the platform wasn't possible." msgid "DisplayCoaches" msgstr "Trainers Overview" msgid "DisplayUserOverview" msgstr "User overview" msgid "ExportUserOverviewOptions" msgstr "User overview export options" msgid "FollowingFieldsWillAlsoBeExported" msgstr "The following fields will also be exported" msgid "TotalExercisesScoreObtained" msgstr "Total score obtained for tests" msgid "TotalExercisesScorePossible" msgstr "Total possible score for tests" msgid "TotalExercisesAnswered" msgstr "Number of tests answered" msgid "TotalExercisesScorePercentage" msgstr "Total score percentage for tests" msgid "ForumForumsNumber" msgstr "Forums Number" msgid "ForumThreadsNumber" msgstr "Threads number" msgid "ForumPostsNumber" msgstr "Posts number" msgid "ChatConnectionsDuringLastXDays" msgstr "Connections to the chat during last %s days" msgid "ChatLastConnection" msgstr "Latest chat connection" msgid "CourseInformation" msgstr "Course Information" msgid "NoAdditionalFieldsWillBeExported" msgstr "No additional fields will be exported" msgid "langSendNotification" msgstr "Notify" msgid "TimeOfActiveByTraining" msgstr "Time in course" msgid "AvgAllUsersInAllCourses" msgstr "Average of all learners in all courses" msgid "AvgExercisesScore" msgstr "Tests score" msgid "TrainingTime" msgstr "Time" msgid "CourseProgress" msgstr "Progress" msgid "ViewMinus" msgstr "View minus" msgid "ResourcesTracking" msgstr "Report on resource" msgid "SelectFieldToAdd" msgstr "Select user profile field to add" msgid "AddAdditionalProfileField" msgstr "Add user profile field" msgid "ConfigureExtensions" msgstr "Configure extensions" msgid "DashboardBlocks" msgstr "Dashboard blocks" msgid "DashboardList" msgstr "Dashboard list" msgid "YouHaveNotEnabledBlocks" msgstr "You haven't enabled any block" msgid "BlocksHaveBeenUpdatedSuccessfully" msgstr "The blocks have been updated" msgid "AttendanceSheetDescription" msgstr "Attendance sheets allow you to gather all your courses attendances by groups. For example, you might want to take attendances to theory lessons separately from attendances to practical lessons. Each of them will show all learners as attending by default. It is up to you to register the missing learners by clicking the corresponding checkbox." msgid "AttendanceSheetReport" msgstr "Report of attendance sheets" msgid "YouDoNotHaveDoneAttendances" msgstr "You do not have attendances" msgid "GoToAttendanceCalendarList" msgstr "Go to attendances calendar view" msgid "AddADateTime" msgstr "Add a time and date" msgid "AreYouSureToDeleteAllDates" msgstr "Are you sure you want to delete all dates?" msgid "DashboardPluginsHaveBeenUpdatedSuccessfully" msgstr "The dashboard plugins have been updated successfully" msgid "ThereIsNoInformationAboutYourCourses" msgstr "There is no available information about your courses" msgid "ThereIsNoInformationAboutYourSessions" msgstr "There is no available information about your sessions" msgid "ThereIsNoInformationAboutYourTeachers" msgstr "There is no available information about your teachers" msgid "ThereIsNoInformationAboutYourStudents" msgstr "There is no available information about your learners" msgid "TimeSpentLastWeek" msgstr "Time spent last week" msgid "DateLock" msgstr "Date lock" msgid "CountOfUsers" msgstr "Users count" msgid "CountOfSubscriptions" msgstr "Subscriptions count" msgid "FolderCreated" msgstr "New folder created" msgid "LearnpathVisible" msgstr "Learning path made visible" msgid "LinkInvisible" msgstr "Link made invisible" msgid "LinkAdded" msgstr "Link added" msgid "Minutes" msgstr "Minutes" msgid "BackupCreated" msgstr "Backup created" msgid "CountCertificates" msgstr "Certificates count" msgid "AverageHoursPerStudent" msgstr "Avg