getUserId($user_id_field_name, $user_id_value); if($user_id instanceof WSError) { return $user_id; } else { if($state == 0) { UserManager::disable($user_id); } else if($state == 1) { UserManager::enable($user_id); } } } /** * Enables or disables multiple users * * @param array Users * @param int Set to 1 to enable and to 0 to disable * @return array Array of results */ protected function changeUsersActiveState($users, $state) { $results = array(); foreach($users as $user) { $result_tmp = array(); $result_op = $this->changeUserActiveState($user['user_id_field_name'], $user['user_id_value'], $state); $result_tmp['user_id_value'] = $user['user_id_value']; if($result_op instanceof WSError) { // Return the error in the results $result_tmp['result'] = $result_op->toArray(); } else { $result_tmp['result'] = $this->getSuccessfulResult(); } $results[] = $result_tmp; } return $results; } /** * Disables a user * * @param string API secret key * @param string User id field name. Use "chamilo_user_id" as the field name if you want to use the internal user_id * @param string User id value */ public function DisableUser($secret_key, $user_id_field_name, $user_id_value) { $verifKey = $this->verifyKey($secret_key); if($verifKey instanceof WSError) { // Let the implementation handle it $this->handleError($verifKey); } else { $result = $this->changeUserActiveState($user_id_field_name, $user_id_value, 0); if($result instanceof WSError) { $this->handleError($result); } } } /** * Disables multiple users * * @param string API secret key * @param array Array of users with elements of the form array('user_id_field_name' => 'name_of_field', 'user_id_value' => 'value') * @return array Array with elements like array('user_id_value' => 'value', 'result' => array('code' => 0, 'message' => 'Operation was successful')). Note that if the result array contains a code different * than 0, an error occured */ public function DisableUsers($secret_key, $users) { $verifKey = $this->verifyKey($secret_key); if($verifKey instanceof WSError) { // Let the implementation handle it $this->handleError($verifKey); } else { return $this->changeUsersActiveState($users, 0); } } /** * Enables a user * * @param string API secret key * @param string User id field name. Use "chamilo_user_id" as the field name if you want to use the internal user_id * @param string User id value */ public function EnableUser($secret_key, $user_id_field_name, $user_id_value) { $verifKey = $this->verifyKey($secret_key); if($verifKey instanceof WSError) { $this->handleError($verifKey); } else { $result = $this->changeUserActiveState($user_id_field_name, $user_id_value, 1); if($result instanceof WSError) { $this->handleError($result); } } } /** * Enables multiple users * * @param string API secret key * @param array Array of users with elements of the form array('user_id_field_name' => 'name_of_field', 'user_id_value' => 'value') * @return array Array with elements like array('user_id_value' => 'value', 'result' => array('code' => 0, 'message' => 'Operation was successful')). Note that if the result array contains a code different * than 0, an error occured */ public function EnableUsers($secret_key, $users) { $verifKey = $this->verifyKey($secret_key); if($verifKey instanceof WSError) { // Let the implementation handle it $this->handleError($verifKey); } else { return $this->changeUsersActiveState($users, 1); } } /** * Deletes a user (helper method) * * @param string User id field name. Use "chamilo_user_id" as the field name if you want to use the internal user_id * @param string User id value * @return mixed True if user was successfully deleted, WSError otherwise */ protected function deleteUserHelper($user_id_field_name, $user_id_value) { $user_id = $this->getUserId($user_id_field_name, $user_id_value); if($user_id instanceof WSError) { return $user_id; } else { if(!UserManager::delete_user($user_id)) { return new WSError(101, "There was a problem while deleting this user"); } else { return true; } } } /** * Deletes a user * * @param string API secret key * @param string User id field name. Use "chamilo_user_id" as the field name if you want to use the internal user_id * @param string User id value */ public function DeleteUser($secret_key, $user_id_field_name, $user_id_value) { $verifKey = $this->verifyKey($secret_key); if($verifKey instanceof WSError) { $this->handleError($verifKey); } else { $result = $this->deleteUserHelper($user_id_field_name, $user_id_value); if($result instanceof WSError) { $this->handleError($result); } } } /** * Deletes multiple users * * @param string API secret key * @param array Array of users with elements of the form array('user_id_field_name' => 'name_of_field', 'user_id_value' => 'value') * @return array Array with elements like array('user_id_value' => 'value', 'result' => array('code' => 0, 'message' => 'Operation was successful')). Note that if the result array contains a code different * than 0, an error occured */ public function DeleteUsers($secret_key, $users) { $verifKey = $this->verifyKey($secret_key); if($verifKey instanceof WSError) { $this->handleError($verifKey); } else { $results = array(); foreach($users as $user) { $result_tmp = array(); $result_op = $this->deleteUserHelper($user['user_id_field_name'], $user['user_id_value']); $result_tmp['user_id_value'] = $user['user_id_value']; if($result_op instanceof WSError) { // Return the error in the results $result_tmp['result'] = $result_op->toArray(); } else { $result_tmp['result'] = $this->getSuccessfulResult(); } $results[] = $result_tmp; } return $results; } } /** * Creates a user (helper method) * * @param string User first name * @param string User last name * @param int User status * @param string Login name * @param string Password (encrypted or not) * @param string Encrypt method. Leave blank if you are passing the password in clear text, set to the encrypt method used to encrypt the password otherwise. Remember * to include the salt in the extra fields if you are encrypting the password * @param string User id field name. Use "chamilo_user_id" as the field name if you want to use the internal user_id * @param string User id value. Leave blank if you are using the internal user_id * @param int Visibility. * @param string User email. * @param string Language. * @param string Phone. * @param string Expiration date * @param array Extra fields. An array with elements of the form ('field_name' => 'name_of_the_field', 'field_value' => 'value_of_the_field'). * @return mixed New user id generated by the system, WSError otherwise */ protected function createUserHelper($firstname, $lastname, $status, $login, $password, $encrypt_method, $user_id_field_name, $user_id_value, $visibility, $email, $language, $phone, $expiration_date, $extras) { global $api_failureList; // Add the original user id field name and value to the extra fields if needed $extras_associative = array(); if($user_id_field_name != "chamilo_user_id") { $extras_associative[$user_id_field_name] = $user_id_value; } foreach($extras as $extra) { $extras_associative[$extra['field_name']] = $extra['field_value']; } $result = UserManager::create_user($firstname, $lastname, $status, $email, $login, $password, '', $language, $phone, '', PLATFORM_AUTH_SOURCE, $expiration_date, $visibility, 0, $extras_associative, $encrypt_method); if (!$result) { $failure = $api_failureList[0]; if($failure == 'login-pass already taken') { return new WSError(102, 'This username is already taken'); } else if($failure == 'encrypt_method invalid') { return new WSError(103, 'The encryption of the password is invalid'); } else { return new WSError(104, 'There was an error creating the user'); } } else { return $result; } } /** * Creates a user * * @param string API secret key * @param string User first name * @param string User last name * @param int User status * @param string Login name * @param string Password (encrypted or not) * @param string Encrypt method. Leave blank if you are passing the password in clear text, set to the encrypt method used to encrypt the password otherwise. Remember * to include the salt in the extra fields if you are encrypting the password * @param string User id field name. Use "chamilo_user_id" as the field name if you want to use the internal user_id * @param string User id value. Leave blank if you are using the internal user_id * @param int Visibility. Set by default to 1 * @param string User email. Set by default to an empty string * @param string Language. Set by default to english * @param string Phone. Set by default to an empty string * @param string Expiration date. Set to null by default * @param array Extra fields. An array with elements of the form ('field_name' => 'name_of_the_field', 'field_value' => 'value_of_the_field'). Set to an empty array by default * @return int New user id generated by the system */ public function CreateUser($secret_key, $firstname, $lastname, $status, $login, $password, $encrypt_method, $user_id_field_name, $user_id_value, $visibility = 1, $email = '', $language = 'english', $phone = '', $expiration_date = '0000-00-00 00:00:00', $extras = array()) { // First, verify the secret key $verifKey = $this->verifyKey($secret_key); if($verifKey instanceof WSError) { $this->handleError($verifKey); } else { $result = $this->createUserHelper($firstname, $lastname, $status, $login, $password, $encrypt_method, $user_id_field_name, $user_id_value, $visibility, $email, $language, $phone, $expiration_date, $extras); if($result instanceof WSError) { $this->handleError($result); } else { return $result; } } } /** * Creates multiple users * * @param string API secret key * @param array Users array. Each member of this array must follow the structure imposed by the CreateUser method * @return array Array with elements of the form array('user_id_value' => 'original value sent', 'user_id_generated' => 'value_generated', 'result' => array('code' => 0, 'message' => 'Operation was successful')) */ public function CreateUsers($secret_key, $users) { $verifKey = $this->verifyKey($secret_key); if($verifKey instanceof WSError) { $this->handleError($verifKey); } else { $results = array(); foreach($users as $user) { $result_tmp = array(); // re-initialize variables just in case $firstname = $lastname = $status = $login = $password = $encrypt_method = $user_id_field_name = $user_id_value = $visibility = $email = $language = $phone = $expiration_date = $extras = null; extract($user); $result = $this->createUserHelper($firstname, $lastname, $status, $login, $password, $encrypt_method, $user_id_field_name, $user_id_value, $visibility, $email, $language, $phone, $expiration_date, $extras); if($result instanceof WSError) { $result_tmp['result'] = $result->toArray(); $result_tmp['user_id_value'] = $user_id_value; $result_tmp['user_id_generated'] = 0; } else { $result_tmp['result'] = $this->getSuccessfulResult(); $result_tmp['user_id_value'] = $user_id_value; $result_tmp['user_id_generated'] = $result; } $results[] = $result_tmp; } return $results; } } /** * Edits user info (helper method) * * @param string User id field name. Use "chamilo_user_id" in order to use internal system id * @param string User id value * @param string First name * @param string Last name * @param int User status * @param string Login name * @param string Password. Leave blank if you don't want to update it * @param string Encrypt method * @param string User email * @param string Language. Set by default to english * @param string Phone. Set by default to an empty string * @param string Expiration date. Set to null by default * @param array Extra fields. An array with elements of the form ('field_name' => 'name_of_the_field', 'field_value' => 'value_of_the_field'). Leave empty if you don't want to update * @return mixed True if user was successfully updated, WSError otherwise */ protected function editUserHelper($user_id_field_name, $user_id_value, $firstname, $lastname, $status, $loginname, $password, $encrypt_method, $email, $language, $phone, $expiration_date, $extras) { global $api_failureList; $user_id = $this->getUserId($user_id_field_name, $user_id_value); if($user_id instanceof WSError) { return $user_id; } else { if($password == '') { $password = null; } $user_info = UserManager::get_user_info_by_id($user_id); if(count($extras) == 0) { $extras = null; } $result = UserManager::update_user($user_id, $firstname, $lastname, $loginname, $password, PLATFORM_AUTH_SOURCE, $email, $status, '', $phone, $user_info['picture_uri'], $expiration_date, $user_info['active'], null, $user_info['hr_dept_id'], $extras, $encrypt_method); if (!$result) { $failure = $api_failureList[0]; if($failure == 'encrypt_method invalid') { return new WSError(103, 'The encryption of the password is invalid'); } else { return new WSError(105, 'There was an error updating the user'); } } else { return $result; } } } /** * Edits user info * * @param string API secret key * @param string User id field name. Use "chamilo_user_id" in order to use internal system id * @param string User id value * @param string First name * @param string Last name * @param int User status * @param string Login name * @param string Password. Leave blank if you don't want to update it * @param string Encrypt method * @param string User email * @param string Language. Set by default to english * @param string Phone. Set by default to an empty string * @param string Expiration date. Set to null by default * @param array Extra fields. An array with elements of the form ('field_name' => 'name_of_the_field', 'field_value' => 'value_of_the_field'). Leave empty if you don't want to update */ public function EditUser($secret_key, $user_id_field_name, $user_id_value, $firstname, $lastname, $status, $loginname, $password, $encrypt_method, $email, $language, $phone, $expiration_date, $extras) { // First, verify the secret key $verifKey = $this->verifyKey($secret_key); if($verifKey instanceof WSError) { $this->handleError($verifKey); } else { $result = $this->editUserHelper($user_id_field_name, $user_id_value, $firstname, $lastname, $status, $loginname, $password, $encrypt_method, $email, $language, $phone, $expiration_date, $extras); if($result instanceof WSError) { $this->handleError($result); } } } /** * Edits multiple users * * @param string API secret key * @param array Users array. Each member of this array must follow the structure imposed by the EditUser method * @return array Array with elements like array('user_id_value' => 'value', 'result' => array('code' => 0, 'message' => 'Operation was successful')). Note that if the result array contains a code different * than 0, an error occured */ public function EditUsers($secret_key, $users) { $verifKey = $this->verifyKey($secret_key); if($verifKey instanceof WSError) { $this->handleError($verifKey); } else { $results = array(); foreach($users as $user) { $result_tmp = array(); // re-initialize variables just in case $user_id_field_name = $user_id_value = $firstname = $lastname = $status = $loginname = $password = $encrypt_method = $email = $language = $phone = $expiration_date = $extras = null; extract($user); $result_op = $this->editUserHelper($user_id_field_name, $user_id_value, $firstname, $lastname, $status, $loginname, $password, $encrypt_method, $email, $language, $phone, $expiration_date, $extras); $result_tmp['user_id_value'] = $user['user_id_value']; if($result_op instanceof WSError) { // Return the error in the results $result_tmp['result'] = $result_op->toArray(); } else { $result_tmp['result'] = $this->getSuccessfulResult(); } $results[] = $result_tmp; } return $results; } } }