CKEDITOR.dialog.add( 'asciisvg', function( editor ) { var lang = editor.lang.asciisvg; function getValues(dialog) { var dialogContents = dialog.definition.contents[0]; var pageId =; var dialogFieldValues = {}; for (var i = 0; i < dialogContents.elements.length-1; i++) { for (var j = 0; j < dialogContents.elements[i].children.length; j++) { var fieldId = dialogContents.elements[i].children[j].id; if (isNaN(dialog.getValueOf(pageId, fieldId))) { dialogFieldValues[fieldId] = dialog.getValueOf(pageId, fieldId); } else { dialogFieldValues[fieldId] = Number(dialog.getValueOf(pageId, fieldId)); } } } stroke = dialogFieldValues.color; strokewidth = dialogFieldValues.width; strokedasharray = dialogFieldValues.line; xmin = dialogFieldValues.xmin; xmax = dialogFieldValues.xmax; xscl = dialogFieldValues.xscl; ymin = dialogFieldValues.ymin; ymax = dialogFieldValues.ymax; yscl = dialogFieldValues.yscl; width = dialogFieldValues.resizeTo; height =; return dialogFieldValues; } function updateFields(control) { var dialog = control.getDialog(); var pageId = (dialog.definition.contents[0]).id; var equationTypeField = dialog.getContentElement(pageId, 'equationType'); var equationField = dialog.getContentElement(pageId, 'equation'); var extraField = dialog.getContentElement(pageId, 'extraField'); var extraFieldIsVisible = extraField.getElement().isVisible(); var value = control.getValue(); if (value.indexOf(',') > -1) { value = value.split(','); } else { value = [value]; } var found = false; var i = 0; while (found === false && i < equationTypeField.items.length) { if (equationTypeField.items[i][1] === value[0]) { found = true; } else { i++; } } equationTypeField.getInputElement().$.selectedIndex = i; switch (value[0]) { case 'func': if (extraFieldIsVisible === true) { extraField.getElement().hide(); } equationField.setLabel(lang.FOfX); dialog.setValueOf(pageId, 'equation', lang.SinOfX); break; case 'polar': if (extraFieldIsVisible === true) { extraField.getElement().hide(); } equationField.setLabel(lang.ROfT); dialog.setValueOf(pageId, 'equation', lang.T); break; case 'param': equationField.setLabel(lang.FOfT); dialog.setValueOf(pageId, 'equation', lang.SinOfT); extraField.setLabel(lang.GOfT); dialog.setValueOf(pageId, 'extraField', lang.CosOfT); if (extraFieldIsVisible === false) { extraField.getElement().show(); } break; case 'slope': equationField.setLabel(lang.DySplitDxOfXAndY); dialog.setValueOf(pageId, 'equation', lang.XByY); extraField.setLabel(lang.Every); dialog.setValueOf(pageId, 'extraField', '1'); if (extraFieldIsVisible === false) { extraField.getElement().show(); } break; case 'label': if (extraFieldIsVisible === true) { extraField.getElement().hide(); } equationField.setLabel(lang.Label); dialog.setValueOf(pageId, 'equation', lang.Text); break; } var fromField = dialog.getContentElement(pageId, 'from'); var toField = dialog.getContentElement(pageId, 'to'); if (value[0] === 'label') { fromField.setLabel(lang.XPosition); toField.setLabel(lang.YPosition); dialog.setValueOf(pageId, 'from', '0'); dialog.setValueOf(pageId, 'to', '0'); } else { fromField.setLabel(lang.From); toField.setLabel(lang.To); dialog.setValueOf(pageId, 'from', '-7.5'); dialog.setValueOf(pageId, 'to', '7.5'); } if (value.length > 1) { dialog.setValueOf(pageId, 'startWith', value[3]); dialog.setValueOf(pageId, 'endWith', value[4]); dialog.setValueOf(pageId, 'from', value[5]); dialog.setValueOf(pageId, 