start('All'); // init variables global $phpdig_words_chars,$maxweight; settype($maxweight,'integer'); $ignore = ''; $ignore_common = ''; $ignore_message = ''; $ignore_commess = ''; $wheresite = ''; $wherepath = ''; $table_results = ''; $final_result = ''; $search_time = 0; $strings = ''; $num_tot = 0; $leven_final = ""; $exclude = array(); $nav_bar = ''; $pages_bar = ''; $mtime = explode(' ',microtime()); $start_time = $mtime[0]+$mtime[1]; $timer->start('All backend'); $timer->start('parsing strings'); if (!$option) { $option = SEARCH_DEFAULT_MODE; } if (!in_array($option,array('start','any','exact'))) { return 0; } // the query was filled if ($query_string) { $common_words = phpdigComWords("$relative_script_path/includes/common_words.txt"); $like_start = array( "start" => "", // is empty "any" => "", // was a percent "exact" => "" // is empty ); $like_end = array( "start" => "%", // is a percent "any" => "%", // is a percent "exact" => "%" // was empty ); $like_operator = array( "start" => "like", // is a like "any" => "like", // is a like "exact" => "like" // was an = ); if ($refine) { $wheresite = "AND spider.site_id = $site "; if (($path) && (strlen($path) > 0)) { $wherepath = "AND spider.path like '$my_path' "; } $refine_url = "&refine=1&site=$site&path=".urlencode($path); } else { $refine_url = ""; } settype ($lim_start,"integer"); if ($lim_start < 0) { $lim_start = 0; } $n_words = count(explode(" ",$query_string)); $ncrit = 0; $tin = "0"; if (!get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { $query_to_parse = addslashes($query_string); } else { $query_to_parse = $query_string; } $my_query_string_link = stripslashes($query_to_parse); $query_to_parse = str_replace('_','\_',$query_to_parse); // avoid '_' in the query $query_to_parse = str_replace('%','\%',$query_to_parse); // avoid '%' in the query $query_to_parse = str_replace('\"',' ',$query_to_parse); // avoid '"' in the query $query_to_parse = phpdigStripAccents(strtolower($query_to_parse)); //made all lowercase // RH query_chars = "[^".$phpdig_words_chars[PHPDIG_ENCODING]." \'.\_~@#$:&\%/;,=-]+"; // epure chars \'._~@#$:&%/;,=- $what_query_chars = "[^".$phpdig_words_chars[PHPDIG_ENCODING]." \'._~@#$&%/=-]+"; // epure chars \'._~@#$&%/=- if (eregi($what_query_chars,$query_to_parse)) { $query_to_parse = eregi_replace($what_query_chars," ",$query_to_parse); } $query_to_parse = ereg_replace('(['.$phpdig_words_chars[PHPDIG_ENCODING].'])[\'.\_~@#$:&\%/;,=-]+($|[[:space:]]$|[[:space:]]['.$phpdig_words_chars[PHPDIG_ENCODING].'])','\1 \2',$query_to_parse); $query_to_parse = trim(ereg_replace(" +"," ",$query_to_parse)); // no more than 1 blank $query_for_strings = $query_to_parse; $query_for_phrase = $query_to_parse; $test_short = $query_to_parse; $query_to_parse2 = explode(" ",$query_to_parse); usort($query_to_parse2, "phpdigByLength"); $query_to_parse = implode(" ",$query_to_parse2); if (isset($query_to_parse2)) { unset($query_to_parse2); } if (SMALL_WORDS_SIZE >= 1) { $ignore_short_flag = 0; $test_short_counter = 0; $test_short2 = explode(" ",$test_short); for ($i=0; $i 0)) { $test_short2[$i].=" "; $test_short_counter++; $test_short3[] = $test_short2[$i]; } } $test_short = implode(" ",$test_short3); if (isset($test_short2)) { unset($test_short2); } if (isset($test_short3)) { unset($test_short3); } $regs = array(); // for use with ereg() while (ereg('( [^ ]{1,'.SMALL_WORDS_SIZE.'