Assign - sets the specified attribute of an element in your page
* Append - appends data to the end of the specified attribute of an
* element in your page
* Prepend - prepends data to the beginning of the specified attribute of
* an element in your page
* Replace - searches for and replaces data in the specified attribute of
* an element in your page
* Script - runs the supplied JavaScript code
* Alert - shows an alert box with the supplied message text
* Note: elements are identified by their HTML id, so if you don't see
* your browser HTML display changing from the request, make sure you're using
* the right id names in your response.
* @package chamilo.include.xajax
class xajaxResponse
* @access protected
* @var string internal XML storage
var $xml;
* @var string the encoding type to use
var $sEncoding;
* @var boolean if special characters in the XML should be converted to
* entities
var $bOutputEntities;
* The constructor's main job is to set the character encoding for the
* response.
* Note: to change the character encoding for all of the
* responses, set the XAJAX_DEFAULT_ENCODING constant before you
* instantiate xajax.
* @param string contains the character encoding string to use
* @param boolean lets you set if you want special characters in the output
* converted to HTML entities
public function __construct($sEncoding=XAJAX_DEFAULT_CHAR_ENCODING, $bOutputEntities=false)
$this->bOutputEntities = $bOutputEntities;
* Sets the character encoding for the response based on $sEncoding, which
* is a string containing the character encoding to use. You don't need to
* use this method normally, since the character encoding for the response
* gets set automatically based on the XAJAX_DEFAULT_CHAR_ENCODING
* constant.
* @param string
function setCharEncoding($sEncoding)
$this->sEncoding = $sEncoding;
* Tells the response object to convert special characters to HTML entities
* automatically (only works if the mb_string extension is available).
function outputEntitiesOn()
$this->bOutputEntities = true;
* Tells the response object to output special characters intact. (default
* behavior)
function outputEntitiesOff()
$this->bOutputEntities = false;
* Adds a confirm commands command message to the XML response.
* Usage: $objResponse->addConfirmCommands(1, "Do you want to preview the new data?");
* @param integer the number of commands to skip if the user presses
* Cancel in the browsers's confirm dialog
* @param string the message to show in the browser's confirm dialog
function addConfirmCommands($iCmdNumber, $sMessage)
$this->xml .= $this->_cmdXML(array("n"=>"cc","t"=>$iCmdNumber),$sMessage);
* Adds an assign command message to the XML response.
* Usage: $objResponse->addAssign("contentDiv", "innerHTML", "Some Text");
* @param string contains the id of an HTML element
* @param string the part of the element you wish to modify ("innerHTML",
* "value", etc.)
* @param string the data you want to set the attribute to
function addAssign($sTarget,$sAttribute,$sData)
$this->xml .= $this->_cmdXML(array("n"=>"as","t"=>$sTarget,"p"=>$sAttribute),$sData);
* Adds an append command message to the XML response.
* Usage: $objResponse->addAppend("contentDiv", "innerHTML", "Some New Text");
* @param string contains the id of an HTML element
* @param string the part of the element you wish to modify ("innerHTML",
* "value", etc.)
* @param string the data you want to append to the end of the attribute
function addAppend($sTarget,$sAttribute,$sData)
$this->xml .= $this->_cmdXML(array("n"=>"ap","t"=>$sTarget,"p"=>$sAttribute),$sData);
* Adds an prepend command message to the XML response.
* Usage: $objResponse->addPrepend("contentDiv", "innerHTML", "Some Starting Text");
* @param string contains the id of an HTML element
* @param string the part of the element you wish to modify ("innerHTML",
* "value", etc.)
* @param string the data you want to prepend to the beginning of the
* attribute
function addPrepend($sTarget,$sAttribute,$sData)
$this->xml .= $this->_cmdXML(array("n"=>"pp","t"=>$sTarget,"p"=>$sAttribute),$sData);
* Adds a replace command message to the XML response.
* Usage: $objResponse->addReplace("contentDiv", "innerHTML", "text", "text");
* @param string contains the id of an HTML element
* @param string the part of the element you wish to modify ("innerHTML",
* "value", etc.)
* @param string the string to search for
* @param string the string to replace the search string when found in the
* attribute
function addReplace($sTarget,$sAttribute,$sSearch,$sData)
$sDta = "";
$this->xml .= $this->_cmdXML(array("n"=>"rp","t"=>$sTarget,"p"=>$sAttribute),$sDta);
* Adds a clear command message to the XML response.
* Usage: $objResponse->addClear("contentDiv", "innerHTML");
* @param string contains the id of an HTML element
* @param string the part of the element you wish to clear ("innerHTML",
* "value", etc.)
function addClear($sTarget,$sAttribute)
* Adds an alert command message to the XML response.
* Usage: $objResponse->addAlert("This is important information");
* @param string the text to be displayed in the Javascript alert box
function addAlert($sMsg)
$this->xml .= $this->_cmdXML(array("n"=>"al"),$sMsg);
* Uses the addScript() method to add a Javascript redirect to another URL.
