'; $error404 .= ''; $error404 .= '404 Not Found'; $error404 .= ''; $error404 .= '

Not Found

'; $error404 .= '

The requested URL was not found on this server.

'; $error404 .= '
'; $error404 .= ''; echo $error404; exit; } // Launch event event_download($document_data['url']); // Check visibility of document and paths if (!($is_allowed_to_edit || $group_member_with_upload_rights) && !DocumentManager::is_visible_by_id( $document_id, $course_info, api_get_session_id(), api_get_user_id() ) ) { api_not_allowed(true); } $full_file_name = $base_work_dir.$document_data['path']; if (Security::check_abs_path($full_file_name, $base_work_dir.'/')) { DocumentManager::file_send_for_download($full_file_name, true); } exit; break; case 'downloadfolder' : if (api_get_setting('students_download_folders') == 'true' || api_is_allowed_to_edit() || api_is_platform_admin( ) ) { $document_data = DocumentManager::get_document_data_by_id($document_id, api_get_course_id()); //filter when I am into shared folder, I can donwload only my shared folder if (is_any_user_shared_folder($document_data['path'], $session_id)) { if (is_my_shared_folder( api_get_user_id(), $document_data['path'], $session_id ) || api_is_allowed_to_edit() || api_is_platform_admin() ) { require 'downloadfolder.inc.php'; } } else { require 'downloadfolder.inc.php'; } exit; } break; } //If no actions we proceed to show the document (Hack in order to use document.php?id=X) if (isset($document_id)) { $document_data = DocumentManager::get_document_data_by_id($document_id, api_get_course_id(), true); //If the document is not a folder we show the document if ($document_data) { $parent_id = $document_data['parent_id']; //$visibility = DocumentManager::is_visible_by_id($document_id, $course_info, api_get_session_id(), api_get_user_id()); $visibility = DocumentManager::check_visibility_tree( $document_id, api_get_course_id(), api_get_session_id(), api_get_user_id() ); if (!empty($document_data['filetype']) && $document_data['filetype'] == 'file') { if ($visibility && api_is_allowed_to_session_edit()) { $url = api_get_path( WEB_COURSE_PATH ).$course_info['path'].'/document'.$document_data['path'].'?'.api_get_cidreq(); header("Location: $url"); } exit; } else { if (!$visibility && !api_is_allowed_to_edit()) { api_not_allowed(); } } $_GET['curdirpath'] = $document_data['path']; } // What's the current path? // We will verify this a bit further down if (isset($_GET['curdirpath']) && $_GET['curdirpath'] != '') { $curdirpath = Security::remove_XSS($_GET['curdirpath']); } elseif (isset($_POST['curdirpath']) && $_POST['curdirpath'] != '') { $curdirpath = Security::remove_XSS($_POST['curdirpath']); } else { $curdirpath = '/'; } $curdirpathurl = urlencode($curdirpath); } else { // What's the current path? // We will verify this a bit further down if (isset($_GET['curdirpath']) && $_GET['curdirpath'] != '') { $curdirpath = Security::remove_XSS($_GET['curdirpath']); } elseif (isset($_POST['curdirpath']) && $_POST['curdirpath'] != '') { $curdirpath = Security::remove_XSS($_POST['curdirpath']); } else { $curdirpath = '/'; } $curdirpathurl = urlencode($curdirpath); // Check the path // If the path is not found (no document id), set the path to / $document_id = DocumentManager::get_document_id($course_info, $curdirpath); if (!$document_id) { $document_id = DocumentManager::get_document_id($course_info, $curdirpath); } $document_data = DocumentManager::get_document_data_by_id($document_id, api_get_course_id(), true); $parent_id = $document_data['parent_id']; } $current_folder_id = $document_id; // Is the document tool visible? // Check whether the tool is actually visible $table_course_tool = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_TOOL_LIST); $course_id = api_get_course_int_id(); $tool_sql = 'SELECT visibility FROM '.$table_course_tool.' WHERE c_id = '.$course_id.' AND name = "'.TOOL_DOCUMENT.'" LIMIT 1'; $tool_result = Database::query($tool_sql); $tool_row = Database::fetch_array($tool_result); $tool_visibility = $tool_row['visibility']; if ($tool_visibility == '0' && $to_group_id == '0' && !