*/ use ChamiloSession as Session; // Flag to allow for anonymous user - needs to be set before global.inc.php. $use_anonymous = true; $debug = 0; if ($debug > 0) error_log('New LP -+- Entered lp_controller.php -+- (action: '.$_REQUEST['action'].')', 0); $current_course_tool = TOOL_LEARNPATH; $_course = api_get_course_info(); $glossaryExtraTools = api_get_setting('glossary.show_glossary_in_extra_tools'); $showGlossary = in_array($glossaryExtraTools, array('true', 'lp', 'exercise_and_lp')); if ($showGlossary) { if (api_get_setting('document.show_glossary_in_documents') == 'ismanual' || api_get_setting('document.show_glossary_in_documents') == 'isautomatic' ) { $htmlHeadXtra[] = ''; $htmlHeadXtra[] = ''; $htmlHeadXtra[] = ''; } } $htmlHeadXtra[] = ' '; $ajax_url = api_get_path(WEB_AJAX_PATH).'lp.ajax.php?'.api_get_cidreq(); $htmlHeadXtra[] = ' '; $session_id = api_get_session_id(); api_protect_course_script(true); $lpfound = false; $myrefresh = 0; $myrefresh_id = 0; $refreshFromSession = Session::read('refresh'); if ($refreshFromSession == 1) { // Check if we should do a refresh of the oLP object (for example after editing the LP). // If refresh is set, we regenerate the oLP object from the database (kind of flush). Session::erase('refresh'); $myrefresh = 1; if ($debug > 0) error_log('New LP - Refresh asked', 0); } if ($debug > 0) error_log('New LP - Passed refresh check', 0); $lp_controller_touched = 1; $lp_found = false; $lpId = isset($_REQUEST['lp_id']) ? $_REQUEST['lp_id'] : ''; $course_id = api_get_course_int_id(); if ($debug>0) error_log('New LP - Passed data remains check', 0); $learnPath = learnpath::getCurrentLpFromSession(); if (!$lp_found || (!empty($_REQUEST['lp_id']) && !empty($learnPath) && $learnPath->lp_id != $_REQUEST['lp_id'])) { if ($debug > 0) error_log('New LP - oLP is not object, has changed or refresh been asked, getting new', 0); // Regenerate a new lp object? Not always as some pages don't need the object (like upload?) if (!empty($_REQUEST['lp_id']) || !empty($myrefresh_id)) { if ($debug > 0) error_log('New LP - lp_id is defined', 0); // Select the lp in the database and check which type it is (scorm/dokeos/aicc) to generate the // right object. if (!empty($_REQUEST['lp_id'])) { $lp_id = intval($_REQUEST['lp_id']); } else { $lp_id = intval($myrefresh_id); } $lp_table = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_LP_MAIN); if (is_numeric($lp_id)) { $sel = "SELECT lp_type FROM $lp_table WHERE c_id = $course_id AND id = $lp_id"; if ($debug > 0) error_log('New LP - querying '.$sel, 0); $res = Database::query($sel); if (Database::num_rows($res)) { $row = Database::fetch_array($res); $type = $row['lp_type']; if ($debug > 0) error_log('New LP - found row - type '.$type. ' - Calling constructor with '.api_get_course_id().' - '.$lp_id.' - '.api_get_user_id(), 0); switch ($type) { case 1: if ($debug > 0) error_log('New LP - found row - type dokeos - Calling constructor with '.api_get_course_id().' - '.$lp_id.' - '.api_get_user_id(), 0); $oLP = new learnpath(api_get_course_id(), $lp_id, api_get_user_id()); if ($oLP !== false) { $lp_found = true; } else { error_log($oLP->error, 0); } break; case 2: if ($debug > 0) error_log('New LP - found row - type scorm - Calling constructor with '.api_get_course_id().' - '.$lp_id.' - '.api_get_user_id(), 0); $oLP = new scorm(api_get_course_id(), $lp_id, api_get_user_id()); if ($oLP !== false) { $lp_found = true; } else { error_log($oLP->error, 0); } break; case 3: if ($debug > 0) error_log('New LP - found row - type aicc - Calling constructor with '.api_get_course_id().' - '.$lp_id.' - '.api_get_user_id(), 0); $oLP = new aicc(api_get_course_id(), $lp_id, api_get_user_id()); if ($oLP !== false) { $lp_found = true; } else { error_log($oLP->error, 0); } break; default: if ($debug > 0) error_log('New LP - found row - type other - Calling constructor with '.api_get_course_id().' - '.$lp_id.' - '.api_get_user_id(), 0); $oLP = new learnpath(api_get_course_id(), $lp_id, api_get_user_id()); if ($oLP !