* Usage: $objResponse->addRedirect("http://www.xajaxproject.org");
* @param string the URL to redirect the client browser to
function addRedirect($sURL)
//we need to parse the query part so that the values are rawurlencode()'ed
//can't just use parse_url() cos we could be dealing with a relative URL which
// parse_url() can't deal with.
$queryStart = strpos($sURL, '?', strrpos($sURL, '/'));
if ($queryStart !== FALSE)
$queryEnd = strpos($sURL, '#', $queryStart);
if ($queryEnd === FALSE)
$queryEnd = strlen($sURL);
$queryPart = substr($sURL, $queryStart, $queryEnd-$queryStart);
$queryParts = array();
parse_str($queryPart, $queryParts);
$newQueryPart = "";
foreach($queryParts as $key => $value)
$newQueryPart .= rawurlencode($key).'='.rawurlencode($value).ini_get('arg_separator.output');
$sURL = str_replace($queryPart, $newQueryPart, $sURL);
$this->addScript('window.location = "'.$sURL.'";');
* Adds a Javascript command message to the XML response.
* Usage: $objResponse->addScript("var x = prompt('get some text');");
* @param string contains Javascript code to be executed
function addScript($sJS)
$this->xml .= $this->_cmdXML(array("n"=>"js"),$sJS);
* Adds a Javascript function call command message to the XML response.
* Usage: $objResponse->addScriptCall("myJSFunction", "arg 1", "arg 2", 12345);
* @param string $sFunc the name of a Javascript function
* @param mixed $args,... optional arguments to pass to the Javascript function
function addScriptCall() {
$arguments = func_get_args();
$sFunc = array_shift($arguments);
$sData = $this->_buildObjXml($arguments);
$this->xml .= $this->_cmdXML(array("n"=>"jc","t"=>$sFunc),$sData);
* Adds a remove element command message to the XML response.
* Usage: $objResponse->addRemove("Div2");
* @param string contains the id of an HTML element to be removed
function addRemove($sTarget)
$this->xml .= $this->_cmdXML(array("n"=>"rm","t"=>$sTarget),'');
* Adds a create element command message to the XML response.
* Usage: $objResponse->addCreate("parentDiv", "h3", "myid");
* @param string contains the id of an HTML element to to which the new
* element will be appended.
* @param string the tag to be added
* @param string the id to be assigned to the new element
* @param string deprecated, use the addCreateInput() method instead
function addCreate($sParent, $sTag, $sId, $sType="")
if ($sType)
trigger_error("The \$sType parameter of addCreate has been deprecated. Use the addCreateInput() method instead.", E_USER_WARNING);
$this->xml .= $this->_cmdXML(array("n"=>"ce","t"=>$sParent,"p"=>$sId),$sTag);
* Adds a insert element command message to the XML response.
* Usage: $objResponse->addInsert("childDiv", "h3", "myid");
* @param string contains the id of the child before which the new element
* will be inserted
* @param string the tag to be added
* @param string the id to be assigned to the new element
function addInsert($sBefore, $sTag, $sId)
$this->xml .= $this->_cmdXML(array("n"=>"ie","t"=>$sBefore,"p"=>$sId),$sTag);
* Adds a insert element command message to the XML response.
* Usage: $objResponse->addInsertAfter("childDiv", "h3", "myid");
* @param string contains the id of the child after which the new element
* will be inserted
* @param string the tag to be added
* @param string the id to be assigned to the new element
function addInsertAfter($sAfter, $sTag, $sId)
$this->xml .= $this->_cmdXML(array("n"=>"ia","t"=>$sAfter,"p"=>$sId),$sTag);
* Adds a create input command message to the XML response.
* Usage: $objResponse->addCreateInput("form1", "text", "username", "input1");
* @param string contains the id of an HTML element to which the new input
* will be appended
* @param string the type of input to be created (text, radio, checkbox,
* etc.)
* @param string the name to be assigned to the new input and the variable
* name when it is submitted
* @param string the id to be assigned to the new input
function addCreateInput($sParent, $sType, $sName, $sId)
$this->xml .= $this->_cmdXML(array("n"=>"ci","t"=>$sParent,"p"=>$sId,"c"=>$sType),$sName);
* Adds an insert input command message to the XML response.
* Usage: $objResponse->addInsertInput("input5", "text", "username", "input1");
* @param string contains the id of the child before which the new element
* will be inserted
* @param string the type of input to be created (text, radio, checkbox,
* etc.)
* @param string the name to be assigned to the new input and the variable
* name when it is submitted
* @param string the id to be assigned to the new input
function addInsertInput($sBefore, $sType, $sName, $sId)
$this->xml .= $this->_cmdXML(array("n"=>"ii","t"=>$sBefore,"p"=>$sId,"c"=>$sType),$sName);
* Adds an insert input command message to the XML response.
* Usage: $objResponse->addInsertInputAfter("input7", "text", "email", "input2");
* @param string contains the id of the child after which the new element
* will be inserted
* @param string the type of input to be created (text, radio, checkbox,
* etc.)