'to', value[6]); dialog.setValueOf(pageId, 'color', value[7]); dialog.setValueOf(pageId, 'width', value[8]); dialog.setValueOf(pageId, 'line', value[9]); } else { var fieldsToDefault = ['color','width','line','startWith','endWith']; for (var i = 0; i < fieldsToDefault.length; i++) { dialog.setValueOf(pageId, fieldsToDefault[i], dialog.getContentElement(pageId, fieldsToDefault[i]).default); } } } function addGraph(dialog) { var pageId = (dialog.definition.contents[0]).id; var equationTypeField = dialog.getContentElement(pageId, 'equationType'); var selectedIndex = equationTypeField.getInputElement().$.selectedIndex; var equationType = [equationTypeField.items[selectedIndex][0]]; var equation = [dialog.getValueOf(pageId, 'equation')]; var graphEquation = [[],[]]; // Check if there is more than one equal sign (more than one equation type) if (equationType[0].split('=').length - 1 > 1) { equationType = equationType[0].split(','); var extraField = dialog.getValueOf(pageId, 'extraField'); equation = [equation[0], extraField]; } // Store left and right parts of the graph equations for (var i = 0; i < equationType.length; i++) { // Left part of the graph equations if (equationType[0].indexOf('=') > -1) { graphEquation[0][i] = equationType[i].substring(0, equationType[i].indexOf('=')); } else { graphEquation[0][i] = equationType[i]; } // Right part of the graph equations graphEquation[1][i] = equation[i]; } // Convert graphEquation arrays to strings separated by commas graphEquation[0] = graphEquation[0].join(); graphEquation[1] = graphEquation[1].join(); // Add square brackets if there is more than one equation type if (equationType.length > 1) { graphEquation = '['+graphEquation[0]+']=['+graphEquation[1]+']'; } else { graphEquation = graphEquation[0]+'='+graphEquation[1]; equation = equation[0]; } var graphsField = dialog.getContentElement(pageId, 'graphs'); // Add graph equation to graphs select var values = getValues(dialog); graphsField.items.push(graphEquation); var sscr = values.equationType+','+values.equation+','+values.extraField+','+values.startWith+','+values.endWith+','+values.from+','','+values.color+','+values.width+','+values.line; graphsField.add(graphEquation, sscr); sscr = xmin+','+xmax+','+ymin+','+ymax+','+xscl+','+yscl+','+(xscl||yscl)+','+xgrid+','+ygrid+','+width+','+height; var graphsFieldLastIndex = graphsField.getInputElement().$.options.length-1; graphsField.getInputElement().$.selectedIndex = graphsFieldLastIndex; picture.sscr = sscr; switch(values.equationType) { case 'func': var functionCall = values.equation; plot(functionCall, values.from,, null, null, values.startWith, values.endWith); break; case 'polar': var functionCall = ["cos(t)*("+values.equation+")","sin(t)*("+values.equation+")"]; plot(functionCall, values.from,, null, null, values.startWith, values.endWith); break; case 'param': var functionCall = [values.equation, values.extraField]; plot(functionCall, values.from,, null, null, values.startWith, values.endWith); break; case 'slope': slopefield(values.equation, values.extraField, values.extraField); plot(null, values.from,, null, null, values.startWith, values.endWith); break; case 'label': text([values.from,], values.equation); break; } } function removeSelectedGraph(dialog) { var pageId = (dialog.definition.contents[0]).id; var graphsField = dialog.getContentElement(pageId, 'graphs'); var selectedIndex = graphsField.getInputElement().