($is_allowed_to_edit || $group_member_with_upload_rights)) { api_not_allowed(true); } $htmlHeadXtra[] = ""; // If they are looking at group documents they can't see the root if ($to_group_id != 0 && $curdirpath == '/') { $curdirpath = $group_properties['directory']; $curdirpathurl = urlencode($group_properties['directory']); } // Check visibility of the current dir path. Don't show anything if not allowed //@todo check this validation for coaches //if (!$is_allowed_to_edit || api_is_coach()) { before if (!$is_allowed_to_edit && api_is_coach()) { if ($curdirpath != '/' && !(DocumentManager::is_visible($curdirpath, $_course, api_get_session_id(), 'folder'))) { api_not_allowed(true); } } /* MAIN SECTION */ // Slideshow inititalisation $_SESSION['image_files_only'] = ''; $image_files_only = ''; /* Header */ if ($is_certificate_mode) { $interbreadcrumb[] = array('url' => '../gradebook/index.php', 'name' => get_lang('Gradebook')); } else { if ((isset($_GET['id']) && $_GET['id'] != 0) || isset($_GET['curdirpath']) || isset($_GET['createdir'])) { $interbreadcrumb[] = array('url' => 'document.php', 'name' => get_lang('Documents')); } else { $interbreadcrumb[] = array('url' => '#', 'name' => get_lang('Documents')); } } // Interbreadcrumb for the current directory root path if (empty($document_data['parents'])) { if (isset($_GET['createdir'])) { $interbreadcrumb[] = array('url' => $document_data['document_url'], 'name' => $document_data['title']); } else { $interbreadcrumb[] = array('url' => '#', 'name' => $document_data['title']); } } else { foreach ($document_data['parents'] as $document_sub_data) { if (!isset($_GET['createdir']) && $document_sub_data['id'] == $document_data['id']) { $document_sub_data['document_url'] = '#'; } $interbreadcrumb[] = array('url' => $document_sub_data['document_url'], 'name' => $document_sub_data['title']); } } if (isset($_GET['createdir'])) { $interbreadcrumb[] = array('url' => '#', 'name' => get_lang('CreateDir')); } $js_path = api_get_path(WEB_LIBRARY_PATH).'javascript/'; $htmlHeadXtra[] = ''; $htmlHeadXtra[] = ''; $mediaplayer_path = api_get_path(WEB_LIBRARY_PATH).'mediaplayer/player.swf'; $docs_and_folders = DocumentManager::get_all_document_data( $_course, $curdirpath, $to_group_id, null, $is_allowed_to_edit || $group_member_with_upload_rights, false ); $file_list = $format_list = ''; $count = 1; if (!empty($docs_and_folders)) { foreach ($docs_and_folders as $file) { if ($file['filetype'] == 'file') { $path_info = pathinfo($file['path']); $extension = strtolower($path_info['extension']); //@todo use a js loop to autogenerate this code if (in_array($extension, array('ogg', 'mp3', 'wav'))) { $document_data = DocumentManager::get_document_data_by_id($file['id'], api_get_course_id()); if ($extension == 'ogg') { $extension = 'oga'; } $jquery .= ' $("#jquery_jplayer_'.$count.'").jPlayer({ ready: function() { $(this).jPlayer("setMedia", { '.$extension.' : "'.$document_data['direct_url'].'" }); }, swfPath: "'.$js_path.'jquery-jplayer", supplied: "mp3, m4a, oga, ogv, wav", solution: "flash, html", // Do not change this setting otherwise cssSelectorAncestor: "#jp_interface_'.$count.'", });'."\n\n"; $count++; } } } } $htmlHeadXtra[] = ''; // Lib for event log, stats & tracking & record of the access event_access_tool(TOOL_DOCUMENT); /* DISPLAY */ if ($to_group_id != 0) { // Add group name after for group documents $add_group_to_title = ' ('.$group_properties['name'].')'; } /* Introduction section (editable by course admins) */ if (!empty($_SESSION['_gid'])) { Display::display_introduction_section(TOOL_DOCUMENT.$_SESSION['_gid']); } else { Display::display_introduction_section(TOOL_DOCUMENT); } // ACTION MENU // Copy a file to general my files user's if (isset($_GET['action']) && $_GET['action'] == 'copytomyfiles' && api_get_setting( 'users_copy_files' ) == 'true' && api_get_user_id() != 0 ) { $clean_get_id = Security::remove_XSS($_GET['id']); $my_path = UserManager::get_user_picture_path_by_id(api_get_user_id(), 'system'); $user_folder = $my_path['dir'].'my_files/'; $my_path = null; if (!file_exists($user_folder)) { $perm = api_get_permissions_for_new_directories(); @mkdir($user_folder, $perm, true); } $file = $sys_course_path.$_course['path'].'/document'.$clean_get_id; $copyfile = $user_folder.basename($clean_get_id); if (file_exists($copyfile)) { $message = get_lang('CopyAlreadyDone').'

