1, "gif" => 1, "png" => 1, "svg" => 1, // support scalable vector graphic "ps" => 1, ); /** * Send an HTTP header with the response. You MUST use this function instead * of header() so that we can debug header issues because they're virtually * impossible to debug otherwise. If you try to commit header(), SVN will * reject your commit. * * @param string HTTP header name, like 'Location' * @param string HTTP header value, like 'http://www.example.com/' * */ function xhprof_http_header($name, $value) { if (!$name) { xhprof_error('http_header usage'); return null; } if (!is_string($value)) { xhprof_error('http_header value not a string'); } header($name.': '.$value, true); } /** * Genearte and send MIME header for the output image to client browser. * * @author cjiang */ function xhprof_generate_mime_header($type, $length) { switch ($type) { case 'jpg': $mime = 'image/jpeg'; break; case 'gif': $mime = 'image/gif'; break; case 'png': $mime = 'image/png'; break; case 'svg': $mime = 'image/svg+xml'; // content type for scalable vector graphic break; case 'ps': $mime = 'application/postscript'; default: $mime = false; } if ($mime) { xhprof_http_header('Content-type', $mime); xhprof_http_header('Content-length', (string)$length); } } /** * Generate image according to DOT script. This function will spawn a process * with "dot" command and pipe the "dot_script" to it and pipe out the * generated image content. * * @param dot_script, string, the script for DOT to generate the image. * @param type, one of the supported image types, see * $xhprof_legal_image_types. * @returns, binary content of the generated image on success. empty string on * failure. * * @author cjiang */ function xhprof_generate_image_by_dot($dot_script, $type) { $descriptorspec = array( // stdin is a pipe that the child will read from 0 => array("pipe", "r"), // stdout is a pipe that the child will write to 1 => array("pipe", "w"), // stderr is a pipe that the child will write to 2 => array("pipe", "w") ); $cmd = " dot -T".$type; $process = proc_open( $cmd, $descriptorspec, $pipes, sys_get_temp_dir(), array( 'PATH' => getenv( 'PATH' ) ) ); if (is_resource($process)) { fwrite($pipes[0], $dot_script); fclose($pipes[0]); $output = stream_get_contents($pipes[1]); $err = stream_get_contents($pipes[2]); if (!empty($err)) { print "failed to execute cmd: \"$cmd\". stderr: `$err'\n"; exit; } fclose($pipes[2]); fclose($pipes[1]); proc_close($process); return $output; } print "failed to execute cmd \"$cmd\""; exit(); } /* * Get the children list of all nodes. */ function xhprof_get_children_table($raw_data) { $children_table = array(); foreach ($raw_data as $parent_child => $info) { list($parent, $child) = xhprof_parse_parent_child($parent_child); if (!isset($children_table[$parent])) { $children_table[$parent] = array($child); } else { $children_table[$parent][] = $child; } } return $children_table; } /** * Generate DOT script from the given raw phprof data. * * @param raw_data, phprof profile data. * @param threshold, float, the threshold value [0,1). The functions in the * raw_data whose exclusive wall times ratio are below the * threshold will be filtered out and won't apprear in the * generated image. * @param page, string(optional), the root node name. This can be used to * replace the 'main()' as the root node. * @param func, string, the focus function. * @param critical_path, bool, whether or not to display critical path with * bold lines. * @returns, string, the DOT script to generate image. * * @author cjiang */ function xhprof_generate_dot_script($raw_data, $threshold, $source, $page, $func, $critical_path, $right=null, $left=null) { $max_width = 5; $max_height = 3.5; $max_fontsize = 35; $max_sizing_ratio = 20; $totals; if ($left === null) { // init_metrics($raw_data, null, null); } $sym_table = xhprof_compute_flat_info($raw_data, $totals); if ($critical_path) { $children_table = xhprof_get_children_table($raw_data); $node = "main()"; $path = array(); $path_edges = array(); $visited = array(); while ($node) { $visited[$node] = true; if (isset($children_table[$node])) { $max_child = null; foreach ($children_table[$node] as $child) { if (isset($visited[$child])) { continue; } if ($max_child === null || abs($raw_data[xhprof_build_parent_child_key($node, $child)]["wt"]) > abs($raw_data[xhprof_build_parent_child_key($node, $max_child)]["wt"])) { $max_child = $child; } } if ($max_child !