$.selectedIndex; graphsField.items.splice(selectedIndex, 1); graphsField.remove(selectedIndex); } function updateGraphs(dialog) { initialized = false; var sscr = xmin+','+xmax+','+ymin+','+ymax+','+xscl+','+yscl+','+(xscl||yscl)+','+xgrid+','+ygrid; picture.sscr = sscr; parseShortScript(sscr, width, height); var pageId = (dialog.definition.contents[0]).id; var graphsField = dialog.getContentElement(pageId, 'graphs'); for (var i = 0; i < graphsField.items.length; i++) { var values = (graphsField.getInputElement().$.options[i].getAttribute('value')).split(','); stroke = values[7]; strokewidth = values[8]; strokedasharray = values[9]; for (var j = 0; j < values.length; j++) { if (!isNaN(values[j])) { values[j] = Number(values[j]); } } switch(values[0]) { case 'func': var functionCall = values[1]; plot(functionCall, values[5], values[6], null, null, values[3], values[4]); break; case 'polar': var functionCall = ["cos(t)*("+values[1]+")","sin(t)*("+values[1]+")"]; plot(functionCall, values[5], values[6], null, null, values[3], values[4]); break; case 'param': var functionCall = [values[1], values[2]]; plot(functionCall, values[5], values[6], null, null, values[3], values[4]); break; case 'slope': slopefield(values[1], values[2], values[2]); plot(null, values[5], values[6], null, null, values[3], values[4]); break; case 'label': text([values[5], values[6]], values[1]); break; } } } return { title: lang.GraphEditor, minWidth: 350, minHeight: 100, contents: [ { id: 'info', elements: [ { type: 'hbox', widths: ['20%', '20%', '20%', '20%', '20%'], children: [ { id: 'equationType', type: 'select', label: lang.EquationType, items: [ [lang.YEqualsFOfX, 'func'], [lang.REqualsFOfT, 'polar'], [lang.XEqualsFOfTCommaYEqualsGOfT, 'param'], [lang.DySplitDxEqualsFOfXAndY, 'slope'], [lang.Label, 'label'] ], default: 'func', onChange: function (api) { updateFields(this); } }, { id: 'equation', type: 'text', label: lang.FOfX, default: lang.XSquared }, { id: 'extraField', type: 'text', label: '', default: '' }, { id: 'from', type: 'text', label: lang.From, default: '-7.5' }, { id: 'to', type: 'text', label: lang.To, default: '7.5' } ] }, { type: 'hbox', widths: ['20%', '20%', '20%', '20%', '20%'], children: [ { id: 'color', type: 'select', label: lang.Color, items: [ [lang.Black, 'black'], [lang.Red, 'red'], [lang.Orange, 'orange'], [lang.Yellow, 'yellow'], [lang.Green, 'green'], [lang.Blue, 'blue'], [lang.Purple, 'purple'] ], default: 'black' }, { id: 'width', type: 'select', label: lang.Width, items: [ ['1'], ['2'], ['3'], ['4'] ], default: '1' }, { id: 'line', type: 'select', label: lang.Line, items: [ [lang.Solid, '0'], [lang.Dotted, '1'], [lang.Dashed, '2'], [lang.TightDash, '3'], [lang.DashDot, '4'] ], default: '0' }, { id: 'startWith', type: 'select', label: lang.StartWith, items: [ [lang.None, '0'], [lang.Arrow, '1'], [lang.OpenDot, '2'], [lang.Dot, '3'] ], default: '0' }, { id: 'endWith', type: 'select', label: lang.EndWith, items: [ [lang.None, '0'], [lang.Arrow, '1'], [lang.OpenDot, '2'], [lang.Dot, '3'] ], default: '0' } ] }, { type: 'hbox', widths: ['17%', '17%', '16%', '17%', '17%', '16%'], children: [ { id: 'xmin', type: 'text', label: lang.XMin, default: '-7.5' }, { id: 'xmax', type: 'text', label: lang.XMax, default: '7.5' }, { id: 'xscl', type: 'text', label: lang.XScl, default: '1' }, { id: 'ymin', type: 