'.''.get_lang("No").'  |  '.get_lang( 'Yes' ).'

'; if (!isset($_GET['copy'])) { Display::display_warning_message($message, false); } if (Security::remove_XSS($_GET['copy']) == 'yes') { if (!copy($file, $copyfile)) { Display::display_error_message(get_lang('CopyFailed')); } else { Display::display_confirmation_message(get_lang('OverwritenFile')); } } } else { if (!copy($file, $copyfile)) { Display::display_error_message(get_lang('CopyFailed')); } else { Display::display_confirmation_message(get_lang('CopyMade')); } } } /* MOVE FILE OR DIRECTORY */ //Only teacher and all users into their group and each user into his/her shared folder if ($is_allowed_to_edit || $group_member_with_upload_rights || is_my_shared_folder( api_get_user_id(), $curdirpath, $session_id ) || is_my_shared_folder(api_get_user_id(), Security::remove_XSS($_POST['move_to']), $session_id) ) { if (isset($_GET['move']) && $_GET['move'] != '') { $my_get_move = intval($_REQUEST['move']); if (api_is_coach()) { if (!DocumentManager::is_visible_by_id( $my_get_move, $course_info, api_get_session_id(), api_get_user_id() ) ) { api_not_allowed(); } } if (!$is_allowed_to_edit) { if (DocumentManager::check_readonly($_course, api_get_user_id(), $my_get_move)) { api_not_allowed(); } } $document_to_move = DocumentManager::get_document_data_by_id($my_get_move, api_get_course_id()); $move_path = $document_to_move['path']; if (!empty($document_to_move)) { $folders = DocumentManager::get_all_document_folders( $_course, $to_group_id, $is_allowed_to_edit || $group_member_with_upload_rights ); //filter if is my shared folder. TODO: move this code to build_move_to_selector function if (is_my_shared_folder(api_get_user_id(), $curdirpath, $session_id) && !$is_allowed_to_edit) { $main_user_shared_folder_main = '/shared_folder/sf_user_'.api_get_user_id( ); //only main user shared folder $main_user_shared_folder_sub = '/shared_folder\/sf_user_'.api_get_user_id().'\//'; //all subfolders $user_shared_folders = array(); foreach ($folders as $fold) { if ($main_user_shared_folder_main == $fold || preg_match($main_user_shared_folder_sub, $fold)) { $user_shared_folders[] = $fold; } } echo ''.get_lang('Move').''; echo build_move_to_selector( $user_shared_folders, $move_path, $my_get_move, $group_properties['directory'] ); } else { echo ''.get_lang('Move').''; echo build_move_to_selector($folders, $move_path, $my_get_move, $group_properties['directory']); } } } if (isset($_POST['move_to']) && isset($_POST['move_file'])) { if (!$is_allowed_to_edit) { if (DocumentManager::check_readonly($_course, api_get_user_id(), $_POST['move_file'])) { api_not_allowed(); } } if (api_is_coach()) { if (!DocumentManager::is_visible_by_id( $_POST['move_file'], $_course, api_get_session_id(), api_get_user_id() ) ) { api_not_allowed(); } } $document_to_move = DocumentManager::get_document_data_by_id($_POST['move_file'], api_get_course_id()); // Security fix: make sure they can't move files that are not in the document table if (!empty($document_to_move)) { $real_path_target = $base_work_dir.$_POST['move_to'].'/'.basename($document_to_move['path']); $fileExist = false; if (file_exists($real_path_target)) { $fileExist = true; } if (FileManager::move($base_work_dir.$document_to_move['path'], $base_work_dir.$_POST['move_to'])) { //if (1) { //$contents = DocumentManager::replace_urls_inside_content_html_when_moving_file(basename($document_to_move['path']), $base_work_dir.dirname($document_to_move['path']), $base_work_dir.$_POST['move_to']); //exit; FileManager::update_db_info( 'update', $document_to_move['path'], $_POST['move_to'].'