register(new Igorw\Silex\ConfigServiceProvider($settingsFile)); */ /** Reading configuration files */ // Reading configuration file from main/inc/conf/configuration.php or app/config/configuration.yml $configurationFilePath = $includePath.'/conf/configuration.php'; $configurationYMLFile = $includePath.'/../../config/configuration.yml'; $configurationFileAppPath = $includePath.'/../../config/configuration.php'; $alreadyInstalled = false; $_configuration = array(); if (file_exists($configurationFilePath) || file_exists($configurationYMLFile) || file_exists($configurationFileAppPath)) { if (file_exists($configurationFilePath)) { require_once $configurationFilePath; } if (file_exists($configurationFileAppPath)) { $configurationFilePath = $configurationFileAppPath; require_once $configurationFileAppPath; } $alreadyInstalled = true; } // Overwriting $_configuration if (file_exists($configurationYMLFile)) { $yaml = new Parser(); $configurationYML = $yaml->parse(file_get_contents($configurationYMLFile)); if (is_array($configurationYML) && !empty($configurationYML)) { if (isset($_configuration)) { $_configuration = array_merge($_configuration, $configurationYML); } else { $_configuration = $configurationYML; } } } /** Setting Chamilo paths */ $app['root_sys'] = isset($_configuration['root_sys']) ? $_configuration['root_sys'] : dirname(dirname(__DIR__)).'/'; $app['sys_root'] = $app['root_sys']; $app['sys_data_path'] = isset($_configuration['sys_data_path']) ? $_configuration['sys_data_path'] : $app['root_sys'].'data/'; $app['sys_config_path'] = isset($_configuration['sys_config_path']) ? $_configuration['sys_config_path'] : $app['root_sys'].'config/'; $app['sys_course_path'] = isset($_configuration['sys_course_path']) ? $_configuration['sys_course_path'] : $app['sys_data_path'].'/courses/'; $app['sys_temp_path'] = isset($_configuration['sys_temp_path']) ? $_configuration['sys_temp_path'] : $app['sys_data_path'].'temp/'; $app['sys_log_path'] = isset($_configuration['sys_log_path']) ? $_configuration['sys_log_path'] : $app['root_sys'].'logs/'; /** Loading config files (mail, auth, profile) */ if ($alreadyInstalled) { $configPath = $app['sys_config_path']; $confFiles = array( 'auth.conf.php', 'events.conf.php', 'mail.conf.php', 'portfolio.conf.php', 'profile.conf.php' ); foreach ($confFiles as $confFile) { if (file_exists($configPath.$confFile)) { require_once $configPath.$confFile; } } // Fixing $_configuration array // Fixes bug in Chamilo array was not set $administrator['email'] = isset($administrator['email']) ? $administrator['email'] : ''; $administrator['name'] = isset($administrator['name']) ? $administrator['name'] : 'Admin'; // Code for transitional purposes, it can be removed right before the 1.8.7 release. /*if (empty($_configuration['system_version'])) { $_configuration['system_version'] = (!empty($_configuration['dokeos_version']) ? $_configuration['dokeos_version'] : ''); $_configuration['system_stable'] = (!empty($_configuration['dokeos_stable']) ? $_configuration['dokeos_stable'] : ''); $_configuration['software_url'] = ''; }*/ // For backward compatibility. $_configuration['dokeos_version'] = isset($_configuration['system_version']) ? $_configuration['system_version'] : null; //$_configuration['dokeos_stable'] = $_configuration['system_stable']; $userPasswordCrypted = (!empty($_configuration['password_encryption']) ? $_configuration['password_encryption'] : 'sha1'); } /** End loading config files */ /** Including legacy libs */ require_once $includePath.'/lib/api.lib.php'; // Setting $_configuration['url_append'] $urlInfo = isset($_configuration['root_web']) ? parse_url($_configuration['root_web']) : null; $_configuration['url_append'] = null; if (isset($urlInfo['path'])) { $_configuration['url_append'] = '/'.basename($urlInfo['path']); } $libPath = $includePath.'