== false) { $lp_found = true; } else { error_log($oLP->error, 0); } break; } } } else { if ($debug > 0) error_log('New LP - Request[lp_id] is not numeric', 0); } } else { if ($debug > 0) error_log('New LP - Request[lp_id] and refresh_id were empty', 0); } if ($lp_found) { Session::write('oLP', $oLP); } } if ($debug > 0) error_log('New LP - Passed oLP creation check', 0); $is_allowed_to_edit = api_is_allowed_to_edit(false, true, false, false); if (isset($learnPath)) { $learnPath->update_queue = array(); // Reinitialises array used by javascript to update items in the TOC. } if (isset($_GET['isStudentView']) && $_GET['isStudentView'] == 'true') { if ($_REQUEST['action'] != 'list' AND $_REQUEST['action'] != 'view') { if (!empty($_REQUEST['lp_id'])) { $_REQUEST['action'] = 'view'; } else { $_REQUEST['action'] = 'list'; } } } else { if ($is_allowed_to_edit) { if (isset($_REQUEST['action']) && $_REQUEST['action'] == 'view' && !isset($_REQUEST['exeId'])) { $_REQUEST['action'] = 'build'; } //$_SESSION['studentview'] = null; } } $action = (!empty($_REQUEST['action']) ? $_REQUEST['action'] : ''); // format title to be displayed correctly if QUIZ $post_title = ""; if (isset($_POST['title'])) { $post_title = Security::remove_XSS($_POST['title']); if (isset($_POST['type']) && isset($_POST['title']) && $_POST['type'] == TOOL_QUIZ && !empty($_POST['title'])) { $post_title = Exercise::format_title_variable($_POST['title']); } } $redirectTo = null; switch ($action) { case 'add_item': if (!$is_allowed_to_edit) { api_not_allowed(true); } if ($debug > 0) error_log('New LP - add item action triggered', 0); if (!$lp_found) { //check if the learnpath ID was defined, otherwise send back to list if ($debug > 0) error_log('New LP - No learnpath given for add item', 0); require 'lp_list.php'; } else { Session::write('refresh', 1); if (isset($_POST['submit_button']) && !empty($post_title)) { // If a title was sumbitted: //Updating the lp.modified_on $learnPath->set_modified_on(); $postTimeFromSession = Session::read('post_time'); if (isset($postTimeFromSession) && $postTimeFromSession == $_POST['post_time']) { // Check post_time to ensure ??? (counter-hacking measure?) require 'lp_add_item.php'; } else { Session::write('post_time', $_POST['post_time']); $directoryParentId = isset($_POST['directory_parent_id']) ? $_POST['directory_parent_id'] : 0; if (empty($directoryParentId)) { $learnPath->generate_lp_folder($courseInfo); } $parent = isset($_POST['parent']) ? $_POST['parent'] : ''; $previous = isset($_POST['previous']) ? $_POST['previous'] : ''; $type = isset($_POST['type']) ? $_POST['type'] : ''; $path = isset($_POST['path']) ? $_POST['path'] : ''; $description = isset($_POST['description']) ? $_POST['description'] : ''; $prerequisites = isset($_POST['prerequisites']) ? $_POST['prerequisites'] : ''; $maxTimeAllowed = isset($_POST['maxTimeAllowed']) ? $_POST['maxTimeAllowed'] : ''; if ($_POST['type'] == TOOL_DOCUMENT) { if (isset($_POST['path']) && $_GET['edit'] != 'true') { $document_id = $_POST['path']; } else { $document_id = $learnPath->create_document( $_course, $_POST['content_lp'], $_POST['title'], 'html', $directoryParentId ); } $new_item_id = $learnPath->add_item( $parent, $previous, $type, $document_id, $post_title, $description, $prerequisites ); } else { // For all other item types than documents, load the item using the item type and path rather than its ID. $new_item_id = $learnPath->add_item( $parent, $previous, $type, $path, $post_title, $description, $prerequisites, $maxTimeAllowed ); } $url = api_get_self().'?action=add_item&type=step&lp_id='.intval($learnPath->lp_id).'&'.api_get_cidreq(); header('Location: '.$url); exit; } } else { require 'lp_add_item.php'; } } break; case 'add_users_to_category': if (!$is_allowed_to_edit) { api_not_allowed(true); } require 'lp_subscribe_users_to_category.php'; break; case 'add_audio': if (!$is_allowed_to_edit) { api_not_allowed(true); } if ($debug > 0) error_log('New LP - add audio action triggered', 0); if (!$lp_found) { //check if the learnpath ID was defined, otherwise send back to list if ($debug > 0) error_log('New LP - No learnpath given for add audio', 0); require 'lp_list.php'; } else { Session::write('refresh', 1); if (isset($_REQUEST['id'])) { $lp_item_obj = new learnpathItem($_REQUEST['id']); // Remove audio if (isset($_GET['delete_file']) && $_GET['delete_file'] == 1) { $lp_item_obj->remove_audio(); $url = api_get_self().'?action=add_audio&lp_id='.intval( $learnPath->lp_id ).'&id='.$lp_item_obj->get_id().'&'.api_get_cidreq(); header('Location: '.$url); exit; } // Upload audio if (isset($_FILES['file']) && !empty($_FILES['file'])) { // Updating the lp.modified_on $learnPath->set_modified_on(); $lp_item_obj->add_audio(); } //Add audio file from documents if (isset($_REQUEST['document_id']) && !empty($_REQUEST['document_id'])) { $learnPath->set_modified_on(); $lp_item_obj->add_audio_from_documents($_REQUEST['document_id']); } $learnPath->updateCurrentLpFromSession(); // Display. require 'lp_add_audio.php'; } else { require 'lp_add_audio.php'; } } break; case 'add_lp_category': if (!