/'.basename($document_to_move['path']) ); //update database item property $doc_id = $_POST['move_file']; if (is_dir($real_path_target)) { api_item_property_update( $_course, TOOL_DOCUMENT, $doc_id, 'FolderMoved', api_get_user_id(), $to_group_id, null, null, null, $session_id ); Display::display_confirmation_message(get_lang('DirMv')); } elseif (is_file($real_path_target)) { api_item_property_update( $_course, TOOL_DOCUMENT, $doc_id, 'DocumentMoved', api_get_user_id(), $to_group_id, null, null, null, $session_id ); Display::display_confirmation_message(get_lang('DocMv')); } // Set the current path $curdirpath = $_POST['move_to']; $curdirpathurl = urlencode($_POST['move_to']); } else { if ($fileExist) { if (is_dir($real_path_target)) { Display::display_error_message(get_lang('DirExists')); } elseif (is_file($real_path_target)) { Display::display_error_message(get_lang('FileExists')); } } else { Display::display_error_message(get_lang('Impossible')); } } } else { Display::display_error_message(get_lang('Impossible')); } } } /* DELETE FILE OR DIRECTORY */ //Only teacher and all users into their group if ($is_allowed_to_edit || $group_member_with_upload_rights || is_my_shared_folder( api_get_user_id(), $curdirpath, $session_id ) ) { if (isset($_GET['delete'])) { if (!$is_allowed_to_edit) { if (api_is_coach()) { if (!DocumentManager::is_visible($_GET['delete'], $_course, api_get_session_id())) { api_not_allowed(); } } if (DocumentManager::check_readonly($_course, api_get_user_id(), $_GET['delete'], '', true)) { api_not_allowed(); } } if (DocumentManager::delete_document($_course, $_GET['delete'], $base_work_dir)) { if (isset($_GET['delete_certificate_id']) && $_GET['delete_certificate_id'] == strval( intval($_GET['delete_certificate_id']) ) ) { $default_certificate_id = $_GET['delete_certificate_id']; DocumentManager::remove_attach_certificate(api_get_course_id(), $default_certificate_id); } Display::display_confirmation_message(get_lang('DocDeleted')); } else { Display::display_error_message(get_lang('DocDeleteError')); } } if (isset($_POST['action'])) { switch ($_POST['action']) { case 'delete': foreach ($_POST['path'] as $index => & $path) { if (!$is_allowed_to_edit) { if (DocumentManager::check_readonly($_course, api_get_user_id(), $path)) { Display::display_error_message(get_lang('CantDeleteReadonlyFiles')); break 2; } } } foreach ($_POST['path'] as $index => & $path) { if (in_array( $path, array('/audio', '/flash', '/images', '/shared_folder', '/video', '/chat_files', '/certificates') ) ) { continue; } else { $delete_document = DocumentManager::delete_document($_course, $path, $base_work_dir); } } if (!empty($delete_document)) { Display::display_confirmation_message(get_lang('DocDeleted')); } break; } } } /* CREATE DIRECTORY */ //Only teacher and all users into their group and any user into his/her shared folder if ($is_allowed_to_edit || $group_member_with_upload_rights || is_my_shared_folder( api_get_user_id(), $curdirpath, $session_id ) ) { // Create directory with $_POST data if (isset($_POST['create_dir']) && $_POST['dirname'] != '') { // Needed for directory creation $post_dir_name = $_POST['dirname']; if ($post_dir_name == '../' || $post_dir_name == '.' || $post_dir_name == '..') { Display::display_error_message(get_lang('CannotCreateDir')); } else { if (!empty($_POST['dir_id'])) { $document_data = DocumentManager::get_document_data_by_id($_POST['dir_id'], api_get_course_id()); $curdirpath = $document_data['path']; } $added_slash = ($curdirpath == '/') ? '' : '/'; $dir_name = $curdirpath.$added_slash.api_replace_dangerous_char($post_dir_name); $dir_name = FileManager::disable_dangerous_file($dir_name); $dir_check = $base_work_dir.