/lib/'; // Database constants require_once $libPath.''; // @todo Rewrite the in a class require_once $libPath.''; // Load allowed tag definitions for kses and/or HTMLPurifier. require_once $libPath.'formvalidator/Rule/'; // Add the path to the pear packages to the include path ini_set('include_path', api_create_include_path_setting($includePath)); $app['configuration_file'] = $configurationFilePath; $app['configuration_yml_file'] = $configurationYMLFile; $app['languages_file'] = array(); $app['installed'] = $alreadyInstalled; $app['app.theme'] = 'chamilo'; // Developer options relies in the configuration.php file $app['debug'] = isset($_configuration['debug']) ? $_configuration['debug'] : false; $app['show_profiler'] = isset($_configuration['show_profiler']) ? $_configuration['show_profiler'] : false; // Enables assetic in order to load 1 compressed stylesheet or split files //$app['assetic.enabled'] = $app['debug']; // Hardcoded to false by default. Implementation is not finished yet. $app['assetic.enabled'] = false; // Dumps assets $app['assetic.auto_dump_assets'] = false; // Loading $app settings depending of the debug option if ($app['debug']) { require_once __DIR__.'/../../src/ChamiloLMS/Resources/config/dev.php'; } else { require_once __DIR__.'/../../src/ChamiloLMS/Resources/config/prod.php'; } // Classic way of render pages or the Controller approach $app['classic_layout'] = false; $app['full_width'] = false; $app['breadcrumb'] = array(); // The script is allowed? This setting is modified when calling api_is_not_allowed() $app['allowed'] = true; // Session settings use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Session\Storage\Handler; // Default options $app[''] = array( 'name' => 'chamilo_session', //'cookie_lifetime' => 30, //Cookie lifetime //'cookie_path' => null, //Cookie path //'cookie_domain' => null, //Cookie domain //'cookie_secure' => null, //Cookie secure (HTTPS) 'cookie_httponly' => true //Whether the cookie is http only ); // Registering the Session service provider $app->register(new Silex\Provider\SessionServiceProvider()); // Session using memcached: if (isset($_configuration['session.memcached.settings'])) { $memcachedSettings = $_configuration['session.memcached.settings']; $app[''] = $app->share(function () use ($app, $memcachedSettings) { $memcached = new Memcached($memcachedSettings['persistent_id']); $memcached->addServer($memcachedSettings['host'], $memcachedSettings['port']); return new Handler\MemcachedSessionHandler($memcached, $memcachedSettings['options']); }); } use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Session\Storage\Handler\PdoSessionHandler; // Session using Doctrine a new table needed to be created, before using it: if (isset($_configuration['session.doctrine.settings'])) { /* CREATE TABLE `session_handler` ( `session_id` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `session_value` text NOT NULL, `session_time` int(11) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`session_id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;*/ $app['session.db_options'] = array( 'db_table' => 'session_handler', 'db_id_col' => 'session_id', 'db_data_col' => 'session_value', 'db_time_col' => 'session_time', ); $app[''] = $app->share(function () use ($app) { return new PdoSessionHandler( $app['db']->getWrappedConnection(), $app['session.db_options'], $app[''] ); }); } // Loading chamilo settings /* @todo create a service provider to load plugins. Check how bolt add extensions (including twig templates, config with yml)*/ // Template settings loaded in template.lib.php $app['template.show_header'] = true; $app['template.show_footer'] = true; $app['template.show_learnpath'] = false; $app['template.hide_global_chat'] = true; $app['template.load_plugins'] = true; $app['configuration'] = $_configuration; // Inclusion of internationalization libraries require_once $libPath.'internationalization.lib.php'; // Functions for internal use behind this API require_once $libPath.'internationalization_internal.lib.php'; $_plugins = array(); if ($alreadyInstalled) { /** Including service providers */ require_once 'services.php'; } $charset = 'UTF-8'; // Preserving the value of the global variable $charset. $charset_initial_value = $charset; // Section (tabs in the main Chamilo menu) $app['this_section'] = SECTION_GLOBAL; // Manage Chamilo error messages $app->error( function (\Exception $e, $code) use ($app) { if ($app['debug']) { //return; } $message = null; if (isset($code)) { switch ($code) { case 401: $message = 'Unauthorized'; break; case 404: // not found $message = 'The requested page could not be found.'; break; default: //$message = 'We are sorry, but something went terribly wrong.'; $message = $e->getMessage(); } } else { $code = null; } Session::setSession($app['session']); //$code = ($e instanceof HttpException) ? $e->getStatusCode() : 500; // It seems that error() is executed first than the before() middleware // @ŧodo check this one $templateStyle = api_get_setting('template'); $templateStyle = isset($templateStyle) && !empty($templateStyle) ? $templateStyle : 'default'; if (!is_dir($app['sys_root'].'main/template/'.