} )|( [^ ]{1,'.SMALL_WORDS_SIZE.'})$|^([^ ]{1,'.SMALL_WORDS_SIZE.'} )',$test_short,$regs)) { for ($n=1; $n<=3; $n++) { if (($regs[$n]) || ($regs[$n] == 0)) { $ignore_short_flag++; if (!eregi("\"".trim(stripslashes($regs[$n]))."\", ",$ignore)) { $ignore .= "\"".trim(stripslashes($regs[$n]))."\", "; } $test_short = trim(str_replace($regs[$n],"",$test_short)); } } } if (strlen($test_short) <= SMALL_WORDS_SIZE) { if (!eregi("\"".$test_short."\", ",$ignore)) { $ignore_short_flag++; $ignore .= "\"".stripslashes($test_short)."\", "; } $test_short = trim(str_replace($test_short,"",$test_short)); } } $ignore = str_replace("\"\", ","",$ignore); if ($option != "exact") { if (($ignore) && ($ignore_short_flag > 1) && ($test_short_counter > 1)) { $ignore_message = $ignore.' '.phpdigMsg('w_short_plur'); } elseif ($ignore) { $ignore_message = $ignore.' '.phpdigMsg('w_short_sing'); } } $ignore_common_flag = 0; while (ereg("(-)?([^ ]{".(SMALL_WORDS_SIZE+1).",}).*",$query_for_strings,$regs)) { $query_for_strings = trim(str_replace($regs[2],"",$query_for_strings)); if (!isset($common_words[stripslashes($regs[2])])) { if ($regs[1] == '-') { $exclude[$ncrit] = $regs[2]; $query_for_phrase = trim(str_replace("-".$regs[2],"",$query_for_phrase)); } else { $strings[$ncrit] = $regs[2]; } $kconds[$ncrit] = ''; if ($option != 'any') { $kconds[$ncrit] .= " AND k.twoletters = '".addslashes(substr(str_replace('\\','',$regs[2]),0,2))."' "; } $kconds[$ncrit] .= " AND k.keyword ".$like_operator[$option]." '".$like_start[$option].$regs[2].$like_end[$option]."' "; $ncrit++; } else { $ignore_common_flag++; $ignore_common .= "\"".stripslashes($regs[2])."\", "; } } if ($option != "exact") { if (($ignore_common) && ($ignore_common_flag > 1)) { $ignore_commess = $ignore_common.' '.phpdigMsg('w_common_plur'); } elseif ($ignore_common) { $ignore_commess = $ignore_common.' '.phpdigMsg('w_common_sing'); } } $timer->stop('parsing strings'); if ($ncrit && is_array($strings)) { $query = "SET OPTION SQL_BIG_SELECTS = 1"; mysql_query($query,$id_connect); $my_spider2site_array = array(); $my_sitecount_array = array(); for ($n = 0; $n < $ncrit; $n++) { $timer->start('spider queries'); $query = "SELECT spider.spider_id,sum(weight) as weight, spider.site_id FROM ".PHPDIG_DB_PREFIX."keywords as k,".PHPDIG_DB_PREFIX."engine as engine, ".PHPDIG_DB_PREFIX."spider as spider WHERE engine.key_id = k.key_id ".$kconds[$n]." AND engine.spider_id = spider.spider_id $wheresite $wherepath GROUP BY spider.spider_id,spider.site_id "; $result = mysql_query($query,$id_connect); $num_res_temp = mysql_num_rows($result); $timer->stop('spider queries'); $timer->start('spider fills'); if ($num_res_temp > 0) { if (!isset($exclude[$n])) { $num_res[$n] = $num_res_temp; while (list($spider_id,$weight,$site_id) = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $s_weight[$n][$spider_id] = $weight; $my_spider2site_array[$spider_id] = $site_id; $my_sitecount_array[$site_id] = 0; } } else { $num_exclude[$n] = $num_res_temp; while (list($spider_id,$weight) = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $s_exclude[$n][$spider_id] = 1; } mysql_free_result($result); } } elseif (!isset($exclude[$n])) { $num_res[$n] = 0; $s_weight[$n][0] = 0; } $timer->stop('spider fills'); } $timer->start('reorder