$dir_name; if (!is_dir($dir_check)) { $created_dir = FileManager::create_unexisting_directory( $_course, api_get_user_id(), api_get_session_id(), $to_group_id, $to_user_id, $base_work_dir, $dir_name, $post_dir_name ); if ($created_dir) { Display::display_confirmation_message( ''.get_lang('DirCr').'', false ); // Uncomment if you want to enter the created dir //$curdirpath = $created_dir; //$curdirpathurl = urlencode($curdirpath); } else { Display::display_error_message(get_lang('CannotCreateDir')); } } else { Display::display_error_message(get_lang('CannotCreateDir')); } } } // Show them the form for the directory name if (isset($_GET['createdir'])) { echo create_dir_form($document_id); } } /* VISIBILITY COMMANDS */ //Only teacher if ($is_allowed_to_edit) { if ((isset($_GET['set_invisible']) && !empty($_GET['set_invisible'])) || (isset($_GET['set_visible']) && !empty($_GET['set_visible'])) && $_GET['set_visible'] != '*' && $_GET['set_invisible'] != '*') { // Make visible or invisible? if (isset($_GET['set_visible'])) { $update_id = intval($_GET['set_visible']); $visibility_command = 'visible'; } else { $update_id = intval($_GET['set_invisible']); $visibility_command = 'invisible'; } if (!$is_allowed_to_edit) { if (api_is_coach()) { if (!DocumentManager::is_visible_by_id($update_id, $_course, api_get_session_id(), api_get_user_id())) { api_not_allowed(); } } if (DocumentManager::check_readonly($_course, api_get_user_id(), '', $update_id)) { api_not_allowed(); } } // Update item_property to change visibility if (api_item_property_update( $_course, TOOL_DOCUMENT, $update_id, $visibility_command, api_get_user_id(), null, null, null, null, $session_id ) ) { Display::display_confirmation_message( get_lang('VisibilityChanged') ); //don't use ViMod because firt is load ViMdod (Gradebook). VisibilityChanged (trad4all) } else { Display::display_error_message(get_lang('ViModProb')); } } } /* TEMPLATE ACTION */ //Only teacher and all users into their group if ($is_allowed_to_edit || $group_member_with_upload_rights || is_my_shared_folder( api_get_user_id(), $curdirpath, $session_id ) ) { if (isset($_GET['add_as_template']) && !isset($_POST['create_template'])) { $document_id_for_template = intval($_GET['add_as_template']); // Create the form that asks for the directory name $template_text = '
'; $template_text .= ''; $template_text .= ''; $template_text .= ''; //$template_text .= ''; //$template_text .= ''; $template_text .= ''; $template_text .= ''; $template_text .= '
'; $template_text .= get_lang('TemplateName').' :
'.get_lang('TemplateDescription').' :
'.get_lang('TemplateImage').' :
'; $template_text .= ''; $template_text .= '
'; // Show the form Display::display_normal_message($template_text, false); } } // END ACTION MENU // Attach certificate in the gradebook if (isset($_GET['curdirpath']) && $_GET['curdirpath'] == '/certificates' && isset($_GET['set_certificate']) && $_GET['set_certificate'] == strval( intval($_GET['set_certificate']) ) ) { if (isset($_GET['cidReq'])) { $course_id = Security::remove_XSS($_GET['cidReq']); // course id $document_id = Security::remove_XSS($_GET['set_certificate']); // document id DocumentManager::attach_gradebook_certificate($course_id, $document_id); Display::display_normal_message(get_lang('IsDefaultCertificate')); } } /* GET ALL DOCUMENT DATA FOR CURDIRPATH */ if (isset($_GET['keyword']) && !empty($_GET['keyword'])) { $docs_and_folders = DocumentManager::get_all_document_data( $_course, $curdirpath, $to_group_id, null, $is_allowed_to_edit || $group_member_with_upload_rights, true ); } else { $docs_and_folders = DocumentManager::get_all_document_data( $_course, $curdirpath, $to_group_id, null, $is_allowed_to_edit || $group_member_with_upload_rights, false ); } $folders = DocumentManager::get_all_document_folders( $_course, $to_group_id, $is_allowed_to_edit || $group_member_with_upload_rights ); if ($folders === false) { $folders = array(); } $table_footer = ''; $total_size = 0; if (isset($docs_and_folders) && is_array($docs_and_folders)) { // Create a sortable table with our data $sortable_data = array(); $count = 1; foreach ($docs_and_folders as $key => $document_data) { $row = array(); $row['id'] = $document_data['id']; //$row['type'] = $document_data['filetype']; $row['type'] = create_document_link($document_data, true, $count, $is_visible); // If the item is invisible, wrap it in a span with class invisible $is_visible = DocumentManager::is_visible_by_id( $document_data['id'], $course_info, api_get_session_id(), api_get_user_id(), false ); $invisibility_span_open = ($is_visible == 0) ? '' : ''; $invisibility_span_close = ($is_visible == 0) ? '' : ''; // Size (or total size of a directory) $size = $document_data['filetype'] == 'folder' ? FileManager::get_total_folder_size( $document_data['path'], $is_allowed_to_edit ) : $document_data['size']; $row['size'] = Text::format_file_size($size); // Get the title or the basename depending on what we're using if ($document_data['title'] != '') { $document_name = $document_data['title']; } else { $document_name = basename($document_data['path']); } $row['name'] = $document_name; $row['name'] = create_document_link( $document_data, false, null, $is_visible ).$session_img.'
'.$invisibility_span_open.''.nl2br( htmlspecialchars($document_data['comment'], ENT_QUOTES, $charset) ).''.$invisibility_span_close.$user_link; // Data for checkbox if (($is_allowed_to_edit || $group_member_with_upload_rights) && count($docs_and_folders) > 1) { $row[] = $document_data['path']; } // Hide HotPotatoes Certificates and all css folders if ($document_data['path'] == '/HotPotatoes_files' || $document_data['path'] == '/certificates' || basename( $document_data['path'] ) == 'css' ) { continue; } //Admin setting for Hide/Show the folders of all users if (api_get_setting('show_users_folders') == 'false' && ($document_data['path'] == '/shared_folder' || strstr( $document_data['path'], 'shared_folder_session_' )) ) { continue; } //Admin setting for Hide/Show Default folders to all users if (api_get_setting( 'show_default_folders' ) == 'false' && ($document_data['path'] == '/images' || $document_data['path'] == '/flash' || $document_data['path'] == '/audio' || $document_data['path'] == '/video') ) { continue; } //Admin setting for Hide/Show chat history folder if (api_get_setting('show_chat_folder') == 'false' && $document_data['path'] == '/chat_files') { continue; } // Show the owner of the file only in groups $user_link = ''; if (isset($_SESSION['_gid']) && $_SESSION['_gid'] != '') { if (!empty($document_data['insert_user_id'])) { $user_info = UserManager::get_user_info_by_id($document_data['insert_user_id']); $user_name = api_get_person_name($user_info['firstname'], $user_info['lastname']); $user_link = '
'.get_lang('Owner').': '.display_user_link_document( $document_data['insert_user_id'], $user_name ).'
'; } } // Icons (clickable) $row[] = create_document_link($document_data, true, $count, $is_visible); $path_info = pathinfo($document_data['path']); if (isset($path_info['extension']) && in_array($path_info['extension'], array('ogg', 'mp3', 'wav'))) { $count++; } // Validacion when belongs to a session $session_img = api_get_session_image($document_data['session_id'], $_user['status']); // Document title with link $row[] = create_document_link( $document_data, false, null, $is_visible ).$session_img.'