$is_allowed_to_edit) { api_not_allowed(true); } require 'lp_add_category.php'; break; case 'move_up_category': if (!$is_allowed_to_edit) { api_not_allowed(true); } if (isset($_REQUEST['id'])) { learnpath::moveUpCategory($_REQUEST['id']); } require 'lp_list.php'; break; case 'move_down_category': if (!$is_allowed_to_edit) { api_not_allowed(true); } if (isset($_REQUEST['id'])) { learnpath::moveDownCategory($_REQUEST['id']); } require 'lp_list.php'; break; case 'delete_lp_category': if (!$is_allowed_to_edit) { api_not_allowed(true); } if (isset($_REQUEST['id'])) { learnpath::deleteCategory($_REQUEST['id']); } require 'lp_list.php'; break; case 'add_lp': if (!$is_allowed_to_edit) { api_not_allowed(true); } if ($debug > 0) error_log('New LP - add_lp action triggered', 0); if (isset($_REQUEST['lp_name']) && !empty($_REQUEST['lp_name'])) { $_REQUEST['lp_name'] = trim($_REQUEST['lp_name']); Session::write('refresh', 1); $postTimeFromSession = Session::read('post_time'); if (isset($postTimeFromSession) && $postTimeFromSession == $_REQUEST['post_time']) { require 'lp_add.php'; } else { Session::write('post_time', $_REQUEST['post_time']); if (isset($_REQUEST['activate_start_date_check']) && $_REQUEST['activate_start_date_check'] == 1 ) { $publicated_on = $_REQUEST['publicated_on']; } else { $publicated_on = null; } if (isset($_REQUEST['activate_end_date_check']) && $_REQUEST['activate_end_date_check'] == 1 ) { $expired_on = $_REQUEST['expired_on']; } else { $expired_on = null; } $new_lp_id = learnpath::add_lp( api_get_course_id(), Security::remove_XSS($_REQUEST['lp_name']), '', 'chamilo', 'manual', '', $publicated_on, $expired_on, $_REQUEST['category_id'] ); if (is_numeric($new_lp_id)) { // TODO: Maybe create a first module directly to avoid bugging the user with useless queries $learnPath = new learnpath( api_get_course_id(), $new_lp_id, api_get_user_id() ); $learnPath->updateCurrentLpFromSession(); $url = api_get_self().'?action=add_item&type=step&lp_id='.intval($new_lp_id).'&'.api_get_cidreq(); header("Location: $url&isStudentView=false"); exit; } } } else { require 'lp_add.php'; } break; case 'admin_view': if (!$is_allowed_to_edit) { api_not_allowed(true); } if ($debug > 0) error_log('New LP - admin_view action triggered', 0); if (!$lp_found) { error_log('New LP - No learnpath given for admin_view', 0); require 'lp_list.php'; } else { Session::write('refresh', 1); require 'lp_admin_view.php'; } break; case 'auto_launch': if (api_get_course_setting('enable_lp_auto_launch') == 1) { //Redirect to a specific LP if (!$is_allowed_to_edit) { api_not_allowed(true); } if ($debug > 0) error_log('New LP - auto_launch action triggered', 0); if (!$lp_found) { error_log('New LP - No learnpath given for set_autolaunch', 0); require 'lp_list.php'; } else { $learnPath->set_autolaunch($_GET['lp_id'], $_GET['status']); require 'lp_list.php'; exit; } } break; case 'build': if (!$is_allowed_to_edit) { api_not_allowed(true); } if ($debug > 0) error_log('New LP - build action triggered', 0); if (!$lp_found) { error_log('New LP - No learnpath given for build', 0); require 'lp_list.php'; } else { Session::write('refresh', 1); //require 'lp_build.php'; $url = api_get_self().'?action=add_item&type=step&lp_id='.intval( $learnPath->lp_id ).'&'.api_get_cidreq(); header('Location: '.$url); exit; } break; case 'edit_item': if (!$is_allowed_to_edit) { api_not_allowed(true); } if ($debug > 0) error_log('New LP - edit item action triggered', 0); if (!$lp_found) { error_log('New LP - No learnpath given for edit item', 0); require 'lp_list.php'; } else { Session::write('refresh', 1); if (isset($_POST['submit_button']) && !empty($post_title)) { // Updating the lp.modified_on $learnPath->set_modified_on(); // TODO: mp3 edit $audio = array(); if (isset($_FILES['mp3'])) { $audio = $_FILES['mp3']; } $description = isset($_POST['description']) ? $_POST['description'] : ''; $prerequisites = isset($_POST['prerequisites']) ? $_POST['prerequisites'] : ''; $maxTimeAllowed = isset($_POST['maxTimeAllowed']) ? $_POST['maxTimeAllowed'] : ''; $url = isset($_POST['url']) ? $_POST['url'] : ''; $learnPath->edit_item( $_REQUEST['id'], $_POST['parent'], $_POST['previous'], $post_title, $description, $prerequisites, $audio, $maxTimeAllowed, $url ); if (isset($_POST['content_lp'])) { $learnPath->edit_document($_course); } $is_success = true; $learnPath->updateCurrentLpFromSession(); $url = api_get_self().'?action=add_item&type=step&lp_id='.intval($learnPath->lp_id).'