/* * JavaScript Load Image Exif Parser * https://github.com/blueimp/JavaScript-Load-Image * * Copyright 2013, Sebastian Tschan * https://blueimp.net * * Licensed under the MIT license: * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/MIT */ /*global define, module, require, window, console */ ;(function (factory) { 'use strict' if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) { // Register as an anonymous AMD module: define(['./load-image', './load-image-meta'], factory) } else if (typeof module === 'object' && module.exports) { factory(require('./load-image'), require('./load-image-meta')) } else { // Browser globals: factory(window.loadImage) } }(function (loadImage) { 'use strict' loadImage.ExifMap = function () { return this } loadImage.ExifMap.prototype.map = { 'Orientation': 0x0112 } loadImage.ExifMap.prototype.get = function (id) { return this[id] || this[this.map[id]] } loadImage.getExifThumbnail = function (dataView, offset, length) { var hexData, i, b if (!length || offset + length > dataView.byteLength) { console.log('Invalid Exif data: Invalid thumbnail data.') return } hexData = [] for (i = 0; i < length; i += 1) { b = dataView.getUint8(offset + i) hexData.push((b < 16 ? '0' : '') + b.toString(16)) } return 'data:image/jpeg,%' + hexData.join('%') } loadImage.exifTagTypes = { // byte, 8-bit unsigned int: 1: { getValue: function (dataView, dataOffset) { return dataView.getUint8(dataOffset) }, size: 1 }, // ascii, 8-bit byte: 2: { getValue: function (dataView, dataOffset) { return String.fromCharCode(dataView.getUint8(dataOffset)) }, size: 1, ascii: true }, // short, 16 bit int: 3: { getValue: function (dataView, dataOffset, littleEndian) { return dataView.getUint16(dataOffset, littleEndian) }, size: 2 }, // long, 32 bit int: 4: { getValue: function (dataView, dataOffset, littleEndian) { return dataView.getUint32(dataOffset, littleEndian) }, size: 4 }, // rational = two long values, first is numerator, second is denominator: 5: { getValue: function (dataView, dataOffset, littleEndian) { return dataView.getUint32(dataOffset, littleEndian) / dataView.getUint32(dataOffset + 4, littleEndian) }, size: 8 }, // slong, 32 bit signed int: 9: { getValue: function (dataView, dataOffset, littleEndian) { return dataView.getInt32(dataOffset, littleEndian) }, size: 4 }, // srational, two slongs, first is numerator, second is denominator: 10: { getValue: function (dataView, dataOffset, littleEndian) { return dataView.getInt32(dataOffset, littleEndian) / dataView.getInt32(dataOffset + 4, littleEndian) }, size: 8 } } // undefined, 8-bit byte, value depending on field: loadImage.exifTagTypes[7] = loadImage.exifTagTypes[1] loadImage.getExifValue = function (dataView, tiffOffset, offset, type, length, littleEndian) { var tagType = loadImage.exifTagTypes[type] var tagSize var dataOffset var values var i var str var c if (!tagType) { console.log('Invalid Exif data: Invalid tag type.') return } tagSize = tagType.size * length // Determine if the value is contained in the dataOffset bytes, // or if the value at the dataOffset is a pointer to the actual data: dataOffset = tagSize > 4 ? tiffOffset + dataView.getUint32(offset + 8, littleEndian) : (offset + 8) if (dataOffset + tagSize > dataView.byteLength) { console.log('Invalid Exif data: Invalid data offset.') return } if (length === 1) { return tagType.getValue(dataView, dataOffset, littleEndian) } values = [] for (i = 0; i < length; i += 1) { values[i] = tagType.getValue(dataView, dataOffset + i * tagType.size, littleEndian) } if (tagType.ascii) { str = '' // Concatenate the chars: for (i = 0; i < values.length; i += 1) { c = values[i] // Ignore the terminating NULL byte(s): if (c === '\u0000') { break } str += c } return str } return values } loadImage.parseExifTag = function (dataView, tiffOffset, offset, littleEndian, data) { var