results'); if ($option != "any") { if (is_array($num_res)) { asort ($num_res); list($id_most) = each($num_res); reset ($s_weight[$id_most]); while (list($spider_id,$weight) = each($s_weight[$id_most])) { $weight_tot = 1; reset ($num_res); while(list($n) = each($num_res)) { settype($s_weight[$n][$spider_id],'integer'); $weight_tot *= sqrt($s_weight[$n][$spider_id]); } if ($weight_tot > 0) { $final_result[$spider_id]=$weight_tot; } } } } else { if (is_array($num_res)) { asort ($num_res); while (list($spider_id,$site_id) = each($my_spider2site_array)) { $weight_tot = 0; reset ($num_res); while(list($n) = each($num_res)) { settype($s_weight[$n][$spider_id],'integer'); $weight_tot += sqrt($s_weight[$n][$spider_id]); } if ($weight_tot > 0) { $final_result[$spider_id]=$weight_tot; } } } } if (isset($num_exclude) && is_array($num_exclude)) { while (list($id) = each($num_exclude)) { while(list($spider_id) = each($s_exclude[$id])) { if (isset($final_result[$spider_id])) { unset($final_result[$spider_id]); } } } } if ($option == "exact") { if ((is_array($final_result)) && (count($final_result) > 0)) { $exact_phrase_flag = 0; arsort($final_result); reset($final_result); $query_for_phrase_array = explode(" ",$query_for_phrase); $reg_strings = str_replace('@#@',' ',phpdigPregQuotes(str_replace('\\','',implode('@#@',$query_for_phrase_array)))); $stop_regs = "[][(){}[:blank:]=&?!&#%\$�*@+%:;,/\.'\"]"; $reg_strings = "($stop_regs{1}|^)($reg_strings)($stop_regs{1}|\$)"; while (list($spider_id,$weight) = each($final_result)) { $content_file = $relative_script_path.'/'.TEXT_CONTENT_PATH.$spider_id.'.txt'; if (is_file($content_file)) { $f_handler = fopen($content_file,'r'); $extract_content = preg_replace("/([ ]{2,}|\n|\r|\r\n)/"," ",fread($f_handler,filesize($content_file))); if(!eregi($reg_strings,$extract_content)) { $exact_phrase_flag = 1; } fclose($f_handler); } if ($exact_phrase_flag == 1) { if (isset($final_result[$spider_id])) { unset($final_result[$spider_id]); } $exact_phrase_flag = 0; } } } } if((!$refine) && (NUMBER_OF_RESULTS_PER_SITE != -1)) { if ((is_array($final_result)) && (count($final_result) > 0)) { arsort($final_result); reset($final_result); while (list($spider_id,$weight) = each($final_result)) { $site_id = $my_spider2site_array[$spider_id]; $current_site_counter = $my_sitecount_array[$site_id]; if ($current_site_counter < NUMBER_OF_RESULTS_PER_SITE) { $my_sitecount_array[$site_id]++; } else { if (isset($final_result[$spider_id])) { unset($final_result[$spider_id]); } } } } } $timer->stop('reorder results'); } $timer->stop('All backend'); $timer->start('All display'); if ((is_array($final_result)) && (count($final_result) > 0)) { arsort($final_result); $lim_start = max(0, $lim_start-($lim_start % $limite)); $n_start = $lim_start+1; $num_tot = count($final_result); if ($n_start+$limite-1 < $num_tot) { $n_end = ($lim_start+$limite); $more_results = 1; } else { $n_end = $num_tot; $more_results = 0; } if ($n_start > $n_end) { $n_start = 1; $n_end = min($num_tot,$limite); $lim_start = 0; if ($n_end < $num_tot) { $more_results = 1; } } // ereg for text snippets and highlighting if ($option == "exact") { $reg_strings = str_replace('@#@',' ',phpdigPregQuotes(str_replace('\\','',implode('@#@',$query_for_phrase_array)))); } else { $reg_strings = str_replace('@#@','|',phpdigPregQuotes(str_replace('\\','',implode('@#@',$strings)))); } $stop_regs = "[][(){}[:blank:]=&?!