# features/login.feature @common Feature: User login In order to log in As any registered user I need to be able to enter my details in the form and get in Scenario: Login as admin user successfully Given I am a platform administrator Then I should not see an ".alert-danger" element Scenario: Create tests users successfully Given I am a platform administrator And I am on "/main/admin/filler.php?fill=users" Then I should not see an ".alert-danger" element Scenario: Login as student user successfully Given I am a student Then I should not see an ".alert-danger" element Scenario: Login as teacher successfully Given I am a teacher Then I should not see an ".alert-danger" element Scenario: Login as HRD successfully Given I am an HR manager Then I should not see an ".alert-danger" element Scenario: Login as student boss successfully Given I am a student boss Then I should not see an ".alert-danger" element Scenario: Login as invitee successfully Given I am an invitee Then I should not see an ".alert-danger" element