Container::getRouter()->generate('administration'),'name' => get_lang('PlatformAdmin')); $interbreadcrumb[] = array('url' => 'career_dashboard.php','name' => get_lang('CareersAndPromotions')); $action = isset($_GET['action']) ? $_GET['action'] : null; $check = Security::check_token('request'); $token = Security::get_token(); if ($action == 'add') { $interbreadcrumb[] = array( 'url' => 'promotions.php', 'name' => get_lang('Promotions'), ); $interbreadcrumb[] = array('url' => '#', 'name' => get_lang('Add')); } elseif ($action == 'edit') { $interbreadcrumb[] = array( 'url' => 'promotions.php', 'name' => get_lang('Promotions'), ); $interbreadcrumb[] = array('url' => '#', 'name' => get_lang('Edit')); } else { $interbreadcrumb[] = array('url' => '#', 'name' => get_lang('Promotions')); } // The header. Display::display_header(''); // Tool name if (isset($_GET['action']) && $_GET['action'] == 'add') { $tool = 'Add'; $interbreadcrumb[] = array( 'url' => api_get_self(), 'name' => get_lang('Promotion'), ); } if (isset($_GET['action']) && $_GET['action'] == 'edit') { $tool = 'Modify'; $interbreadcrumb[] = array( 'url' => api_get_self(), 'name' => get_lang('Promotion'), ); } $url = api_get_path(WEB_AJAX_PATH).'model.ajax.php?a=get_promotions'; //The order is important you need to check the model.ajax.php the $column variable $columns = array( get_lang('Name'), get_lang('Career'), get_lang('Description'), get_lang('Actions'), ); $column_model = array( array( 'name' => 'name', 'index' => 'name', 'width' => '180', 'align' => 'left', ), array( 'name' => 'career', 'index' => 'career', 'width' => '100', 'align' => 'left', ), array( 'name' => 'description', 'index' => 'description', 'width' => '500', 'align' => 'left', 'sortable' => 'false', ), array( 'name' => 'actions', 'index' => 'actions', 'width' => '100', 'align' => 'left', 'formatter' => 'action_formatter', 'sortable' => 'false', ), ); $extra_params['autowidth'] = 'true'; //use the width of the parent //$extra_params['editurl'] = $url; //use the width of the parent $extra_params['height'] = 'auto'; //use the width of the parent //With this function we can add actions to the jgrid $action_links = 'function action_formatter (cellvalue, options, rowObject) { return \''.Display::return_icon('session_to_promotion.png',get_lang('SubscribeSessionsToPromotions'),'',ICON_SIZE_SMALL).''. ' '.Display::return_icon('edit.png',get_lang('Edit'),'',ICON_SIZE_SMALL).''. ' '.Display::return_icon('copy.png',get_lang('Copy'),'',ICON_SIZE_SMALL).''. ' '.Display::return_icon('delete.png',get_lang('Delete'),'',ICON_SIZE_SMALL).' \'; }'; ?> get_all(); if (empty($careers)) { $url = Display::url(get_lang('YouNeedToCreateACareerFirst'), 'careers.php?action=add'); Display::display_normal_message($url, false); Display::display_footer(); exit; } $url = api_get_self().'?action='.Security::remove_XSS($_GET['action']); $form = $promotion->return_form($url, 'add'); // The validation or display if ($form->validate()) { if ($check) { $values = $form->exportValues(); $res = $promotion->save($values); if ($res) { Display::display_confirmation_message(get_lang('ItemAdded')); } } $promotion->display(); } else { echo '