&#%\$�*@+%:;,/\.'\"]"; switch($option) { case 'any': $reg_strings = "($stop_regs{1}|^)($reg_strings)()"; break; case 'exact': $reg_strings = "($stop_regs{1}|^)($reg_strings)($stop_regs{1}|\$)"; break; default: $reg_strings = "($stop_regs{1}|^)($reg_strings)()"; } $timer->start('Result table'); //fill the results table reset($final_result); for ($n = 1; $n <= $n_end; $n++) { list($spider_id,$s_weight) = each($final_result); if (!$maxweight) { $maxweight = $s_weight; } if ($n >= $n_start) { $timer->start('Display queries'); $query = "SELECT sites.site_url, sites.port, spider.path,spider.file,spider.first_words,sites.site_id,spider.spider_id,spider.last_modified,spider.md5 " ."FROM ".PHPDIG_DB_PREFIX."spider AS spider, ".PHPDIG_DB_PREFIX."sites AS sites " ."WHERE spider.spider_id=$spider_id AND sites.site_id = spider.site_id"; $result = mysql_query($query,$id_connect); $content = mysql_fetch_array($result,MYSQL_ASSOC); mysql_free_result($result); if ($content['port']) { $content['site_url'] = ereg_replace('/$',':'.$content['port'].'/',$content['site_url']); } $weight = sprintf ("%01.2f", (100*$s_weight)/$maxweight); $url = eregi_replace("([".$phpdig_words_chars[PHPDIG_ENCODING]."])[/]{2,}","\\1/",urldecode($content['site_url'].$content['path'].$content['file'])); $js_url = urlencode(eregi_replace("^[a-z]{3,5}://","",$url)); $url = str_replace("\"","%22",str_replace("'","%27",str_replace(" ","%20",trim($url)))); $l_site = "".htmlspecialchars(urldecode($content['site_url']),ENT_QUOTES).""; if ($content['path']) { $content['path'] = urlencode(urldecode($content['path'])); $content2['path'] = htmlspecialchars(urldecode($content['path']),ENT_QUOTES); $l_path = ", ".phpdigMsg('this_path')." : ".$content2['path'].""; } else { $content2['path'] = ""; $l_path=""; } $first_words = ereg_replace('txt-sep +txt-end', 'txt-end', ereg_replace('txt-sep +txt-sep', 'txt-sep', $content['first_words'])); // RH was just: $content['first_words']; $first_words = str_replace('-kw ', ' ', str_replace('txt-end', "\n", str_replace('txt-sep', '
', $first_words))); // RH this line added $timer->stop('Display queries'); $timer->start('Extracts'); $extract = ""; //Try to retrieve matching lines if the content-text is set to 1 if (CONTENT_TEXT == 1 && DISPLAY_SNIPPETS) { $content_file = $relative_script_path.'/'.TEXT_CONTENT_PATH.$content['spider_id'].'.txt'; if (is_file($content_file)) { $num_extracts = 0; $my_extract_size = 200; $my_filesize_for_while = filesize($content_file); while (($num_extracts == 0) && ($my_extract_size <= $my_filesize_for_while)) { // *** $f_handler = fopen($content_file,'r'); while($num_extracts < DISPLAY_SNIPPETS_NUM && $extract_content = preg_replace("/([ ]{2,}|\n|\r|\r\n)/"," ",fread($f_handler,$my_extract_size))) { if(eregi($reg_strings,$extract_content)) { $match_this_spot = eregi_replace($reg_strings,"\\1<\\2>\\3",$extract_content); $first_bold_spot = strpos($match_this_spot,"<"); $first_bold_spot = max($first_bold_spot - round((SNIPPET_DISPLAY_LENGTH / 2),0), 0); $extract_content = substr($extract_content,$first_bold_spot,max(SNIPPET_DISPLAY_LENGTH, 2 * strlen($query_string))); $extract .= ' ...'.phpdigHighlight($reg_strings,$extract_content).'