user_id = $user_id; $this->path = 'block_session'; if ($this->is_block_visible_for_user($user_id)) { /*if (api_is_platform_admin()) { $this->sessions = SessionManager::get_sessions_list(); } else {*/ $this->sessions = SessionManager::get_sessions_followed_by_drh($user_id); //} } } /** * This method check if a user is allowed to see the block inside dashboard interface * @param int User id * @return bool Is block visible for user */ public function is_block_visible_for_user($user_id) { $user_info = api_get_user_info($user_id); $user_status = $user_info['status']; $is_block_visible_for_user = false; if (UserManager::is_admin($user_id) || in_array($user_status, $this->permission)) { $is_block_visible_for_user = true; } return $is_block_visible_for_user; } /** * This method return content html containing information about sessions and its position for showing it inside dashboard interface * it's important to use the name 'get_block' for beeing used from dashboard controller * @return array column and content html */ public function get_block() { global $charset; $column = 2; $data = array(); $content = $this->get_content_html(); $content_html = '
  • '.get_lang('SessionsInformation').'

  • '; $data['column'] = $column; $data['content_html'] = $content_html; return $data; } /** * This method return a content html, it's used inside get_block method for showing it inside dashboard interface * @return string content html */ public function get_content_html() { $content = ''; $sessions = $this->sessions; $content = '
    '; $content .= '


    '; if (count($sessions) > 0) { $sessions_table = ''; $sessions_table .= ''; $i = 1; foreach ($sessions as $session) { $session_id = intval($session['id']); $title = $session['name']; $date_string = SessionManager::parse_session_dates($session); $count_courses_in_session = count(Tracking::get_courses_list_from_session($session_id)); if ($i%2 == 0) $class_tr = 'row_odd'; else $class_tr = 'row_even'; $sessions_table .= ''; $i++; } $sessions_table .= '
    '.get_lang('Title').' '.get_lang('Date').' '.get_lang('NbCoursesPerSession').'
    '.$title.' '.$date_string.' '.$count_courses_in_session.'
    '; $content .= $sessions_table; } else { $content .= get_lang('ThereIsNoInformationAboutYourSessions'); } if (count($sessions) > 0) { $content .= '
    '; } $content .= '
    '; return $content; } /** * Get number of sessions * @return int */ function get_number_of_sessions() { return count($this->sessions); } }