* @param string the name to be assigned to the new input and the variable
* name when it is submitted
* @param string the id to be assigned to the new input
function addInsertInputAfter($sAfter, $sType, $sName, $sId)
$this->xml .= $this->_cmdXML(array("n"=>"iia","t"=>$sAfter,"p"=>$sId,"c"=>$sType),$sName);
* Adds an event command message to the XML response.
* Usage: $objResponse->addEvent("contentDiv", "onclick", "alert(\'Hello World\');");
* @param string contains the id of an HTML element
* @param string the event you wish to set ("onclick", "onmouseover", etc.)
* @param string the Javascript string you want the event to invoke
function addEvent($sTarget,$sEvent,$sScript)
$this->xml .= $this->_cmdXML(array("n"=>"ev","t"=>$sTarget,"p"=>$sEvent),$sScript);
* Adds a handler command message to the XML response.
* Usage: $objResponse->addHandler("contentDiv", "onclick", "content_click");
* @param string contains the id of an HTML element
* @param string the event you wish to set ("onclick", "onmouseover", etc.)
* @param string the name of a Javascript function that will handle the
* event. Multiple handlers can be added for the same event
function addHandler($sTarget,$sEvent,$sHandler)
$this->xml .= $this->_cmdXML(array("n"=>"ah","t"=>$sTarget,"p"=>$sEvent),$sHandler);
* Adds a remove handler command message to the XML response.
* Usage: $objResponse->addRemoveHandler("contentDiv", "onclick", "content_click");
* @param string contains the id of an HTML element
* @param string the event you wish to remove ("onclick", "onmouseover",
* etc.)
* @param string the name of a Javascript handler function that you want to
* remove
function addRemoveHandler($sTarget,$sEvent,$sHandler)
$this->xml .= $this->_cmdXML(array("n"=>"rh","t"=>$sTarget,"p"=>$sEvent),$sHandler);
* Adds an include script command message to the XML response.
* Usage: $objResponse->addIncludeScript("functions.js");
* @param string URL of the Javascript file to include
function addIncludeScript($sFileName)
$this->xml .= $this->_cmdXML(array("n"=>"in"),$sFileName);
* Returns the XML to be returned from your function to the xajax processor
* on your page. Since xajax 0.2, you can also return an xajaxResponse
* object from your function directly, and xajax will automatically request
* the XML using this method call.
* Usage: return $objResponse->getXML();
* @return string response XML data
function getXML()
$sXML = "sEncoding && strlen(trim($this->sEncoding)) > 0)
$sXML .= " encoding=\"".$this->sEncoding."\"";
$sXML .= " ?".">" . $this->xml . "";
return $sXML;
* Adds the commands of the provided response XML output to this response
* object
* Usage:
* $r1 = $objResponse1->getXML();
* $objResponse2->loadXML($r1);
* return $objResponse2->getXML();
* @param string the response XML (returned from a getXML() method) to add
* to the end of this response object
function loadXML($mXML)
if (is_a($mXML, "xajaxResponse")) {
$mXML = $mXML->getXML();
$sNewXML = "";
$iStartPos = strpos($mXML, "") + 5;
$sNewXML = substr($mXML, $iStartPos);
$iEndPos = strpos($sNewXML, "");
$sNewXML = substr($sNewXML, 0, $iEndPos);
$this->xml .= $sNewXML;
* Generates XML from command data
* @access private
* @param array associative array of attributes
* @param string data
* @return string XML command
function _cmdXML($aAttributes, $sData)
if ($this->bOutputEntities) {
// An adaptation for the Dokeos LMS, 22-AUG-2009.
if (function_exists('api_convert_encoding')) {
$sData = call_user_func_array('api_convert_encoding', array(&$sData, 'HTML-ENTITIES', $this->sEncoding));
//if (function_exists('mb_convert_encoding')) {
elseif (function_exists('mb_convert_encoding')) {
$sData = call_user_func_array('mb_convert_encoding', array(&$sData, 'HTML-ENTITIES', $this->sEncoding));
else {
trigger_error("The xajax XML response output could not be converted to HTML entities because the mb_convert_encoding function is not available", E_USER_NOTICE);
$xml = " $sValue)
$xml .= " $sAttribute=\"$sValue\"";
if ($sData !== null && !stristr($sData,'";
else if ($sData !== null)
$xml .= ">$sData";
$xml .= ">";
return $xml;
* Recursively serializes a data structure in XML so it can be sent to
* the client. It could be thought of as the opposite of
* {@link xajax::_parseObjXml()}.
* @access private
* @param mixed data structure to serialize to XML
* @return string serialized XML
function _buildObjXml($var) {
if (gettype($var) == "object") $var = get_object_vars($var);
if (!is_array($var)) {
return "";
else {
$data = "";
foreach ($var as $key => $value) {
$data .= "";
$data .= "" . htmlspecialchars($key) . "";
$data .= "" . $this->_buildObjXml($value) . "";
$data .= "";
$data .= "";
return $data;
}// end class xajaxResponse