$user_course) { $user_course['line'] = $index + 1; // 1. Check whether mandatory fields are set. $mandatory_fields = ['UserName', 'CourseCode', 'Status']; foreach ($mandatory_fields as $key => $field) { if (!isset($user_course[$field]) || strlen($user_course[$field]) == 0) { $user_course['error'] = get_lang($field.'Mandatory'); $errors[] = $user_course; } } // 2. Check whether coursecode exists. if (isset($user_course['CourseCode']) && strlen($user_course['CourseCode']) != 0) { // 2.1 Check whethher code has been allready used by this CVS-file. if (!isset($coursecodes[$user_course['CourseCode']])) { // 2.1.1 Check whether course with this code exists in the system. $courseInfo = api_get_course_info($user_course['CourseCode']); if (empty($courseInfo)) { $user_course['error'] = get_lang('This code does not exist'); $errors[] = $user_course; } else { $coursecodes[$user_course['CourseCode']] = 1; } } } // 3. Check whether username exists. if (isset($user_course['UserName']) && strlen($user_course['UserName']) != 0) { if (UserManager::is_username_available($user_course['UserName'])) { $user_course['error'] = get_lang('Unknown user'); $errors[] = $user_course; } } // 4. Check whether status is valid. if (isset($user_course['Status']) && strlen($user_course['Status']) != 0) { if ($user_course['Status'] != COURSEMANAGER && $user_course['Status'] != STUDENT) { $user_course['error'] = get_lang('Unknown status'); $errors[] = $user_course; } } } return $errors; } /** * Saves imported data. */ function save_data($users_courses) { $course_user_table = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_COURSE_USER); $csv_data = []; $inserted_in_course = []; $courseListCache = []; $courseListById = []; foreach ($users_courses as $user_course) { if (!in_array($user_course['CourseCode'], array_keys($courseListCache))) { $courseInfo = api_get_course_info($user_course['CourseCode']); if ($courseInfo) { $courseListCache[$user_course['CourseCode']] = $courseInfo; } } else { $courseInfo = $courseListCache[$user_course['CourseCode']]; } $courseListById[$courseInfo['real_id']] = $courseInfo; $csv_data[$user_course['UserName']][$courseInfo['real_id']] = $user_course['Status']; } foreach ($csv_data as $username => $csv_subscriptions) { $userInfo = api_get_user_info_from_username($username); if (empty($userInfo)) { continue; } $user_id = $userInfo['user_id']; $sql = "SELECT * FROM $course_user_table cu WHERE cu.user_id = $user_id AND cu.relation_type <> ".COURSE_RELATION_TYPE_RRHH." "; $res = Database::query($sql); $db_subscriptions = []; while ($obj = Database::fetch_object($res)) { $db_subscriptions[$obj->c_id] = $obj->status; } $to_subscribe = array_diff(array_keys($csv_subscriptions), array_keys($db_subscriptions)); $to_unsubscribe = array_diff(array_keys($db_subscriptions), array_keys($csv_subscriptions)); if (isset($_POST['subscribe']) && $_POST['subscribe']) { foreach ($to_subscribe as $courseId) { $courseInfo = $courseListById[$courseId]; $courseCode = $courseInfo['code']; $result = CourseManager::subscribeUser( $user_id, $courseCode, $csv_subscriptions[$courseId] ); if ($result) { $inserted_in_course[$courseInfo['code']] = $courseInfo['title']; } } } if (isset($_POST['unsubscribe']) && $_POST['unsubscribe']) { foreach ($to_unsubscribe as $courseId) { if (isset($courseListById[$courseId])) { $courseInfo = $courseListById[$courseId]; } else { $courseInfo = api_get_course_info_by_id($courseId); } $courseCode = $courseInfo['code']; CourseManager::unsubscribe_user($user_id, $courseCode); } } } return $inserted_in_course; } /** * Reads CSV-file. * * @param string $file Path to the CSV-file * * @return array All course-information read from the file */ function parse_csv_data($file) { $courses = Import::csvToArray($file); return $courses; } $cidReset = true; require_once __DIR__.'/../inc/global.inc.php'; // Setting the section (for the tabs). $this_section = SECTION_PLATFORM_ADMIN; // Protecting the admin section. api_protect_admin_script(); $tool_name = get_lang('Add users to course').' CSV'; $interbreadcrumb[] = ['url' => 'index.php', 'name' => get_lang('Administration')]; set_time_limit(0); // Creating the form. $form = new FormValidator('course_user_import'); $form->addElement('header', '', $tool_name); $form->addElement('file', 'import_file', get_lang('Import marks in an assessment')); $form->addElement('checkbox', 'subscribe', get_lang('Action'), get_lang('Add user in the course only if not yet in')); $form->addElement('checkbox', 'unsubscribe', '', get_lang('Remove user from course if his name is not in the list')); $form->addButtonImport(get_lang('Import')); $form->setDefaults(['subscribe' => '1', 'unsubscribe' => 1]); $errors = []; if ($form->validate()) { $users_courses = parse_csv_data($_FILES['import_file']['tmp_name']); $errors = validate_data($users_courses); if (count($errors) == 0) { $inserted_in_course = save_data($users_courses); // Build the alert message in case there were visual codes subscribed to. if ($_POST['subscribe']) { //$warn = get_lang('The users have been subscribed to the following courses because several courses share the same visual code').': '; } else { $warn = get_lang('The users have been unsubscribed from the following courses because several courses share the same visual code').': '; } if (!empty($inserted_in_course)) { $warn = get_lang('File imported'); } else { $warn = get_lang('Errors when importing file'); } Display::addFlash(Display::return_message($warn)); Security::clear_token(); $tok = Security::get_token(); header('Location: '.api_get_self()); exit(); } } // Displaying the header. Display :: display_header($tool_name); if (count($errors) != 0) { $error_message = ''; echo Display::return_message($error_message, 'error', false); } // Displaying the form. $form->display(); ?>

bold are mandatory.').')'; ?> :


'; echo STUDENT.': '.get_lang('Learner').'
'; ?>