createQueryBuilder('a'); //Selecting user info $qb->select('DISTINCT u'); // Loading EntityUser $qb->from('Entity\User', 'u'); //Selecting courses for users $qb->innerJoin('', 'c'); //@todo check app settings $qb->add('orderBy', 'u.lastname ASC'); $wherePart = $qb->expr()->andx(); //Get only users subscribed to this course $wherePart->add($qb->expr()->eq('c.cId', $course->getId())); //$wherePart->add($qb->expr()->eq('c.status', $status)); $qb->where($wherePart); //$q = $qb->getQuery(); //return $q->execute(); return $qb; } /** * Gets students subscribed in the course * * @param \Entity\Course $course * * @return \Doctrine\ORM\QueryBuilder */ public function getSubscribedStudents(\Entity\Course $course) { $qb = $this->getSubscribedUsers($course); $wherePart = $qb->expr()->andx(); $wherePart->add($qb->expr()->eq('c.status', STUDENT)); return $qb; } /** * Gets the students subscribed in the course * @param \Entity\Course $course * * @return \Doctrine\ORM\QueryBuilder */ public function getSubscribedCoaches(\Entity\Course $course) { $qb = $this->getSubscribedUsers($course); //Do something return $qb; } /** * * Gets the teachers subscribed in the course * @param \Entity\Course $course * * @return \Doctrine\ORM\QueryBuilder */ public function getSubscribedTeachers(\Entity\Course $course) { $qb = $this->getSubscribedUsers($course); $wherePart = $qb->expr()->andx(); $wherePart->add($qb->expr()->eq('c.status', COURSEMANAGER)); return $qb; } }