hours/student" msgid "CountOfSubscribedUsers" msgstr "Subscribed users count" msgid "TrainingHoursAccumulated" msgstr "Training hours accumulated" msgid "ManHours" msgstr "Man hours" msgid "NotesObtained" msgstr "Notes obtained" msgid "DisplayCourseOverview" msgstr "Courses overview" msgid "DisplaySessionOverview" msgstr "Sessions overview" msgid "TotalNumberOfMessages" msgstr "Total number of messages" msgid "TotalNumberOfAssignments" msgstr "Total number of assignments" msgid "LastLogins" msgstr "Last logins" msgid "AllLogins" msgstr "All logins" msgid "LPExerciseResultsBySession" msgstr "Results of learning paths exercises by session" msgid "LPQuestionListResults" msgstr "Learning paths exercises results list" msgid "PleaseSelectACourse" msgstr "Please select a course" msgid "StudentScoreAverageIsCalculatedBaseInAllLPsAndAllAttempts" msgstr "Learner score average is calculated bases on all learning paths and all attempts" msgid "AverageScore" msgstr "Average score" msgid "LastConnexionDate" msgstr "Last connexion date" msgid "QuestionsAreTakenFromLPExercises" msgstr "These questions have been taken from the learning paths" msgid "AllStudentsAttemptsAreConsidered" msgstr "All learners attempts are considered" msgid "PublishedExercises" msgstr "Exercises available" msgid "DoneExercises" msgstr "Exercises taken" msgid "AverageExerciseResult" msgstr "Average exercise result" msgid "LPProgress" msgstr "Learning path progress" msgid "Ranking" msgstr "Ranking" msgid "BestResultInCourse" msgstr "Best result in course" msgid "ExerciseStartDate" msgstr "Publication date" msgid "OnlyBestResultsPerStudent" msgstr "In case of multiple attempts, only shows the best result of each learner" msgid "BestAttempt" msgstr "Best attempt" msgid "ExercisesInTimeProgressChart" msgstr "Progress of own exercises results over time, against learners average" msgid "AverageIsCalculatedBasedInAllAttempts" msgstr "Average is calculated based on all test attempts" msgid "AverageIsCalculatedBasedInTheLatestAttempts" msgstr "Average is calculated based on the latest attempts" msgid "LatestAttemptAverageScore" msgstr "Latest attempt average score" msgid "Untitled" msgstr "Untitled" msgid "Quantity" msgstr "Quantity" msgid "UploadedDocuments" msgstr "Uploaded documents" msgid "ExerciseProgress" msgstr "Exercise progress" msgid "NumberOfStudents" msgstr "Number of learners" msgid "NumberStudentsAccessingCourse" msgstr "Number of learners accessing the course" msgid "PercentageStudentsAccessingCourse" msgstr "Percentage of learners accessing the course" msgid "NumberStudentsCompleteAllActivities" msgstr "Number of learners who completed all activities (100% progress)" msgid "PercentageStudentsCompleteAllActivities" msgstr "Percentage of learners who completed all activities (100% progress)" msgid "AverageOfActivitiesCompletedPerStudent" msgstr "Average number of activities completed per learner" msgid "TotalTimeSpentInTheCourse" msgstr "Total time spent in the course" msgid "AverageTimePerStudentInCourse" msgstr "Average time spent per learner in the course" msgid "NumberOfDocumentsInLearnpath" msgstr "Number of documents in learning path" msgid "NumberOfExercisesInLearnpath" msgstr "Number of exercises in learning path" msgid "NumberOfLinksInLearnpath" msgstr "Number of links in learning path" msgid "NumberOfForumsInLearnpath" msgstr "Number of forums in learning path" msgid "NumberOfAssignmentsInLearnpath" msgstr "Number of assignments in learning path" msgid "NumberOfAnnouncementsInCourse" msgstr "Number of announcements in course" msgid "CurrentCoursesReport" msgstr "Current courses report" msgid "NumberOfPublishedExercises" msgstr "# of published exercises" msgid "NumberOfPublishedLps" msgstr "# of published Learning Paths" msgid "EventType" msgstr "Event type" msgid "NbInactiveSessions" msgstr "Number of inactive sessions" msgid "FollowedSessions" msgstr "Followed sessions" msgid "FollowedCourses" msgstr "Followed courses" msgid "FollowedUsers" msgstr "Followed users" msgid "Timeline" msgstr "Timeline" msgid "ReservationPeriodToSmall" msgstr "The reservation period is to short." msgid "BookingSystem" msgstr "Booking system" msgid "BookingPeriodList" msgstr "Booking period list" msgid "BookingListView" msgstr "Booking list" msgid "BookingCalendarView" msgstr "Booking calendar view" msgid "BookingPeriods" msgstr "Scheduling" msgid "ResourceList" msgstr "Resource list" msgid "GoToCalendarView" msgstr "Calendar view" msgid "GoToListView" msgstr "List view" msgid "ManageResources" msgstr "Manage resources" msgid "EditResource" msgstr "Edit resource" msgid "BookIt" msgstr "Book a resource" msgid "GoTo" msgstr "Go to" msgid "NoTimePicker" msgstr "No time picker" msgid "TimePicker" msgstr "Time picker" msgid "ManageBookingPeriods" msgstr "Manage booking periods" msgid "BookingPeriodToSmall" msgstr "The booking period is to small." msgid "BookingPeriodToBig" msgstr "The booking period is to big." msgid "BookingPeriodTimePickerError1" msgstr "A booking period without a timepicker can not be made if the minimum and maximum time of a chunck differs from zero." msgid "BookingPeriodTimePickerError2" msgstr "A booking period with a timepicker can not be made if the maximum time is smaller than the minimum time of a chunck." msgid "BookingPeriodTimePickerError3" msgstr "A booking period with a timepicker can not be made if the maximum time of a chunck doesn't fit between the start and end date." msgid "BookingPeriodHasSubscriptions" msgstr "The booking period has #NUM# active bookings, editing the booking period is not possible" msgid "TimePickerMaxUsers" msgstr "* When the timepicker is being used, the maximum number of subscriptions is being ignored." msgid "TimePickerMinMaxNull" msgstr "* If the minimum and maximum value of the timepicker is zero, the time can be chosen variably." msgid "DeleteSelectedBookingPeriod" msgstr "Delete selected booking periods" msgid "EditNewBookingPeriod" msgstr "Edit a booking period" msgid "BookingPeriodAdded" msgstr "The booking period has been added" msgid "BookingPeriodDeleted" msgstr "The booking period has been deleted" msgid "ConfirmDeleteBookingPeriod" msgstr "Are you sure that you want to permantly delete this booking period?" msgid "DeleteBookingPeriod" msgstr "Remove this booking period" msgid "BookingPeriodEdited" msgstr "The booking period has been edited" msgid "BookingPeriodDateOverlap" msgstr "A part of the booking period is already in use in the period from #START# until #END#" msgid "BookingPeriodSubscribeUntilAfterStart" msgstr "The subscribe until date is greater then the startdate" msgid "RepeatFor" msgstr "Repeat every" msgid "RepeatUntil" msgstr "Repeat until" msgid "BookingPeriodPast" msgstr "Its not possible to make reservations before the current time" msgid "ReservationMaxUsersOverrun" msgstr "The are already more people subscribed then the Max Users you selected" msgid "AddNewBookingPeriod" msgstr "Add a new booking period" msgid "BookingPeriodTimePickerLimitation" msgstr "It is not possible to make reservations with a timepicker if the start and end date are not the same." msgid "ResourceTypeName" msgstr "Resource type" msgid "AddNewResourceType" msgstr "Add new resource type" msgid "ResourceTypeAdded" msgstr "The resource type has been added" msgid "ResourceTypeEdited" msgstr "The resource type has been edited" msgid "ResourceTypeDeleted" msgstr "The resource type has been deleted" msgid "ConfirmDeleteResourceType" msgstr "Are you sure that you want to permantly delete this resource type?" msgid "EditResourceType" msgstr "Edit resource type" msgid "DeleteResourceType" msgstr "Delete resource type" msgid "DeleteSelectedCategories" msgstr "Delete selected resources" msgid "NoResourcesType" msgstr "No resource type yet" msgid "ResourceType" msgstr "Category" msgid "ResourceTypeExist" msgstr "This resource type already exists" msgid "ResourceTypeHasItems" msgstr "The resource type has #NUM# items ! Delete has been aborted" msgid "ResourceTypeNotDeleted" msgstr "Some categories could not be removed because they contain resources" msgid "DeleteSelectedSubscriptions" msgstr "Delete selected reservation" msgid "DeleteSubscription" msgstr "Delete reservation" msgid "SubscriptionDeleted" msgstr "Your reservation has been deleted" msgid "ConfirmDeleteSubscription" msgstr "Are you sure that you want to delete this reservations?" msgid "SubscribeInformation" msgstr "Please confirm if you want to make a reservation from #start# until #end# for #name#" msgid "SubscribeTimePickerInformation" msgstr "Please select for #name# a period #from_till between: #start_end" msgid "ReservationAdded" msgstr "Reservation added" msgid "ReservationTresspassing" msgstr "This reservation is already full, you are not allowed on this page" msgid "ReservationOutOfDate" msgstr "The date you have choosen is already in use and/or is not the reservation period from #START# until #END#" msgid "ReservationAlready" msgstr "You already booked this resource" msgid "ReservationMadeTitle" msgstr "Your booking of #ITEM# was successfull" msgid "ReservationMadeMessage" msgstr "Dear Sir/Madam, Your booking for #ITEM# from #START# until #END# is successfull." msgid "ReservationDeleteTitle" msgstr "A booking period of #NAME# has been deleted" msgid "ReservationDeleteMessage" msgstr "Dear Sir/Madam, The reservation period of #NAME# from #START# until #END# has been removed." msgid "OutPeriod" msgstr "Out period" msgid "ReservationFromUntilError" msgstr "The booking period from #START# until #END# hasn't been made because a part of the booking period is already taken. " msgid "Recurrence" msgstr "Recurrence" msgid "NoRecurrence" msgstr "No recurrence" msgid "UntilRecurrence" msgstr "Use recurrence" msgid "TimePickerLimitation" msgstr "* When the timepicker is being used, the start and enddate must be the same." msgid "OverviewSubscriptions" msgstr "Overview subscriptions" msgid "OverviewReservedPeriods" msgstr "Overview subscribed periods" msgid "SubscribedStartDate" msgstr "Subscribed from end date" msgid "SubscribedEndDate" msgstr "Subscribed till end date" msgid "SubscribedPerson" msgstr "Subscribed person" msgid "BookingView" msgstr "Booking view" msgid "SubscribeUntil" msgstr "Subscribe until" msgid "SubscribeFrom" msgstr "Subscribe from" msgid "Notes" msgstr "Notes" msgid "SubscriptionPeriod" msgstr "Subscription Period" msgid "NoPeriod" msgstr "No subscription period" msgid "FixedPeriod" msgstr "Fixed subscription period" msgid "ResourceFilter" msgstr "Resource filter" msgid "NoReservation" msgstr "No booking period yet" msgid "MaxUsers" msgstr "Maximum subscriptions" msgid "AutoAccept" msgstr "Accept users automatically" msgid "ResourceName" msgstr "Resource" msgid "ResourceAdded" msgstr "Resource added" msgid "ResourceEdited" msgstr "Resource edited" msgid "ResourceDeleted" msgstr "The resource has been deleted" msgid "AddNewResource" msgstr "Add new resource" msgid "ConfirmDeleteResource" msgstr "Are you sure that you want to permantly delete this resource?" msgid "ResourceInactivated" msgstr "The resource has been disabled" msgid "ResourceActivated" msgstr "The resource has been enabled" msgid "Resource" msgstr "Assessment" msgid "OpenBooking" msgstr "Open booking" msgid "DeleteResource" msgstr "Delete resource" msgid "DeleteSelectedResources" msgstr "Delete selected resources" msgid "ResourceExist" msgstr "The resource already exists" msgid "AcceptUsers" msgstr "Accepting users" msgid "UnacceptedUsers" msgstr "Unaccepting users" msgid "DeleteSubscriptions" msgstr "Deleting subscriptions" msgid "NoItems" msgstr "No resources yet" msgid "ItemNotDeleted" msgstr "Some resources are not removed because there are pending bookings" msgid "ItemHasReservations" msgstr "The resource still has #NUM# active booking(s)" msgid "NoItemsReservation" msgstr "There are no resources available for you in here" msgid "ReservationAccepted" msgstr "Your booking of #ITEM# is accepted" msgid "ReservationDenied" msgstr "Your booking for #ITEM# was refused" msgid "ReservationForItemAccepted" msgstr "Dear Sir/Madam, Your reservation for #ITEM# from #BEGIN till #END has been accepted." msgid "ReservationForItemDenied" msgstr "Dear Sir/Madam, Your booking for #ITEM# from #BEGIN till #END has been rejected." msgid "ReservationCancelled" msgstr "Reservation cancelled, #NAME# is temporary unavailable" msgid "ReservationActive" msgstr "Reservation is active again, #NAME# is available again" msgid "ReservationUnavailable" msgstr "Dear Sir/Madam, Resource #NAME# is temporarily unavailable so your booking from #BEGIN# till #END# has been cancelled. You will get an email when it is available again." msgid "ReservationAvailable" msgstr "Dear Sir/Madam, We wish to inform you that #NAME# is available again, so your reservation from #BEGIN# till #END# is active again." msgid "Resources" msgstr "Resources" msgid "EditBookingPeriod" msgstr "Edit booking period" msgid "CreateResourceType" msgstr "Create resource type" msgid "ModifyResourceType" msgstr "Edit resource type" msgid "ViewResourceTypes" msgstr "View the resource types" msgid "ViewResources" msgstr "View the resources" msgid "ViewBookingPeriods" msgstr "View the booking periods" msgid "AlwaysAvailable" msgstr "Always available" msgid "SelectResourceTypeAndResource" msgstr "Select the resource type" msgid "Step1SelectResourceType" msgstr "Step 1: Select resource type" msgid "Step2SelectResource" msgstr "Step 2: select the resource" msgid "Step3SelectBookingPeriod" msgstr "Step 3: select the booking period" msgid "NoReservations" msgstr "No reservations" msgid "ItemRightDeleted" msgstr "Item permissions removed." msgid "MItemRights" msgstr "Item rights" msgid "MReservationRight" msgstr "Booking permissions" msgid "ItemRightEdited" msgstr "Item permissions updated." msgid "NoRights" msgstr "No rights" msgid "MItemRights2" msgstr "Item permissions" msgid "MAddClassgroup" msgstr "Add class/group" msgid "EditItemRight" msgstr "Edit item permissions" msgid "DeleteItemRight" msgstr "Delete item permissions" msgid "MBookingPeriodsRight" msgstr "Booking period permissions" msgid "ViewItemRight" msgstr "View item permissions" msgid "DeleteSelectedItemRights" msgstr "Delete selected item permissions" msgid "SetEditRights" msgstr "Set edit permissions" msgid "UnsetEditRights" msgstr "Remove edit permissions" msgid "SetDeleteRights" msgstr "Assign delete permissions" msgid "UnsetDeleteRights" msgstr "Remove delete permissions" msgid "SetMresRights" msgstr "Set reservation permissions" msgid "UnsetMresRights" msgstr "Remove reservation permissions" msgid "SetViewRights" msgstr "Assign view permissions" msgid "UnsetViewRights" msgstr "Remove viewing permissions" msgid "SetAllRights" msgstr "Assign all permissions" msgid "UnsetAllRights" msgstr "Remove all permissions" msgid "ItemCourse" msgstr "Course item" msgid "MItemRight" msgstr "Item