... '; $num_extracts++; } } fclose($f_handler); if ($my_extract_size < $my_filesize_for_while) { $my_extract_size *= 100; if ($my_extract_size > $my_filesize_for_while) { $my_extract_size = $my_filesize_for_while; } } else { $my_extract_size++; } } // ends *** } } list($title,$text) = explode("\n",$first_words); $title = htmlspecialchars(phpdigHighlight($reg_strings,urldecode($title)),ENT_QUOTES); $title = phpdigSpanReplace($title); $timer->stop('Extracts'); $table_results[$n] = array ( 'weight' => $weight, 'img_tag' => '', 'page_link' => "".$title."", 'limit_links' => phpdigMsg('limit_to')." ".$l_site.$l_path, 'filesize' => sprintf('%.1f',(ereg_replace('.*_([0-9]+)$','\1',$content['md5']))/1024), 'update_date' => ereg_replace('^([0-9]{4})([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2}).*',PHPDIG_DATE_FORMAT,$content['last_modified']), 'complete_path' => $url, 'link_title' => $title ); $table_results[$n]['text'] = ''; if (DISPLAY_SUMMARY) { $table_results[$n]['text'] = htmlspecialchars(phpdigHighlight($reg_strings,preg_replace("/([ ]{2,}|\n|\r|\r\n)/"," ",ereg_replace('(@@@.*)','',wordwrap($text, SUMMARY_DISPLAY_LENGTH, '@@@')))),ENT_QUOTES); $table_results[$n]['text'] = phpdigSpanReplace($table_results[$n]['text']); } if (DISPLAY_SUMMARY && DISPLAY_SNIPPETS) { $table_results[$n]['text'] .= "\n

\n"; } if (DISPLAY_SNIPPETS) { if ($extract) { $extract = htmlspecialchars($extract,ENT_QUOTES); $extract = phpdigSpanReplace($extract); $table_results[$n]['text'] .= $extract; } else if (!$table_results[$n]['text']){ $table_results[$n]['text'] = htmlspecialchars(phpdigHighlight($reg_strings,preg_replace("/([ ]{2,}|\n|\r|\r\n)/"," ",ereg_replace('(@@@.*)','',wordwrap($text, SUMMARY_DISPLAY_LENGTH, '@@@')))),ENT_QUOTES); $table_results[$n]['text'] = phpdigSpanReplace($table_results[$n]['text']); } } } } $timer->stop('Result table'); $timer->start('Final strings'); $url_bar = SEARCH_PAGE."?template_demo=$template_demo&browse=1&query_string=".urlencode($my_query_string_link)."$refine_url&limite=$limite&option=$option&lim_start="; if ($lim_start > 0) { $previous_link = $url_bar.($lim_start-$limite); $nav_bar .= "<<".phpdigMsg('previous')."    \n"; } $tot_pages = ceil($num_tot/$limite); $actual_page = $lim_start/$limite + 1; $page_inf = max(1,$actual_page - 5); $page_sup = min($tot_pages,max($actual_page+5,10)); for ($page = $page_inf; $page <= $page_sup; $page++) { if ($page == $actual_page) { $nav_bar .= " $page \n"; $pages_bar .= " $page \n"; $link_actual = $url_bar.(($page-1)*$limite); } else { $nav_bar .= " $page \n"; $pages_bar .= " $page \n"; } } if ($more_results == 1) { $next_link = $url_bar.($lim_start+$limite); $nav_bar .= "    ".phpdigMsg('next').">>\n"; } $mtime = explode(' ',microtime()); $search_time = sprintf('%01.2f',$mtime[0]+$mtime[1]-$start_time); $result_message = stripslashes(ucfirst(phpdigMsg('results'))." $n_start-$n_end, $num_tot ".phpdigMsg('total').", ".phpdigMsg('on')." \"".htmlspecialchars($query_string,ENT_QUOTES)."\" ($search_time ".phpdigMsg('seconds').")"); $timer->stop('Final strings'); } else { if (is_array($strings)) { $strings = array_values($strings); $num_in_strings_arr = count($strings); } else { $num_in_strings_arr = 0; } $leven_final = ""; $leven_sum = 0; if (($num_in_strings_arr > 0) && (strlen($path) == 0)) { for ($i=0; $i<$num_in_strings_arr; $i++) { $soundex_query = "SELECT keyword FROM ".PHPDIG_DB_PREFIX."keywords WHERE SOUNDEX(CONCAT('Q',keyword)) = SOUNDEX(CONCAT('Q','".