'.$invisibility_span_open.''.nl2br( htmlspecialchars($document_data['comment'], ENT_QUOTES, $charset) ).''.$invisibility_span_close.$user_link; // Comments => display comment under the document name $display_size = Text::format_file_size($size); $row[] = ''.$size.''.$invisibility_span_open.$display_size.$invisibility_span_close; // Last edit date $last_edit_date = $document_data['lastedit_date']; $last_edit_date = api_get_local_time($last_edit_date, null, date_default_timezone_get()); //$display_date = date_to_str_ago($last_edit_date).'
'.api_format_date($last_edit_date).''; $display_date = date_to_str_ago($last_edit_date); $row[] = $invisibility_span_open.$display_date.$invisibility_span_close; // Admins get an edit column if ($is_allowed_to_edit || $group_member_with_upload_rights || is_my_shared_folder( api_get_user_id(), $curdirpath, $session_id ) ) { $is_template = isset($document_data['is_template']) ? $document_data['is_template'] : false; // If readonly, check if it the owner of the file or if the user is an admin if ($document_data['insert_user_id'] == api_get_user_id() || api_is_platform_admin()) { $edit_icons = build_edit_icons($document_data, $key, $is_template, 0, $is_visible); } else { $edit_icons = build_edit_icons( $document_data, $key, $is_template, $document_data['readonly'], $is_visible ); } $row[] = $edit_icons; } $row[] = $last_edit_date; $row[] = $size; $row[] = $document_name; $total_size = $total_size + $size; if ((isset($_GET['keyword']) && search_keyword( $document_name, $_GET['keyword'] )) || !isset($_GET['keyword']) || empty($_GET['keyword']) ) { $sortable_data[] = $row; } } } else { $sortable_data = ''; $table_footer = get_lang('NoDocsInFolder'); } //The order is important you need to check the the $column variable in the model.ajax.php file $columns = array(get_lang('Type'), get_lang('Name'), get_lang('Size')); //Column config $column_model = array( array('name' => 'type', 'index' => 'type', 'width' => '28', 'align' => 'center', 'sortable' => 'false'), array('name' => 'name', 'index' => 'name', 'width' => '500', 'align' => 'left'), array('name' => 'size', 'index' => 'size', 'width' => '35', 'align' => 'right', 'sortable' => 'true') ); //Autowidth $extra_params['autowidth'] = 'true'; //height auto $extra_params['height'] = 'auto'; //With this function we can add actions to the jgrid (edit, delete, etc) $action_links = 'function action_formatter(cellvalue, options, rowObject) { return \''.Display::return_icon( 'edit.png', get_lang('Edit'), '', ICON_SIZE_SMALL ).''. ' '.Display::return_icon( 'copy.png', get_lang('Copy'), '', ICON_SIZE_SMALL ).''. ' '.Display::return_icon( 'delete.png', get_lang('Delete'), '', ICON_SIZE_SMALL ).''. '\'; }'; $js_content = Display::grid_js( 'documents', '', $columns, $column_model, $extra_params, $sortable_data, $action_links, true ); $htmlHeadXtra[] = ''; require_once 'controller.php'; $controller = new DocumentController(); $tpl = $controller->tpl->get_template('layout/layout_2_col.tpl'); $content = Display::grid_html('documents'); if (!is_null($docs_and_folders)) { // Show download zipped folder icon global $total_size; if (!$is_certificate_mode && $total_size != 0 && (api_get_setting( 'students_download_folders' ) == 'true' || api_is_allowed_to_edit() || api_is_platform_admin()) ) { //for student does not show icon into other shared folder, and does not show into main path (root) if (is_my_shared_folder( api_get_user_id(), $curdirpath, $session_id ) && $curdirpath != '/' || api_is_allowed_to_edit() || api_is_platform_admin() ) { $link = ''.Display::return_icon( 'save_pack.png', get_lang('Save').' (ZIP)', '', ICON_SIZE_MEDIUM ).''; } } } $content .= Display::div($link, array('class' => 'right')); $controller->tpl->assign('content', $content); $controller->tpl->display($tpl);