== null) { $path[$max_child] = true; $path_edges[xhprof_build_parent_child_key($node, $max_child)] = true; } $node = $max_child; } else { $node = null; } } } // if it is a benchmark callgraph, we make the benchmarked function the root. if ($source == "bm" && array_key_exists("main()", $sym_table)) { $total_times = $sym_table["main()"]["ct"]; $remove_funcs = array("main()", "hotprofiler_disable", "call_user_func_array", "xhprof_disable"); foreach ($remove_funcs as $cur_del_func) { if (array_key_exists($cur_del_func, $sym_table) && $sym_table[$cur_del_func]["ct"] == $total_times) { unset($sym_table[$cur_del_func]); } } } // use the function to filter out irrelevant functions. if (!empty($func)) { $interested_funcs = array(); foreach ($raw_data as $parent_child => $info) { list($parent, $child) = xhprof_parse_parent_child($parent_child); if ($parent == $func || $child == $func) { $interested_funcs[$parent] = 1; $interested_funcs[$child] = 1; } } foreach ($sym_table as $symbol => $info) { if (!array_key_exists($symbol, $interested_funcs)) { unset($sym_table[$symbol]); } } } $result = "digraph call_graph {\n"; // Filter out functions whose exclusive time ratio is below threshold, and // also assign a unique integer id for each function to be generated. In the // meantime, find the function with the most exclusive time (potentially the // performance bottleneck). $cur_id = 0; $max_wt = 0; foreach ($sym_table as $symbol => $info) { if (empty($func) && abs($info["wt"] / $totals["wt"]) < $threshold) { unset($sym_table[$symbol]); continue; } if ($max_wt == 0 || $max_wt < abs($info["excl_wt"])) { $max_wt = abs($info["excl_wt"]); } $sym_table[$symbol]["id"] = $cur_id; $cur_id ++; } // Generate all nodes' information. foreach ($sym_table as $symbol => $info) { if ($info["excl_wt"] == 0) { $sizing_factor = $max_sizing_ratio; } else { $sizing_factor = $max_wt / abs($info["excl_wt"]) ; if ($sizing_factor > $max_sizing_ratio) { $sizing_factor = $max_sizing_ratio; } } $fillcolor = (($sizing_factor < 1.5) ? ", style=filled, fillcolor=red" : ""); if ($critical_path) { // highlight nodes along critical path. if (!$fillcolor && array_key_exists($symbol, $path)) { $fillcolor = ", style=filled, fillcolor=yellow"; } } $fontsize = ", fontsize=" .(int)($max_fontsize / (($sizing_factor - 1) / 10 + 1)); $width = ", width=".sprintf("%.1f", $max_width / $sizing_factor); $height = ", height=".sprintf("%.1f", $max_height / $sizing_factor); if ($symbol == "main()") { $shape = "octagon"; $name = "Total: ".($totals["wt"] / 1000.0)." ms\\n"; $name .= addslashes(isset($page) ? $page : $symbol); } else { $shape = "box"; $name = addslashes($symbol)."\\nInc: ". sprintf("%.3f",$info["wt"] / 1000) . " ms (" . sprintf("%.1f%%", 100 * $info["wt"] / $totals["wt"]).")"; } if ($left === null) { $label = ", label=\"".$name."\\nExcl: " .(sprintf("%.3f",$info["excl_wt"] / 1000.0))." ms (" .sprintf("%.1f%%", 100 * $info["excl_wt"] / $totals["wt"]) . ")\\n".$info["ct"]." total calls\""; } else { if (isset($left[$symbol]) && isset($right[$symbol])) { $label = ", label=\"".addslashes($symbol). "\\nInc: ".(sprintf("%.3f",$left[$symbol]["wt"] / 1000.0)) ." ms - " .(sprintf("%.3f",$right[$symbol]["wt"] / 1000.0))." ms = " .(sprintf("%.3f",$info["wt"] / 1000.0))." ms". "\\nExcl: " .(sprintf("%.3f",$left[$symbol]["excl_wt"] / 1000.0)) ." ms - ".(sprintf("%.3f",$right[$symbol]["excl_wt"] / 1000.0)) ." ms = ".(sprintf("%.3f",$info["excl_wt"] / 1000.0))." ms". "\\nCalls: ".(sprintf("%.3f",$left[$symbol]["ct"]))." - " .(sprintf("%.3f",$right[$symbol]["ct"]))." = " .(sprintf("%.3f",$info["ct"]))."\""; } else if (isset($left[$symbol])) { $label = ", label=\"".addslashes($symbol). "\\nInc: ".(sprintf("%.3f",$left[$symbol]["wt"] / 1000.0)) ." ms - 0 ms = ".(sprintf("%.3f",$info["wt"] / 1000.0)) ." ms"."\\nExcl: " .(sprintf("%.3f",$left[$symbol]["excl_wt"] / 1000.0)) ." ms - 0 ms = " .(sprintf("%.3f",$info["excl_wt"] / 1000.0))." ms". "\\nCalls: ".(sprintf("%.3f",$left[$symbol]["ct"]))." - 0 = " .(sprintf("%.3f",$info["ct"]))."\""; } else { $label = ", label=\"".addslashes($symbol). "\\nInc: 0 ms - " .(sprintf("%.3f",$right[$symbol]["wt"] / 1000.0)) ." ms = ".(sprintf("%.3f",$info["wt"] / 1000.0))." ms". "\\nExcl: 0 ms - " .(sprintf("%.3f",$right[$symbol]["excl_wt"] / 1000.0)) ." ms = ".(sprintf("%.3f",$info["excl_wt"] / 1000.0))." ms". "\\nCalls: 0 - ".(sprintf("%.3f",$right[$symbol]["ct"])) ." = ".(sprintf("%.3f",$info["ct"]))."\""; } } $result .