$templateStyle)) { $templateStyle = 'default'; } $app['template_style'] = $templateStyle; // Default layout. $app['default_layout'] = $app['template_style'].'/layout/layout_1_col.tpl'; /** @var Template $template */ $template = $app['template']; $template->assign('error', array('code' => $code, 'message' => $message)); $response = $template->render_layout('error.tpl'); return new Response($response); } ); // Checking if we have a valid language. If not we set it to the platform language. $cidReset = null; if ($alreadyInstalled) { // Initialization of the internationalization library. //api_initialize_internationalization(); // Initialization of the default encoding that will be used by the multibyte string routines in the internationalization library. //api_set_internationalization_default_encoding($charset); // require $includePath.'/'; /** Loading languages and sublanguages **/ // @todo improve the language loading // if we use the javascript version (without go button) we receive a get // if we use the non-javascript version (with the go button) we receive a post // Include all files (first english and then current interface language) //$app['this_script'] = isset($this_script) ? $this_script : null; // Sometimes the variable $language_interface is changed // temporarily for achieving translation in different language. // We need to save the genuine value of this variable and // to use it within the function get_lang(...). //$language_interface_initial_value = $language_interface; //$this_script = $app['this_script']; /* This will only work if we are in the page to edit a sub_language */ /* if (isset($this_script) && $this_script == 'sub_language') { require_once api_get_path(SYS_CODE_PATH).'admin/sub_language.class.php'; // getting the arrays of files i.e notification, trad4all, etc $language_files_to_load = SubLanguageManager:: get_lang_folder_files_list( api_get_path(SYS_LANG_PATH).'english', true ); //getting parent info $languageId = isset($_REQUEST['id']) ? $_REQUEST['id'] : null; $parent_language = SubLanguageManager::get_all_information_of_language($languageId); $subLanguageId = isset($_REQUEST['sub_language_id']) ? $_REQUEST['sub_language_id'] : null; //getting sub language info $sub_language = SubLanguageManager::get_all_information_of_language($subLanguageId); $english_language_array = $parent_language_array = $sub_language_array = array(); if (!empty($language_files_to_load)) { foreach ($language_files_to_load as $language_file_item) { $lang_list_pre = array_keys($GLOBALS); //loading english $path = $langPath.'english/'.$language_file_item.'.inc.php'; if (file_exists($path)) { include $path; } $lang_list_post = array_keys($GLOBALS); $lang_list_result = array_diff($lang_list_post, $lang_list_pre); unset($lang_list_pre); // english language array $english_language_array[$language_file_item] = compact($lang_list_result); //cleaning the variables foreach ($lang_list_result as $item) { unset(${$item}); } $parent_file = $langPath.$parent_language['dokeos_folder'].'/'.$language_file_item.'.inc.php'; if (file_exists($parent_file) && is_file($parent_file)) { include_once $parent_file; } // parent language array $parent_language_array[$language_file_item] = compact($lang_list_result); //cleaning the variables foreach ($lang_list_result as $item) { unset(${$item}); } if (!empty($sub_language)) { $sub_file = $langPath.$sub_language['dokeos_folder'].'/'.$language_file_item.'