&'.api_get_cidReq(); header('Location: '.$url); exit; } if (isset($_GET['view']) && $_GET['view'] == 'build') { require 'lp_edit_item.php'; } else { require 'lp_admin_view.php'; } } break; case 'edit_item_prereq': if (!$is_allowed_to_edit) { api_not_allowed(true); } if ($debug > 0) error_log('New LP - edit item prereq action triggered', 0); if (!$lp_found) { error_log('New LP - No learnpath given for edit item prereq', 0); require 'lp_list.php'; } else { if (isset($_POST['submit_button'])) { //Updating the lp.modified_on $learnPath->set_modified_on(); Session::write('refresh', 1); $editPrerequisite = $learnPath->edit_item_prereq( $_GET['id'], $_POST['prerequisites'], $_POST['min_' . $_POST['prerequisites']], $_POST['max_' . $_POST['prerequisites']] ); if ($editPrerequisite) { $is_success = true; } $learnPath->updateCurrentLpFromSession(); $url = api_get_self( ).'?action=add_item&type=step&lp_id='.intval( $learnPath->lp_id ); header('Location: '.$url); exit; } else { require 'lp_edit_item_prereq.php'; } } break; case 'move_item': if (!$is_allowed_to_edit) { api_not_allowed(true); } if ($debug > 0) error_log('New LP - move item action triggered', 0); if (!$lp_found) { error_log('New LP - No learnpath given for move item', 0); require 'lp_list.php'; } else { Session::write('refresh', 1); if (isset($_POST['submit_button'])) { //Updating the lp.modified_on $learnPath->set_modified_on(); $learnPath->edit_item( $_GET['id'], $_POST['parent'], $_POST['previous'], $post_title, $_POST['description'] ); $learnPath->updateCurrentLpFromSession(); $is_success = true; $url = api_get_self( ).'?action=add_item&type=step&lp_id='.intval( $learnPath->lp_id ).'&'.api_get_cidreq(); header('Location: '.$url); } if (isset($_GET['view']) && $_GET['view'] == 'build') { require 'lp_move_item.php'; } else { // Avoids weird behaviours see CT#967. $check = Security::check_token('get'); if ($check) { $learnPath->move_item($_GET['id'], $_GET['direction']); } Security::clear_token(); require 'lp_admin_view.php'; } } break; case 'view_item': if (!$is_allowed_to_edit) { api_not_allowed(true); } if ($debug > 0) error_log('New LP - view_item action triggered', 0); if (!$lp_found) { error_log('New LP - No learnpath given for view item', 0); require 'lp_list.php'; } else { require 'lp_view_item.php'; } break; case 'upload': if (!$is_allowed_to_edit) { api_not_allowed(true); } if ($debug > 0) error_log('New LP - upload action triggered', 0); $cwdir = getcwd(); require 'lp_upload.php'; // Reinit current working directory as many functions in upload change it. chdir($cwdir); require 'lp_list.php'; break; case 'copy': if (!$is_allowed_to_edit) { api_not_allowed(true); } $hideScormCopyLink = api_get_setting('course.hide_scorm_copy_link'); if ($hideScormCopyLink === 'true') { api_not_allowed(true); } if ($debug > 0) error_log('New LP - export action triggered', 0); if (!$lp_found) { error_log('New LP - No learnpath given for copy', 0); require 'lp_list.php'; } else { $learnPath->copy(); } require 'lp_list.php'; break; case 'export': if (!$is_allowed_to_edit) { api_not_allowed(true); } $hideScormExportLink = api_get_setting('course.hide_scorm_export_link'); if ($hideScormExportLink === 'true') { api_not_allowed(true); } if ($debug > 0) error_log('New LP - export action triggered', 0); if (!$lp_found) { error_log('New LP - No learnpath given for export', 0); require 'lp_list.php'; } else { $learnPath->scorm_export(); exit(); } break; case 'export_to_pdf': if (!learnpath::is_lp_visible_for_student( $learnPath->lp_id, api_get_user_id() ) ) { api_not_allowed(); } $hideScormPdfLink = api_get_setting('course.hide_scorm_pdf_link'); if ($hideScormPdfLink === 'true') { api_not_allowed(true); } if ($debug > 0) error_log('New LP - export action triggered', 0); if (!$lp_found) { error_log('New LP - No learnpath given for export_to_pdf', 0); require 'lp_list.php'; } else { $result = $learnPath->scorm_export_to_pdf($_GET['lp_id']); if (!$result) { require 'lp_list.php'; } exit; } break; case 'delete': if (!$is_allowed_to_edit) { api_not_allowed(true); } if ($debug > 0) error_log('New LP - delete action triggered', 0); if (!$lp_found) { error_log('New LP - No learnpath given for delete', 0); require 'lp_list.php'; } else { Session::write('refresh', 1); $learnPath->delete(null, $_GET['lp_id'], 'remove'); Session::erase('oLP'); require 'lp_list.php'; } break; case 'toggle_visible': // Change lp visibility (inside lp tool). if (!$is_allowed_to_edit) { api_not_allowed(true); } if ($debug > 0) error_log('New LP - visibility action triggered', 0); if (!