* * @package chamilo.auth */ class Auth { /** * Constructor. */ public function __construct() { } /** * retrieves all the courses that the user has already subscribed to. * * @param int $user_id * * @return array an array containing all the information of the courses of the given user */ public function get_courses_of_user($user_id) { $TABLECOURS = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_COURSE); $TABLECOURSUSER = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_COURSE_USER); $avoidCoursesCondition = CoursesAndSessionsCatalog::getAvoidCourseCondition(); // Secondly we select the courses that are in a category (user_course_cat<>0) and // sort these according to the sort of the category $user_id = (int) $user_id; $sql = "SELECT course.code k, course.visual_code vc, course.subscribe subscr, course.unsubscribe unsubscr, course.title i, course.tutor_name t, course.category_code cat, course.directory dir, course_rel_user.status status, course_rel_user.sort sort, course_rel_user.user_course_cat user_course_cat FROM $TABLECOURS course, $TABLECOURSUSER course_rel_user WHERE course.id = course_rel_user.c_id AND course_rel_user.relation_type <> ".COURSE_RELATION_TYPE_RRHH." AND course_rel_user.user_id = '".$user_id."' $avoidCoursesCondition ORDER BY course_rel_user.sort ASC"; $result = Database::query($sql); $courses = []; while ($row = Database::fetch_array($result)) { //we only need the database name of the course $courses[] = [ 'code' => $row['k'], 'visual_code' => $row['vc'], 'title' => $row['i'], 'directory' => $row['dir'], 'status' => $row['status'], 'tutor' => $row['t'], 'subscribe' => $row['subscr'], 'category' => $row['cat'], 'unsubscribe' => $row['unsubscr'], 'sort' => $row['sort'], 'user_course_category' => $row['user_course_cat'], ]; } return $courses; } /** * This function get all the courses in the particular user category;. * * @return array */ public function get_courses_in_category() { $user_id = api_get_user_id(); // table definitions $TABLECOURS = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_COURSE); $TABLECOURSUSER = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_COURSE_USER); $avoidCoursesCondition = CoursesAndSessionsCatalog::getAvoidCourseCondition(); $sql = "SELECT course.code, course.visual_code, course.subscribe subscr, course.unsubscribe unsubscr, course.title title, course.tutor_name tutor, course.directory, course_rel_user.status status, course_rel_user.sort sort, course_rel_user.user_course_cat user_course_cat FROM $TABLECOURS course, $TABLECOURSUSER course_rel_user WHERE course.id = course_rel_user.c_id AND course_rel_user.user_id = '".$user_id."' AND course_rel_user.relation_type <> ".COURSE_RELATION_TYPE_RRHH." $avoidCoursesCondition ORDER BY course_rel_user.user_course_cat, course_rel_user.sort ASC"; $result = Database::query($sql); $data = []; while ($course = Database::fetch_array($result)) { $data[$course['user_course_cat']][] = $course; } return $data; } /** * stores the changes in a course category * (moving a course to a different course category). * * @param int $courseId * @param int Category id * * @return bool True if it success */ public function updateCourseCategory($courseId, $newcategory) { $courseId = intval($courseId); $newcategory = intval($newcategory); $current_user = api_get_user_id(); $table = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_COURSE_USER); $max_sort_value = api_max_sort_value($newcategory, $current_user); $sql = "UPDATE $table SET user_course_cat='".$newcategory."', sort='".($max_sort_value + 1)."' WHERE c_id ='".$courseId."' AND user_id='".$current_user."' AND relation_type<>".COURSE_RELATION_TYPE_RRHH; $resultQuery = Database::query($sql); $result = false; if (Database::affected_rows($resultQuery)) { $result = true; } return $result; } /** * moves the course one place up or down. * * @param string Direction (up/down) * @param string Course code * @param int Category id * * @return bool True if it success */ public function move_course($direction, $course2move, $category) { // definition of tables $table = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_COURSE_USER); $current_user_id = api_get_user_id(); $all_user_courses = $this->get_courses_of_user($current_user_id); // we need only the courses of the category we are moving in $user_courses = []; foreach ($all_user_courses as $key => $course) { if ($course['user_course_category'] == $category) { $user_courses[] = $course; } } $target_course = []; foreach ($user_courses as $count => $course) { if ($course2move == $course['code']) { // source_course is the course where we clicked the up or down icon $source_course = $course; // target_course is the course before/after the source_course (depending on the up/down icon) if ($direction == 'up') { $target_course = $user_courses[$count - 1]; } else { $target_course = $user_courses[$count + 1]; } break; } } $result = false; if (count($target_course) > 0 && count($source_course) > 0) { $courseInfo = api_get_course_info($source_course['code']); $courseId = $courseInfo['real_id']; $targetCourseInfo = api_get_course_info($target_course['code']); $targetCourseId = $targetCourseInfo['real_id']; $sql = "UPDATE $table SET sort='".$target_course['sort']."' WHERE c_id = '".$courseId."' AND user_id = '".$current_user_id."' AND relation_type<>".COURSE_RELATION_TYPE_RRHH; $result1 = Database::query($sql); $sql = "UPDATE $table SET sort='".$source_course['sort']."' WHERE c_id ='".$targetCourseId."' AND user_id='".