'text', label: lang.YMin, default: '-5' }, { id: 'ymax', type: 'text', label: lang.YMax, default: '5' }, { id: 'yscl', type: 'text', label: lang.YScl, default: '1' } ] }, { type: 'hbox', widths: ['20%', '20%', '20%', '20%', '20%'], children: [ { type: 'checkbox', id: 'showAxisLabels', label: lang.ShowAxisLabels, default: 'checked', onClick: function() { if (this.getValue()) { xscl = 1; xtick = 1; yscl = 1; ytick = 1; } else { xscl = null; xtick = null; yscl = null; ytick = null; } updateGraphs(this.getDialog()); } }, { type: 'checkbox', id: 'showXYGrid', label: lang.ShowXYGrid, default: 'checked', onClick: function() { if (this.getValue()) { xgrid = 1; ygrid = 1; } else { xgrid = 0; ygrid = 0; } updateGraphs(this.getDialog()); } }, { id: 'resizeTo', type: 'text', label: lang.ResizeTo, default: defaultwidth }, { id: 'by', type: 'text', label: lang.By, default: defaultheight }, { type: 'button', id: 'update', label: lang.Update, title: lang.Update, onClick: function() { var dialog = this.getDialog(); var pageId = (dialog.definition.contents[0]).id; width = dialog.getValueOf(pageId, 'resizeTo'); height = dialog.getValueOf(pageId, 'by'); updateGraphs(dialog); } } ] }, { type: 'hbox', widths: ['20%', '20%', '20%', '20%', '20%'], children: [ { type: 'button', id: 'addGraph', label: lang.AddGraph, title: lang.AddGraph, onClick: function() { addGraph(this.getDialog()); } }, { id: 'graphs', type: 'select', label: lang.Graphs, items: [], onChange: function (api) { updateFields(this); } }, { type: 'button', id: 'replaceSelectedGraph', label: lang.ReplaceSelectedGraph, title: lang.ReplaceSelectedGraph, onClick: function() { removeSelectedGraph(this.getDialog()); updateGraphs(this.getDialog()); addGraph(this.getDialog()); } }, { type: 'button', id: 'remove', label: lang.Remove, title: lang.Remove, onClick: function() { removeSelectedGraph(this.getDialog()); updateGraphs(this.getDialog()); } }, { id: 'position', type: 'select', label: lang.Position, items: [ [lang.Top, 'top'], [lang.Middle, 'middle'], [lang.Bottom, 'bottom'], [lang.FloatLeft, 'floatLeft'], [lang.FloatRight, 'floatRight'] ], default: 'middle', onChange: function (api) { var currentStyle =; var regExpPattern = /vertical-align:\s?(\w|-)+/; var verticalAlignValue = (regExpPattern.exec(currentStyle))[0]; var regExpPattern = /float:\s?\w+/; var floatValue = (regExpPattern.exec(currentStyle))[0]; switch(this.getValue()) { case 'top': currentStyle = currentStyle.replace(verticalAlignValue, 'vertical-align: text-top'); currentStyle = currentStyle.replace(floatValue, 'float: none'); break; case 'middle': currentStyle = currentStyle.replace(verticalAlignValue, 'vertical-align: middle'); currentStyle = currentStyle.replace(floatValue, 'float: none'); break; case 'bottom': currentStyle = currentStyle.replace(verticalAlignValue, 'vertical-align: text-bottom'); currentStyle = currentStyle.replace(floatValue, 'float: none'); break; case 'floatLeft': currentStyle = currentStyle.replace(verticalAlignValue, 'vertical-align: middle'); currentStyle = currentStyle.replace(floatValue, 'float: left'); break; case 'floatRight': currentStyle = currentStyle.replace(verticalAlignValue, 'vertical-align: middle'); currentStyle = currentStyle.replace(floatValue, 'float: right'); break; } = currentStyle; } } ] }, { id: 'preview', type: 'html', html: '', onShow: function( widget ) { xmin = -7.5; xmax = 7.5; ymin = -5; ymax = 5; xscl = 1; yscl = 1; xgrid = 1; ygrid = 1; xtick = 1; ytick = 1; width = defaultwidth; height = defaultheight; drawPics(); var dialog = this.getDialog(); var pageId = (dialog.definition.contents[0]).id; var fieldsToDefault = ['equationType','equation','color','width','line','startWith','endWith']; for (var i = 0; i < fieldsToDefault.length; i++) { dialog.setValueOf(pageId, fieldsToDefault[i], dialog.getContentElement(pageId, fieldsToDefault[i]).default); } var extraField = dialog.getContentElement(pageId,'extraField'); extraField.getElement().hide(); var graphsField = dialog.getContentElement(pageId, 'graphs'); var graphData = null; graphsField.clear(); graphsField.items = []; if (graphData !== editor.getSelection().getSelectedElement()) { graphData = (editor.getSelection().getSelectedElement().$.attributes[0].value).split(','); for (var i = 11; i < graphData.length; i+=10) { var graphEquation = ''; switch(graphData[i]) { case 'func': graphEquation = 'y='+graphData[i+1]; break; case 'polar': graphEquation = 'r='+graphData[i+1]; break; case 'param': graphEquation = '[x,y]=['+graphData[i+1]+','+graphData[i+2]+']'; break; case 'slope': graphEquation = 'dx/dy='+graphData[i+1]; break; case 'label': graphEquation = lang.Label+'='+graphData[i+1]; break; } graphsField.items.push(graphEquation); var sscr = graphData[i]+','+graphData[i+1]+','+graphData[i+2]+','+graphData[i+3]+','+graphData[i+4]+','+graphData[i+5]+','+graphData[i+6]+','+graphData[i+7]+','+graphData[i+8]+','+graphData[i+9]; graphsField.add(graphEquation, sscr); } xmin = graphData[0]; dialog.setValueOf(pageId, 'xmin', xmin); xmax = graphData[1]; dialog.setValueOf(pageId, 'xmax', xmax); ymin = graphData[2]; dialog.setValueOf(pageId, 'ymin', ymin); ymax = graphData[3]; dialog.setValueOf(pageId, 'ymax', ymax); if (graphData[6] === 'null') { dialog.setValueOf(pageId, 'showAxisLabels', null); xscl = null; xtick = null; yscl = null; ytick = null; } else { xscl = 1; xtick = 1; yscl = 1; ytick = 1; } if ((graphData[7]||graphData[8]) === '0') { dialog.setValueOf(pageId, 'showXYGrid', null); xgrid = 0; ygrid = 0; } else { xgrid = 1; ygrid = 1; } width = graphData[9]; dialog.setValueOf(pageId, 'resizeTo', width); height = graphData[10]; dialog.setValueOf(pageId, 'by', height); updateGraphs(dialog); } else { updateGraphs(dialog); addGraph(dialog); } }, commit : function(data) { var dialog = this.getDialog(); var pageId = (dialog.definition.contents[0]).id; var previewField = dialog.getContentElement(pageId,; var sscr = xmin+','+xmax+','+ymin+','+ymax+','+xscl+','+yscl+','+(xscl||yscl)+','+xgrid+','+ygrid+','+width+','+height; var graphsField = dialog.getContentElement(pageId, 'graphs'); for (var i = 0; i < graphsField.items.length; i++) { sscr += ','+graphsField.getInputElement().$.options[i].getAttribute('value'); } picture.sscr = sscr; data.preview = ''+previewField.getInputElement().$.innerHTML+''; } } ] } ], onOk: function( widget ) { var data = {}; this.commitContent(data); var currentStyle =; var regExpPattern = /vertical-align:\s?(\w|-)+/; var verticalAlignValue = (regExpPattern.exec(currentStyle))[0]; var regExpPattern = /float:\s?\w+/; var floatValue = (regExpPattern.exec(currentStyle))[0]; var imgElement = ''; picture.sscr = '-7.5,7.5,-5,5,1,1,1,1,1,'+defaultwidth+','+defaultheight; var element = CKEDITOR.dom.element.createFromHtml(imgElement); editor.insertElement(element); } }; } );