$lp_found) { error_log('New LP - No learnpath given for visibility', 0); require 'lp_list.php'; } else { learnpath::toggle_visibility($_REQUEST['lp_id'], $_REQUEST['new_status']); require 'lp_list.php'; } break; case 'toggle_publish': // Change lp published status (visibility on homepage). if (!$is_allowed_to_edit) { api_not_allowed(true); } if ($debug > 0) error_log('New LP - publish action triggered', 0); if (!$lp_found) { error_log('New LP - No learnpath given for publish', 0); require 'lp_list.php'; } else { learnpath::toggle_publish($_REQUEST['lp_id'], $_REQUEST['new_status']); require 'lp_list.php'; } break; case 'move_lp_up': // Change lp published status (visibility on homepage) if (!$is_allowed_to_edit) { api_not_allowed(true); } if ($debug > 0) error_log('New LP - publish action triggered', 0); if (!$lp_found) { error_log('New LP - No learnpath given for publish', 0); require 'lp_list.php'; } else { learnpath::move_up($_REQUEST['lp_id']); require 'lp_list.php'; } break; case 'move_lp_down': // Change lp published status (visibility on homepage) if (!$is_allowed_to_edit) { api_not_allowed(true); } if ($debug > 0) error_log('New LP - publish action triggered', 0); if (!$lp_found) { error_log('New LP - No learnpath given for publish', 0); require 'lp_list.php'; } else { learnpath::move_down($_REQUEST['lp_id']); require 'lp_list.php'; } break; case 'edit': if (!$is_allowed_to_edit) { api_not_allowed(true); } if ($debug > 0) error_log('New LP - edit action triggered', 0); if (!$lp_found) { error_log('New LP - No learnpath given for edit', 0); require 'lp_list.php'; } else { Session::write('refresh', 1); require 'lp_edit.php'; } break; case 'update_lp': if (!$is_allowed_to_edit) { api_not_allowed(true); } if ($debug > 0) error_log('New LP - update_lp action triggered', 0); if (!$lp_found) { error_log('New LP - No learnpath given for edit', 0); require 'lp_list.php'; } else { Session::write('refresh', 1); $lp_name = Security::remove_XSS($_REQUEST['lp_name']); $learnPath->set_name($lp_name); $author = $_REQUEST['lp_author']; // Fixing the author name (no body or html tags). $auth_init = stripos($author, '

'); if ($auth_init === false) { $auth_init = stripos($author, ''); $auth_end = $auth_init + stripos(substr($author, $auth_init + 6), '') + 7; $len = $auth_end - $auth_init + 6; } else { $auth_end = strripos($author, '

'); $len = $auth_end - $auth_init + 4; } $author_fixed = substr($author, $auth_init, $len); //$author_fixed = $author; $learnPath->set_author($author_fixed); // TODO (as of Chamilo 1.8.8): Check in the future whether this field is needed. $learnPath->set_encoding($_REQUEST['lp_encoding']); if (isset($_REQUEST['lp_maker'])) { $learnPath->set_maker($_REQUEST['lp_maker']); } if (isset($_REQUEST['lp_proximity'])) { $learnPath->set_proximity($_REQUEST['lp_proximity']); } $learnPath->set_theme($_REQUEST['lp_theme']); if (isset($_REQUEST['hide_toc_frame']) && $_REQUEST['hide_toc_frame'] == 1) { $hide_toc_frame = $_REQUEST['hide_toc_frame']; } else { $hide_toc_frame = null; } $learnPath->set_hide_toc_frame($hide_toc_frame); $learnPath->set_prerequisite($_REQUEST['prerequisites']); $learnPath->set_use_max_score($_REQUEST['use_max_score']); $subscribers = isset($_REQUEST['subscribe_users']) ? $_REQUEST['subscribe_users'] : ''; $learnPath->setSubscribeUsers($subscribers); if (isset($_REQUEST['activate_start_date_check']) && $_REQUEST['activate_start_date_check'] == 1) { $publicated_on = $_REQUEST['publicated_on']; } else { $publicated_on = null; } if (isset($_REQUEST['activate_end_date_check']) && $_REQUEST['activate_end_date_check'] == 1) { $expired_on = $_REQUEST['expired_on']; } else { $expired_on = null; } $learnPath->setCategoryId($_REQUEST['category_id']); $learnPath->set_modified_on(); $learnPath->set_publicated_on($publicated_on); $learnPath->set_expired_on($expired_on); if (isset($_REQUEST['remove_picture']) && $_REQUEST['remove_picture']) { $learnPath->delete_lp_image(); } $extraFieldValue = new ExtraFieldValue('lp'); $params = array( 'lp_id' => $learnPath->id, ); $extraFieldValue->saveFieldValues($_REQUEST); if ($_FILES['lp_preview_image']['size'] > 0) $learnPath->upload_image($_FILES['lp_preview_image']); if (api_get_setting('search.search_enabled') === 'true') { require_once api_get_path(LIBRARY_PATH).'specific_fields_manager.lib.php'; $specific_fields = get_specific_field_list(); foreach ($specific_fields as $specific_field) { $learnPath->set_terms_by_prefix( $_REQUEST[$specific_field['code']], $specific_field['code'] ); $new_values = explode(',', trim($_REQUEST[$specific_field['code']])); if (!empty($new_values)) { array_walk($new_values, 'trim'); delete_all_specific_field_value( api_get_course_id(), $specific_field['id'], TOOL_LEARNPATH, $learnPath->lp_id ); foreach ($new_values as $value) { if (!empty($value)) { add_specific_field_value( $specific_field['id'], api_get_course_id(), TOOL_LEARNPATH, $learnPath->lp_id, $value ); } } } } } $learnPath->updateCurrentLpFromSession(); $url = api_get_self().'