set_type(LINK_FORUM_THREAD); } public function get_type_name() { return get_lang('ForumThreads'); } public function is_allowed_to_change_name() { return false; } // FUNCTIONS IMPLEMENTING ABSTRACTLINK /** * Generate an array of exercises that a teacher hasn't created a link for. * @return array 2-dimensional array - every element contains 2 subelements (id, name) */ public function get_not_created_links() { if (empty($this->course_code)) { die('Error in get_not_created_links() : course code not set'); } $tbl_grade_links = Database :: get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_GRADEBOOK_LINK); $sql = 'SELECT thread_id,thread_title,thread_title_qualify from '.$this->get_forum_thread_table() .' forum_thread WHERE thread_id NOT IN' .' (SELECT ref_id FROM '.$tbl_grade_links .' WHERE type = '.LINK_FORUM_THREAD ." AND course_code = '".Database::escape_string($this->get_course_code())."'" .') AND forum_thread.session_id='.api_get_session_id().''; $result = Database::query($sql); $cats=array(); while ($data=Database::fetch_array($result)) { if ( isset($data['thread_title_qualify']) and $data['thread_title_qualify']!=""){ $cats[] = array ($data['thread_id'], $data['thread_title_qualify']); } else { $cats[] = array ($data['thread_id'], $data['thread_title']); } } return $cats; } /** * Generate an array of all exercises available. * @return array 2-dimensional array - every element contains 2 subelements (id, name) */ public function get_all_links() { if (empty($this->course_code)) { die('Error in get_not_created_links() : course code not set'); } $tbl_grade_links = Database :: get_course_table(TABLE_FORUM_THREAD); $tbl_item_property = Database :: get_course_table(TABLE_ITEM_PROPERTY); $session_id = api_get_session_id(); if ($session_id) { $session_condition = 'tl.session_id='.api_get_session_id(); } else { $session_condition = '(tl.session_id = 0 OR tl.session_id IS NULL)'; } $sql = 'SELECT tl.thread_id, tl.thread_title, tl.thread_title_qualify FROM '.$tbl_grade_links.' tl ,'.$tbl_item_property.' ip WHERE tl.c_id = '.$this->course_id.' AND ip.c_id = '.$this->course_id.' AND tl.thread_id = ip.ref AND ip.tool = "forum_thread" AND ip.visibility<>2 AND '.$session_condition.' GROUP BY ip.ref '; $result = Database::query($sql); while ($data=Database::fetch_array($result)) { if ( isset($data['thread_title_qualify']) and $data['thread_title_qualify']!=""){ $cats[] = array ($data['thread_id'], $data['thread_title_qualify']); } else { $cats[] = array ($data['thread_id'], $data['thread_title']); } } $my_cats=isset($cats)?$cats:null; return $my_cats; } /** * Has anyone done this exercise yet ? */ public function has_results() { $tbl_grade_links = Database :: get_course_table(TABLE_FORUM_POST); $sql = 'SELECT count(*) AS number FROM '.$tbl_grade_links." WHERE c_id = ".$this->course_id." AND thread_id = '".$this->get_ref_id()."'"; $result = Database::query($sql); $number=Database::fetch_row($result); return ($number[0] != 0); } public function calc_score($stud_id = null) { $thread_qualify = Database :: get_course_table(TABLE_FORUM_THREAD_QUALIFY); $sql = 'SELECT thread_qualify_max FROM '.Database :: get_course_table(TABLE_FORUM_THREAD)." WHERE c_id = ".$this->course_id." AND thread_id = '".$this->get_ref_id()."'"; $query = Database::query($sql); $assignment = Database::fetch_array($query); $sql = "SELECT * FROM $thread_qualify WHERE c_id = ".$this->course_id." AND thread_id = ".$this->get_ref_id(); if (isset($stud_id)) { $sql .= ' AND user_id = '."'".intval($stud_id)."'"; } // order by id, that way the student's first attempt is accessed first $sql .