permissions" msgid "EditItem2" msgstr "Edit item" msgid "ItemManagerHeader" msgstr "Item manager" msgid "LangClass" msgstr "Class" msgid "MReservationPeriodsRight" msgstr "Reservation periods permissions" msgid "AddNewItem" msgstr "Add a new item" msgid "ItemName" msgstr "Item name" msgid "ItemDescription" msgstr "Item description" msgid "ItemExist" msgstr "The item exists" msgid "EditItem" msgstr "Edit item" msgid "ItemEdited" msgstr "Item updated." msgid "CategoryFilter" msgstr "Category filter" msgid "ItemCreator" msgstr "Item creator" msgid "DeleteSelectedItems" msgstr "Delete selected items" msgid "BookingPeriodTimepickerLimitation" msgstr "Limitation on booking period timepicker" msgid "Blackout" msgstr "Blackout" msgid "EveryDay" msgstr "Every day" msgid "EveryWeek" msgstr "Every week" msgid "EveryMonth" msgstr "Every month" msgid "ReservationForDenied" msgstr "Booking denied" msgid "BookingPeriodTooSmall" msgstr "The booking period is too small." msgid "BookingPeriodTooBig" msgstr "Booking period too long." msgid "PermissionsStored" msgstr "Permissions stored" msgid "PermissionGranted" msgstr "Permission granted" msgid "PermissionRevoked" msgstr "Permission revoked" msgid "RoleGranted" msgstr "Role granted" msgid "RoleRevoked" msgstr "Role revoked" msgid "ErrorPleaseGiveRoleName" msgstr "Please give this role a name" msgid "RoleDeleted" msgstr "Role deleted" msgid "AddRole" msgstr "Add role" msgid "RoleComment" msgstr "The role is the item which will allow you to assign rights to a person or group of people." msgid "DefaultRole" msgstr "Default role" msgid "PermissionsOfRole" msgstr "Permissions of role" msgid "IsPlatformRoleNotEditable" msgstr "Is the platform role not editable?" msgid "UserPermissions" msgstr "User's permissions" msgid "ClearContent" msgstr "


      Chamilo is a Learning and Knowledge Management System. It allows the trainer to organize learning materials, training and to manage the interaction with the participants. All this is made inside the web browser.

      To use Chamilo as a trainer , you need a login and a password. Depending on the security settings of your portal, you an get these by self-registration (right hand menu) or from the central administration of your organization. Note that a login and a password will never contain spaces or accents and that they are case sensitive. Type your login/password, then create a training (top right) or use the course that has been created for you by the central administration of your organization.

      To add a colleague as co-administrator of your course:

      1. If he/she is not yet registered in the system, register him/her and select 'trainer' as a profile,
      2. If he/she is already registered in the system, temporarily open training subscription in Training settings and ask him/her to enroll in your course. Then edit his/her profile and give him/her trainer rights.

      Every Chamilo tool contains a contextual help represented by a red buoy. If you don't find there the good information, consider checking the Chamilo documentation page: and download the trainer manual. in your own language or in English


      This portal allows you to follow and participate to training, collaborative workshops etc. It has been created to promote active learning: project-based, problem-based, case-based learning, collaborative research etc.Your teachers have build learning areas that can present as simple documents folders or sophisticated self-learning or group learning sequences of activities.

      Registration process can vary from one organization to the other. In some cases, self-registration is allowed. In others, you should get from the central administration a login and a password.