?action=add_item&type=step&lp_id='.intval( $learnPath->lp_id ).'&'.api_get_cidreq(); header('Location: '.$url); exit; } break; case 'add_sub_item': // Add an item inside a chapter. if (!$is_allowed_to_edit) { api_not_allowed(true); } if ($debug > 0) error_log('New LP - add sub item action triggered', 0); if (!$lp_found) { error_log('New LP - No learnpath given for add sub item', 0); require 'lp_list.php'; } else { Session::write('refresh', 1); if (!empty($_REQUEST['parent_item_id'])) { Session::write('from_learnpath', 'yes'); Session::write( 'origintoolurl', 'lp_controller.php?action=admin_view&lp_id='.intval( $_REQUEST['lp_id'] ) ); require 'resourcelinker.php'; } else { require 'lp_admin_view.php'; } } break; case 'deleteitem': case 'delete_item': if (!$is_allowed_to_edit) { api_not_allowed(true); } if ($debug > 0) error_log('New LP - delete item action triggered', 0); if (!$lp_found) { error_log('New LP - No learnpath given for delete item', 0); require 'lp_list.php'; } else { //Session::write('refresh', 1); if (!empty($_REQUEST['id'])) { $learnPath->delete_item($_REQUEST['id']); $learnPath->updateCurrentLpFromSession(); } $url = api_get_self().'?action=add_item&type=step&lp_id='.intval($_REQUEST['lp_id']).'&'.api_get_cidreq(); header('Location: '.$url); exit; } break; case 'edititemprereq': case 'edit_item_prereq': if (!$is_allowed_to_edit) { api_not_allowed(true); } if ($debug > 0) error_log('New LP - edit item prereq action triggered', 0); if (!$lp_found) { error_log('New LP - No learnpath given for edit item prereq', 0); require 'lp_list.php'; } else { if (!empty($_REQUEST['id']) && !empty($_REQUEST['submit_item'])) { Session::write('refresh', 1); $learnPath->edit_item_prereq( $_REQUEST['id'], $_REQUEST['prereq'] ); $learnPath->updateCurrentLpFromSession(); } require 'lp_admin_view.php'; } break; case 'restart': if ($debug > 0) error_log('New LP - restart action triggered', 0); if (!$lp_found) { error_log('New LP - No learnpath given for restart', 0); require 'lp_list.php'; } else { $learnPath->restart(); $learnPath->updateCurrentLpFromSession(); require 'lp_view.php'; } break; case 'last': if ($debug > 0) error_log('New LP - last action triggered', 0); if (!$lp_found) { error_log('New LP - No learnpath given for last', 0); require 'lp_list.php'; } else { $learnPath->last(); $learnPath->updateCurrentLpFromSession(); require 'lp_view.php'; } break; case 'first': if ($debug > 0) error_log('New LP - first action triggered', 0); if (!$lp_found) { error_log('New LP - No learnpath given for first', 0); require 'lp_list.php'; } else { $learnPath->first(); $learnPath->updateCurrentLpFromSession(); require 'lp_view.php'; } break; case 'next': if ($debug > 0) error_log('New LP - next action triggered', 0); if (!$lp_found) { error_log('New LP - No learnpath given for next', 0); require 'lp_list.php'; } else { $learnPath->next(); $learnPath->updateCurrentLpFromSession(); require 'lp_view.php'; } break; case 'previous': if ($debug > 0) error_log('New LP - previous action triggered', 0); if (!$lp_found) { error_log('New LP - No learnpath given for previous', 0); require 'lp_list.php'; } else { $learnPath->previous(); $learnPath->updateCurrentLpFromSession(); require 'lp_view.php'; } break; case 'content': if ($debug > 0) error_log('New LP - content action triggered', 0); if ($debug > 0) error_log('New LP - Item id is '.intval($_GET['item_id']), 0); if (!$lp_found) { error_log('New LP - No learnpath given for content', 0); require 'lp_list.php'; } else { $learnPath->save_last(); $learnPath->set_current_item($_GET['item_id']); $learnPath->start_current_item(); $learnPath->updateCurrentLpFromSession(); require 'lp_content.php'; } break; case 'view': if ($debug > 0) error_log('New LP - view action triggered', 0); if (!$lp_found) { error_log('New LP - No learnpath given for view', 0); require 'lp_list.php'; } else { if ($debug > 0) {error_log('New LP - Trying to set current item to ' . $_REQUEST['item_id'], 0); } if ( !empty($_REQUEST['item_id']) ) { $learnPath->set_current_item($_REQUEST['item_id']); $learnPath->updateCurrentLpFromSession(); } require 'lp_view.php'; } break; case 'save': if ($debug > 0) error_log('New LP - save action triggered', 0); if (!