$current_user_id."' AND relation_type<>".COURSE_RELATION_TYPE_RRHH; $result2 = Database::query($sql); if (Database::affected_rows($result1) && Database::affected_rows($result2)) { $result = true; } } return $result; } /** * Moves the course one place up or down. * * @param string $direction Direction up/down * @param string $category2move Category id * * @return bool True If it success */ public function move_category($direction, $category2move) { $userId = api_get_user_id(); $userCategories = CourseManager::get_user_course_categories(api_get_user_id()); $categories = array_values($userCategories); $previous = null; $target_category = []; foreach ($categories as $key => $category) { $category_id = $category['id']; if ($category2move == $category_id) { // source_course is the course where we clicked the up or down icon $source_category = $userCategories[$category2move]; // target_course is the course before/after the source_course (depending on the up/down icon) if ($direction == 'up') { if (isset($categories[$key - 1])) { $target_category = $userCategories[$categories[$key - 1]['id']]; } } else { if (isset($categories[$key + 1])) { $target_category = $userCategories[$categories[$key + 1]['id']]; } } } } $result = false; if (count($target_category) > 0 && count($source_category) > 0) { $table = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_USER_COURSE_CATEGORY); $sql = "UPDATE $table SET sort = '".Database::escape_string($target_category['sort'])."' WHERE id='".intval($source_category['id'])."' AND user_id='".$userId."'"; $resultFirst = Database::query($sql); $sql = "UPDATE $table SET sort = '".Database::escape_string($source_category['sort'])."' WHERE id='".intval($target_category['id'])."' AND user_id='".$userId."'"; $resultSecond = Database::query($sql); if (Database::affected_rows($resultFirst) && Database::affected_rows($resultSecond)) { $result = true; } } return $result; } /** * Updates the user course category in the chamilo_user database. * * @param string Category title * @param int Category id * * @return bool True if it success */ public function store_edit_course_category($title, $category_id) { // protect data $title = Database::escape_string($title); $category_id = intval($category_id); $result = false; $table = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_USER_COURSE_CATEGORY); $sql = "UPDATE $table SET title='".api_htmlentities($title, ENT_QUOTES, api_get_system_encoding())."' WHERE id='".$category_id."'"; $resultQuery = Database::query($sql); if (Database::affected_rows($resultQuery)) { $result = true; } return $result; } /** * deletes a course category and moves all the courses that were in this category to main category. * * @param int Category id * * @return bool True if it success */ public function delete_course_category($category_id) { $current_user_id = api_get_user_id(); $tucc = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_USER_COURSE_CATEGORY); $TABLECOURSUSER = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_COURSE_USER); $category_id = intval($category_id); $result = false; $sql = "DELETE FROM $tucc WHERE id='".$category_id."' AND user_id='".$current_user_id."'"; $resultQuery = Database::query($sql); if (Database::affected_rows($resultQuery)) { $result = true; } $sql = "UPDATE $TABLECOURSUSER SET user_course_cat='0' WHERE user_course_cat='".$category_id."' AND user_id='".$current_user_id."' AND relation_type<>".COURSE_RELATION_TYPE_RRHH." "; Database::query($sql); return $result; } /** * unsubscribe the user from a given course. * * @param string $course_code * * @return bool True if it success */ public function remove_user_from_course($course_code) { $tbl_course_user = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_COURSE_USER); // protect variables $current_user_id = api_get_user_id(); $course_code = Database::escape_string($course_code); $result = true; $courseInfo = api_get_course_info($course_code); $courseId = $courseInfo['real_id']; // we check (once again) if the user is not course administrator // because the course administrator cannot unsubscribe himself // (s)he can only delete the course $sql = "SELECT * FROM $tbl_course_user WHERE user_id='".$current_user_id."' AND c_id ='".$courseId."' AND status='1' "; $result_check = Database::query($sql); $number_of_rows = Database::num_rows($result_check); if ($number_of_rows > 0) { $result = false; } CourseManager::unsubscribe_user($current_user_id, $course_code); return $result; } /** * stores the user course category in the chamilo_user database. * * @param string Category title * * @return bool True if it success */ public function store_course_category($category_title) { $table = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_USER_COURSE_CATEGORY); // protect data $current_user_id = api_get_user_id(); $category_title = Database::escape_string($category_title); $result = false; // step 1: we determine the max value of the user defined course categories $sql = "SELECT sort FROM $table WHERE user_id='".$current_user_id."' ORDER BY sort DESC"; $rs_sort = Database::query($sql); $maxsort = Database::fetch_array($rs_sort); $nextsort = $maxsort['sort'] + 1; // step 2: we check if there is already a category with this name, // if not we store it, else we give an error. $sql = "SELECT * FROM $table WHERE user_id='".$current_user_id."' AND title='".$category_title."' ORDER BY sort DESC"; $rs = Database::query($sql); if (Database::num_rows($rs) == 0) { $sql = "INSERT INTO $table (user_id, title,sort) VALUES ('".$current_user_id."', '".api_htmlentities($category_title, ENT_QUOTES, api_get_system_encoding())."', '".$nextsort."')"; $resultQuery = Database::query($sql); if (Database::affected_rows($resultQuery)) { $result = true; } } else { $result = false; } return $result; } }