= ' ORDER BY qualify_time DESC'; $scores = Database::query($sql); // for 1 student if (isset($stud_id)) { if ($data = Database::fetch_array($scores)) { return array ($data['qualify'], $assignment['thread_qualify_max']); } else { //We sent the 0/thread_qualify_max instead of null for correct calculations //return null; return array (0, $assignment['thread_qualify_max']); } } else { // all students -> get average $students=array(); // user list, needed to make sure we only // take first attempts into account $rescount = 0; $sum = 0; while ($data=Database::fetch_array($scores)) { if (!(array_key_exists($data['user_id'],$students))) { if ($assignment['thread_qualify_max'] != 0) { $students[$data['user_id']] = $data['qualify']; $rescount++; $sum += ($data['qualify'] / $assignment['thread_qualify_max']); } } } if ($rescount == 0) { return null; } else { return array ($sum , $rescount); } } } // INTERNAL FUNCTIONS /** * Lazy load function to get the database table of the student publications */ private function get_forum_thread_table () { return $this->forum_thread_table = Database :: get_course_table(TABLE_FORUM_THREAD); } /** * Lazy load function to get the database table of the item properties */ private function get_itemprop_table () { $this->itemprop_table = Database :: get_course_table(TABLE_ITEM_PROPERTY); return $this->itemprop_table; } public function needs_name_and_description() { return false; } public function needs_max() { return false; } public function needs_results() { return false; } public function get_name() { $this->get_exercise_data(); $thread_title=isset($this->exercise_data['thread_title']) ? $this->exercise_data['thread_title'] : ''; $thread_title_qualify=isset($this->exercise_data['thread_title_qualify']) ? $this->exercise_data['thread_title_qualify'] : ''; if ( isset($thread_title_qualify) && $thread_title_qualify!="") { return $this->exercise_data['thread_title_qualify']; } else { return $thread_title; } } public function get_description() { return '';//$this->exercise_data['description']; } /** * Check if this still links to an exercise */ public function is_valid_link() { $sql = 'SELECT count(id) from '.$this->get_forum_thread_table().' WHERE c_id = '.$this->course_id.' AND thread_id = '.$this->get_ref_id().' AND session_id='.api_get_session_id().''; $result = Database::query($sql); $number = Database::fetch_row($result); return ($number[0] != 0); } public function get_test_id() { return 'DEBUG:ID'; } public function get_link() { //it was extracts the forum id $sql = 'SELECT * FROM '.$this->get_forum_thread_table()." WHERE c_id = '.$this->course_id.' AND thread_id = '".$this->get_ref_id()."' AND session_id = ".api_get_session_id().""; $result = Database::query($sql); $row = Database::fetch_array($result,'ASSOC'); $forum_id=$row['forum_id']; $url = api_get_path(WEB_PATH).'main/forum/viewthread.php?cidReq='.$this->get_course_code().'&thread='.$this->get_ref_id().'&gradebook=view&forum='.$forum_id; return $url; } private function get_exercise_data() { $session_id = api_get_session_id(); if ($session_id) { $session_condition = 'session_id='.api_get_session_id(); } else { $session_condition = '(session_id = 0 OR session_id IS NULL)'; } if (!isset($this->exercise_data)) { $sql = 'SELECT * FROM '.$this->get_forum_thread_table().' WHERE c_id = '.$this->course_id.' AND thread_id = '.$this->get_ref_id().' AND '.$session_condition; $query = Database::query($sql); $this->exercise_data = Database::fetch_array($query); } return $this->exercise_data; } public function get_icon_name() { return 'forum'; } function save_linked_data() { $weight = (float)$this->get_weight(); $ref_id = $this->get_ref_id(); if (!empty($ref_id)) { $sql = 'UPDATE '.$this->get_forum_thread_table().' SET thread_weight='.$weight.' WHERE c_id = '.$this->course_id.' AND thread_id= '.$ref_id; Database::query($sql); } } function delete_linked_data() { $ref_id = $this->get_ref_id(); if (!empty($ref_id)) { //Cleans forum $sql = 'UPDATE '.$this->get_forum_thread_table().' SET thread_qualify_max=0,thread_weight=0,thread_title_qualify="" WHERE c_id = '.$this->course_id.' AND thread_id= '.$ref_id; Database::query($sql); } } }