.inc.php'; if (file_exists($sub_file) && is_file($sub_file)) { include $sub_file; } } // sub language array $sub_language_array[$language_file_item] = compact($lang_list_result); //cleaning the variables foreach ($lang_list_result as $item) { unset(${$item}); } } } }*/ } else { $app['language_interface'] = $language_interface = $language_interface_initial_value = 'english'; } /** * Include all necessary language files * - trad4all * - notification * - custom tool language files */ /* $language_files = array(); $language_files[] = 'trad4all'; $language_files[] = 'notification'; $language_files[] = 'accessibility'; if (isset($language_file)) { if (!is_array($language_file)) { $language_files[] = $language_file; } else { $language_files = array_merge($language_files, $language_file); } } if (isset($app['languages_file'])) { $language_files = array_merge($language_files, $app['languages_file']); } // if a set of language files has been properly defined if (is_array($language_files)) { // if the sub-language feature is on if (api_get_setting('allow_use_sub_language') == 'true') { require_once api_get_path(SYS_CODE_PATH).'admin/sub_language.class.php'; $parent_path = SubLanguageManager::get_parent_language_path($language_interface); foreach ($language_files as $index => $language_file) { // include English include $langPath.'english/'.$language_file.'.inc.php'; // prepare string for current language and its parent $lang_file = $langPath.$language_interface.'/'.$language_file.'.inc.php'; $parent_lang_file = $langPath.$parent_path.'/'.$language_file.'.inc.php'; // load the parent language file first if (file_exists($parent_lang_file)) { include $parent_lang_file; } // overwrite the parent language translations if there is a child if (file_exists($lang_file)) { include $lang_file; } } } else { // if the sub-languages feature is not on, then just load the // set language interface foreach ($language_files as $index => $language_file) { // include English include $langPath.'english/'.$language_file.'.inc.php'; // prepare string for current language $langFile = $langPath.$language_interface.'/'.$language_file.'.inc.php'; if (file_exists($langFile)) { include $langFile; } } } }*/ // End loading languages /** Silex Middlewares. */ /** A "before" middleware allows you to tweak the Request before the controller is executed. */ use Symfony\Component\Translation\Loader\PoFileLoader; use Symfony\Component\Translation\Loader\MoFileLoader; use Symfony\Component\Finder\Finder; $app->before( function () use ($app) { /** @var Request $request */ $request = $app['request']; // Checking configuration file. If does not exists redirect to the install folder. if (!file_exists($app['configuration_file']) && !file_exists($app['configuration_yml_file'])) { $url = str_replace('web', 'main/install', $request->getBasePath()); return new RedirectResponse($url); } // Check the PHP version. if (api_check_php_version() == false) { $app->abort(500, "Incorrect PHP version."); } // Check data folder if (!is_writable($app['sys_data_path'])) { $app->abort(500, "data folder must be writable."); } // Checks temp folder permissions. if (!is_writable($app['sys_temp_path'])) { $app->abort(500, "data/temp folder must be writable."); } // Checking that configuration is loaded if (!isset($app['configuration'])) { $app->abort(500, '$configuration array must be set in the configuration.php file.'); } $configuration = $app['configuration']; // Check if root_web exists if (!isset($configuration['root_web'])) { $app->abort(500, '$configuration[root_web] must be set in the configuration.php file.'); } // Starting the session for more info see: $request->getSession()->start(); // Setting session obj Session::setSession($app['session']); UserManager::setEntityManager($app['orm.em']); /** @var ChamiloLMS\Component\DataFilesystem\DataFilesystem $filesystem */ $filesystem = $app['chamilo.filesystem']; if ($app['debug']) { // Creates data/temp folders for every request if debug is on. $filesystem->createFolders($app['temp.paths']->folders); } // If Assetic is enabled copy folders from theme inside "web/" if ($app['assetic.auto_dump_assets']) { $filesystem->copyFolders($app['temp.paths']->copyFolders); } // Check and modify the date of user in the table Online::loginCheck(api_get_user_id()); // Setting access_url id (multiple url feature) if (api_get_multiple_access_url()) { $_configuration = $app['configuration']; $_configuration['access_url'] = 1; $access_urls = api_get_access_urls(); //$protocol = ((!empty($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && strtoupper($_SERVER['HTTPS']) != 'OFF') ? 'https' : 'http').'://'; $protocol = $request->getScheme().'://'; $request_url1 = $protocol.$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'].'/'; $request_url2 = $protocol.