get_popular_terms($terms_limit); $words_counter = 0; $i = 0; $terms_in_limit = array(); $lang_dir = api_get_path(SYS_LANG_PATH); $arch_dir = api_get_path(SYS_ARCHIVE_PATH); /** * Code run */ foreach ($terms as $row) { if ($words_counter > 10000) { break; } $words = str_word_count(get_lang($row['term_name'],null,$orig_lang)); $words_counter += $words; $terms_in_limit[$row['term_name']] = $i; //echo "Term ".$row['term_name']." is '".get_lang($row['term_name'],null,$orig_lang)."' which means $words words

\n"; //if ($words_counter%1000 >= 0) { //echo "Reached $words_counter words at term $i (".$row['term_name']." used ".$row['term_count']." times)...
\n"; //} $i++; } //echo $words_counter.'
'; echo "Reached ".count($terms_in_limit)." terms for the $words_counter most-used words

\n"; echo "Scanning English files, trying to find these terms...
\n"; if (!is_dir($arch_dir.'/langstats')) { mkdir($arch_dir.'/langstats'); mkdir($arch_dir.'/langstats/'.$orig_lang); } $list_files = scandir($lang_dir.'/'.$orig_lang); $j = 1; $terms_found = array(); $words_found = 0; $global_var = array(); //keep the combination of all vars $terms_in_limit = array_flip($terms_in_limit); foreach ($list_files as $file) { if (substr($file,0,1) == '.') {continue;} //echo "'".substr($file,0,-8)."',
"; //print in a PHP array format $vars = file($lang_dir.'/'.$orig_lang.'/'.$file); $local_var = array(); $file_string = '0) { //echo $var[1]."
"; if (in_array(substr($var[1],1),$terms_in_limit)) { //echo "Var ".$var[1]." was in the limit
"; $local_var[$var[1]] = $line; $file_string .= $line; $terms_found[] = substr($var[1],1); //e.g. store Tools $words_found += str_word_count(get_lang($var[1],null,$orig_lang)); } elseif (in_array(substr($var[1],5),$terms_in_limit)) { //echo "Var ".$var[1]." was in the limit
"; $local_var[$var[1]] = $line; $file_string .= $line; $terms_found[] = substr($var[1],5); //e.g. store langTools $words_found += str_word_count(get_lang(substr($var[1],5),null,$orig_lang)); } //else do not care } } echo "Writing ".$arch_dir.'/langstats/'.$orig_lang.'/'.$file."
\n"; file_put_contents($arch_dir.'/langstats/'.$orig_lang.'/'.$file,$file_string); $global_var += $local_var; }; $terms_diff = count($global_var)-count($terms_in_limit); echo count($global_var)." terms found in English files (summing up to $words_found words). Some terms ($terms_diff in this case) might have appeared in two different files
"; /** * Display results */ echo "Difference between filtered and found in English:
"; //print_r($terms_found); echo "
"; echo "#";