/** * @license Copyright (c) CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved. * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license */ CKEDITOR.plugins.add('wordcount', { lang: ['ca', 'de', 'en', 'es', 'fr', 'it', 'jp', 'no', 'pl', 'pt-BR'], version : 1.08, init: function (editor) { if (editor.elementMode === CKEDITOR.ELEMENT_MODE_INLINE) { return; } var defaultFormat = '', intervalId, lastWordCount, lastCharCount = 0, limitReachedNotified = false, limitRestoredNotified = false; // Default Config var defaultConfig = { showWordCount: true, showCharCount: false, charLimit: 'unlimited', wordLimit: 'unlimited', countHTML: false }; // Get Config & Lang var config = CKEDITOR.tools.extend(defaultConfig, editor.config.wordcount || {}, true); if (config.showCharCount) { var charLabel = editor.lang.wordcount[config.countHTML ? 'CharCountWithHTML' : 'CharCount']; defaultFormat += charLabel + ' %charCount%'; if (config.charLimit != 'unlimited') { defaultFormat += ' (' + editor.lang.wordcount.limit + ' ' + config.charLimit + ')'; } } if (config.showCharCount && config.showWordCount) { defaultFormat += ', '; } if (config.showWordCount) { defaultFormat += editor.lang.wordcount.WordCount + ' %wordCount%'; if (config.wordLimit != 'unlimited') { defaultFormat += ' (' + editor.lang.wordcount.limit + ' ' + config.wordLimit + ')'; } } defaultFormat += ''; var format = defaultFormat; CKEDITOR.document.appendStyleSheet(this.path + 'css/wordcount.css'); function counterId(editorInstance) { return 'cke_wordcount_' + editorInstance.name; } function counterElement(editorInstance) { return document.getElementById(counterId(editorInstance)); } function strip(html) { var tmp = document.createElement("div"); tmp.innerHTML = html; if (tmp.textContent == '' && typeof tmp.innerText == 'undefined') { return '0'; } return tmp.textContent || tmp.innerText; } function updateCounter(editorInstance) { var wordCount = 0, charCount = 0, normalizedText, text; if (text = editorInstance.getData()) { if (config.showCharCount) { if (config.countHTML) { charCount = text.length; } else { normalizedText = text. replace(/(\r\n|\n|\r)/gm, ""). replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, ""). replace(" ", ""). replace(" ", ""); normalizedText = strip(normalizedText); charCount = normalizedText.length; } } if (config.showWordCount) { normalizedText = text. replace(/(\r\n|\n|\r)/gm, " "). replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, ""). replace(" ", " "); normalizedText = strip(normalizedText); wordCount = normalizedText.split(/\s+/).length; } } var html = format.replace('%wordCount%', wordCount).replace('%charCount%', charCount); counterElement(editorInstance).innerHTML = html; if (charCount == lastCharCount) { return true; } lastWordCount = wordCount; lastCharCount = charCount; // Check for word limit if (config.showWordCount && wordCount > config.wordLimit) { limitReached(editor, limitReachedNotified); } else if (config.showWordCount && wordCount == config.wordLimit) { // create snapshot to make sure only the content after the limit gets deleted editorInstance.fire('saveSnapshot'); } else if (!limitRestoredNotified && wordCount < config.wordLimit) { limitRestored(editor); } // Check for char limit if (config.showCharCount && charCount > config.charLimit) { limitReached(editor, limitReachedNotified); } else if (config.showCharCount && charCount == config.charLimit) { // create snapshot to make sure only the content after the limit gets deleted editorInstance.fire('saveSnapshot'); } else if (!limitRestoredNotified && charCount < config.charLimit) { limitRestored(editor); } return true; } function limitReached(editorInstance, notify) { limitReachedNotified = true; limitRestoredNotified = false; editorInstance.execCommand('undo'); if (!notify) { //counterElement(editorInstance).className = "cke_wordcount cke_wordcountLimitReached"; editorInstance.fire('limitReached', {}, editor); } // lock editor editorInstance.config.Locked = 1; } function limitRestored(editorInstance) { limitRestoredNotified = true; limitReachedNotified = false; editorInstance.config.Locked = 0; counterElement(editorInstance).className = "cke_wordcount"; } editor.on('key', function (event) { updateCounter(event.editor); }, editor, null, 100); editor.on('uiSpace', function (event) { if (event.data.space == 'bottom') { event.data.html += '