= "N" . $sym_table[$symbol]["id"]; $result .= "[shape=$shape ".$label.$width .$height.$fontsize.$fillcolor."];\n"; } // Generate all the edges' information. foreach ($raw_data as $parent_child => $info) { list($parent, $child) = xhprof_parse_parent_child($parent_child); if (isset($sym_table[$parent]) && isset($sym_table[$child]) && (empty($func) || (!empty($func) && ($parent == $func || $child == $func)))) { $label = $info["ct"] == 1 ? $info["ct"]." call" : $info["ct"]." calls"; $headlabel = $sym_table[$child]["wt"] > 0 ? sprintf("%.1f%%", 100 * $info["wt"] / $sym_table[$child]["wt"]) : "0.0%"; $taillabel = ($sym_table[$parent]["wt"] > 0) ? sprintf("%.1f%%", 100 * $info["wt"] / ($sym_table[$parent]["wt"] - $sym_table["$parent"]["excl_wt"])) : "0.0%"; $linewidth = 1; $arrow_size = 1; if ($critical_path && isset($path_edges[xhprof_build_parent_child_key($parent, $child)])) { $linewidth = 10; $arrow_size = 2; } $result .= "N" . $sym_table[$parent]["id"] . " -> N" . $sym_table[$child]["id"]; $result .= "[arrowsize=$arrow_size, color=grey, style=\"setlinewidth($linewidth)\"," ." label=\"" .$label."\", headlabel=\"".$headlabel ."\", taillabel=\"".$taillabel."\" ]"; $result .= ";\n"; } } $result = $result . "\n}"; return $result; } function xhprof_render_diff_image($xhprof_runs_impl, $run1, $run2, $type, $threshold, $source) { $total1; $total2; $raw_data1 = $xhprof_runs_impl->get_run($run1, $source, $desc_unused); $raw_data2 = $xhprof_runs_impl->get_run($run2, $source, $desc_unused); // init_metrics($raw_data1, null, null); $children_table1 = xhprof_get_children_table($raw_data1); $children_table2 = xhprof_get_children_table($raw_data2); $symbol_tab1 = xhprof_compute_flat_info($raw_data1, $total1); $symbol_tab2 = xhprof_compute_flat_info($raw_data2, $total2); $run_delta = xhprof_compute_diff($raw_data1, $raw_data2); $script = xhprof_generate_dot_script($run_delta, $threshold, $source, null, null, true, $symbol_tab1, $symbol_tab2); $content = xhprof_generate_image_by_dot($script, $type); xhprof_generate_mime_header($type, strlen($content)); echo $content; } /** * Generate image content from phprof run id. * * @param object $xhprof_runs_impl An object that implements * the iXHProfRuns interface * @param run_id, integer, the unique id for the phprof run, this is the * primary key for phprof database table. * @param type, string, one of the supported image types. See also * $xhprof_legal_image_types. * @param threshold, float, the threshold value [0,1). The functions in the * raw_data whose exclusive wall times ratio are below the * threshold will be filtered out and won't apprear in the * generated image. * @param func, string, the focus function. * @returns, string, the DOT script to generate image. * * @author cjiang */ function xhprof_get_content_by_run($xhprof_runs_impl, $run_id, $type, $threshold, $func, $source, $critical_path) { if (!$run_id) return ""; $raw_data = $xhprof_runs_impl->get_run($run_id, $source, $description); if (!$raw_data) { xhprof_error("Raw data is empty"); return ""; } $script = xhprof_generate_dot_script($raw_data, $threshold, $source, $description, $func, $critical_path); $content = xhprof_generate_image_by_dot($script, $type); return $content; } /** * Generate image from phprof run id and send it to client. * * @param object $xhprof_runs_impl An object that implements * the iXHProfRuns interface * @param run_id, integer, the unique id for the phprof run, this is the * primary key for phprof database table. * @param type, string, one of the supported image types. See also * $xhprof_legal_image_types. * @param threshold, float, the threshold value [0,1). The functions in the * raw_data whose exclusive wall times ratio are below the * threshold will be filtered out and won't apprear in the * generated image. * @param func, string, the focus function. * @param bool, does this run correspond to a PHProfLive run or a dev run? * @author cjiang */ function xhprof_render_image($xhprof_runs_impl, $run_id, $type, $threshold, $func, $source, $critical_path) { $content = xhprof_get_content_by_run($xhprof_runs_impl, $run_id, $type, $threshold, $func, $source, $critical_path); if (!$content) { print "Error: either we can not find profile data for run_id ".$run_id ." or the threshold ".$threshold." is too small or you do not" ." have 'dot' image generation utility installed."; exit(); } xhprof_generate_mime_header($type, strlen($content)); echo $content; }