<?php /* For licensing terms, see /license.txt */ use Chamilo\CoreBundle\Entity\SessionRelCourseRelUser; use Symfony\Component\Filesystem\Filesystem; /** * Class StudentFollowUpPlugin. */ class StudentFollowUpPlugin extends Plugin { public $hasEntity = true; /** * StudentFollowUpPlugin constructor. */ protected function __construct() { parent::__construct( '0.1', 'Julio Montoya', [ 'tool_enable' => 'boolean', ] ); } /** * @return StudentFollowUpPlugin */ public static function create() { static $result = null; return $result ? $result : $result = new self(); } public function install() { $pluginEntityPath = $this->getEntityPath(); if (!is_dir($pluginEntityPath)) { if (!is_writable(dirname($pluginEntityPath))) { $message = get_lang('ErrorCreatingDir').': '.$pluginEntityPath; Display::addFlash(Display::return_message($message, 'error')); return false; } mkdir($pluginEntityPath, api_get_permissions_for_new_directories()); } $fs = new Filesystem(); $fs->mirror(__DIR__.'/Entity/', $pluginEntityPath, null, ['override']); $schema = Database::getManager()->getConnection()->getSchemaManager(); if ($schema->tablesExist('sfu_post') === false) { $sql = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS sfu_post (id INT AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL, insert_user_id INT NOT NULL, user_id INT NOT NULL, parent_id INT DEFAULT NULL, title VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, content LONGTEXT DEFAULT NULL, external_care_id VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL, created_at DATETIME DEFAULT NULL, updated_at DATETIME DEFAULT NULL, private TINYINT(1) NOT NULL, external_source TINYINT(1) NOT NULL, tags LONGTEXT NOT NULL COMMENT '(DC2Type:array)', attachment VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, lft INT DEFAULT NULL, rgt INT DEFAULT NULL, lvl INT DEFAULT NULL, root INT DEFAULT NULL, INDEX IDX_35F9473C9C859CC3 (insert_user_id), INDEX IDX_35F9473CA76ED395 (user_id), INDEX IDX_35F9473C727ACA70 (parent_id), PRIMARY KEY(id)) DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci ENGINE = InnoDB;"; Database::query($sql); $sql = "ALTER TABLE sfu_post ADD CONSTRAINT FK_35F9473C9C859CC3 FOREIGN KEY (insert_user_id) REFERENCES user (id);"; Database::query($sql); $sql = "ALTER TABLE sfu_post ADD CONSTRAINT FK_35F9473CA76ED395 FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES user (id);"; Database::query($sql); $sql = "ALTER TABLE sfu_post ADD CONSTRAINT FK_35F9473C727ACA70 FOREIGN KEY (parent_id) REFERENCES sfu_post (id) ON DELETE SET NULL;"; Database::query($sql); } } public function uninstall() { $pluginEntityPath = $this->getEntityPath(); $fs = new Filesystem(); if ($fs->exists($pluginEntityPath)) { $fs->remove($pluginEntityPath); } $table = Database::get_main_table('sfu_post'); $sql = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS $table"; Database::query($sql); } /** * @return string */ public function getEntityPath() { return api_get_path(SYS_PATH).'src/Chamilo/PluginBundle/Entity/'.$this->getCamelCaseName(); } /** * @param int $studentId * @param int $currentUserId * * @return array */ public static function getPermissions($studentId, $currentUserId) { $params = ['variable = ? AND subkey = ?' => ['status', 'studentfollowup']]; $result = api_get_settings_params_simple($params); $installed = false; if (!empty($result) && $result['selected_value'] === 'installed') { $installed = true; } if ($installed == false) { return [ 'is_allow' => false, 'show_private' => false, ]; } if ($studentId === $currentUserId) { $isAllow = true; $showPrivate = true; } else { $isDrh = api_is_drh(); $isCareTaker = false; $isDrhRelatedViaPost = false; $isCourseCoach = false; $isDrhRelatedToSession = false; // Only admins and DRH that follow the user $isAdmin = api_is_platform_admin(); // Check if user is care taker if ($isDrh) { $criteria = [ 'user' => $studentId, 'insertUser' => $currentUserId, ]; $repo = Database::getManager()->getRepository('ChamiloPluginBundle:StudentFollowUp\CarePost'); $post = $repo->findOneBy($criteria); if ($post) { $isDrhRelatedViaPost = true; } } // Check if course session coach $sessions = SessionManager::get_sessions_by_user($studentId); if (!empty($sessions)) { foreach ($sessions as $session) { $sessionId = $session['session_id']; $sessionDrhInfo = SessionManager::getSessionFollowedByDrh( $currentUserId, $sessionId ); if (!empty($sessionDrhInfo)) { $isDrhRelatedToSession = true; break; } foreach ($session['courses'] as $course) { //$isCourseCoach = api_is_coach($sessionId, $course['real_id']); $coachList = SessionManager::getCoachesByCourseSession( $sessionId, $course['real_id'] ); if (!empty($coachList) && in_array($currentUserId, $coachList)) { $isCourseCoach = true; break 2; } } } } $isCareTaker = $isDrhRelatedViaPost && $isDrhRelatedToSession; $isAllow = $isAdmin || $isCareTaker || $isDrhRelatedToSession || $isCourseCoach; $showPrivate = $isAdmin || $isCareTaker; } return [ 'is_allow' => $isAllow, 'show_private' => $showPrivate, ]; } /** * @param string $status * @param int $currentUserId * @param int $start * @param int $limit * * @return array */ public static function getUsers($status, $currentUserId, $start, $limit) { switch ($status) { case COURSEMANAGER: $sessions = SessionManager::get_sessions_by_user($currentUserId); $sessions = array_column($sessions, 'session_id'); // Get session courses where I'm coach $courseList = SessionManager::getCoursesListByCourseCoach($currentUserId); $courses = []; /** @var SessionRelCourseRelUser $courseItem */ foreach ($courseList as $courseItem) { $courses[] = $courseItem->getCourse()->getId(); } break; case DRH: $sessions = SessionManager::get_sessions_followed_by_drh($currentUserId); $sessions = array_column($sessions, 'id'); $courses = []; foreach ($sessions as $sessionId) { $sessionDrhInfo = SessionManager::getSessionFollowedByDrh( $currentUserId, $sessionId ); if ($sessionDrhInfo && isset($sessionDrhInfo['course_list'])) { $courses = array_merge($courses, array_column($sessionDrhInfo['course_list'], 'id')); } } break; } $userList = SessionManager::getUsersByCourseAndSessionList( $sessions, $courses, $start, $limit ); /*$userList = []; foreach ($sessions as $sessionId) { foreach ($courses as $courseId) { $courseInfo = ['real_id' => $courseId]; $userFromSessionList = SessionManager::getUsersByCourseSession( $sessionId, $courseInfo ); $userList = array_merge($userList, $userFromSessionList); } $userList = array_unique($userList); }*/ return $userList; } /** * @return int */ public static function getPageSize() { return 20; } /** * @param int $userId */ public function doWhenDeletingUser($userId) { $userId = (int) $userId; Database::query("DELETE FROM sfu_post WHERE user_id = $userId"); Database::query("DELETE FROM sfu_post WHERE insert_user_id = $userId"); } }