      " msgid "WCAGImage" msgstr "Image" msgid "WCAGLabel" msgstr "Image label" msgid "WCAGLink" msgstr "Link" msgid "WCAGLinkLabel" msgstr "Link label" msgid "ErrorNoLabel" msgstr "No label on the picture." msgid "AllLanguages" msgstr "all languages" msgid "WCAGEditor" msgstr "WCAG Editor" msgid "WCAGGoMenu" msgstr "Goto menu" msgid "WCAGGoContent" msgstr "Goto content" msgid "LinkMoved" msgstr "The link has been moved" msgid "langLinkName" msgstr "Link name" msgid "langLinkAdd" msgstr "Add a link" msgid "langLinkAdded" msgstr "The link has been added." msgid "langLinkMod" msgstr "Edit link" msgid "langLinkModded" msgstr "The link has been modified." msgid "langLinkDel" msgstr "Delete link" msgid "langLinkDeleted" msgstr "The link has been deleted" msgid "langLinkDelconfirm" msgstr "Do you want to delete this link?" msgid "langAllLinksDel" msgstr "Delete all links in this category" msgid "langCategoryName" msgstr "Category name" msgid "langCategoryAdd" msgstr "Add a category" msgid "langCategoryAdded" msgstr "The category has been added." msgid "langCategoryModded" msgstr "The category has been modified." msgid "langCategoryDel" msgstr "Delete category" msgid "langCategoryDeleted" msgstr "The category and all its links have been deleted." msgid "langCategoryDelconfirm" msgstr "When deleting a category, all links of this category are also deleted. Do you really want to delete this category and its links ?" msgid "langAllCategoryDel" msgstr "Delete all categories and all links" msgid "langGiveURL" msgstr "Please give the link URL, it should be valid." msgid "langGiveCategoryName" msgstr "Please give the category name" msgid "langNoCategory" msgstr "General" msgid "showall" msgstr "Open all categories" msgid "shownone" msgstr "Close all categories" msgid "langListDeleted" msgstr "List has been deleted" msgid "langAddLink" msgstr "Add a link" msgid "langDelList" msgstr "Delete list" msgid "langModifyLink" msgstr "Edit Link" msgid "langCsvImport" msgstr "CSV import" msgid "langCsvFileNotFound" msgstr "CSV import file could not be opened (e.g. empty, too big)" msgid "langCsvFileNoSeps" msgstr "CSV import file must use , or ; as listseparator" msgid "langCsvFileNoURL" msgstr "CSV import file must at least have columns URL and title" msgid "langCsvFileLine1" msgstr "... - line 1 =" msgid "langCsvLinesFailed" msgstr "line(s) failed to import a link (no URL or no title)." msgid "langCsvLinesOld" msgstr "existing link(s) updated (same URL and category)." msgid "langCsvLinesNew" msgstr "new link(s) created." msgid "langCsvExplain" msgstr "The file should look like:
      URL;category;title;description;;Important links;Name 1;Description 1;;;Name 2;\"Description 2\";
      If URL and category are equal to those of an existing link, its title and description are updated. In all other cases a new link is created.

      Bold = mandatory. Fields can be in any order, names in upper- or lowercase. Additional fields are added to description. Separator: comma or semicolon. Values may be quoted, but not the field names. Some [b]HTML tags[/b] can be imported in the description field." msgid "langLinkUpdated" msgstr "Link has been updated" msgid "langAll_Link_Deleted" msgstr "Link has been deleted" msgid "langOnHomepage" msgstr "Show link on training homepage" msgid "langShowLinkOnHomepage" msgstr "Show this link as an icon on training homepage" msgid "General" msgstr "general" msgid "SearchFeatureDoIndexLink" msgstr "Index link title and description?" msgid "langSaveLink" msgstr "Save link" msgid "langSaveCategory" msgstr "Save folder" msgid "BackToLinksOverview" msgstr "Back to links overview" msgid "AddTargetOfLinkOnHomepage" msgstr "Select the \"target\" which shows the link on the homepage of the course" msgid "Url" msgstr "URL" msgid "LinkOpenSelf" msgstr "Open self" msgid "LinkOpenBlank" msgstr "Open blank" msgid "LinkOpenParent" msgstr "Open parent" msgid "LinkOpenTop" msgstr "Open top" msgid "LinkTarget" msgstr "Link target" msgid "langOnlineConference" msgstr "Conference" msgid "langWash" msgstr "Wash" msgid "langReset" msgstr "Reset" msgid "langSave" msgstr "Send message" msgid "langRefresh" msgstr "Refresh" msgid "langIsNowInYourDocDir" msgstr "is now in your Documents tool.