tag = dataView.getUint16(offset, littleEndian) data.exif[tag] = loadImage.getExifValue( dataView, tiffOffset, offset, dataView.getUint16(offset + 2, littleEndian), // tag type dataView.getUint32(offset + 4, littleEndian), // tag length littleEndian ) } loadImage.parseExifTags = function (dataView, tiffOffset, dirOffset, littleEndian, data) { var tagsNumber, dirEndOffset, i if (dirOffset + 6 > dataView.byteLength) { console.log('Invalid Exif data: Invalid directory offset.') return } tagsNumber = dataView.getUint16(dirOffset, littleEndian) dirEndOffset = dirOffset + 2 + 12 * tagsNumber if (dirEndOffset + 4 > dataView.byteLength) { console.log('Invalid Exif data: Invalid directory size.') return } for (i = 0; i < tagsNumber; i += 1) { this.parseExifTag( dataView, tiffOffset, dirOffset + 2 + 12 * i, // tag offset littleEndian, data ) } // Return the offset to the next directory: return dataView.getUint32(dirEndOffset, littleEndian) } loadImage.parseExifData = function (dataView, offset, length, data, options) { if (options.disableExif) { return } var tiffOffset = offset + 10 var littleEndian var dirOffset var thumbnailData // Check for the ASCII code for "Exif" (0x45786966): if (dataView.getUint32(offset + 4) !== 0x45786966) { // No Exif data, might be XMP data instead return } if (tiffOffset + 8 > dataView.byteLength) { console.log('Invalid Exif data: Invalid segment size.') return } // Check for the two null bytes: if (dataView.getUint16(offset + 8) !== 0x0000) { console.log('Invalid Exif data: Missing byte alignment offset.') return } // Check the byte alignment: switch (dataView.getUint16(tiffOffset)) { case 0x4949: littleEndian = true break case 0x4D4D: littleEndian = false break default: console.log('Invalid Exif data: Invalid byte alignment marker.') return } // Check for the TIFF tag marker (0x002A): if (dataView.getUint16(tiffOffset + 2, littleEndian) !== 0x002A) { console.log('Invalid Exif data: Missing TIFF marker.') return } // Retrieve the directory offset bytes, usually 0x00000008 or 8 decimal: dirOffset = dataView.getUint32(tiffOffset + 4, littleEndian) // Create the exif object to store the tags: data.exif = new loadImage.ExifMap() // Parse the tags of the main image directory and retrieve the // offset to the next directory, usually the thumbnail directory: dirOffset = loadImage.parseExifTags( dataView, tiffOffset, tiffOffset + dirOffset, littleEndian, data ) if (dirOffset && !options.disableExifThumbnail) { thumbnailData = {exif: {}} dirOffset = loadImage.parseExifTags( dataView, tiffOffset, tiffOffset + dirOffset, littleEndian, thumbnailData ) // Check for JPEG Thumbnail offset: if (thumbnailData.exif[0x0201]) { data.exif.Thumbnail = loadImage.getExifThumbnail( dataView, tiffOffset + thumbnailData.exif[0x0201], thumbnailData.exif[0x0202] // Thumbnail data length ) } } // Check for Exif Sub IFD Pointer: if (data.exif[0x8769] && !options.disableExifSub) { loadImage.parseExifTags( dataView, tiffOffset, tiffOffset + data.exif[0x8769], // directory offset littleEndian, data ) } // Check for GPS Info IFD Pointer: if (data.exif[0x8825] && !options.disableExifGps) { loadImage.parseExifTags( dataView, tiffOffset, tiffOffset + data.exif[0x8825], // directory offset littleEndian, data ) } } // Registers the Exif parser for the APP1 JPEG meta data segment: loadImage.metaDataParsers.jpeg[0xffe1].push(loadImage.parseExifData) // Adds the following properties to the parseMetaData callback data: // * exif: The exif tags, parsed by the parseExifData method // Adds the following options to the parseMetaData method: // * disableExif: Disables Exif parsing. // * disableExifThumbnail: Disables parsing of the Exif Thumbnail. // * disableExifSub: Disables parsing of the Exif Sub IFD. // * disableExifGps: Disables parsing of the Exif GPS Info IFD. }))