$nameTools = get_lang('QuestionPool');
$interbreadcrumb[] = array("url" => "exercice.php","name" => get_lang('Exercices'));
$interbreadcrumb[] = array("url" => "admin.php?exerciseId=".$objExercise->id, "name" => $objExercise->name);
$displayMessage = ""; // messag to be displayed if actions succesfull
if ($is_allowedToEdit) {
//Duplicating a Question
if (!isset($_POST['recup']) && $copy_question != 0 && isset($fromExercise)) {
$origin_course_id = intval($_GET['course_id']);
$origin_course_info = api_get_course_info_by_id($origin_course_id);
$current_course = api_get_course_info();
$old_question_id = $copy_question;
//Reading the source question
$old_question_obj = Question::read($old_question_id, $origin_course_id);
if ($old_question_obj) {
$old_question_obj->updateTitle($old_question_obj->selectTitle().' - '.get_lang('Copy'));
//Duplicating the source question, in the current course
$new_id = $old_question_obj->duplicate($current_course);
//Reading new question
$new_question_obj = Question::read($new_id);
//Reading Answers obj of the current course
$new_answer_obj = new Answer($old_question_id, $origin_course_id);
//Duplicating the Answers in the current course
$new_answer_obj->duplicate($new_id, $current_course);
// destruction of the Question object
if (!$objExercise instanceOf Exercise) {
$objExercise = new Exercise();
Session::write('objExercise', $objExercise);
$displayMessage = get_lang('ItemAdded');
// deletes a question from the database and all exercises
if ($delete) {
// Construction of the Question object
$objQuestionTmp = Question::read($delete);
// if the question exists
if ($objQuestionTmp) {
// deletes the question from all exercises
// destruction of the Question object
} elseif($recup && $fromExercise) {
// gets an existing question and copies it into a new exercise
$objQuestionTmp = Question :: read($recup);
// if the question exists
if ($objQuestionTmp) {
// adds the exercise ID represented by $fromExercise into the list of exercises for the current question
// destruction of the Question object
if (!$objExercise instanceOf Exercise) {
$objExercise = new Exercise();
// adds the question ID represented by $recup into the list of questions for the current exercise
} else if (isset($_POST['recup']) && is_array($_POST['recup']) && $fromExercise) {
$list_recup = $_POST['recup'];
foreach ($list_recup as $course_id => $question_data) {
$origin_course_id = intval($course_id);
$origin_course_info = api_get_course_info_by_id($origin_course_id);
$current_course = api_get_course_info();
foreach ($question_data as $old_question_id) {
//Reading the source question
$old_question_obj = Question::read($old_question_id, $origin_course_id);
if ($old_question_obj) {
$old_question_obj->updateTitle($old_question_obj->selectTitle().' - '.get_lang('Copy'));
//Duplicating the source question, in the current course
$new_id = $old_question_obj->duplicate($current_course);
//Reading new question
$new_question_obj = Question::read($new_id);
//Reading Answers obj of the current course
$new_answer_obj = new Answer($old_question_id, $origin_course_id);
//Duplicating the Answers in the current course
$new_answer_obj->duplicate($new_id, $current_course);
// destruction of the Question object
if (!$objExercise instanceOf Exercise) {
$objExercise = new Exercise();
if (isset($_SESSION['gradebook'])){
$gradebook= $_SESSION['gradebook'];
if (!empty($gradebook) && $gradebook=='view') {
$interbreadcrumb[]= array ('url' => '../gradebook/'.Security::remove_XSS($_SESSION['gradebook_dest']),'name' => get_lang('ToolGradebook'));
// if admin of course
if (!$is_allowedToEdit) {
$confirmYourChoice = addslashes(api_htmlentities(get_lang('ConfirmYourChoice'),ENT_QUOTES,$charset));
$htmlHeadXtra[] = "
// Menu
echo '
if ($displayMessage != "") {
$displayMessage = "";
echo '
// Some functions here, just for question_pool to ease the code
Put the menu entry for level and type to default "Choice"
It is usefull if you change the exercice, you need to reset the other menus
hubert.borderiou 13-10-2011
function reset_menu_lvl_type() {
global $exerciseLevel, $answerType;
$answerType = -1;
$exerciseLevel = -1;
Put the menu entry for exercice and level and type to default "Choice"
It is usefull if you change the course, you need to reset the other menus
hubert.borderiou 13-10-2011
function reset_menu_exo_lvl_type() {
global $exerciseId, $courseCategoryId;
$exerciseId = 0;
$courseCategoryId = 0;
// return the link to admin question, if needed
// hubert.borderiou 13-10-2011
function get_a_tag_for_question($in_addA, $in_fromex, $in_questionid, $in_questiontype, $in_questionname) {
$res = $in_questionname;
if ($in_addA) {
$res = "".$res."";
return $res;
$row[] = get_action_icon_for_question(
$actionIcon1, --
$fromExercise, --
$tabQuestion['id'], --
" ".