      This file is visible" msgid "langCopyFailed" msgstr "Print failed" msgid "langTypeMessage" msgstr "Please type your message!" msgid "langConfirmReset" msgstr "Do you really want to delete all messages?" msgid "langHasResetChat" msgstr "has reset the Chat" msgid "langNoOnlineConference" msgstr "There is no conference for the moment ..." msgid "langMediaFile" msgstr "Live audio or video streaming" msgid "langContentFile" msgstr "Presentation" msgid "langListOfParticipants" msgstr "List of participants" msgid "langYourPicture" msgstr "Your picture" msgid "langOnlineDescription" msgstr "Conference description" msgid "langOnlyCheckForImportantQuestion" msgstr "Please check this box only to ask an important question !" msgid "langQuestion" msgstr "question" msgid "langClearList" msgstr "Clear the chat" msgid "langWhiteBoard" msgstr "White board" msgid "langTextEditorDefault" msgstr "

      Word processor

      Cut and paste here from Ms-Word® then edit. Participants will see your modifications live." msgid "langStreaming" msgstr "Streaming" msgid "langStreamURL" msgstr "Stream URL" msgid "langStreamType" msgstr "Stream type" msgid "langLinkName" msgstr "Link name" msgid "langLinkURL" msgstr "Link URL" msgid "langWelcomeToOnlineConf" msgstr "Welcome to the Online Conference" msgid "langNoLinkAvailable" msgstr "No Link available" msgid "langChat_reset_by" msgstr "reset chat" msgid "OrFile" msgstr "Or file" msgid "langCallSent" msgstr "Chat call has been sent. Waiting for the approval of your partner." msgid "langChatDenied" msgstr "Your call has been denied by your partner." msgid "Send" msgstr "Send message" msgid "Connected" msgstr "Chat partners" msgid "Think" msgstr "Think" msgid "BigGrin" msgstr "Big grin" msgid "Amazing" msgstr "Amazing" msgid "Confused" msgstr "Confused" msgid "Cool" msgstr "Cool" msgid "Surprised" msgstr "Surprised" msgid "Hand" msgstr "Hello" msgid "Wink" msgstr "Wink" msgid "Neutral" msgstr "Neutral" msgid "Angry" msgstr "Angry" msgid "Avid" msgstr "Avid" msgid "Redface" msgstr "To blush" msgid "Sad" msgstr "Sad" msgid "Silence" msgstr "Silence" msgid "Silenced" msgstr "Silenced" msgid "Smile" msgstr "Smile" msgid "Exclamation" msgstr "Exclamation" msgid "Arrow" msgstr "Arrow" msgid "Question" msgstr "Question" msgid "Idea" msgstr "Idea" msgid "AskPermissionSpeak" msgstr "Ask permission to speak" msgid "GiveTheFloorTo" msgstr "Give the floor to" msgid "Pause" msgstr "Pause" msgid "Stop" msgstr "Stop" msgid "langCourseProgram" msgstr "Description" msgid "langThisCourseDescriptionIsEmpty" msgstr "There is no course description so far." msgid "langEditCourseProgram" msgstr "Create or edit a description." msgid "QuestionPlan" msgstr "Help" msgid "langInfo2Say" msgstr "Information to give to users" msgid "langOuAutreTitre" msgstr "Title" msgid "langNewBloc" msgstr "Other" msgid "langAddCat" msgstr "Add a category" msgid "langAdd" msgstr "Add" msgid "langValid" msgstr "Valid" msgid "langBackAndForget" msgstr "Cancel" msgid "CourseDescriptionUpdated" msgstr "The description has been updated" msgid "CourseDescriptionDeleted" msgstr "Description has been deleted" msgid "CourseDescriptionIntro" msgstr "To create a description, click on a heading and complete the field.

      Click OK to continue." msgid "langSaveDescription" msgstr "Save description" msgid "AddCourseDescription" msgstr "Add course description" msgid "DescriptionUpdated" msgstr "Description updated" msgid "CourseDescriptions" msgstr "Course descriptions" msgid "ToolCurriculum" msgstr "Curriculum"