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].'/'; foreach ($access_urls as & $details) { if ($request_url1 == $details['url'] or $request_url2 == $details['url']) { $_configuration['access_url'] = $details['id']; } } Session::write('url_id', $_configuration['access_url']); Session::write('url_info', api_get_current_access_url_info($_configuration['access_url'])); } else { Session::write('url_id', 1); } // Loading portal settings from DB. $settings_refresh_info = api_get_settings_params_simple(array('variable = ?' => 'settings_latest_update')); $settings_latest_update = $settings_refresh_info ? $settings_refresh_info['selected_value'] : null; $_setting = Session::read('_setting'); if (empty($_setting)) { api_set_settings_and_plugins(); } else { if (isset($_setting['settings_latest_update']) && $_setting['settings_latest_update'] != $settings_latest_update) { api_set_settings_and_plugins(); } } $app['plugins'] = Session::read('_plugins'); // Default template style. $templateStyle = api_get_setting('template'); $templateStyle = isset($templateStyle) && !empty($templateStyle) ? $templateStyle : 'default'; if (!is_dir($app['sys_root'].'main/template/'.$templateStyle)) { $templateStyle = 'default'; } $app['template_style'] = $templateStyle; // Default layout. $app['default_layout'] = $app['template_style'].'/layout/layout_1_col.tpl'; // Setting languages. $app['api_get_languages'] = api_get_languages(); $app['language_interface'] = $language_interface = api_get_language_interface(); // Reconfigure template now that we know the user. $app['template.hide_global_chat'] = !api_is_global_chat_enabled(); /** Setting the course quota */ // Default quota for the course documents folder $default_quota = api_get_setting('default_document_quotum'); // Just in case the setting is not correctly set if (empty($default_quota)) { $default_quota = 100000000; } define('DEFAULT_DOCUMENT_QUOTA', $default_quota); // Specification for usernames: // 1. ASCII-letters, digits, "." (dot), "_" (underscore) are acceptable, 40 characters maximum length. // 2. Empty username is formally valid, but it is reserved for the anonymous user. // 3. Checking the login_is_email portal setting in order to accept 100 chars maximum $default_username_length = 40; if (api_get_setting('login_is_email') == 'true') { $default_username_length = 100; } define('USERNAME_MAX_LENGTH', $default_username_length); $user = null; /** Security component. */ /** @var Symfony\Component\Security\Core\SecurityContext $security */ $security = $app['security']; if ($security->isGranted('IS_AUTHENTICATED_FULLY')) { // Checking token in order to get the current user. $token = $security->getToken(); if (null !== $token) { /** @var Entity\User $user */ $user = $token->getUser(); } // For backward compatibility. $userInfo = api_get_user_info($user->getUserId()); $userInfo['is_anonymous'] = false; Session::write('_user', $userInfo); $app['current_user'] = $userInfo; // Setting admin permissions. if ($security->isGranted('ROLE_ADMIN')) { Session::write('is_platformAdmin', true); } // Setting teachers permissions. if ($security->isGranted('ROLE_TEACHER')) { Session::write('is_allowedCreateCourse', true); } } else { Session::erase('_user'); Session::erase('is_platformAdmin'); Session::erase('is_allowedCreateCourse'); } /** Translator component. */ $app['translator.cache.enabled'] = false; $language = api_get_setting('platformLanguage'); $iso = api_get_language_isocode($language); /** @var Symfony\Component\Translation\Translator $translator */ $translator = $app['translator']; $translator->setLocale($iso); // From the login page $language = $request->get('language'); if (!empty($language)) { $iso = api_get_language_isocode($language); $translator->setLocale($iso); } // From the user if ($user && $userInfo) { // @todo check why this does not works //$language = $user->getLanguage(); $language = $userInfo['language']; $iso = api_get_language_isocode($language); $translator->setLocale($iso); } // From the course $courseInfo = api_get_course_info(); if ($courseInfo && !empty($courseInfo)) { $iso = api_get_language_isocode($courseInfo['language']); $translator->setLocale($iso); } $app['translator'] = $app->share($app->extend('translator', function ($translator, $app) { $locale = $translator->getLocale(); /** @var Symfony\Component\Translation\Translator $translator */ if ($app['translator.cache.enabled']) { //$phpFileDumper = new Symfony\Component\Translation\Dumper\PhpFileDumper(); $dumper = new Symfony\Component\Translation\Dumper\MoFileDumper(); $catalogue = new Symfony\Component\Translation\MessageCatalogue($locale); $catalogue->add(array('foo' => 'bar')); $dumper->dump($catalogue, array('path' => $app['sys_temp_path'])); } else { $translator->addLoader('pofile', new PoFileLoader()); $file = $app['root_sys'].'main/locale/'.