$lp_found) { error_log('New LP - No learnpath given for save', 0); require 'lp_list.php'; } else { $learnPath->save_item(); $learnPath->updateCurrentLpFromSession(); require 'lp_save.php'; } break; case 'stats': if ($debug > 0) error_log('New LP - stats action triggered', 0); if (!$lp_found) { error_log('New LP - No learnpath given for stats', 0); require 'lp_list.php'; } else { $learnPath->save_current(); $learnPath->save_last(); $learnPath->updateCurrentLpFromSession(); $output = require 'lp_stats.php'; echo $output; } break; case 'list': if ($debug > 0) error_log('New LP - list action triggered', 0); if ($lp_found) { Session::write('refresh', 1); $learnPath->save_last(); $learnPath->updateCurrentLpFromSession(); } require 'lp_list.php'; break; case 'mode': // Switch between fullscreen and embedded mode. if ($debug > 0) error_log('New LP - mode change triggered', 0); $mode = $_REQUEST['mode']; if ($mode == 'fullscreen') { $learnPath->mode = 'fullscreen'; } elseif ($mode == 'embedded') { $learnPath->mode = 'embedded'; } elseif ($mode == 'embedframe') { $learnPath->mode = 'embedframe'; } elseif ($mode == 'impress') { $learnPath->mode = 'impress'; } $learnPath->updateCurrentLpFromSession(); require 'lp_view.php'; break; case 'switch_view_mode': if ($debug > 0) error_log('New LP - switch_view_mode action triggered', 0); if (!$lp_found) { error_log('New LP - No learnpath given for switch', 0); require 'lp_list.php'; } if (Security::check_token('get')) { Session::write('refresh', 1); $learnPath->update_default_view_mode(); $learnPath->updateCurrentLpFromSession(); } require 'lp_list.php'; break; case 'switch_force_commit': if ($debug > 0) error_log('New LP - switch_force_commit action triggered', 0); if (!$lp_found) { error_log('New LP - No learnpath given for switch', 0); require 'lp_list.php'; } Session::write('refresh', 1); $learnPath->update_default_scorm_commit(); $learnPath->updateCurrentLpFromSession(); require 'lp_list.php'; break; /* Those 2 switches have been replaced by switc_attempt_mode switch case 'switch_reinit': if ($debug > 0) error_log('New LP - switch_reinit action triggered', 0); if (!$lp_found) { error_log('New LP - No learnpath given for switch', 0); require 'lp_list.php'; } Session::write('refresh', 1); $learnPath->update_reinit(); require 'lp_list.php'; break; case 'switch_seriousgame_mode': if($debug>0) error_log('New LP - switch_seriousgame_mode action triggered',0); if(!$lp_found){ error_log('New LP - No learnpath given for switch',0); require 'lp_list.php'; } Session::write('refresh', 1); $learnPath->set_seriousgame_mode(); require 'lp_list.php'; break; */ case 'switch_attempt_mode': if($debug>0) error_log('New LP - switch_reinit action triggered',0); if(!$lp_found){ error_log('New LP - No learnpath given for switch',0); require 'lp_list.php'; } Session::write('refresh', 1); $learnPath->switch_attempt_mode(); $learnPath->updateCurrentLpFromSession(); require 'lp_list.php'; break; case 'switch_scorm_debug': if ($debug > 0) error_log('New LP - switch_scorm_debug action triggered', 0); if (!$lp_found) { error_log('New LP - No learnpath given for switch', 0); require 'lp_list.php'; } Session::write('refresh', 1); $learnPath->update_scorm_debug(); $learnPath->updateCurrentLpFromSession(); require 'lp_list.php'; break; case 'intro_cmdAdd': if ($debug > 0) error_log('New LP - intro_cmdAdd action triggered', 0); // Add introduction section page. break; case 'js_api_refresh': if ($debug > 0) error_log('New LP - js_api_refresh action triggered', 0); if (!$lp_found) { error_log('New LP - No learnpath given for js_api_refresh', 0); require 'lp_message.php'; } if (isset($_REQUEST['item_id'])) { $htmlHeadXtra[] = $learnPath->get_js_info($_REQUEST['item_id']); } require 'lp_message.php'; break; case 'return_to_course_homepage': if (!$lp_found) { error_log('New LP - No learnpath given for stats', 0); require 'lp_list.php'; } else { $learnPath->save_current(); $learnPath->save_last(); $learnPath->updateCurrentLpFromSession(); $url = api_get_path(WEB_COURSE_PATH).api_get_course_path().'/index.php?id_session='.api_get_session_id(); if (isset($_GET['redirectTo']) && $_GET['redirectTo'] == 'lp_list') { $url = 'lp_controller.php?'.api_get_cidreq(); } header('location: '.