$strings[$i]."')) LIMIT 500"; $soundex_results = mysql_query($soundex_query,$id_connect); if (mysql_num_rows($soundex_results) > 0) { $leven_ind = 0; $leven_amt1 = 256; $leven_keyword = array(); while (list($soundex_keyword) = mysql_fetch_array($soundex_results)) { $leven_amt2 = min(levenshtein(stripslashes($strings[$i]),$soundex_keyword),$leven_amt1); if (($leven_amt2 < $leven_amt1) && ($leven_amt2 >= 0) && ($leven_amt2 <= 5)) { $leven_keyword[$leven_ind] = stripslashes($soundex_keyword); $leven_ind++; } $leven_amt1 = $leven_amt2; } $leven_count = count($leven_keyword); $leven_sum = $leven_sum + $leven_amt1; if ($leven_count > 0) { $leven_final .= $leven_keyword[$leven_count-1] . " "; } if (isset($leven_keyword)) { unset($leven_keyword); } } } } $num_tot = 0; $result_message = phpdigMsg('noresults'); if ((strlen(trim($leven_final)) > 0) && ($leven_sum > 0)) { $leven_query = trim($leven_final); $result_message .= ". " . phpdigMsg('alt_try') ." ".htmlspecialchars($leven_query,ENT_QUOTES)."?"; } } if (isset($tempresult)) { mysql_free_result($tempresult); } $title_message = phpdigMsg('s_results'); } else { $title_message = 'PhpDig '.PHPDIG_VERSION; $result_message = phpdigMsg('no_query').'.'; } $timer->start('Logs'); if (PHPDIG_LOGS && !$browse && !$refine && $adlog_flag == 0) { if (is_array($final_result)) { phpdigAddLog ($id_connect,$option,$strings,$exclude,count($final_result),$search_time); } else { phpdigAddLog ($id_connect,$option,$strings,$exclude,0,$search_time); } } $timer->stop('Logs'); $timer->start('Template parsing'); $powered_by_link = ""; if (ALLOW_RSS_FEED) { $powered_by_link .= "".phpdigMsg('viewRSS')."
"; } $powered_by_link .= "".phpdigMsg('powered_by')."
"; if (is_array($strings)) { $js_string = implode(" ",$strings); } else { $js_string = ""; } $js_for_clicks = " "; if ($template == 'array' || is_file($template)) { $phpdig_version = PHPDIG_VERSION; $t_mstrings = compact('js_for_clicks','powered_by_link','title_message','phpdig_version','result_message','nav_bar','ignore_message','ignore_commess','pages_bar','previous_link','next_link'); $t_fstrings = phpdigMakeForm($query_string,$option,$limite,SEARCH_PAGE,$site,$path,'template',$template_demo,$num_tot,$refine); if ($template == 'array') { return array_merge($t_mstrings,$t_fstrings,array('results'=>$table_results)); } else { $t_strings = array_merge($t_mstrings,$t_fstrings); phpdigParseTemplate($template,$t_strings,$table_results); } } else { ?> <?php print $title_message ?>
phpdig <?php print PHPDIG_VERSION ?>

\n"; print "$n. [".$t_result['weight']." %]  ".$t_result['page_link']."\n
\n"; print "".$t_result['limit_links']."\n
\n"; print "

\n"; print "
\n"; print $t_result['text']; print "
\n"; } } print "

\n"; print $nav_bar; print "

\n"; ?>
Powered by PhpDig  
stop('Template parsing'); $timer->stop('All display'); $timer->stop('All'); //$timer->display(); } function phpdigSpanReplace($text) { $text = str_replace("<br>","
",$text); // RH $text = str_replace("</span>","",$text); $text = str_replace("<span class="phpdigHighlight">","",$text); return $text; } function phpdigByLength($a, $b) { $len_a = strlen($a); $len_b = strlen($b); if ($len_a == $len_b) { return 0; } return ($len_a < $len_b) ? 1 : -1; } ?>