$locale.'.po'; if (file_exists($file)) { $translator->addResource('pofile', $file, $locale); } $customFile = $app['root_sys'].'main/locale/'.$locale.'.custom.po'; if (file_exists($customFile)) { $translator->addResource('pofile', $customFile, $locale); } // Validators $file = $app['root_sys'].'vendor/symfony/validator/Symfony/Component/Validator/Resources/translations/validators.'.$locale.'.xlf'; $translator->addLoader('xlf', new Symfony\Component\Translation\Loader\XliffFileLoader()); if (file_exists($file)) { $translator->addResource('xlf', $file, $locale, 'validators'); } /*$translator->addLoader('mofile', new MoFileLoader()); $filePath = api_get_path(SYS_PATH).'main/locale/'.$locale.'.mo'; if (!file_exists($filePath)) { $filePath = api_get_path(SYS_PATH).'main/locale/'; } $translator->addResource('mofile', $filePath, $locale);*/ return $translator; } })); // Check if we are inside a Chamilo course tool (or we need to set the $this->getCourse() in the controllers) $isCourseTool = (strpos($request->getPathInfo(), 'courses/') === false) ? false : true; if (!$isCourseTool) { // @todo add a before in controller in order to load the courses and course_session object $isCourseTool = (strpos($request->getPathInfo(), 'question_manager/exercise_distribution/') === false) ? false : true; } if (!$isCourseTool) { // @todo add a before in controller in order to load the courses and course_session object $isCourseTool = (strpos($request->getPathInfo(), 'exercise_statistics/exercise_distribution/') === false) ? false : true; } if (!$isCourseTool) { // @todo add a before in controller in order to load the courses and course_session object $isCourseTool = (strpos($request->getPathInfo(), 'question_manager/questions/') === false) ? false : true; } // Setting course entity for controllers and templates if ($isCourseTool) { // The course parameter is loaded $course = $request->get('course'); if (empty($course)) { $course = $request->get('cidReq'); } if (!empty($course)) { // Converting /courses/XXX/ to a Entity/Course object $course = $app['orm.em']->getRepository('Entity\Course')->findOneByCode($course); } else { $courseId = $request->get('courseId'); // Converting /courses/XXX/ to a Entity/Course object $course = $app['orm.em']->getRepository('Entity\Course')->find($courseId); } $app['course'] = $course; $app['template']->assign('course', $course); $sessionId = $request->get('id_session'); $session = $app['orm.em']->getRepository('Entity\Session')->findOneById($sessionId); $app['course_session'] = $session; $app['template']->assign('course_session', $session); } } ); /** An after application middleware allows you to tweak the Response before it is sent to the client */ $app->after( function (Request $request, Response $response) { } ); /** A "finish" application middleware allows you to execute tasks after the Response has been sent to * the client (like sending emails or logging) */ $app->finish( function (Request $request) use ($app) { } ); // End Silex Middlewares // The global variable $charset has been defined in a language file too (, this is legacy situation. // So, we have to reassign this variable again in order to keep its value right. $charset = $charset_initial_value; // The global variable $text_dir has been defined in the language file // For determing text direction correspondent to the current language we use now information from the internationalization library. $text_dir = api_get_text_direction(); /** "Login as user" custom script */ // @todo move this code in a controller /* if (!isset($_SESSION['login_as']) && isset($_user)) { // if $_SESSION['login_as'] is set, then the user is an admin logged as the user $tbl_track_login = Database :: get_main_table(TABLE_STATISTIC_TRACK_E_LOGIN); $sql_last_connection = "SELECT