$url); exit; } break; case 'search': /* Include the search script, it's smart enough to know when we are * searching or not. */ require 'lp_list_search.php'; break; case 'impress': if ($debug > 0) error_log('New LP - view action triggered', 0); if (!$lp_found) { error_log('New LP - No learnpath given for view', 0); require 'lp_list.php'; } else { if ($debug > 0) {error_log('New LP - Trying to impress this LP item to ' . $_REQUEST['item_id'], 0); } if (!empty($_REQUEST['item_id']) ) { $learnPath->set_current_item($_REQUEST['item_id']); } require 'lp_impress.php'; } break; case 'set_previous_step_as_prerequisite': $learnPath->set_previous_step_as_prerequisite_for_all_items(); $learnPath->updateCurrentLpFromSession(); $url = api_get_self().'?action=add_item&type=step&lp_id='.intval( $learnPath->lp_id )."&".api_get_cidReq(); Display::addFlash(Display::return_message(get_lang('ItemUpdated'))); header('Location: '.$url); break; case 'clear_prerequisites': $learnPath->clear_prerequisites(); $learnPath->updateCurrentLpFromSession(); $url = api_get_self().'?action=add_item&type=step&lp_id='.intval( $learnPath->lp_id )."&".api_get_cidReq(); Display::addFlash(Display::return_message(get_lang('ItemUpdated'))); header('Location: '.$url); break; case 'toggle_seriousgame': //activate/deactive seriousgame_mode if (!$is_allowed_to_edit) { api_not_allowed(true); } if ($debug > 0) { error_log('New LP - seriousgame_mode action triggered'); } if (!$lp_found) { error_log('New LP - No learnpath given for visibility'); require 'lp_list.php'; } Session::write('refresh', 1); $learnPath->set_seriousgame_mode(); $learnPath->updateCurrentLpFromSession(); require 'lp_list.php'; break; case 'create_forum': if (!isset($_GET['id'])) { break; } $selectedItem = null; $lp = learnpath::getCurrentLpFromSession(); foreach ($lp->items as $item) { if ($item->db_id == $_GET['id']) { $selectedItem = $item; } } if (!empty($selectedItem)) { $forumThread = $selectedItem->getForumThread( $lp->course_int_id, $lp->lp_session_id ); if (empty($forumThread)) { require api_get_path(SYS_CODE_PATH) . 'forum/forumfunction.inc.php'; $forumCategory = getForumCategoryByTitle( get_lang('LearningPaths'), $lp->course_int_id, $lp->lp_session_id ); $forumCategoryId = !empty($forumCategory) ? $forumCategory['cat_id']: 0; if (empty($forumCategoryId)) { $forumCategoryId = store_forumcategory( [ 'lp_id' => 0, 'forum_category_title' => get_lang('LearningPaths'), 'forum_category_comment' => null ], [], false ); } if (!empty($forumCategoryId)) { $forum = $lp->getForum( $lp->lp_session_id ); $forumId = !empty($forum) ? $forum['forum_id'] : 0; if (empty($forumId)) { $forumId = $lp->createForum($forumCategoryId); } if (!empty($forumId)) { $selectedItem->createForumTthread($forumId); } } } } $learnPath->updateCurrentLpFromSession(); Session::write('lpobject', serialize($learnPath)); header('Location:' . api_get_self() . '?' . http_build_query([ 'action' => 'add_item', 'type' => 'step', 'lp_id' => $lp->lp_id ])); exit; case 'report': require 'lp_report.php'; break; case 'dissociate_forum': if (!isset($_GET['id'])) { break; } $selectedItem = null; foreach ($_SESSION['oLP']->items as $item) { if ($item->db_id != $_GET['id']) { continue; } $selectedItem = $item; } if (!empty($selectedItem)) { $forumThread = $selectedItem->getForumThread( $_SESSION['oLP']->course_int_id, $_SESSION['oLP']->lp_session_id ); if (!empty($forumThread)) { $dissoaciated = $selectedItem->dissociateForumThread($forumThread['iid']); if ($dissoaciated) { Display::addFlash( Display::return_message(get_lang('ForumDissociate'), 'success') ); } } } $learnPath->updateCurrentLpFromSession(); Session::write('lpobject', serialize($learnPath)); header('Location:' . api_get_self() . '?' . http_build_query([ 'action' => 'add_item', 'type' => 'step', 'lp_id' => $_SESSION['oLP']->lp_id ])); exit; break; case 'add_final_item': if (!$lp_found) { Display::addFlash( Display::return_message(get_lang('NoLPFound'), 'error') ); break; } Session::write('refresh', 1); if (!isset($_POST['submit']) || empty($post_title)) { break; } $learnPath->getFinalItemForm(); $redirectTo = api_get_self() . '?' . http_build_query([ 'action' => 'add_item', 'type' => 'step', 'lp_id' => intval$learnPath->lp_id) ]); break; default: if ($debug > 0) error_log('New LP - default action triggered', 0); require 'lp_list.php'; break; } if (!empty($learnPath)) { $learnPath->updateCurrentLpFromSession(); Session::write('lpobject', serialize($learnPath)); if ($debug > 0) error_log('New LP - lpobject is serialized in session', 0); } if (!empty($redirectTo)) { header("Location: $redirectTo"); exit; }