GaufretteServiceProvider ================ The GaufretteServiceProvider provides the "Gaufrette" library for silex. Installation ------------ Create a composer.json your project { "require": { "bt51/gaufrette-serviceprovider": "dev-master" } } Read more on composer here: Parameters ---------- * **gaufrette.adapter.class**: The filesystem adapter to use * **gaufrette.adapter.cache.class**: The cache adapter to use * **gaufrette.cache.options**: An array of options to pass to the cache adapter class * **gaufrette.cache.ttl**: The ttl (in seconds) for the cache. Defaults to 0 * **gaufrette.options**: An array of options to pass to the adapter class Services -------- * **gaufrette.filesystem**: Instance of Gaufrette\Filesystem * **gaufrette.cache**: Instance of Gaufrette\Adapter\Cache if cache adapter parameter is provided * **gaufrette.adapter**: Instance of Gaufrette\Adapter\{gaufrette.adapter.class} * **gaufrette.adapter.cache**: Instance of Gaufrette\Adapter\{gaufrette.adapter.cache.class} if provided Registering ---------- See the *example/* directory to see how to register the service License ------- MIT