login_id, login_date FROM $tbl_track_login WHERE login_user_id = '".api_get_user_id()."' ORDER BY login_date DESC LIMIT 0,1"; $q_last_connection = Database::query($sql_last_connection); if (Database::num_rows($q_last_connection) > 0) { $i_id_last_connection = Database::result($q_last_connection, 0, 'login_id'); // is the latest logout_date still relevant? $sql_logout_date = "SELECT logout_date FROM $tbl_track_login WHERE login_id = $i_id_last_connection"; $q_logout_date = Database::query($sql_logout_date); $res_logout_date = api_convert_sql_date(Database::result($q_logout_date, 0, 'logout_date')); if ($res_logout_date < time() - $app['configuration']['session_lifetime']) { // now that it's created, we can get its ID and carry on $q_last_connection = Database::query($sql_last_connection); $i_id_last_connection = Database::result($q_last_connection, 0, 'login_id'); } $now = api_get_utc_datetime(); $s_sql_update_logout_date = "UPDATE $tbl_track_login SET logout_date = '$now' WHERE login_id = $i_id_last_connection"; Database::query($s_sql_update_logout_date); } }*/ // Add language_measure_frequency to your main/inc/conf/configuration.php in // order to generate language variables frequency measurements (you can then // see them through main/cron/lang/langstats.php) // The langstat object will then be used in the get_lang() function. // This block can be removed to speed things up a bit as it should only ever // be used in development versions. // @todo create a service provider to load this if (isset($app['configuration']['language_measure_frequency']) && $app['configuration']['language_measure_frequency'] == 1) { require_once api_get_path(SYS_CODE_PATH).'/cron/lang/langstats.class.php'; $langstats = new langstats(); } /** Setting the is_admin key */ $app['is_admin'] = false; /** Including routes */ require_once 'routes.php'; // Setting doctrine2 extensions if (isset($app['configuration']['main_database']) && isset($app['db.event_manager'])) { // @todo improvement do not create every time this objects $sortableGroup = new Gedmo\Mapping\Annotation\SortableGroup(array()); $sortablePosition = new Gedmo\Mapping\Annotation\SortablePosition(array()); $tree = new Gedmo\Mapping\Annotation\Tree(array()); $tree = new Gedmo\Mapping\Annotation\TreeParent(array()); $tree = new Gedmo\Mapping\Annotation\TreeLeft(array()); $tree = new Gedmo\Mapping\Annotation\TreeRight(array()); $tree = new Gedmo\Mapping\Annotation\TreeRoot(array()); $tree = new Gedmo\Mapping\Annotation\TreeLevel(array()); $tree = new Gedmo\Mapping\Annotation\Versioned(array()); $tree = new Gedmo\Mapping\Annotation\Loggable(array()); $tree = new Gedmo\Loggable\Entity\LogEntry(); // Setting Doctrine2 extensions $timestampableListener = new \Gedmo\Timestampable\TimestampableListener(); // $app['db.event_manager']->addEventSubscriber($timestampableListener); $app['dbs.event_manager']['db_read']->addEventSubscriber($timestampableListener); $app['dbs.event_manager']['db_write']->addEventSubscriber($timestampableListener); $sluggableListener = new \Gedmo\Sluggable\SluggableListener(); // $app['db.event_manager']->addEventSubscriber($sluggableListener); $app['dbs.event_manager']['db_read']->addEventSubscriber($sluggableListener); $app['dbs.event_manager']['db_write']->addEventSubscriber($sluggableListener); $sortableListener = new Gedmo\Sortable\SortableListener(); // $app['db.event_manager']->addEventSubscriber($sortableListener); $app['dbs.event_manager']['db_read']->addEventSubscriber($sortableListener); $app['dbs.event_manager']['db_write']->addEventSubscriber($sortableListener); $treeListener = new \Gedmo\Tree\TreeListener(); //$treeListener->setAnnotationReader($cachedAnnotationReader); // $app['db.event_manager']->addEventSubscriber($treeListener); $app['dbs.event_manager']['db_read']->addEventSubscriber($treeListener); $app['dbs.event_manager']['db_write']->addEventSubscriber($treeListener); $loggableListener = new \Gedmo\Loggable\LoggableListener(); if (PHP_SAPI != 'cli') { //$userInfo = api_get_user_info(); if (isset($userInfo) && !empty($userInfo['username'])) { //$loggableListener->setUsername($userInfo['username']); } } $app['dbs.event_manager']['db_read']->addEventSubscriber($loggableListener); $app['dbs.event_manager']['db_write']->addEventSubscriber($loggableListener); } return $app;