get_action_icon_for_question($actionIcon2, $fromExercise, $tabQuestion['id'], $tabQuestion['type'],
$tabQuestion['question'], $selected_course, $courseCategoryId, $exerciseLevel, $answerType,
$session_id, $exerciseId);
Return the html code for delete, add, clone, edit a question hubert.borderiou 13-10-2011
in_action = the code of the action triggered by the button
from_exercice = the id of the current exercice from which we click on question pool
in_questionid = the id of the current question
in_questiontype = the code of the type of the current question
in_questionname = the name of the question
in_selected_course = the if of the course chosen in the FILTERING MENU
in_courseCategoryId = the id of the category chosen in the FILTERING MENU
in_exerciseLevel = the level of the exercice chosen in the FILTERING MENU
in_answerType = the code of the type of the question chosen in the FILTERING MENU
in_session_id = the id of the session_id chosen in the FILTERING MENU
in_exercice_id = the id of the exercice chosen in the FILTERING MENU
function get_action_icon_for_question($in_action, $from_exercice, $in_questionid, $in_questiontype, $in_questionname, $in_selected_course, $in_courseCategoryId, $in_exerciseLevel, $in_answerType, $in_session_id, $in_exercice_id) {
$res = "";
$getParams = "&selected_course=$in_selected_course&courseCategoryId=$in_courseCategoryId&exerciseId=$in_exercice_id&exerciseLevel=$in_exerciseLevel&answerType=$in_answerType&session_id=$in_session_id";
switch ($in_action) {
case "delete" :
$res = "";
$res .= Display::return_icon("delete.gif", get_lang('Delete'));
$res .= "";
case "edit" :
$res = get_a_tag_for_question(1, $from_exercice, $in_questionid, $in_questiontype, Display::return_icon("edit.gif", get_lang('Modify')));
case "add":
// add if question is not already in test
$myObjEx = new Exercise();
if (!$myObjEx->isInList($in_questionid)) {
$res = "";
$res .= Display::return_icon("view_more_stats.gif", get_lang('InsertALinkToThisQuestionInTheExercise'));
$res .= "";
} else {
$res = "-";
case "clone":
$res = "";
$res .= Display::return_icon('cd.gif', get_lang('ReUseACopyInCurrentTest'));
$res .= "";
default :
$res = $in_action;
return $res;
/* return the icon for the question type
hubert.borderiou 13-10-2011*/
function get_question_type_for_question($in_selectedcourse, $in_questionid) {
$myObjQuestion = Question::read($in_questionid, $in_selectedcourse);
$questionType = null;
if (!empty($myObjQuestion)) {
list($typeImg, $typeExpl) = $myObjQuestion->get_type_icon_html();
$questionType = Display::tag('div', Display::return_icon($typeImg, $typeExpl, array(), 32), array());
return $questionType;
/* return the name of the category for the question in a course hubert.borderiou 13-10-2011*/
function get_question_category_for_question($course_id, $question_id) {
global $all_category_list;
$objQuestionTmp = Question :: read($question_id, $course_id);
return Testcategory::return_category_labels($objQuestionTmp->category_list, $all_category_list);