Opauth-OpenID ============= [Opauth][1] strategy for OpenID. Opauth is a multi-provider authentication framework for PHP. Getting started ---------------- 1. Install Opauth-OpenID: ```bash cd path_to_opauth/Strategy git clone git://github.com/uzyn/opauth-openid.git OpenID ``` 2. Configure Opauth-Google strategy. _(see next section)_ 3. Direct user to `http://path_to_opauth/openid` to authenticate Strategy configuration ---------------------- Opauth-OpenID requires **zero configurations**. It just needs to be defined along with the list of strategies. ```php array(), ``` Optional parameters: - `required` - Required [OpenID attributes](http://openid.net/specs/openid-attribute-properties-list-1_0-01.html). - `optional` - Optional OpenID attributes. - `identifier_form` - complete path to HTML or PHP view renders the form requesting for OpenID identifier. Credits ------- Opauth-OpenID includes Mewp's [LightOpenID library](https://gitorious.org/lightopenid/lightopenid). LightOpenID library is Copyright (c) 2010, Mewp and MIT licensed. License --------- Opauth-OpenID is MIT Licensed Copyright © 2012 U-Zyn Chua (http://uzyn.com) [1]: https://github.com/uzyn/opauth